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07-10-13, 12:20
I hv given u an answer more than 1 time & u still dun get it. u made me feel very stupid to repeat the same answer again & again & again ...

I dun wan to end up like dksg liddat repeating the same old stuff machiam a faulty cassette tape recorder, hahaha ...

u believe onot ... even if I repeat myself 1 more time, u will still be chasing me around the forum, asking the same qn 4 yrs later :doh:

MERMAID, dont side track leh. Are you Tai Chi master?

After all the BIG TALK about superior Bishan and Sky Vue, and saying price of JG has already factor in ALL future potential of JLD.

Am I right to say that you are betting Sky Vue in Bishan will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield as compare to J gateway when both project TOP in about 3 to 4 years time.

Yes or No?

07-10-13, 12:35
MERMAID, dont side track leh. Are you Tai Chi master?

After all the BIG TALK about superior Bishan and Sky Vue, and saying price of JG has already factor in ALL future potential of JLD.

Am I right to say that you are betting Sky Vue in Bishan will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield as compare to J gateway when both project TOP in about 3 to 4 years time.

Yes or No?

let me share wif u a lunch time tale since u r so free & no one entertain u.

In the gungfu show tat I enjoy watching, there will always be a swordsman who practices 邪魔歪术 and ended up 走后入魔。

Due to the havoc tat he created in the 武林,a supreme master decided to 废了他的武功。Then he will go around asking ppl, seeking confirmation again & again:


When ppl reply him 你已经是个废人了。

He does not believe & roared:

07-10-13, 13:29
The premium for MM vs. bigger units is large and getting larger. This is developer way of extracting maximum value out of properties investors due to the cooling measures etc. It has never reduced and has been increasing since MM is introduced. This premium will be the first and fastest to correct in a downturn. I recall reading a US article (manhattan) that small units are very hard to sell during a downturn. During a downturn, it might be wise to pick up a couple of MMs since the premium will grow again during an upturn. I strongly believe the 7% ABSD for Singaporeans are temporary. I will wait at least for this cooling measure to be removed before investing.

AKA - never give a sucker an even break.

07-10-13, 13:49
let me share wif u a lunch time tale since u r so free & no one entertain u.

In the gungfu show tat I enjoy watching, there will always be a swordsman who practices 邪魔歪术 and ended up 走后入魔。

Due to the havoc tat he created in the 武林,a supreme master decided to 废了他的武功。Then he will go around asking ppl, seeking confirmation again & again:


When ppl reply him 你已经是个废人了。

He does not believe & roared:

ERMAID, dont side track leh. Are you Tai Chi master?

After all the BIG TALK about superior Bishan and Sky Vue, and saying price of JG has already factor in ALL future potential of JLD.

Am I right to say that you are betting Sky Vue in Bishan will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield as compare to J gateway when both project TOP in about 3 to 4 years time.

Yes or No?

07-10-13, 14:47
I hv given u an answer more than 1 time & u still dun get it. u made me feel very stupid to repeat the same answer again & again & again ...

I dun wan to end up like dksg liddat repeating the same old stuff machiam a faulty cassette tape recorder, hahaha ...

u believe onot ... even if I repeat myself 1 more time, u will still be chasing me around the forum, asking the same qn 4 yrs later :doh:

Wei! You ask me to explain again one hor!
Hahaaa! Hahaaa!

Makes Office Boy sound very de old.

From now on, ignore all questions from people who bought ... $1,6xx, $1,7xx ... etc ...

We just talk amongst ourselves.

Hahaaa !


07-10-13, 14:54
Wei! You ask me to explain again one hor!
Hahaaa! Hahaaa!

Makes Office Boy sound very de old.

From now on, ignore all questions from people who bought ... $1,6xx, $1,7xx ... etc ...

We just talk amongst ourselves.

Hahaaa !


mayb u r not uncle I dunno la. but yr writing style sounds like someone who is in yr late 40 at least, or perhaps alrdy 50ish liao :scared-4:

07-10-13, 14:55
The premium for MM vs. bigger units is large and getting larger. This is developer way of extracting maximum value out of properties investors due to the cooling measures etc. It has never reduced and has been increasing since MM is introduced. This premium will be the first and fastest to correct in a downturn. I recall reading a US article (manhattan) that small units are very hard to sell during a downturn. During a downturn, it might be wise to pick up a couple of MMs since the premium will grow again during an upturn. I strongly believe the 7% ABSD for Singaporeans are temporary. I will wait at least for this cooling measure to be removed before investing.

I believe we may have randomly met in some showflats.
What you say shows that you understand this outrageous Rip-People-Off, Rob-The-Poor premium very well.

Trust me, when its time to sell the MMs, prices people willing to pay will fall back to the normal range.

Just because one unit is 488 sqft and the other is 988 sqft, and both side by side, you cannot expect the 488sqft resale buyer to pay $1,6xx psf when his neighbor 988 sqft paid only $1,3xx psf.

This can only happen in primary launch because buyers are price takers. And developers try to rip these eager investors off - right into their bones!


07-10-13, 14:56
mayb u r not uncle I dunno la. but yr writing style sounds like someone who is in yr late 40 at least, or perhaps alrdy 50ish liao :scared-4:

Sh#*t! I must really spend sometime to improve my image!

I not that old leh! Just that I started property investment at quite young age --> in my 20s...


07-10-13, 15:03
mayb u r not uncle I dunno la. but yr writing style sounds like someone who is in yr late 40 at least, or perhaps alrdy 50ish liao :scared-4:

Focus, dont side track into small talks. This is about Jurong property isnt it?

Bishan superior right? Then why not say YES? Why go into hiding?


07-10-13, 15:08
Sh#*t! I must really spend sometime to improve my image!

I not that old leh! Just that I started property investment at quite young age --> in my 20s...


The training you give to Mermaid is very weak leh. When I ask him about if SV or JG more superior, he choke and couldn't answer my question and even sound like he was weeping or something.

Next time, better teach them properly or else your SiFu BJ21 will be very disappointed with you and your trolls.

07-10-13, 15:23
It is not my intention to try to convince u tat JLD prices muz be the same wif other OCR prices.

I am saying ... J gateway prices is very high cos it has alrdy factored in all the potential of JLD.

since you say J Gateway prices already factored in ALL the potential of JLD, so are you saying that Sky Vue will have better potential for capital appreciation and rental yield upon TOP?

07-10-13, 15:29
Need to for certain target audience. :D

I tot tis logic is very idiot proof ... still nid to explain in such elaboration meh? :doh:

07-10-13, 15:35
Need to for certain target audience. :D

Rental is a function of price. For sure SV will command higher capital gain vs J Gateway based on purchase of $13xx psf and $16xx psf! :p

please give Mermaid a break lah. you still want to make fun of him with this kind of childish joke.

Anyway, while you are at it, are you certain the Sky Vue will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield when both project TOP in 3 to 4 years time.

Dont need to give IF this IF that sorry. Just Yes or No.

07-10-13, 15:35
Need to for certain target audience. :D

den u better be mentally prepared to hv the patience to conduct re-education cos some of yr audience may hv short memory, or worse still, "jin ar lee" :D

07-10-13, 15:38
Dont understand why people cannot understand that others dont want to talk to them anymore anymore anymore!

Dont understand why people ask others why others dont want to talk to them anymore anymore anymore!


07-10-13, 15:39
den u better be mentally prepared to hv the patience to conduct re-education cos some of yr audience may hv short memory, or worse still, "jin ar lee" :D

Poor fellow got to degenerate into small talks and side show. What happen to all that BIG INVESTOR TALK about mighty Bishan and Sky Vue?

DKSG, no comment??

07-10-13, 15:46
Latest transaction for 5-room bishan hdb is $8xxk n highest recent transaction for jurong east is only $6xxk for similar sized unit. The gap between hdb n condo is not as huge as jgateway n surrounding hdb. Higher hdb prices in bishan opens the possibility of hdb upgraders gaining entry into the pc mkt in bishan , but if u look at jgateway pricing n the way hdb prices are moving in that area , just think to yourself how many hdb upgraders there will pay a million bucks for your tiny little space that they can hardly call a home, n to think that it is not even classified as luxury :doh:

since you say J Gateway prices already factored in ALL the potential of JLD, so are you saying that Sky Vue will have better potential for capital appreciation and rental yield upon TOP?

07-10-13, 15:46
Dont understand why people cannot understand that others dont want to talk to them anymore anymore anymore!

Dont understand why people ask others why others dont want to talk to them anymore anymore anymore!


What happen to all that BIG TALK about superior bishan and sky vue?

Suddenly not so superior anymore? :D

I cant believe that by asking one simple question everything about bishan fall like a deck of cards.


07-10-13, 15:48
Need to for certain target audience. :D

We can explain and explain also useless.

Must use real life examples like :

OH MY GOD! Freehold Kovan Hougang MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf, same price or slight lower than Jurong MM !

What is happening ?! Check out the newest caveats lodged for Tembusu !

FH Kovan Hougang MM selling for same price as LH99 Jurong MM !

Only through such examples over and over again that people can realize the meaning of value!

Then there will be the usual question whether Kovan/Hougang is a superior location compared to Jurong. Then another question will be FH is not worth much more than LH99.


07-10-13, 15:50
lol ... now den I realise there r more than 1 spoilt tape cassette recorder in tis thread!
wahahahaha :D

07-10-13, 15:51
Latest transaction for 5-room bishan hdb is $8xxk n highest recent transaction for jurong east is only $6xxk. The gap between hdb n condo is not as huge as jgateway n surrounding hdb. Higher hdb prices in bishan opens the possibility of hdb upgraders gaining entry into the pc mkt in bishan , but if u look at jgateway pricing n the way hdb prices are moving in that area , just think to yourself how many hdb upgraders there will pay a million bucks for your tiny little space that they can hardly call a home, n to think that it is not even classified as luxury :doh:

Do you actually think you have the ability to think logically and factually without degenerating into some kind of all stars freak show?

I was just asking you, when when did Orchard started selling at $3000psf, which project, what unit size, and when was the last time Jurong PC new launch was at $500-600psf and what project and what average unit size.

Please dont bite more than you can chew. one step at a time.

07-10-13, 15:52
We can explain and explain also useless.

Must use real life examples like :

OH MY GOD! Freehold Kovan Hougang MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf, same price or slight lower than Jurong MM !

What is happening ?! Check out the newest caveats lodged for Tembusu !

FH Kovan Hougang MM selling for same price as LH99 Jurong MM !

Only through such examples over and over again that people can realize the meaning of value!

Then there will be the usual question whether Kovan/Hougang is a superior location compared to Jurong. Then another question will be FH is not worth much more than LH99.


Some one was asking you, there are some project in RV selling at $15xxpsf, do you still think that Sky Vue at the same price is good value? Now Kovan same price as RV also good buy.

Very confusing leh. Sound like prata man is flip flopping all the time.

07-10-13, 15:58
Actually any future developer just need to market with a big caption:

"Good buy! Near city centre yet cheaper than jurong!" :D

We can explain and explain also useless.

Must use real life examples like :

OH MY GOD! Freehold Kovan Hougang MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf, same price or slight lower than Jurong MM !

What is happening ?! Check out the newest caveats lodged for Tembusu !

FH Kovan Hougang MM selling for same price as LH99 Jurong MM !

Only through such examples over and over again that people can realize the meaning of value!

Then there will be the usual question whether Kovan/Hougang is a superior location compared to Jurong. Then another question will be FH is not worth much more than LH99.


07-10-13, 16:03
I believe we may have randomly met in some showflats.
What you say shows that you understand this outrageous Rip-People-Off, Rob-The-Poor premium very well.

Trust me, when its time to sell the MMs, prices people willing to pay will fall back to the normal range.

Just because one unit is 488 sqft and the other is 988 sqft, and both side by side, you cannot expect the 488sqft resale buyer to pay $1,6xx psf when his neighbor 988 sqft paid only $1,3xx psf.

This can only happen in primary launch because buyers are price takers. And developers try to rip these eager investors off - right into their bones!


Agreed. Low quantum is not a sustainable reason for higher psf per se. Especially, during resale. Also, there are more 1BR than 3BR units for such projects. Normally, we pay premium for rare units, not the other way round. I respect the market forces for today MM's premium pricing. It does seems too large for me now. Perhaps, the market is right. More observation required.

07-10-13, 16:07
Can you explain why jurong east 5rm hdb selling more than $200k cheaper than Bishan if jurong properties in your eyes are great investment n sitting in the "largest cbd outside city centre"? :D

Do you actually think you have the ability to think logically and factually without degenerating into some kind of all stars freak show?

I was just asking you, when when did Orchard started selling at $3000psf, which project, what unit size, and when was the last time Jurong PC new launch was at $500-600psf and what project and what average unit size.

Please dont bite more than you can chew. one step at a time.

07-10-13, 16:09
Agreed. Low quantum is not a sustainable reason for higher psf per se. Especially, during resale. Also, there are more 1BR than 3BR units for such projects. Normally, we pay premium for rare units, not the other way round. I respect the market forces for today MM's premium pricing. It does seems too large for me now. Perhaps, the market is right. More observation required.

most projects wun hv more 1 bedders den 3 bedders, no?

& I tot there is some restriction as to the number of 1 bedders in a proj?

but low quantum oso means tat a potential buyer hv the ability to stomach a higher psf, esp when there is lack of supply.

07-10-13, 16:10
Some one was asking you, there are some project in RV selling at $15xxpsf, do you still think that Sky Vue at the same price is good value? Now Kovan same price as RV also good buy.

Very confusing leh. Sound like prata man is flip flopping all the time.

let me put the same question back to you since i was the one who pointed out about the RV projects,

do you think that a LH J Gateway at the same psf is good value as compared to a FH RV project?

till now, you have not stepped up to debate about this. and please, don't try throwing smokescreens to deflect the topic again (and again and again and again......)

07-10-13, 16:27
let me put the same question back to you since i was the one who pointed out about the RV projects,

do you think that a LH J Gateway at the same psf is good value as compared to a FH RV project?

till now, you have not stepped up to debate about this. and please, don't try throwing smokescreens to deflect the topic again (and again and again and again......)

Mr Eng, are you the one who mention about a new project in RV selling their MM for $1,5xx psf ?
If so, can you point to us which one ?
Gosh! It's time to buy if there is a new MM in RV selling for $1,5xx psf !

RV and Bishan same price !! That will mean Bishan is overpriced at $1,5xx psf if now RV MM is selling for $1,5xx.

BUT BUT BUT ---> The truth is, there is no new launch in RV where MM sells for $1,5xx psf. We know launches very well.

All we know now is : OMG! Kovan/Hougang FH MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf ! Same price as Jurong MM !



07-10-13, 16:28
let me put the same question back to you since i was the one who pointed out about the RV projects,

do you think that a LH J Gateway at the same psf is good value as compared to a FH RV project?

till now, you have not stepped up to debate about this. and please, don't try throwing smokescreens to deflect the topic again (and again and again and again......)

Are you the one who say gospel might not be true?

If so, dont waste my time, just read my signature.

07-10-13, 16:28
Can you explain why jurong east 5rm hdb selling more than $200k cheaper than Bishan if jurong properties in your eyes are great investment n sitting in the "largest cbd outside city centre"? :D

Is it because Bishan is of a superior location compared with Jurong ?


07-10-13, 16:30
Mr Eng, are you the one who mention about a new project in RV selling their MM for $1,5xx psf ?
If so, can you point to us which one ?
Gosh! It's time to buy if there is a new MM in RV selling for $1,5xx psf !

RV and Bishan same price !! That will mean Bishan is overpriced at $1,5xx psf if now RV MM is selling for $1,5xx.

BUT BUT BUT ---> The truth is, there is no new launch in RV where MM sells for $1,5xx psf. We know launches very well.

All we know now is : OMG! Kovan/Hougang FH MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf ! Same price as Jurong MM !



Bishan $1500-1600psf good buy, Kovan $1500 also good buy.

So if RV $14xxpsf, how can Bishan and Kovan be good buy right?

As you said, CCR property is superior right?

Flip flop king in action again. :doh:

07-10-13, 16:32
most projects wun hv more 1 bedders den 3 bedders, no?

& I tot there is some restriction as to the number of 1 bedders in a proj?

but low quantum oso means tat a potential buyer hv the ability to stomach a higher psf, esp when there is lack of supply.

OCR condos have a restriction of average size of 70sqm per unit. So, a developer can have as many 1BR/2BR as long as the average size constraint is met.

07-10-13, 16:33
OCR condos have a restriction of average size of 70sqm per unit. So, a developer can have as many 1BR/2BR as long as the average size constraint is met.

all regions except Central Area within the CCR is not restricted.

en bloc potential will be the highest within CA.

07-10-13, 16:38
If similar sized bishan hdb can cost $200k+ more, then you must be correct

Is it because Bishan is of a superior location compared with Jurong ?


07-10-13, 16:53
Are you the one who say gospel might not be true?

If so, dont waste my time, just read my signature.

eh kam gong, go read my replies. till now, you're still asking 1+1 = ?, despite me giving you all the answers.

telling you the last time - reminding yourself that you're an idiot won't make you smarter

07-10-13, 16:56
Mr Eng, are you the one who mention about a new project in RV selling their MM for $1,5xx psf ?
If so, can you point to us which one ?
Gosh! It's time to buy if there is a new MM in RV selling for $1,5xx psf !

RV and Bishan same price !! That will mean Bishan is overpriced at $1,5xx psf if now RV MM is selling for $1,5xx.

BUT BUT BUT ---> The truth is, there is no new launch in RV where MM sells for $1,5xx psf. We know launches very well.

All we know now is : OMG! Kovan/Hougang FH MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf ! Same price as Jurong MM !



i'm not going to debate about value in each precinct, but here's the info from URA. let the data speak for itself

CCRFreehold1,0121,384Apr-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold8401,394Dec-12NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold1,2381,408May-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold5921,495Mar-12

07-10-13, 16:59
If similar sized bishan hdb can cost $200k+ more, then you must be correct

The new information now is Kovan/Hougang FH MM is selling at $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf - same price as Jurong MM !

