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31-12-13, 10:03
u do not understand wat is meant by first come, first serve?

after u have answer my qn I dun mind wasting a bit of my time to search back replies on yr SV query :47:

Only trolls will need to operate multiple forum account in this forum. And you are obviously one of them.

31-12-13, 10:04
Only trolls will need to operate multiple forum account in this forum.

ok noted yr usual pattern of avoiding a qn n putting everything to an end :47:

now u noe y u failed to command respect from ppl despite numerous contributions made in tis forum? :hornybastard:

31-12-13, 10:05
ok noted yr usual pattern of avoiding a qn n putting everything to an end :47:

please stick to your coffeeshop cheaptalk. Thats where you belong.

31-12-13, 10:09
please stick to your coffeeshop cheaptalk. Thats where you belong.

so now u r telling us tat ppl who created threads/talk in coffeeshop section belongs to cheap ppl who engaged in cheap talks arh?

tsk, tsk, tsk ... so u mean to say u r very high class? :puke:

but according to wat u told me, no money go n buy OCR .... isn't JG in OCR? u live in Jurong area, vested in JG so ... means wat? u define yrself as a cheap yet high class person?

Im really very keen to meet the super high class Mr R33! :doh:

31-12-13, 10:16
You have been WARNED!!

Something very big is brewing at Jurong Lake District, it is now even more happening that the original JLD that was announced in 2008..

You have been WARNED!!!




31-12-13, 10:19
WARNED about the JLD EARTH QUAKE ZONES? :scared-1:

You have been WARNED!!

31-12-13, 10:22
WARNED about the JLD EARTH QUAKE ZONES? :scared-1:

NEA Officer, Fengsui Master, "Urinator" and now what? Earth Quake?

Did you say you are living in CCR? :doh:

31-12-13, 10:39
Again, please dont try to impress us with such nonsensical and amateur statement because some wannabe here have already mentioned before that Jurong will never be Orchard.

Like I said it many times before, JLD is not mean to be the next orchard road and neither are we talking about west will be richer than east etc etc.
What we are talking here is JLD potential to make money in your property investment.

If you think that East is better, then tell us which area in the east will give you better potential for both price appreciation and rental yield.
I really doubt you can answer my question, but I will give you the benefit of doubt...so please impress us with some facts.

clemdale wrote - "west will always be the poorer cousin of the east."

you may disagree or insist till the cows come home, but historically and traditionally parts of the east e.g. katong, east coast (before reclamation), are abode of the rich. In fact even bukit timah's rise in prestige came later. And at that time jurong and the west is nothing, zilch. This is why over time the perception that the west is poor cousin of the east has borne out. Not saying today there is no rich people in the west. But you cannot fight history and as for perception only time will change it. This is the hard truth. Your posts history suggests you do not know that much and will not agree with me and others so don't bother challenging people for facts. Have a happy new year.

31-12-13, 10:47
west will always be the poorer cousin of the east.
residents of tampines are arguably more well off than those in jurong. east coast is arguably more prestigious than west coast. pasir ris is arguably a more liveable place than cck or bukit panjang or yew tee.

we immediately smell the snobbish people talking. ... do you only want to live with people who only gauge people by their apparent wealth appearance?

Please do not sterotype....

31-12-13, 10:52
clemdale wrote - "west will always be the poorer cousin of the east."

you may disagree or insist till the cows come home, but historically and traditionally parts of the east e.g. katong, east coast (before reclamation), are abode of the rich. In fact even bukit timah's rise in prestige came later. And at that time jurong and the west is nothing, zilch. This is why over time the perception that the west is poor cousin of the east has borne out. Not saying today there is no rich people in the west. But you cannot fight history and as for perception only time will change it. This is the hard truth. Your posts history suggests you do not know that much and will not agree with me and others so don't bother challenging people for facts. Have a happy new year.

1) There is only certain part of the Eastern region that is wealthy. I am actually not sure if you are aware of that.

2) Since when did I ever say that that people living in the west will become richer than the east, and since when did I ever post anything that suggest I am even interested to go into this kind of nonsensical and meaningless comparison

3) Have you not understand the meaning of POTENTIAL to make money. From what you said, it does suggest that you are saying buying the most expensive real estate in Singapore will make you more money.

4) (IF) I want to compare West to wealthy estate, then I would choose D9 and 10, why would I want to waste time with East?

Perhaps you should get your facts and thought in order before posting

31-12-13, 10:57
we immediately smell the snobbish people talking. ... do you only want to live with people who only gauge people by their apparent wealth appearance?

Please do not sterotype....

You are not wrong. Perception, rightly or wrongly, can lead to stereotyping. But whether you like it or not, you cannot fight perception, only time will change it. This does not mean people who hold such perception are therefore snobbish. On the other hand accusing others of being snobbish only reflects the insecurity of the accusers. Have a happy new year. :)

31-12-13, 11:07
But whether you like it or not, you cannot fight perception, only time will change it.

precisely becos one cannot fight perception, regardless of how much development tats gonna take place in JLD in the short run, it will not reap the desired capital appreciation and rental yield in the desired time frame if the current mindset of ppl is still " y shd I pay so much for a Jurong?"

31-12-13, 11:12
You are not wrong. Perception, rightly or wrongly, can lead to stereotyping. But whether you like it or not, you cannot fight perception, only time will change it. This does not mean people who hold such perception are therefore snobbish. On the other hand accusing others of being snobbish only reflects the insecurity of the accusers. Have a happy new year. :)

Yes, I see many people coming to this thread to talk about air pollution, foreign workers urinating, bad fengshui in the west and more recently EARTH QUAKE. I am not sure if this is the kind of perceptions you are suggesting that I should take them seriously.

AFAIK, the market perception on the western region is fast changing, and the best validation is to look at the real action on the ground, ie. actual transaction and the kind of business and retailers that are moving into the west, instead of listening to all the ALL FART NO SHIT, best street worst street property 101.

If you want further validation, you can always read back from the beginning of this thread and see how many nay sayers in this forum have actually trip over what they have said in the past and sign up new forum account avoid having to eat their own words.

And finally, I am not even sure if you know how to use the word snobbish because people in this forum are always saying (including you) that west is the poor cousin of the east. So how on earth can a "poor cousin" be snobbish, while those bragging about the rich east and central are humble.

Perhaps you might want to look up dictionary for the meaning before using it too loosely

31-12-13, 11:18
precisely becos one cannot fight perception, regardless of how much development tats gonna take place in JLD in the short run, it will not reap the desired capital appreciation and rental yield in the desired time frame if the current mindset of ppl is still " y shd I pay so much for a Jurong?"

True. Actually imho capital appreciation or rental yield has little to do with perception and prestige. Some OCR or simply HDB already bears out this fact, haha. So Ringo33 may not be wrong as JLD and the west could see huge capital appreciation and rental yield in future. It is not impossible. But no one knows for certain. But then I was not talking about cap appreciation or rental yield and was merely corroborating on what clemdale wrote which is more about prestige and the perception of it. Have a happy new year. :)

31-12-13, 11:21
precisely becos one cannot fight perception, regardless of how much development tats gonna take place in JLD in the short run, it will not reap the desired capital appreciation and rental yield in the desired time frame if the current mindset of ppl is still " y shd I pay so much for a Jurong?"

might want to take it easy on the bootlicking, or else you might get choke again.

31-12-13, 11:24
might want to take it easy on the bootlicking, or else you might get choke again.

so when A agrees wif B's sense talk, A is bootlicking on B? hmmm ... :47:

so if nobody bootlick on yr words means wat?

31-12-13, 11:41
Hi R33

Thank you very much for all the Update on JLD and The West

Appreciate you continue to do so :cheers1:

31-12-13, 11:55
You are not wrong. Perception, rightly or wrongly, can lead to stereotyping. But whether you like it or not, you cannot fight perception, only time will change it. This does not mean people who hold such perception are therefore snobbish. On the other hand accusing others of being snobbish only reflects the insecurity of the accusers. Have a happy new year. :)

It is not accusation: based on what can someone say a person living in the east like tampiness and pasir ris are definitely richer than someone living in the west like jurong east and jurong west.

If the person never make this kind of unfounded statement, why would I counter him?

Only insecure people will say other are poorer than him....

Have a happy new year!

31-12-13, 12:07

民数记 6 : 24 ~ 26

31-12-13, 12:32

民数记 6 : 24 ~ 26

Well said - :cheers1:

And a Blessed and Healthy 2014 to everyone :)

31-12-13, 14:11
It is not accusation: based on what can someone say a person living in the east like tampiness and pasir ris are definitely richer than someone living in the west like jurong east and jurong west.

If the person never make this kind of unfounded statement, why would I counter him?

Only insecure people will say other are poorer than him....

Have a happy new year!

tsk, tsk, tsk ... u aldy say mah "someone living in the east ... richer den someone living in the west"
nothing wrong wor, oso not everyone wat :p

look at how he phrased his sentence. he wrote "arguably"

assume new residents of both tampines n jurong hv similar financial backgrounds when they first moved into tampines n jurong 20 yrs ago. as tampines hv been targeted for development many yrs ago, they hv aldy enjoyed gd cap appreciation. hence residents of tampines shd hv been richer den tat of jurong.

west will always be the poorer cousin of the east.
residents of tampines are arguably more well off than those in jurong. east coast is arguably more prestigious than west coast. pasir ris is arguably a more liveable place than cck or bukit panjang or yew tee.

31-12-13, 15:43
You have been WARNED!!

Very interesting!

Probably the first regional town to go green in a very massive way. Woodlands is moving in the direction , but JLD given its scale of infrastructure and themed resort will be ideally suited for the green initiatives.

Clap! Clap! Perception will change over time on JLD and Jurong for that matter that it is being promoted as a healthy, Eco-friendly and lively
place to live work and play.

31-12-13, 15:53
Very interesting!

Probably the first regional town to go green in a very massive way. Woodlands is moving in the direction , but JLD given its scale of infrastructure and themed resort will be ideally suited for the green initiatives.

Clap! Clap! Perception will change over time on JLD and Jurong for that matter that it is being promoted as a healthy, Eco-friendly and lively
place to live work and play.

From what I read so far, I think the entire JLD is like some kind of showcase project for sustainability urban living. its like a living lab featuring some really innovative ideas on going green.

Its really a good thing that they are shifting the theme park closer to MRT stations.

01-01-14, 21:58
tsk, tsk, tsk ... u aldy say mah "someone living in the east ... richer den someone living in the west"
nothing wrong wor, oso not everyone wat :p

look at how he phrased his sentence. he wrote "arguably"

assume new residents of both tampines n jurong hv similar financial backgrounds when they first moved into tampines n jurong 20 yrs ago. as tampines hv been targeted for development many yrs ago, they hv aldy enjoyed gd cap appreciation. hence residents of tampines shd hv been richer den tat of jurong.

u are very observant. i said "arguably". im not comparing a single resident household of jurong with a single resident household of tampines. it will not make sense to do so. but if one compared a cluster of households in a certain area with that of another, i still believe the east is arguably more well off than the west.

by west im not taking into account D9/10/11. those are known prime districts. so isnt the east coast arguably more prestigious than the west coast? i dont see far east investing in the west coast apart from seahill; while on the eastern coast its playing a huge part in the development of katong/amber.

01-01-14, 22:32
Blue Horizon The Lakeshore and numerous condos in D23 all developed by Far West

cheers !!

01-01-14, 22:33
u are very observant. i said "arguably". im not comparing a single resident household of jurong with a single resident household of tampines. it will not make sense to do so. but if one compared a cluster of households in a certain area with that of another, i still believe the east is arguably more well off than the west.

by west im not taking into account D9/10/11. those are known prime districts. so isnt the east coast arguably more prestigious than the west coast? i dont see far east investing in the west coast apart from seahill; while on the eastern coast its playing a huge part in the development of katong/amber.

Stop all the jiao wei in this forum leh. What is the size of Tampines district vs compare to the entire Jurong? And why out of all places in the east choose Tampines and not Bedok? and why compare to Jurong in the west and not Clementi, not Toh Guan?

west will always be the poorer cousin of the east.
residents of tampines are arguably more well off than those in jurong. east coast is arguably more prestigious than west coast. pasir ris is arguably a more liveable place than cck or bukit panjang or yew tee.

Earlier I have also ask you which area in the East do you think have better capital gain and rental yield potential as compare to Jurong Lake District??

01-01-14, 22:48
what has our society come into ?

whether you are richer if staying in east or dist 9 10 11 compared to those in the west

inferior complex or feeling in secured or what ?

in the first place what is there to argue about ?

you live your life and I live mine


02-01-14, 07:47
Stop all the jiao wei in this forum leh. What is the size of Tampines district vs compare to the entire Jurong? And why out of all places in the east choose Tampines and not Bedok? and why compare to Jurong in the west and not Clementi, not Toh Guan?

Earlier I have also ask you which area in the East do you think have better capital gain and rental yield potential as compare to Jurong Lake District??

please lah, can you even tell us what is the capital gain/rental yield for JLD or your personal favorite, J gateway? we asked you eons ago and you stated to wait a few years till the development is up. so without a base, how to compare?

another kam gong illogical question

02-01-14, 08:03
tsk, tsk, tsk ... u aldy say mah "someone living in the east ... richer den someone living in the west"
nothing wrong wor, oso not everyone wat :p

look at how he phrased his sentence. he wrote "arguably"

Hee Hee then can I say that Resident in the West are "arguably" richer than the East...:cheers1::cheers1::cheers1:

02-01-14, 08:09
Hee Hee then can I say that Resident in the West are "arguably" richer than the East...:cheers1::cheers1::cheers1:

well, theoretically u can do tat, but whether u can argue tat point across onot is another story liao, esp if u r using JG as an example wor :ashamed1:

02-01-14, 09:12
please lah, can you even tell us what is the capital gain/rental yield for JLD or your personal favorite, J gateway? we asked you eons ago and you stated to wait a few years till the development is up. so without a base, how to compare?

another kam gong illogical question

Sound like another amateur asking stupid questions on information which are easily available on the internet.

If you have to ask that mean you dont know your stuff.

Want t impress us, name me a region or developments that you think have better capital gain and rental yield potential than JLD.

02-01-14, 09:13
well, theoretically u can do tat, but whether u can argue tat point across onot is another story liao, esp if u r using JG as an example wor :ashamed1:

Again, stop all the jiao wei..

02-01-14, 09:22
Sound like another amateur asking stupid questions on information which are easily available on the internet.

If you have to ask that mean you dont know your stuff.

Want t impress us, name me a region or developments that you think have better capital gain and rental yield potential than JLD.

eh kam gong! that's exactly the question we asked you - what's the rental yield for JLD and you declined to answer!

so thanks for slapping yourself, again

02-01-14, 09:23
Sound like another amateur asking stupid questions on information which are easily available on the internet.

since u accused others of being stupid, how come I dun see intelligent questions coming out from u?
issit u r only smart in accusing others huh? :47:

If you have to ask that mean you dont know your stuff.

so u implied explicitly tat u noe yr stuff? but y do we see u pestering ppl for an answer for the same qn over & over again?
does tat mean tat u actually do not know yr stuff? :rolleyes:

Want t impress us, name me a region or developments that you think have better capital gain and rental yield potential than JLD.

u cant even quantify a capital gain & rental yield for JLD yet u request others to contest JLD :doh:

do u seriously noe wat u r asking onot?
u seems to enjoy making a mockery out of yrself.
after 1 yr liao still cannot see improvement in yr calibre :47:

02-01-14, 09:31
eh kam gong! that's exactly the question we asked you - what's the rental yield for JLD and you declined to answer!

so thanks for slapping yourself, again

trolls always like to ask silly question and he will assume that people will be silly enough to answer those silly question.

Please stop all your jiao wei, only amateur will ask question like this.

e.g what is the rental yield for Clementi? What is the rental yield for Orchard? Might as well ask whats the rental yield of Singapore.

