View Full Version : Property price is coming down fast

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10-11-11, 08:25
Wonder why basic never jumped out when Dow was 10,500 ... now Dow is 1000 points above that low. May be he was busy selling his properties back then. But he thinks that Dow will crash below 10k he may be in for a disappointment .... here is why:

Dow Gold ratio is also much higher now at 11740 / 1769 = 6.63 ... still stuck in between 6 and 7 range.

Definitely market sentiment is more risk averse than Lehman as Dow Gold ratio is as low (or lower) compared to when Dow was below 7k but why both Dow/Gold are so much higher now?? Here lies the magic of QE1/QE2 ...without them Dow probably at 5,000 and Gold at 1,000 :scared-1:

And how about QE3 :scared-3:

he prolly catch no ball hehehehe

10-11-11, 08:29
Do you feel miserable? Pity your beloved wife. No kids?

you know I have no kids???....
many fortuneteller here or telescope eyes can see what I am going all the time...
now interested to know my family...how about my ancestor?? I did went back to great grandfather hometown in china...interesting......:)

10-11-11, 08:31
Ok ok back to basics ...

If you take Dow Gold ratio as the absolute standard as both priced in USD, the net effect of QE1/QE2 is basically inflating by about 65%

Dow from 7000 to 11,500
Gold from 1000 to 1650

Therefore, Dow is as good as at 7,000 now.


10-11-11, 08:31
really prepare more popcorn to see how spore property melt down in next 1-2 yrs......

If you’re enjoying what’s just the beginning of the implosion of all things Italia, grab some popcorn, and get ready for Spain & France, bitchez.

November 9th, 2011

Will there be a follow up meltdown in the U.K. or Portugal first, the U.S. or China?
What’s brewing in Japan?
We’ll all just have to wait to find out.

10-11-11, 08:32
You are spreading all the doomsday message and saying property will plunge or has plunged, but can you state some examples so that we can thank you for that valuable input.
no need to speculate what I did....my timing all very swee one!!!!.....

now is the effect of QE 1 & 2 is here to crash the world.....but it's a long road, they are not killing in 1 shot...slow died, boil frog in pot, let it keep jumping, then turn off fire a while, then turn on again, repeat till it completely death.....many more round to go from here, 1 country after another....like domino down....why Italy yesterday?? due to Greece 50% haircut threat affecting Italy banks now...Italy haircut will affect much wider world.....

where is all the nasty bulls & that liar, has to treat them same way back.....:):)

10-11-11, 08:35
Ok ok back to basics ...

If you take Dow Gold ratio as the absolute standard as both priced in USD, the net effect of QE1/QE2 is basically inflating by about 65%

Dow from 7000 to 11,500
Gold from 1000 to 1650

Therefore, Dow is as good as at 7,000 now.


he shd be able to understand now:D

10-11-11, 08:37
I am not interested to know anything about your family. You are certainly a chinese then. Like to buy good properties when markets correct. I am for the market to correct from time to time. Can pass it on to my next generation. :D I have gained from grandparents foresight and intend to do the same.:cool:
I know I have no kids???....
many fortuneteller here or telescope eyes can see what I am going all the time...
now interested to know my family...how about my ancestor?? I did went back to great grandfather hometown in china...interesting......:)

10-11-11, 08:37
I wasn't mixed up with your earlier post but this post made it clearer and i guess your main contention is that it's to protect the depositor's money.

I'm just uncomfortable with the fact that based on someone's valuation, one could be asked to top up money that otherwise wouldn't be required if they have all along prove to be able to pay up timely with no issue.

Does this only work for housing? What about other asset/expenses like cars? Once the car leaves the showroom, it's like taking a big hit in the resale value. No topping up there? Or simply that the banks aren't bothered just like how you say they are keeping silent all these while?

Most of lending/borrowing mechanisms require securities, be it real estate property, stock, US treasury, etc, to protect the interest of the lender.

Some of the securities are mark-to-market daily such as listed stocks and UST, which leaves much less room for argument. For illiquid assets like real estate properties, professional valuers are used to estimate the fair value which is more subjective as "people" are involved although they have to be independent. For commercial lending banks always require borrowers to submit a valuation report to ensure the fair value of the security is above the threshold stipulated in the facility agreement. For housing loans, we as borrowers are not required to do that, and the banks may also be reluctant to do so as long as you pay your installment timely. But again, it is at the banks' discretion

For car loans, in general the tenure is much shorter, and banks are protected by the residual value of the care itself, COE and OMV so I guess more cushion in case of default

10-11-11, 08:38
You are spreading all the doomsday message and saying property will plunge or has plunged, but can you state some examples so that we can thank you for that valuable input.

read thru' the thread, not going to repeat myself....
plunge or not, it's out there, check yourself, time will tell...crisis is already in front of you, whether you can see....
success or failure depend how far you can see the future...
wait till it happens already too late....your choice....already happening everyday, just wait for the doctor to issue death sentence...when they have distributed everything, they will announce....be patient.....:)

10-11-11, 08:41
he shd be able to understand now:D

liar & shorted, so simple also must ask.....:)

10-11-11, 08:42
I am not interested to know anything about your family. You are certainly a chinese then. Like to buy good properties when markets correct. I am for the market to correct from time to time. Can pass it on to my next generation. :D I have gained from grandparents foresight and intend to do the same.:cool:

your choice....1 can become 2 in 2-3 yrs time...can pass to 2 kids instead of 1 now.....up to you....or cut by halve, whichever way you think....:)

10-11-11, 08:47
This is the first time I am hearing this... Never mind..


I think what jwong71 meant was when interest rate is high, in the earlier years of a mortgage, more of the monthly payment in for interest
For example, for a S$1m loan over 30 years @3%, your monthly installment is S$4,206, of which around S$2,500 is for interest and the rest is for principal repayment in the first year.
However, when interest rate is 1%, the interest part is only S$833 for the monthly payment of S$3,214

10-11-11, 08:52
I understand where u r coming from....hehe....tats y some of my fh ppty is not for sale:D

At the end of the loan, hse is paid for by the tenants:D

The same principle is applicable to other investment, too
Buy a blue chip stock with decent dividend yield, you can receive steady dividend income periodically, and capital appreciation at exit. The payback period can be as good as investing in property, or even better

10-11-11, 08:53
Lose tenant? I think is the other way round now. Everytime renew, ask for 30% more. But now a bit stagnant I have to admit. Maybe D2 properties are higher in demand. You know, rental 6k, pay the bank + maintenance fees less than 3k.

I am not, but cannot tell more....you know these bunch of xxxxx here...haha....
with tons of money, who care, rent or buy, you can pick & choose, ask owner to do all kind of rubbish, now they are panic to worry to lose tenant, they treat you like king, you kick them like fool...so many out there....not happy knock a hole in their house, pour water to their pacquet flooring....who care...haha....:)

10-11-11, 08:56
What my grand parents / parents have bought the was one equalled to at least 500 now. Good to accumulate some when correct. The only challenge is "Are they good ones?" :confused:
your choice....1 can become 2 in 2-3 yrs time...can pass to 2 kids instead of 1 now.....up to you....or cut by halve, whichever way you think....:)

10-11-11, 09:00
Our PM is joining the bear club?

Singapore’s economy is visibly slowing down and will continue to do so into the first half of 2012, as global economic conditions get tough, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Wednesday.

“We are now in a period where incomes will be under pressure at the low-end. I think even in the middle, white-collar workers will also be coming under pressure,” Lee told CNBC.

I will be keeping my eyes peeled to our monthly unemployment figures.....

10-11-11, 09:00
Rental in hot districts are still not an issue now. People still renew with rental increment each time. More Passive income.:D
Lose tenant? I think is the other way round now. Everytime renew, ask for 30% more. But now a bit stagnant I have to admit. Maybe D2 properties are higher in demand. You know, rental 6k, pay the bank + maintenance fees less than 3k.

10-11-11, 09:00
Lose tenant? I think is the other way round now. Everytime renew, ask for 30% more. But now a bit stagnant I have to admit. Maybe D2 properties are higher in demand. You know, rental 6k, pay the bank + maintenance fees less than 3k.

wait long long...tan kuku....HSBC announced yesterday their retrenchment in HK started this month for 3000 & Asia, more to come....same thing again, spore will not say anything....
dream lah.....haha....self claimed what you like...
time of no tenant is on the way....soon...
whatever.....who is liar, time will tell....:):)

10-11-11, 09:01
It is obvious after what IMF chief said.
Our PM is joining the bear club?

Singapore’s economy is visibly slowing down and will continue to do so into the first half of 2012, as global economic conditions get tough, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Wednesday.

“We are now in a period where incomes will be under pressure at the low-end. I think even in the middle, white-collar workers will also be coming under pressure,” Lee told CNBC.

I will be keeping my eyes peeled to our monthly unemployment figures.....

10-11-11, 09:02
What my grand parents / parents have bought the was one equalled to at least 500 now. Good to accumulate some when correct. The only challenge is "Are they good ones?" :confused:

you are in your grandfather time now??....
you are in Japan 1990, US 2007 now....use your head....
collect more lah....then 5 become 1.....:):)

10-11-11, 09:02
i do follow the news about the impending crisis in europe and dow jones closely, but what i am interested is how much this will impact singapore's property market. Liquidity is at all time high in singapore now and many are waiting in the sideline to snap up more properties. Your prediction that property will tumble by 50% in the next 2 years is simply unrealistic when unemployment rate in singapore is among the lowest and there is no sign that MNCs are pulling out of Singapore due to what is happening in europe. I agree that what is happening in europe will create ripples in singapore waters, but i do not think it will be a tsunami like what you claim.

read thru' the thread, not going to repeat myself....
plunge or not, it's out there, check yourself, time will tell...crisis is already in front of you, whether you can see....
success or failure depend how far you can see the future...
wait till it happens already too late....your choice....already happening everyday, just wait for the doctor to issue death sentence...when they have distributed everything, they will announce....be patient.....:)

10-11-11, 09:03
Have not experienced no tenants even during bad times like 1996 or 2003.:confused:
wait long long...tan kuku....HSBC announced yesterday their retrenchment in HK started this month for 3000 & Asia, more to come....same thing again, spore will not say anything....
dream lah.....haha....self claimed what you like...
time of no tenant is on the way....soon...
whatever.....who is liar, time will tell....:):)

10-11-11, 09:03
What's new? These people either talk without using their brain or they are trying to propogate fear & doom & gloom...
This is the first time I heard people regards such statement as true in Singapore:
"normally the 1st few years are just paying the interests, ur principal amount is still the same." :tsk-tsk:

This is the first time I am hearing this... Never mind..


normally the 1st few years are just paying the interests, ur principal amount is still the same.

10-11-11, 09:05
did anyone short noble yday? -20%+ today!

10-11-11, 09:06
Yah, time will tell. Agree. Time value of money. With every month passing by, my principle amount will decrease (tenant paying) and I would have save up 1 month of installment. SOR is only 0.96%, I don't really give a shit for now. And we have QE3 coming? :D

wait long long...tan kuku....HSBC announced yesterday their retrenchment in HK started this month for 3000 & Asia, more to come....same thing again, spore will not say anything....
dream lah.....haha....self claimed what you like...
time of no tenant is on the way....soon...
whatever.....who is liar, time will tell....:):)

10-11-11, 09:07
BTW, I do not use my head to think but my brain. Wow 5 becomes 1. That is down to 20%. Many property tycoon will offload all their properties to cut losses. :doh:
you are in your grandfather time now??....
you are in Japan 1990, US 2007 now....use your head....
collect more lah....then 5 become 1.....:):)

10-11-11, 09:08
Another opportunity for Warren Buffet to buy US stocks on the cheap ... he made a mistake last time by sitting on huge pile of banana USD, after QE1/QE2, USD lost 15-20% against SGD, lost ... think he only bought GE and GS back in 2009.

10-11-11, 09:09
Sound like buying insurance. 1st few years, go to agent and company. Hahaha.

What's new? These people either talk without using their brain or they are trying to propogate fear & doom & gloom...
This is the first time I heard people regards such statement as true in Singapore:
"normally the 1st few years are just paying the interests, ur principal amount is still the same." :tsk-tsk:

10-11-11, 09:09
Jim Roger even now asking people to buy physical assets like commodities - gold, and especially agriculture commodities! Quoting him and said gold and property will crash is like slapping yourself in the face? Quote wrong person lah! :doh:

Jim Roger moved to spore 3-4 yrs liao...till today, he has not bought a property yet....still renting....

many fools here laughed at renting...go & laugh at him lah....got money, who carre rent or buy...got money got time...only let those with tons of DEBT, work like dog, then bark like dog here.....

holding property now, they thought holding gold....even gold will crash eventually, sure much earlier than property....there is sequence one, property already too late now...no buyers, just hold on, wait for greece, italy, PIIGS, france, US, UK, China, Japan, Germany.....anyone will cause domino to fall 1 by 1....be patient lah....haha.....:)

10-11-11, 09:10
Yah, time will tell. Agree. Time value of money. With every month passing by, my principle amount will decrease (tenant paying) and I would have save up 1 month of installment. SOR is only 0.96%, I don't really give a shit for now. And we have QE3 coming? :D

only fool still dreaming of QE3....
go & save whatvere....just 1 drop, all evaporated....
In 1-2 yrs time, situation will be super ugly....even you don't miss your month loan payment, when bank in super bad time themselves...they will ask you to top up valuation, decision is on them, not you.....
as I said, time will come, just prepare popcorn to watch who is naked eventually, tons.....:):)

10-11-11, 09:11
The same principle is applicable to other investment, too
Buy a blue chip stock with decent dividend yield, you can receive steady dividend income periodically, and capital appreciation at exit. The payback period can be as good as investing in property, or even better

i haf seen many stocks way underwater so far in my life.....so i prefer to accumulate wealth via ppty and fry fry equities:2cents:

i nvr buy stocks for dividend......