If someone cannot understand that if RV MM now selling for $1,5xx psf (though at this moment there is no such thing ---> all cooked up stories to confuse readers - I say again - currently NO SUCH new launch MM in RV selling for $1,5xx) then of course those who paid $1,5xx psf for Bishan MM and those who paid $1,5xx psf for Kovan/Hougang MM overpaid! But if that is the case, imagine those who paid $1,6xx-$1,7xx for Jurong MM, what can they do ? Post Jurong Incinerator Plans and Jurong Island Heavy Industries Plan here over and over again ?

Tough! No one could have imagined just a few weeks ago when they paid $1,6xx psf for a Jurong MM that a few weeks later, with the same amount, they could have bought a FH FH FH FH FH Koven/Hougang MM !


07-10-13, 17:02
i'm not going to debate about value in each precinct, but here's the info from URA. let the data speak for itself

CCRFreehold1,0121,384Apr-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold8401,394Dec-12NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold1,2381,408May-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold5921,495Mar-12

sorry but i am not sure how the presentation of the data turned out to be koyak


the psf range is between $1380+ to $1500, for a limited number of transactions happening between Mar 2012 to Apr 2013.

07-10-13, 17:03
there is a diff between ppl cannot understand vs ppl cannot accept.

if cannot accept, dun bother to ask anymore, cos it wouldn't change the fact.

07-10-13, 17:03
The new information now is Kovan/Hougang FH MM is selling at $1,5xx-$1,6xx psf - same price as Jurong MM !

If someone cannot understand that if RV MM now selling for $1,5xx psf (though at this moment there is no such thing ---> all cooked up stories to confuse readers - I say again - currently NO SUCH new launch MM in RV selling for $1,5xx) then of course those who paid $1,5xx psf for Bishan MM and those who paid $1,5xx psf for Kovan/Hougang MM overpaid! But if that is the case, imagine those who paid $1,6xx-$1,7xx for Jurong MM, what can they do ? Post Jurong Incinerator Plans and Jurong Island Heavy Industries Plan here over and over again ?

Tough! No one could have imagined just a few weeks ago when they paid $1,6xx psf for a Jurong MM that a few weeks later, with the same amount, they could have bought a FH FH FH FH FH Koven/Hougang MM !


i concur - there is no new MM launch in D9/10 @ $1500psf. my case to Ringo the Kam gong is, which has better value - LH Jurong at $1700psf vs FH RV at $1500psf?

07-10-13, 17:08
i concur - there is no new MM launch in D9/10 @ $1500psf. my case to Ringo the Kam gong is, which has better value - LH Jurong at $1700psf vs FH RV at $1500psf?

actually things r not as bad la, cos only a small handful of JG owners paid $1600/$1700psf.

07-10-13, 17:10
i'm not going to debate about value in each precinct, but here's the info from URA. let the data speak for itself

CCRFreehold1,0121,384Apr-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold8401,394Dec-12NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold1,2381,408May-13NATHAN RESIDENCESCCRFreehold5921,495Mar-12

There are some intracacies in the caveats lodging process.

You may want to consider checking out with your lawyer next time about this. The $1,3xx psf unit is probably transacted sometimes back.

Nathan Residences was launch several years ago.

Thats a problem with near/just TOP projects, some caveats lodge shows purchase prices at point of purchase some times back.

PS : But I maybe wrong, please feel free to correct me.

07-10-13, 17:12
There are some intracacies in the caveats lodging process.

You may want to consider checking out with your lawyer next time about this. The $1,3xx psf unit is probably transacted sometimes back.

Nathan Residences was launch several years ago.

Thats a problem with near/just TOP projects, some caveats lodge shows purchase prices at point of purchase some times back.

PS : But I maybe wrong, please feel free to correct me.

well, the psf (during launch) was ranging between 1100-1200. i registered interest, got my cheque ready, went down early on launch day and every unit, except some PHs, was snapped up by VVIPs on priority list.

and i hantam-ed the agent for making me waste a trip.

07-10-13, 17:15
If bishan is overpriced at $1500psf coz RV is $1400psf, then jgateway should be $1000psf or lower liao. Do u get the drift of what people r saying? No wonder they call u KG. :doh:
Bishan $1500-1600psf good buy, Kovan $1500 also good buy.

So if RV $14xxpsf, how can Bishan and Kovan be good buy right?

As you said, CCR property is superior right?

Flip flop king in action again. :doh:

07-10-13, 17:31
If bishan is overpriced at $1500psf coz RV is $1400psf, then jgateway should be $1000psf or lower liao. Do u get the drift of what people r saying? No wonder they call u KG. :doh:

I would like to make a point for you to consider.
Based on the above, Jurong is supposed to be $780, not $1,000.


07-10-13, 18:20
Mermaid summoned me ! I am here !

I have given up hope educating people who cannot understand the following :
Bishan/Thomson selling at $1,4xx-$1,5xx, those who paid $1,6xx-$1,7xx for Jurong MM overpaid BIG TIME!

One of the favorite argument is also big units vs small units. In any normal development, big small units price variances typically DO NOT exceed 15%. But for some Jurong MM, developers whack the MM buyers BIG TIME!

People should go more showflats (I always persuade serious investors to go showflat and learn). Check out all the pricelist of SV, Thomson Three, One Balmoral, and whatever launching now la, QBay, SkyWoods, etc etc. Understand the pricing between 5th floor 1,2,3 BR and see the price variances. Understand floor premium and how developer price per floor. I better say exclude ground floor and penthouses, their pricing got other formula which I dont feel like sharing here with one or two ungrateful people... other readers keen to know can PM me. I very willing to share.

Per floor pricing can only be different if say in East Coast, Meyerise, or Aalto, say above 12th floor then got decent seaview, etc.

Ceteris Peribus, 4 years later, price increase in Bishan will be much better than the Jurong MM at $1,6xx-$17xx. Reason ? Because people buy cheaper la! Why people buy cheaper ?

Then back to the basic property investment principle which that one or two person cannot understand lor! That Newton is more expensive than Novena than Balestier. Jurong will be cheaper than Clementi, than Bouna Vista, then Queenstown, than Redhill.

Ok la! Enough of FOC education for those who visit too few showflats.


Is SV really cheaper? I was at the SV showroom and the lowest quantum MM still available now is on the 26th floor and around $17xx psf. Based on URA caveats for J-gateway, those MM sold between 26-30 Floor also around $17xx. Since MM mostly for investment, and hypothetically assuming there is a 26th floor MM unit available at JG now at $17xx also and only just between JG and SV, which is a better buy for investment?

07-10-13, 18:49
Some ppl just don't get it...they will go from thread to thread and say how this Jgateway is over priced and throw rubbish on it...it is ok, I'm not vested, just that we should not confuse ppl with biased opinion...:)

Now this thread become gang fight with nonsense....I'm out of here. ;)

Is SV really cheaper? I was at the SV showroom and the lowest quantum MM still available now is on the 26th floor and around $17xx psf. Based on URA caveats for J-gateway, those MM sold between 26-30 Floor also around $17xx. Since MM mostly for investment, and hypothetically assuming there is a 26th floor MM unit available at JG now at $17xx also and only just between JG and SV, which is a better buy for investment?

07-10-13, 19:45
Is SV really cheaper? I was at the SV showroom and the lowest quantum MM still available now is on the 26th floor and around $17xx psf. Based on URA caveats for J-gateway, those MM sold between 26-30 Floor also around $17xx. Since MM mostly for investment, and hypothetically assuming there is a 26th floor MM unit available at JG now at $17xx also and only just between JG and SV, which is a better buy for investment?

if u ask me, I will choose neither. There r better value projects around.

07-10-13, 20:28
Yawn while stretch out both of my arms!

Who let the dogs out? barking non stop! :doh:

please give Mermaid a break lah. you still want to make fun of him with this kind of childish joke.

Anyway, while you are at it, are you certain the Sky Vue will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield when both project TOP in 3 to 4 years time.

Dont need to give IF this IF that sorry. Just Yes or No.

07-10-13, 20:33
Nah man!

Simply not interested to do charity work for some folks here :puke2:

den u better be mentally prepared to hv the patience to conduct re-education cos some of yr audience may hv short memory, or worse still, "jin ar lee" :D

07-10-13, 21:25
Is SV really cheaper? I was at the SV showroom and the lowest quantum MM still available now is on the 26th floor and around $17xx psf. Based on URA caveats for J-gateway, those MM sold between 26-30 Floor also around $17xx. Since MM mostly for investment, and hypothetically assuming there is a 26th floor MM unit available at JG now at $17xx also and only just between JG and SV, which is a better buy for investment?

You went late already.


07-10-13, 21:57
if u ask me, I will choose neither. There r better value projects around.

You went late already.


Meaning $17xx is also a bad buy for SV?

07-10-13, 22:27
I would like to make a point for you to consider.
Based on the above, Jurong is supposed to be $780, not $1,000.


Bishan supposed to be worth less than $100 as in the past it is a cemetery. U also said supposed,mean that was the past.humans can change the past and present.dumb.:doh:

07-10-13, 22:29
Can you explain why jurong east 5rm hdb selling more than $200k cheaper than Bishan if jurong properties in your eyes are great investment n sitting in the "largest cbd outside city centre"? :D

hdb is hdb,cannot compared with condo.than why chinatown hdb is so cheap,cheaper to Bishan,but the condo near there are much more expensive than Bishan.r u a ret*ard with iq below 60?

07-10-13, 22:40
If u read properly, I was not comparing condo to hdb.

hdb is hdb,cannot compared with condo.than why chinatown hdb is so cheap,cheaper to Bishan,but the condo near there are much more expensive than Bishan.r u a ret*ard with iq below 60?

07-10-13, 22:44
Meaning $17xx is also a bad buy for SV?

no point paying so much.
not as if yr potential tenants r willing to pay a few hundreds $ more each mth for the super high flr.

07-10-13, 22:44
You don't know cemetary place are usually place with great fengshui? :p
In this respect, Bishan sure better than Jurong because the latter is an industrial waste land for dumping all heavy industry wastes (can't have great fengshui in this respect)... :eek:

Bishan supposed to be worth less than $100 as in the past it is a cemetery. U also said supposed,mean that was the past.humans can change the past and present.dumb.:doh:

07-10-13, 22:57
You don't know cemetary place are usually place with great fengshui? :p
In this respect, Bishan sure better than Jurong because the latter is an industrial waste land for dumping all heavy industry wastes (can't have great fengshui in this respect)... :eek:

I second tis!
Juz look at Tamp! Lousy loc but hdb prices slightly lower den AMK/TPY nia.
Now the cheap proj wif gd fengshui fm cemetery is left wif thomson 3 & bartley ridge liao ...

07-10-13, 23:13
Meaning $17xx is also a bad buy for SV?

Dont ask such questions while the project is still selling.

Just ask yourself if Jurong MM high floor sold for $1,7xx, for same price buy a Bishan MM, worth buying ?

Of course, I did caution earlier not to anyhow use benchmark. Hahaaa!

Again, we are not here to educate people. Just exchange ideas with worthy forumers.


07-10-13, 23:38
You don't know cemetary place are usually place with great fengshui? :p
In this respect, Bishan sure better than Jurong because the latter is an industrial waste land for dumping all heavy industry wastes (can't have great fengshui in this respect)... :eek:

You this kind of people is self center,what ever you think,you think it is always correct.Lots of factories there are not equal to industrial dumping land.:banghead::banghead:

08-10-13, 00:33
Bishan supposed to be worth less than $100 as in the past it is a cemetery. U also said supposed,mean that was the past.humans can change the past and present.dumb.:doh:

No matter what change, present or past.
Nothing can change the fact that :

Jurong MM sold for $1,6xxx-$1,7xx a few weeks back, THEN!
Bishan/Thomson MM now selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx !
Kovan/Hougang FH MM also selling for $1,6xx !!!

Kovan/Hougang/Bishan/Thomson all are better locations!
In property investment, what matters most is LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!

But another thing that matter even more is PRICE PRICE PRICE!

Watch this space for more locations selling at the same or lower prices coming up real soon!

Akan Datang!

PS : Some people use another name, think others dont know.

08-10-13, 02:24
No matter what change, present or past.
Nothing can change the fact that :

Jurong MM sold for $1,6xxx-$1,7xx a few weeks back, THEN!
Bishan/Thomson MM now selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx !
Kovan/Hougang FH MM also selling for $1,6xx !!!

Kovan/Hougang/Bishan/Thomson all are better locations!
In property investment, what matters most is LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!

But another thing that matter even more is PRICE PRICE PRICE!

Watch this space for more locations selling at the same or lower prices coming up real soon!

Akan Datang!

PS : Some people use another name, think others dont know.

really tired of listening to all your stories, so lets cut the long story short. After all that big talking can we say that you are expecting SV to achieve higher capital appreciation and rental yield when both JG and SV TOP in 3 years time?

Just give us a Yes or No.

08-10-13, 02:36
Meaning $17xx is also a bad buy for SV?'

stop listening to all that BS from DKSG lah.

In July 2013 after the JG launch, he claim that Jurong PC owners are going to take profit and "upgrade" to property closer to city as a result property price from Jurong to Orchard will rise.

Fast forward 3 months, SV was launch 10-15% LOWER than Sky Habitat, and URA Q3 (Jul to Sep) estimate reflect a decline in CCR and RCR prices.

And now he still got the cheek to say that $1600 bishan good buy. Kovan $1500 also good buy. Dont he know that FH RV condo are also selling at $14xxpsf.

Isnt it obvious that snake oil seller will always say that his snake is the more venomous and his medicine is the most effective.

Anyway, dont waste time reading what he has to say because what he say is meant to feed the headless troll who will agree and choke on what he says.

Dont believe ask his bootlicking Mermaid loh. Talk so much about how great is Bishan and Sky Vue, when ask as simple question if he is committed that SV will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield than J Gateway upon TOP, he started degenerate into cheap talking and act blur.

As an investors? LOL??

08-10-13, 10:13
Dont ask such questions while the project is still selling.

Just ask yourself if Jurong MM high floor sold for $1,7xx, for same price buy a Bishan MM, worth buying ?

Of course, I did caution earlier not to anyhow use benchmark. Hahaaa!

Again, we are not here to educate people. Just exchange ideas with worthy forumers.


From the sound of it, and the fact that the SV unit is still unsold, it seems $17xx for high floor SV MM is overpaying too. But no doubt someone will eventually buy up this unit also. In this case, isn't the one who bought JG MM at $14xx (low floor) better off than the one who bought SV at $17xx (high floor)? If so, aren't we just talking about what psf and quantum is still good for investment in general, rather than jurong bad and bishan good or vice versa?

08-10-13, 10:44
In this case, isn't the one who bought JG MM at $14xx (low floor) better off than the one who bought SV at $17xx (high floor)?

u r totally correct. price is still the main factor to conclude if a particular loc is overpriced onot.

If so, aren't we just talking about what psf and quantum is still good for investment in general, rather than jurong bad and bishan good or vice versa?

note tat the debate in tis thread is targeted at the minority of JG buyers who paid $1600/17xxpsf only.

the comment "Bishan is better den Jurong" applies to situation whereby both r selling at similar pricing.

08-10-13, 11:31
u r totally correct. price is still the main factor to conclude if a particular loc is overpriced onot.

note tat the debate in tis thread is targeted at the minority of JG buyers who paid $1600/17xxpsf only.

the comment "Bishan is better den Jurong" applies to situation whereby both r selling at similar pricing.

there is no debate here. just plain big talk by trolls trying to talk down Jurong region property.

Or else you would have confidently said that I MERMAID is confident that SV will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield when both project TOP in 3 years time because Bishan is a superior location as compare to Jurong Lake District AND price of J Gateway has already priced in ALL future potential of JLD development.

08-10-13, 12:43
with this statement you have made...I think you really have interpretation problem. He read it correctly but just that you have misread his statement...:doh:

If u read properly, I was not comparing condo to hdb.

08-10-13, 12:45
there is no debate here. just plain big talk by trolls trying to talk down Jurong region property.

Or else you would have confidently said that I MERMAID is confident that SV will achieve higher capital gain and rental yield when both project TOP in 3 years time because Bishan is a superior location as compare to Jurong Lake District AND price of J Gateway has already priced in ALL future potential of JLD development.

But according to someone below, new launches are going to have REAL fire sales in 2016.

So, 3 years time in 2016, what's going to happen to J Gateway?

New launches might not be affected for NOW, but the tsunami will come in 3 years time when the full loans kicks in. Perhaps that will be the best time to pick up real firesale? in 2016?

08-10-13, 12:54
there is no debate here. just plain big talk by trolls trying to talk down Jurong region property.

so today u defended Jurong becos u r vested. Wat gd thing will u comment abt Jurong when u managed to get rid of yr expensive investment one day?

08-10-13, 13:05
so today u defended Jurong becos u r vested. Wat gd thing will u comment abt Jurong when u managed to get rid of yr expensive investment one day?

If you want to reply my post, you should at least reply my question about how confident you are that Sky Vue will have better capital gain and rental yield potential over J-Gateway

And your objective in this thread should be debating about the growth potential of Jurong Lake Distict, not going around like a busybody asking if you are vested here or there or how much you are pay for it etc etc.

Honestly if you have nothing constructive to add to this thread, you should just keep quiet or start a thread to talk about other potential district which you think have good potential. I am sure "investor" like you should know more than just Jurong Lake District.

08-10-13, 13:14
If you want to reply my post, you should at least reply my question about how confident you are that Sky Vue will have better capital gain and rental yield potential over J-Gateway

And your objective in this thread should be debating about the growth potential of Jurong Lake Distict, not going around like a busybody asking if you are vested here or there or how much you are pay for it etc etc.