02-01-14, 09:32
since u accused others of being stupid, how come I dun see intelligent questions coming out from u?
issit u r only smart in accusing others huh? :47:

so u implied explicitly tat u noe yr stuff? but y do we see u pestering ppl for an answer for the same qn over & over again?
does tat mean tat u actually do not know yr stuff? :rolleyes:

u cant even quantify a capital gain & rental yield for JLD yet u request others to contest JLD :doh:

do u seriously noe wat u r asking onot?
u seems to enjoy making a mockery out of yrself.
after 1 yr liao still cannot see improvement in yr calibre :47:

I am tell you to stop talking so much jiao wei in this forum...and if you couldnt stop yourself from doing that, then just confine them at coffeeshop talk.

02-01-14, 09:38
I am tell you to stop talking so much jiao wei in this forum...and if you couldnt stop yourself from doing that, then just confine them at coffeeshop talk.

wah ... yuanlai it is so easy to proclaim to be a smart amateur ...

when u bullshiat n ppl challenge u, juz tell them not to talk cock.
when ppl contest yr statements & u cannot answer, juz tell them I wun entertain a troll.
when ppl point out the loopholes in yr statements & u cannot argue back, juz tell them tat I will not entertain ppl who create multiple accounts.

wah! after 1 yr liao Im still unable to master such intelligent skills wor! :( :simmering: :rolleyes:

02-01-14, 09:41
please lah, can you even tell us what is the capital gain/rental yield for JLD or your personal favorite, J gateway? we asked you eons ago and you stated to wait a few years till the development is up. so without a base, how to compare?

another kam gong illogical question

no one can tell wad is the future capital gain one la.. only can make informed guesses..

BUT, based on the ongoing infrastructure development and comparing the 'maturity' of both the east and the west, JLD definitely looks more promising than say.. Tampines due to the growth stage of both regions.

So if you are looking to bank on the capital appreciation in this current market, the more promising bet would be on JLD rather than Tampines..

just my 2 cents :D

02-01-14, 09:42
wah ... yuanlai it is so easy to proclaim to be a smart amateur ...

when u bullshiat n ppl challenge u, juz tell them not to talk cock.
when ppl contest yr statements & u cannot answer, juz tell them I wun entertain a troll.
when ppl point out the loopholes in yr statements & u cannot argue back, juz tell them tat I will not entertain ppl who create multiple accounts.

wah! after 1 yr liao Im still unable to master such intelligent skills wor! :( :simmering: :rolleyes:

Told you many times to take it easy on the bootlicking and dont get yourself into a mess that you couldnt get out.

I know you have tried by signing up a new forum account, but then again, jiao wei will always be jiao wei regardless how you want to call yourself.

02-01-14, 09:45
Told you many times to take it easy on the bootlicking and dont get yourself into a mess that you couldnt get out.

I know you have tried by signing up a new forum account, but then again, jiao wei will always be jiao wei regardless how you want to call yourself.

oh ya! u reminded me!

if u see great minds think alike, quickly instruct them to stop bootlicking each other so tat u hv lesser fire fighting to handle! :rolleyes:

btw, u seem to despise ppl who engage in coffeeshop section and I did not see a single thread fm u there too.
liddat how come u noe tat Im actively posting over there?
u always stalk my posts ar? :rolleyes:

02-01-14, 10:15
no one can tell wad is the future capital gain one la.. only can make informed guesses..

BUT, based on the ongoing infrastructure development and comparing the 'maturity' of both the east and the west, JLD definitely looks more promising than say.. Tampines due to the growth stage of both regions.

So if you are looking to bank on the capital appreciation in this current market, the more promising bet would be on JLD rather than Tampines..

just my 2 cents :D

thanks, precisely my point! who on earth can foretell future capital gains or rental yield? and yet, a moron insists on his claims and demands a comparison to be made with the unknown - pure nonsense.

02-01-14, 10:26
thanks, precisely my point! who on earth can foretell future capital gains or rental yield? and yet, a moron insists on his claims and demands a comparison to be made with the unknown - pure nonsense.

Your lack of knowledge and real world experience in property investment should not become a liability to others in this forum.

And the most kamgong thing for you to say to a property agent is that "who on earth can foretell future capital gain and rental yield". And if people cant foresee the potential, then how on earth can you find buyers?



02-01-14, 10:30
And if people cant foresee the potential, then how on earth can you find buyers?



hahahaha! is tat the reason y we see u desperately trying to hard sell JG? :D

u so little confident of yr investment meh? :scared-5:

pathetic wor :(

02-01-14, 10:36
Your lack of knowledge and real world experience in property investment should not become a liability to others in this forum.

And the most kamgong thing for you to say to a property agent is that "who on earth can foretell future capital gain and rental yield". And if people cant foresee the potential, then how on earth can you find buyers?



then, please, tell us what is your future capital gain and rental yield? don't run off with your tail between the legs and defer to answer the question, again.

02-01-14, 10:37
hahahaha! is tat the reason y we see u desperately trying to hard sell JG? :D

u so little confident of yr investment meh? :scared-5:

pathetic wor :(

the real desperate people are people who come to this thread and sprout rubbish about bad fengshui, air pollutions, FW urinating at teban, EARTH QUAKE and telling people Jurong is bad while cant name a place which they thing has got better potential for capital gain and rental yield.

Like I said before, a 5 year old or some old folk at coffee shop can also be a armchair critics after watching BPL match. No different to those in this forum.

02-01-14, 10:40
the real desperate people are people who come to this thread and sprout rubbish about bad fengshui, air pollutions, FW urinating at teban, EARTH QUAKE and telling people Jurong is bad while cant name a place which they thing has got better potential for capital gain and rental yield.

Like I said before, a 5 year old or some old folk at coffee shop can also be a armchair critics after watching BPL match. No different to those in this forum.

of cos, u cant be slapping yrself by acknowledging tat u hv been desperate & hv to resort to constant hardselling in order to sell or rent yr JG at yr target $ rite? :47:

02-01-14, 10:41
then, please, tell us what is your future capital gain and rental yield? don't run off with your tail between the legs and defer to answer the question, again.

a typical troll tactic is to ask stupid questions. Honestly if you are not in the market for property, why not go to some other forums. I am sure your jiao wei skills will be much appreciated and admired there instead of here.

Of if you wish to impress us, then why not tell us which area in Singapore will offer better capital gain and rental yield potential than JLD.

I believe I have asked you this question many times and I am not optimistic that I will get a definitely answer because armchair critics are not good and giving any opinion before the game is over.

02-01-14, 10:52
of cos, u cant be slapping yrself by acknowledging tat u hv been desperate & hv to resort to constant hardselling in order to sell or rent yr JG at yr target $ rite? :47:

if you are not desperate, you wont need to sign up a new forum account.

02-01-14, 10:53
if you are not desperate, you wont need to sign up a new forum account.

if tat is yr conclusion, then you can only blame yrself for not being as intelligent as others :)

03-01-14, 18:56
Owners everywhere beware: Westgate Office sold for 500mil!!!

03-01-14, 18:58
Owners everywhere beware: Westgate Office sold for 500mil!!!

SINGAPORE: CapitaLand, CapitaMalls Asia and CapitaMall Trust have signed an option to sell Westgate Tower for S$579.4 million.

In a filing with the Singapore Exchange, CapitaLand said the option was granted to a consortium comprising Sun Venture Homes and Low Keng Huat (Singapore), which has up to January 24 to exercise it.

Located at Jurong Gateway, Westgate Tower is the office component of the Westgate integrated development which also includes a shopping mall.

The 20-storey prime office tower has a net saleable area of 304,963 square feet, and is targeted to be completed in late 2014.

- CNA/gn

03-01-14, 19:04
This is another credible validation that private investors are putting their chips in on JLD.

This work out to around $1900psf

CapitaLand, CapitaMalls Asia and CapitaMall Trust have inked a deal to sell the WestGate Tower office block in Jurong to a consortium comprising Sun Venture Homes and Low Keng Huat (Singapore) for S$579.4 million.
The sellers have granted options to the consortium, which has up to Jan 24 to exercise the options.

Located in Jurong Gateway, Westgate Tower is the office component of the Westgate integrated development, which includes Westgate shopping mall.
The 20-storey office tower has 304,963 sq ft of net saleable area and is targeted to be completed late this year.

The seven-storey shopping mall, which opened a month ago, has more than 250 shops from Basement 2 to Level 5. Its net lettable area is about 410,000 sq ft.

The consortium is making the purchase through two special-purpose vehicles, Westgate Commercial Pte Ltd and Westgate Tower Pte Ltd.
CapitaLand owns 20 per cent of Westgate, while CapitaMalls Asia holds 50 per cent; HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited, as trustee of CapitaMall Trust, owns the remaining 30 per cent.

Initially CapitaLand was to have occupied about half of Westgate Tower, but the plan was aborted last year. Last August, the property giant announced that it will retain its corporate headquarters at Capital Tower in the Singapore's Central Business District.

03-01-14, 20:40
Commercial office westgate pricing of 1900psf, only 15% premium above JG residential pricing?
It really makes JG buyers look like carrothead

This is another credible validation that private investors are putting their chips in on JLD.

This work out to around $1900psf

03-01-14, 20:49
Commercial office westgate pricing of 1900psf, only 15% premium above JG residential pricing?
It really makes JG buyers look like carrothead

When u buy whole office/whole building u pay much lower psf naturally, if JGateway is sold by whole building, it will be sold much lower than 1900psf. ...

If u want me to explain more: if Westgate offices was sold unit by unit, it will be much higher than 1900psf...

simple math, simple business theory, no need rocket scientists to understand....

03-01-14, 20:55
Commercial office westgate pricing of 1900psf, only 15% premium above JG residential pricing?
It really makes JG buyers look like carrothead

I bet you must have scored very poorly in your mathematics when you are in school.

**hint hint**

$1900psf is AVERAGE price..and the "unit" size is 300,000sqft

03-01-14, 21:02
Ai yoh, CBD areas commercial buildings transacting at $5000 psf, residential nearby $2500 psf.

Westgate so special $1900 psf, residential nearby $1700 psf? :o

Looks like either Westgate commercial space is selling too cheap or residential is selling too expensive?
Capitaland the seller knows something that you don't?

03-01-14, 21:05
Ai yoh, CBD areas commercial buildings transacting at $5000 psf, residential nearby $2500 psf.

Westgate so special $1900 psf, residential nearby $1700 psf? :o

Looks like either Westgate commercial space is selling too cheap or residential is selling too expensive?
Capitaland the seller knows something that you don't?

Fraser Centerpoint recently won the tender for commercial site at Cecil Street/Telok Ayer for around $1100psf, with break even at $1900psf.

Are you trying to say that FC flip this project and sell at $5000psf??

Teddybear talking alot of jiao wei these days..must be getting very desperate...Eye red red...

Already tell you many time liao, you are at the wrong side of the CCR lah that why you are not so familiar with the action going on in Central Area.

03-01-14, 21:15
Just in case you wonder who is this Low Keng Huat, ah huat is UOL ah wee good buddy..and have developed Twin Regency, Regency Suites, South Bank, One-North Residences, Duchess Residences.

Maybe Ah huat wants to do a ho bee metropolis like project at JLD.

03-01-14, 22:43
The cecil street commercial site cannot be strata sub-divided whereas westgate office can be. So it is not apple to apple comparsion

Fraser Centerpoint recently won the tender for commercial site at Cecil Street/Telok Ayer for around $1100psf, with break even at $1900psf.

Are you trying to say that FC flip this project and sell at $5000psf??

Teddybear talking alot of jiao wei these days..must be getting very desperate...Eye red red...

Already tell you many time liao, you are at the wrong side of the CCR lah that why you are not so familiar with the action going on in Central Area.

03-01-14, 22:54
I bet you must have scored very poorly in your mathematics when you are in school.

**hint hint**

$1900psf is AVERAGE price..and the "unit" size is 300,000sqft

Resort to such personal attacks only makes you look bad. I dont blame you if such economics makes you very kan cheong

03-01-14, 22:57
The cecil street commercial site cannot be strata sub-divided whereas westgate office can be. So it is not apple to apple comparsion

Perhaps you should spend more time brushing up your knowledge and maths instead of listening too much to frog in the well teddybear.

apple to apple? Did you read what you wrote in your last post?

Honestly tell me how many CBD office units are sold at >$5000psf?


03-01-14, 22:58
Resort to such personal attacks only makes you look bad. I dont blame you if such economics makes you very kan cheong

personal attack? haha

more like personal coaching to teach kids how to do their elementary math.

03-01-14, 23:09
If Westgate office is subsequently sold as strata titled offices then it's not good news, as the quality of tenants will be crappy in strata titled office

03-01-14, 23:39
If Westgate office is subsequently sold as strata titled offices then it's not good news, as the quality of tenants will be crappy in strata titled office

westgate tower was meant for capitaland themselves to use, so the building layout is actually being design for large tenants in mind. so if they resell as strata unit, whoever that is going to buy will have to buy the by floors, not something that small investors can afford.

my guess is that the owner will hold on to the property and lease them out and few years down the road, sell it to some commercial Reits like Mapletree and pocket a 100m or so profit.

04-01-14, 07:10
As I was saying....

A CONSORTIUM comprising Sun Venture Homes and Low Keng Huat (Singapore) has been granted an option to buy the Westgate Tower in Jurong Gateway from CapitaLand, CapitaMalls Asia and CapitaMall Trust for $579.4 million. This works out to about $1,900 per square foot based on the 99-year leasehold office tower's net saleable area of 304,963 sq ft.

Alvin Teo, managing director of the Sun Venture Group, which will be taking a 60 per cent stake in the consortium making the purchase, told BT last night that the plan is to hold the asset long term for rental income. A marketing agent will be appointed in the coming weeks to help find tenants for the 20-storey office tower, which is slated to receive Temporary Occupation Permit by year end.

The 60:40 tie-up between Sun Venture Homes and Low Keng Huat has up to Jan 24 to exercise the purchase option. The consortium is making the purchase through two special purpose vehicles, Westgate Commercial Pte Ltd and Westgate Tower Pte Ltd. A 5 per cent option deposit has been paid.
Located next to Jurong East MRT Station, Westgate Tower is the office component of the Westgate integrated development which also includes the Westgate shopping mall.

The seven-storey mall opened on Dec 2 last year, with more than 250 stores from Basement 2 to Level 5, over a net lettable area of about 410,000 sq ft.

CapitaLand owns a 20 per cent stake in Westgate, while CapitaMalls Asia holds 50 per cent and HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited (as trustee of CapitaMall Trust) owns the remaining 30 per cent.
Initially, CapitaLand was to have occupied about half of Westgate Tower, but that plan was aborted last year. In August, the property giant announced that it will retain its corporate headquarters at Capital Tower in Singapore's Central Business District.

"CapitaLand adopts an active portfolio management strategy to enhance value for its shareholders. The sale of Westgate Tower is in line with this strategy," said a spokesman for the group yesterday.

Sun Venture and Low Keng Huat are two of three partners in another consortium - the third partner being Guthrie - that is developing Paya Lebar Square next to Paya Lebar MRT Station. This development includes 556 strata office units, the bulk of which have already been sold. Only about 20-plus office units are still available, which have an average asking price of around $2,300 psf.

Over at Samsung Hub in Church Street (near Raffles Place), Sun Venture itself owns four office floors. It also developed 50 Scotts Road near Newton MRT Station on a 15-year leasehold transitional office site.

04-01-14, 09:41
Actually I think for office units, whether it's strata or centrally managed doesn't really matter. These are not opened for retail business, and hence does not need to look glitzy. For example, city area shophouse offices all look decent, despite being strata-titled.

This is unlike retail units, which does need expertise in tenant mix. Just look at the poor quality shops at SMRT or strata-titled malls as an example, when compared to Land Lease, Fraser, CapitaLand malls.

04-01-14, 10:40
Actually I think for office units, whether it's strata or centrally managed doesn't really matter. These are not opened for retail business, and hence does not need to look glitzy. For example, city area shophouse offices all look decent, despite being strata-titled.

This is unlike retail units, which does need expertise in tenant mix. Just look at the poor quality shops at SMRT or strata-titled malls as an example, when compared to Land Lease, Fraser, CapitaLand malls.