10-11-11, 09:18
If that happens, I will just buy more and more. I already say I am just waiting only. I don't even need to sell and even if they ask for top up (never in history before anyway), I don't see a problem. My loan all 75% (left around 70% now) so why should they ask me for top up? They should be asking those 80% first, then me. And you think the banks are dumb? Asking for top up is suicidal for their reputation and is a lose lose situation. Banks will rather collect your installment than to lose money.

only fool still dreaming of QE3....
go & save whatvere....just 1 drop, all evaporated....
In 1-2 yrs time, situation will be super ugly....even you don't miss your month loan payment, when bank in super bad time themselves...they will ask you to top up valuation, decision is on them, not you.....
as I said, time will come, just prepare popcorn to watch who is naked eventually, tons.....:):)

10-11-11, 09:18
Jim Roger even now asking people to buy physical assets like commodities - gold, and especially agriculture commodities! Quoting him and said gold and property will crash is like slapping yourself in the face? Quote wrong person lah! :doh:

u pointed out smthing i missed out:D

i suggest tat fool just do the cut and paste and comment less.....hehehe:D

coconut water in his brain:D

10-11-11, 09:22
Observation. It's obvious that someone is renting & thus saying market crashed.

Sold properties few years back and waiting for opportunity to enter market (fair enough because it's human nature). Has been quietly waiting for past few years but things didn't happen as expected.

Suddenly came out from nowhere and saw the opportunity with Europe facing problems and US not doing well. These are the bullets. You need bullets before going to war.

Don't under estimates written words/messages. A person with a pen (modern world use computer/ipad) has the best weapon available in this world. Not saying someone is spreading rumors but rumors are spread via SMS, email, forums, facebook in this modern world.

In case you are not aware, this forum has 18,729 members (mixed of owners & buyers) and many have few properties. Someone came here with the intention to talk down market & strike fear/panic. If can manage to unstabilize 10-20% in believing and start dumping their properties at discount, will have 1000 to 2000 discounted house out there for picking durians. This will generate domino effect as other sellers in the market will see the competitions and start to slash price.

Probably the right forum but wrong audience. Too many gurus around.
Many don't believe, stand firm and continue questioning.

Lesson learnt - don't over exaggerate facts and figures, don't scold people, be nice, be patience and hope for the best.

10-11-11, 09:22
Sound like buying insurance. 1st few years, go to agent and company. Hahaha.

actually to be fair, wat jw said is not entirely wrong.....as the loan tenure reduces, a greater portion of ur mthly installment goes to repay ur principle sum.......sounds more correct this way....hehe

10-11-11, 09:26
If that happens, I will just buy more and more. I already say I am just waiting only. I don't even need to sell and even if they ask for top up (never in history before anyway), I don't see a problem. My loan all 75% (left around 70% now) so why should they ask me for top up? They should be asking those 80% first, then me. And you think the banks are dumb? Asking for top up is suicidal for their reputation and is a lose lose situation. Banks will rather collect your installment than to lose money.

as I said, said what you like...self-claimed whatever....only fools believe....really nobody care...
that is why since my 1st post...post your view, fact, information & analysis, not personal gain or lose, how much you have or miss the boat to sell, sour grape or.....
time will tell who swim naked in 1-2 yrs time...that leave it to time...
we talk fact now, near & far future....past is gone....

10-11-11, 09:27
HSI plunged 870 points as of now! STI down 74 points so far...


10-11-11, 09:28
No, what I meant is that the statement "principle amount remains the same" is wrong. Dead wrong. Of course, as you pay up, lesser will go to interest and more will go to principle amount but the principle amount will never be the same from month to month. It will only decrease.

actually to be fair, wat jw said is not entirely wrong.....as the loan tenure reduces, a greater portion of ur mthly installment goes to repay ur principle sum.......sounds more correct this way....hehe

10-11-11, 09:28
u pointed out smthing i missed out:D

i suggest tat fool just do the cut and paste and comment less.....hehehe:D

coconut water in his brain:D

our greatest liar & fool of this forum.....
haha...if Jim Roger is fool.....then you don't even fit to moron liar..ar, ar, ar....haha....lol lol...what a joker fool, shi.t in brain...:):)

10-11-11, 09:29
HSI plunged 870 points as of now! STI down 74 points so far...


1000 is nothing...more to come tomorrow....:):)

10-11-11, 09:29
Agree. After it drops, shopping time. I am also excited btw.

as I said, said what you like...self-claimed whatever....only fools believe....really nobody care...
that is why since my 1st post...post your view, fact, information & analysis, not personal gain or lose, how much you have or miss the boat to sell, sour grape or.....
time will tell who swim naked in 1-2 yrs time...that leave it to time...
we talk fact now, near & far future....past is gone....

10-11-11, 09:31
Don't under estimates written words/messages. A person with a pen (modern world use computer/ipad) has the best weapon available in this world. Not saying someone is spreading rumors but rumors are spread via SMS, email, forums, facebook in this modern world.

In case you are not aware, this forum has 18,729 members (mixed of owners & buyers) and many have few properties. Someone came here with the intention to talk down market & strike fear/panic. If can manage to unstabilize 10-20% in believing and start dumping their properties at discount, will have 1000 to 2000 discounted house out there for picking durians. This will generate domino effect as other sellers in the market will see the competitions and start to slash price.

Probably the right forum but wrong audience. Too many gurus around.
Many don't believe, stand firm and continue questioning.

Lesson learnt - don't over exaggerate facts and figures, don't scold people, be nice, be patience and hope for the best.

wat u just said hold water:D

dun underestimate the power of internet especially FACEBOOK! nowadays, anyone can easily slams another person's reputation by using facebook.....and it spread like wildfire.......click 'likes' is so simple and it have cascading effects......ask urself.....who dun have facebook now? hehe...only ah gong and ah ma rite? hehehe

for every condo projects, just nid to convince ONE weak seller to sell at a discounted px and agts will based on tat transaction to convince/scare other sellers to sell at tat px.....tats how agt work inorder for them to close a deal.....

be careful folks:D

just to add: this forum no longer require ppl to register liao.....anyone can view the threads without registering.....i realised tat when this forum starts to accept advertisements......

10-11-11, 09:38
Yah, time will tell. Agree. Time value of money. With every month passing by, my principle amount will decrease (tenant paying) and I would have save up 1 month of installment. SOR is only 0.96%, I don't really give a shit for now. And we have QE3 coming? :D
When investing into a property, you pretty much covert your "Money" into "Property"

For example, let's say you have 1M
you put it into a time deposit and earn 1% a year for 3 years. At the end of 3 years, you have your 1M principal and 30k of interests assuming you don't reinvest the interest, so you have S$1,030,000 in your account

you put it into a 2.5m apartment with 1.5m mortgage, you many get 7000 rent and pay maintenance fee of 400 per month. Over the 3 years, your total net rental income is about 52K and your mortgage balance is about 1.378m
it is obvious that you are better off by investing in property if the property stay flat or appreciate
But what if price drops? if it drops by 10% to 2.25m, after repay your mortgage and commission, you get about 850K back and have S$952,000 in your bank account
If you stretch the horizon to 10 years, you will still find that you are better off if property price stay flat or appreciate, but a 10% drop over 10 years will likely wipe out everything and erode into your principal

Is 10% drop over 10 years impossible? Japan is in their 2nd decade of property deflation, and US is in their 4th year of property value depreciation. I am not implying that SG will be in the same situation but you have to take your view before making decision
The take away is:
At the end of the day, the investment return is more on the terminal value; you may happily collect your rent, but lose out on your principal.

10-11-11, 09:39
Government recently rejecting UOL sole bid on Paya Lebar ... if you think property price will have any possibility of 50% correction ... ask the Chief Valuer ... the Chief Valuer will probably value lands based on Gold price :p

Be realistic, if 15-20% below value ... just buy liao .. risk of banana money is real, even Warrent Buffet caught off guard by QEs :rolleyes:

10-11-11, 09:40
Agree. After it drops, shopping time. I am also excited btw.

haha...what a joker...whatever...:)

10-11-11, 09:44
Government recently rejecting UOL sole bid on Paya Lebar ... if you think property price will have any possibility of 50% correction ... ask the Chief Valuer ... the Chief Valuer will probably value properties based on Gold price :p

Be realistic, if 15-20% ... just buy liao

chief valuer is the one raiding spore reserved...he should sell now, time will tell he is wrong, dead wrong....haha....
if spore govt is the collector this round in coming crisis, property & stock, then global players will dump everything to them, then they will hold & bankrupt, not joking...instead they should sell now, sell fast, before the triggering point...the last one to run will get nothing.....collectors will die very pain, to them not their pocket money, only govt down & gone.....
get ready for CPF hike minimum sum, retired ages...tons of new taxes coming.....:):)

10-11-11, 09:45
Jim Roger even now asking people to buy physical assets like commodities - gold, and especially agriculture commodities! Quoting him and said gold and property will crash is like slapping yourself in the face? Quote wrong person lah! :doh:

Do you know why JR didn't mention property in his list?

10-11-11, 09:46
beside CPF up minimum sum, retired ages to 70-80s....more taxes will be on the way in coming yrs due to bad situation, below is some example......all these will eat up your disposable income, beside pay cut, jobless.....

Get Ready To Start Paying These Taxes Too: A National Tax, An Internet Tax, A Carbon Emissions Tax, A Financial Transactions Tax, Anti-Terrorism Security Tax, An Asset Taxes, Capital Gain Tax........
November 9th, 2011

10-11-11, 09:48
Government recently rejecting UOL sole bid on Paya Lebar ... if you think property price will have any possibility of 50% correction ... ask the Chief Valuer ... the Chief Valuer will probably value lands based on Gold price :p

Be realistic, if 15-20% below value ... just buy liao .. risk of banana money is real, even Warrent Buffet caught off guard by QEs :rolleyes:
Chief valuer is not independent, he is acting for the interests of Singapore. Whether it is smart or stupid to reject a bid now can only be seen in the future.
But if he would have accepted the bid from UOL, it would shake the market sentiments for sure; so he might reject the bid to calm the market.

10-11-11, 09:49
only fool still dreaming of QE3....
go & save whatvere....just 1 drop, all evaporated....
In 1-2 yrs time, situation will be super ugly....even you don't miss your month loan payment, when bank in super bad time themselves...they will ask you to top up valuation, decision is on them, not you.....
as I said, time will come, just prepare popcorn to watch who is naked eventually, tons.....:):)

Let me quote a scenario.... If someone have been renting a 1 million dollars property for 4 years at a monthly rental of 3500. Then total outlay will be 3500x48months = 168,000 plus inflation of 5% a year so total of 20%

So property prices must drop 35% for someone to break even.....
I am not saying it's not possible, but it's highly unlikely...

Lets take a step back, analyze the past trends, and we will see that it is very unlikely to drop by that much.... Once property drop more than 10%, people will start buying....

We should also consider that there are still a lot of riches around and Singapore is really very small.... Lets just use USA, japan, china, India, Europe as an example... Total population in these countries prob at least 2.6billion....

With the slow growth, unstable political climate, aging population there, the ultra rich will need to decide what to do with their wealth...

And please do not tell me they will hide in a cave and park all in cash. They do not become rich in the past by parking their money in cash and with inflation and the various QE, money get smaller... So what do they do if the have a lot of money? So they diversify....

Lets just take the ultra rich from a population of 2.5billion, shall we just take the top 3% ok? That's 75 million people.... And let's just take that only 5% of these ultra rich will buy properties in Singapore... that's 3.5m people.....

Singapore is so small, if we continue to make our country stable, with good healthcare, education, safe, fun, good connectivity to the world, why wouldn't the rich park their money in a property here?

10-11-11, 09:49
Do you know why JR didn't mention property in his list?

u missed the point totally......

10-11-11, 09:50
chief valuer is the one raiding spore reserved...he should sell now, time will tell he is wrong, dead wrong....haha....
if spore govt isn the collector this round, then global players will dump everything to them, then they will hold & bankrupt, not joking...instead they should sell now, sell fast, before the triggering point...the last one to run will get nothing.....collectors will die very pain, to them not their pocket money, only govt down & gone.....
get ready for CPF hike minimum sum, retired ages...tons of new taxes coming.....:):)

Now you are attacking even the Chief Valuer :scared-5:

Remember in 2009, Sim Lian bid for the current Waterview site at Tampines ... also rejected

If investment so simple, full of billionaires in this world already

Remember the cost of construction is also affected by QEs as construction material is priced in USD (btw our SGD only gain 15% against USD since QE1) .. if you have a maid, most likely she is asking for higher salary too ...

In a way, QEs inflating the whole world, you have no choice dude

10-11-11, 09:51
I think what jwong71 meant was when interest rate is high, in the earlier years of a mortgage, more of the monthly payment in for interest

For example, for a S$1m loan over 30 years @3%, your monthly installment is S$4,206, of which around S$2,500 is for interest and the rest is for principal repayment in the first year.

However, when interest rate is 1%, the interest part is only S$833 for the monthly payment o

f S$3,214

never mind, just bgt his 1st prop seem a big deal to him:D

10-11-11, 09:53
If that happens, I will just buy more and more. I already say I am just waiting only. I don't even need to sell and even if they ask for top up (never in history before anyway), I don't see a problem. My loan all 75% (left around 70% now) so why should they ask me for top up? They should be asking those 80% first, then me. And you think the banks are dumb? Asking for top up is suicidal for their reputation and is a lose lose situation. Banks will rather collect your installment than to lose money.

You must be rich to be able to buy more and more

10-11-11, 09:53
Now you are attacking even the Chief Valuer :scared-5:

Remember in 2009, Sim Lian bid for the current Waterview site at Tampines ... also rejected

If investment so simple, full of billionaires in this world already

opinion, not attacking...time will tell who is right...now is not 2009...
it's very clear now....yet many can't see....that is the difference between success & failure, millionaires & bankrupt...really...:)

10-11-11, 09:54
Lesson learnt - don't over exaggerate facts and figures, don't scold people, be nice, be patience and hope for the best.