Honestly if you have nothing constructive to add to this thread, you should just keep quiet or start a thread to talk about other potential district which you think have good potential. I am sure "investor" like you should know more than just Jurong Lake District.

spend a few minutes reading through yr post b4 submitting. dun let others hv a chance to cast doubts on yr wisdom. :2cents:

08-10-13, 13:23
spend a few minutes reading through yr post b4 submitting. dun let others hv a chance to cast doubts on yr wisdom. :2cents:

you should focus on the subject of this thread, not about my wisdom or your wisdom.

If you think SV has got better potential, then tell us so. dont need to keeo running around the bush every time I ask you that question.

08-10-13, 13:27
you should focus on the subject of this thread, not about my wisdom or your wisdom.

If you think SV has got better potential, then tell us so. dont need to keeo running around the bush every time I ask you that question.

why would anyone of sound mind seeks to reaffirm his stand over & over again to someone who lacks the basic intellectual level to comprehend?

08-10-13, 14:07
why would anyone of sound mind seeks to reaffirm his stand over & over again to someone who lacks the basic intellectual level to comprehend?

This is disclose trolls hidden agenda in this thread.

So after talking so much about Sky Vue, you are still not sure if it is a good investment?

08-10-13, 14:08
From the sound of it, and the fact that the SV unit is still unsold, it seems $17xx for high floor SV MM is overpaying too. But no doubt someone will eventually buy up this unit also. In this case, isn't the one who bought JG MM at $14xx (low floor) better off than the one who bought SV at $17xx (high floor)? If so, aren't we just talking about what psf and quantum is still good for investment in general, rather than jurong bad and bishan good or vice versa?

Aaarggghhh ! Just lost my reply to your post.
So I will summarise here rather than retype.

This is a multi tiered question.

MOST important point is :

If 20th floor Jurong MM sells for $1,6xx and 20th floor Bishan MM sells for $16xx, which you think represents a better price ?

Other points you may want to consider :

Point 1) - Floor premium and Developer pricing strategy. Check out other CapLand PCs like D'Leedon and Interlace (I think, coz its many years and many showflats ago), they use the same strategy. SO comparing between different development using the same theory that floor premium is the same is sometimes inaccurate.
Pt2 - showflat experience. Always have some reference floors in mind, Office Boy use 20th floor as reference. So that when you move from showflat to showflat, you have a good comparison in mind. You wont be comparing Jurong 5th floor with Bishan 25th floor and confuse yourself.

Some developers have a view of the market and is willing to take the risk and time the market (eg RV Suites by Allgreen), some will see off a certain percentage then keep the rest to time the market (eg Aalto). So you must more or less understand the developer's pricing strategy and see how we can profit from it.

Last time, we all know developers are very keen to sell the first 10-25% cheap, and once done, they will move the price up. Partly coz they need the seed capital to start building. Examples of these are Soilbuild (last time before they delist and relist again this year). Office Boy bought before those they move price up 5% the next week kind, coz they already hit the quantum they want and want to use the rest of the units to squeeze the market.

But now, pricing strategies changed, developers now are more eager to squeeze every ounce of blood out of buyers, thus they can price it such that floor premiums differ significantly! Last time such things wont fly.

Ok la! Enough said about pricing, wait people say Office Boy trying to act smart, not qualified to talk about pricing.

Remember the 4 pillars of property investment : Buy (which includes pricing), Hold (rental), Finance, Selling (which includes sell side pricing) ! Do well in these and you will certainly succeed !

A simple Office Boy

08-10-13, 14:10
why would anyone of sound mind seeks to reaffirm his stand over & over again to someone who lacks the basic intellectual level to comprehend?

Quite strange people still stuck in the SV discussion.
We are now looking back and checking out Kovan/Hougnag FREEHOLD MM inTembusu at $1,5xx vs 99LH Jurong MM at $1,6xx !

Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD MM same price as Jurong 99LH MM !!!


08-10-13, 14:13
so today u defended Jurong becos u r vested. Wat gd thing will u comment abt Jurong when u managed to get rid of yr expensive investment one day?

If some day, people manage to sell the Jurong MM for $1,800, and sigh a relief, then all our posts in the last few days/weeks will resurface and reposted to say how Jurong is surrounded by more and more refineries, Major Incinerator, air is polluted, etc.

Vested people talk like that.


08-10-13, 14:18
If some day, people manage to sell the Jurong MM for $1,800, and sigh a relief, then all our posts in the last few days/weeks will resurface and reposted to say how Jurong is surrounded by more and more refineries, Major Incinerator, air is polluted, etc.

Vested people talk like that.


in order to sell at $1800psf, one definitely nid to buy below $1600psf to earn a decent profit wor!

08-10-13, 14:21
Quite strange people still stuck in the SV discussion.
We are now looking back and checking out Kovan/Hougnag FREEHOLD MM inTembusu at $1,5xx vs 99LH Jurong MM at $1,6xx !

Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD MM same price as Jurong 99LH MM !!!


of course for someone to like to flip flop, he will not want people to discuss what he had said in the past.

e.g. From jurong to orchard, prices will rise as result of J Gateway launch.
fast forward 3 months, RCR CCR, Bishan prices all drop.

Now KPKB saying is bishan sell low, jurong mm is overpriced.

after all that big talk, no trolls dares to say they are expecting Sky Vue to outperform J Gateway in terms of capital gain and rental yield. If they are no confident in what they are saying might as well keep quiet right?

Now want to talk about Kovan? :doh:

Whats next? Marina One?

08-10-13, 14:30

08-10-13, 15:05
The good thing about the SSD is that prices will be very sticky. Hardly anyone will sell unless he really has no choice within the first four years. He is also very likely to be able to afford to hold due to the TDSR rule. So, both JG/SV price will not move much for the next 4 years. Given that only the SV is sold post-TDSR, it is possible that some JG investors are not TDSR proof. Thus, JG will have more resales during a bad economic downturn.

Anyway, it will likely to be a stalemate during a stagnant secondary market. I.e., MM investors are stuck with their units and hardly any one who is vested can really sells in the near term. All the actions are now in the primary markets. So, there might be better and nicer projects (not cheaper, but greater value) coming out in the near future (e.g. DUO).

08-10-13, 15:06

08-10-13, 15:06
I'm not trying to promote any condos, but since I live in Bishan thomson area and travel to Jurong East and Boon Lay quite often, here's my thoughts:.

1). Air quality: The air quality in Bishan is generally very good as there are no heavy industries nearby and is surrounded by MacRitchie/Seletar Reservoir and Bishan Park. In my opinion, the air is as good as you can get other than the East Coast park.

In comparison, there are many times I smell chemicals and burnt plastic smell when I travel to Jurong. What you can smell is bad enough, what about the odorless chemicals?

2). Schools - no need elaborate.

3). Accessibility:

MRT - because Bishan is on circle line which cuts across all MRT lines, so you can travel to most places in Singapore as fast as a car and even faster than a car during peak hours. You can also go to JE via Buona Vista.

Roads - CTE, Lornie Road, Braddell Road, Thomson Road - by car you can reach anywhere in Singapore within 20 minutes outside the rush hours.

Bus - by bus, you can get to almost anywhere in Singapore, Tuas, Changi Point, Woodlands, etc, within 1.5hr.

4). Population: The population density in Bishan is low and is made up of 90% locals and maybe some Malaysian PR. Outside of Junction 8 PRC and South Asian citizens are rarely seen, accept those working in coffeeshops and foodcourt.

In comparison, the population and congestion over at Jurong East and especially Boon Lay is terrific. Certain parts of Jurong is like Little India or Chinatown. It is also very hazardous to drive in Jurong due to large number of FW riding bicycles without following traffic rules.

5). Future Development: Just like Jurong East, Bishan has a huge plot of undeveloped land around the MRT.

08-10-13, 15:33
Are you really bj21 alter ego? Eeks....you live in Bishan-Thomson like me.....who knows we might be neighbours???

08-10-13, 15:56


Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD FREEHOLD FREEHOLD, same price as
Jurong 99LH 99LH 99LH ...............................................

Which one is better value ? Which one to buy if there is a choice?


08-10-13, 16:17
I'm not trying to promote any condos, but since I live in Bishan thomson area and travel to Jurong East and Boon Lay quite often, here's my thoughts:.

1). Air quality: The air quality in Bishan is generally very good as there are no heavy industries nearby and is surrounded by MacRitchie/Seletar Reservoir and Bishan Park. In my opinion, the air is as good as you can get other than the East Coast park.

In comparison, there are many times I smell chemicals and burnt plastic smell when I travel to Jurong. What you can smell is bad enough, what about the odorless chemicals?

2). Schools - no need elaborate.

3). Accessibility:

MRT - because Bishan is on circle line which cuts across all MRT lines, so you can travel to most places in Singapore as fast as a car and even faster than a car during peak hours. You can also go to JE via Buona Vista.

Roads - CTE, Lornie Road, Braddell Road, Thomson Road - by car you can reach anywhere in Singapore within 20 minutes outside the rush hours.

Bus - by bus, you can get to almost anywhere in Singapore, Tuas, Changi Point, Woodlands, etc, within 1.5hr.

4). Population: The population density in Bishan is low and is made up of 90% locals and maybe some Malaysian PR. Outside of Junction 8 PRC and South Asian citizens are rarely seen, accept those working in coffeeshops and foodcourt.

In comparison, the population and congestion over at Jurong East and especially Boon Lay is terrific. Certain parts of Jurong is like Little India or Chinatown. It is also very hazardous to drive in Jurong due to large number of FW riding bicycles without following traffic rules.

5). Future Development: Just like Jurong East, Bishan has a huge plot of undeveloped land around the MRT.

1) Have you factor in the air pollution of the 2 crematorium, which is just over 1km away from Bishan? From what I have read, when a body goes up in flame, it will release toxic gas.

2) There are definitely more schools and institution in the western region region. details is available here

3) As far as accessibility is concern, LTA has announced they are going to build 2 new MRT lines which will greatly help improve the connectivity of Jurong region, one is the Jurong region line, and the other is the cross region line, which will be completed in 2021-2025 and 2030.

As for road leading to bishan, you might want to know that the traffic on lornie road during peak hour can be extremely bad and this often caused jam all the way till PIE and Adams Road.

Having said that, blueprint behind the JLD masterplan is to create a self contain regional commercial center, hence people living and working in Singapore will not have to leave Jurong at all.

4) Jurong is an extremly big region, and if you look at the map, you will know that its many many time bigger than Bishan estate. Hence if you wish to compare to Jurong estate, then it might be better if you combine Bishan and AMK. OR else you could compare Bishan to Toh Guan area.

As from demographic profile, jurong region has got the largest concentration of middle age group in Singapore and perhaps also has one of the highest percentage of 5 rm hdb flats in Singapore. And it has also been reported that as a result of JLD, there is an increase number of higher income earner moving towards west. I am sure if you do a google search you should be able to find the report.

5) As far as future development, the 2 plot of land next to Bishan MRT, its zone for residential purpose, and the best you could hope for will be a mixed development of retail cum residential. This is something which we already have in Jurong for long time, ie. Jurong Point.

For JLD development, it is actually too big to list everything here and even URA has to create a MASTERPLAN for it.

Again, I am also not trying to promote any condo.

08-10-13, 16:17

Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD FREEHOLD FREEHOLD, same price as
Jurong 99LH 99LH 99LH ...............................................

Which one is better value ? Which one to buy if there is a choice?


My gut feeling is that the article ringo put up is all propaganda.

08-10-13, 16:27
1) Have you factor in the air pollution of the 2 crematorium, which is just over 1km away from Bishan? From what I have read, when a body goes up in flame, it will release toxic gas.

now tat u hv run out of ideas so u come up wif yr new invention ~ pollution in bishan?!

so wat's next? Bishan has higher level of pollution den Jurong? :scared-4:

lol ... u r by far the the most entertaining forummer tat I hv ever came across in my whole life! :scared-4:

but dunno jurongers shd thank u or hate u ... but I suppose u hv done a great deservice to residents of Jurong in tis forum :2cents:

08-10-13, 16:30
My gut feeling is that the article ringo put up is all propaganda.

Of course the government has to create such "plans" for all districts which needs it. So that people who stay in these areas has some hope.

Key word is "some". But some developers over-cooked the "plans" and used it to rip innocent, low budget MM buyers off like vultures tearing off a desert trapped man!

It is indeed too tough to watch how the person fight for the final battle !


08-10-13, 16:35
Key word is "some". But some developers over-cooked the "plans"

Exactly. Those developers have really driven some to near insane level..

08-10-13, 16:38
Exactly. Those developers have really driven some to near insane level..

Some as in some PEOPLE ?!



08-10-13, 16:40
now tat u hv run out of ideas so u come up wif yr new invention ~ pollution in bishan?!

so wat's next? Bishan has higher level of pollution den Jurong? :scared-4:

lol ... u r by far the the most entertaining forummer tat I hv ever came across in my whole life! :scared-4:

but dunno jurongers shd thank u or hate u ... but I suppose u hv done a great deservice to residents of Jurong in tis forum :2cents:

But the person end by saying "I am not promoting Jurong".

Can you believe it ?!


08-10-13, 16:44
Some as in some PEOPLE ?!



Surely, you know who are the "some" people... losing their precious time and money, over such "over-cooked" stuffs..

08-10-13, 16:46
But the person end by saying "I am not promoting Jurong".

Can you believe it ?!


It is clear to see that he is promoting all projects in Jurong, include J-Gateway as well.

08-10-13, 16:47
It is clear to see that he is promoting all projects in Jurong, include J-Gateway as well.

We must be fair, I think Ringgo has his point but then the risk in playing Jurong is also very high.

08-10-13, 16:53
1) Have you factor in the air pollution of the 2 crematorium, which is just over 1km away from Bishan? From what I have read, when a body goes up in flame, it will release toxic gas.

2) There are definitely more schools and institution in the western region region. details is available here

3) As far as accessibility is concern, LTA has announced they are going to build 2 new MRT lines which will greatly help improve the connectivity of Jurong region, one is the Jurong region line, and the other is the cross region line, which will be completed in 2021-2025 and 2030.

As for road leading to bishan, you might want to know that the traffic on lornie road during peak hour can be extremely bad and this often caused jam all the way till PIE and Adams Road.

Having said that, blueprint behind the JLD masterplan is to create a self contain regional commercial center, hence people living and working in Singapore will not have to leave Jurong at all.

4) Jurong is an extremly big region, and if you look at the map, you will know that its many many time bigger than Bishan estate. Hence if you wish to compare to Jurong estate, then it might be better if you combine Bishan and AMK. OR else you could compare Bishan to Toh Guan area.

As from demographic profile, jurong region has got the largest concentration of middle age group in Singapore and perhaps also has one of the highest percentage of 5 rm hdb flats in Singapore. And it has also been reported that as a result of JLD, there is an increase number of higher income earner moving towards west. I am sure if you do a google search you should be able to find the report.

5) As far as future development, the 2 plot of land next to Bishan MRT, its zone for residential purpose, and the best you could hope for will be a mixed development of retail cum residential. This is something which we already have in Jurong for long time, ie. Jurong Point.

For JLD development, it is actually too big to list everything here and even URA has to create a MASTERPLAN for it.

Again, I am also not trying to promote any condo.

i've resisted all day to slam you but this is simply too tempting.

1. dead bodies give off toxic gases?!??!? what? we are carbon-based life forms, if you can't tell what happens when you burn carbon-based materials, you need to relearn chemistry 101

2. only bishan's roads are jammed?? you mean jurong east isn't jammed?? you mean that all the articles on stomp about people can't even get onto Jurong East Mrt platform are all faked?

3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

4. JLD caused higher income earners to move west!!!! wah piang, so all those living in new estates like punggol are beggars and lower classed scums lah?!??

08-10-13, 16:55
We must be fair, I think Ringgo has his point but then the risk in playing Jurong is also very high.

wif tat kinda promotional tactics deployed by R33, it is very obvious tat his stock is sibeh expensive!

honestly when I see salesman hard sell until so exaggerate-ly, I, (being a potential buyer) run away instead :scared-4:

08-10-13, 17:02
i've resisted all day to slam you but this is simply too tempting.

1. dead bodies give off toxic gases?!??!? what? we are carbon-based life forms, if you can't tell what happens when you burn carbon-based materials, you need to relearn chemistry 101

2. only bishan's roads are jammed?? you mean jurong east isn't jammed?? you mean that all the articles on stomp about people can't even get onto Jurong East Mrt platform are all faked?

3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

4. JLD caused higher income earners to move west!!!! wah piang, so all those living in new estates like punggol are beggars and lower classed scums lah?!??

are you the one who said that gospel might not be truth?

If yes, just read my signature.

08-10-13, 17:04
wif tat kinda promotional tactics deployed by R33, it is very obvious tat his stock is sibeh expensive!

honestly when I see salesman hard sell until so exaggerate-ly, I, (being a potential buyer) run away instead :scared-4:

Please stay focus, dont need to speculate on things you cant quantified.

Your discussion should be to dispute JLD growth potential.

08-10-13, 17:13
Please stay focus, dont need to speculate on things you cant quantified.

Your discussion should be to dispute JLD growth potential.

u r in no position to teach me how I should comment since u r neither smarter nor better educated nor well mannered than me.

08-10-13, 17:19
u r in no position to teach me how I should comment since u r neither smarter nor better educated nor well mannered than me.

Strange that people wants others to dispute Jurong growth, when EVERYBODY agrees that Jurong will be growing.

The problem is Jurong MM at $16xx-$17xx has already priced in every single molecule of growth for the next 15 years!

But also cant blame the 24/7 defender who says he is not defender, when people bought Jurong MM at $16xx-$1,7xx then realised :

Bishan/Thomson MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx !!!
AND Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD MM selling for $16xx !!!

People scared, one and only investment end up like that.

But in the very near future, we will see more places sold or selling for $1,5xx-$1,7xx, then we post here to let other Jurong wannabe buyers BEWARE!


08-10-13, 17:25
Strange that people wants others to dispute Jurong growth, when EVERYBODY agrees that Jurong will be growing.