It might not make a difference from the outside, but a centrally managed office tower is always a good validation on the potential of the project. Us

If its generating decent income, landlord will not sell them as strata titled. They will sell the entire block to property funds or reits

04-01-14, 10:43
Partition walls can be easily built if they wish to sell it piece-wise as strata office.
If this is the most profitable exit strategy after leasing a few years, any profit-oriented enterprise will pursue it.

If commercial Reit wants to buy Westgate office block, they should have buy it now to lock in the relatively lower cost of funding. No point waiting for a few years when Fed starts hiking interest rates.

westgate tower was meant for capitaland themselves to use, so the building layout is actually being design for large tenants in mind. so if they resell as strata unit, whoever that is going to buy will have to buy the by floors, not something that small investors can afford.

my guess is that the owner will hold on to the property and lease them out and few years down the road, sell it to some commercial Reits like Mapletree and pocket a 100m or so profit.

04-01-14, 10:52
personal attack? haha

more like personal coaching to teach kids how to do their elementary math.

haha, you will resort to all sorts of reality distortion and ill-manners. JG is simply overpriced in every economics sense. The only benefit JG brings to JLD is that every Jurong asset looks cheap.
I think Jurong real estate owners, from commercial office block to neighbouring condo to foreign workers dormitories, have to thank JG.

04-01-14, 10:56
Unfortunately, they have sold Southbank so low that buyers are laughing to the bank now with great capital appreciation and rental yield. Go look at another of their development, waterbank, also low. I suppose you know what I am getting at. Capitaland group is smart. Will get more dividend this year.
Just in case you wonder who is this Low Keng Huat, ah huat is UOL ah wee good buddy..and have developed Twin Regency, Regency Suites, South Bank, One-North Residences, Duchess Residences.

Maybe Ah huat wants to do a ho bee metropolis like project at JLD.

04-01-14, 10:59
Capland knows where the epic centre of action. Why move away.
westgate tower was meant for capitaland themselves to use, so the building layout is actually being design for large tenants in mind. so if they resell as strata unit, whoever that is going to buy will have to buy the by floors, not something that small investors can afford.

my guess is that the owner will hold on to the property and lease them out and few years down the road, sell it to some commercial Reits like Mapletree and pocket a 100m or so profit.

04-01-14, 11:26
Capland knows where the epic centre of action. Why move away.

Capland sold several CBD office tower in the past as well. If that's what you are trying to say.

04-01-14, 11:42
Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

Capland sold several CBD office tower in the past as well. If that's what you are trying to say.

So you are saying J Gateway is a high-class high-quality condo? I don't think so. Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo? I wait for your reply. If you disagree, you may want to tell us the following which differentiates your J Gateway which you bought at S$1700 psf from e.g. Paterson Residence (PR) which is just transacted at S$2500 psf :

1) What materials flooring are being used in your J Gateway units?
Do you get marble flooring in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms like PR?
Do you get big piece hardwood flooring in your bedrooms like PR?

2) Your J Gateway units come with Miele appliances including Miele refrigerators, Miele dish washers, Miele washer-dryers, cooker hob and hood like PR?

3) Your J Gateway units come with high-quality bath-fitting like Hansgrohe/AXIO/Newform/..., TOTO/Ideal Standard/... like PR?

4) Your J Gateway get granite flooring in your common areas like PR?

5) Your J Gateway has fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with TVs and seating spaces like PR?

6) Your J Gateway has Concierge facilities and service like PR?

7) Your J Gateway can allow every owner to park 2 cars in your estate like PR?

There are more (like how many units in the estate for privacy and not too noisy etc) but above is more than sufficient already because I am afraid your answer about J Gateway is probably ZERO to all the above!

If J Gateway cannot even fulfill 3 out of the 7 above, then isn't it true that it is a low-class low-quality mass market condo (let alone that it is located in OCR and yet sold at $1700 psf! )

Life sure is simple if you are the only frog living in the well.

I guess you are going to say that Central Area is not as good as the rest of CCR because its over crowded and noise???

when grapes are out of reach, they sure looks sour to you isnt it?

Firstly, I quoted that Marc@Paterson transacted >$4000 psf.
Then I quoted you Paterson Residence not in another neighbourhood, but within 50m of Marc@Paterson and selling at about $2500 psf.

Now you ask me why Marc@Paterson can sell at >$4000 psf while Paterson Residence only $2500 psf?
Obvious you must be very ignorant isn't it? Both are in the same vicinity within 50m apart, directly opposite each other on just the opposite side of the same Paterson Road, so they are not in different neighbourhood,
and Paterson Residence has Concierge service, has very good landscaping, has good privacy (very few units in the estate), full facilities, enough car park lots for owners to park 2 cars, not really inferior to Marc@Paterson, why different by >$1500 psf?

Very simple answer lah, those buyers of Marc@Paterson are people like you, either they are ignorant of Singapore property prices of surrounding projects other than the one that they bought (very likely because they are mostly foreigners) OR they are plain stupid idiot (you and the J Gateway buyers only, not Marc buyers)! Ha ha ha!

If you have not seen what is high-quality high-class estate, please go to Marc@Paterson or Paterson Residence to take a look. Look at the materials used in the estate common areas, in the condo units etc. You will find that it is heaven and earth compared to your J Gateway, and people are just paying $2500 psf with Concierge service and full condo facilities with just about 100 units (absolutely quiet condo with lots of privacy and lots of abundance car park space) vs you paying $1700 psf for that OCR J Gateway for that massively over-crowded and obviously very noisy mass-market estate with insufficient car park lots to even allocate just 1 car park lot to every unit's owner in the estate!

04-01-14, 11:45
Capland sold several CBD office tower in the past as well. If that's what you are trying to say.

Between Capitagreen (in CBD) and Westgate office building which both are to be completed around 2014 year end, Capitaland chooses to divest Westgate.

04-01-14, 11:58
haha, you will resort to all sorts of reality distortion and ill-manners. JG is simply overpriced in every economics sense. The only benefit JG brings to JLD is that every Jurong asset looks cheap.
I think Jurong real estate owners, from commercial office block to neighbouring condo to foreign workers dormitories, have to thank JG.

Very quickly, you are diverting this discussion from Westgate office tower sold at average price of $1900psf to something that is totally irrelevant.

Btw, have you figure out you did wrong in the price comparison between westgate office tower and J Gateway?

04-01-14, 12:00
Between Capitagreen (in CBD) and Westgate office building which both are to be completed around 2014 year end, Capitaland chooses to divest Westgate.

Thats irrelevant to my discussion with DC..we are talking about epic center where all the action is, not which project capitaland is more keen. And please dont go down the route of saying CBD is more expensive than Jurong because its dumb and stupid.

04-01-14, 12:02
Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

I think the people who trying to down talk JLD and foreign workers is the lowest possible class.

Thats really a big disgrace and embarrassment to people living in CCR.

Talk big, but no class.

Perhaps this is what happen when you live in the wrong side of CCR.

04-01-14, 12:18
What do you mean by talk down JLD and foreigner workers? I am asking you only about the "class" and "quality" of the J Gateway condo that can sell at $1700 psf because of the low quality of materials used and no high-class facilities etc available (like Concierge facilities and service, fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with LCD TVs and seating spaces etc, owners can park 2 cars in their estate car park etc), not about people. You cannot understand English properly or you trying to avoid my question and beat around the bush despite singing nice song about how good J Gateway is? That is very sneaky indeed! :tsk-tsk:

And why you then go talk about JLD and foreign workers? Are you telling us many foreign workers living in JLD and J Gateway? :beats-me-man:

I think the people who trying to down talk JLD and foreign workers is the lowest possible class.

Thats really a big disgrace and embarrassment to people living in CCR.

Talk big, but no class.

Perhaps this is what happen when you live in the wrong side of CCR.

Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

So you are saying J Gateway is a high-class high-quality condo? I don't think so. Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo? I wait for your reply. If you disagree, you may want to tell us the following which differentiates your J Gateway which you bought at S$1700 psf from e.g. Paterson Residence (PR) which is just transacted at S$2500 psf :

1) What materials flooring are being used in your J Gateway units?
Do you get marble flooring in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms like PR?
Do you get big piece hardwood flooring in your bedrooms like PR?

2) Your J Gateway units come with Miele appliances including Miele refrigerators, Miele dish washers, Miele washer-dryers, cooker hob and hood like PR?

3) Your J Gateway units come with high-quality bath-fitting like Hansgrohe/AXIO/Newform/..., TOTO/Ideal Standard/... like PR?

4) Your J Gateway get granite flooring in your common areas like PR?

5) Your J Gateway has fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with TVs and seating spaces like PR?

6) Your J Gateway has Concierge facilities and service like PR?

7) Your J Gateway can allow every owner to park 2 cars in your estate like PR?

There are more (like how many units in the estate for privacy and not too noisy etc) but above is more than sufficient already because I am afraid your answer about J Gateway is probably ZERO to all the above!

If J Gateway cannot even fulfill 3 out of the 7 above, then isn't it true that it is a low-class low-quality mass market condo (let alone that it is located in OCR and yet sold at $1700 psf! )

04-01-14, 12:29
Between Capitagreen (in CBD) and Westgate office building which both are to be completed around 2014 year end, Capitaland chooses to divest Westgate.

Very astute observation.

I think it is fair to say, CAPL decided to take profit on this.

Is this statement neutral enough for this thread ? ;)

04-01-14, 12:40
Very astute observation.

I think it is fair to say, CAPL decided to take profit on this.

Is this statement neutral enough for this thread ? ;)

I believe capitaland also took profit on 8 Shenton, Hitachi Tower and Chevron House....does it mean that Shenton, Raffles Place area has got no potential?

If Capitaland is looking at cashing out, they should be selling westgate mall

04-01-14, 12:54
I believe capitaland also took profit on 8 Shenton, Hitachi Tower and Chevron House....does it mean that Shenton, Raffles Place area has got no potential?

...haiz.... Chevron house, hitachi tower... Why you want to mention them ...?

In 2007, CAPL sold Caltex House to Goldman, at the peak of the mkt, at 730mil, close to 2800psf.
In 2010, Goldman has to sell the renamed Chevron House for 550mil, making a loss of 180mil, in 3 yrs.

Similarly, Hitachi Tower was also sold in 2007 at the peak price of 2900psf to Goldman at 800mil, and in 2011 Goldman has to "kind of" sell half to NTUC at 2300 psf. Another 160mil loss for Goldman.

CAPL took profit at the right time and right price.

04-01-14, 12:57
Buying and selling is all about potential and timing. Capland does not make so much money on residential development as compared to REITS.

04-01-14, 13:04
Buying and selling is all about potential and timing. Capland does not make so much money on residential development as compared to REITS.

Absolutely. I always like CAPL for most of its commercial decisions. You must have known about its finance operations. It's ran like a bank.

04-01-14, 13:25
...haiz.... Chevron house, hitachi tower... Why you want to mention them ...?

In 2007, CAPL sold Caltex House to Goldman, at the peak of the mkt, at 730mil, close to 2800psf.
In 2010, Goldman has to sell the renamed Chevron House for 550mil, making a loss of 180mil, in 3 yrs.

Similarly, Hitachi Tower was also sold in 2007 at the peak price of 2900psf to Goldman at 800mil, and in 2011 Goldman has to "kind of" sell half to NTUC at 2300 psf. Another 160mil loss for Goldman.

CAPL took profit at the right time and right price.

This is not really a case of capitaland sold at its peak, its rather goldman sold at the bottom because the latter was forced to do so during the subprime crisis.

Quoting 8 Shenton, Hitachi Tower and Chevron house is related to DC post

Then again for this case, I believe it is the buyer that approaches Capitaland to buy, as I am not aware that capitaland engage any marketing agents to sell. Which goes to validate the potential of the site.

And same will apply to any of Capitaland assets, everything is for sale, only question is price.

04-01-14, 14:00
Then again for this case, I believe it is the buyer that approaches Capitaland to buy, as I am not aware that capitaland engage any marketing agents to sell. Which goes to validate the potential of the site.

And same will apply to any of Capitaland assets, everything is for sale, only question is price.

You are not aware because you are not an institutional investor. There is already market talks quite some time...

Of course, everything is for sale for a price. It is a question of whether one wants to overpay beyond economic sense, just like the case of JG buyers

04-01-14, 14:07
You are not aware because you are not an institutional investor. There is already market talks quite some time...

Of course, everything is for sale for a price. It is a question of whether one wants to overpay beyond economic sense, just like the case of JG buyers

AFAIK, the market talk so far was that capitaland will sell the westgate tower as strata units. Perhaps you can show me which "talk" ever mention that Capitaland is looking for buyer for the entire tower?

Overpay only happens if you cant find buyer. And as long as no units available for sale and some sellers asking for 2000psf, how can you say its over paid?

To me it sound more like the grape is sour because I cant reach it.

04-01-14, 14:20
Liew mum leong has focused on the right thing for the last ten years. Have been asking him to focus on sustainability for branding but not successful.
Absolutely. I always like CAPL for most of its commercial decisions. You must have known about its finance operations. It's ran like a bank.

04-01-14, 20:50
haha, you will resort to all sorts of reality distortion and ill-manners. JG is simply overpriced in every economics sense. The only benefit JG brings to JLD is that every Jurong asset looks cheap.
I think Jurong real estate owners, from commercial office block to neighbouring condo to foreign workers dormitories, have to thank JG.

not juz jurong investors, all other areas thanks JG too for making their investments look relatively underpriced :D

04-01-14, 20:52
Ringo33, still waiting for your reply on whether J Gateway is low-quality low-class mass market condo at $1700 psf price in OCR compared to say Paterson Residence in Orchard CCR at $2500 psf but with high-quality materials and high-class facilities since you say people buy CCR at $2500 psf is very stupid........... :tongue3:

I just don't see how people buy Paterson Residence at $2500 psf is stupid given that:
1) Paterson Residence is in Ochard vicinity with "Paterson Road" address, where just on the opposite side of the road within 50m is Marc@Paterson having transacted at $4000 psf to $6000+ psf...
2) Have high-quality luxury materials and fittings
3) Have high-class facilities with Concierge facilities and service, have fully air-conditioned lift lobbies on every floor (not just ground floor!) just like Hotels, owners can park at least 2 cars in the car park.
4) Have only about 100 units in the estate
5) Is Freehold

Now we compare to your J Gateway transacted (you bought) at $1700 psf with:
1) J Gateway is in Jurong, in OCR of Singapore, where air and environment is heavily polluted by the heavy industry plants nearby, and also the ships and the cargo trucks that must pass by Jurong to and from Tuas, and not to forget that J Gateway is transacted at $1700 psf while surrounding condos only transacting at $1100 psf!
2) Have low quality materials and fittings
3) Have NO Concierge facilities and service, Have NO air-conditioned lift lobby (not even just on the ground floor!), there is not even enough car park lot to allot to every owner
4) Have 738 units in the estate (oh my gosh! Cramp so many units in 1 estate? Is this Public Condo? How can such estate be called "Private Condo"!!)
5) Has only 99 years lease!

Don't you think that because of the above 5 points (although there are more pro points of Paterson Residence vs J Gateway but let's just leave them aside), Paterson Residence is definitely worth much more than the $800 psf price difference compared to J Gateway :tongue3:

What do you mean by talk down JLD and foreigner workers? I am asking you only about the "class" and "quality" of the J Gateway condo that can sell at $1700 psf because of the low quality of materials used and no high-class facilities etc available (like Concierge facilities and service, fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with LCD TVs and seating spaces etc, owners can park 2 cars in their estate car park etc), not about people. You cannot understand English properly or you trying to avoid my question and beat around the bush despite singing nice song about how good J Gateway is? That is very sneaky indeed! :tsk-tsk:

And why you then go talk about JLD and foreign workers? Are you telling us many foreign workers living in JLD and J Gateway? :beats-me-man:

Originally Posted by Ringo33 View Post
I think the people who trying to down talk JLD and foreign workers is the lowest possible class.

Thats really a big disgrace and embarrassment to people living in CCR.

Talk big, but no class.

Perhaps this is what happen when you live in the wrong side of CCR.