Can't agree more. really don't like to see forumers calling each other moron, fool and idiot

10-11-11, 09:54
Now you are attacking even the Chief Valuer :scared-5:

Remember in 2009, Sim Lian bid for the current Waterview site at Tampines ... also rejected

If investment so simple, full of billionaires in this world already

Remember the cost of construction is also affected by QEs as construction material is priced in USD (btw our SGD only gain 15% against USD since QE1) .. if you have a maid, most likely she is asking for higher salary too ...

he is attacking SINGAPORE now oredi lah

blaming SG for holding the px high and making him pay crazy rental mth by mth.....hehehehe

10-11-11, 09:55
u missed the point totally......
What did I miss?

10-11-11, 09:55
You must be rich to be able to buy more and more

looking at his previous posts, buy a "prop in central and 5% off the peak"


10-11-11, 09:56
This is life, isn't it?

Higher risk, higher returns. CFA book 1.

Minibonds offers 5.5 to 6% returns. Medium risk but still, lose everything.

When investing into a property, you pretty much covert your "Money" into "Property"

For example, let's say you have 1M
you put it into a time deposit and earn 1% a year for 3 years. At the end of 3 years, you have your 1M principal and 30k of interests assuming you don't reinvest the interest, so you have S$1,030,000 in your account

you put it into a 2.5m apartment with 1.5m mortgage, you many get 7000 rent and pay maintenance fee of 400 per month. Over the 3 years, your total net rental income is about 52K and your mortgage balance is about 1.378m
it is obvious that you are better off by investing in property if the property stay flat or appreciate
But what if price drops? if it drops by 10% to 2.25m, after repay your mortgage and commission, you get about 850K back and have S$952,000 in your bank account
If you stretch the horizon to 10 years, you will still find that you are better off if property price stay flat or appreciate, but a 10% drop over 10 years will likely wipe out everything and erode into your principal

Is 10% drop over 10 years impossible? Japan is in their 2nd decade of property deflation, and US is in their 4th year of property value depreciation. I am not implying that SG will be in the same situation but you have to take your view before making decision
The take away is:
At the end of the day, the investment return is more on the terminal value; you may happily collect your rent, but lose out on your principal.

10-11-11, 09:59
Yeah, now waiting for completion. My strategy is always the same. Sell off those with higher profit and keep those bought recently for rental. Best of both world.

looking at his previous posts, buy a "prop in central and 5% off the peak"


10-11-11, 10:00
Now you are attacking even the Chief Valuer :scared-5:

Remember in 2009, Sim Lian bid for the current Waterview site at Tampines ... also rejected

If investment so simple, full of billionaires in this world already

Remember the cost of construction is also affected by QEs as construction material is priced in USD (btw our SGD only gain 15% against USD since QE1) .. if you have a maid, most likely she is asking for higher salary too ...

In a way, QEs inflating the whole world, you have no choice dude

now is different from 2009, right?
In 2009 people may think the market was at its bottom, but now, I doubt anyone would think in that way, even the most bullish bull in this forum

10-11-11, 10:01
now you think over it, whether is BB or god or sky or .....very clever...they created a 2009 & QE, let you think things will not fall apart....nobody trust real fox is coming now, everybody just jump in, property or stock, once, they sell everything, that is it, the road of no return.....
greedy people ought to be killed without mercy, no bailout let them pay their lesson for the rest of life....be fair to all citizens....
those pocketed money, vomit out everything plus tons of debt to be paid for next 15-20 yrs....
this is called real smart...not those fool, kay smart....carry all their babies for whole life.....haha.....:):)

10-11-11, 10:01
In fact, there are people like Paul Krugman who argues that everybody should be on near zero rate .... which will of course further fuel inflation in Singapore:

I believe that the ECB rate hike earlier this year will go down in history as a classic example of policy idiocy. We would probably still be in this mess even if the ECB hadn’t raised rates, but the sheer stupidity of obsessing over inflation when the euro was obviously at risk boggles the mind.

10-11-11, 10:02
u missed the point totally......

There are different asset classes in the physical assets

real estate is definitely no agriculture commodities

10-11-11, 10:05
What did I miss?

refer back to teddy's posts.....he highlighted basic's comment in Red......perhaps teddy shd expand the font too

10-11-11, 10:06
really point 3 is the real simple math....no way out liao....
I 100% sure that liar devilplate don't know how to calculate....haha....:):)

Barclays Says Italy Is Finished

November 9th, 2011

The Barclays point of view:
1) At this point, it seems Italy is now mathematically beyond point of no return
2) While reforms are necessary, in and of itself not be enough to prevent crisis
3) Reason? Simple math–growth and austerity not enough to offset cost of debt
4) On our ests, yields above 5.5% is inflection point where game is over
5) The danger:high rates reinforce stability concerns, leading to higher rates
6) and deeper conviction of a self sustaining credit event and eventual default
7) We think decisions at eurozone summit is step forward but EFSF not adequate
8) Time has run out–policy reforms not sufficient to break neg mkt dynamics
9) Investors do not have the patience to wait for austerity, growth to work
10) And rate of change in negatives not enuff to offset slow drip of positives
11) Conclusion: We think ECB needs to step up to the plate, print and buy bonds
12) At the moment ECB remains unwilling to be lender last resort on scale needed
13) But frankly will have hand forced by market given massive systemic risk

10-11-11, 10:09
now you think over it, whether is BB or god or sky or .....very clever...they created a 2009 & QE, let you think things will not fall apart....nobody trust real fox is coming now, everybody just jump in, property or stock, once, they sell everything, that is it, the road of no return.....
greedy people ought to be killed without mercy, no bailout let them pay their lesson for the rest of life....be fair to all citizens....
those pocketed money, vomit out everything plus tons of debt to be paid for next 15-20 yrs....
this is called real smart...not those fool, kay smart....carry all their babies for whole life.....haha.....:):)

i tink its a fair assumption tat basic sold his ppty cheaply in 09 and nvr expect SG ppty to rebound so quickly whereas USA ppty still crashing at the same time.....

so basically he is hoping ppty to drop >50% so tat the px can drop below wat he sold in 09(seller's remorse)

10-11-11, 10:14
i tink its a fair assumption tat basic sold his ppty cheaply in 09 and nvr expect SG ppty to rebound so quickly whereas USA ppty still crashing at the same time.....

so basically he is hoping ppty to drop >50% so tat the px can drop below wat he sold in 09(seller's remorse)

liar king...you lost all your credibility only talking of personal thing....real childish boy boy.....keep grumbling like chow cha bo.....haha....
nobody interested such thing lah, liar.....:):)

10-11-11, 10:15
refer back to teddy's posts.....he highlighted basic's comment in Red......perhaps teddy shd expand the font too

Jim Roger even now asking people to buy physical assets like commodities - gold, and especially agriculture commodities! Quoting him and said gold and property will crash is like slapping yourself in the face? Quote wrong person lah! :doh:

Originally Posted by basic
Jim Roger moved to spore 3-4 yrs liao...till today, he has not bought a property yet....still renting....

many fools here laughed at renting...go & laugh at him lah....got money, who carre rent or buy...got money got time...only let those with tons of DEBT, work like dog, then bark like dog here.....

holding property now, they thought holding gold....even gold will crash eventually, sure much earlier than property....there is sequence one, property already too late now...no buyers, just hold on, wait for greece, italy, PIIGS, france, US, UK, China, Japan, Germany.....anyone will cause domino to fall 1 by 1....be patient lah....haha.....:)

Basic said that JR has been renting for the past 4 years so JR is not bullish on properties, I take it as a valid statement
Basic does not have to agree with JR on the gold price and I don't see any problem with that
JR did not recommend real estate property, did he?
It is teddy who bound gold and property together, isn't it?
What did I miss?

10-11-11, 10:16
There are different asset classes in the physical assets

real estate is definitely no agriculture commodities

Jim Roger moved to spore 3-4 yrs liao...till today, he has not bought a property yet....still renting....

many fools here laughed at renting...go & laugh at him lah....got money, who carre rent or buy...got money got time...only let those with tons of DEBT, work like dog, then bark like dog here.....

holding property now, they thought holding gold....even gold will crash eventually, sure much earlier than property....there is sequence one, property already too late now...no buyers, just hold on, wait for greece, italy, PIIGS, france, US, UK, China, Japan, Germany.....anyone will cause domino to fall 1 by 1....be patient lah....haha.....:)

tats wat teddy highlighted in red and i help to expand it in case some r color blind

10-11-11, 10:18
Property is not in his blood. Only Commodities is. :tongue3: .
Is like people asking why Ng Teng Fong doesn't play paper Commodities like Jim Roger? :tsk-tsk:

Do you know why JR didn't mention property in his list?

10-11-11, 10:21
Basic said that JR has been renting for the past 4 years so JR is not bullish on properties, I take it as a valid statement
Basic does not have to agree with JR on the gold price and I don't see any problem with that
JR did not recommend real estate property, did he?
It is teddy who bound gold and property together, isn't it?
What did I miss?

JR urging ppl to buy Gold....rite?

but basic quote JR and double cross him by saying gold will crash earlier den ppty......so basically quote the wrong person lah....

basic is the one who bound gold and ppty tgt.....

Jim Roger moved to spore 3-4 yrs liao...till today, he has not bought a property yet....still renting....

many fools here laughed at renting...go & laugh at him lah....got money, who carre rent or buy...got money got time...only let those with tons of DEBT, work like dog, then bark like dog here.....

holding property now, they thought holding gold....even gold will crash eventually, sure much earlier than property....there is sequence one, property already too late now...no buyers, just hold on, wait for greece, italy, PIIGS, france, US, UK, China, Japan, Germany.....anyone will cause domino to fall 1 by 1....be patient lah....haha.....:)

10-11-11, 10:21
tats wat teddy highlighted in red and i help to expand it in case some r color blind

liar king, you lost all credibility, only know expand & highlight...simple math also don't know, from all your posting, know nut.....:):)

10-11-11, 10:22
Property is not in his blood. Only Commodities is. :tongue3: .
Is like people asking why Ng Teng Fong doesn't play paper Commodities like Jim Roger? :tsk-tsk:

I am not talking about investment property but he doesn't even buy a house for own stay
Property tycoons who don't investment in agriculture commodities buy rice for own consumptions, right?

10-11-11, 10:23
JR urging ppl to buy Gold....rite?

but basic quote JR and double cross him by saying gold will crash earlier den ppty......so basically quote the wrong person lah....

basic is the one who bound gold and ppty tgt.....

finger point at me more, I am very scared....haha......
stupid fool......nobody care about you lah....:):)

10-11-11, 10:25
JR urging ppl to buy Gold....rite?

but basic quote JR and double cross him by saying gold will crash earlier den ppty......so basically quote the wrong person lah....

basic is the one who bound gold and ppty tgt.....
I don't think so. Regarding JR Basic only said JR is still renting and he never "quote" JR in that post
It is Teddy who quoted JR

For the gold and property crash he never make reference to JR
it is your own inference, please?

By the way, before you call ppl color blind, read the post first

10-11-11, 10:25
finger point at me more, I am very scared....haha......
stupid fool......nobody care about you lah....:):)

u gave us a very good lesson....

tink before u post :cheers6:

10-11-11, 10:28
JR urging ppl to buy Gold....rite?

but basic quote JR and double cross him by saying gold will crash earlier den ppty......so basically quote the wrong person lah....

basic is the one who bound gold and ppty tgt.....

Jim Roger moved to spore 3-4 yrs liao...till today, he has not bought a property yet....still renting....

many fools here laughed at renting...go & laugh at him lah....got money, who carre rent or buy...got money got time...only let those with tons of DEBT, work like dog, then bark like dog here.....

holding property now, they thought holding gold....even gold will crash eventually, sure much earlier than property....there is sequence one, property already too late now...no buyers, just hold on, wait for greece, italy, PIIGS, france, US, UK, China, Japan, Germany.....anyone will cause domino to fall 1 by 1....be patient lah....haha.....:)

which line Basic quoted JR?

10-11-11, 10:29
I don't think so. Regarding JR Basic only said JR is still renting

For the gold and property crash he never make reference to JR
it is your own inference, please?
By the way, before you call ppl color blind, read the post first

ok....itsok for us to arrive at different conclusion....u noe there is smthing call comprehension rite.....a paragraph can have different meaning depending on how one perceives it to be

shall not argue wif u on this anymore.....my fun opponent is basic and not u.....

10-11-11, 10:32
I would suggest the mods shut this thread. It's just a shouting match now.......:doh:

10-11-11, 10:33
ok....itsok for us to arrive at different conclusion....u noe there is smthing call comprehension rite.....a paragraph can have different meaning depending on how one perceives it to be

shall not argue wif u on this anymore.....my fun opponent is basic and not u.....

Do I perceive wrongly on you calling ppl color blind?

10-11-11, 10:34
What is wrong with you? You still haven't back your 80,000 units claim in 2-3 years and you are pointing fingers at others? You are a joke...

liar king...you lost all your credibility only talking of personal thing....real childish boy boy.....keep grumbling like chow cha bo.....haha....
nobody interested such thing lah, liar.....:):)

10-11-11, 10:34
I would suggest the mods shut this thread. It's just a shouting match now.......:doh:
hahahaha, agree.
When there are more "idiots" "fools" "morons" "liar" used in one thread, it deserves to be shut

10-11-11, 10:37
Do I perceive wrongly on you calling ppl color blind?

i do not know u in person and i make a fair guess tat u might be color blind....so for the benefit for some color blind bros here, i help to expand the font too

10-11-11, 10:37
haha...cooling period....1 hour....:):)

10-11-11, 10:41
i do not know u in person and i make a fair guess tat u might be color blind....so for the benefit for some color blind bros here, i help to expand the font too

As you pointed out, people may have different perceptions on the same statement
You may want to go back to read the post one more time before calling ppl color blind. It is not a fair guess at all

10-11-11, 10:42
As you pointed out, people may have different perceptions on the same statement
You may want to go back to read the post one more time before calling ppl color blind. It is not a fair guess at all

dun be offended.....not worth it.....