The problem is Jurong MM at $16xx-$17xx has already priced in every single molecule of growth for the next 15 years!

But also cant blame the 24/7 defender who says he is not defender, when people bought Jurong MM at $16xx-$1,7xx then realised :

Bishan/Thomson MM selling for $1,5xx-$1,6xx !!!
AND Kovan/Hougang FREEHOLD MM selling for $16xx !!!

People scared, one and only investment end up like that.

But in the very near future, we will see more places sold or selling for $1,5xx-$1,7xx, then we post here to let other Jurong wannabe buyers BEWARE!


uncle office boy!
becos of R33 u became very naggy! :doh:
kept repeating the same old stuffs over & over again!
ouch! my eyes hurt! :(

08-10-13, 17:25
u r in no position to teach me how I should comment since u r neither smarter nor better educated nor well mannered than me.

Do you think SV and Kovan (which ever project) is a better buy than JG? You reckon both project will have better capital gain and rental yield potential.

08-10-13, 17:28
Do you think SV and Kovan (which ever project) is a better buy than JG? You reckon both project will have better capital gain and rental yield potential.

Do you think Ringo33 paid $16xxpsf or $17xxpsf in JG? You reckon he will have capital gain and reap the desired rental yield?

08-10-13, 17:35
Do you think Ringo33 paid $16xxpsf or $17xxpsf in JG? You reckon he will have capital gain and reap the desired rental yield?

Of course I am confident that JG will have better capital gain and rental potential than Sky Vue.

What about you?

08-10-13, 17:35
uncle office boy!
becos of R33 u became very naggy! :doh:
kept repeating the same old stuffs over & over again!
ouch! my eyes hurt! :(

Thanks for the reminder to stay young in my communication.
There is no point pre-maturedly ageing myself. Hahaa!
Point well raised!

I shall cease to mention these items again.

Okie! Boss not around, can sneak out of office now and go home already !

Yea! Early day today!


08-10-13, 17:36
Of course I am confident that JG will have better capital gain and rental potential than Sky Vue.

What about you?

Of cos I am confident tat Ringo33 had paid $16xxpsf or $17xxpsf in JG.

What about you?

08-10-13, 17:52
Of cos I am confident tat Ringo33 had paid $16xxpsf or $17xxpsf in JG.

What about you?

So after all that big talk about SV, you still have got no confident in what you said?

Not too long ago, you were addressing yourself as INVESTOR, now you should perhaps call yourself a TROLLvestor, as I am sure that will be more appropriate.

Trollvestor : Someone who pretend to have investment experience

08-10-13, 18:34
U call paying $1700psf for an MM in jurong investment? Don't make everybody in the forum puke. :doh:

U still haven't answered why bishan 5rm hdb is more than $200k higher than jurong east. Jurong so many times larger than bishan n so many more transactions yet nobody willing to pay $800k for a five rm flat, u care to explain why cemetery land is more value to the bulk of property buyers in bishan? If five rm hdb can't even sell for $800k in jurong, when do u think ppl will pay $1 million for an MM? If u even hv any common sense left, use it :doh:

So after all that big talk about SV, you still have got no confident in what you said?

Not too long ago, you were addressing yourself as INVESTOR, now you should perhaps call yourself a TROLLvestor, as I am sure that will be more appropriate.

Trollvestor : Someone who pretend to have investment experience

08-10-13, 19:03
U call paying $1700psf for an MM in jurong investment? Don't make everybody in the forum puke. :doh:

U still haven't answered why bishan 5rm hdb is more than $200k higher than jurong east. Jurong so many times larger than bishan n so many more transactions yet nobody willing to pay $800k for a five rm flat, u care to explain why cemetery land is more value to the bulk of property buyers in bishan? If five rm hdb can't even sell for $800k in jurong, when do u think ppl will pay $1 million for an MM? If u even hv any common sense left, use it :doh:

Dont be silly regulators and please dont get carried away by thinking that you are finally able to ask an intelligent question concerning property.

Investors are only interested growth potential, not historical price
If aiming for the most expensive property is the how you make money, then Bishan will not be on the top of that list.

Do you think that SV price in Bishan will appreciate faster than JG when both project TOP in 3 years time?

Have you conveniently forgotten about my question on $3000psf orchard property? Yes, when did Orchard property started selling at $3000psf, which project and what is the average unit size. And when did Jurong new launch sold at $500-600psf, which project, what average size.

08-10-13, 19:31
So jgateway sell u at $3000psf u will buy coz of jld? Surrounding pty prices u can ignore? What a buffoon :doh:

Dont be silly regulators and please dont get carried away by thinking that you are finally able to ask an intelligent question concerning property.

Investors are only interested growth potential, not historical price
If aiming for the most expensive property is the how you make money, then Bishan will not be on the top of that list.

Do you think that SV price in Bishan will appreciate faster than JG when both project TOP in 3 years time?

Have you conveniently forgotten about my question on $3000psf orchard property? Yes, when did Orchard property started selling at $3000psf, which project and what is the average unit size. And when did Jurong new launch sold at $500-600psf, which project, what average size.

08-10-13, 19:40
So jgateway sell u at $3000psf u will buy coz of jld? Surrounding pty prices u can ignore? What a buffoon :doh:

Now you can understand why I told you not to get carried away.

08-10-13, 23:26
Please dont be misled when people tell you NOT to worry about historical price and focus on the growth of a particular area.

Historical price is the ONLY thing you must focus on when making a purchase.

This applies to both the buy and sell legs.

Sell leg easier for people to understand, eg if you know your downstairs neighbor, same unit just sold for $1,250, dont get conned by people to sell at $1,150.

When buying, take note of the prices of surrounding area and the prices they are selling at. Be familiar with some of these concepts :

1) New launch vs resale premium
That is the amount people are willing to pay for new launches vs resale. You should not pay too much a premium. Eg. Nearby resale PC selling at $1,0xx-$1,1xx, you shouldnt be paying $1,6xx for a new launch.

2) FH and LH premium - wont disclose here what is the tecnically correct number, experienced investors should know this at their fingertips.

3) Project's pricing strategy, which I discussed in an earlier post.

Main thing is to stay calm and not rush and buy just because the queue very long and agent tell you that paying 40-50% premium is worth it!

It is better to pass then to kenna ripped off. Because as we know, we only got a few bullets to buy.


08-10-13, 23:55
U call paying $1700psf for an MM in jurong investment? Don't make everybody in the forum puke. :doh:

U still haven't answered why bishan 5rm hdb is more than $200k higher than jurong east. Jurong so many times larger than bishan n so many more transactions yet nobody willing to pay $800k for a five rm flat, u care to explain why cemetery land is more value to the bulk of property buyers in bishan? If five rm hdb can't even sell for $800k in jurong, when do u think ppl will pay $1 million for an MM? If u even hv any common sense left, use it :doh:

Nowadays developers always try their luck by putting up a super high price hope that it will hook some gundus.

Just like last time Capitaland priced their Bishan Sky Habitat at ridiculous price also.

proud owner
09-10-13, 00:06
u prefer to inhale a mixture of chapalang perfumes, or a mixture of natural, healthy scent? hahaha :o

provided tat the cleavages is not too scary in the 1st place. imagine wat will happen if u see a lady wif hairy chest?!?! :D

hahahh I don't dare to look at cleavages lah .. I can picture myself how I look holding my breath and looking at cleavages hahaha can be scary..

dip my head and look at Toe-vages instead hahahah

09-10-13, 02:41
Please dont be misled when people tell you NOT to worry about historical price and focus on the growth of a particular area.

Historical price is the ONLY thing you must focus on when making a purchase.

This applies to both the buy and sell legs.

Sell leg easier for people to understand, eg if you know your downstairs neighbor, same unit just sold for $1,250, dont get conned by people to sell at $1,150.

When buying, take note of the prices of surrounding area and the prices they are selling at. Be familiar with some of these concepts :

1) New launch vs resale premium
That is the amount people are willing to pay for new launches vs resale. You should not pay too much a premium. Eg. Nearby resale PC selling at $1,0xx-$1,1xx, you shouldnt be paying $1,6xx for a new launch.

2) FH and LH premium - wont disclose here what is the tecnically correct number, experienced investors should know this at their fingertips.

3) Project's pricing strategy, which I discussed in an earlier post.

Main thing is to stay calm and not rush and buy just because the queue very long and agent tell you that paying 40-50% premium is worth it!

It is better to pass then to kenna ripped off. Because as we know, we only got a few bullets to buy.


Anyone who bought the most expensive CCR apartment in 2008 will still be nursing their wounds. Thats a fact that you can see from the below chart.

For investors, its important to remember that historical price doesnt determine the future growth potential because in Singapore, urban development plays a big role in changing the property landscape of Singapore and that has got the greatest impact on property prices.

With the announcement of JRL, CRL + JLD, there is no reason for anyone to believe that prices of property in the west will not shine. And dont let anyone tell you that growth potential of west region property will be limited by historical price because J gateway success and strong rental demand in the western region have already proof otherwise.

Like i said before, if you wish to make money in property, focus on growth potential because with SSD, you dont really have time to waste your bullet holding on a property thats yields on 1% over the past 5 years (ie. for someone who have bought a CCR property at is peak in 2008)


09-10-13, 08:01
are you the one who said that gospel might not be truth?

If yes, just read my signature.

that's the best defense you can put up? oh ya forgot you have an inability to process logic

here's my retort to your ridiculous claims, defend your nonsense

1. dead bodies give off toxic gases?!??!? what? we are carbon-based life forms, if you can't tell what happens when you burn carbon-based materials, you need to relearn chemistry 101

2. only bishan's roads are jammed?? you mean jurong east isn't jammed?? you mean that all the articles on stomp about people can't even get onto Jurong East Mrt platform are all faked?

3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

4. JLD caused higher income earners to move west!!!! wah piang, so all those living in new estates like punggol are beggars and lower classed scums lah?!??

09-10-13, 08:31
that's the best defense you can put up? oh ya forgot you have an inability to process logic

here's my retort to your ridiculous claims, defend your nonsense

1. dead bodies give off toxic gases?!??!? what? we are carbon-based life forms, if you can't tell what happens when you burn carbon-based materials, you need to relearn chemistry 101

2. only bishan's roads are jammed?? you mean jurong east isn't jammed?? you mean that all the articles on stomp about people can't even get onto Jurong East Mrt platform are all faked?

3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

4. JLD caused higher income earners to move west!!!! wah piang, so all those living in new estates like punggol are beggars and lower classed scums lah?!??

Are you saying that you believe in gospel truth but you think that gospel might not be true?

09-10-13, 08:53
3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD,.../quote]

what are HILs?

09-10-13, 08:55
3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD,.../quote]

what are HILs?

Maybe taken from gospel.

09-10-13, 09:34
So jgateway sell u at $3000psf u will buy coz of jld? Surrounding pty prices u can ignore? What a buffoon :doh:

if he dun tell u to ignore, how is he gg to convince u to buy his JG from him at $2000psf when it TOPed?! :D :D

hahahh I don't dare to look at cleavages lah ..

haha, y? u scare kena slap by the ladies, or u scare yr wifey will pull yr ears? :p

09-10-13, 09:40
So after all that big talk about SV, you still have got no confident in what you said?

Not too long ago, you were addressing yourself as INVESTOR, now you should perhaps call yourself a TROLLvestor, as I am sure that will be more appropriate.

Trollvestor : Someone who pretend to have investment experience

so u r implying to me tat someone of yr calibre is a person who posses gd investment experience?!

if tat being the case, I rather remain a greenhorn, hahahaha, cos it is definitely not worthwhile paying for an expensive experience :D

09-10-13, 09:51
hahahh I don't dare to look at cleavages lah .. I can picture myself how I look holding my breath and looking at cleavages hahaha can be scary..

dip my head and look at Toe-vages instead hahahah

that's the bad part of being a male. really have poor peripheral vision.
whereas a gal may not be looking at you, but believe me, she is already checking out the bulge in your pants...no...not that "bulge"....your wallet la

09-10-13, 09:56
whereas a gal may not be looking at you, but believe me, she is already checking out the bulge in your pants...no...not that "bulge"....your wallet la

u r not a female yet u r so sure?
hmmm ... speaking fm experience ya? :D

09-10-13, 10:44
3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD,.../quote]

what are HILs?

higher institutes of learning. pardon me for my tendencies to use abbreviations.

09-10-13, 10:52
Are you saying that you believe in gospel truth but you think that gospel might not be true?

don't skirt around my retort. defend your nonsense

09-10-13, 11:45
higher institutes of learning. pardon me for my tendencies to use abbreviations.

HILs = Higher Institutes of Learning

3. there are no HILs in JLD. if you think HILs in the west = HILs in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

Which mean,

there are no Higher Institutes of Learning in JLD. if you think Higher Institutes of Learning in the west = Higher Institutes of Learnings in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

Obviously you just made that up right? Or are you speaking in tongues?

Told you to keep quiet and read my signature liao. :doh:

09-10-13, 13:23
HILs = Higher Institutes of Learning

Which mean,

there are no Higher Institutes of Learning in JLD. if you think Higher Institutes of Learning in the west = Higher Institutes of Learnings in JLD, then you might well say that JLD is super prime because most ministers live in bukit timah = most ministers live in JLD

Obviously you just made that up right? Or are you speaking in tongues?

Told you to keep quiet and read my signature liao. :doh:

kam gong, you were the moron boasting about JLD enjoying the presence of having learning institutions in the west. hence, does HILs in the west = HILs in JLD?

your grey matter is so little to the extent you can't even remember your own posts?

09-10-13, 13:30
Do u ever doubt your parents are your real parents coz u never did DNA testing? :doh:

Are you saying that you believe in gospel truth but you think that gospel might not be true?

09-10-13, 13:38
kam gong, you were the moron boasting about JLD enjoying the presence of having learning institutions in the west. hence, does HILs in the west = HILs in JLD?

your grey matter is so little to the extent you can't even remember your own posts?

aiyo, do you mean Institute of Higher Learning?

Does higher institute of learning even make any sense at all? HIL? :doh:

09-10-13, 13:41
Do u ever doubt your parents are your real parents coz u never did DNA testing? :doh:

I have no intention to engage in a discussion with someone who dare to accuse Islam as a copy cat of Christianity.

Any muslim here who felt offended should report regulators to the authority, I am sure the police will be able to find his identity. Maybe by then we will be able to know if Regulators do indeed own 5 properties :D

09-10-13, 13:53
Be careful with what u say, u r the one inciting racial disharmony by saying Islam is a copy of Christianity repeatedly, nobody said that except you.

Btw I think you better go check your DNA n see if they match ur parents coz u could be a bastard. When report come out don't forget to share with us.

I have no intention to engage in a discussion with someone who dare to accuse Islam as a copy cat of Christianity.

Any muslim here who felt offended should report regulators to the authority, I am sure the police will be able to find his identity. Maybe by then we will be able to know if Regulators do indeed own 5 properties :D

09-10-13, 13:59
aiyo, do you mean Institute of Higher Learning?

Does higher institute of learning even make any sense at all? HIL? :doh:

eh kam gong, don't skirt the issue. defend your own nonsense - body cremation produce toxic gases that can rival those from waste incinerators?


and reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter

09-10-13, 14:02
Be careful with what u say, u r the one inciting racial disharmony by saying Islam is a copy of Christianity repeatedly, nobody said that except you.

Btw I think you better go check your DNA n see if they match ur parents coz u could be a bastard.

This is what happen when people say things without going through their brain first.


Do u know that the Quran also plagiarized from the bible? U like evidence so take ur time to read all the evidence in the link.


09-10-13, 14:02
Please stop mentioning about religion.

This is NOT the place to talk about this.

The person who type the word g*spel the most number of times in this thread should be prosecuted under our ISA.

Dear readers, please STOP mentioning any any religion.

Just because some people bought an overpriced MM in Jurong and is willing to defend it 24/7 doesnt mean the rest (including myself) need to entertain these people.

We just need to let owners of the West BEWARE of what are the PCs new and old in Singapore that is selling at the same or lower price than $1,6xx-$17xx.

That is all we need to do.


09-10-13, 14:04
If u can't differentiate between a statement and a question, it is no wonder people call u kum gong and stupid. :doh:

This is what happen when people say things without going through their brain first.


09-10-13, 14:05
Looks like we have no choice now but to do this like what happened to Ah B!

Moderators, if you are reading this, it is time to bar ONE character from this forum that is hindering our discussion process.

This person has been inciting racial tension, keep mentioning about religious matters, call names and provoke angry responses.

So, please remove this person.

Those who second my proposal, please Ki Chiu!


09-10-13, 14:05
eh kam gong, don't skirt the issue. defend your own nonsense - body cremation produce toxic gases that can rival those from waste incinerators?


and reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter

When I need to engage a sideshow entertainer, I will let you know. In the mean time just keep yourself busy reading my signature.


09-10-13, 14:06
Be careful with what u say, u r the one inciting racial disharmony by saying Islam is a copy of Christianity repeatedly, nobody said that except you.

Btw I think you better go check your DNA n see if they match ur parents coz u could be a bastard. When report come out don't forget to share with us.

Just dig up his link and post it.
I think he spends so much time on here 24hrs a day posting drivel on a wide variety of subjects that he's gone blur blur & forgot what he's said.

09-10-13, 14:07
If u can't differentiate between a statement and a question, it is no wonder people call u kum gong and stupid. :doh:

I have read the link you posted HERE (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=433113) I find it extremely offensive even for a non muslim.


09-10-13, 14:13
There are loads of these things on the internet, why don't u suggest for Interpol to track down all these content creators since u hv all the time in the world. What a buffoon :doh: :doh:

I have read the link you posted, I find it extremely offensive even for a non muslim.


09-10-13, 14:15
When I need to engage a sideshow entertainer, I will let you know. In the mean time just keep yourself busy reading my signature.


eh kam gong, kenna cornered and now trying to brush off your own remarks.

tell us what kind of toxic gases do cremation produce, if you are up to it, and let everyone judge if they are as bad as those from incinerators

09-10-13, 14:18
There are loads of these things on the internet, why don't u suggest for Interpol to track down all these content creators since u hv all the time in the world. What a buffoon :doh: :doh:

I presume you are Singaporean, so you must know how strict Singapore is when comes to such thing. There is no need Interpol, just an simple email to MHA will be enough.

Lets hope no one has done it, or else...:eek:

09-10-13, 14:24
eh kam gong, kenna cornered and now trying to brush off your own remarks.

tell us what kind of toxic gases do cremation produce, if you are up to it, and let everyone judge if they are as bad as those from incinerators

dun bother to ask him, he will not tell u why. let me tell u wat he meant.

when he claimed tat the gases from cremation is toxic, he is actually referring to himself.
cos garbage in, garbage out.

tis is only a rare exception case whereby cremation can be toxic.

09-10-13, 14:26
I presume you are Singaporean, so you must know how strict Singapore is when comes to such thing. There is no need Interpol, just an simple email to MHA will be enough.

Lets hope no one has done it, or else...:eek:

kam gong, go do it. you were the one who blew a metaphor into a religious debacle.

09-10-13, 14:34
In the entire forum, you were the only one that suggested this and repeatedly bringing up this issue. Nobody said Islam is a copycat of christianity, u said it yourself. If the authorities are going to indict someone, they know who to look for.

I have no intention to engage in a discussion with someone who dare to accuse Islam as a copy cat of Christianity.

09-10-13, 14:35
Yes, he also made a mockery of the christian religion by repeatedly questioning the truth of the gospel. I think the authorities know who to look for here

kam gong, go do it. you were the one who blew a metaphor into a religious debacle.

09-10-13, 15:23
In the entire forum, you were the only one that suggested this and repeatedly bringing up this issue. Nobody said Islam is a copycat of christianity, u said it yourself. If the authorities are going to indict someone, they know who to look for.

There is no need to try sugar coating. Just walk up to any Muslim and tell them the exact word you said about Quran and let them tell you how they feel.

09-10-13, 15:24
kam gong, go do it. you were the one who blew a metaphor into a religious debacle.

Regulators do you think it's a good idea?

09-10-13, 15:33
Tsk Tsk .... still trying to incite religious disharmony. You better watch out with what u say from now on

There is no need to try sugar coating. Just walk up to any Muslim and tell them the exact word you said about Quran and let them tell you how they feel.

09-10-13, 15:37
Tsk Tsk .... still trying to incite religious disharmony. You better watch out with what u say from now on

I am just quoting what you posted. there is no need to pretend that you didn't nor being ignorant about it's content of the link you posted.

Try tell any muslim.about what you said and let them judge if it's ok.

09-10-13, 15:52
Did I create the content in the link? Did I say those things that you claimed?

Btw you should go n hv u n ur parents DNA checked coz you may not be theirs unless u hv evidence

I am just quoting what you posted. there is no need to pretend that you didn't nor being ignorant about it's content of the link you posted.

Try tell any muslim.about what you said and let them judge if it's ok.

09-10-13, 16:01
this is getting out of hand.

think this forum must declare age before u can enter.


09-10-13, 16:07
this is getting out of hand.

think this forum must declare age before u can enter.


y muz declare age leh? oni snr citizen can come here tcss issit? :p

09-10-13, 16:20
this is getting out of hand.

think this forum must declare age before u can enter.


Must scan IC then can enter.

09-10-13, 16:42
When I need to engage a sideshow entertainer, I will let you know. In the mean time just keep yourself busy reading my signature.


eh kam gong, learn to read before you post. use a scientific paper to slap yourself, gg

"In comparison with PCDD/F, emissions from waste incinerators (municipal, hazardous and medical), those corresponding to crematories are significantly lower.

09-10-13, 16:53
Since that kum gong like to see evidence so much, he has yet to get his most important piece of evidence, that he belongs to his parents.
eh kam gong, learn to read before you post. use a scientific paper to slap yourself, gg

"In comparison with PCDD/F, emissions from waste incinerators (municipal, hazardous and medical), those corresponding to crematories are significantly lower.

09-10-13, 16:58
Ai yo, waste my time reading the article you attached to tell me something that I already knew, to quote from the article:

"5. Conclusions
In comparison with PCDD/F emissions from waste incinerators (municipal, hazardous and medical), those corresponding to crematories are significantly lower".

"Although PCDD/Fs, usually referred to as dioxins, are generally produced
in many combustion processes (Kulkarni et al., 2008; Zheng et al., 2008;
Shen et al., 2009), until a few years ago, incinerators were catalogued as one of the most important sources of toxic emissions, not only PCDD/Fs but also heavy metals (Shibamoto et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2008).
Therefore, incineration has received prolonged special attention, and the
concern raised has had significant implications in current regulatory
practices (Franchini et al., 2004; Lonati et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2008).
Intensive studies have been conducted on various PCDD/F emission
sources, including the waste combustion sources, chemical-industrial
sources, and other thermal sources."

Didn't we tell you that those chemical industries, waste combustion, waste incineration produced the most toxic stuffs? All those are in Jurong, Tuas, and Jurong Island! :banghead:

When I need to engage a sideshow entertainer, I will let you know. In the mean time just keep yourself busy reading my signature.


Originally Posted by eng81157 http://forums.condosingapore.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=436457#post436457)
eh kam gong, don't skirt the issue. defend your own nonsense - body cremation produce toxic gases that can rival those from waste incinerators?


and reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter

09-10-13, 17:02
Did I create the content in the link? Did I say those things that you claimed?

Btw you should go n hv u n ur parents DNA checked coz you may not be theirs unless u hv evidence

Eng is suggesting I should report your insensitive post about quran copying bible to the authority. Do you think its a good idea?

YES or NO?

09-10-13, 17:05
Ai yo, waste my time reading the article you attached to tell me something that I already knew, to quote from the article:

"5. Conclusions
In comparison with PCDD/F emissions from waste incinerators (municipal, hazardous and medical), those corresponding to crematories are significantly lower".

"Although PCDD/Fs, usually referred to as dioxins, are generally produced
in many combustion processes (Kulkarni et al., 2008; Zheng et al., 2008;
Shen et al., 2009), until a few years ago, incinerators were catalogued as one of the most important sources of toxic emissions, not only PCDD/Fs but also heavy metals (Shibamoto et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2008).
Therefore, incineration has received prolonged special attention, and the
concern raised has had significant implications in current regulatory
practices (Franchini et al., 2004; Lonati et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2008).
Intensive studies have been conducted on various PCDD/F emission
sources, including the waste combustion sources, chemical-industrial
sources, and other thermal sources."

Didn't we tell you that those chemical industries, waste combustion, waste incineration produced the most toxic stuffs? All those are in Jurong, Tuas, and Jurong Island! :banghead:

Originally Posted by eng81157 http://forums.condosingapore.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=436457#post436457)
eh kam gong, don't skirt the issue. defend your own nonsense - body cremation produce toxic gases that can rival those from waste incinerators?


and reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter

If distant is not a concern in air pollution, then perhaps CCR are no better than Jurong.


09-10-13, 17:12
It is a waste of time talking to an idiot n a buffoon. Our forum has denigrated to this level with a buffoon like him around.

Ai yo, waste my time reading the article you attached to tell me something that I already knew, to quote from the article:

"5. Conclusions
In comparison with PCDD/F emissions from waste incinerators (municipal, hazardous and medical), those corresponding to crematories are significantly lower".

"Although PCDD/Fs, usually referred to as dioxins, are generally produced
in many combustion processes (Kulkarni et al., 2008; Zheng et al., 2008;
Shen et al., 2009), until a few years ago, incinerators were catalogued as one of the most important sources of toxic emissions, not only PCDD/Fs but also heavy metals (Shibamoto et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2008).
Therefore, incineration has received prolonged special attention, and the
concern raised has had significant implications in current regulatory
practices (Franchini et al., 2004; Lonati et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2008).
Intensive studies have been conducted on various PCDD/F emission
sources, including the waste combustion sources, chemical-industrial
sources, and other thermal sources."

Didn't we tell you that those chemical industries, waste combustion, waste incineration produced the most toxic stuffs? All those are in Jurong, Tuas, and Jurong Island! :banghead:

Originally Posted by eng81157 http://forums.condosingapore.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=436457#post436457)
eh kam gong, don't skirt the issue. defend your own nonsense - body cremation produce toxic gases that can rival those from waste incinerators?


and reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter

09-10-13, 17:12
Eng is suggesting I should report your insensitive post about quran copying bible to the authority. Do you think its a good idea?

YES or NO?

I think this is the department that deals with people like Regulators.


09-10-13, 17:14
It is a waste of time talking to an idiot n a buffoon. Our forum has denigrated to this level with a buffoon like him around.

Just because someone caught you vote for yourself and lying about owning 5 properties, that doesnt mean he is a buffoon.

And it does seems to me that you are one of those who have been having a great time trolling on this thread for the longest time and now you are complaining?

You must be under tremendous pressure to do that. I wonder why

09-10-13, 17:15
Have you called them yet. Dont forget to show them all your posts as well.
I think this is the department that deals with people like Regulators.


09-10-13, 17:19
U r a buffoon for not comprehending simple things others say. Many forumers can concur with me on that.

Just because someone caught you vote for yourself and lying about owning 5 properties, that doesnt mean he is a buffoon.

And it does seems to me that you are one of those who have been having a great time trolling on this thread for the longest time and now you are complaining?

You must be under tremendous pressure to do that. I wonder why

09-10-13, 17:20
Have you called them yet. Dont forget to show them all your posts as well.

No I didnt, but I thought i should ask for your opinion first.

Do you think its a good idea to report your insensitive post about Quran copying Bible to the authority?

Yes or No?

09-10-13, 17:24
Is there a need to tell lies?
How about you tell us how far JGateway is from those incinerators / heavy industry plants compared to say CCR?
And the article already said incinerators are the most significant polluters (very very significant much more crematories, that is why incinerators are regulated heavily, while crematories are not).

If distant is not a concern in air pollution, then perhaps CCR are no better than Jurong.


09-10-13, 17:25
U r a buffoon for not comprehending simple things others say. Many forumers can concur with me on that.

You could create as many forum accounts as you like to create the false impression that there many trolls trolling around. The same way you sign up many different accounts at propertyguru to make those nonsensical remarks on J Gateway condo.

As the saying goes, a leopard never changes its spot.

09-10-13, 17:29
An idiot stays an idiot, which is why u created that signature about yourself so we should effectively stop arguing with you coz u r an idiot. :doh:

You could create as many forum accounts as you like to create the false impression that there many trolls trolling around. The same way you sign up many different accounts at propertyguru to make those nonsensical remarks on J Gateway condo.

As the saying goes, a leopard never changes its spot.

09-10-13, 17:31
Is there a need to tell lies?
How about you tell us how far JGateway is from those incinerators / heavy industry plants compared to say CCR?
And the article already said incinerators are the most significant polluters (very very significant much more crematories, that is why incinerators are regulated heavily, while crematories are not).

Actually I have already suggested to you that, since you are so passionate about air pollution impact of the health of people working and living in the western region, why not write to ST, NEA or MOH demanding a reply from them. I am sure that will be more constructive and effective because if you are right (IF), you will at last rejoice and be glad that those stinky foreign workers (as you always like to call them) and ulu Jurong residence will die younger.

I have also said before that air pollution is something that is quantifiable, so dont waste time going round in circle fear mongering about air pollution bla bla bla. I am sure as an old man with a pedophile-like nick name Teddybear, you must have the resources and time to look into air pollution in details instead of ALL FART NO SHIT (EBD)

09-10-13, 17:33
An idiot stays an idiot, which is why u created that signature about yourself so we should effectively stop arguing with you coz u r an idiot. :doh:

I thought i should ask for your opinion first.

Do you think its a good idea to report your insensitive post about Quran copying Bible to the authority?

Yes or No?

09-10-13, 17:38
Let me act in good faith and call for a TRUCE for all parties ?

And wrap this thread up and re open it 3 years later when
J Gateway TOPed

I am also guilty of not controlling my temper earlier

My thousand apology to all that I had offended
Lets agree to disagree ...ya ?

09-10-13, 17:42
Why do I need to do that? So that people like you can live a better life in Jurong and make a huge profit because of the clean-up? I will be an idiot to do that! :banghead:

If you want cleaner air and better health and longer life while staying in Jurong, please go write to ST, NEA, MOH or whatever yourself.

I just want to alert forumers about your lies, that is all. :tsk-tsk:

Actually I have already suggested to you that, since you are so passionate about air pollution impact of the health of people working and living in the western region, why not write to ST, NEA or MOH demanding a reply from them. I am sure that will be more constructive and effective because if you are right (IF), you will at last rejoice and be glad that those stinky foreign workers (as you always like to call them) and ulu Jurong residence will die younger.

I have also said before that air pollution is something that is quantifiable, so dont waste time going round in circle fear mongering about air pollution bla bla bla. I am sure as an old man with a pedophile-like nick name Teddybear, you must have the resources and time to look into air pollution in details instead of ALL FART NO SHIT (EBD)

09-10-13, 17:47
I am also guilty of not controlling my temper earlier

following the footsteps of fellow forummers here:
i dont believe u ever got loose your temper.
please proof to me that you have ever not control your temper. ;)

if you can proof, then i forgive you. (for u have err).
if you cannot proof, then i cannot forgive you. (for you have not err).

09-10-13, 17:58
following the footsteps of fellow forummers here:
i dont believe u ever got loose your temper.
please proof to me that you have ever not control your temper. ;)

if you can proof, then i forgive you. (for u have err).
if you cannot proof, then i cannot forgive you. (for you have not err).

glad you also pick that up.

09-10-13, 18:04
following the footsteps of fellow forummers here:
i dont believe u ever got loose your temper.
please proof to me that you have ever not control your temper. ;)

if you can proof, then i forgive you. (for u have err).
if you cannot proof, then i cannot forgive you. (for you have not err).

Hi hopeful Sir

Have la

too embarrassing :scared-2:

09-10-13, 18:33
The poor air quality in jurong is a fact, really nothing to argue with that buffoon. Just take a drive there n we all know, unless the person is an ENT patient.

Why do I need to do that? So that people like you can live a better life in Jurong and make a huge profit because of the clean-up? I will be an idiot to do that! :banghead:

If you want cleaner air and better health and longer life while staying in Jurong, please go write to ST, NEA, MOH or whatever yourself.

I just want to alert forumers about your lies, that is all. :tsk-tsk:

09-10-13, 18:44
The poor air quality in jurong is a fact, really nothing to argue with that buffoon. Just take a drive there n we all know, unless the person is an ENT patient.

I thought i should ask for your opinion first.

Do you think its a good idea to report your insensitive post about Quran copying Bible to the authority?

Yes or No?

09-10-13, 18:50
You haven't answered my question about whether you are your parents' legitimate child yet coz I don't give opinions to bastards.

I thought i should ask for your opinion first.

Do you think its a good idea to report your insensitive post about Quran copying Bible to the authority?

Yes or No?

09-10-13, 19:08
Hi hopeful Sir

Have la

too embarrassing :scared-2:

Alamak, simi sir, u r evading le
Bur i understand the dilemma u r facing, credibility or embarassment.
1) if u dont/cant want to proof u ever lose ur temper, then u lose credibility but save urself the embarassment
2) if u can proof that u ever lose ur temper, then u gain credibility but u be embarassed.

A real dilemma ;)

Actually, the choice is an easy one. How can a person be embarassed if Nobody know Anybody here. :)

09-10-13, 19:13
You haven't answered my question about whether you are your parents' legitimate child yet coz I don't give opinions to bastards.

What do you think of this draft?

Dear Officer,

It has come to my attention that someone from the forum condosingapore.com has been posting insensitive remarks about religion, citing Quran, the holy book of Islam, is actually a copied version of the Bible and posting a link to a website that criticizes the Quran.

As a concerning Singaporean citizen, I sincerely hope that the authority could help monitor the online activities of the concerning forum member XXXXXXXX, as such careless and insensitive remarks could eventually snow balled into something very damaging to the fabric of our multicultural society.

Your sincerely,


09-10-13, 19:15
The poor air quality in jurong is a fact, really nothing to argue with that buffoon. Just take a drive there n we all know, unless the person is an ENT patient.

Has anybody actually driven to tuas south avenue 1 and stand there, enjoying the breeze and calm? So windy and nice.

09-10-13, 19:18
Hi hopeful Sir

Have la

too embarrassing :scared-2:

Alamak, simi sir, u r evading le
Bur i understand the dilemma u r facing, credibility or embarassment.
1) if u dont/cant want to proof u ever lose ur temper, then u lose credibility but save urself the embarassment
2) if u can proof that u ever lose ur temper, then u gain credibility but u be embarassed.

A real dilemma ;)

Actually, the choice is an easy one. How can a person be embarassed if Nobody know Anybody here. :)

09-10-13, 19:25
You are nice.....but let the children be. Those were the few. ;) I just come in to get u out of here. ;)

Let me act in good faith and call for a TRUCE for all parties ?

And wrap this thread up and re open it 3 years later when
J Gateway TOPed

I am also guilty of not controlling my temper earlier

My thousand apology to all that I had offended
Lets agree to disagree ...ya ?

09-10-13, 19:25
Has anybody actually driven to tuas south avenue 1 and stand there, enjoying the breeze and calm? So windy and nice.

Raffles Marina is one of the nicest place to enjoy sunset,

09-10-13, 19:36
You are nice.....but let the children be. Those were the few. ;) I just come in to get u out of here. ;)

Thank you lajia Sir

09-10-13, 21:13
The poor air quality in jurong is a fact, really nothing to argue with that buffoon. Just take a drive there n we all know, unless the person is an ENT patient.

Really dont understand why there is a need to dispute that Jurong's air quality is worse than the other parts of Singapore.

Disputing it is like saying the unit next to the rubbish bin in a PC is the same as the other unit that is away from the rubbish bin with a pool view.


09-10-13, 21:47
can any of you just ask your primary school kids to tell you which color chart correspond to lowest reading??? with ENT problem also can as long as they do not have color blind. if you need more detail, refers to NEA website. don't tell anyone or spread rumour about something you cannot smell, cannot be measured and so on...ppl likely to believe in fact.

your fart can make yourselves retard....be careful, don't fart too much! it will affect your family and ppl around you. thing that you can smell....what can you expect!

this is today's reading.


Time 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM North 35 34 34 34 33 32 31 31 31 31 31 30 South 34 34 35 35 34 33 33 32 31 31 29 29 East 33 33 33 32 31 30 29 29 29 28 28 27 West 26 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 24 Central 32 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 26 - See more at: http://app2.nea.gov.sg/anti-pollution-radiation-protection/air-pollution/psi/psi-readings-over-the-last-24-hours#sthash.0H0rZzhU.dpuf

Really dont understand why there is a need to dispute that Jurong's air quality is worse than the other parts of Singapore.

Disputing it is like saying the unit next to the rubbish bin in a PC is the same as the other unit that is away from the rubbish bin with a pool view.


09-10-13, 21:57
Basically I find this 24-hr PSI reading chart to be a joke. Basically it is telling us that the West area with all the heavy industries spilling all those toxic gases, CO, SO, has lower pollution than the Central catchment area! Anybody believe that? No I don't. So, the most logically thing must be that the West sensor is probably located in the middle of the Jurong Lake, while the Central sensor is probably beside a power generator thus hyping up measured pollution value! :rolleyes:

can any of you just ask your primary school kids to tell you which color chart correspond to lowest reading??? with ENT problem also can as long as they do not have color blind. if you need more detail, refers to NEA website. don't tell anyone or spread rumour about something you cannot smell, cannot be measured and so on...ppl likely to believe in fact.

your fart can make yourselves retard....be careful, don't fart too much! it will affect your family and ppl around you. thing that you can smell....what can you expect!

this is today's reading.


Time 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM 6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM North 35 34 34 34 33 32 31 31 31 31 31 30 South 34 34 35 35 34 33 33 32 31 31 29 29 East 33 33 33 32 31 30 29 29 29 28 28 27 West 26 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 24 Central 32 33 32 32 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 26 - See more at: http://app2.nea.gov.sg/anti-pollution-radiation-protection/air-pollution/psi/psi-readings-over-the-last-24-hours#sthash.0H0rZzhU.dpuf

09-10-13, 22:05
your studies doesn't to you any good... pardon me. you forgot about this impt element called WIND! Please la...why do we have haze worst on some day then the other? Why sometimes JB or Malacca worst then Sin? I don't think I need to go further with you on this topic....many times liao.
why don't u give a call to NEA and specifically ask them to put the sensor in Jurong island. better gauge I think.

Basically I find this 24-hr PSI reading chart to be a joke. Basically it is telling us that the West area with all the heavy industries spilling all those toxic gases, CO, SO, has lower pollution than the Central catchment area! Anybody believe that? No I don't. So, the most logically thing must be that the West sensor is probably located in the middle of the Jurong Lake, while the Central sensor is probably beside a power generator thus hyping up measured pollution value! :rolleyes:

09-10-13, 22:16
Oh WIND! But the wind can never make all those toxic gases like CO and SO etc toxic gases disappear immediately when they are generated in the West. But surprising you are telling us that the wind make the toxic gases disappeared so that the West sensors will not measured them, and these toxic gases mysteriously flew across the whole big piece of West land without being captured by the "West PSI sensors" and phew they land in Central area and are only captured by the "Central PSI sensors"? That is absolutely absurd and illogical. I don't just accept anything I read as though they are the truth, we need to use our brain to distill and find the "real truth"! There is just a big "hole" in those data! :doh:

your studies doesn't to you any good... pardon me. you forgot about this impt element called WIND! Please la...why do we have haze worst on some day then the other? Why sometimes JB or Malacca worst then Sin? I don't think I need to go further with you on this topic....many times liao.
why don't u give a call to NEA and specifically ask them to put the sensor in Jurong island. better gauge I think.

09-10-13, 22:22
Oh WIND! But the wind can never make all those toxic gases like CO and SO etc toxic gases disappear immediately when they are generated in the West. But surprising you are telling us that the wind make the toxic gases disappeared so that the West sensors will not measured them, and these toxic gases mysteriously flew across the whole big piece of West land without being captured by the "West PSI sensors" and phew they land in Central area and are only captured by the "Central PSI sensors"? That is absolutely absurd and illogical. I don't just accept anything I read as though they are the truth, we need to use our brain to distill and find the "real truth"! There is just a big "hole" in those data! :doh:

Like I said before, if you think you are so great and knowledgeable about air pollution, go write a thesis, publish it and let NEA or MOH reply to you.

Or else, how do we know you are fear mongering spreading lies to satisfy your own ego trip.

09-10-13, 22:52
I am not so free to do things to benefit people like you who are rude to me! :tongue3:
And I don't want to have PHD or Permanent Head Damage like you.
If you want, please go ahead to do it for the sake of your investment in Jurong!

And I have pointed out very valid reasons to show that the PSI data got some problems based on the facts we know about the West region and the Central catchment area. I will let forumers here decide whether you are lying or I am lying. There is no need to keep saying other people are lying when you have been caught lying so many times! :doh:

Like I said before, if you think you are so great and knowledgeable about air pollution, go write a thesis, publish it and let NEA or MOH reply to you.

Or else, how do we know you are fear mongering spreading lies to satisfy your own ego trip.

09-10-13, 23:03
I am not so free to do things to benefit people like you who are rude to me! :tongue3:
And I don't want to have PHD or Permanent Head Damage like you.
If you want, please go ahead to do it for the sake of your investment in Jurong!

And I have pointed out very valid reasons to show that the PSI data got some problems based on the facts we know about the West region and the Central catchment area. I will let forumers here decide whether you are lying or I am lying. There is no need to keep saying other people are lying when you have been caught lying so many times! :doh:

the reason why I am suggesting is not because I hope you will do it but because I know you cant do it,

I am just interested to see what sort of excuses you will give in order to create a false impression that you actually know a lot when we know you know so little.

Btw, talking about health and air pollution, I am not sure if you are aware that many pharmaceutical giants are operating out of Tuas, which is very close to the Tuas incinerator. So the question is, do you have reason to believe that these companies; who employs hundreds if not thousands of highly paid professional in the field of medicine and drugs, will agreed on the Tuas site if there is a real concern of air pollution?

09-10-13, 23:09
Simple, because the govt didn't give them other choice and hence they have no other choice. Those highly paid professionals also have no other choice if they choose to work in those companies for the sake of the high pays.
That is why, Is it any wonder that their top-most level executives do not live in Jurong despite the fact that their plants are in Jurong? :ashamed1:
So, as you can see, the concern is very real, despite the fact that these people's families turn on the air-con 24 hours a day which in a way already can help to reduce and alleviate the toxic gases and pollution factors (and even after doing so, they refused to live in Jurong)!

the reason why I am suggesting is not because I hope you will do it but because I know you cant do it,

I am just interested to see what sort of excuses you will give in order to create a false impression that you actually know a lot when we know you know so little.

Btw, talking about health and air pollution, I am not sure if you are aware that many pharmaceutical giants are operating out of Tuas, which is very close to the Tuas incinerator. So the question is, do you have reason to believe that these companies; who employs hundreds if not thousands of highly paid professional in the field of medicine and drugs, will agreed on the Tuas site if there is a real concern of air pollution?

09-10-13, 23:29
Simple, because the govt didn't give them other choice and hence they have no other choice. Those highly paid professionals also have no other choice if they choose to work in those companies for the sake of the high pays.
That is why, Is it any wonder that their top-most level executives do not live in Jurong despite the fact that their plants are in Jurong? :ashamed1:
So, as you can see, the concern is very real, despite the fact that these people's families turn on the air-con 24 hours a day which in a way already can help to reduce and alleviate the toxic gases and pollution factors (and even after doing so, they refused to live in Jurong)!

I tell you want is very real. You have no facts to back up what you said, and you are just going round in circle making up stories, saying the same thing over and over again.

Plus I think you have some kind of shameful wannabe elitist attitude whereby you will all foreign workers as stinky. AFAIK, there are top level executives at director level living in Jurong region because their kids study in the west.

As far as TOP MOST executive is concerned, maybe they are born with a nose as big as a cannon, that's why they feel uncomfortable living in the west due to foreign workers farts.

And btw, its not government didnt give them a choice, its because government roll out red carpet to invite them to invest in Singapore.

09-10-13, 23:34
Simple, because the govt didn't give them other choice and hence they have no other choice. Those highly paid professionals also have no other choice if they choose to work in those companies for the sake of the high pays.
That is why, Is it any wonder that their top-most level executives do not live in Jurong despite the fact that their plants are in Jurong? :ashamed1:
So, as you can see, the concern is very real, despite the fact that these people's families turn on the air-con 24 hours a day which in a way already can help to reduce and alleviate the toxic gases and pollution factors (and even after doing so, they refused to live in Jurong)!

It is true that given a choice not many people would want to stay in Jurong.

Just create a poll and ask (but do we need to ?!) :

If you are given a free apartment how would you choose from the following :

1) Jurong
2) Bishan
3) Punggol
4) Yishun
5) River Valley

Rank these according to where people would like to stay if given a free PC - same size though in case some people say big vs small.


09-10-13, 23:38
Yes govt roll out red carpet, but as far as I know, for heavy industries setup, they are only given 1 choice for the plant to be located: Jurong or Jurong Island, that is it! You think they can like it means they can build in Bishan or Toa Payoh and the govt will allow that? :doh:
As for the top-level executives, while I can't say for all, but I know most don't live in Jurong, and that is a fact, that no amount of your lying and twist and turn can change this fact. :tongue3:

I tell you want is very real. You have no facts to back up what you said, and you are just going round in circle making up stories, saying the same thing over and over again.

Plus I think you have some kind of shameful wannabe elitist attitude whereby you will all foreign workers as stinky. AFAIK, there are top level executives at director level living in Jurong region because their kids study in the west.

As far as TOP MOST executive is concerned, maybe they are born with a nose as big as a cannon, that's why they feel uncomfortable living in the west due to foreign workers farts.

And btw, its not government didnt give them a choice, its because government roll out red carpet to invite them to invest in Singapore.

09-10-13, 23:41
It is true that given a choice not many people would want to stay in Jurong.

Just create a poll and ask (but do we need to ?!) :

If you are given a free apartment how would you choose from the following :

1) Jurong
2) Bishan
3) Punggol
4) Yishun
5) River Valley

Rank these according to where people would like to stay if given a free PC - same size though in case some people say big vs small.


I will choose River Valley, then sell away, buy a cheaper jurong property for investment and use the balance to pamper myself for a holiday and on the plane then I started to think....who is the sucker who are giving away free apartment...but then... suddenly....ring ring ring..... alarm clock goes off....damn it... it was just a dream...

09-10-13, 23:42
Yes govt roll out red carpet, but as far as I know, for heavy industries setup, they are only given 1 choice for the plant to be located: Jurong or Jurong Island, that is it! You think they can like it means they can build in Bishan or Toa Payoh and the govt will allow that? :doh:
As for the top-level executives, while I can't say for all, but I know most don't live in Jurong, and that is a fact, that no amount of your lying and twist and turn can change this fact. :tongue3:

Do you consider drugs, infant milk powder production etc as heavy industry?

09-10-13, 23:44
Dear readers,

Hope you can now see how some people value properties in different areas.
To some a River Valley PC is worth = same size Jurong PC + a holiday (say super expensive $100K holiday).

No wonder this same person end up paying $1,6xx-$1,7xx for a Jurong MM !

Most people knows a River Valley PC is worth at least 2 Jurong PC!

We seriously have to rest our case.
Mermaid : Dont blame the parent, with the above, how to teach ?


09-10-13, 23:47
What I consider is not important. What is important is that the govt tell them that if they want govt subsidy/incentives/benefits etc, they have only 1 place to build the plant, that is, only some place in "JURONG"! :doh:

Do you consider drugs, infant milk powder production etc as heavy industry?

09-10-13, 23:50
Dear readers,

Hope you can now see how some people value properties in different areas.
To some a River Valley PC is worth = same size Jurong PC + a holiday (say super expensive $100K holiday).

No wonder this same person end up paying $1,6xx-$1,7xx for a Jurong MM !

Most people knows a River Valley PC is worth at least 2 Jurong PC!

We seriously have to rest our case.
Mermaid : Dont blame the parent, with the above, how to teach ?


Which one will YOU choose?

1) Bishan
2) Marina Bay
3) River Valley
4) Ardmore Park
5) Kovan
6) Mount Sinai

09-10-13, 23:50
What I consider is not important. What is important is that the govt tell them that if they want govt subsidy/incentives/benefits etc, they have only 1 place to build the plant, that is, only some place in "JURONG"! :doh:

Refineries in Jurong, Ships burning high sulphur oil in Jurong, petrolchemical plants in Jurong, .... many many many heavy industries in Jurong.

Given a choice, most people even if work in Jurong, wont want to stay in Jurong.


09-10-13, 23:53
What I consider is not important. What is important is that the govt tell them that if they want govt subsidy/incentives/benefits etc, they have only 1 place to build the plant, that is, only some place in "JURONG"! :doh:

These are big american MNC corporation, and if Tuas site poses a health or contamination risk for their products or employees, they will be reliable for multimillion law suit from consumers as well as employers, plus product recall.

So please stop bullshitting.

10-10-13, 08:02
can any of you just ask your primary school kids to tell you which color chart correspond to lowest reading??? with ENT problem also can as long as they do not have color blind. if you need more detail, refers to NEA website. don't tell anyone or spread rumour about something you cannot smell, cannot be measured and so on...ppl likely to believe in fact.

your fart can make yourselves retard....be careful, don't fart too much! it will affect your family and ppl around you. thing that you can smell....what can you expect!

this is today's reading.

firstly before you go biting off more than what you can chew, at least know what PSI readings mean.

SO2, NO2, toxic gases are gaseous pollutants - i.e. they are not in particulate form and hence, do not constitute to PSI readings.

secondly, the PSI reading for the western region is higher than the rest of the island. so, you agree that air quality is relatively worse in the west?

lastly, don't use stats blatantly, lest it boomerangs and slap you in the face

10-10-13, 08:53
I didn't say contamination risk for their products, as their products are manufactured indoor, QC controlled, air clean-filtered, but the same cannot said about the air people breath in outdoor. As for employees, they are already compensated with higher salaries and they should know their risks (e.g. you work in manufacturing involving toxic chemicals, you should know your risk right? Otherwise why would the company pay you high salary in manufacturing sector when they are supposed to be cheap to compete with low-cost manufacturing done in China?)

There are certain things which people know, but which few people will/order to carry out long-term investigations just to throw money to confirm the truth, and is better not to reveal the truth for the reason you mention - not multimillions but BILLIONS $ law suit. Anyway, since you can't prove it, they know that you have no case. And nobody is going to spend money to give you the proof to let you have the case to milk them. Having no case doesn't mean that there is no truth, and having no long-term study doesn't mean the risk doesn't exist (in fact, the shorter-term study already proven the risks, but people will always argue there is no long-term study to prove it, just like you if they want to deny it).

Intelligent/Smart people will know how to differentiate and take the necessary actions that are best for themselves, don't need to wait for somebody else to spoon-feed them. The worst are then who suffer long-term irrevocable illness and suffering without even knowing how they got it in the first place! :rolleyes:

These are big american MNC corporation, and if Tuas site poses a health or contamination risk for their products or employees, they will be reliable for multimillion law suit from consumers as well as employers, plus product recall.

So please stop bullshitting.

10-10-13, 09:15
Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most common type of fatal air poisoning in many countries. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and tasteless, but highly toxic. It combines with hemoglobin to produce carboxyhemoglobin, which is ineffective for delivering oxygen to bodily tissues. In the U.S. 60% of carbon monoxide is caused by on road vehicles.

I didn't say contamination risk for their products, as their products are manufactured indoor, QC controlled, air clean-filtered, but the same cannot said about the air people breath in outdoor. As for employees, they are already compensated with higher salaries and they should know their risks (e.g. you work in manufacturing involving toxic chemicals, you should know your risk right? Otherwise why would the company pay you high salary in manufacturing sector when they are supposed to be cheap to compete with low-cost manufacturing done in China?)

There are certain things which people know, but which few people will/order to carry out long-term investigations just to throw money to confirm the truth, and is better not to reveal the truth for the reason you mention - not multimillions but BILLIONS $ law suit. Anyway, since you can't prove it, they know that you have no case. And nobody is going to spend money to give you the proof to let you have the case to milk them. Having no case doesn't mean that there is no truth, and having no long-term study doesn't mean the risk doesn't exist (in fact, the shorter-term study already proven the risks, but people will always argue there is no long-term study to prove it, just like you if they want to deny it).

Intelligent/Smart people will know how to differentiate and take the necessary actions that are best for themselves, don't need to wait for somebody else to spoon-feed them. The worst are then who suffer long-term irrevocable illness and suffering without even knowing how they got it in the first place! :rolleyes:

10-10-13, 09:27
why dont we ask the professionals, the insurance companies and or/actuarists in the insurance companies?

i am sure there are a number of insurance agents in the forum.
they just need to input in the calculator and their software will spit out the premiums.

1)life insurance.
2)health insurance.
3)accident insurance.

are the premiums for the 3 above insurances
A) residents who live and work in Jurong/Tuas.
B) residents who live in Jurong but work in the East.
C) residents who live in the East but work in Jurong/Tuas.

i would suspect that the premiums for life, health insurance would be similar in all A,B,C
however, accident premiums would be higher for those working in manufacturing/factory/heavy industry environment.

if westerners have shorter life span, then their life premiums be higher isnt it?
if westerners have more health problems, then their health premiums be higher isnt it?

and if the life and health premiums are the same,
1) are the healthy easterners subsidising the unhealthy westerners?
2) there is no difference between life span & health of easterners and westerners?

10-10-13, 09:32
why dont we ask the professionals, the insurance companies and or/actuarists in the insurance companies?

i am sure there are a number of insurance agents in the forum.
they just need to input in the calculator and their software will spit out the premiums.

1)life insurance.
2)health insurance.
3)accident insurance.

are the premiums for the 3 above insurances
A) residents who live and work in Jurong/Tuas.
B) residents who live in Jurong but work in the East.
C) residents who live in the East but work in Jurong/Tuas.

i would suspect that the premiums for life, health insurance would be similar in all A,B,C
however, accident premiums would be higher for those working in manufacturing/factory/heavy industry environment.

if westerners have shorter life span, then their life premiums be higher isnt it?
if westerners have more health problems, then their health premiums be higher isnt it?

and if the life and health premiums are the same,
1) are the healthy easterners subsidising the unhealthy westerners?
2) there is no difference between life span & health of easterners and westerners?

i believe companies should have workplace insurance for employees. secondly, the premium of working in a high risk environment, e.g. deep see rigging, should be higher than working in a childcare center.

however, i must qualify that i'm not an insurance agent.

10-10-13, 09:38
No one has the same willingness to pay (WTP). E.g. a sellor may thinks his place is worth $1m and there is a buyer who values it at $1.2m. There will be a deal done even if previous transactions are $950k only.

In terms of air quality in Jurong, there will be people who, after doing their research and experience it for themselves, decided to think it is not going to affect their WTP. Some may decided that this is the deal breaker and their WTP becomes very low. There are also lots of things that affect one's WTP. Some are particularly buillish on plans. Some felt plans are not important at all, location is.

So, there is no way we can convince everyone to agree on the same things and end up with the same WTP. If we can achieve it here, we probably has the formula for world peace. At the end of the day, if everyone thinks the same, it may be difficult to sell to a sellor who values your place higher than what you want to sell for.

It is getting quite ugly with everyone insisting that their own WTP is correct.

10-10-13, 09:38
Do smokers pay higher premiums?
Do older people pay higher premiums?
Do those with past chronic illness not have their illness not covered?
Do pilots pay higher premiums??

U are rite.... Why ah????

Check this out



Singapore is just a city and people are so paranoid????

Why Bangkok (not Thailand) pollution is so bad??? Why Jakarta (not indo or Bali) pollution so bad???

why dont we ask the professionals, the insurance companies and or/actuarists in the insurance companies?

i am sure there are a number of insurance agents in the forum.
they just need to input in the calculator and their software will spit out the premiums.

1)life insurance.
2)health insurance.
3)accident insurance.

are the premiums for the 3 above insurances
A) residents who live and work in Jurong/Tuas.
B) residents who live in Jurong but work in the East.
C) residents who live in the East but work in Jurong/Tuas.

i would suspect that the premiums for life, health insurance would be similar in all A,B,C
however, accident premiums would be higher for those working in manufacturing/factory/heavy industry environment.

if westerners have shorter life span, then their life premiums be higher isnt it?
if westerners have more health problems, then their health premiums be higher isnt it?

and if the life and health premiums are the same,
1) are the healthy easterners subsidising the unhealthy westerners?
2) there is no difference between life span & health of easterners and westerners?

10-10-13, 09:41
i believe companies should have workplace insurance for employees. secondly, the premium of working in a high risk environment, e.g. deep see rigging, should be higher than working in a childcare center.

however, i must qualify that i'm not an insurance agent.

U are rite....

Hopeful is referring to life insurance policies by individuals in Singapore...

10-10-13, 09:54
I didn't say contamination risk for their products, as their products are manufactured indoor, QC controlled, air clean-filtered, but the same cannot said about the air people breath in outdoor. As for employees, they are already compensated with higher salaries and they should know their risks (e.g. you work in manufacturing involving toxic chemicals, you should know your risk right? Otherwise why would the company pay you high salary in manufacturing sector when they are supposed to be cheap to compete with low-cost manufacturing done in China?)

There are certain things which people know, but which few people will/order to carry out long-term investigations just to throw money to confirm the truth, and is better not to reveal the truth for the reason you mention - not multimillions but BILLIONS $ law suit. Anyway, since you can't prove it, they know that you have no case. And nobody is going to spend money to give you the proof to let you have the case to milk them. Having no case doesn't mean that there is no truth, and having no long-term study doesn't mean the risk doesn't exist (in fact, the shorter-term study already proven the risks, but people will always argue there is no long-term study to prove it, just like you if they want to deny it).

Intelligent/Smart people will know how to differentiate and take the necessary actions that are best for themselves, don't need to wait for somebody else to spoon-feed them. The worst are then who suffer long-term irrevocable illness and suffering without even knowing how they got it in the first place! :rolleyes:

As I have said many time over, if you think there are genuine health risk for people living and working in Jurong, then you should write a thesis to prove what you say does affect the health of people living in the west.

Or else, the Orang Asli in Malaysia will start posting saying that Orchard Scotts Road pollution is health threatening because of the traffic etc. Are you going to dispute that exhaust gas coming out of cars, buses, taxi and trucks doesnt poses health risk.

10-10-13, 10:12
As I have said many time over, if you think there are genuine health risk for people living and working in Jurong, then you should write a thesis to prove what you say does affect the health of people living in the west.

Or else, the Orang Asli in Malaysia will start posting saying that Orchard Scotts Road pollution is health threatening because of the traffic etc. Are you going to dispute that exhaust gas coming out of cars, buses, taxi and trucks doesnt poses health risk.

Using your standards, please write a thesis to support your nonsensical claims then

Originally Posted by Ringo33 http://forums.condosingapore.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=436210#post436210)
1) Have you factor in the air pollution of the 2 crematorium, which is just over 1km away from Bishan? From what I have read, when a body goes up in flame, it will release toxic gas.

2) There are definitely more schools and institution in the western region region. details is available here (So there are no schools and HILs in the rest of Singapore?!!?)
http://forums.condosingapore.com/sho...18201&page=192 (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?t=18201&page=192)

3) As far as accessibility is concern, LTA has announced they are going to build 2 new MRT lines which will greatly help improve the connectivity of Jurong region, one is the Jurong region line, and the other is the cross region line, which will be completed in 2021-2025 and 2030.

As for road leading to bishan, you might want to know that the traffic on lornie road during peak hour can be extremely bad and this often caused jam all the way till PIE and Adams Road. (No traffic jams in Jurong??!)

Having said that, blueprint behind the JLD masterplan is to create a self contain regional commercial center, hence people living and working in Singapore will not have to leave Jurong at all.

4) Jurong is an extremly big region, and if you look at the map, you will know that its many many time bigger than Bishan estate. Hence if you wish to compare to Jurong estate, then it might be better if you combine Bishan and AMK. OR else you could compare Bishan to Toh Guan area.

As from demographic profile, jurong region has got the largest concentration of middle age group in Singapore and perhaps also has one of the highest percentage of 5 rm hdb flats in Singapore. And it has also been reported that as a result of JLD, there is an increase number of higher income earner moving towards west. I am sure if you do a google search you should be able to find the report.

10-10-13, 10:20
Using your standards, please write a thesis to support your nonsensical claims then

Originally Posted by Ringo33 http://forums.condosingapore.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?p=436210#post436210)
1) Have you factor in the air pollution of the 2 crematorium, which is just over 1km away from Bishan? From what I have read, when a body goes up in flame, it will release toxic gas.

2) There are definitely more schools and institution in the western region region. details is available here (So there are no schools and HILs in the rest of Singapore?!!?)
http://forums.condosingapore.com/sho...18201&page=192 (http://forums.condosingapore.com/showthread.php?t=18201&page=192)

3) As far as accessibility is concern, LTA has announced they are going to build 2 new MRT lines which will greatly help improve the connectivity of Jurong region, one is the Jurong region line, and the other is the cross region line, which will be completed in 2021-2025 and 2030.

As for road leading to bishan, you might want to know that the traffic on lornie road during peak hour can be extremely bad and this often caused jam all the way till PIE and Adams Road. (No traffic jams in Jurong??!)

Having said that, blueprint behind the JLD masterplan is to create a self contain regional commercial center, hence people living and working in Singapore will not have to leave Jurong at all.

4) Jurong is an extremly big region, and if you look at the map, you will know that its many many time bigger than Bishan estate. Hence if you wish to compare to Jurong estate, then it might be better if you combine Bishan and AMK. OR else you could compare Bishan to Toh Guan area.

As from demographic profile, jurong region has got the largest concentration of middle age group in Singapore and perhaps also has one of the highest percentage of 5 rm hdb flats in Singapore. And it has also been reported that as a result of JLD, there is an increase number of higher income earner moving towards west. I am sure if you do a google search you should be able to find the report.

you need to remember that I have the right to choose who I wishes to talk to in this forum. And unfortunately you are not one of those who I think is worth my time.

And please dont get carried away when I started asking you question about gospel truth, the sole purpose of doing that is for you to have a taste of what being bombarded with nonsensical question feels like.

Are you saying that you believe in gospel but you think gospel MIGHT not be true?

10-10-13, 10:20
Basically I find this 24-hr PSI reading chart to be a joke. Basically it is telling us that the West area with all the heavy industries spilling all those toxic gases, CO, SO, has lower pollution than the Central catchment area! Anybody believe that? No I don't. So, the most logically thing must be that the West sensor is probably located in the middle of the Jurong Lake, while the Central sensor is probably beside a power generator thus hyping up measured pollution value! :rolleyes:

:banghead::banghead::banghead: central mean the cbd.not Central catchment area.


10-10-13, 10:21
Breath *cough* *cough* taking pictures....

A layer of haze over Jurong Island seen from Sentosa.

There is also often 'clouds' of emissions hanging over Jurong Island

Emissions seem more obvious at night

Another look at the haze over Jurong Island from a submerged reef

Sometimes massive flaring also seen at Jurong Island (http://wildshores.blogspot.sg/2011/08/massive-flaring-at-jurong-island.html)

10-10-13, 10:25
you need to remember that I have the right to choose who I wishes to talk to you in this forum. And unfortunately you are not one of those who I think is worth my time.

And please dont get carried away when I started asking you question about gospel truth, the sole purpose of doing that is for you to have a taste of what being bombarded with nonsensical question feels like.

Are you saying that you believe in gospel but you think gospel MIGHT not be true?

eh, can't put up a fight so you run away like a gutless chicken. and till now, you still can't figure the difference between a metaphor and a statement.

case in point, i just called you a gutless chicken - it's a metaphor. does that mean you are one? gutless - yes, brainless - yes. a chicken? probably not, since you will be an insult to the feathered ones.

10-10-13, 10:27
eh, can't put up a fight so you run away like a gutless chicken. and till now, you still can't figure the difference between a metaphor and a statement.

case in point, i just called you a gutless chicken - it's a metaphor. does that mean you are one? gutless - yes, brainless - yes. a chicken? probably not, since you will be an insult to the feathered ones.

Do you not understand the meaning of my signature?

10-10-13, 10:33
Do you not understand the meaning of my signature?

sure do, and how many times do i need to tell you that reminding yourself that you're stupid won't make you smarter.

let me give you a quote of my own:

stupidity and ringo are best friends, don't treasure them

10-10-13, 10:58
eh, can't put up a fight so you run away like a gutless chicken. and till now, you still can't figure the difference between a metaphor and a statement.

case in point, i just called you a gutless chicken - it's a metaphor. does that mean you are one? gutless - yes, brainless - yes. a chicken? probably not, since you will be an insult to the feathered ones.

For someone who cannot understand why Bishan/Thomson is more valuable than Jurong, how to understand ma-ter-fur ?


10-10-13, 11:02
For someone who cannot understand why Bishan/Thomson is more valuable than Jurong, how to understand ma-ter-fur ?


do you think that Sky Vue will have better capital gain and rental yield potential than J Gateway in ulu Jurong?

10-10-13, 14:25
Trial begins against BP over Texas refinery emissions

By Erwin Seba
HOUSTON | Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:02pm EDT

HOUSTON (Reuters) -

Trial began on Wednesday in the first four of 48,000 civil lawsuits filed against BP Plc for pollution from the 460,196 barrel per day (bpd) refinery it owned in Texas City, Texas until early this year, according to court documents.

The four suits allege that people were harmed when the refinery released vapors into the atmosphere from its hydrocracking unit during a 40-day period in 2010. The city had a population of 45,099 in 2010, according to the U.S. Census.

Since the first lawsuits were filed in 2010, the British oil company has denied the claims that people were harmed by the emissions, which included 17,000 pounds of benzene, according to notices filed by the refinery with Texas pollution regulators.

BP said in a statement on Wednesday that: "Neither the community air-monitoring network nor the BP fence-line monitors showed elevated readings during April and May 2010 and we do not believe that any negative health impacts resulted from flaring at BP's Texas City refinery during this period."

The four plaintiffs whose cases began on Wednesday are seeking compensation of $200,000 each from BP. All 48,000 plaintiffs in the refinery lawsuits also are seeking a single punitive claim of $10 billion that would be donated to charity.

In 2011, BP paid $50 million to settle a lawsuit by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott over pollution from the refinery between 2005 and

Jurong Island (from Wiki)
Today, Jurong Island is home to many companies such as LANXESS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LANXESS), BASF (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASF), BP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP), Celanese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celanese), Evonik (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evonik),ExxonMobil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil), DuPont (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont), Mitsui Chemicals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsui_Chemicals), Chevron Oronite (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChevronTexaco),Shell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Dutch_Shell), Singapore Petroleum Company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Petroleum_Company)and Sumitomo Chemical (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumitomo_Chemical).
Clusters of gigantic cylindrical tanks amid a maze of pipelines now dot the island;

ExxonMobil, which has invested S$4 billion in a refinery (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refinery) and cracker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracking_(chemistry))plant, makes industrial and automotive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive) lubricants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubricant) including a product used in Formula One (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One) racing cars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racing_car). DuPont invested S$1 billion, and manufactures Zytel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zytel) nylon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nylon) resin, a versatile engineering plastic used in automobile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile) components, appliances, wire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire) insulation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_insulation), sporting gear and home furnishings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furnishing).
Output for the chemicals cluster—which cover oil and gas, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specialty_chemicals)—totaled S$66.5 billion in 2005, an increase of 31 per cent from 2004. This accounted for almost 32 per cent of production in Singapore's manufacturing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing) sector.

Powered by the cluster, Singapore is currently one of the world's top three oil refining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_refining) centres despite not having a single drop of crude (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crude_oil) deposits.

Jurong Island's refineries process 1,300,000 barrels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_(volume)#Oil_barrel) (210,000 m3) of crude oil per day,[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)] turning it into petrol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrol), kerosene (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerosene) and jet fuel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_fuel) sold locally and abroad. Cracker plants break down the molecules of other oil-and gas-related substances such as naphtha (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naphtha) into additives that give unique characteristics to certain products, from printer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printer_(publisher)) inks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink) to plastic mouldings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molding_(process)), semiconductors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiconductor) and aircraft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft) materials.

10-10-13, 14:39
4 hours already, nobody has insurance agents as friends?

"there-is-pollution-in-jurong" supporters cannot say meh? "my agent friends say life & health insurance premiums are higher for people who live and work in Jurong as compared to East Coasters."

"there-is-no-pollution-in-jurong" supporters also cannot say meh? "my agent friends say life & health insurance premiums are the same for people who live and work in Jurong as compared to East Coasters."

hopeful's agent friend say all sama-sama whether one stay/work in east or west.

i mean does insurance companies really want to lose money if really jurong-ers have shorter life spans and more health problems?

10-10-13, 15:00
4 hours already, nobody has insurance agents as friends?

"there-is-pollution-in-jurong" supporters cannot say meh? "my agent friends say life & health insurance premiums are higher for people who live and work in Jurong as compared to East Coasters."

"there-is-no-pollution-in-jurong" supporters also cannot say meh? "my agent friends say life & health insurance premiums are the same for people who live and work in Jurong as compared to East Coasters."

hopeful's agent friend say all sama-sama whether one stay/work in east or west.

i mean does insurance companies really want to lose money if really jurong-ers have shorter life spans and more health problems?

think these are distinct issues.

1. there are pollutants all around us; vehicle exhaust, paint fumes, etc. it is a fact that the further the distance away from the source of toxic air plume, the lower the concentration. however, there is a finite distance and i believe NEA or the gov has regulations to safeguard air quality. hence, breathing next to an incinerator chimmney is NOT recommended. to keep things simple, let's not go into detailed calculations.

to those who are are purporting that the air quality around jurong/tuas is comparatively poorer, there is some truth to it.

2. assuming that point 1 is true, is there a correlation between the elevated levels of gaseous toxins and adverse short/long-term health outcomes? well, the levels may be too low. some may argue there could be long-term harm then. then we need to know how our bodies metabolize or excrete these toxins.

although air quality may be poorer, it may not negatively affect health and hence, no impact on insurance premiums. if anyone or agency can prove otherwise, our million-dollar-postman Vivian will be out of job faster than you can say "AH-CHOO!"

3. assuming that point 1 is false, there is no need to explain further.

BUT, i have a bone to pick when some moron claim cremation of bodies produce toxic gases that rival those from heavy industries.

10-10-13, 15:29
I never know the air pollution in jurong was that bad until i saw the pictures.

Please wake up and admit to yourself. No one, if given the choice, will choose to live in jurong, unless there is a STRONG pull, ie work, or family. If they could afford it outside jurong, be it bukit batok, tampines, bedok, they would. Jurong is not and will never be a suburb associated with class. Get real.

10-10-13, 15:34
I once ask some "ah kong" agencies why the threshold level of some chemicals are higher in the factory as compared to offices. They replied that those people working in those environment are compensated when they took on those jobs. One of them died at a young age. :beats-me-man:
I never know the air pollution in jurong was that bad until i saw the pictures.

Please wake up and admit to yourself. No one, if given the choice, will choose to live in jurong, unless there is a STRONG pull, ie work, or family. If they could afford it outside jurong, be it bukit batok, tampines, bedok, they would. Jurong is not and will never be a suburb associated with class. Get real.

10-10-13, 15:49
Trial begins against BP over Texas refinery emissions

By Erwin Seba
HOUSTON | Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:02pm EDT

HOUSTON (Reuters) -

Trial began on Wednesday in the first four of 48,000 civil lawsuits filed against BP Plc for pollution from the 460,196 barrel per day (bpd) refinery it owned in Texas City, Texas until early this year, according to court documents.

The four suits allege that people were harmed when the refinery released vapors into the atmosphere from its hydrocracking unit during a 40-day period in 2010. The city had a population of 45,099 in 2010, according to the U.S. Census.

Since the first lawsuits were filed in 2010, the British oil company has denied the claims that people were harmed by the emissions, which included 17,000 pounds of benzene, according to notices filed by the refinery with Texas pollution regulators.

BP said in a statement on Wednesday that: "Neither the community air-monitoring network nor the BP fence-line monitors showed elevated readings during April and May 2010 and we do not believe that any negative health impacts resulted from flaring at BP's Texas City refinery during this period."

The four plaintiffs whose cases began on Wednesday are seeking compensation of $200,000 each from BP. All 48,000 plaintiffs in the refinery lawsuits also are seeking a single punitive claim of $10 billion that would be donated to charity.

In 2011, BP paid $50 million to settle a lawsuit by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott over pollution from the refinery between 2005 and

Jurong Island (from Wiki)
Today, Jurong Island is home to many companies such as LANXESS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LANXESS), BASF (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASF), BP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BP), Celanese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celanese), Evonik (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evonik),ExxonMobil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExxonMobil), DuPont (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuPont), Mitsui Chemicals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsui_Chemicals), Chevron Oronite (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChevronTexaco),Shell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Dutch_Shell), Singapore Petroleum Company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Petroleum_Company)and Sumitomo Chemical (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumitomo_Chemical).
Clusters of gigantic cylindrical tanks amid a maze of pipelines now dot the island;

ExxonMobil, which has invested S$4 billion in a refinery (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refinery) and cracker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracking_(chemistry))plant, makes industrial and automotive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive) lubricants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubricant) including a product used in Formula One (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One) racing cars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racing_car). DuPont invested S$1 billion, and manufactures Zytel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zytel) nylon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nylon) resin, a versatile engineering plastic used in automobile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile) components, appliances, wire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wire) insulation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_insulation), sporting gear and home furnishings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furnishing).
Output for the chemicals cluster—which cover oil and gas, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specialty_chemicals)—totaled S$66.5 billion in 2005, an increase of 31 per cent from 2004. This accounted for almost 32 per cent of production in Singapore's manufacturing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing) sector.

Powered by the cluster, Singapore is currently one of the world's top three oil refining (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_refining) centres despite not having a single drop of crude (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crude_oil) deposits.

Jurong Island's refineries process 1,300,000 barrels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_(volume)#Oil_barrel) (210,000 m3) of crude oil per day,[citation needed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed)] turning it into petrol (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrol), kerosene (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerosene) and jet fuel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_fuel) sold locally and abroad. Cracker plants break down the molecules of other oil-and gas-related substances such as naphtha (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naphtha) into additives that give unique characteristics to certain products, from printer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printer_(publisher)) inks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ink) to plastic mouldings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molding_(process)), semiconductors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiconductor) and aircraft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft) materials.

Very impressive research !

Kudos !

We need more forummers like this with superior research skills.


10-10-13, 16:05
Here is more info....

It was a cock up at the plant...


The effects


10-10-13, 16:43
In case you think flaring is a pretty (breathtaking) sight to behold...

Sometimes massive flaring also seen at Jurong Island (http://wildshores.blogspot.sg/2011/08/massive-flaring-at-jurong-island.html)

From Wikipedia
A gas flare, alternatively known as a flare stack, is a gas combustion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion) device used in industrial plants such as petroleum refineries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_refinery), chemical plants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_plant), natural gas processing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas_processing) plants as well as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_well), gas wells (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_well), offshore oil and gas rigs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_rigs) and landfills (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landfill).

Whenever industrial plant equipment items are over-pressured, the pressure relief valves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_relief_valve) provided as essential safety devices on the equipment automatically release gases and sometimes liquids as well. Those pressure relief valves are required by industrial design codes and standards as well as by law.
The released gases and liquids are routed through large piping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piping) systems called flare headers to a vertical elevated flare. The released gases are burned (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion) as they exit the flare stacks. The size and brightness of the resulting flame depends upon the flammable material's flow rate in terms of joules (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule) per hour

Flaring constitutes a hazard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazard) to human health, and is a contributor to the worldwide anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide). For example, oil refinery flare stacks may emit methane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane) and other volatile organic compounds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volatile_organic_compounds) as well as sulfur dioxide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_dioxide) and other sulfur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur) compounds, which are known to exacerbate asthma and other respiratory problems. Other emissions include, aromatic hydrocarbons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatic_hydrocarbons) (benzene (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene), toluene (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toluene), xylenes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylenes)) and benzapyrene (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzapyrene), which are known to be carcinogenic.

The quote from the article linked below is also very interesting.


Quote :

"Flaring also happens to be one of the ways that oil refinery emissions, such as cancer-causing benzene and other ozone-forming volatile organic compounds, escape detection (http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Environmental-groups-sue-EPA-over-refinery-4484297.php), and therefore regulation, according to a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last Wednesday (http://www.environmentalintegrity.org/news_reports/documents/2013.05.01__EmissionFactorsComplaint_FINAL1.pdf)."

10-10-13, 16:47
Here is more info....

It was a cock up at the plant...


The effects


Sounds scary.
Considering the rate we are expanding Jurong Island, there is not only one or two or three, but many many refineries and HEAVY industries there too!

And Jurong Island is expanding! More land is going to reclaimed to house even more more more heavy industries.

Those who have choices, will want to move out.


10-10-13, 16:50
Sounds scary.
Considering the rate we are expanding Jurong Island, there is not only one or two or three, but many many refineries and HEAVY industries there too!

And Jurong Island is expanding! More land is going to reclaimed to house even more more more heavy industries.

Those who have choices, will want to move out.


don't be alarmed unnecessarily. you must take into consideration wind direction/strength and distance.

10-10-13, 16:52
don't be alarmed unnecessarily. you must take into consideration wind direction/strength and distance.

Yea. Agree. Of course, I dont mean everday kenna la.
Every other day, or every 2-3 days kenna wind blow the direction, then jia lat already!

Distance wise, Jurong quite confirm within toxic range like the Houston/Texas article.

Owners in the west ... must really BEWARE !


10-10-13, 16:57
don't be alarmed unnecessarily. you must take into consideration wind direction/strength and distance.

Look out for southwest monsoon season (jun-sep)


10-10-13, 17:06
Cremation and it's effects



Health Studies

This 2003 study shows that the risk of stillbirth was 4% higher and the risk of the life threatening brain abnormality anencephalus was 5% higher among babies whose mothers lived near to crematoria. More details here.
Canada's Interior Health Authority did a literature review and "concluded that fumes from crematoriums are potentially harmful and that they should not be located close to a residential area." It also "found that particulate matter, which can be inhaled deep into lung tissue, is the chief threat." (see "Put a lid on fumes from cremation," Vancouver Sun, 5/12/2006)
Public Health Impact of Crematoria (report by Chief Medical Officer of British Columbia outlining mercury, dioxin, particulate matter and other emissions concerns; report states that crematoria could have a negative impact on health and should not be located in residential neighborhoods)

I didn't know the above... Used to be staying at bishan st25... Also have clover by the park... Wah lau... Everywhere also got problem... Stay sentosa or reflection also kana refinery... Stay orchard kana car fumes... Stay north kana Pasir Guangzhou or something.... Hmmmm... Stay at home when retired and on air purifier... Hahahahahahah

10-10-13, 18:07
Cremation and it's effects



Health Studies

This 2003 study shows that the risk of stillbirth was 4% higher and the risk of the life threatening brain abnormality anencephalus was 5% higher among babies whose mothers lived near to crematoria. More details here.
Canada's Interior Health Authority did a literature review and "concluded that fumes from crematoriums are potentially harmful and that they should not be located close to a residential area." It also "found that particulate matter, which can be inhaled deep into lung tissue, is the chief threat." (see "Put a lid on fumes from cremation," Vancouver Sun, 5/12/2006)
Public Health Impact of Crematoria (report by Chief Medical Officer of British Columbia outlining mercury, dioxin, particulate matter and other emissions concerns; report states that crematoria could have a negative impact on health and should not be located in residential neighborhoods)

I didn't know the above... Used to be staying at bishan st25... Also have clover by the park... Wah lau... Everywhere also got problem... Stay sentosa or reflection also kana refinery... Stay orchard kana car fumes... Stay north kana Pasir Guangzhou or something.... Hmmmm... Stay at home when retired and on air purifier... Hahahahahahah

michael jackson sleep in oxygen capsule.. still die young.. lol

10-10-13, 18:13
michael jackson sleep in oxygen capsule.. still die young.. lol

I thot the morale of MJ was never get your own personal doctor who will give u overdose.....

The morale of the story is - engage in vices before u die.... Look at Mao, smoke and live so long...... Then u read, people so healthy, run marathon also die...

Actually worry and stress are the killers....

10-10-13, 18:24
Better stay far from the green...

After recently writing an article about Justin Timberlake’s newly reopened green golf course, Mirimichi, I began to dig deeper into the potential hazards that non-green golf courses pose and the ultimate cost that humankind and the environment will have to pay. One of the main and most talked about dangers of golf courses in recent years, has been the use of pesticides on golf course lawns.

So what’s the big deal with pesticides? Most golf courses employ pesticides in large quantities on their greens and fairways (in repeated treatments) in order to prevent pest problems. Rather than modifying their treatments to tackle specific problems, courses spray a cocktail of pesticides on their lawns; however this can lead to a dependency on the pesticides, in turn, necessitating more pesticides and a higher health risk to the public. In fact, one course in Long Island, New York was found to use four to seven times the average amount of pesticides used in agriculture, on a pound per acre basis.

ingesting pesticides can lead to health issues such as headaches, rashes, birth defects, learning disabilities, infertility, leukemia, and various cancers

These pesticides are not only a health danger to workers of golf courses or golfers, but to any nearby areas as well. Runoff and airborne drift carry the pesticides to close by neighborhoods and water sources and “pose health risks, both acute and chronic, from common cold like symptoms, nausea, dizziness, headaches, rashes, to birth defects, learning disabilities, infertility, leukemia, various cancers including brain cancer, breast cancer, [and] non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma”, says Jay Feldman of Beyond Pesticides. “Asthma rates in the U.S. have skyrocketed, and there are studies linking asthma to pesticides that are widely used on golf courses.”

10-10-13, 20:40
I don't need to lie, facts tell by themselves. See attached picture - That "CENTRAL" region is in the CENTRE of Singapore, the Central Catchment Area!

So, now, you are trying to lie and mislead people right! :tsk-tsk:

:banghead::banghead::banghead: central mean the cbd.not Central catchment area.


10-10-13, 20:51
I don't need to lie, facts tell by themselves. See attached picture - That "CENTRAL" region is in the CENTRE of Singapore, the Central Catchment Area!

So, now, you are trying to lie and mislead people right! :tsk-tsk:

Teddy, don't just count PM10. It is PM2.5 that will lodge in your lungs and give you lung cancer. If you count PM10 and PM2.5, the number is equal bad across island, about 60. To put that in perspective, AQI (including PM10 and PM2.5) is 8 in Toronto at this moment.

So, if you really worry about air quality, stop complaining and start packing to move to Toronto.

10-10-13, 21:12
Don't worry, the PSI and PM2.5 measured in Singapore is not accurate, because how the hell can the "Central" region, consisting mostly of Central Catchment Area, have higher PSI and PM2.5 most of the time compared to the West area where the heavy industries are spilling all those toxic gases and smokes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? :rolleyes:

And we haven't talk about all those toxic gases are not captured in PSI and PM2.5 yet because these only measure particulates, not amount and toxicity of all those toxic gases! :banghead:

Teddy, don't just count PM10. It is PM2.5 that will lodge in your lungs and give you lung cancer. If you count PM10 and PM2.5, the number is equal bad across island, about 60. To put that in perspective, AQI (including PM10 and PM2.5) is 8 in Toronto at this moment.

So, if you really worry about air quality, stop complaining and start packing to move to Toronto.

10-10-13, 21:21
Don't worry, the PSI and PM2.5 measured in Singapore is not accurate, because how the hell can the "Central" region, consisting mostly of Central Catchment Area, have higher PSI and PM2.5 most of the time compared to the West area where the heavy industries are spilling all those toxic gases and smokes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? :rolleyes:

And we haven't talk about all those toxic gases are not captured in PSI and PM2.5 yet because these only measure particulates, not amount and toxicity of all those toxic gases! :banghead:

True, particulates are measured by AQI, not toxicity. But the country is so small, toxic air can get to your neck of the wood in two minutes. So what difference does it make you live at orchard or Jurong? You may be better off living on Jurong Island. the chimney is so high, the further you live away, the more toxic the air is, frankly.

10-10-13, 21:35
Simple - the further you are from the source, the safer you are.
Since you agreed that the Jurong have more particulates, and Jurong is exposed to toxic gases 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, if the toxic gases become too much over long period of time, Jurong people will get it first. The rest of the region will get alerted and have time to make remedy actions. So, it is good that Jurong has more people living there as "litmus test", and help to cleanse the air there, and be the early warning system for the rest of the people living far away from Jurong. :beats-me-man:

True, particulates are measured by AQI, not toxicity. But the country is so small, toxic air can get to your neck of the wood in two minutes. So what difference does it make you live at orchard or Jurong? You may be better off living on Jurong Island. the chimney is so high, the further you live away, the more toxic the air is, frankly.

10-10-13, 21:55
don't need to waste your energy explaining to her. her mind is shut. even when you present facts, she will say facts are not true, many things cannot be seen or measured. she rather believe in things that she cannot see...:)

why central region sometimes higher PSI, wa lao, go ask secondary school kids la. she must have either failed her science or Physic or IQ damn low...pardon me, tabole tahan...:doh:

enough said. :2cents:

True, particulates are measured by AQI, not toxicity. But the country is so small, toxic air can get to your neck of the wood in two minutes. So what difference does it make you live at orchard or Jurong? You may be better off living on Jurong Island. the chimney is so high, the further you live away, the more toxic the air is, frankly.

10-10-13, 22:07
Simple - the further you are from the source, the safer you are.
Since you agreed that the Jurong have more particulates, and Jurong is exposed to toxic gases 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, if the toxic gases become too much over long period of time, Jurong people will get it first. The rest of the region will get alerted and have time to make remedy actions. So, it is good that Jurong has more people living there as "litmus test", and help to cleanse the air there, and be the early warning system for the rest of the people living far away from Jurong. :beats-me-man:

Not true, what you said. The smokestacks on Jurong Island are so high, the vicinity will be as clean as Snow White's cottage. It is the area where the toxic air lands that will receive most of the toxic air. Get it? With the right wind direction and velocity, CCR will be the "beneficiary" of this divine wind.

10-10-13, 22:14
aiyo, why u tell her this, she don't believe one la, let her embarrass herself further la...

Not true, what you said. The smokestacks on Jurong Island are so high, the vicinity will be as clean as Snow White's cottage. It is the area where the toxic air lands that will receive most of the toxic air. Get it? With the right wind direction and velocity, CCR will be the "beneficiary" of this divine wind.

11-10-13, 06:48

Read the portion on Atmospheric Dispersion....

It is true that those working in the refinery are the safest after all..... HAHAHAHAHAHA

It uses a Gaussian dispersion model for continuous buoyant pollution plumes to predict the air pollution isopleths, with consideration given to wind velocity, stack height, emission rate and stability class (a measure of atmospheric turbulence)

Think about the HAZE from indo..... See how far it was.... So all of u guys better pray NEA put a check on the pollution.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

If not better by a house nearest to the chimey.... I believe there are people technical enough to be able to calculate based on the formula the dispersion...

I ain't one of them.... Hahahahaha

11-10-13, 06:59

Read the portion on Atmospheric Dispersion....

It is true that those working in the refinery are the safest after all..... HAHAHAHAHAHA

It uses a Gaussian dispersion model for continuous buoyant pollution plumes to predict the air pollution isopleths, with consideration given to wind velocity, stack height, emission rate and stability class (a measure of atmospheric turbulence)

Think about the HAZE from indo..... See how far it was.... So all of u guys better pray NEA put a check on the pollution.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

If not better by a house nearest to the chimey.... I believe there are people technical enough to be able to calculate based on the formula the dispersion...

I ain't one of them.... Hahahahaha

Dispersion model is old school. Now people use computational fluid dynamics. Don't stay near the chimney.

But Singapore is too small - west has Tuas, south has refinery and landfill, north has Pasir Gudang, east has Pengerang and central you get everything.

11-10-13, 07:01
Watch out for this cars... Toxic man


So now crematorium also give out toxin




Read the portion on Atmospheric Dispersion....

It is true that those working in the refinery are the safest after all..... HAHAHAHAHAHA

It uses a Gaussian dispersion model for continuous buoyant pollution plumes to predict the air pollution isopleths, with consideration given to wind velocity, stack height, emission rate and stability class (a measure of atmospheric turbulence)

Think about the HAZE from indo..... See how far it was.... So all of u guys better pray NEA put a check on the pollution.... HAHAHAHAHAHA

If not better by a house nearest to the chimey.... I believe there are people technical enough to be able to calculate based on the formula the dispersion...

I ain't one of them.... Hahahahaha