Originally Posted by teddybear
Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

Originally Posted by teddybear
So you are saying J Gateway is a high-class high-quality condo? I don't think so. Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo? I wait for your reply. If you disagree, you may want to tell us the following which differentiates your J Gateway which you bought at S$1700 psf from e.g. Paterson Residence (PR) which is just transacted at S$2500 psf :

1) What materials flooring are being used in your J Gateway units?
Do you get marble flooring in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms like PR?
Do you get big piece hardwood flooring in your bedrooms like PR?

2) Your J Gateway units come with Miele appliances including Miele refrigerators, Miele dish washers, Miele washer-dryers, cooker hob and hood like PR?

3) Your J Gateway units come with high-quality bath-fitting like Hansgrohe/AXIO/Newform/..., TOTO/Ideal Standard/... like PR?

4) Your J Gateway get granite flooring in your common areas like PR?

5) Your J Gateway has fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with TVs and seating spaces like PR?

6) Your J Gateway has Concierge facilities and service like PR?

7) Your J Gateway can allow every owner to park 2 cars in your estate like PR?

There are more (like how many units in the estate for privacy and not too noisy etc) but above is more than sufficient already because I am afraid your answer about J Gateway is probably ZERO to all the above!

If J Gateway cannot even fulfill 3 out of the 7 above, then isn't it true that it is a low-class low-quality mass market condo (let alone that it is located in OCR and yet sold at $1700 psf! )

04-01-14, 20:58
how come jurong bad???:beats-me-man:

04-01-14, 21:02
how come jurong bad???:beats-me-man:

jurong not bad, is the 无良 JG promoter tat is bad la :D

04-01-14, 21:03
Ringo33, still waiting for your reply on whether J Gateway is low-quality low-class mass market condo at $1700 psf price in OCR compared to say Paterson Residence in Orchard CCR at $2500 psf but with high-quality materials and high-class facilities since you say people buy CCR at $2500 psf is very stupid........... :tongue3:

I just don't see how people buy Paterson Residence at $2500 psf is stupid given that:
1) Paterson Residence is in Ochard vicinity with "Paterson Road" address, where just on the opposite side of the road within 50m is Marc@Paterson having transacted at $4000 psf to $6000+ psf...
2) Have high-quality luxury materials and fittings
3) Have high-class facilities with Concierge facilities and service, have fully air-conditioned lift lobbies on every floor (not just ground floor!) just like Hotels, owners can park at least 2 cars in the car park.
4) Have only about 100 units in the estate
5) Is Freehold

Now we compare to your J Gateway transacted (you bought) at $1700 psf with:
1) J Gateway is in Jurong, in OCR of Singapore, where air and environment is heavily polluted by the heavy industry plants nearby, and also the ships and the cargo trucks that must pass by Jurong to and from Tuas, and not to forget that J Gateway is transacted at $1700 psf while surrounding condos only transacting at $1100 psf!
2) Have low quality materials and fittings
3) Have NO Concierge facilities and service, Have NO air-conditioned lift lobby (not even just on the ground floor!), there is not even enough car park lot to allot to every owner
4) Have 738 units in the estate (oh my gosh! Cramp so many units in 1 estate? Is this Public Condo? How can such estate be called "Private Condo"!!)
5) Has only 99 years lease!

Don't you think that because of the above 5 points (although there are more pro points of Paterson Residence vs J Gateway but let's just leave them aside), Paterson Residence is definitely worth much more than the $800 psf price difference compared to J Gateway :tongue3:

Originally Posted by Ringo33 View Post
I think the people who trying to down talk JLD and foreign workers is the lowest possible class.

Thats really a big disgrace and embarrassment to people living in CCR.

Talk big, but no class.

Perhaps this is what happen when you live in the wrong side of CCR.

Originally Posted by teddybear
Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

Originally Posted by teddybear
So you are saying J Gateway is a high-class high-quality condo? I don't think so. Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo? I wait for your reply. If you disagree, you may want to tell us the following which differentiates your J Gateway which you bought at S$1700 psf from e.g. Paterson Residence (PR) which is just transacted at S$2500 psf :

1) What materials flooring are being used in your J Gateway units?
Do you get marble flooring in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms like PR?
Do you get big piece hardwood flooring in your bedrooms like PR?

2) Your J Gateway units come with Miele appliances including Miele refrigerators, Miele dish washers, Miele washer-dryers, cooker hob and hood like PR?

3) Your J Gateway units come with high-quality bath-fitting like Hansgrohe/AXIO/Newform/..., TOTO/Ideal Standard/... like PR?

4) Your J Gateway get granite flooring in your common areas like PR?

5) Your J Gateway has fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with TVs and seating spaces like PR?

6) Your J Gateway has Concierge facilities and service like PR?

7) Your J Gateway can allow every owner to park 2 cars in your estate like PR?

There are more (like how many units in the estate for privacy and not too noisy etc) but above is more than sufficient already because I am afraid your answer about J Gateway is probably ZERO to all the above!

If J Gateway cannot even fulfill 3 out of the 7 above, then isn't it true that it is a low-class low-quality mass market condo (let alone that it is located in OCR and yet sold at $1700 psf! )

Its still not too late to invest in ocr or MM, so better be quick instead of wasting so much time talking jiao wei and asking stupid questions lah.

Missed the boat on OCR - checked
Missed the boat on MM - checked
Invest in the wrong side of CCR - checked
Fengshui master - checked
NEA Officer - checked
Urine officer - checked
Earth Quake predictor - checked

Tell me what else you are not capable? LOL!!

04-01-14, 21:06
jurong not bad, is the 无良 JG promoter tat is bad la :D

Stop all the jiao wei lah.

J Gateway price has fulled priced in ALL of JLD potential?

I presume you just sign up a new account to distant yourself from all the jiao wei you said before right?

04-01-14, 21:08
how come jurong bad???:beats-me-man:

Depends if you are stuck at the port or if you are on board the ship.

Its human nature that if the grapes are out of reach, they will presume its sour.

04-01-14, 21:16
jurong not bad, is the 无良 JG promoter tat is bad la :D

this i believe you, cos a medicine man will never say his own medicine is bad.

just like the news today, the sales manager at the retirement show room , said on TV that compare to similar condos in Bukit timah , the retirement village is asking at 1000psf. BUT, HE NEVER SAY THE LEASE IS 60 YEARS,

when other experts pointed the lease factor, at 1000psf, it is damn expensive.

the sales manager caught red handed on national TV:mad:

04-01-14, 21:19
Depends if you are stuck at the port or if you are on board the ship.

Its human nature that if the grapes are out of reach, they will presume its sour.

really dont know jurong well, except IMM. so not much comment

04-01-14, 21:44
jurong not bad, is the 无良 JG promoter tat is bad la :D

All promoters/agents in SG are just as 无良 and bad as JG promoter..lol!

Don't trust anyone unless you know what you invest in...;)!

04-01-14, 21:45
Simple question also cannot answer directly?
Ok make it even simpler for you:

"Paterson Residence at $2500 psf but with high-class, high-quality, Freehold, in CCR at Orchard Road is MUCH MORE WORTH IT THAN J Gateway at $1700 psf but low-class, low-quality, 99 years LH, in OCR location in Jurong."

Agree with the above or not?
If NOT, WHY? :tsk-tsk:

Its still not too late to invest in ocr or MM, so better be quick instead of wasting so much time talking jiao wei and asking stupid questions lah.

Missed the boat on OCR - checked
Missed the boat on MM - checked
Invest in the wrong side of CCR - checked
Fengshui master - checked
NEA Officer - checked
Urine officer - checked
Earth Quake predictor - checked

Tell me what else you are not capable? LOL!!

Ringo33, still waiting for your reply on whether J Gateway is low-quality low-class mass market condo at $1700 psf price in OCR compared to say Paterson Residence in Orchard CCR at $2500 psf but with high-quality materials and high-class facilities since you say people buy CCR at $2500 psf is very stupid...........

I just don't see how people buy Paterson Residence at $2500 psf is stupid given that:
1) Paterson Residence is in Ochard vicinity with "Paterson Road" address, where just on the opposite side of the road within 50m is Marc@Paterson having transacted at $4000 psf to $6000+ psf...
2) Have high-quality luxury materials and fittings
3) Have high-class facilities with Concierge facilities and service, have fully air-conditioned lift lobbies on every floor (not just ground floor!) just like Hotels, owners can park at least 2 cars in the car park.
4) Have only about 100 units in the estate
5) Is Freehold

Now we compare to your J Gateway transacted (you bought) at $1700 psf with:
1) J Gateway is in Jurong, in OCR of Singapore, where air and environment is heavily polluted by the heavy industry plants nearby, and also the ships and the cargo trucks that must pass by Jurong to and from Tuas, and not to forget that J Gateway is transacted at $1700 psf while surrounding condos only transacting at $1100 psf!
2) Have low quality materials and fittings
3) Have NO Concierge facilities and service, Have NO air-conditioned lift lobby (not even just on the ground floor!), there is not even enough car park lot to allot to every owner
4) Have 738 units in the estate (oh my gosh! Cramp so many units in 1 estate? Is this Public Condo? How can such estate be called "Private Condo"!!)
5) Has only 99 years lease!

Don't you think that because of the above 5 points (although there are more pro points of Paterson Residence vs J Gateway but let's just leave them aside), Paterson Residence is definitely worth much more than the $800 psf price difference compared to J Gateway

Originally Posted by Ringo33 View Post
I think the people who trying to down talk JLD and foreign workers is the lowest possible class.

Thats really a big disgrace and embarrassment to people living in CCR.

Talk big, but no class.

Perhaps this is what happen when you live in the wrong side of CCR.

Originally Posted by teddybear
Ringo33, Still waiting for your reply to my query:
Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo that transacted at $1700 psf?

Originally Posted by teddybear
So you are saying J Gateway is a high-class high-quality condo? I don't think so. Do you agree with me that J Gateway is a low-class low-quality mass market condo? I wait for your reply. If you disagree, you may want to tell us the following which differentiates your J Gateway which you bought at S$1700 psf from e.g. Paterson Residence (PR) which is just transacted at S$2500 psf :

1) What materials flooring are being used in your J Gateway units?
Do you get marble flooring in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms like PR?
Do you get big piece hardwood flooring in your bedrooms like PR?

2) Your J Gateway units come with Miele appliances including Miele refrigerators, Miele dish washers, Miele washer-dryers, cooker hob and hood like PR?

3) Your J Gateway units come with high-quality bath-fitting like Hansgrohe/AXIO/Newform/..., TOTO/Ideal Standard/... like PR?

4) Your J Gateway get granite flooring in your common areas like PR?

5) Your J Gateway has fully air-conditioned lift lobbies with TVs and seating spaces like PR?

6) Your J Gateway has Concierge facilities and service like PR?

7) Your J Gateway can allow every owner to park 2 cars in your estate like PR?

There are more (like how many units in the estate for privacy and not too noisy etc) but above is more than sufficient already because I am afraid your answer about J Gateway is probably ZERO to all the above!

If J Gateway cannot even fulfill 3 out of the 7 above, then isn't it true that it is a low-class low-quality mass market condo (let alone that it is located in OCR and yet sold at $1700 psf! )

04-01-14, 21:52
Simple question also cannot answer directly?
Ok make it even simpler for you:

"Paterson Residence at $2500 psf but with high-class, high-quality, Freehold, in CCR Orchard Road is MUCH MORE WORTH IT THAN J Gateway at $1700 psf but low-class, low-quality, 99 years LH, in OCR location."

Agree with the above or not? :tsk-tsk:

Would you agree that if someone wishes to justify Paterson Residence $2500psf as a good buy, he should actually compare the price of $2500psf to The Marq that is just across the road instead of J Gateway.

Maybe you should just limit your discussion on the wrong side of CCR where it is still value at $1700-1900psf.

Agree with the above or not?

04-01-14, 21:54
All promoters/agents in SG are just as 无良 and bad as JG promoter..lol!

Don't trust anyone unless you know what you invest in...;)!

Sorry hor, I am not selling anything. just sharing precious information for wise people to make money.

04-01-14, 21:57
Yes, I am responding to your comments about people buying at the wrong side of CCR, and the wrong side of CCR you mentioned like Paterson Residence at $2500 psf (because Marc@Paterson on the other side of the road is transacting at $4000-6000+ psf) is still much more worth the value than the "right" side of Jurong such as J Gateway at $1700 psf isn't it?

So Simple question you also cannot answer directly?

"Paterson Residence at $2500 psf but with high-class, high-quality, Freehold, in CCR Orchard Road is MUCH MORE WORTH IT THAN J Gateway at $1700 psf but low-class, low-quality, 99 years LH, in OCR location."

Agree with the above or not?
If NOT, WHY? :tongue3:

Would you agree that if someone wishes to justify Paterson Residence $2500psf as a good buy, he should actually compare the price of $2500psf to The Marq that is just across the road instead of J Gateway.

Maybe you should just limit your discussion on the wrong side of CCR where it is still value at $1700-1900psf.

Agree with the above or not?

04-01-14, 22:01
Yes, I am responding to your comments about people buying at the wrong side of CCR, and the wrong side of CCR you mentioned like Paterson Residence at $2500 psf (because Marc@Paterson is transacting at $4000-6000+ psf) is still much more worth the value than the "right" side of Jurong such as J Gateway at $1700 psf isn't it?

So Simple question you also cannot answer directly?

"Paterson Residence at $2500 psf but with high-class, high-quality, Freehold, in CCR Orchard Road is MUCH MORE WORTH IT THAN J Gateway at $1700 psf but low-class, low-quality, 99 years LH, in OCR location."

Agree with the above or not?
If NOT, WHY? :tongue3:

I am not even sure if you are really living in CCR because people who live in CCR will never use CCR property to compare to Jurong property. And this is a property along paterson road, one of the world most expensive street for residential property that we are talking about.

I seriously cant imaging have such a low down low class foreign worker bully as neighbor, even if its in OCR.

Perhaps its a good thing that you are living at the wrong side of the CCR where you are still kpkb about $1900psf when other CCR LH property already selling above 4000psf.

04-01-14, 22:15
Why not? You say wrong side of CCR is not worth it right? And wrong side means those cheaper ones much less than $4000 psf, so I just quote one that corresponds to your "wrong side" of CCR transacting at $2500 psf such as Paterson Residences, and let's say I have about $3.3m to either buy a 3 bedroom unit at Paterson Residence at $2500 psf or a 2000 sqft unit at $1700 psf at J Gateway, so I strongly believe Paterson Residence at $2500 psf is MUCH MORE WORTH IT despite being at your so-called "wrong side" of CCR compared to your J Gateway at $1700 psf. Do you agree with me on this statement? :rolleyes:

I am not even sure if you are really living in CCR because people who live in CCR will never use CCR property to compare to Jurong property. And this is a property along paterson road, one of the world most expensive street for residential property that we are talking about.

I seriously cant imaging have such a low down low class foreign worker bully as neighbor, even if its in OCR.

Perhaps its a good thing that you are living at the wrong side of the CCR where you are still kpkb about $1900psf when other CCR LH property already selling above 4000psf.

04-01-14, 22:23
Wow, this is one of the best threads in this forum...about fengshui, about FTs etc etc on Jurong...never ending since years ago...some same old critics on the same old topics all these years but this time more colourful....with one commando vs navy, army and airforce....very impressive and entertaining... LOL :D

04-01-14, 22:26
Why not? You say wrong side of CCR is not worth it right? And wrong side means those cheaper ones much less than $4000 psf, so I just quote one that corresponds to your "wrong side" of CCR transacting at $2500 psf such as Paterson Residences, and let's say I have about $3.3m to either buy a 3 bedroom unit at Paterson Residence at $2500 psf or a 2000 sqft unit at $1700 psf at J Gateway, so I strongly believe Paterson Residence at $2500 psf is MUCH MORE WORTH IT despite being at your so-called "wrong side" of CCR compared to your J Gateway at $1700 psf. Do you agree with me on this statement? :rolleyes:

I am starting to think that you dont even know how to use basic tools like onemap to figure that Paterson Road and Paterson Residence is not on the wrong side of the CCR

Honestly, are you really really sure you are living in CCR and not like in some RCR area trying to fake like you belong to CCR?