10-11-11, 10:44
hahahaha, agree.
When there are more "idiots" "fools" "morons" "liar" used in one thread, it deserves to be shut

the person who uses all the above deserves to be shut.....hehehe

10-11-11, 10:45
the person who uses all the above deserves to be shut.....hehehe

you started it....evil complain 1st, always....:):)

10-11-11, 10:46
dun be offended.....not worth it.....
keep offending others in this thread...now say don't offend...haha...you really 1st class liar....:):)

10-11-11, 10:46
ask experts here something?
Any leading indicator for a bank failure?

Like when banks ask people to top up their mortgages?
Is that an indication that people should start withdrawing cash from the entire banking system?
because opportunity cost of keeping cash at home is minimal and only risk of fire or theft. if bank run,can lose all money.

How to be the first ones out of the exit?

10-11-11, 10:47
you started it....evil complain 1st, always....:):)

i believe i had oredi highlighted in RED and also expanded the FONT .....i guess there is nothing more i can do liao seriously....

10-11-11, 10:48
keep offending others in this thread...now say don't offend...haha...you really 1st class liar....:):)

my only aim is to poke u.....tats all...

but u trying to poke everyone else

10-11-11, 10:49
ask experts here something?
Any leading indicator for a bank failure?

Like when banks ask people to top up their mortgages?
Is that an indication that people should start withdrawing cash from the entire banking system?
because opportunity cost of keeping cash at home is minimal and only risk of fire or theft. if bank run,can lose all money.

How to be the first ones out of the exit?

wat if the money u r holding turns into a big banana?:eek: :scared-4: :scared-2:

10-11-11, 10:53
wat if the money u r holding turns into a big banana?:eek: :scared-4: :scared-2:
isnt' it the same thing as leaving money in the bank? also big banana? :beats-me-man:.
only that you can hold big banana at home. If bank run, lose big banana, only personal banana to hold :D

10-11-11, 10:56
isnt' it the same thing as leaving money in the bank? also big banana? :beats-me-man:.
only that you can hold big banana at home. If bank run, lose big banana, only personal banana to hold :D

er i mean banana still banana be it at hm or at the bank.....hehe

but u mentioned u stock up food and gold bars oredi....no worries for u lah;)

10-11-11, 11:00
my only aim is to poke u.....tats all...

but u trying to poke everyone else

same same...you poke me 1st, I poke you back....
others also this way....:)

10-11-11, 11:01
er i mean banana still banana be it at hm or at the bank.....hehe

but u mentioned u stock up food and gold bars oredi....no worries for u lah;)

haha, just a diversionary question to cool down and less name calling.
a quick search on the internet will reveal a few answers...
let me search whether top up of property mortgage is one of indications of bank failure.
If bank ask me for top up, then I will know what to do straightaway, be prepared.

10-11-11, 11:03
A Smaller Euro Zone? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure

November 9th, 2011

it will take some time...but the direction is there...crack now, break later...crisis everywhere...
all DEBT has to pay back wan....
we are movong step by step to road of no return....down down down....

10-11-11, 11:06
A Smaller Euro Zone? Reuters Says Germany, France Exploring Idea Of Core Euro Zone, End Of Existing Structure

November 9th, 2011

it will take some time...but the direction is there...crack now, break later...crisis everywhere...
all DEBT has to pay back wan....
we are movong step by step to road of no return....down down down....

why the north part of anywhere richer than the south?
north america richer than south america?
north europe richer than south europe?
northern china richer than southern china?
northern world richer than southern world?

10-11-11, 11:08
The Double-Dip Housing Recession Has Begun

November 9th, 2011

2011 and 2012- the loans are resetting.
In 2006 and 2007, lenders had largely run out of qualified borrowers to buy homes. But banks and other lenders were still making lots of money from fees generating by selling mortgages to individual homeowners, and other fees from bundling those loans together and reselling them to investors. Some of the riskiest loans were called Pay-option ARMs. In this case, “ARMs” stands for “adjustable rate mortgages,” in which the interest rate fluctuates over time. There’s nothing necessarily risky about that.

In US....I thought they print & print...now still double dip....the more they print the more dip?? more to come...when globally chase for MONEY...& they can't print.....

10-11-11, 11:10
why the north part of anywhere richer than the south?
north america richer than south america?
north europe richer than south europe?
northern china richer than southern china?
northern world richer than southern world?

may be because of the weather....cold weather they suffer more, they are more tolerable & durable....
south...lazy, relax under nice weather....not refer to spore, if not tons will complain...:):)

10-11-11, 11:13
US cities & town also starts to file bankruptcy....this will spread eventually...

The U.S. largest municipal-bankruptcy filing: The $4.1 billion bankruptcy for Alabama’s Jefferson County is bigger than that of Orange County, Calif.

November 9th, 2011

By Wallace Witkowski
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/alas-jefferson-county-to-file-bankruptcy-report-2011-11-09?dist=afterbell)) — Alabama’s Jefferson County, which includes Birmingham, the state’s largest city, will file for bankruptcy, the Birmingham News reported in its online edition late Wednesday. The $4.1 billion bankruptcy would rank as the largest municipal-bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, edging out the largest-to-date 1994 filing by Orange County, Calif., which had $1.64 billion in investment losses

10-11-11, 11:15
may be because of the weather....cold weather they suffer more, they are more tolerable & durable....
south...lazy, relax under nice weather....not refer to spore, if not tons will complain...:):)

My theory is climate, land masses (economies of scale for empire building, food commerce), and major rivers to facilitate transport and communications!

10-11-11, 11:19
The Double-Dip Housing Recession Has Begun

November 9th, 2011

2011 and 2012- the loans are resetting.
In 2006 and 2007, lenders had largely run out of qualified borrowers to buy homes. But banks and other lenders were still making lots of money from fees generating by selling mortgages to individual homeowners, and other fees from bundling those loans together and reselling them to investors. Some of the riskiest loans were called Pay-option ARMs. In this case, “ARMs” stands for “adjustable rate mortgages,” in which the interest rate fluctuates over time. There’s nothing necessarily risky about that.

In US....I thought they print & print...now still double dip....the more they print the more dip?? more to come...when globally chase for MONEY...& they can't print.....

Is this from Reuters? Wanna read more from the article... thanks.

10-11-11, 11:19
may be because of the weather....cold weather they suffer more, they are more tolerable & durable....
south...lazy, relax under nice weather....not refer to spore, if not tons will complain...:):)
haha my grandfather have same theory as you.

In tropical area, no work also can eat fruits and fish from forests and seas all year round
In northern area, no work = no eat during winter.

I was asking him why native Malays and native Indonesians so lazy compared to Chinese Malaysian and Chinese Indonesian. The above is answered given.

10-11-11, 11:31
they are preparing....fun....many european banks going to bankrupt or default??.....

Meeting lots of interesting folk here in NY and one well-informed person told me this afternoon that one of the PIIGS central banks is busy, 24/7, printing their old currency notes again (just in case).

10-11-11, 11:55
ask experts here something?
Any leading indicator for a bank failure?

Like when banks ask people to top up their mortgages?
Is that an indication that people should start withdrawing cash from the entire banking system?
because opportunity cost of keeping cash at home is minimal and only risk of fire or theft. if bank run,can lose all money.

How to be the first ones out of the exit?

I think up till now your deposit is still protected by SG gov up to certain amount. if you do have so much to worry about, buy a safe vault to keep you cash in 1000 notes

10-11-11, 12:00
In HK, many bought in 1996/7, dump now as they have been thru' the hard time, it's a real suffer & pain to pay for debt for 15 yrs....how many 15 yrs in one's life time??.....
sell today, small profit but include all interest, legal, stamp, maintenance, acrued interest, admin, renovation....basically still lost money....
we will see this again in next 15 yrs or longer due to this is a global crisis now, last longer.....so porperty is a good investment?? but not in bad timing like now....

almost cut property price 20% below recent price to sell & run....



bargain hunter
10-11-11, 13:07

Is this from Reuters? Wanna read more from the article... thanks.

bargain hunter
10-11-11, 13:11
keep these factual articles coming. :)

US cities & town also starts to file bankruptcy....this will spread eventually...

The U.S. largest municipal-bankruptcy filing: The $4.1 billion bankruptcy for Alabama’s Jefferson County is bigger than that of Orange County, Calif.

November 9th, 2011

By Wallace Witkowski
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/alas-jefferson-county-to-file-bankruptcy-report-2011-11-09?dist=afterbell)) — Alabama’s Jefferson County, which includes Birmingham, the state’s largest city, will file for bankruptcy, the Birmingham News reported in its online edition late Wednesday. The $4.1 billion bankruptcy would rank as the largest municipal-bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, edging out the largest-to-date 1994 filing by Orange County, Calif., which had $1.64 billion in investment losses

10-11-11, 13:14
2011.. when it all begins... 2012 when it takes shape ... 2013 when we can begin to enter market... ;)

bargain hunter
10-11-11, 13:18
if it really starts to fall then i guess it will indeed take that long if not longer.

2011.. when it all begins... 2012 when it takes shape ... 2013 when we can begin to enter market... ;)

10-11-11, 13:25
My theory is climate, land masses (economies of scale for empire building, food commerce), and major rivers to facilitate transport and communications!

Read guns, germs and steel by Jared Diamond.

Talks about why the world is how it is and why different civilization become how they are based on their location.

10-11-11, 13:27
It is interesting when Italian bond yield hits 7.5%, on the same day, US 10y yield down 5% to 1.95.


10-11-11, 13:29
if it really starts to fall then i guess it will indeed take that long if not longer.The recent trends is generally shorter so investors must be mindful of not waiting for longer than necessary to enter market. We observe that the economic cycle is getting shorter and shorter so just ensure that we don't keep waiting and waiting for the trough coz before you know it, you've missed the boat! :tsk-tsk:

bargain hunter
10-11-11, 13:35
i would look more at magnitude of fall than time period. as i m expecting prices to only slide slowly, i need a longer time frame, but if i am proven wrong with prices falling sharply, of course i'd be keen to put my nick to good use and bargain hunt. :)

The recent trends is generally shorter so investors must be mindful of not waiting for longer than necessary to enter market. We observe that the economic cycle is getting shorter and shorter so just ensure that we don't keep waiting and waiting for the trough coz before you know it, you've missed the boat! :tsk-tsk:

10-11-11, 13:47
I think up till now your deposit is still protected by SG gov up to certain amount. if you do have so much to worry about, buy a safe vault to keep you cash in 1000 notes

I think it's only up to $10k per bank.

10-11-11, 13:53
The recent trends is generally shorter so investors must be mindful of not waiting for longer than necessary to enter market. We observe that the economic cycle is getting shorter and shorter so just ensure that we don't keep waiting and waiting for the trough coz before you know it, you've missed the boat! :tsk-tsk:

this time is different....really different...mark my words....:)

10-11-11, 13:56
i would look more at magnitude of fall than time period. as i m expecting prices to only slide slowly, i need a longer time frame, but if i am proven wrong with prices falling sharply, of course i'd be keen to put my nick to good use and bargain hunt. :)

tons of bankruptcy & auction by banks in time to come....in 2-3 yrs time...
pick as you like....too many over-committed this round.....
tons of weak holders....once trigger, retrenchment, pay cut, plus foreigners/FT/FW/PR.....many swim real naked.....
no hurry...the later & longer, cheaper & lower.....:)

10-11-11, 13:57
HSI down -1000....
wait for Europe to open at 4pm....DAX future down >1% now....more to drop....

10-11-11, 14:06
I think it's only up to $10k per bank.
6 The Singapore Government has therefore decided to guarantee all Singapore Dollar and foreign currency deposits of individual and non-bank customers in banks, finance companies and merchant banks licensed by the MAS.
7 The guarantee will take immediate effect and will remain in place until 31 December 2010.

9 Given that Singapore’s financial sector is sound and robust, MOF and MAS have assessed that a guarantee of up to S$150 billion will be well in excess of possible liabilities arising from the failure of any financial institutions. The guarantee will be backed by S$150 billion of the reserves of the Singapore Government. The President has given his concurrence for the Government to provide such a guarantee.

I think this guarantee is still in place but I may be wrong.
Caveat: If SGD becomes banana, you are only guaranteed to get your banana back

10-11-11, 14:19
6 The Singapore Government has therefore decided to guarantee all Singapore Dollar and foreign currency deposits of individual and non-bank customers in banks, finance companies and merchant banks licensed by the MAS.
7 The guarantee will take immediate effect and will remain in place until 31 December 2010.

9 Given that Singapore’s financial sector is sound and robust, MOF and MAS have assessed that a guarantee of up to S$150 billion will be well in excess of possible liabilities arising from the failure of any financial institutions. The guarantee will be backed by S$150 billion of the reserves of the Singapore Government. The President has given his concurrence for the Government to provide such a guarantee.

I think this guarantee is still in place but I may be wrong.
Caveat: If SGD becomes banana, you are only guaranteed to get your banana back

Thanks for the info. I thought i read it somewhere it says up to 10k back in 2008/09 and i was being paranoid and opened a few more extra accounts from different banks and shifting money around. Probably remembered wrongly.

10-11-11, 14:38
LHL also said bad time is here....
he put it in nice way, try not to rock the boat....but we all know....
this is just the beginning of the end.....on the way to bottomless....
so all classes affected....middle low bought high in HDB wull be bad....no mercy, no bailout, be responsible to yourself, be a man....of course the best way is sell your HDB NOW, keep the cash for stormy days ahead...stay with your parent or.....decide yourself....

Singapore's economy is visibly slowing down and will continue to do so into the first half of 2012, as global economic conditions get tough, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Wednesday.

"We are now in a period where incomes will be under pressure at the low-end. I think even in the middle, white-collar workers will also be coming under pressure," Lee told CNBC.

10-11-11, 14:43

I think this guarantee is still in place but I may be wrong.
Caveat: If SGD becomes banana, you are only guaranteed to get your banana back

100% guarantee no longer in place., limit to $50k per bank (not bank account). earlier discussion on this thread.