And what kind of childish people will actually go around trying to convince people that Paterson Residence is a good buy because it is $1000psf more expensive than J Gateway instead saying its $2000psf cheaper than the Marq across the street?

A frog in the well will always be a frog in the well regardless how hard he try.

04-01-14, 22:42
Jurong is not a bad place.

BUT it does NOT justify the 1700psf price tag that some JG buyers paid. jurong has never been known to be an atas area, nor rich area. instead its been heavily associated with heavy industry. not light industry, but the kind that produces smoke/smog which pollutes the air. go to jurong and have a look. anyone can tell than visibility is reduced, as compared to other areas in singapore. its a direct result of the heavy industry mentioned above.

much as the government tries to change one's impression of jurong, for those who have been in the property circle it will be hard to convince them of a 1700psf price tag. even the average price of 1470-1480psf price of JG is NOT justifiable. like many have said previously, the current transaction price of other condos in the vicinity is around the 1100-1300psf mark. so essentially buyers are paying a premium of 180-380psf on average, or up to 600psf, for JG! and for what? for being close to the hyped up shopping malls aplenty, the new hospital across the road, the exposed MRT tracks -the intersection of MRT tracks rather. so do u think its worth it?

well, if the jurong really one days justifies a price tag of 1700psf, then i cannot imagine what prices of condos along orchard road will be like. or anywhere else in singapore for that matter. because obviously, u cannot expect jurong to overtake buona vista? west coast? kallang? potong pasir? serangoon? toa payoh? bishan and amk? bedok?

those who bought JG at a premium, i feel sorry for u.

04-01-14, 22:48
Jurong is not a bad place.

BUT it does NOT justify the 1700psf price tag that some JG buyers paid. jurong has never been known to be an atas area, nor rich area. instead its been heavily associated with heavy industry. not light industry, but the kind that produces smoke/smog which pollutes the air. go to jurong and have a look. anyone can tell than visibility is reduced, as compared to other areas in singapore. its a direct result of the heavy industry mentioned above.

much as the government tries to change one's impression of jurong, for those who have been in the property circle it will be hard to convince them of a 1700psf price tag. even the average price of 1470-1480psf price of JG is NOT justifiable. like many have said previously, the current transaction price of other condos in the vicinity is around the 1100-1300psf mark. so essentially buyers are paying a premium of 180-380psf on average, or up to 600psf, for JG! and for what? for being close to the hyped up shopping malls aplenty, the new hospital across the road, the exposed MRT tracks -the intersection of MRT tracks rather. so do u think its worth it?

well, if the jurong really one days justifies a price tag of 1700psf, then i cannot imagine what prices of condos along orchard road will be like. or anywhere else in singapore for that matter. because obviously, u cannot expect jurong to overtake buona vista? west coast? kallang? potong pasir? serangoon? toa payoh? bishan and amk? bedok?

those who bought JG at a premium, i feel sorry for u.

I really feel very sorry for those who have to sign up a new account to pretend like they are no someone who talk alot of jiao wei in this forum.

$1700psf J gateway (LH99)
$2500psf Echelon (LH99)
$3000psf Clermont (LH99)
$3500psf Marina Suite (LH99)
$3500psf The Sail (LH99)
$4400psf Marina Bay Residence (LH99)

Perhaps you should feel pity for those who bought in those other project too...


04-01-14, 23:08
Yes, $1700 psf is not a price tag typically associated with a place like jurong, JLD or not, whether beside MRT or not. Those paying that kind of price for JG for own stay, I have no comments, those buying for investment must seriously have one screw loose.

Jurong is not a bad place.

BUT it does NOT justify the 1700psf price tag that some JG buyers paid. jurong has never been known to be an atas area, nor rich area. instead its been heavily associated with heavy industry. not light industry, but the kind that produces smoke/smog which pollutes the air. go to jurong and have a look. anyone can tell than visibility is reduced, as compared to other areas in singapore. its a direct result of the heavy industry mentioned above.

much as the government tries to change one's impression of jurong, for those who have been in the property circle it will be hard to convince them of a 1700psf price tag. even the average price of 1470-1480psf price of JG is NOT justifiable. like many have said previously, the current transaction price of other condos in the vicinity is around the 1100-1300psf mark. so essentially buyers are paying a premium of 180-380psf on average, or up to 600psf, for JG! and for what? for being close to the hyped up shopping malls aplenty, the new hospital across the road, the exposed MRT tracks -the intersection of MRT tracks rather. so do u think its worth it?

well, if the jurong really one days justifies a price tag of 1700psf, then i cannot imagine what prices of condos along orchard road will be like. or anywhere else in singapore for that matter. because obviously, u cannot expect jurong to overtake buona vista? west coast? kallang? potong pasir? serangoon? toa payoh? bishan and amk? bedok?

those who bought JG at a premium, i feel sorry for u.

04-01-14, 23:13
Yes, $1700 psf is not a price tag typically associated with a place like jurong, JLD or not, whether beside MRT or not. Those paying that kind of price for JG for own stay, I have no comments, those buying for investment must seriously have one screw loose.

Wah lao...all the lao keyboard hero suddenly reappear with fake account in this forum...

Mobilization huh?? :D

04-01-14, 23:20
Wah lao...all the lao keyboard hero suddenly reappear with fake account in this forum...

Mobilization huh?? :D

i am not old. i recently made my first property investment too. not in JG, obviously, and thankfully.

04-01-14, 23:22
i am not old. i recently made my first property investment too. not in JG, obviously, and thankfully.

thankfully the leopard never changes its spots.

05-01-14, 07:46
this i believe you, cos a medicine man will never say his own medicine is bad.

just like the news today, the sales manager at the retirement show room , said on TV that compare to similar condos in Bukit timah , the retirement village is asking at 1000psf. BUT, HE NEVER SAY THE LEASE IS 60 YEARS,

when other experts pointed the lease factor, at 1000psf, it is damn expensive.

the sales manager caught red handed on national TV:mad:

nothing wrong wif 卖花赞花香.
but if u see got ppl, BEWARE, 1 person nia, day n nite desperately promote, hardsell, lie without batting eyelids on something which he has vested interests, den u shd noe the significance behind the meaning of owners in the west beware :D

05-01-14, 08:05
All promoters/agents in SG are just as 无良 and bad as JG promoter..lol!

Don't trust anyone unless you know what you invest in...;)!

yeah, one shd nvr trust another person blindly for his own invstmt.
muz open yr eyes big big n do yr hw else u will be easily con by desperate n 无良 salesman :D

05-01-14, 08:15
Stop all the jiao wei lah.

J Gateway price has fulled priced in ALL of JLD potential?

I presume you just sign up a new account to distant yourself from all the jiao wei you said before right?

merely looking at the calibre of yr inputs makes it obvious to all how come others who invested at similar period as u (but diff proj) can sit back n relax while u immed hv to desperately promote yr overpriced invstmt! bahaha!

05-01-14, 08:23
Let me butt in to stoke some flames. :p
CapLand cashing out of westgate tower. This does not look like a vote of confidence on the commercial potential. :o

05-01-14, 08:35
Read this and decipher what is happening


Can u all see some paradigm shift???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Do u all believe in 3d printing for organ


05-01-14, 08:52
Let me butt in to stoke some flames. :p
CapLand cashing out of westgate tower. This does not look like a vote of confidence on the commercial potential. :o

The only reason why Capitaland is able to cash out because someone else is buying in with a good offer.

And for the new consortium to acquire the ENTIRE office tower for 1900psf and then holding for rental income, its obviously a clear sign that they are bullish of the rental potential. Or else, they would have bid their own commercial site and then sell is of as strata titled.

05-01-14, 08:53
merely looking at the calibre of yr inputs makes it obvious to all how come others who invested at similar period as u (but diff proj) can sit back n relax while u immed hv to desperately promote yr overpriced invstmt! bahaha!

Stop all the jiao wei lah.

Let see is Sky Vue will perform better than J Gateway when they both TOP loh.

05-01-14, 08:56
You have been WARNED....

Something very big is brewing at Jurong Lake District, it is now even more happening that the original JLD that was announced in 2008..

You have been WARNED!!!




05-01-14, 09:43
The consortium does not have a track record of continuous asset enhancement for long-term rental income, and the most profitable exit strategy should be selling as piece-wise strata-titled offices after a few years of leasing ( probably the same time JG TOP)
When that happens, is it a sign of bearishness based on your logic?

The only reason why Capitaland is able to cash out because someone else is buying in with a good offer.

And for the new consortium to acquire the ENTIRE office tower for 1900psf and then holding for rental income, its obviously a clear sign that they are bullish of the rental potential. Or else, they would have bid their own commercial site and then sell is of as strata titled.

05-01-14, 10:20
The consortium does not have a track record of continuous asset enhancement for long-term rental income, and the most profitable exit strategy should be selling as piece-wise strata-titled offices after a few years of leasing ( probably the same time JG TOP)
When that happens, is it a sign of bearishness based on your logic?

Ho Bee doesnt have track record in the commercial office and they have recently made a very successful foray with Metropolis at BV.

This consortium are seasoned investors and landlord and have plenty of experience in commercial real estates, and if they are not confident with what they are buying, they wont be making a $550,000,000 offer for the office tower.


2014 will be a year where they will start to market the office block and very soon they will reveal the anchor tenant. This will also be the year where BCA and AVA will move into JEM.

All is looking good for JLD for sure or else, why would anyone put in $1900psf right?

05-01-14, 10:46
Yes I can see that for residents in OCR surburbs, they can expect very high inflation because the retail and commercial rentals is closing up so fast to the CCR rental (and rent is the single largest component of retail business costs!) :banghead:
On the other hand, CCR residents can expect cheaper goods, less crowd, more pleasant environment with all the ah seng, ah lian gone to the surburbs... :beats-me-man:

Read this and decipher what is happening


Can u all see some paradigm shift???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Do u all believe in 3d printing for organ


Rental gap narrows as retailers head to suburbs

Rental gap narrows as retailers head to suburbs

Published on Dec 27, 2013

By Cheryl Ong

THE trend of retailers setting up shop farther from the city centre continues to narrow the gap between prime retail rents in Orchard Road and those in suburban centres.

Orchard Road rents fell 2.1 per cent to $36.46 per sq ft (psf) for the fourth quarter from a year ago, while prime rents in regional centres inched up 0.1 per cent to $33.46 psf.

That price gap of 9 per cent is well down from 2007 when prime Orchard Road rents were 31 per cent higher than similar space in the suburbs.

Prime rent applies to shops with the heaviest foot traffic, while regional centres are defined as suburban commercial hubs with a mix of offices, shops and entertainment options.

"The narrowing rental gap... is an indication that retail activities are spreading out from Orchard Road to various locations across the island," said Mr Calvin Yeo, deputy managing director of Colliers International, which released the numbers in a report yesterday.

The Westgate mall, which opened in Jurong East earlier this month, is the latest retail complex to see value in the suburbs.

However, the 2.1 per cent decline in Orchard Road rents was better than Colliers' projection of a 3.5 per cent dip.

The prime shopping street's resilience was helped by demand from international brands and local entrepreneurs opening new stores and food and beverage outlets in the area, said Mr Yeo.

"Malls in Orchard Road still cater to the tourist crowd, and to locals shopping for a unique product or service."

Home-grown department store Robinsons unveiled its flagship store at The Heeren in Orchard Road last month, adding 186,000 sq ft across six storeys to the shopping belt.

An additional 420,000 sq ft of retail space is also expected to come onstream in Orchard Road, with the completion of Orchard Gateway and the refurbishment of Shaw House.

This will place a lid on rising rents, which are expected to increase by only 2 per cent at most, estimated Ms Chia Siew Chuin, Colliers research head.

Separately, sales of strata-titled retail space were buoyant this year. Prices in Orchard Road rose by 5.1 per cent from last year, while the value of similar space in the regional centres increased by 9.2 per cent.

Colliers added that the gains were mostly registered in the first half of the year as tighter loan measures introduced in the second half hampered sales.

But the firm said it expects retailers to perform better next year, underpinned by low unemployment, increasing tourist arrivals and a plethora of new retail concepts at more locations.

[email protected]

05-01-14, 10:58
Yes I can see that for residents in OCR surburbs, they can expect very high inflation because the retail and commercial rentals is closing up so fast to the CCR rental (and rent is the single largest component of retail business costs!) :banghead:
On the other hand, CCR residents can expect cheaper goods, less crowd, more pleasant environment with all the ah seng, ah lian gone to the surburbs... :beats-me-man:

If you can only afford the wrong side of CCR, then of course cost of living will be a major consideration. And thats exactly the reason why I say, if you want to invest in CCR, invest in Central Area, thats where the big fish are swimming.

As for OCR or Jurong inflation, its not the retailers or shopping malls that is driving inflation, it is the spending power of consumers that will drive inflation and inflation is a good validation that people around the area is getting richer.

With so many jobs coming into JLD, rest assure that consumers spending power will rise.

Having said that, in OCR, people still have plenty of option because its still predominately a suburban district where you have many hawker centers where you can still find $2 chicken rice.

05-01-14, 11:18
[QUOTE=teddybear;455145]Yes I can see that for residents in OCR surburbs, they can expect very high inflation because the retail and commercial rentals is closing up so fast to the CCR rental (and rent is the single largest component of retail business costs!) :banghead:
On the other hand, CCR residents can expect cheaper goods, less crowd, more pleasant environment with all the ah seng, ah lian gone to the surburbs... :beats-me-man:

There are many ways to interpret...l that's why u have buyers and sellers.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

Just like with TDSR, absd, all the CMs.... There are still many who believe that properties will go up a lot..... Hhahahaha

05-01-14, 11:21
You have been WARNED!!


05-01-14, 11:22
If you can only afford the wrong side of CCR, then of course cost of living will be a major consideration. And thats exactly the reason why I say, if you want to invest in CCR, invest in Central Area, thats where the big fish are swimming.

As for OCR or Jurong inflation, its not the retailers or shopping malls that is driving inflation, it is the spending power of consumers that will drive inflation and inflation is a good validation that people around the area is getting richer.

With so many jobs coming into JLD, rest assure that consumers spending power will rise.

Having said that, in OCR, people still have plenty of option because its still predominately a suburban district where you have many hawker centers where you can still find $2 chicken rice.

Where is Central Area? Can you share? I am really blur....

05-01-14, 11:28
Where is Central Area? Can you share? I am really blur....



05-01-14, 11:31
Where is Central Area? Can you share? I am really blur....

I take it that your account name CCR is symbolic and doesnt have any connection to what you are specialize in.


05-01-14, 12:53
You been WARNED!!


05-01-14, 14:55
"The surge is attributed to the launch of J Gateway in 2/3Q13, leading to the average price in Jurong East to swell up to $1,482 psf in 3Q13 as compared to an average of $896 psf in 1Q13."

When JG is sold at 40% premium above neighbouring condos, of course the index would show an outlier. Whether it will show upward trend going forward depends on these neighbouring Jurong resale condos to be sold at average 1,482psf.
Since the neighbouring Jurong resale condos are not selling at 1,482psf anytime soon, the index would show a dip on Q1 2014.

Please update us on Q1 2014 performance in next quarter, and when that happens, I am sure you will use your reality distortion logic to say this is a good news!

You been WARNED!!


05-01-14, 15:07
"The surge is attributed to the launch of J Gateway in 2/3Q13, leading to the average price in Jurong East to swell up to $1,482 psf in 3Q13 as compared to an average of $896 psf in 1Q13."

When JG is sold at 40% premium above neighbouring condos, of course the index would show an outlier. Whether it will show upward trend going forward depends on these neighbouring Jurong resale condos to be sold at average 1,482psf.
Since the neighbouring Jurong resale condos are not selling at 1,482psf anytime soon, the index would show a dip on Q1 2014.

Please update us on Q1 2014 performance in next quarter, and when that happens, I am sure you will use your reality distortion logic to say this is a good news!

If you beh song you can always challenge the guys over at squarefoot.com.sg on their report, and please dont talk like j gateway was drop into jurong east from heaven, and jurong is the only district in Singapore to have new launch. Ultimately the reason why price surge is driven by market demand.

JLD is going to challenge Rcr soon? Huat ah.