10-11-11, 14:57
100% guarantee no longer in place., limit to $50k per bank (not bank account). earlier discussion on this thread.

Thanks for the correction. You are right, the guarantee expired at the end of last year and was replaced by the 50K insurance by SDIC.
Sorry for the incorrect information

10-11-11, 15:28
Thanks for the correction. You are right, the guarantee expired at the end of last year and was replaced by the 50K insurance by SDIC.
Sorry for the incorrect information

no problem. at that time, Singapore govt was afraid that people would move their money elsewhere, like HK or Indonesia, where the guarantee was higher. so they decided on this 100% guarantee.

10-11-11, 16:12
Indonesia unexpectedly cut interest rates by half a percentage point to a record low to shield the economy from a faltering global recovery. The rupiah weakened.

10-11-11, 16:42
Indonesia unexpectedly cut interest rates by half a percentage point to a record low to shield the economy from a faltering global recovery. The rupiah weakened.

buy gold, to protect against competitive devaluation :).
alamak, like that property bubble in Indonesia grows bigger. I hope property drops by 50% in Indonesia.
then I can afford to buy a 1BR and a 2BR in this jakarta project.
2 br at 30.5sqm nett.
1 br at 18.3sqm nett.

10-11-11, 16:49
buy gold, to protect against competitive devaluation :).
alamak, like that property bubble in Indonesia grows bigger. I hope property drops by 50% in Indonesia.
then I can afford to buy a 1BR and a 2BR in this jakarta project.
2 br at 30.5sqm nett.
1 br at 18.3sqm nett.

In History (except 1998 riot) indonesia property never drops. Today in Serpong (west jakarta) launch shophouses.. If you want to buy, you must Q ... Unit available only 100+ .. but Q now is 1500 ppl.

10-11-11, 18:42
LHL also said bad time is here....
he put it in nice way, try not to rock the boat....but we all know....
this is just the beginning of the end.....on the way to bottomless....
so all classes affected....middle low bought high in HDB wull be bad....no mercy, no bailout, be responsible to yourself, be a man....of course the best way is sell your HDB NOW, keep the cash for stormy days ahead...stay with your parent or.....decide yourself....

Singapore's economy is visibly slowing down and will continue to do so into the first half of 2012, as global economic conditions get tough, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Wednesday.

"We are now in a period where incomes will be under pressure at the low-end. I think even in the middle, white-collar workers will also be coming under pressure," Lee told CNBC.

So bear?

For the economy to continue to grow at a strong pace, Lee said Singapore needs “more workers, more skills, more talent.”

10-11-11, 18:46
BUSINESSMAN Lim Tow Nam, 53, moved into his new, spacious flat on the 38th floor of Block 18C in Holland Drive earlier this year, after living in his old flat a stone's throw away for around 20 years.

He and his family love the breathtaking view from their five-room flat - they can see as far as Sentosa and Keppel Bay.

Holland Village is nearby, while the new Holland Village MRT station and Buona Vista MRT station are both within walking distance.

Mr Lim's parents and two sisters live in three separate flats in the same block. The family have dinner every night at his parents' flat.

Mr Lim bought his new flat for just $380,000 - a subsidised price for residents under the Selective Enbloc Redevelopment Scheme (Sers). His old flat had cost him about $165,000.

The Sers project rehouses residents from six old blocks near Holland Village in four new high-rise blocks in Holland Drive.

Yesterday, Mr Lim had words of advice from none other than former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, who visited him in his flat in the early evening.

'He told me, don't sell. The price will go up,' Mr Lim told The Straits Times.

10-11-11, 18:50
There are currently 138 kilometres of rail lines. By 2020, authorities hope to double the network length and expect it to carry three times as many journeys, from today’s 1.4 million a day to 4.6 million in 2020.
Two new lines will be built.
The Thomson Line, to be ready by 2018, will run from Marina Bay through the Central Business District, all the way up to Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands. It will connect to another new Line, the Eastern Region Line, at Marina Bay.
The Eastern Region Line, to be ready by 2020, will serve areas such as Siglap and Marine Parade.
Existing lines will also be extended.

10-11-11, 19:06
Today call up an advertisement and ask whether the valuation price can be dsicounted by 10%...immediately the agent told me not possible as owner is not desparate or need cash urgently....slight discount can but not 10%...

Maybe I should invite the seller to read this particular thread in this forum:D :D

BUyer have to tan ku ku to see the price down by what the thread mentions here....:scared-4:

10-11-11, 19:08
It comes a day after International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde warned the world risked plunging into a 'downward spiral' of financial instability while Asia would not be immune to the crisis sweeping the euro zone. << so bearish. See end of world already

10-11-11, 19:44
It comes a day after International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde warned the world risked plunging into a 'downward spiral' of financial instability while Asia would not be immune to the crisis sweeping the euro zone. << so bearish. See end of world already

Why font so small?
Become mouse already?:D

10-11-11, 20:52
Why font so small?
Become mouse already?:D

you want big big font font and be bearish all day?

10-11-11, 21:31
commercial vehicle COE up to 40k :scared-4: ... this will increase cost of doing biz

10-11-11, 21:59
commercial vehicle COE up to 40k :scared-4: ... this will increase cost of doing biz

very nice....business already slowdown a lot according to PM LHL yet commercial vehicle COE shot up.....
even 0% growth rate, price should not behave this way....
spore is 1st class manipulated country...anything, any price, can be done.....
great....higher operating cost, more not competitive.....:)

10-11-11, 22:03
Cat A the only bright spot, went down. Cat B $77k :tsk-tsk: .

10-11-11, 22:06
Wenzhou boss raise fund, dump Shanghai brand new bungalow within central area at 30% discount from market price....

Beijing within ring 2, ie. Spore D9-11 similar, price starts to drop 10%...expect larger drop from Q1 next yr....will spread to bigger price drop across whole china....

Shanghai unsold units, in term of area size, based on current transaction volume, will need to take 2.5-3 yrs to clear inventory.....so land sales has no impact to demand supply for next 1-2 trs....

HSI plunged -1050, down >5%.....

10-11-11, 22:14
Cat A the only bright spot, went down. Cat B $77k :tsk-tsk: .
Y down=bright spot?

10-11-11, 22:15
commercial vehicle COE up to 40k :scared-4: ... this will increase cost of doing biz
Coy still expanding meh?

10-11-11, 22:16

November 10th, 2011

By Matthew Dalton
BRUSSELS — The European Union Thursday slashed its growth forecast for the 27-nation bloc in the coming year and said the possibility of a deep, prolonged recession.
The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said in its semiannual forecast the economy is struggling with weak confidence, financial turmoil, government austerity packages and a slowdown in Europe’s main trading partners.
It said the EU’s gross domestic product in 2012, adjusted for inflation, would grow just 0.6%–sharply down from its forecast only six months ago of 1.8%.

Merkel is right , this coming crisis or recession will take at least 10 yrs to resolve......
now is the beginning of the end of a long bottomless down trend.....10 yrs consider conservative prediction.....

10-11-11, 22:18
Coy still expanding meh?

be thankful if can maintain, instead of expanding. it may go cost cutting

10-11-11, 22:20
be thankful if can maintain, instead of cost cutting
Sporean seems dun bother abt ongoing debt crisis....i wud expect cat b to drop...

10-11-11, 22:21
Wenzhou boss raise fund, dump Shanghai brand new bungalow within central area at 30% discount from market price....

Beijing within ring 2, ie. Spore D9-11 similar, price starts to drop 10%...expect larger drop from Q1 next yr....will spread to bigger price drop across whole china....

Shanghai unsold units, in term of area size, based on current transaction volume, will need to take 2.5-3 yrs to clear inventory.....so land sales has no impact to demand supply for next 1-2 trs....

HSI plunged -1050, down >5%.....

2nd ring road is 9-11? Then inner city is consider which area? Istana?

10-11-11, 22:33
Italy is sinking into depression, and that’s before any act of default

November 10th, 2011

By [URL="http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/author/jeremywarner/"]Jeremy Warner (http://forums.condosingapore.com/) Economics (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/category/economics/)

Here we go. The European economy seems already to have gone over the edge of the cliff, and that’s before any of the eurozone 17 has technically defaulted. This morning’s industrial production figures from Italy were a disaster, with output down a staggering 4.8pc in September.

10-11-11, 22:40
Great news. Can buy again soon..

Italy is sinking into depression, and that’s before any act of default

November 10th, 2011

By Jeremy Warner (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/author/jeremywarner/) Economics (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/category/economics/)

Here we go. The European economy seems already to have gone over the edge of the cliff, and that’s before any of the eurozone 17 has technically defaulted. This morning’s industrial production figures from Italy were a disaster, with output down a staggering 4.8pc in September.

10-11-11, 22:42
Israel to attack Iran by Christmas – report

The British media say Israel may launch an aerial strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in a matter of months. The offensive will receive support from the US, the speculation goes.
The attack is meant to decapitate Iran’s nuclear program, which a recent report by the UN atomic watchdog said may have a military component.
The Daily Mail cites British government sources as saying that the cabinet expects Israel to attack Iran “sooner rather than later.”

“We’re expecting something as early as Christmas, or very early in the New Year,” a Foreign Office source is cited as saying.
The operation will receive logistical support from the United States, the newspaper reports. US President Barack Obama will allegedly have to back Israel to secure Jewish-Americans’ votes for the upcoming presidential election.
Earlier, the Guardian newspaper reported that the Ministry of Defense is drawing up contingency plans for Britain’s participation in a joint military operation against Iran. The report said such an attack would be carried out by Israel and probably the US after the presidential election in America.
The Daily Mail cites its sources as saying that Whitehall currently rules out Britain’s direct involvement in an attack on Iran.
The International Atomic Energy Agency released a report on Wednesday which included allegations that Iran had been developing technology related to nuclear weapons before 2003 and may still be doing so.
Tehran called the accusations politically motivated and based on lies. It refused to step back from its nuclear program, which it insists is purely civilian in nature.
A number of international players called for further sanctions against Iran following the report – both through the UN Security Council and at national level.
Speculation that Israel is preparing to attack Iranian nuclear sites surged in the media shortly before the IAEA report was released, as the allegations contained in it had been leaked in advance. Officially, Israel has neither confirmed nor denied such plans, but said military action against Iran is on the table and is more likely in the wake of the report.
Iran said it would retaliate if attacked and named Israeli nuclear facilities among the possible targets.

10-11-11, 23:03
Wah Lau... this kind of thing cannot anyhow say leh....

Israel to attack Iran by Christmas – report

The British media say Israel may launch an aerial strike on Iranian nuclear facilities in a matter of months. The offensive will receive support from the US, the speculation goes.
The attack is meant to decapitate Iran’s nuclear program, which a recent report by the UN atomic watchdog said may have a military component.
The Daily Mail cites British government sources as saying that the cabinet expects Israel to attack Iran “sooner rather than later.”

“We’re expecting something as early as Christmas, or very early in the New Year,” a Foreign Office source is cited as saying.
The operation will receive logistical support from the United States, the newspaper reports. US President Barack Obama will allegedly have to back Israel to secure Jewish-Americans’ votes for the upcoming presidential election.
Earlier, the Guardian newspaper reported that the Ministry of Defense is drawing up contingency plans for Britain’s participation in a joint military operation against Iran. The report said such an attack would be carried out by Israel and probably the US after the presidential election in America.
The Daily Mail cites its sources as saying that Whitehall currently rules out Britain’s direct involvement in an attack on Iran.
The International Atomic Energy Agency released a report on Wednesday which included allegations that Iran had been developing technology related to nuclear weapons before 2003 and may still be doing so.
Tehran called the accusations politically motivated and based on lies. It refused to step back from its nuclear program, which it insists is purely civilian in nature.
A number of international players called for further sanctions against Iran following the report – both through the UN Security Council and at national level.
Speculation that Israel is preparing to attack Iranian nuclear sites surged in the media shortly before the IAEA report was released, as the allegations contained in it had been leaked in advance. Officially, Israel has neither confirmed nor denied such plans, but said military action against Iran is on the table and is more likely in the wake of the report.
Iran said it would retaliate if attacked and named Israeli nuclear facilities among the possible targets.

10-11-11, 23:25
Y down=bright spot?

good for car owners mah. this is paper loss every year, no investment value at all.

11-11-11, 06:22
nice article....put out nicely what my expectation in next 1-3 yrs....how global will go into recession...how the default of Greece domino to the whole world...not only country default, banks, corporate....many will bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs.....
QE3 to bernanke is not going to work, not going to use.....interest rate will shoot to sky in 1-2 yrs time....not yet...but once start, no more single digit globally...swee!!!!.....

Bernanke Knows He’s Powerless This Time Around

November 10th, 2011

by Phoenix Capital Research
During Round 1 of the Great Crisis, the US tried to combat the collapse of the private banking sector (especially the TBTFs) by shifting debt onto the public’s balance sheet and printing money to buy Treasuries so we could maintain a massive deficit (north of $1 trillion).

Put another way, the powers that be attempted to solve a MASSIVE debt implosion by issuing more debt. Aside from the fact this is outright insane, the problem with this is that we’re at a point of debt saturation in the system.

Kyle Bass of Hayman Advisors notes that from 1917 to 1952 each new Dollar of US debt brought on roughly $4 worth of GDP. From 2000-2010, you got seven cents of GDP growth for every $1 in new debt issued.

Put another way, each new $1 in debt issued today is producing less and less returns. By some estimates we’ve even reached the point at which new debt issuance is actually a net drag on the economy as interest payments eat into growth.

Ben Bernanke knows this, and has started to hint at it in his recent speeches and Q&A sessions with the public. Indeed, if you read between the lines of his statements starting in May, it’s clear that he has realized he cannot solve the US’s debt problems and that QE has failed.

Q. Since both housing and unemployment have not recovered sufficiently, why are you not instantly embarking on QE3? — Michael A. Kamperman, Waco, Tex.