05-01-14, 16:59
You have been WARNED!!


before 2000, CCR was cheaper in psf than RCR according to the figure, can any guru explain why?

05-01-14, 20:48
before 2000, CCR was cheaper in psf than RCR according to the figure, can any guru explain why?

My guess is that such terms like CCR, RCR OCR etc never existed until 2000+

05-01-14, 22:34
My guess is that such terms like CCR, RCR OCR etc never existed until 2000+

Is jurong better than Buona Vista, Biopolis. Dover Area?

05-01-14, 23:05
Is jurong better than Buona Vista, Biopolis. Dover Area?


05-01-14, 23:20
Is jurong better than Buona Vista, Biopolis. Dover Area?

You need to ask squarefoot.com.sg, because thats their article, not mine.

Whats the rental yield for those area?

06-01-14, 19:05
Jurong East very happening these days



07-01-14, 07:40
Jurong East very happening these days



Are these your Japanese neighbours from your HDB estate?
Cannot be - these ones look like they exist.

07-01-14, 08:35
Are these your Japanese neighbours from your HDB estate?
Cannot be - these ones look like they exist.

hahaha! u r so humorous! :D

07-01-14, 10:32
Are these your Japanese neighbours from your HDB estate?
Cannot be - these ones look like they exist.

Dont act blur leh..

EBD, want to guess with one is from Best and which one from Worst street?



07-01-14, 11:13
Itacho Sushi caters more for the local diners rather the japanese diners as interestingly some of their sushi are topped cheese and mayo sauce..

Are these your Japanese neighbours from your HDB estate?
Cannot be - these ones look like they exist.

07-01-14, 11:25
Itacho Sushi caters more for the local diners rather the japanese diners as interestingly some of their sushi are topped cheese and mayo sauce..

finding cheese toppings and mayo on sushi will be sacrilegious in a true-bred sushi joint in japan, unless it's fushion food.

coming back to the point, it's truly, amazingly moronic to equate cutting a normal blue fin tuna to a locale being "happening". truly typical when you're scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a wimpy attempt to make sense of things

07-01-14, 11:30
finding cheese toppings and mayo on sushi will be sacrilegious in a true-bred sushi joint in japan, unless it's fushion food.

coming back to the point, it's truly, amazingly moronic to equate cutting a normal blue fin tuna to a locale being "happening". truly typical when you're scrapping the bottom of the barrel for a wimpy attempt to make sense of things

When was the last time you see a full size blue fin tuna being cut up? Do you even know what is a bluefin tuna in the first place?

07-01-14, 11:31
hahaha! u r so humorous! :D

take it easy on the bootlicking and stop getting yourself amuse with joke that doesnt exist.

07-01-14, 13:11
When was the last time you see a full size blue fin tuna being cut up? Do you even know what is a bluefin tuna in the first place?

no big deal, everytime when i went to tsukiji. wah, u sua gu ah? never seen a big fish being cut up is it?

sua gu's fine, kam gong isn't

07-01-14, 13:32
take it easy on the bootlicking and stop getting yourself amuse with joke that doesnt exist.

seems tat u cant handle a truth well. looks like u hv yet to manage a forum life :47:

07-01-14, 14:51
seems tat u cant handle a truth well. looks like u hv yet to manage a forum life :47:

The truth of the matter is that, you are a bootlicker.

when someone make a silly and baseless assumption, and then make a joke out of the assumption and you think its funny?

Why not say you are attracted to EBD because you thought that EBD stands for Extra Big D..

Honestly, stop all the jiao wei lah

07-01-14, 15:21
The truth of the matter is that, you are a bootlicker.

when someone make a silly and baseless assumption, and then make a joke out of the assumption and you think its funny?

Why not say you are attracted to EBD because you thought that EBD stands for Extra Big D..

Honestly, stop all the jiao wei lah

when u cannot agree wif someone, u accuses others' comment as silly & baseless.

tat is seriously yr problem.

when u making conclusion tat I am attracted to EBD simply becos I find his post humorous.

tat is again yr problem.

so now u noe where yr problems lies ya? :D

07-01-14, 15:33
when u cannot agree wif someone, u accuses others' comment as silly & baseless.

tat is seriously yr problem.

when u making conclusion tat I am attracted to EBD simply becos I find his post humorous.

tat is again yr problem.

so now u noe where yr problems lies ya? :D

dont get your hopes too high and dont be deceived by the name. It could just be another case of all fart no shit if you know what I mean.

07-01-14, 15:38
dont get your hopes too high and dont be deceived by the name. It could just be another case of all fart no shit if you know what I mean.

:doh: u r so presumptions.
advise tat u spend more time tinking den assuming :47:

07-01-14, 15:40
:doh: u r so presumptions.
advise tat u spend more time tinking den assuming :47:

I am surprise you didnt find my baseless assumption funny leh.

perhaps there is some truth to it????

07-01-14, 15:48
I am surprise you didnt find my baseless assumption funny leh.

perhaps there is some truth to it????

post #4649 is not funny at all, but the reason y u r surprised in the above post is! hahahaha! :D
so u see where's the prob bo?

07-01-14, 15:58
well, only a moron can make the assumption that cutting of a blue fin tuna equates to a locale being 'happening'.

well, then tsukiji market trumps ginza, shibuya and shinjuku all at once

07-01-14, 16:05
well, only a moron can make the assumption that cutting of a blue fin tuna equates to a locale being 'happening'.

well, then tsukiji market trumps ginza, shibuya and shinjuku all at once

I am asking you.

When was the last time you see a full size blue fin tuna being cut up?
Do you even know what is a bluefin tuna in the first place?

For some, their life is trapped inside a virtual world where they pretend to be superman or super hero, hence its not surprising they are not interested in things happening in the real world.

07-01-14, 16:10
post #4649 is not funny at all, but the reason y u r surprised in the above post is! hahahaha! :D
so u see where's the prob bo?

did you change to a new account to distant yourself from all the jiao wei?

07-01-14, 16:10
Well well, that one also think that just because their condo transacted at $1700 psf means they have become prime luxury condo and is well on the way above $2000 psf (so that he can make a profit)? :o

well, only a moron can make the assumption that cutting of a blue fin tuna equates to a locale being 'happening'.

well, then tsukiji market trumps ginza, shibuya and shinjuku all at once

07-01-14, 16:10
I am asking you.

When was the last time you see a full size blue fin tuna being cut up?
Do you even know what is a bluefin tuna in the first place?

For some, their life is trapped inside a virtual world where they pretend to be superman or super hero, hence its not surprising they are not interested in things happening in the real world.

kam gong, in your world there's only 1 sort of noteworthy tuna - the blue fin. and i bet i've seen more of tsukiji than you ever had. what you regard is special is merely a norm every day in another part of the world. learn to broaden your perspective.

what's so special about cutting of a damn fish? i was 30cm away from cameron diaz in a toy shop, and this IS happening!

07-01-14, 16:14
kam gong, in your world there's only 1 sort of noteworthy tuna - the blue fin. and i bet i've seen more of tsukiji than you ever had. what you regard is special is merely a norm every day in another part of the world. learn to broaden your perspective.

what's so special about cutting of a damn fish? i was 30cm away from cameron diaz in a toy shop, and this IS happening!

What you see on TV or google search is not my problem and there is no need to pretend you are highclass or knowledgeable about bluefin because we all have access to google too.

I am just asking you when was the last time you see a Bluefin tuna being cut up? WHEN?

07-01-14, 16:16
Well well, that one also think that just because their condo transacted at $1700 psf means they have become prime luxury condo and is well on the way above $2000 psf (so that he can make a profit)? :o

while you are kpkbing about $1900psf CCR property, your neighbours in Central Area are selling at $5000psf....

already you you that you bought into the wrong side of CCR liao, dont believe. Still want to how lian and use paterson road condo to compare with OCR? (aka take other people's butt skin and stick it on your own face)

07-01-14, 16:21
What you see on TV or google search is not my problem and there is no need to pretend you are highclass or knowledgeable about bluefin because we all have access to google too.

I am just asking you when was the last time you see a Bluefin tuna being cut up? WHEN?

kam gong, learn to read : told you liao every time i went to tsukiji. now must give you photo evidence and passport details ah?

stupidity has no bounds, moron

07-01-14, 16:36
kam gong, learn to read : told you liao every time i went to tsukiji. now must give you photo evidence and passport details ah?

stupidity has no bounds, moron

when was the last time you see a bluefin tuna being cut up?

Thats my question, I am not interest to hear all you BS about where you went.

07-01-14, 16:52
when was the last time you see a bluefin tuna being cut up?

Thats my question, I am not interest to hear all you BS about where you went.

kam gong! already told you when I was at tsukiji.


07-01-14, 16:55
kam gong! already told you when I was at tsukiji.


Sorry, forgotten you have problem understanding what you read. Perhaps Primary school english might be a little challenging for you.

I was asking you WHEN was the last time, not WHERE was the last time you see a bluefin tuna got cut up.

While you are at it, may I know why the hell did you go tsukiji in the first place (assuming you really did)?

07-01-14, 18:41
end81157, can tell us why are you so kamgong to visit Tsukji in the first place?

Sorry, forgotten you have problem understanding what you read. Perhaps Primary school english might be a little challenging for you.

I was asking you WHEN was the last time, not WHERE was the last time you see a bluefin tuna got cut up.

While you are at it, may I know why the hell did you go tsukiji in the first place (assuming you really did)?

07-01-14, 18:43
the force is strong in the west..

Jurong West EC site draws higher-than-expected top bid of $198.9m


An executive condominium site at Westwood Avenue in Jurong West fetched an unexpectedly high top bid of $198.9 million on Tuesday in a 12-way tussle.

The highest bid was a joint offer from Changi Properties and Heeton Homes.

It works out to $381.80 per sq ft (psf) per plot ratio (ppr) for the 186,052 sq ft land parcel, which is located near amenities such as Gek Poh Shopping Centre, Pioneer Mall, Jurong West Stadium and Jurong West Public Library.

The top bid outstripped market expectations of between $285 and $365 psf ppr.

07-01-14, 22:20
the force is strong in the west..

This place damm ulu. Some taxi driver dont even know the way there.

07-01-14, 22:33
Don't you see that the trend is to sell off most lousy locations first at a good price?
"Make the most hay while sun shine!" - Who say that? :p

This place damm ulu. Some taxi driver dont even know the way there.

08-01-14, 04:28
This place damm ulu. Some taxi driver dont even know the way there.

its ulu because you have been living in your little tiny well for the longest time.

Have you ever heard of this company call google? yes, not goggle, its google.

08-01-14, 04:29
Don't you see that the trend is to sell off most lousy locations first at a good price?
"Make the most hay while sun shine!" - Who say that? :p

when the grapes are out of reach everything should be sour isnt it?

08-01-14, 07:00
[QUOTE=Ringo33;455653]when the grapes are out of reach everything should be sour isnt it?[/. I will only buy if geylang brothel shift over there.

08-01-14, 07:53
Sorry, forgotten you have problem understanding what you read. Perhaps Primary school english might be a little challenging for you.

I was asking you WHEN was the last time, not WHERE was the last time you see a bluefin tuna got cut up.

While you are at it, may I know why the hell did you go tsukiji in the first place (assuming you really did)?

kam gong, if you can't differentiate the occurence of an event from the location of which, it only goes to show you are pathetic in your mastery of english.

secondly, tsukiji is a fav haunt for tourists and for those who want to get super fresh, top grade sushi. kam gong, only shows you know that much

cutting a blue fin tuna = happening!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh:

08-01-14, 09:54
[QUOTE=Ringo33;455653]when the grapes are out of reach everything should be sour isnt it?[/. I will only buy if geylang brothel shift over there.

I am glad pervert like you are living in the east.

08-01-14, 10:06
kam gong, if you can't differentiate the occurence of an event from the location of which, it only goes to show you are pathetic in your mastery of english.

secondly, tsukiji is a fav haunt for tourists and for those who want to get super fresh, top grade sushi. kam gong, only shows you know that much

cutting a blue fin tuna = happening!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh:

It very unfortunate that you don't know the difference between the meaning of when and where and even more unfortunate that you have to come up with all.these bs to justify your iletracy.

And the dumbest part of all is that you could justify going all the way to Japan to visit the fish auction.market while at the same time.saying that a bluefin cutting event at jurong is not big deal. This kamgong is contradicting himself without even.knowing it and lets just patronize him by giving him the benefit of.doubt that he was indeed in Japan.

08-01-14, 12:00
It very unfortunate that you don't know the difference between the meaning of when and where and even more unfortunate that you have to come up with all.these bs to justify your iletracy.

And the dumbest part of all is that you could justify going all the way to Japan to visit the fish auction.market while at the same time.saying that a bluefin cutting event at jurong is not big deal. This kamgong is contradicting himself without even.knowing it and lets just patronize him by giving him the benefit of.doubt that he was indeed in Japan.

so now i must give you record of my travel history and passport details?? kam gong

then to show proof of your purchase of J gateway, please produce a copy of your mortgage statement or S&P documents; or else, you're just a fake

08-01-14, 12:56
developers are obviously very bullish on the potential in the west...

08-01-14, 13:23
Obviously bullish lah, they buy the land, quickly sell off on the plan (i.e. paper), and the buyers are left to carry the babies forever thereafter! :o

If they really so bullish, should buy the land, build the house, complete it, show people the quality and attractiveness of completed product then ask for a high price, don't have to sell so fast on paper before building even the houses......................

developers are obviously very bullish on the potential in the west...

08-01-14, 13:27
Obviously bullish lah, they buy the land, quickly sell off on the plan (i.e. paper), and the buyers are left to carry the babies forever thereafter! :o

not tat bullish liao, else westwood chao chao will fetch at least $450psf :47:

08-01-14, 13:45
Obviously bullish lah, they buy the land, quickly sell off on the plan (i.e. paper), and the buyers are left to carry the babies forever thereafter! :o

If they really so bullish, should buy the land, build the house, complete it, show people the quality and attractiveness of completed product then ask for a high price, don't have to sell so fast on paper before building even the houses......................

I am not sure what jiao wei you are talking about.

08-01-14, 14:16
Obviously bullish lah, they buy the land, quickly sell off on the plan (i.e. paper), and the buyers are left to carry the babies forever thereafter! :o

If they really so bullish, should buy the land, build the house, complete it, show people the quality and attractiveness of completed product then ask for a high price, don't have to sell so fast on paper before building even the houses......................

that's right.
developers are super-bullish about CCR condos, unlike OCR condos.
many CCR projects completed with many units left unsold even after TOP time.
the most super bullish is sc global. owner take it private because he don't want to share the super-returns from his super-elite projects with anybody else.

08-01-14, 14:45
Yes you are right! Developers are super-bullish on CCR condos over the long-term, that is why they are willing to hold on to the completed & TOP CCR properties unless they can sell at a good price.

SC Global owner take the opportunities to privatise cheap cheap when CCR properties are at one of lowest premium to OCR properties (because SC Global only hold CCR properties). I believe he look at the long-term, and the long-term bold well for CCR properties, if you believe in the investment acutement of SC Global owner.

On the other hand, do you see developers willing to hold on to OCR properties for the long-term? Not Capitaland, not Keppel Land, not Wheelock, not SC Global, not even Ho Bee! :p

that's right.
developers are super-bullish about CCR condos, unlike OCR condos.
many CCR projects completed with many units left unsold even after TOP time.
the most super bullish is sc global. owner take it private because he don't want to share the super-returns from his super-elite projects with anybody else.

08-01-14, 14:57
The facts are:

CCR properties really lag the market for the past 3 years.
OCR properties are really the winner in these last 3 years!

Congrats to those who managed to catch the right wave...

What will happen in the next 3 years?

Will CCR languish again while OCR go up another 47%?

08-01-14, 15:00
Yes you are right! Developers are super-bullish on CCR condos over the long-term, that is why they are willing to hold on to the completed & TOP CCR properties unless they can sell at a good price.

SC Global owner take the opportunities to privatise cheap cheap when CCR properties are at one of lowest premium to OCR properties (because SC Global only hold CCR properties). I believe he look at the long-term, and the long-term bold well for CCR properties, if you believe in the investment acutement of SC Global owner.