Mr. Bernanke: “Going forward, we’ll have to continue to make judgments about whether additional steps are warranted, but as we do so, we have to keep in mind that we do have a dual mandate, that we do have to worry about both the rate of growth but also the inflation rate…

“The trade-offs are getting — are getting less attractive at this point. Inflation has gotten higher. Inflation expectations are a bit higher. It’s not clear that we can get substantial improvements in payrolls without some additional inflation risk. And in my view, if we’re going to have success in creating a long-run, sustainable recovery with lots of job growth, we’ve got to keep inflation under control. So we’ve got to look at both of those — both parts of the mandate as we — as we choose policy”

Pessimistic Bernanke Fed Admits QE Has Failed In FOMC Statement

In its latest FOMC statement, the Bernanke Fed has admitted the economy continues to remain depressed, essentially admitting that both programs of long-term asset purchases, or quantitative easing, have failed to prop up output after what has been the worst recession since the Great Depression.

“Monetary policy can do a lot, but monetary policy is not a panacea.” — Ben Bernanke 9/29/11

U.S. “close to faltering,” Fed ready to act: Bernanke

Asked whether another round of bond purchases, known as quantitative easing, was in store, Bernanke was noncommittal.

“We never take anything off the table because we don’t know where the economy is going to go. We have no immediate plans to do anything like that,” he said.

Central banks may need to burst bubbles: Bernanke

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday that central banks may need to resort to monetary policy to combat asset bubbles, although regulation should be a first line of defense.

Look at the progression there. As far back as May 2011, Bernanke admitted the benefits of QE were less attractive. Now he’s not only admitting that asset bubbles exist (something Greenspan never admitted) but that Central Banks may even need to “burst” them!?!?
In plain terms, the Fed will NOT be launching another round of QE or major policy changes until the next round of the Great Crisis hits in full force. And by that time it will be pointless anyway as once the defaults begin, the leverage in the global banking system will implode rapidly.

It is no longer a matter of “if” for defaults, it’s a matter of “when.” And we are going to be seeing defaults in the individual, corporate, banking, and sovereign space. This is going to be the Great Debt Reset: the time when the market calls out the global debt bubble and we enter a period of severe economic contraction accompanied by soaring interest rates.

11-11-11, 06:49
your hope & your money god.....
most irresponsible human rubbish today...eventually he will crash the world....
this is what he think of Europe today....gone case....

Bernanke Addresses Euro Zone Worries: Difficult to move money; a number of countries that can’t meet their debt obligation; no single authority to help them

November 10th, 2011

11-11-11, 06:53
Bro basic,

By any chance would you be related to the author of this blog?


your hope & your money god.....
most irresponsible human rubbish today...eventually he crash the world....
this is what he think of Europe today....gone case....

Bernanke Addresses Euro Zone Worries: Difficult to move money; a number of countries that can’t meet their debt obligation; no single authority to help them

November 10th, 2011

11-11-11, 07:36
Bro basic,

By any chance would you be related to the author of this blog?


no...don't know about him....:)

11-11-11, 07:45
like this article...basically summarised what is going on to today's Europe situation, moving ahead how will it be...paly with time now, dissolve eventually....their culture, plan, no way to work thing out, everybody think for themselves only, no one sincerely want to help....
no more time now, time to explode is very near....that is why world is in stress, very desperate...look at stock market, just want to cheong up everyday, but someone will knock it down hard some day......

欲建退出機制 歐元或解體收場


預早綢繆總勝於臨渴掘井,德法不為自己打算才令人奇怪,所以有關官員雖矢口否認,以免人心更為虛怯,但歐債危機的嚴重程度已心知肚明,做好兩手準備防患於未然並不為過。眼看歐洲第三大經濟 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)體的意大利已成為狙擊目標,其傳染性不得不令兩大經濟 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)體,萌生自求多福之心。

歐盟七月推出歐洲金融穩定 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)機制(EFSF),十月再將EFSF槓桿化至萬億歐元,但兩次效果均曇花一現,很快地歐豬國國債孳息又再創新高。高槓桿亦帶來高風險,同時將風險最終轉嫁至德法兩國,穆迪已警告或因此將法國主權評級下調。

現在各國還在採拖字訣,目的是等待救援或事情有轉機,但前景見不到有改善,歐豬國既削減政府開支,經濟 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)難望增長,國債息率飆升令還息愈趨吃力,在惡性循環之下,經濟 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)可能要面對「迷失十年」。拖不成就要考慮「退」,無論是將希臘踢出歐元區或是德國自行退出,無論是讓歐元區解體,或組成「精英」歐元區,豪宅區和貧民窟總會有條界線。縮小歐元區類似足球的「超級聯賽」,大球會為免被小球會分薄收益,故而另起爐灶。
歐元區建立時遺留種種歷史問題,各國的經濟 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)、政治、文化水平全不一致,分歧亦躍然可見,十七個國家各有各的盤算,亦各自面對國內的反對勢力,要紀律嚴明的日耳曼民族,向放浪不羈的意大利人伸出援手談何容易?雖然以同坐一條船為口號,但成員國均會先考慮本國的利益。


像阿根廷等解決債務危機的方法 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)是讓匯率一次過大幅貶值,死而復生十年後又一條好漢,但偏偏歐元區採用單一貨幣,缺乏通過匯率調整來避震的空間。希臘等國早已不符合歐元區的財務要求,只是現在是忌談解體的時候。要重整歐元區,先要安穩銀行 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)體系再說,待歐洲銀行 (http://ad1.on.cc/phpAdsNew/adclick.php?bannerid=41715)業補充資本充足率至百分之九之前,目前仍是採取拖字訣,等待歐豬國「有秩序」違約,德法亦「有秩序」地退出。

11-11-11, 07:55
Being anonymous in cyberspace allows one to be many times bolder. For me, if I really believe Sgp prop mkt will crash 50% two years later, I will keep this to myself (ok...maybe share this with my friends) and starts accumulating my money for that day. If I am very sure what are the winning numbers of the next Toto, why should I tell everyone here? Unless i truly believe the bunch of forummers here have special self-fulfilling prophecy powers to alter future prop prices at their wills (or 4D nos.)

My view is that prices will be flattish to subprime 2009 levels going forward. 60 LTV 'killed' me so I am not actively looking for bargains now unless I offload current; not enough bullets now.

11-11-11, 08:05
Being anonymous in cyberspace allows one to be many times bolder. For me, if I really believe Sgp prop mkt will crash 50% two years later, I will keep this to myself (ok...maybe share this with my friends) and starts accumulating my money for that day. If I am very sure what are the winning numbers of the next Toto, why should I tell everyone here? Unless i truly believe the bunch of forummers here have special self-fulfilling prophecy powers to alter future prop prices at their wills (or 4D nos.)

My view is that prices will be flattish to subprime 2009 levels going forward. 60 LTV 'killed' me so I am not actively looking for bargains now unless I offload current; not enough bullets now.

toto is difference from property....
typical selfishness of sporean....
these 10 days posting here, I have learnt a lot about sporean....surprised to see quality of sporean has dropped so much...what is in their mindset...their knowledge, behaviour change, mouth....
1 word to summarise.....sinking....:)

11-11-11, 08:16
Basic not sinkaporean? Since sentiment so bad why Dow is not 10000? Market is almost always right you are almost always wrong

11-11-11, 08:18


typical of current situation...keep cutting price still no buyers...tons around, wait for plunging...many sellers, totally can't find buyer, cut & cut....



cut 14% to sell.....

美聯余柏稱,荔枝角美孚新邨5期蘭秀道12號中層A室,面積880方呎,減價約40萬元,至480萬元沽,呎價約5,455元,低同類市價10%。港置區 祺彬稱,火炭御龍山10座高層D室,成交價807萬元,呎價8,102元,較○八年購入價帳面只升值近38萬元,連使費近平手。

down 10%....those bought in 2008, sell now, not making money at all, that means bought in 2010/1, mostly lost money now....


even bought in 1997, after 15 yrs, sell now, still lost money...tons of such case, so much painful experience in this 15 yrs, force to keep themselves moving...cut now, not to suffer another 15 yrs.....

11-11-11, 08:20
Basic not sinkaporean? Since sentiment so bad why Dow is not 10000? Market is almost always right you are almost always wrong

last 11 yrs, 6 yrs not in spore....they can go & speculate again....
Dow 10000? you want to see overnight?? last 200 yrs how many time you see 20-40% plunged overnight?....coming soon, don't blink......
wait few yrs, can see Dow below 3000....
short term, you make peanut....

11-11-11, 08:24
Wow! Look who is talking! Too small a sample size to say about singaporean in general.
toto is difference from property....
typical selfishness of sporean....
these 10 days posting here, I have learnt a lot about sporean....surprised to see quality of sporean has dropped so much...what is in their mindset...their knowledge, behaviour change, mouth....
1 word to summarise.....sinking....:)

11-11-11, 08:26
last 11 yrs, 6 yrs not in spore....they can go & speculate again....
Dow 10000? you want to see overnight?? last 200 yrs how many time you see like that?....
wait few yrs, can see Dow below 3000....
short term, you make peanut....

When Dow was approaching 10,000 weeks ago, we only have Greece problem. Now we have Italian problem, potential Iran war, Euro breakup, China property correction ... why then Dow still at 11,800, simple question for you.

And after the news of property correcting big time in China, why China property developers stock price up up up?

Basically, you think you are smarter than the market ... this is recipe for disaster for yourself

11-11-11, 08:26
Wow! Look who is talking! Too small a sample size to say about singaporean in general.

agreed...this group all think they are Li KaShing....haha....but....

11-11-11, 08:33
When Dow was approaching 10,000 weeks ago, we only have Greece problem. Now we have Italian problem, potential Iran war, Euro breakup, China property correction ... why then Dow still at 11,500, simple question for you.
has not finished distribution....
in desperation mode now...everybody sooo worry of DOWN....bankrupt nothing to lose now, get all they can & have to push up to buy time.....the smart one let this out of mnd people do till they exhausted.....then send them to hell....
I said earlier method this time is cooking frog in pot in hot water, turn high power let them jump inside, then switch off, rest a while, then on again, off & on....till it dies.....many round to go, later round strength will be weaker.....let see....now spread to France liao.....

no need to struggle this way....just face the reality....

11-11-11, 08:36
toto is difference from property....
typical selfishness of sporean....
these 10 days posting here, I have learnt a lot about sporean....surprised to see quality of sporean has dropped so much...what is in their mindset...their knowledge, behaviour change, mouth....
1 word to summarise.....sinking....:)So are u a Singaporean? While you learn about singaporeans, we've also learnt about Basic... always call people 'fool'.. LOL! ;)

11-11-11, 08:36
Great news. Can buy again soon..

Will a recession in Singapore also be a great news to you?

11-11-11, 08:38
So are u a Singaporean? While you learn about singaporeans, we've also learnt about Basic... always call people 'fool'.. LOL! ;)

check...they started 1st..always...:)

11-11-11, 08:39
has not finished distribution....
in desperation mode now...everybody sooo worry of DOWN....bankrupt nothing to lose now, get all they can & have to push up to buy time.....the smart one let this out of mnd people do till they exhausted.....then send them to hell....
I said earlier method this time is cooking frog in pot in hot water, turn high power let them jump inside, then switch off, rest a while, then on again, off & on....till it dies.....many round to go, later round strength willbe weaker...many more round to go....

no need to struggle this way....just face the reality....

Wow, so you are saying a devil is manipulating the Dow, Warrent Buffet is one of the victims since he invested heavily in Q3 :doh:

And why copper price still so high compared to our Lehman crisis period?? Again, evil manipulation? Obviously you have failed to appreciate the net effect of QE1/QE2.

2009 Jan 3000
2011 Q3 10,000
now 8000

11-11-11, 08:40
toto is difference from property....
typical selfishness of sporean....
these 10 days posting here, I have learnt a lot about sporean....surprised to see quality of sporean has dropped so much...what is in their mindset...their knowledge, behaviour change, mouth....
1 word to summarise.....sinking....:)

Those comments you referred to might not be post by Singaporeans
and Frankly, at times your comments are rude albeit they may be informative

11-11-11, 08:42
Mr. 80,000, you mean to say, buy in 1997, rent out 15 years, still lose money? Again, baseless claim?



typical of current situation...keep cutting price still no buyers...tons around, wait for plunging...many sellers, totally can't find buyer, cut & cut....



cut 14% to sell.....

美聯余柏稱,荔枝角美孚新邨5期蘭秀道12號中層A室,面積880方呎,減價約40萬元,至480萬元沽,呎價約5,455元,低同類市價10%。港置區 祺彬稱,火炭御龍山10座高層D室,成交價807萬元,呎價8,102元,較○八年購入價帳面只升值近38萬元,連使費近平手。

down 10%....those bought in 2008, sell now, not making money at all, that means bought in 2010/1, mostly lost money now....


even bought in 1997, after 15 yrs, sell now, still lost money...tons of such case, so much painful experience in this 15 yrs, force to keep themselves moving...cut now, not to suffer another 15 yrs.....

11-11-11, 08:42
When Dow was approaching 10,000 weeks ago, we only have Greece problem. Now we have Italian problem, potential Iran war, Euro breakup, China property correction ... why then Dow still at 11,800, simple question for you.

And after the news of property correcting big time in China, why China property developers stock price up up up?

Basically, you think you are smarter than the market ... this is recipe for disaster for yourself

Well, not so true.
If Dow drops to 1000 in 3 months, will that make Basic smart?
Months ago when eurusd was at 1.4x some people called for 1.2
Were they stupid then and smart now?

11-11-11, 08:45
Wow, so you are saying a devil is manipulating the Dow, Warrent Buffet is one of the victims since he invested heavily in Q3 :doh:

And why copper price still so high compared to our Lehman crisis period?? Again, evil manipulation? Obviously you have failed to appreciate the net effect of QE1/QE2.

2009 Jan 3000
2011 Q3 10,000
now 8000

market force...not devil....whatever will be will be....
Cu dropped 40% recently...still $3+ now....

nett effect of QE1/2 not out yet...when you see Dow below 3000, that is the nett effect of QE....be patient, take lots of time...
like today DEBT issue is the nett effect of 1970...after 40 yrs....

11-11-11, 08:45
He standard one. If he see 1 thing, he assume everything is as such. If he sees a red car in the morning, he will come to the forum and say, why Singaporeans all buy red cars? And he will say, why only cars on road. Why are there no vans or lorries?

You know, 1 vs 1,000, he will take 1 and assume the 1,000 are the same as 1. Which is why he say 1 unit prices drop 20%, the entire market drop 20%. HK prices dropping, the whole world got to follow HK :D

Wow! Look who is talking! Too small a sample size to say about singaporean in general.

11-11-11, 08:46
Those comments you referred to might not be post by Singaporeans
and Frankly, at times your comments are rude albeit they may be informative

truth hurts....

11-11-11, 08:47
Isn't it good news? Everything cheap, inflation down.

Will a recession in Singapore also be a great news to you?

11-11-11, 08:47
Wow, so you are saying a devil is manipulating the Dow, Warrent Buffet is one of the victims since he invested heavily in Q3 :doh:

And why copper price still so high compared to our Lehman crisis period?? Again, evil manipulation? Obviously you have failed to appreciate the net effect of QE1/QE2.

2009 Jan 3000
2011 Q3 10,000
now 8000
Speaking of Warrent Buffet, he may fall victims sometimes. Best example, BYD
But again, he is much better than most of us here, maybe only 2nd to Basic?

11-11-11, 08:48
Isn't it good news? Everything cheap, inflation down.
and people suffer? Especially those at disadvantage?

11-11-11, 08:49
truth hurts....
but doesn't need to be rude
And before being materialized, it is not truth but just your opinion

11-11-11, 08:53
Mr. 80,000, you mean to say, buy in 1997, rent out 15 years, still lose money? Again, baseless claim?

mr.thomb, 1997-2009..no rental or super low....include your commission, interest, maintenance, rennovation, agent fees, property tax, acrued interest, legal, time & headache, no rental....you are working free for banks for 15 yrs....
many have forced to sell in 2001-2006....family break off, bankrupt....

11-11-11, 08:55
but doesn't need to be rude
And before being materialized, it is not truth but just your opinion

both ways....
my opinion is my pinion, true or not, you decide....

11-11-11, 09:01
How can have no rental if you own a CCR property and filling is even to OCR property already and so still can get high rental? Didn't I that the rental ROI is 10-25% before deducting costs? After costs still got 5-10%! :doh:
You can suggest some other alternative investments better than above now? :p

mr.thomb, 1997-2009..no rental or super low....include your commission, interest, maintenance, rennovation, agent fees, property tax, acrued interest, legal, time & headache, no rental....you are working free for banks for 15 yrs....
many have forced to sell in 2001-2006....family break off, bankrupt....

11-11-11, 09:04
market force...not devil....whatever will be will be....
Cu dropped 40% recently...still $3+ now....

nett effect of QE1/2 not out yet...when you see Dow below 3000, that is the nett effect of QE....be patient, take lots of time...
like today DEBT issue is the nett effect of 1970...after 40 yrs....

Wow, net effect of QE1/2 is to bring Dow to 3k ... your credibility really in question.

See the net effect of QE1/QE2 here:


and Cu at 3.5 why so much higher than Lehman crisis period (was 1.4) ?

11-11-11, 09:22
Wow, net effect of QE1/2 is to bring Dow to 3k ... your credibility really in question.

See the net effect of QE1/QE2 here:


and Cu at 3.5 why so much higher than Lehman crisis period (was 1.4) ?

no way to argue out this way.....everything move in cycle...like gold cycle is 20 yrs...agree QE is inflationary....but no jobs, no business, no trade....eventually will pull world down, no demand of Cu will pull price down, the final effect of QE....
China has inventory of Cu enough for world 1 yr consumption...once china porperty bubble gone....metal demand will be down & price down....

net effect & final effect, not today effect....
look at nett effect of QE in US property price...unemployment...
same to food....Ginger is at 4 cts/kg in china now, compared to $2/kg last yr....same to garlic & many more....

11-11-11, 09:22
Even during SARS period, I am still getting 3.5% yield for a property bought in 1999. And during 2008 Q4, the worst period of the financial crisis, my Icon loft is renewed at 3.5k (down from 5.5k) which still gives me $ after paying installment and fees.

How can have no rental if you own a CCR property and filling is even to OCR property already and so still can get high rental? Didn't I that the rental ROI is 10-25% before deducting costs? After costs still got 5-10%! :doh:
You can suggest some other alternative investments better than above now? :p

11-11-11, 09:25
So what do you suggest we do to beat off a recession? I don’t have 15 trillions in my bank.

and people suffer? Especially those at disadvantage?

11-11-11, 09:28
Speaking of Warrent Buffet, he may fall victims sometimes. Best example, BYD
But again, he is much better than most of us here, maybe only 2nd to Basic?
wah u tink so highly of basic!

Its an total insult to even compare buffet with basic! They only shares the same B....lol

Who is better den buffet in this world in the financial arena? He is 2nd to none now ok....

He got far more success stories den failed ones and one time success by a cyberworld basic dun make him smarter la....

11-11-11, 09:30
How can have no rental if you own a CCR property and filling is even to OCR property already and so still can get high rental? Didn't I that the rental ROI is 10-25% before deducting costs? After costs still got 5-10%! :doh:
You can suggest some other alternative investments better than above now? :p

I will not 'argue'with many here anymore...
no point wasting time.....:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

11-11-11, 09:31
wah u tink so highly of basic!

Its an total insult to even compare buffet with basic! They only shares the same B....lol

Who is better den buffet in this world in the financial arena? He is 2nd to none now ok....

He got far more success stories den failed ones and one time success by a cyberworld basic dun make him smarter la....

haha...so buay song ar, liar....:):)

11-11-11, 09:38
I will not 'argue'with many here anymore...
no point wasting time.....:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:
i noe i am wasting my time in engaging u right from the beginning....hehehe

11-11-11, 09:39
no way to argue out this way.....everything move in cycle...like gold cycle is 20 yrs...agree QE is inflationary....but no jobs, no business, no trade....eventually will pull world down, no demand of Cu will pull price down, the final effect of QE....
China has inventory of Cu enough for world 1 yr consumption...once china porperty bubble gone....metal demand will be down & price down....

net effect & final effect, not today effect....
look at nett effect of QE in US property price...unemployment...
same to food....Ginger is at 4 cts/kg in china now, compared to $2/kg last yr....same to garlic & many more....

Your standard thinking is:

Because I Basic The Bear comes to know 'bearish news/fact A', but somehow market does not seem to move :confused: or even move in opposite direction :scared-3: , therefore I think market will crash soon because of 'bearish news/fact A' ....therefore you come to here and keep shouting must start to sell properties, gold and go into 100% banana cash position in banks and wait for 50% correction.

You think you are smarter than the market? In reality the market knows everything you know before you know it and something that you don't know.

11-11-11, 09:43
Your standard thinking is:

Because I Basic The Bear comes to know 'bearish news/fact A', but somehow market does not seem to move :confused: or even move in opposite direction :scared-3: , therefore I think market will crash soon because of 'bearish news/fact A' ....therefore you come to here and keep shouting must start to sell properties, gold and go into 100% banana cash position in banks and wait for 50% correction.

You think you are smarter than the market? In reality the market knows everything you know before you know it and something that you don't know.

We don't play the mkt, only the mkt play u.

11-11-11, 09:43
You think you are smarter than the market? In reality the market knows everything you know before you know it and something that you don't know.
Not really. Market doesnt know everything. Only insiders know. There are so many off-balance sheets stuff nowadays.
Like Olympus case.

11-11-11, 09:44
wah u tink so highly of basic!

Its an total insult to even compare buffet with basic! They only shares the same B....lol

Who is better den buffet in this world in the financial arena? He is 2nd to none now ok....

He got far more success stories den failed ones and one time success by a cyberworld basic dun make him smarter la....

Well, if Dow will go down to 3000 as Basic predicted, the investments that Buffet made in the past few years and weeks are not that brightly
But Dow 3000? I don't think so

11-11-11, 09:46
Rental was good in 1997 for my condo. Tenant has helped me to expedite and pay up the condo in 10 years.
How can have no rental if you own a CCR property and filling is even to OCR property already and so still can get high rental? Didn't I that the rental ROI is 10-25% before deducting costs? After costs still got 5-10%! :doh:
You can suggest some other alternative investments better than above now? :p

11-11-11, 10:02
We don't play the mkt, only the mkt play u.

let him be...:)

11-11-11, 10:12
Ya, the good old days. 10 - 15 years pay finish the whole condo.

I remember rental was bad (about 3% yield only) from year 2000 to 2005. But in 2008, rental was the best. Easily 10% yield. Of course, for the price that I bought at.

Rental was good in 1997 for my condo. Tenant has helped me to expedite and pay up the condo in 10 years.

11-11-11, 10:14
Even during SARS period, I am still getting 3.5% yield for a property bought in 1999. And during 2008 Q4, the worst period of the financial crisis, my Icon loft is renewed at 3.5k (down from 5.5k) which still gives me $ after paying installment and fees.

The SARS period was rather short, and the QE changed the market sentiment quickly and stopped the market from tanking further.
If SARS or 2008 financial crisis would have lasted much longer, you might not get the yield and rental you had at the time

If we are talking about a recession, or even a depression, as some suggested this time, it will not be those short acute painful months and afterward everybody rejoice; instead it will be prolonged period of stagnant years

Don't always assume that FT who you preferred as you tenants will flock to SG even if gov turn on the tap to the max.
When the world is cold, no way it can be warm in SG

11-11-11, 10:16
So what do you suggest we do to beat off a recession? I don’t have 15 trillions in my bank.

We may profit from a recession as much as we want, but a recession is definitely not a great news to any of us, at least to me

11-11-11, 10:16
Location is still important for rental demand and rental yield.
Ya, the good old days. 10 - 15 years pay finish the whole condo.

I remember rental was bad (about 3% yield only) from year 2000 to 2005. But in 2008, rental was the best. Easily 10% yield. Of course, for the price that I bought at.

11-11-11, 10:16
Ya, the good old days. 10 - 15 years pay finish the whole condo.

I remember rental was bad (about 3% yield only) from year 2000 to 2005. But in 2008, rental was the best. Easily 10% yield. Of course, for the price that I bought at.Gone are the days of 10% rental yield... not at the current property prices... :doh:

11-11-11, 10:20
During such times, it is important not to over-leverage. :rolleyes:

11-11-11, 10:21
Location is still important for rental demand and rental yield.Location has always been one of the most important, if not the most important factor for property investment! :cool: It had, it is still and it will continue to be like that.

11-11-11, 10:24
This is extremely important for long term investment.
Location has always been one of the most important, if not the most important factor for property investment! :cool: It had, it is still and it will continue to be like that.

11-11-11, 10:24
What is a "reasonable" yield for rental property these days?

Simple calc of : annual rental / purchase price

11-11-11, 10:28
This is extremely important for long term investment.

Adding to that is the tenure. FH is the king if you have no choice but keep for long term

11-11-11, 10:30
Yup got to be at least 999LH for long term investment. Landed is even more important.
Adding to that is the tenure. FH is the king if you have no choice but keep for long term

11-11-11, 10:44
let him be...:)

Basically, I believe you are a nice guy lah in real life, with a high level of education and a happy family and all. In cyberspace-life anonymity, you took on a very different persona. Based on your postings over the past week, you appear to be very stressful and have a lot of frustrations to vent out. If this makes you feel better, then I think the guys here are generally fine with it lah. I am just a small fry and trying to learn here too. Markets crash or boom, tycoons and paupers...death is the great leveller lah.

11-11-11, 10:47
We may profit from a recession as much as we want, but a recession is definitely not a great news to any of us, at least to me
a prolonged recession definitely no no.....from 1999 to 2004, stocks and ppty marketso so dead.....no gd money to be made

11-11-11, 10:49
Location has always been one of the most important, if not the most important factor for property investment! :cool: It had, it is still and it will continue to be like that.
entry px above location lah

11-11-11, 10:52
Basically, I believe you are a nice guy lah in real life, with a high level of education and a happy family and all. In cyberspace-life anonymity, you took on a very different persona. Based on your postings over the past week, you appear to be very stressful and have a lot of frustrations to vent out. If this makes you feel better, then I think the guys here are generally fine with it lah. I am just a small fry and trying to learn here too. Markets crash or boom, tycoons and paupers...death is the great leveller lah.
one thing abt basic....gd to tease n bicker wif....he din get seriously angry and no hard feelings....hehe

11-11-11, 11:05
one thing abt basic....gd to tease n bicker wif....he din get seriously angry and no hard feelings....hehe
At least something interesting to do,
in this otherwise, boring mkt.
although stock mkt is swinging so wildly.

11-11-11, 11:05
Basically, I believe you are a nice guy lah in real life, with a high level of education and a happy family and all. In cyberspace-life anonymity, you took on a very different persona. Based on your postings over the past week, you appear to be very stressful and have a lot of frustrations to vent out. If this makes you feel better, then I think the guys here are generally fine with it lah. I am just a small fry and trying to learn here too. Markets crash or boom, tycoons and paupers...death is the great leveller lah.

haha...easy lah...I am just a simple person...not so complicated...
my posting here also very simple....property price will drop >50% in 2-3 yrs time....only fools buy ILLIQUID property NOW....

the rest, who care...only tons of them get excited & bombard day & night here...really who care...haha...they are the one stressful, worry & panic...not me....I am happy relaxing & enjoy my own sweet time....:):)

11-11-11, 11:07
one thing abt basic....gd to tease n bicker wif....he din get seriously angry and no hard feelings....hehe

haha, liar, let you win lah....:)

11-11-11, 11:07
haha...easy lah...I am just a simple person...not so complicated...
my posting here also very simple....property price will drop >50% in 2-3 yrs time....only fools buy ILLIQUID property NOW....

the rest, who care...only tons of them get excited & bombard day & night here...really who care...haha...they are the one stressful, worry & panic...not me....I am happy relaxing & enjoy my own sweet time....:):)
only panicky and desperate man will call fools.....hehehe

11-11-11, 11:07
It has to be a correction then. Looking forward to that too coupled with location.
entry px above location lah

11-11-11, 11:09
entry px above location lah

exit price above entry price, haha

11-11-11, 11:09
Still waiting to pick some good stocks but US employment claim has gone down. :(
At least something interesting to do,
in this otherwise, boring mkt.
although stock mkt is swinging so wildly.

11-11-11, 11:10
Do not mind something like 2009.
a prolonged recession definitely no no.....from 1999 to 2004, stocks and ppty marketso so dead.....no gd money to be made

11-11-11, 11:11


typical of current situation...keep cutting price still no buyers...tons around, wait for plunging...many sellers, totally can't find buyer, cut & cut....



cut 14% to sell.....

美聯余柏稱,荔枝角美孚新邨5期蘭秀道12號中層A室,面積880方呎,減價約40萬元,至480萬元沽,呎價約5,455元,低同類市價10%。港置區 祺彬稱,火炭御龍山10座高層D室,成交價807萬元,呎價8,102元,較○八年購入價帳面只升值近38萬元,連使費近平手。

down 10%....those bought in 2008, sell now, not making money at all, that means bought in 2010/1, mostly lost money now....


even bought in 1997, after 15 yrs, sell now, still lost money...tons of such case, so much painful experience in this 15 yrs, force to keep themselves moving...cut now, not to suffer another 15 yrs.....

nobody buy illiquid property now, no buyer, desperate & smart seller will cut price slowly to sell, my earlier post, hongkies cut 4 times to sell now....once trigger by default event, the cut will be deeper....

look at world today, wait for economy downturn, recession, job cut, retrenchment, pay cut, default, no business, rate hike, foreigners leave, rental down....all already started, just take time to unfold....

whole world has no money, whole world is chasing for money, rate must be up...that is why you see Greece, Italy in headline of 7% & 250%....all PIIGS above 7% now, next France & many more coming....it will spread to whole world, need some times....

not crashing now, so you buy for now or future??...if property going down, who will buy?? 4 yrs of SSD, you buy?? 4 yrs, what will happen?? next week, any big bomb coming?? next month? next yr? don't sell now, wait for when??.....

11-11-11, 11:13
rental is going down now too....if property going to down>50% in 2-3 yrs, buy for rental??.....

when recession & retrenchment start big way next year, many foreign tenants will disappear overnight, you can forfeit 1 month deposit, they will take whatever they can from your house....

difficult to find good tenants, after paying commission, property tax, maintenance, interest rate, renovation, 1-2 months of looking....then they damage your house like slump, knocks holes everywhere, pacquet spoilt by water, paint every new tenants....every yr look for tenant, next may be every 3-6 months...

with current trend, rate will up to 2 digits in 2-3 yrs from now, with all country has no money, chase for money, chase up the rate.....then rental down to nothing...worse still, property price down >50%....
like you buy shares for appreciation or for dividend???....buy cosco at $8 for dividend??....

11-11-11, 11:14
Still waiting to pick some good stocks but US employment claim has gone down. :(

All pointing downwards but mkt defy gravity now.
some big zhen kay (banker) playing monkey business lah
Concerted effort to squeeze shorties? maybe

11-11-11, 11:19
Fortunately I am in recession proof line. My business will boom when there is recession. That is why waiting to buy when there is recession.
nobody buy illiquid property now, no buyer, desperate & smart seller will cut price slowly to sell, my earlier post, hongkies cut 4 times to sell now....once trigger by default event, the cut will be deeper....

look at world today, wait for economy downturn, recession, job cut, retrenchment, pay cut, default, no business, rate hike, foreigners leave, rental down....all already started, just take time to unfold....

whole world has no money, whole world is chasing for money, rate must be up...that is why you see Greece, Italy in headline of 7% & 250%....all PIIGS above 7% now, next France & many more coming....it will spread to whole world, need some times....

not crashing now, so you buy for now or future??...if property going down, who will buy?? 4 yrs of SSD, you buy?? 4 yrs, what will happen?? next week, any big bomb coming?? next month? next yr? don't sell now, wait for when??.....

11-11-11, 11:33
Do not mind something like 2009.

I can only say 2009 QE is a excellent conned job...
it give you a impression, any market will not die, print money will resolve everything....
next come another one QE2, where is 3? answer in this thread....no problem...till all the xxxx believe...buy on every dips, then the real one is here.....
1 day will come...down 10% , many rush in...then down 30%, print money coming, jump in...then 50%, print machine going to start....then 70%....haha...
Like Cosco $8.2...$6 is cheap, go in...then down 50% at $4, wow, half price...then go another half $2.....now $0.9, many say now market still very strong, Dow still at 11800 or...why Cosco can't even go above $1....just a example, >90% of listed stock in SGX worse than Cosco....
property will be similar......

11-11-11, 11:40
I can only say 2009 QE is a excellent conned job...
it give you a impression, any market will not die, print money will resolve everything....
next come another one QE2, where is 3? answer in this thread....no problem...till all the xxxx believe...buy on every dips, then the real one is here.....
1 day will come...down 10% , many rush in...then down 30%, print money coming, jump in...then 50%, print machine going to start....then 70%....haha...
Like Cosco $8.2...$6 is cheap, go in...then down 50% at $4, wow, half price...then go another half $2.....now $0.9, many say now market still very strong, Dow still at 11800 or...why Cosco can't even go above $1....just a example, >90% of listed stock in SGX worse than Cosco....
property will be similar......

Mkt will nvr die , only ppl die.
Then mkt got new players.

But agree that the SGX stocks 90% worse ,
except a few con jobs ( like jardine grp of companies)

Alan Shearer
11-11-11, 11:52
CDL SGD15+ by end of March 2012.

nailed on :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3:

11-11-11, 12:05
When Dow was approaching 10,000 weeks ago, we only have Greece problem. Now we have Italian problem, potential Iran war, Euro breakup, China property correction ... why then Dow still at 11,800, simple question for you.

And after the news of property correcting big time in China, why China property developers stock price up up up?

Basically, you think you are smarter than the market ... this is recipe for disaster for yourself

quite surprisingly true, some stocks are holding on quite well. there is at least one singapore stock that has been defying gravity and going up during these few days of market drop. :eek:

11-11-11, 12:18
So what am I supposed to do instead of looking at historical data? Telling myself Singapore will go back to third world country and sell everything? Might as well you say Aliens come to Earth and conquer us.

The SARS period was rather short, and the QE changed the market sentiment quickly and stopped the market from tanking further.
If SARS or 2008 financial crisis would have lasted much longer, you might not get the yield and rental you had at the time

If we are talking about a recession, or even a depression, as some suggested this time, it will not be those short acute painful months and afterward everybody rejoice; instead it will be prolonged period of stagnant years

Don't always assume that FT who you preferred as you tenants will flock to SG even if gov turn on the tap to the max.
When the world is cold, no way it can be warm in SG

11-11-11, 12:19
Double edge sword. One man's meat might be another man's poison. There are 2 sides to a coin. If it happens, it happens. No one can stop it anyway.

We may profit from a recession as much as we want, but a recession is definitely not a great news to any of us, at least to me

11-11-11, 12:23
The yield are pretty much the same for a D2 unit vs D22 unit based on my experience. The rental might be higher but capital outlay is also higher. But D2 easier to rent out IMO.

Location has always been one of the most important, if not the most important factor for property investment! :cool: It had, it is still and it will continue to be like that.

11-11-11, 12:35
I've been playing this counter actively since 2009.
Range trade...9+ to 11+ for the next 12 months.

CDL SGD15+ by end of March 2012.

nailed on :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3: :cheers3:

11-11-11, 12:41
Recession favours the conservative investor.
Recession clears the system of over-leverage and starts things anew - like rain-storm during a forest-fire.

We may profit from a recession as much as we want, but a recession is definitely not a great news to any of us, at least to me

11-11-11, 12:58
I can only say 2009 QE is a excellent conned job...
it give you a impression, any market will not die, print money will resolve everything....
next come another one QE2, where is 3? answer in this thread....no problem...till all the xxxx believe...buy on every dips, then the real one is here.....
1 day will come...down 10% , many rush in...then down 30%, print money coming, jump in...then 50%, print machine going to start....then 70%....haha...
Like Cosco $8.2...$6 is cheap, go in...then down 50% at $4, wow, half price...then go another half $2.....now $0.9, many say now market still very strong, Dow still at 11800 or...why Cosco can't even go above $1....just a example, >90% of listed stock in SGX worse than Cosco....
property will be similar......
u kena conned to sell in 09 mah.....poor thing.....haha

Again baseless claim on 90% stocks worse den cosco.....dream a dream

11-11-11, 13:01
u kena conned to sell in 09 mah.....poor thing.....haha

Again baseless claim on 90% stocks worse den cosco.....dream a dream

liar king, good one....:):)

11-11-11, 13:02
Mkt will nvr die , only ppl die.
Then mkt got new players.

But agree that the SGX stocks 90% worse ,
except a few con jobs ( like jardine grp of companies)
u kena burnt by stocks ar? I find 90% sgx stocks vy goodie good leh.....

11-11-11, 13:04
So what am I supposed to do instead of looking at historical data? Telling myself Singapore will go back to third world country and sell everything? Might as well you say Aliens come to Earth and conquer us.
only those losers will hope for tat day to come bcoz they got nothing to lose mah ....rite anot? Hehehe

They seriously hoping the whole world to press the restart button den everybody on equal level again lor.....hahaha

11-11-11, 13:08
no need to bother about personal thing....just read the content, then do your homework, you will know what to do....

many here just want to unload their unsold property to you....they are real panic & worry now, they are bulls, so many bulls thread to post, they come to bear thread to post because they are stress after reading.....

look at those liars, personal attacked, badmouth....that is their expertise....has to rely on such low class dirty tactics....then finger point at you, what fool....haha....easy lah...

I will continue to post if got information & free.....:):)

11-11-11, 13:09
I've been playing this counter actively since 2009.
Range trade...9+ to 11+ for the next 12 months.

Ooo so u r cdl specialist....

I am golden agri specialist ....hehe but no chance to buy back recently yet....

11-11-11, 13:11
only those losers will hope for tat day to come bcoz they got nothing to lose mah ....rite anot? Hehehe

They seriously hoping the whole world to press the restart button den everybody on equal level again lor.....hahaha
I will see many winners here jump track & bedok reservoir in few yrs time...
wasting time, liar is 1 of them...haha...:):)

11-11-11, 13:11
no need to bother about personal thing....just read the content, then do your homework, you will know what to do....

many here just want to unload their unsold property to you....they are real panic & worry now, they are bulls, so many bulls thread to post, they come to bear thread to post because they are stress after reading.....

look at those liars, personal attacked, badmouth....that is their expertise....has to rely on such low class dirty tactics....then finger point at you, what fool....haha....easy lah...

I will continue to post if got information & free.....:):)
u got the info foc also wat.....lol

11-11-11, 13:13
I will see many winners here jump track & bedok reservoir in few yrs time...
wasting time, liar is 1 of them...haha...:):)
well at least they win before....unlike losers wor.....they duno wats the taste of winning lor....lol

In this world, there r only winner and loser.....lol

11-11-11, 13:14
So what am I supposed to do instead of looking at historical data? Telling myself Singapore will go back to third world country and sell everything? Might as well you say Aliens come to Earth and conquer us.

What you have to do is up to yourself, your success is irrelevant to us, and your failure is no great news to us, neither

I am just to point out that it is overly optimistic to assume that there is always rents to collect to cover your mortgage installments, and market can always recover in a few months. Take it or not is up to you

11-11-11, 13:16
well at least they win before....unlike losers wor.....they duno wats the taste of winning lor....lol

In this world, there r only winner and loser.....lol

you think you self-claimed whatever huh...joker...
let you be winner here lah...so...haha..small girl.....:):)

11-11-11, 13:19
you think you self-claimed whatever huh...joker...
let you be winner here lah...so...haha..small girl.....:):)

Did i say i am a winner?

Pls read my comments la...or u nid a spec or nid me to expand it big big for u? Hahaha

11-11-11, 13:19
u kena burnt by stocks ar? I find 90% sgx stocks vy goodie good leh.....

big time lor...haha
I just quote Basic's 90% lah,
but the stock mkt is really quiet now.
Those got $, buy property
those on contra, go casino liao

11-11-11, 13:22
big time lor...haha
I just quote Basic's 90% lah,
but the stock mkt is really quiet now.
Those got $, buy property
those on contra, go casino liao
ya....now only banker wins.....banker r those trading house.....hehe

Can only aim to make some kopi money....and u r rite....might as well go casino! Hehehe

11-11-11, 13:22
Great news. Can buy again soon..

Originally Posted by basic
Italy is sinking into depression, and that’s before any act of default

November 10th, 2011

By Jeremy Warner (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/author/jeremywarner/) Economics (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/category/economics/)

Here we go. The European economy seems already to have gone over the edge of the cliff, and that’s before any of the eurozone 17 has technically defaulted. This morning’s industrial production figures from Italy were a disaster, with output down a staggering 4.8pc in September.

Isn't it good news? Everything cheap, inflation down.

Originally Posted by SpinCity
Will a recession in Singapore also be a great news to you?

Double edge sword. One man's meat might be another man's poison. There are 2 sides to a coin. If it happens, it happens. No one can stop it anyway.
Not really. It is not a zero sum game, and you don't have to rejoice at other people's suffering. Anyway, I will stop here

11-11-11, 13:29
True. No wonder some people hope for war, twist their words etc.. Shouldn't they work hard instead? There is no free lunch.

only those losers will hope for tat day to come bcoz they got nothing to lose mah ....rite anot? Hehehe

They seriously hoping the whole world to press the restart button den everybody on equal level again lor.....hahaha