On the other hand, do you see developers willing to hold on to OCR properties for the long-term? Not Capitaland, not Keppel Land, not Wheelock, not SC Global, not even Ho Bee! :p

wait long long neck long long

08-01-14, 15:19
Yes you are right! Developers are super-bullish on CCR condos over the long-term, that is why they are willing to hold on to the completed & TOP CCR properties unless they can sell at a good price.

Bro Teddybear, I think Bro Hopeful is being sarcastic leh.... SC Global obviously privatise to avoid paying the penalty for developers with foreign shareholders....Even a peasant like me can see that.

08-01-14, 16:42
actually brudder teddybear is right...

All the developers can lower their selling price and yet make lotsa money on their CCR new condos. All the enbloc land price is max 2k psf... many of them actually enbloc at much lower like 1500+psf...

But they choose to hold on to them coz its freehold and it can wait till the market turn up for luxury properties...

I am sure if new condos in CCR sell at 2300psf sure got buyers right, but the developers choose to hang on...

I am not saying this coz my nick is CCR, its the truth, if the developers sell all these at massive discount, what happens? no more freehold land in CCR to sell when the luxury markets picks up again and they have to buy enbloc land at evern higher price now...

So what they do now is to just hold on to it, while make money by quickly churning the OCR properties so that they still can make profits esp for public listed companies...

And slowly wait for the right buyers to come for their CCR properties...

I think if forummers are objectives, most will agree this is what is happening

08-01-14, 17:06
Sim Lian project going to be launch soon...


08-01-14, 19:35
Saw you post too late, CCR has already made a very good reply to your question.

As to your comments about SC Global privatise just to avoid paying penalty for developers with foreign shareholders, why would SC Global's Mr Cheong want to privatise a company that he can't have significant profit out of it later? Why so troublesome and put all his eggs into 1 basket by privatising SC Global?

For much lower risks and easy job, he might as well just sell all those CCR properties that SC Global is holding so that SC Global will hence have ZERO PENALTY with foreign shareholders, and he can just sit back and relax as kiao-ka CEO and collect fat cheques (paid 50% by other shareholders) and fat bonus and incentive shares/warrants (courtesy of other shareholders again)!
Furthermore, after selling all SC Global holding's CCR properties, SC Global will be so cash-rich to pay top bid for govt GLS land and make a quick flip by selling all these properties on paper only! Easier job isn't it? Let other people hold the babies! Why would he want to hold the babies that nobody want and he can't make a big profit out of them? :rolleyes:

Bro Teddybear, I think Bro Hopeful is being sarcastic leh.... SC Global obviously privatise to avoid paying the penalty for developers with foreign shareholders....Even a peasant like me can see that.

actually brudder teddybear is right...

All the developers can lower their selling price and yet make lotsa money on their CCR new condos. All the enbloc land price is max 2k psf... many of them actually enbloc at much lower like 1500+psf...

But they choose to hold on to them coz its freehold and it can wait till the market turn up for luxury properties...

I am sure if new condos in CCR sell at 2300psf sure got buyers right, but the developers choose to hang on...

I am not saying this coz my nick is CCR, its the truth, if the developers sell all these at massive discount, what happens? no more freehold land in CCR to sell when the luxury markets picks up again and they have to buy enbloc land at evern higher price now...

So what they do now is to just hold on to it, while make money by quickly churning the OCR properties so that they still can make profits esp for public listed companies...

And slowly wait for the right buyers to come for their CCR properties...

I think if forummers are objectives, most will agree this is what is happening

09-01-14, 08:11
Saw you post too late, CCR has already made a very good reply to your question.

As to your comments about SC Global privatise just to avoid paying penalty for developers with foreign shareholders, why would SC Global's Mr Cheong want to privatise a company that he can't have significant profit out of it later? Why so troublesome and put all his eggs into 1 basket by privatising SC Global?

For much lower risks and easy job, he might as well just sell all those CCR properties that SC Global is holding so that SC Global will hence have ZERO PENALTY with foreign shareholders, and he can just sit back and relax as kiao-ka CEO and collect fat cheques (paid 50% by other shareholders) and fat bonus and incentive shares/warrants (courtesy of other shareholders again)!
Furthermore, after selling all SC Global holding's CCR properties, SC Global will be so cash-rich to pay top bid for govt GLS land and make a quick flip by selling all these properties on paper only! Easier job isn't it? Let other people hold the babies! Why would he want to hold the babies that nobody want and he can't make a big profit out of them? :rolleyes:

but SC Global never had a blue fin tuna being cut up in their showrooms, so its CCR developments aren't as happening as some OCR locale

09-01-14, 08:43
Saw you post too late, CCR has already made a very good reply to your question.

As to your comments about SC Global privatise just to avoid paying penalty for developers with foreign shareholders, why would SC Global's Mr Cheong want to privatise a company that he can't have significant profit out of it later? Why so troublesome and put all his eggs into 1 basket by privatising SC Global?

Simon Cheong probably worked out that privatising the company was cheaper than paying the penalty? Wheelock also realised that getting out was better than dying together, and decided to sell off, rather than to be delisted with no market value (bcos free float < 10%).

That said, you are right that Simon Cheong is waiting again for the day that CCR properties will catch up. The big question is when the day will come. 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?

09-01-14, 09:05
Sim Lian project going to be launch soon...


:eek: again, happening in the west. too bad don't have a brothels.

09-01-14, 12:03
Simon Cheong probably worked out that privatising the company was cheaper than paying the penalty? Wheelock also realised that getting out was better than dying together, and decided to sell off, rather than to be delisted with no market value (bcos free float < 10%).

That said, you are right that Simon Cheong is waiting again for the day that CCR properties will catch up. The big question is when the day will come. 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?

SC is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand there is tax penalty, on the other hand he cannot afford to tarnish his SC Global reputation by giving massive discount to move their super highend project. So the best way forward will be to delist the company and take it private.

Having said that, we need to remember that most of SC Global projects luxury and ultra luxury development which have been in the market for many years; way before the recent TDSR and some other cooling measures. I reckon that the reason why its not moving is because there are not enough well heeled tenants in Singapore to live in these kind of apartment. And this could be due to corporate restructuring in banking industry, where bonus, allowance and budgets have been cut.

I think SC Global is prepare to hold their project for long haul and perhaps rent out those unsold units to generate some income. But for such highend and over the top kind of project, it will get out of fashion very quickly.

09-01-14, 14:57
More and more Jurong HDB flats are selling at below valuation. Feeling nervous?

developers are obviously very bullish on the potential in the west...

09-01-14, 15:17
More and more Jurong HDB flats are selling at below valuation. Feeling nervous?

not nervous lah, they are selling below valuation so that they can spend $$ to makan blue fin tuna sushi

09-01-14, 15:56
More and more Jurong HDB flats are selling at below valuation. Feeling nervous?

BEWARE!!!!! :rolleyes:

I think the thread starter has done a great injustice to the west with all his nonsense and hyperbole. It wouldn't have attracted half the crap if he'd have just kept it in the realm of reality.

09-01-14, 15:58
not nervous lah, they are selling below valuation so that they can spend $$ to makan blue fin tuna sushi

prepared by R33's japanese HDB neighbour who just talked to him the other day about the infinite potential of Jurong - so many others are talking about it too. Every bar and restaurant I go to it's THE No1 topic on discussion by all. :rolleyes:

09-01-14, 16:28
More and more Jurong HDB flats are selling at below valuation. Feeling nervous?

I am pretty sure the developers behind those bids are well aware of the market potential for residential property in Jurong, one of the largest employment hub in Singapore.

Plus, what does resale HDB price has got to do with EC, when EC is targeted at sandwiched class first timer who doesnt qualify for BTO.

09-01-14, 16:35
prepared by R33's japanese HDB neighbour who just talked to him the other day about the infinite potential of Jurong - so many others are talking about it too. Every bar and restaurant I go to it's THE No1 topic on discussion by all. :rolleyes:

You can continue to amuse yourself with your own little fairytale but please dont act blur on my question on best and worst street leh.

All Fart No Shit huh???

10-01-14, 07:20
prepared by R33's japanese HDB neighbour who just talked to him the other day about the infinite potential of Jurong - so many others are talking about it too. Every bar and restaurant I go to it's THE No1 topic on discussion by all. :rolleyes:

every bar and restaurant?! wow!! you better show proof that you went to these bars and restaurants, or else the moron will demand to know when you visited them.

still can't get over blue fin tuna = happening. to the sua gu, i'm surprised your so-called "japanese neighbours" didn't educate you that they have access to top grade fish and sushi on a daily basis.

10-01-14, 07:36
every bar and restaurant?! wow!! you better show proof that you went to these bars and restaurants, or else the moron will demand to know when you visited them.

still can't get over blue fin tuna = happening. to the sua gu, i'm surprised your so-called "japanese neighbours" didn't educate you that they have access to top grade fish and sushi on a daily basis.

I also wonder why people bother to fly all the way to Japan fish market to see blue fin auction..kamgong right? (that if we assume he was really there in the first place)

Somemore dont even understand the meaning of WHEN and WHERE. then want to kpkb...:doh:

10-01-14, 08:16
The best barometer of whether j gateway is now over priced is simply to wait for the launch of MCL next launch at jurong east.... If launch at 1500 psf and still got takers then ok j gateway still good

10-01-14, 09:49
You can continue to amuse yourself with your own little fairytale but please dont act blur on my question on best and worst street leh.

All Fart No Shit huh???
ha ha!! you are so stale and predictable.

Everybody can read what you have written.
Everybody can see what I have written.

nobody is in doubt about who is making "facts" up (japanese neighbour in your humble HDB -fairytale is all yours - as written by you!)

nobody is in doubt who has answered your stupid question to death.
nobody is in doubt you are just too stupid to understand simple answers.
nobody is doubt you can't even click on simple links provided to answer your question
nobody is in doubt that you cannot understand simple answers to simple questions.

nobody is in doubt about your pathetic diversionary tactics of never answering a question & attempting to drag the conversation off at a tangent to topics that have already been addressed countless times every time you put yourself into an awkward situation & get called on it.

nobody is in doubt that you are incredibly unoriginal and can only copycat things I say (your sig & All Fart No Shit) - I shouldn't mind , I suppose it's OK for you to look up to your betters.

what we all have doubt is - did you actually buy a unit at JG? how much psf? you never say :beats-me-man: why so shy?

you really give a very poor account of yourself here - but please carry on. You are a highly amusing individual & the free entertainment you provide here is actually priceless. You are the most amusing poster to condosingapore since Basic!

10-01-14, 12:20
ha ha!! you are so stale and predictable.

Everybody can read what you have written.
Everybody can see what I have written.

nobody is in doubt about who is making "facts" up (japanese neighbour in your humble HDB -fairytale is all yours - as written by you!)

nobody is in doubt who has answered your stupid question to death.
nobody is in doubt you are just too stupid to understand simple answers.
nobody is doubt you can't even click on simple links provided to answer your question
nobody is in doubt that you cannot understand simple answers to simple questions.

nobody is in doubt about your pathetic diversionary tactics of never answering a question & attempting to drag the conversation off at a tangent to topics that have already been addressed countless times every time you put yourself into an awkward situation & get called on it.

nobody is in doubt that you are incredibly unoriginal and can only copycat things I say (your sig & All Fart No Shit) - I shouldn't mind , I suppose it's OK for you to look up to your betters.

what we all have doubt is - did you actually buy a unit at JG? how much psf? you never say :beats-me-man: why so shy?

you really give a very poor account of yourself here - but please carry on. You are a highly amusing individual & the free entertainment you provide here is actually priceless. You are the most amusing poster to condosingapore since Basic!

If you want to act blur there is no need to write so much bs. Fart so much still no shit.

10-01-14, 12:29
I also wonder why people bother to fly all the way to Japan fish market to see blue fin auction..kamgong right? (that if we assume he was really there in the first place)

Somemore dont even understand the meaning of WHEN and WHERE. then want to kpkb...:doh:

did i say i flew all the way to japan just to look at tsukiji? kam gong?! heard of the term "holidaying"?

so speakth the moron who failed PSLE english, and your japanese neighbours didn't tell you what grade of fish and produce they have in japan?! sua gu kam gong

10-01-14, 14:31
did i say i flew all the way to japan just to look at tsukiji? kam gong?! heard of the term "holidaying"?

so speakth the moron who failed PSLE english, and your japanese neighbours didn't tell you what grade of fish and produce they have in japan?! sua gu kam gong

So bluefin tuna cutting in Singapore is not big deal but flying to japan to see same fish auction is justifiable.

You must be one of the most kamgong in this forum. Choking on your own stools you still don't know.

10-01-14, 15:08
So bluefin tuna cutting in Singapore is not big deal but flying to japan to see same fish auction is justifiable.

You must be one of the most kamgong in this forum. Choking on your own stools you still don't know.

whoa piang!!! said so many times it's holidaying and yet you're psychedelically raving about a fictious scenario you imagined about.

not only you need to go for english lessons, you need to get your brains checked. oh wait, it's just a void in your cranium......no hope

10-01-14, 15:26
whoa piang!!! said so many times it's holidaying and yet you're psychedelically raving about a fictious scenario you imagined about.

not only you need to go for english lessons, you need to get your brains checked. oh wait, it's just a void in your cranium......no hope

a) Did you said that Blue Fin tuna event at Jurong East was no big deal, or not a happening event?

b) Did I not ask you WHEN was the last time you saw a bluefin tuna being cut up by Sushi chef?

c) Did you not mistaken then meaning of WHEN for WHERE and say that you been to Tsukiji fish market. Yes, i ask you WHEN not WHERE

d) Did you not realize how dumb you were when you say that bluefin tuna cutting is no big deal while at the same time you say you go all the way to Japan fish market to see bluefin auction.

Kamgong will always be kamgong regardless how hard you try.

10-01-14, 17:54
Great Piece of Information, thanks for sharing...!!

The Riverbank Condo @ Fernvale (http://www.riverbanknewlaunch.com/)

11-01-14, 23:17
Beware, 3000+1000 new jobs will come to jurong by end of the year.


12-01-14, 05:18
Beware, 3000+1000 new jobs will come to jurong by end of the year.


You did not minus off those who lose their job in other sector. Its happening everyday especially in the west.
Beware, its happening.

12-01-14, 06:22
Beware, 3000+1000 new jobs will come to jurong by end of the year.


Rental demand is still good in the west. I have been receiving many SMS from agents with tenants who want to view. It should be even better as JLD becomes more developed.

12-01-14, 08:20
Today Sunday Times Life has an article on the Jurong magnet.

Good publicity for JLD.

12-01-14, 08:47
Actually I think we all damn stupid. Why keep replying this thread to help R33 do free publicity for JLD. If dont believe in JLD and its price, just move on. Why help him do free publicity?

12-01-14, 08:58
Actually I think we all damn stupid. Why keep replying this thread to help R33 do free publicity for JLD. If dont believe in JLD and its price, just move on. Why help him do free publicity?

You should write to the press, property analysts and also ask Khaw Boon Wan to slow down on JLD development plan.

You have been WARNED!!!




12-01-14, 09:05
Genting Hotel is coming up fast.

550 room, with ballroom for weddings...

For Enquiry Call : 6577 6388


12-01-14, 09:55
Actually I think we all damn stupid. Why keep replying this thread to help R33 do free publicity for JLD. If dont believe in JLD and its price, just move on. Why help him do free publicity?

Ringo33 should work for property agencies rather than providing free news and getting bashed in the process. I enjoy his postings but I think some are overly done.

12-01-14, 10:44
Sunday Life Front Page....



."New Orchard Road" some more..

12-01-14, 11:53
Jurong means Jurong, what "New Orchard Road"? Trying to copycat "Orchard Road"?

As the saying goes, "wear the emperor robe also doesn't look like the Prince"... That is an apt description of Jurong heavy industry town.

Sunday Life Front Page....



."New Orchard Road" some more..

12-01-14, 13:07
Jurong means Jurong, what "New Orchard Road"? Trying to copycat "Orchard Road"?

As the saying goes, "wear the emperor robe also doesn't look like the Prince"... That is an apt description of Jurong heavy industry town.

I am just conveying whats written in sunday times, better grab a copy before they are sold out..:D

You are right, not all CCR is prime and living in CCR doesnt make you rich.

12-01-14, 14:17
Almost everybody here (except the idiots) will know that if you live in Jurong heavy industry town and you can't afford CCR prime living (not even the not-so-prime CCR part), you can't be really rich........... :rolleyes:

I am just conveying whats written in sunday times, better grab a copy before they are sold out..:D

You are right, not all CCR is prime and living in CCR doesnt make you rich.

12-01-14, 14:49
Almost everybody here (except the idiots) will know that if you live in Jurong heavy industry town and you can't afford CCR prime living (not even the not-so-prime CCR part), you can't be really rich........... :rolleyes:

I dont think the jurong folk ever try to claim that they are rich, they are just being smarter by investing in growth area such as JLD, instead of hanging around in the not so happening part of CCR waiting for durian to drop from the sky.

Then again, if you are rich, you wont be going around trying to compare to jurong right?

Like you said before, living in CCR doesnt mean you are rich. I guess for some they can only call themselves rich when they to foreign workers.

12-01-14, 14:59
Jurong means Jurong, what "New Orchard Road"? Trying to copycat "Orchard Road"?

As the saying goes, "wear the emperor robe also doesn't look like the Prince"... That is an apt description of Jurong heavy industry town.

The article also said that Jurong is the new orchard road! :)

Actually I started a thread here :


Cheers to Ringo and owners of the west !:cheers1:

12-01-14, 15:15
My remark is in response to your below statement that you made in RED...........
I can safely say most, if not all, CCR dwellers are much much richer than Jurong heavy industry town dwellers, that I can be sure in terms of probability and statistics :tsk-tsk:

I dont think the jurong folk ever try to claim that they are rich, they are just being smarter by investing in growth area such as JLD, instead of hanging around in the not so happening part of CCR waiting for durian to drop from the sky.

Then again, if you are rich, you wont be going around trying to compare to jurong right?

Like you said before, living in CCR doesnt mean you are rich. I guess for some they can only call themselves rich when they to foreign workers.

I am just conveying whats written in sunday times, better grab a copy before they are sold out..:D

not all CCR is prime and living in CCR doesnt make you rich.

12-01-14, 15:18
The article also said that Jurong is the new orchard road! :)

Actually I started a thread here :


Cheers to Ringo and owners of the west !:cheers1:

Ooops....actually I meant to quote Ringo's post about the West is best article. :o

12-01-14, 15:23
My remark is in response to your below statement that you made in RED...........
I can safely say most, if not all, CCR dwellers are much much richer than Jurong heavy industry town dwellers, that I can be sure in terms of probability and statistics :tsk-tsk:

You certainly doesnt sound like you rich, because rich people doesnt need to bring themselves so low to talk down on foreigner workers (did you also say foreign trash?) or comparing Paterson Road condo to Jurong.
While those living in CCR might look nice from the outside, but inside, they might be rotting in sea of debt.

Did you not read the article about $110k dream wedding but end in debt?

Btw, where the hell is Jurong Heavy Industry Town?

12-01-14, 15:27
You are 1 of the foreign trash, like to speak without using your brain and like to smoke and sprout non-sense! :tsk-tsk:

Jurong heavy industry town is beside Jurong Lake District (or part of it?) isn't it? :banghead:

You certainly doesnt sound like you rich, because rich people doesnt need to bring themselves so low to talk down on foreigner workers (did you also say foreign trash?) or comparing Paterson Road condo to Jurong.
While those living in CCR might look nice from the outside, but inside, they might be rotting in sea of debt.

Did you not read the article about $110k dream wedding but end in debt?

Btw, where the hell is Jurong Heavy Industry Town?

12-01-14, 16:01
You are 1 of the foreign trash, like to speak without using your brain and like to smoke and sprout non-sense! :tsk-tsk:

Jurong heavy industry town is beside Jurong Lake District (or part of it?) isn't it? :banghead:

You sound like a frog in.the well who doesn't even know where is jurong gateway and what sort of industry are operating out of jurong.

Insulting foreign workers will not make you rich it only make you low class. Good example of wannabe trying to act rich.

12-01-14, 21:51
wow, saw the news in sunday time on JLD, what garmen has said previously years ago is slowly being realised....positive impact on areas nearby too ...and congrats especially to those who bought low who will reap the most...:cool:

13-01-14, 05:19
The article also said that Jurong is the new orchard road! :)

Actually I started a thread here :


Cheers to Ringo and owners of the west !:cheers1:

Huat ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13-01-14, 05:21
wow, saw the news in sunday time on JLD, what garmen has said previously years ago is slowly being realised....positive impact on areas nearby too ...and congrats especially to those who bought low who will reap the most...:cool:

Question is who missed the boat? and who boarded the boat? Got people aiwan a not?

13-01-14, 12:17
If you want to act blur there is no need to write so much bs. Fart so much still no shit.

back from the weekend - and this is all I could really expect from you.

(pat you on the head - best you could manage)

To all other forumers - pls note Mr Ringo's pathetic 3rd rate attempt to act blur and never answer any tough question- only use diversion tactic.

This says a great deal of his character.

He has never directly answered if he bought a unit a Jurong Gateway.
In fact from his refusal to answer - you will be left to draw your own conclusion.

The only conclusion I can draw from this is that as much as he talks here he has bought nothing - has no skin in the game. Hence the reason he is all fart & no shit.

talk talk talk - no action at all. Just participates in some mental masturbation of how great it would be if he actually owned a unit at JG - which he doesn't.

Feel free to correct me if my perception is wrong - maybe others on here have actually seen him confessing to purchasing a unit. All I've ever seen is him dodging the question.

13-01-14, 12:40
wow, saw the news in sunday time on JLD, what garmen has said previously years ago is slowly being realised....positive impact on areas nearby too ...and congrats especially to those who bought low who will reap the most...:cool:

all reap until 不清不楚 at the expense of JG :p

13-01-14, 12:42
You sound like a frog in.the well who doesn't even know where is jurong gateway and what sort of industry are operating out of jurong.

Insulting foreign workers will not make you rich it only make you low class. Good example of wannabe trying to act rich.

it is always better to sound like a frog n learn fm ppl's lesson den to geh kiang n behave like a hero n got yrself burnt n become a chaotar toad :47:

13-01-14, 12:48
You sound like a frog in.the well who doesn't even know where is jurong gateway and what sort of industry are operating out of jurong.

Insulting foreign workers will not make you rich it only make you low class. Good example of wannabe trying to act rich.

pot calling the kettle black, and so sayeth the sua gu kam gong who thinks a whole hell of blue fin tuna cutting and yet doesn't know what goes on in tsukiji market

13-01-14, 14:16
pot calling the kettle black, and so sayeth the sua gu kam gong who thinks a whole hell of blue fin tuna cutting and yet doesn't know what goes on in tsukiji market

sua gu? when was the last time you see a bluefin tuna being cut up by sushi chef in Singapore? And how often do such event happen in Singapore?

If you cant even answer these question then how could you justify that such events are for suaku?

And if Bluefin cutting is boring, then what about those idiot who go all the way to Japan to visit fish market?

why dont you just admit that you are just being sour of whats happening at JLD instead of talking so much jiao wei.

13-01-14, 14:20
it is always better to sound like a frog n learn fm ppl's lesson den to geh kiang n behave like a hero n got yrself burnt n become a chaotar toad :47:

take it easy of the bootlicking as I dont like to see you getting choke again.

13-01-14, 14:32
back from the weekend - and this is all I could really expect from you.

(pat you on the head - best you could manage)

To all other forumers - pls note Mr Ringo's pathetic 3rd rate attempt to act blur and never answer any tough question- only use diversion tactic.

This says a great deal of his character.

He has never directly answered if he bought a unit a Jurong Gateway.
In fact from his refusal to answer - you will be left to draw your own conclusion.

The only conclusion I can draw from this is that as much as he talks here he has bought nothing - has no skin in the game. Hence the reason he is all fart & no shit.

talk talk talk - no action at all. Just participates in some mental masturbation of how great it would be if he actually owned a unit at JG - which he doesn't.

Feel free to correct me if my perception is wrong - maybe others on here have actually seen him confessing to purchasing a unit. All I've ever seen is him dodging the question.

Appreciate if you can stop all these all forummers and ladies gentlemen bla bla, this just reminded me of another retired trolls.

Just in case you forget, the below post was made to you in Jul 2013 and till now, I have not gotten any reply.

So please stop acting blur and give us all the ALL FART NO SHIT excuses leh.

1) I am glad that you are reminding us that this is a forum about investing in property, which mean we should be focusing on property investment discussion instead of going around asking if you own J Gateway or if you could afford anything? Or even to the extent of discussion who is more senior in this forum.

2) Now you are saying you cant explain what is Best and Worst Street and giving excuses like it is a common knowledge that everyone talk about?
Sorry leh, I am have been in this forum for about a year, I have never heard about people talking about Best and Worst Street in Singapore.

Could you give some example of what is consider as the best and worst street, and how each compare to each other in terms of capital appreciation and rental yield (this is property investment discussion, refer to point (1))

3) So best street is River Valley, which mean buying even the lousiest house or apartment at RV is better than buying the best house in the worst street.

So lets take Waterford Residence for example, its located in River Valley area, and compare it with say The Centris in the far flang of Jurong. So make it easier for reader to see, I have created 2 charts here, so by look at the price moving for each chart, do you want to guess which chart belongs to the Best Street and which belongs to the Worst Street?



4) And now, please take a good look at these photos which were taken in the 60s and 70s, so please tell us if these photo looks like they are best or worst street?





13-01-14, 14:54
sua gu? when was the last time you see a bluefin tuna being cut up by sushi chef in Singapore? And how often do such event happen in Singapore?

If you cant even answer these question then how could you justify that such events are for suaku?

And if Bluefin cutting is boring, then what about those idiot who go all the way to Japan to visit fish market?

why dont you just admit that you are just being sour of whats happening at JLD instead of talking so much jiao wei.

wooohhhhh, won't admit to being a sua go, so now shift goal posts and say it's bluefin tuna cutting in SINGAPORE.

please, go have a look at tsukiji and it's offerings before you make any more statements to look stupid (oh ya, that's your instrinsic nature)

and to correct your warped thoughts, no one is rubbishing jurong or being sour - we are just whacking your arguments that stinks for the lack of reason and logic.

13-01-14, 15:31
wooohhhhh, won't admit to being a sua go, so now shift goal posts and say it's bluefin tuna cutting in SINGAPORE.

please, go have a look at tsukiji and it's offerings before you make any more statements to look stupid (oh ya, that's your instrinsic nature)

and to correct your warped thoughts, no one is rubbishing jurong or being sour - we are just whacking your arguments that stinks for the lack of reason and logic.

1) I was asking you WHEN was the last time you see a giant bluefin tuna being cut up by a sushi chef in Singapore

2) How many time do you think such events take place in Singapore?

Dont have answer to my questions right?

Just because a mountain tortoise tries to dress up like a rabbit, that doesnt mean he is one. And you are exactly like that kamgong mountain tortoise.

13-01-14, 16:31
This chart shows JG is overpriced - see how Jurong condo resale prices trend downwards to 800+ psf on average at end of Dec 2013 after an outlier in July caused by JG - https://squarefoot.com.sg/trends-and-analysis/districts/22

HDB Jurong resales are dropping below COVs...

Capitaland exiting office market in Jurong while staying fully vested in CCR office

JLD malls are cannabalizing one another

Feeling nervous?

13-01-14, 16:54
This chart shows JG is overpriced - see how Jurong condo resale prices trend downwards to 800+ psf on average at end of Dec 2013 after an outlier in July caused by JG - https://squarefoot.com.sg/trends-and-analysis/districts/22

HDB Jurong resales are dropping below COVs...

Capitaland exiting office market in Jurong while staying fully vested in CCR office

JLD malls are cannabalizing one another

Feeling nervous?

If you are smart and capable enough you would have dig deeper to find out which district 22 projects were sold during dec.

This kind of standard how to be property investor?

13-01-14, 17:08
You have been warned
The western dragon might be back to sleep
Latest Jurong average condo prices crash to 800+ psf in Q4 2013

You have been WARNED!!


13-01-14, 17:16
You have been warned
The western dragon might be back to sleep
Latest Jurong average condo prices crash to 800+ psf in Q4 2013

Very amaturish and childish. not sure what your purpose of hanging around in a forum meant for adult.


13-01-14, 17:21
Wow! Jurong so cheap! Mostly transacted below $1000 psf!
But wait a minute, why J Gateway so expensive transact at $1700 psf? :o
Do J Gateway come with luxury furnishing to command such premium? :puke:

Very amaturish and childish. not sure what your purpose of hanging around in a forum meant for adult.


13-01-14, 17:26
Wow! Jurong so cheap! Mostly transacted below $1000 psf!
But wait a minute, why J Gateway so expensive transact at $1700 psf? :o
Do J Gateway come with luxury furnishing to command such premium? :puke:

I dont see you make the same noise when CCR apartment range from 1500psf to 5000psf?

There are plenty of JTC apartment along Yuan Ching road that are nearing 40 years old. You want to compare that with J Gateway?

And transacted apartments are around 1200 to 1700psf, are you going to use this to compare to a MM apartment?

Very amateur leh.

13-01-14, 17:41
I dont see you make the same noise when CCR apartment range from 1500psf to 5000psf?

There are plenty of JTC apartment along Yuan Ching road that are nearing 40 years old. You want to compare that with J Gateway?

And transacted apartments are around 1200 to 1700psf, are you going to use this to compare to a MM apartment?

Very amateur leh.

You says before "If you beh song you can always challenge the guys over at squarefoot.com.sg on their report, and please dont talk like j gateway was drop into jurong east from heaven, and jurong is the only district in Singapore to have new launch. Ultimately the reason why price surge is driven by market demand."

You can challenge sqfoot guys on jurong prices crashes to 800+ psf
Utimately price drop must also driven by lack of demand rite?

13-01-14, 17:51
You says before "If you beh song you can always challenge the guys over at squarefoot.com.sg on their report, and please dont talk like j gateway was drop into jurong east from heaven, and jurong is the only district in Singapore to have new launch. Ultimately the reason why price surge is driven by market demand."

You can challenge sqfoot guys on jurong prices crashes to 800+ psf
Utimately price drop must also driven by lack of demand rite?

dont blame it on squarefoot.com.sg, blame is on your inability to digest information.

13-01-14, 19:53
A lot of people walk out empty handed of jem, many just go there for meal. How long the shops can sustain? Many are window shoppers.

13-01-14, 19:58
dont blame it on squarefoot.com.sg, blame is on your inability to digest information.

This is the fact from squarefoot - Jurong condo prices crash to 800+ psf in Q4 2014

JG buyers beware!

13-01-14, 20:04
A lot of people walk out empty handed of jem, many just go there for meal. How long the shops can sustain? Many are window shoppers.

Jurong has the largest concentration of foreign workers dormitories
They are discouraged to go to D8 and stay in D22
They will form the largest window shoppers soon

13-01-14, 20:38
Since you show screenshot of D22 transactions, obviously we are talking about D22.

For CCR, those priced at $1500 psf vs those $5000 psf, we can easily tell the difference which is why the $5000 psf commands a premium.

But J Gateway transacted at $1700 psf compared to say THE LAKEFRONT RESIDENCES (Estimated TOP Date 3rd Quarter 2014) which can transact at $989 psf, I really can't tell what are their differences that can result in such wide price differences!

THE LAKEFRONT RESIDENCES LAKESIDE DRIVE Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 2010 1 1,223,800 1,238 Strata 01 to 05 $989psf Nov-13

I dont see you make the same noise when CCR apartment range from 1500psf to 5000psf?

There are plenty of JTC apartment along Yuan Ching road that are nearing 40 years old. You want to compare that with J Gateway?

And transacted apartments are around 1200 to 1700psf, are you going to use this to compare to a MM apartment?

Very amateur leh.

13-01-14, 21:14
J gateway buyer beware..may be not what you expected..News release in 3rd or 4Q14.. :scared-2: