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01-03-12, 12:37
NB! You not fair one! Always put me No. 2 position.. somemore didn't include Minority, SpinCity, DKSG, PN, etc etc who hamtam you more jialet jialet!

But very sorry that from the beginning till now, even I read, I only read the headlines of your copy & paste.. didn't read all your comments & contribution..

But if I can remember correctly.. your contributions is something like:

World coming to an end - Your comment is.. "Very Nice"
The whole world going to collapse - Your comment is.. "Very Nice"
SAR is coming soon - Your comment is.. "Very Nice"
War is coming soon - Your comment is.. "Very Nice"
Many ppl dying - Your comment is.. "Very Nice"

That's all I can remember.. so sorry..:(

Congratulation. You are #2. :)
This shows that not everyone can qualify into the Notorious Moron 龙虎榜。
Only those who have shown consistency, persistent, value add & long lasting impression in the eye of Mr B are elected.

I tried my best already :D

01-03-12, 12:38
Wow! Good for you...
So have you renewed your long term tenancy agreement??:D

forever moron...will never change....

01-03-12, 12:39
Cash premiums for HDB flats fall by up to 30%

SINGAPORE - The overall cash-over-valuation (COV) amount for Housing Board flats have fallen across the board, by as much as 20 to 30 per cent, reported The Straits Times.

more.....we know our govt controlled media.....more to come....

01-03-12, 12:40
Private property prices to fall up to 12% over next 3 months
04:46 AM Feb 27, 2012SINGAPORE -

Private residential property prices are expected to fall as much as 12 per cent over the next three months. This is according to analysts who also expect demand for private homes to decline as well over the next few months.

down >50% in next 2-3 yrs....latest by end of 2014.....

01-03-12, 12:42
Bernanke warns lawmakers nation headed for ‘massive fiscal cliff’
February 29th, 2012

sure....all govt will be bankrupt....all will fall off soon..print money is crash them faster & deeper....coming...swee!!!...

01-03-12, 12:43
MEGAUPLOAD boss calls charges ‘malicious’
February 29th, 2012

all these rubbish...should be executed...same to those printers.....
ethnically, should not do it.....real shameful...for those followers, the same....

01-03-12, 12:44
Embry – Gold & Silver Smash Temporary, Oil to Super-Spike

February 29th, 2012

oil will spike to double, triple from here......global economy will cllapse...soon....

01-03-12, 12:46

February 29th, 2012

this rubbish printed US$16 trillion in his 4 yrs.....easy going? moronic? lazy?....human rubbish, cannot take hardship.....

01-03-12, 13:02
I think many look at this thread is sheer awe and amazement that one person can be bothered to cut & paste so many headlines (without the links to the articles - because the source of them is usually hilarious and would destroy what little credibility the post may look to have). Some articles headlines are dated 2009 but posted as if it's brand new article. Why the subterfuge?

After he has done here, he then alternates on to CNA market talk forum under young and do the same there.

What does such behaviour aim to achieve? Actually effect the market by getting enough people to change mind? Just friendly warning of problems on horizons - out of goodness of the heart?

Maybe get's so many views as people like watching a someone having mental breakdown online.... like traffic going past an accident on the road - you really shouldn't slow down to look - but everybody does.

Anyhow. I actually kind of agree with him on many points.
I think there is huge risk going forward as low interest rates are sucking people into buying really lousy MM at high price to try and get yield right now.
Are people really calculating downside properly - not so convinced, some yes but all you need is 20-30% to mess up to cause a collapse.

However the style used to try and scare people (ineffective) into taking his position and sources - if you can call conspiracy sites like prisonplanet valid sources.

I think we should have some forum rules in placed. anyone who does the cut and paste must have the link or supporting evidence.. This will create a healthier discussion and not based on "hear say here, hear say there"

01-03-12, 13:49
I think we should have some forum rules in placed. anyone who does the cut and paste must have the link or supporting evidence.. This will create a healthier discussion and not based on "hear say here, hear say there"

or classify this under a forum "Gossip cum Hear Say"

01-03-12, 14:27

China implementing US property tax system....eg. S$2 mil valuation property, tax is S$156k/yr based on 7.8% tax.....
very nice...spore should follow....
instead of income from selling land...now govt income from property tax.....

01-03-12, 14:30
Getting a home loan? Get reality check first
Magdalen Ng

From today, banks must provide fact sheet to potential borrowers
HOME buyers will now be in for a reality check before they sign off on their mortgage.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has mandated that from today, banks will have to provide potential borrowers with a fact sheet when discussions on the credit facility take place.

The sheet will help potential customers work through the nuts and bolts of the mortgage, with information such as the loan quantum and the repayment schedule.

There will be notes to inform the borrower that the bank may have the right to ask for additional payments if the property falls in value.
Customers will have to be told that monthly repayments can increase if interest rates rise.

For example, the monthly repayment on a 20-year, $1 million loan can increase by about $1,500 if the interest rate increases from 2 per cent to 5 per cent.

Spore MAS starts to worry mortgage loan payment....
rate hike worry.....property price crash down concern.....
top upforre-valuation & more monthly paymrnt due to rate hike....

01-03-12, 14:32
This could be the most important news on Greece so far this year
February 29th, 2012

ISDA moving towards ‘Yes’ opinion on CDS trigger

later today let see can we get a trigger on CDS...that will be nice for all PIIGS....

01-03-12, 14:33
Greek Bank Deposit Outflows Soar In January, Third Largest Ever

who still trust?? all run road...same to US, PIIGS, UK, Japan....all the same in near future....Spore??....

01-03-12, 14:34
More Liquidity Extraction: Fed Resumes Reverse Repos

sure....if FED stop printing....then will extract liqu8idity from the market......
2014? some said 2017??.....end of 2012.....come...hike rate....

01-03-12, 14:35
EU Commission pressures Spain on budget
February 29th, 2012

sure must pressure till budget surplus.....cut all spending, hike all taxes & interest, cut salary & expenses, add working hour....to all public & private till profitable again....

01-03-12, 14:36
Inflation Is A Tax And The Federal Reserve Is Taxing The Living Daylights Out Of Us
February 29th, 2012

sure this rubbish is taxing the whole world....yet no leader in the world to jump out to go against him.....wait for the karma......

01-03-12, 14:38
Rival Chinese manufacturing surveys indicate mild improvement, but underling data suggest further weakening in the nation’s economy.
February 29th, 2012

sure no foreign demand due to global debt...internal demand also shrinking....property price is crashing...more down side to come....

01-03-12, 15:32
[quote=basic]Rival Chinese manufacturing surveys indicate mild improvement, but underling data suggest further weakening in the nation’s economy.
February 29th, 2012

sure no foreign demand due to global debt...internal demand also shrinking....property price is crashing...more down side to come.... [/quote

this moron needs help. brain corrupted.

01-03-12, 15:54
[quote=basic]Rival Chinese manufacturing surveys indicate mild improvement, but underling data suggest further weakening in the nation’s economy.
February 29th, 2012

sure no foreign demand due to global debt...internal demand also shrinking....property price is crashing...more down side to come.... [/quote

this moron needs help. brain corrupted.

stupid moronic dog.......

01-03-12, 15:57
February 29th, 2012

Germany will show hands soon....

01-03-12, 15:58
Ron Paul Defeats Obama In Head To Head Polling
February 29th, 2012

go Ron Paul go.....the world needs hero now....

01-03-12, 15:59
Only 54% Of Young Adults In America Have A Job

same as Europe....most youngsters have no jobs now after school & college or University......50% is norm.....

01-03-12, 16:02
Nominal or Net Credit Default Swaps
February 29th, 2012

hard truth will be out.....the difference is huge.....

01-03-12, 16:03
上海叫停放宽令 分析称中央调控方向不容撼动

cooling measures will continue for few yrs till new property tax sys. take over......

01-03-12, 16:08


Hefei developers cut price to dump fast.....

01-03-12, 16:10


GUangzhou new project down 75% in Feb.....

01-03-12, 16:33
Some smart Alex just pumped 529 billion euros into the financial system yesterday, will sg property prices still crash? :scared-5: €529 billion LTRO 2 tapped by record 800 banks (http://www.euromoney.com/Article/2987035/529-billion-LTRO-2-tapped-by-record-800-banks.html)

01-03-12, 16:44
Some smart Alex just pumped 529 billion euros into the financial system yesterday, will sg property prices still crash? :scared-5: €529 billion LTRO 2 tapped by record 800 banks (http://www.euromoney.com/Article/2987035/529-billion-LTRO-2-tapped-by-record-800-banks.html)

old news, already said many times, Ponzi scheme, push problem down the road for 3 yrs....the way US & Euro print now, they will be like Zimbabwee, currency & bond will collapse....by then property willcrash >90%.....coming....let see how they stop it fast like bernanke already shrinked back last night.....

01-03-12, 16:48


GUangzhou new project down 75% in Feb.....

WOOOOHHH FONT Change color means turning for better???????

01-03-12, 16:49
Some smart Alex just pumped 529 billion euros into the financial system yesterday, will sg property prices still crash? :scared-5: €529 billion LTRO 2 tapped by record 800 banks (http://www.euromoney.com/Article/2987035/529-billion-LTRO-2-tapped-by-record-800-banks.html)

PAPER $ become worthless... GOLD n SILVER n Brick.

01-03-12, 16:54
Dun get me wrong, I would like to see property correct significantly so that I can load up

However what you are saying is that I have to wait till 3 years for the big crash, in the meantime property prices should be going up since they keep extending and pretending!

old news, already said many times, Ponzi scheme, push problem down the road for 3 yrs....the way US & Euro print now, they will be like Zimbabwee, currency & bond will collapse....by then property willcrash >90%.....coming....let see how they stop it fast like bernanke already shrinked back last night.....

01-03-12, 16:56
Dun get me wrong, I would like to see property correct significantly so that I can load up

However what you are saying is that I have to wait till 3 years for the big crash, in the meantime property prices should be going up since they keep extending and pretending!

Everyone here also want to see down to load up more. Then scream its down. time to go up!!!

Well there will always be ups and downs. call down long enough there will be a down. similar as pple that keep saying will go up.

01-03-12, 17:04
Everyone here also want to see down to load up more. Then scream its down. time to go up!!!

Well there will always be ups and downs. call down long enough there will be a down. similar as pple that keep saying will go up.

Agree totally, good to have a view but must be quick to reassess if the fundamentals have changed.

Remember March of 2009 when sg property market was down and no one wanted to buy. Suddenly Alexsis had good sales at 1000psf what happens in the next 3 months after made me quickly buy at asking price.

Likewise these days i keep reducing the percentage on how much property prices should fall before i buy.:(

01-03-12, 17:45
hello how's everyone??!!! haven't been here for a while, how's the Bull and Bear talk?

i have been soooo busy trading and the market has been so so optimistic, but i must say i am still cautious, but i think dragon yr gonna be HUAT HUAT ah! there's so much good deals in the stock market, have fun and i am going to take a holiday again, this time to US to shop! :p

01-03-12, 17:53
I agree with you Eastboy. I think dragon year will be a good year for stock market. :)

01-03-12, 18:10
hello how's everyone??!!! haven't been here for a while, how's the Bull and Bear talk?

i have been soooo busy trading and the market has been so so optimistic, but i must say i am still cautious, but i think dragon yr gonna be HUAT HUAT ah! there's so much good deals in the stock market, have fun and i am going to take a holiday again, this time to US to shop! :p

HUAT AH!!!!!

01-03-12, 19:25
HUAT AH!!!!!


Toa Payoh Central 5-room resale flat hits $894,000
H88.com.sg » HDB News » Toa Payoh Central 5-room resale flat hits $894,000

The latest data from HDB revealed an interesting gem - a 110 sqm 5-room resale flat in Toa Payoh Central went for a whopping $894,000. HDB resale prices are inching towards the million mark ever so quickly!

Where is this flat? It lies between the 36th to 40th floor of Blk 79C (it's in one of those tall blocks you see in the pic on the left). This 2009 TOP-ed unit is right opposite Toa Payoh Central and within minutes of the MRT. If we're not wrong, a 5-room unit should have fetched around $350-$400k when it was a BTO back then in 2004/5. That means the flat effectively doubled in price within 3 years!

Working out the sums, converting 110 sqm to square feet we get 1,184 sqft. Meaning this unit was sold for $755 psf, a price range you in new Exectutive Condos. Wow! This is like striking lottery!

01-03-12, 20:37

Toa Payoh Central 5-room resale flat hits $894,000
H88.com.sg » HDB News » Toa Payoh Central 5-room resale flat hits $894,000

The latest data from HDB revealed an interesting gem - a 110 sqm 5-room resale flat in Toa Payoh Central went for a whopping $894,000. HDB resale prices are inching towards the million mark ever so quickly!

Where is this flat? It lies between the 36th to 40th floor of Blk 79C (it's in one of those tall blocks you see in the pic on the left). This 2009 TOP-ed unit is right opposite Toa Payoh Central and within minutes of the MRT. If we're not wrong, a 5-room unit should have fetched around $350-$400k when it was a BTO back then in 2004/5. That means the flat effectively doubled in price within 3 years!

Working out the sums, converting 110 sqm to square feet we get 1,184 sqft. Meaning this unit was sold for $755 psf, a price range you in new Exectutive Condos. Wow! This is like striking lottery!

so much for "Property price is coming down fast".....

Maybe change to "Property price is not coming down fast yet leh?":D

01-03-12, 20:45
Getting close to the 1m mark...

01-03-12, 21:22
Once Pinnacle@Duxton hit 5 years, confirm alot of one million HDB sales, especially for the high floors and good facings. At least 2x profits.

01-03-12, 21:31
Once Pinnacle@Duxton hit 5 years, confirm alot of one million HDB sales, especially for the high floors and good facings. At least 2x profits.

this puts 7xxk MM at tanjong pagar to shame?

01-03-12, 21:43
this puts 7xxk MM at tanjong pagar to shame?

should be able to hit 8xx in 4 yrs time bah, considering they are only 1/3 of pinnacle unit, i won't be surprised pinnacle can sell for a million.

01-03-12, 21:45
should be able to hit 8xx in 4 yrs time bah, considering they are only 1/3 of pinnacle unit, i won't be surprised pinnacle can sell for a million.

already 900k liao. Bay view 1mil for MM. Maybe 4yrs times hit b 8xxk Lol!

02-03-12, 00:48
US economy recovering faster than expected


Singapore stocks end higher ahead of ECB lending move


US jobless claims stay on downward run


02-03-12, 00:50
US Economy recovering:cheers4:

02-03-12, 06:29
hahaaa...all these dreamers panic & worry, come to this bear thread try to talk up & unload theirs, no buyers,hope & hope only.....
developer good to make 1-2 trasnaction to push the market....look at the way they advertise in paper, TV, internet, all media.....if they are so confidence, keep for higher price to sell in future.....instead panicly dump out everything to run road...onloy fools rush in to buy.....
forever can't sell finish.....

I only spend day time here, they spend longer time at night here than I do during day time....hahaaa...day time inthe rat race, night time panicly in this thread.......
1 minute 1 post from me, 8 mins then i walk away.....you can spend hours here....

go to the right thread to post lah......hahaaaaa.....

02-03-12, 06:31
US Economy recovering:cheers4:

US Jan PCE inflation +2.4% vs +2.3% exp
Personal income +0.3% vs +0.5% exp
Personal spending +0.2% vs +0.4% exp
ISM manufacturing 52.4 vs 54.5 exp

all below expectation, you call recovery....initial recovery normally is super strong.....all these data like dying...some more manipulated....hahaaa...real joker....

yesterday durable also miss big way.....Q1 GDP reveised down twice yseterday...recovery??.....

02-03-12, 06:34
Private property prices to fall up to 12% over next 3 months
04:46 AM Feb 27, 2012SINGAPORE -

Private residential property prices are expected to fall as much as 12 per cent over the next three months. This is according to analysts who also expect demand for private homes to decline as well over the next few months.

down >50% in next 2-3 yrs....latest by end of 2014.....

hahaaa...hold tight tight......2-3 yrs from now....down >50% from current price is good enough......

02-03-12, 06:37
Cash premiums for HDB flats fall by up to 30%

SINGAPORE - The overall cash-over-valuation (COV) amount for Housing Board flats have fallen across the board, by as much as 20 to 30 per cent, reported The Straits Times.

more.....we know our govt controlled media.....more to come....

take average down lah....why take 1 case....insider 1 transaction is good enough....our govt is not doing their job or just close 2 eyes??......

02-03-12, 06:42
Bernanke warns lawmakers nation headed for ‘massive fiscal cliff’
February 29th, 2012

sure....all govt will be bankrupt....all will fall off soon..print money is crash them faster & deeper....coming...swee!!!...

recovery?? bernanke is so worry of govt policy to crash the economy again as he has nomore bullet....no more QE3 or US$ & bond are going to dive down once no foreigners buying....he knows his day is ending soon.....hahaaa......

02-03-12, 06:43
‘Enough Is Enough!’ Spanish & Greeks Unite In Austerity Rage
March 1st, 2012

very nice...once they start to go against.....conflict will arrive....
all the banks & ECB cannot get back their money & that is it.....now happily borrow, later all bankrupt cannot pay back.....ai lai liao once conflict.......

02-03-12, 06:44
When Banks and Bonds Go Pop
March 1st, 2012

then whole world economy collapse...coming....
all bubble will burst....same to printing...over printing also burst....coming very soon....

02-03-12, 06:47
Greek 1 Year Bond 80% Away From 1000%


hahaaa...920% yield for 1 yr...why don'tyou go for it....will not burst one, they keep printing why yield keep shooting up....same to portugal &.....hahaaaa.....:):):):)

02-03-12, 06:48
Eurozone Jobless Rate Highest Since October 1997


like that you want recovery....same to US...after all the fake datacome the hard truth & hard dive.....:):):):)

02-03-12, 06:50
ISM Misses Big


yesterday durable goodsmiss big...all the bad data but nobody care...push up also no volume & no strength.....
just unload & distribute fast before button press down....eit door will jam up...hahaaaa......:):):):)

02-03-12, 06:52
Goldman Lowers Q1 GDP For Second Time In One Day


recovery?? why adjusting down, adjust up lah...hahaa.....2xin 1 day some more.....
they can show any number...those in US know the situation down there.....54% of youngster cannot find jobs....

02-03-12, 06:54
Personal Income, Spending Come In Weaker Ahead Of Gasoline Price Shock


oil price hit high again last night although gold down US$100 the day before.....
with super high oil price lower spending,lower disposable income....economy is going further south soon....:):):):)

02-03-12, 09:54
Hopefully Mr. Rick1 will appear again tonight.. at least he is more polite when he post under the nick of Mr. Rick1 (instead of Mr. B :tongue3: )..

Compare this morning & last night.. think I miss Mr. Rick1 lor :rolleyes:

Hopefully, we can heard from Rick1 (aka Basic) again.. after he posted awhile & go MIA..
Rick1 (aka Basic) is much more polite than Basic (aka Rick1) when comes into this thread :D

02-03-12, 12:44
Barack Obama’s Arrogant Marxist Rhetoric

March 1st, 2012

already lazy, stupid...still arrogant....go to hell lah....hahaaa....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:46
Two Thirds Of All Nevada Mortgages Are Underwater


same to most state in US....Spore is coming....tons will be in negative asset....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:49
Spring cleaning: It is not just customers leaving the big banks. Close to 100 CEO`s, chiefs, executives and whatnot, resigned, quit, got arrested…. so far this year. I hardly believe this is normal.

March 1st, 2012

stock very strong?? >100 CEO resign, quit, arrested.....only last few weeks....tons will come this yr...spore already many retrenchment since beginning of this yr...no business....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:50
Watch for this clue that an attack on Iran is close

March 1st, 2012

nice...either way...just do it...let stock crash blame on this....not human rubbish bernanke & draghi....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:51
IMF Says Global Economy Is Still Facing Major Risk From Europe

March 1st, 2012

print so much....issue out so much, still major risk??.....confirm cannot collect back money...how to?? no spending, no busienss, BDI to hell.....

02-03-12, 12:52
European funding sows seeds of next crisis

March 1st, 2012

vey nice....a much bigger one in developing.......all austerities yet print more & higher debt now....wait to burst....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:54
Greek Economy Suffers Record Collapse In February


going forward will be even worse...how to pay back?? default bigger, that is all.....all domino fall & crash....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:55
Greece Approves Pension and Health care cuts for Second Bailout. Probability Athens is burning by tomorrow: 98%

March 1st, 2012

same to spain & portugal & more to come.....take all printed money still like that....good luck.....hahaaa.....:):):):)

02-03-12, 12:58
Forensic Analysis Of Yesterday's Market-Close Mini Flash Crash


last night NASDAQ index has a mini crash rehearsal...nobody may not notice it if you did not go for detailed....like 5/2010, Dow plunged 1000 within minutes...now HFT....Dow to plunge 2000 wihtin mins is nothing.....ince trigger....good show anytime...

02-03-12, 13:05

02-03-12, 13:09
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :scared-1: ...

02-03-12, 13:23
Greek Economy Suffers Record Collapse In February


going forward will be even worse...how to pay back?? default bigger, that is all.....all domino fall & crash....:):):):)

man on the ledge

02-03-12, 13:36
There are medications and plenty of good health professionals for this condition. We all been there before.

02-03-12, 13:51
man on the ledge

moron...you & your family can all jump down together....
real moron.....beside personal attack, repeat it 10x.....what else you contribute....
as I said read thru' these thread, what view or information have they provided?? nothing only finger pinting at me....
hahaaa.....all these nonsense rubbish.....:):):):)

02-03-12, 13:52
There are medications and plenty of good health professionals for this condition. We all been there before.

another same moron.....

02-03-12, 13:55
Warren Buffett’s favorite economic indicator just turned negative again

March 1st, 2012

let see he tell the truth or lure fools to take over his rubbish, then say he makes mistake like before rg. buying US$.....whatever, ai lai liao.....let see he has the time to run.....

02-03-12, 13:57
Obama Previews A Double-Feature Horror Show For Taxpayers

March 1st, 2012

France may propose 75% taxes....obama also has to move up to 42%.....global tax must go up to balanced their budget & pay back their debt....same to Spore...China propose high property tax....more to come....same to rate hike....

02-03-12, 13:59
REPORT: Real inflation at 8%

March 1st, 2012

those living in real life know...same to Spore 5% inflation?? those buy daily htings will know.....If US is 8%, the Spore will be 15% liao.....very nice....once the bubble burst will be very ugly liao....

02-03-12, 14:01
Greece Default SWAPS Don’t Have to Pay: ISDA

March 1st, 2012

later US & Europe will say all their bond, do not have to pay back....all Asian & Spore reserved in their bonds all wipe out lcean clean.....very nice.....all these rubbish printers....nothing they dare not do.....

Alan Shearer
02-03-12, 15:29
Poor basic lost everything.

He's as good as dead.


02-03-12, 15:31
REPORT: Real inflation at 8%

March 1st, 2012

those living in real life know...same to Spore 5% inflation?? those buy daily htings will know.....If US is 8%, the Spore will be 15% liao.....very nice....once the bubble burst will be very ugly liao....

Dont you know when there are high inflation, you should buy real assets?

02-03-12, 16:01
Poor basic lost everything.

He's as good as dead.


this rubbish is typical of moron......go to hell lah, rubbish....:):):):)

02-03-12, 16:02
Dont you know when there are high inflation, you should buy real assets?

another stupid moron....read but brainless.....
US actual inflation 8%....property down >60% in last 5 yrs....Spore coming lah...once started will be much worse......

02-03-12, 16:05
今朝有錢今朝借 明日爆煲話之你

this is what all these desperate rubbish is doing...print & print....they cannot think for tomorrow anymore....it burnt will their eyebrows...so you think they can get out so easily......ypu still want to take a ride from them....hahaaa...they will bring all of you to ho lan....

02-03-12, 16:07

恐爆抽水潮 內房股冧

china & HK property already down for 6 months.....more to come....
now liquidity dry up, no way to raise funds......
wait to crash harder.....

02-03-12, 16:09

裁員未完 料叮走萬人

global banks bonuses cut 40-80%....same to wall st.....
more retrenchment in banking....all the bailout money they dare not use to pay out bonuses now...they know once trigger, they have to pay back then will bankrupt immediately of payout now.....

02-03-12, 16:11
NYPD Randomly Arrests Occupy Wall Street Protesters At Zuccotti Park – When asked what law they were breaking, Officer replied, “There’s a law against everything. That’s America.”

March 1st, 2012

this is today world.....all bankrupt & in desperate mood yet worry of people power.....all these govt will be gone...their illegal doing will be charged in time to come...has to pay back wan....:):):):)

02-03-12, 16:13
EUR Brent Takes Out All Time Highs


sure...all time high...very nice...burst the economy & pay back soon....
oil is a good weapon to force money printer to undo & collect back their printing money & hike rate to historical high.....coming....:):):):)

02-03-12, 16:17
Mario Draghi Is Becoming Germany's Most Hated Man


hahaaa...this human rubbish....it forces Germany to walk out of Euro zone will be super nice......coming.....then all burst...Euro beomes toilet paper...print more...

02-03-12, 16:29
another stupid moron....read but brainless.....
US actual inflation 8%....property down >60% in last 5 yrs....Spore coming lah...once started will be much worse......

I am stupid......
But still have a few properties and riding high on the shares I bought... Stop/loss level increase again.... so actually being stupid is lucky?

you are really smart..... continue to rent k :D

02-03-12, 16:39
Dont you know when there are high inflation, you should buy real assets?

Exactly... we the citizen of ...

02-03-12, 16:46
I am stupid......
But still have a few properties and riding high on the shares I bought... Stop/loss level increase again.... so actually being stupid is lucky?

you are really smart..... continue to rent k :D

hahaaa...stupid moron LIAR...eat shyt lah.....self-claimed whatever...real rubbish fool......:):):):)

02-03-12, 16:53
as I have said many time....all these stupid moron.....
read all their posting in this thread, beside personal attack, what have they contributed?? all their post, beside finger pointing at me personally, any information, view or…from them?? NOTHING….

all these rubbish......

02-03-12, 16:58
Juncker Says There Is A "Plan B" If Greek Debt Swap Fails


for bankrupt...whatever plan is to rob & steal.....but not many fools around now....china also sold big chunk of US bond now....wait for the crash of currency & bond & continue to print more....coming....

02-03-12, 16:58
Thanks goodness u are still cutting and pasting news.... Should u stop doing that I would be wondering about your physical well being. If only just one day u are absent I would be fearing for the worst. Ur continual present will become your prove of life. Don't u find this tiring?

02-03-12, 17:00
Bloomberg: PIMCO’s Gross on ETF launch and ISDA decision

March 1st, 2012

sure...wise one will know, there is a final decision & will not be nice....has to decide in next 2 weeks....

02-03-12, 17:06
Thanks goodness u are still cutting and pasting news.... Should u stop doing that I would be wondering about your physical well being. If only just one day u are absent I would be fearing for the worst. Ur continual present will become your prove of life. Don't u find this tiring?

1 minute 1 post....what so difficult??.....
those morons here took hours to personal attcked day & night everyday including you......
no need to worry for me...worry for yourself.....I am easy & relaxed.....
who is more tired & spend more time in this thread....look carefully you will know....hahaaaa.....all the morons......only if you stop personal attack........:):):):)

02-03-12, 17:08


already said yesterday, China cut down US bond big way....time to pull out everything from all asian countries....that is the end of US$ & bond...also Euro....they can continue to print & keep for themselves....

02-03-12, 17:12
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: Banks should learn to go it alone

March 1st, 2012

banks already no way to go....take money dare not loan out as no trade, no business....1 step wrong, they will be bankrupt......print monay is not the way to go.....all will default with so many bubble around........

Alan Shearer
02-03-12, 18:38
And just WTF have YOU contributed Mr Basic except a whole load of school boy / pidgin English and a loadof copy pases about negative news?



Silly little boy get back to school

02-03-12, 19:17
1 minute 1 post....what so difficult??.....
those morons here took hours to personal attcked day & night everyday including you......
no need to worry for me...worry for yourself.....I am easy & relaxed.....
who is more tired & spend more time in this thread....look carefully you will know....hahaaaa.....all the morons......only if you stop personal attack........:):):):)

You relax meh? If relax don't need to scold people already.
1 minute 1 post? So panic wor? :scared-3:

How you know CCR don't have a few properties? Just becuase he says he has a few means he is a liar?

Ahhh ... I know I know.
If he say he's renting, then you will believe him right? :D

02-03-12, 23:12
Please believe me..
My long term tenants who rented for 20-yrs has help me pay off my mortgage.. though of selling my property & pocket all the $$$.. but the problem is, how about my obedient tenant??:(

02-03-12, 23:33
Please believe me..
My long term tenants who rented for 20-yrs has help me pay off my mortgage.. though of selling my property & pocket all the $$$.. but the problem is, how about my obedient tenant??:(
I tot u yng bird wor....u old bird LL ....ooooo

02-03-12, 23:35

02-03-12, 23:52
seriously, I think Mr B can make more money by creating www.badnews.com.sg haha, than wasting time here posting

02-03-12, 23:58
seriously, I think Mr B can make more money by creating www.badnews.com.sg haha, than wasting time here posting
U see too highly of mr b aka moron liao la

He only noe how to cut and paste from few websites lor.....wakakaka

03-03-12, 06:03
why I said all these are morons many times here......

all these nonsense moron……. ccr, rysk, thomastansb, jonathann80, alan shearer, devilplate, phantom opera, dormer, PN, minority, ….read all their posting in this thread, beside personal attack, what have they contributed?? all their post, beside finger pointing at me personally, any information, view or…from them?? NOTHING….
just because in cyber, they can act hooligan to attack continuously……
that is why all is MORON…..
If say 1time is ok…but repeat 10x, 100x…not moron is what?.....I posted 4000 news here, have I repeat any??......

repeat same personal attack forever...beside a moron, what are they....hahaaaa........
that is only what they do, can do as a human.....real human rubbish....:):):):):):):):):):):):):)

03-03-12, 06:16
U see too highly of mr b aka moron liao la

He only noe how to cut and paste from few websites lor.....wakakaka

this LIAR king...whole family is moronic dogs......:):):):)

03-03-12, 09:55
Jean Pisani-Ferry: Lavish central bank liquidity won’t cure the eurozone’s malaise
March 2nd, 2012

sure....this liquidity will not push economy...will only push stock, commodity & metal market to bubble then burst...any bubble without fundamrntal will burst....so printed money dare not loan out...drae not speculate as they know all will burst.....

03-03-12, 09:57
“One of the biggest frauds of the past few years took place yesterday”
March 2nd, 2012

sure...all the printing in last 3 yrs are fraud....eventually all the bond will be wipe off....the emperor is without clothes since 3 yrs ago....will be more naked in next few yrs, don't hope for a clothe for this rubbish....

Alan Shearer
03-03-12, 10:45
News? What NEWS have YOU posted?

I only see copy-pasted headlines which mean nothing to anyone.

You are a very annoying time wasting bullshitter.

AND you are wrong about everything.


03-03-12, 17:10
this LIAR king...whole family is moronic dogs......:):):):)

03-03-12, 17:17


already said yesterday, China cut down US bond big way....time to pull out everything from all asian countries....that is the end of US$ & bond...also Euro....they can continue to print & keep for themselves....

Then where all the money go ?
Singapore properties should be one of the finest and safest investment globally. Right ?

B shld post the link to the original news he cut and paste la! Then people can read the full piece and decide for themselves.

Anyway, U post, we try to help u analyse what those news means.

The collapse of USD and US Bonds may mean a boost to Sg Properties!

WooHoo !!

Stay Calm and Cool

03-03-12, 17:19
no point toking sense wif mr b aka moron

he will only reply "rubbish morons. full of rubbish....so panic come to my bear thread"


03-03-12, 18:04
why I said all these are morons many times here......

all these nonsense moron……. ccr, rysk, thomastansb, jonathann80, alan shearer, devilplate, phantom opera, dormer, PN, minority, ….read all their posting in this thread, beside personal attack, what have they contributed?? all their post, beside finger pointing at me personally, any information, view or…from them?? NOTHING….
just because in cyber, they can act hooligan to attack continuously……
that is why all is MORON…..
If say 1time is ok…but repeat 10x, 100x…not moron is what?.....I posted 4000 news here, have I repeat any??......

NB! Once again you mentioned my name! Somemore put me 2nd position!
I already said 100x to you, I can't rent my house to you!! Cos my long term obedient tenant just signed another 20-yrs tenancy agreement with me!!
Let me check with my ex-army rich fren got spare maid room to rent it to you or not.. can??!!

03-03-12, 23:53
as I have said many time....all these stupid moron.....

read all their posting in this thread, beside personal attack, what have they contributed?? all their post, beside finger pointing at me personally, any information, view or…from them?? NOTHING….

all these rubbish......

Are you in need of help?
When people post positive news, you ask people to go away and stop posting in the bear thread? Is this a forum or just a cut and past thread?

Let us know so that we can help you.... I know a good shrink...

And, just to let you know, i really have a few properties and renting them out... really one..... trust me please.... I will not be so silly and to sell all my properties away and rent... very dangerous is a high cost attractive global city like singapore.... prices will usually stay firm..

04-03-12, 06:32
Are you in need of help?
When people post positive news, you ask people to go away and stop posting in the bear thread? Is this a forum or just a cut and past thread?

Let us know so that we can help you.... I know a good shrink...

And, just to let you know, i really have a few properties and renting them out... really one..... trust me please.... I will not be so silly and to sell all my properties away and rent... very dangerous is a high cost attractive global city like singapore.... prices will usually stay firm..

stupid self-claimed moron......just like if I said I have few US$Bil of cash on hand.....
your panic & worry to keep personal attack in this thread already show & reflect yourself....
I said property price to down >50% in 2-3 yrs time.....my posts is to support my view.....
all these moronic dogs here.......if you are not worry, you will not even bother about this thread & view >300,000.....my contribution the most 4000 views.....
all these rubbish morons.....hahaaaaa......:):):):)

04-03-12, 06:33
no point toking sense wif mr b aka moron

he will only reply "rubbish morons. full of rubbish....so panic come to my bear thread"


your whole family can go back to their dog cages now.....:):):):)

I already explained clearly why all these rubbishes are morons......:):):):)

04-03-12, 06:46
US Layoffs – The Latest Casualty Count – Feb. 28 – March 1, 2012

March 3rd, 2012

US supposed to announced their unemployment data last Friday but posptpone to next week...need more time to cook the data.....hahaaaaa.....all these fake & fraud to use printed money to cheat the world yet fools pray them like god.......

04-03-12, 06:49
Brazil Launches Full-On Currency Assault on Flagrant Central Bankers

March 2nd, 2012

real nice one by Brazil.....at least some one is still very clear of what is going on & what those rubbish central bbankers are doing in US, Europe & Asia....
US$ & Euro will collapse 1 day.....the trust have gone....many already exercise it....don't blame anyone, all these robbery countries.....
kick can down the road will hit the wall....emperor is without clothes, will never has & will be without skin later.....coming soon....

04-03-12, 23:26

U still at it?
Sibei ENG hor?
Ha ha ha ha.....

I check again 1 mth later.
While u devote ur time in ur thread.

Live healthier la.
Stop all these bs la....


05-03-12, 06:07
Bernanke says that “Housing is no longer a safe investment”. Probably the only thing he ever got right in his life. Housing has a lot more to fall.
March 4th, 2012

haha...sure, of course he did not get anythng right since day 1....from subprime is nothing from him till today....all he has done are all wrong.....real human rubbish.....history will tell...
bond, currency, stock & many other market will burst started from him.....we will see it this year.... :):):):):)

05-03-12, 06:10
ECB Says Greek PSI Participation May Fall Short, As Troika Expects Third Greek Bailout


so fast talk about 3rd bailout....printed money all gone, all become debt, bigger debt, bigger bubble waiting to bursst....once burst, all gone this time, too huge liao......currency, bond, stock, property......

05-03-12, 06:11
DAVID STOCKMAN: You’d Be A Fool To Hold Anything But Cash Now

March 4th, 2012

will he be correct....but only fools buy stock, property, bonds...now, that is definitely correct.....all these bubbles created from no based.....

05-03-12, 06:13
‘Now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in’: Obama talks tough with the possibility of an attack on Iran

March 4th, 2012

this nonsense shout so much rubbish....hoot lah...hahaaaa...:):):):)

05-03-12, 06:15
Is the ECB choking on its own liquidity as Spain’s economy grinds to a halt?

March 4th, 2012

ECB by draghi is definitely on wrong medicine.....
all printed $$ will become backfire & burn down all PIIGS.....
time is coming soon....thne global economy will collapse after all their printing, if don't print, not so bad......

05-03-12, 06:17
North Korea Has Allegedly Tested Nuclear Warheads For Iran


all these kena bully forever.......
stop ship all oil......let them choke on their printing & backfire everything....just do it....be a real human.....

05-03-12, 06:20
Doc Eifrig: This is an incredibly easy way to keep track of your finances… Never miss another bill or overspend again…

March 2nd, 2012

sure...spend withn your mean....stop all borrowing, pay back all debt.....
this is the way to reocver from crisis......be saver again.....
Asian savers should corporate to teach western rubbish a good lesson.....instead of bullying by them forever...good chance to lead the world now.......

05-03-12, 06:22
European Solidarity – “Everybody knows the Spanish are lying about the figures”

March 3, 2012

sure all are lying, fake & fraud.....
real desperate...but this is not the way to solve the problem...it will become bigger problem in nera future....explode soon....

05-03-12, 08:14

U still at it?
Sibei ENG hor?
Ha ha ha ha.....

I check again 1 mth later.
While u devote ur time in ur thread.

Live healthier la.
Stop all these bs la....


Please put aceivan into your moron list..
Till now, I think you should have up to 15 in your list rite!!
So many ppl like to hamtam you..:D

05-03-12, 09:15

U still at it?
Sibei ENG hor?
Ha ha ha ha.....

I check again 1 mth later.
While u devote ur time in ur thread.

Live healthier la.
Stop all these bs la....


hahaaaa....stupid fool, I live much healthier than you as I only need to work few hrs a month can make more than you work like a dog in rat race for a month.....

these news important or not, 1-2 yrs down the road, you will beg for it, by then, I will not post any....go & hunt & beg for them......

get ready to SHORT....you can 'short' many thing soon...profit is easily >1000% in next 2-3 yrs.....

hahaaaaa........eng eng lah....no need to be a dog in work, bite till whole mouth is hair yet kena scr.ew backside everyday.....:):):):)

05-03-12, 09:18
Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this?
March 4th, 2012

Anyone with intellectual integrity and moral courage can affirm that the Federal Reserve system is guilty of financial fraud at its core. The “emperor has no clothes” reason is they lie in omission and commission with a fiduciary responsibility: they create debt for what we use as money......

if true will be very nice...bernanke & this rubbish....Spore too has such rubbish in ministers team??......

05-03-12, 09:20
On Friday, March 9, Greece on credit event, will be paid the CDS

March 4th, 2012

sure....a credit event.....let it explode.....

05-03-12, 09:23
David Stockman’s gone full Defcon on the Fed Ponzi & an imminent economic meltdown, warning of absolute carnage, with a full & intentional interview with the AP/USA Today.

March 4th, 2012

sure....FED & ECB are full Ponzi...execute 10x of their chairman are too lenient....
Ponzi will sure burst 1 day....no one can rollover a Ponzi...1 day it cannot roll, that is it...coming vey soon....

05-03-12, 09:26
Sarkozy suffers a ‘horrible week’ as Hollande increases lead in polls

March 3, 2012

this rubbish can get lost next month....new govt implement 75% taxes, ECB can print themselves without support....nice....

05-03-12, 09:29
Europe is stuck: It can’t cut and grow at the same time

March 3, 2012

sure....slowdown, cut down all unnecessary, then start to grow again....
you can't do both at the same time....that is the problem with printing today....all the printed $$ will be gone, bigger dent to burden after all collapse....vey nice...bigger crash is coming....

05-03-12, 09:33
General Motors gets go ahead to build Chinese factory, shift production to China:

March 3rd, 2012

hahaaaa....joker...like that don't collapse also hard......
US unemployment data is not fake??.....:):):):)

05-03-12, 09:35
UK government MP begs US GM Corporation not to pull the plug and shut down UK Vauxhall car plant with 2000 jobs lost. Other countries begging GM Corporation are Spain and Germany as their plants are also under threat of closure.

March 3rd, 2012

already bankrupt...yet borrow so much now, expect to recover to pay back debt yet going to close down & retrench jobs everywhere across Europe, how??....borrow more?? hahaaaa.....die road 1 way & all the debt will burst.....

05-03-12, 09:37
Moody’s Downgrades Greece to Lowest Rating on Scale

March 3rd, 2012

plus more downgrade to junk coming...you think they can recover?? then borrow money how?? ECB just printed another Euro1trillion for them.....Euro crash to toilet paper the sooner the better....draghi should family should be all executed ........

05-03-12, 09:46
hahaaaa....stupid fool, I live much healthier than you as I only need to work few hrs a month can make more than you work like a dog in rat race for a month.....

these news important or not, 1-2 yrs down the road, you will beg for it, by then, I will not post any....go & hunt & beg for them......

get ready to SHORT....you can 'short' many thing soon...profit is easily >1000% in next 2-3 yrs.....

hahaaaaa........eng eng lah....no need to be a dog in work, bite till whole mouth is hair yet kena scr.ew backside everyday.....:):):):)
Mr B aka Moron aka self claimed king aka king of twister aka king of curse and swear

living in a state of despair.....poor thing

05-03-12, 12:51
Mr B aka Moron aka self claimed king aka king of twister aka king of curse and swear

living in a state of despair.....poor thing

Moron LIAR king....very buay song huh.....
you ah beng ah seng runner.....go & con & cheat by telling lies lah.....
global market is not moving....sinking instead....it will trigger global bank runs....runner like you will become begger, crawling.....:):):):)

05-03-12, 12:54

HSI 14000 by this yr...nice...that means STI will see below 2000 this yr....
of course not bottom yrt....next yr will challenge 2009 low of 1465 for STI....bottom yet....of course not....STI will go below 1000....& much lower....

05-03-12, 12:56
Eurozone casualty: Spain’s unemployment rate hits 22.9%

March 4th, 2012

you expect them to pay back recent borrowing, that is last 4 months, ECB printed $$?? those earlier for sure, no way to pay back....
no jobs, lazy....lunch time 3 yrs, 4 days week, they will never change.....you are paying for their life....hahaaaa......same to all PIIGS, Europe & US....

05-03-12, 12:57
10.7 Percent: Unemployment In Europe Is Worse Than It Was At The Peak Of The Last Recession

March 4th, 2012

sure...the explosion is coming....
the trust is no more there, how much they print or borrow....no way to help....all will sink starting from this year.....

05-03-12, 13:00
撤資乍現 慎防回吐

another round of fund outflowing from Asia & Spore starting again.....
most important is when default in Europe starts....will see fund s.uck out till vaccum within very short period from Asia & Spore.....
coming soon.....

05-03-12, 13:03

typical of spore govt....low tax rate to attract funds....citizens are paying high tax than this.....of course they will say to get business...
this is the way spore gpvt is treating their people...give all goodies & sweeteners to foreigners.......
no use wan...once global collapse, all will withdraw & run road....local will still stay back to support & lear rubbiah...of course still complete all NS & reservist....

05-03-12, 13:05
Report: 22.8 Percent of U.S. Homes Are Underwater

March 2nd, 2012

nice number.....once we are the same as US now...our number will be much much higher due to price, mortgage loan to total loan.....:):):):)

05-03-12, 13:08
U.S. Food-Stamp Use Hit Record 46.5M in Dec… Obama “the best food- stamp president in American history

March 2nd, 2012

National Debt passes $15.5 trillion

March 2nd, 2012

most rubbish president of US.....
recovery?? more like sinking all the way in reality.......
If he gave all his printing $$ to listed company as profit....then Dow probably will be 25000 today......why work so hard, just print & show it as company profit better....but has to stay in jail or executed if find out....

05-03-12, 13:11
Erik Townsend: Expect A US Price Shock As Black Swans Come Home to Roost

March 2nd, 2012

sure....export inflation...will finally come back home & kill the all swans....:):):):)

05-03-12, 16:37
HSI down ~300.....
Gold below 1700 again....
Euro lao sa.i non-stop.....
STI refuse to go down?? has to pay back wan....

05-03-12, 20:57
Moron LIAR king....very buay song huh.....
you ah beng ah seng runner.....go & con & cheat by telling lies lah.....
global market is not moving....sinking instead....it will trigger global bank runs....runner like you will become begger, crawling.....:):):):)

Aiyah..... when it happens then you become Champion and King loh... but till then you are still a loser and renter....

06-03-12, 08:08
The Perfect Storm: Futures Slide On Euro Service PMI Miss, Lower China Growth Target, New Irish Bailout, ECB Deposit Facility Surge

March 5th, 2012

Italy is down to 44.1 vs 44.8 in January, for its 9th straight month sub-50 (indicating contraction).
Spain has fallen to 41.9 vs. 46.1 in January. That’s a horrible number.
French PMI is right on the even line at 50.0 vs. 52.3 in January.
Germany is still nicely positive at 52.8, but that’s down from 53.7 in the previous month.

market just refuse to come down with all the news.....economy really so strong moving forward?? China adjust down future GDP, not the past.....hahaaaaa.....this is bubble...huge one....ai burst liao.....

06-03-12, 08:10
Nigam Arora: China super cycle is over

March 5th, 2012

sure.....their mentality & attitude can only bring them to this state.....to drive higher income from here.....no way for now.....time for property bubble to burst....

06-03-12, 08:11
Bill Fleckenstein: Fears Of A Banking Collapse

March 5th, 2012

sure...whole world is waiting for 1 bank to collapse & that is it for this rally & the beginning of the collapse.....coming...

06-03-12, 08:12
REPORT: Israel has already made decision

March 5th, 2012

talk so much...just do it....

06-03-12, 08:15
Federal Reserve “mouthpiece” hints at Ben Bernanke’s next move

March 5th, 2012

sure....no more QE3 even 1 bank collapse & world economy crash....because oil is oushing up inflation & no action allowed by FED, 6 months before election....bo liao....good time for hedge fund to whack in next few months....

06-03-12, 08:17
Insiders aren’t buying this rally

March 5th, 2012

Insider look at theirorder book & no production already panic to cut manpower, retrenchment.....still buy stock with almost 80-90% of ships not moving for now??.....hahaaa.....selling & dumping in this rally instead......

06-03-12, 08:18
This development could signal the end of the “RISK ON” rally

March 5th, 2012


06-03-12, 08:20
SHIPPING CEO: Iran Could Send Oil To $440/Barrel

March 5th, 2012

up 4x from now...very nice.....this will not only stop all the nonsense printing....it will call back all the printing $$....s.uck back all money from the system...rate will shoot up to >25% easily if $440...Iran, just do it....

06-03-12, 10:09

March 5th, 2012

G8 meeting moves from chicago to davis camp to avoid riot, protest....
all these riots is everywhere in western world these days....US too.....
people power will takeover the world in coming decade.....

06-03-12, 10:11
ECRI Continues To Defend Its Recession Call

March 5th, 2012

sure...recession, then depression is unavoidable now....

06-03-12, 10:14
15 Potentially Massive Threats To The U.S. Economy Over The Next 12 Months

March 5th, 2012

sure.....so many factor...any 1 will just trigger the US economy collapse.....
print & print...but who drae to loan out...all kow loan out will not able to collect back...all stuck there & wait for burst......

06-03-12, 10:17
Greek 1 Year Bond = 1006%


nobody dare to buy...keep selling instead.....but ECB still loan out to them?? no risk?? hahaaaa....all PIIGS & many others, all super high risk, but only 1% rate?? wait to die, that is all....

06-03-12, 10:19
Art Cashin On Technical Indicators Turning Red


so many indicator already shown this fake rally ending soon.....

06-03-12, 10:22
National debt: Washington’s $5 trillion interest bill; More than 14% of all revenue the government is projected to collect will be sucked up by interest payments.

March 5th, 2012

0.25% interest already need to pay US$5Trillion interest......of course US cannot hike rate...but when nobody buy US bond except FED & switch out of US$.....they have no choice but to hike rate big way.....thie is Iran & crude oil power to kill all the global govt bond debt....must do it.....

06-03-12, 10:25
European Commission Warns Spain Deficit Is ‘Grave’

March 5th, 2012

forever deficit...no way to pay back loan...wait for bankrupt & pull down all banks to bankrupt......

06-03-12, 10:26
Greek Default Looming

March 5th, 2012

sure...no doubt about it.....

06-03-12, 10:28
James Turk: Central Banks Intervened In Gold Out Of Desperation

March 5th, 2012

sure desperate.....the way they print already shown they are at death end....struggle to survive....oil price must kill them, all the in debted countries to bakrupt & default...make them kneel down instead of prinitng......

06-03-12, 10:31
Credit Default Swap Fraud Exposed/Confirmed

March 5th, 2012

sure....fraud everywhere....from the day the start to print....all is illegal.....unfairness......

Alan Shearer
06-03-12, 10:47
Wake up and look at the bigger picture you puerile fool.

06-03-12, 12:57
Wake up and look at the bigger picture you puerile fool.

typical of moron.....:):):):)

06-03-12, 13:01
The One Chart That Shows Where AAPL and the Market Are Heading


sure...this is exactly the same as internet bubble in 2001.....so apple shares price will crash easily 80% from here in next few yrs....nothing great about Iphone, Ipad.....just a bubble.....:):):):)

06-03-12, 13:03
Chris Martenson: Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate In The Global Economy Circus


· The total shutdown of all 54 nuclear plants, leading to an energy insufficiency
· Japan's trade deficit in negative territory for the first time in decades, driven largely by energy imports
· A budget deficit that is now 56% larger than revenues (!!)
· Total debt standing at a whopping 235% of GDP
· A recession shrinking Japan's economy at an annual rate of 2.3%

sure...japan is another big bubble to be burst.....no growth for 20 yrs after printing so much to press down interest rate.....exactly what US is doing now....same result for US if continue to print.....print $$ is useless, real economy is the key....

06-03-12, 13:05
De-Investifying China


sure....many investors already pull out from china...china is no more a competitive country ti invest now.....more funds will be outflow soon...

06-03-12, 13:07
Enjoy The Central Bank Party While It Lasts


sure...all party will end....music stopping very soon...light down.......:):):):)

06-03-12, 13:10
European Credit Signals LTRO Ineffectiveness


sure....all return back to ECB, why?? too high risk to loan out...once loan out, no way to collect back....profit is 1-2%, lost is 100%, very nice.....no buyers, no consumers, no jobs, who will buy or spend......borrow to spend like americans & Sporean?? all will kena soon....

06-03-12, 13:11
McCain Calls For US To Lead Effort To Begin Syrian Air Strikes


this rubbish invader want to fight so many war, syria, iran....very nice....:):):):)

06-03-12, 13:14
Oil Is the New Greece: HSBC Chief Economist

March 5th, 2012

oil is not new greece...but another greece....1 more greece to trigger world economy collapse.....
oil is the best to force rubbish to stop printing....oil at US$440 is good....

06-03-12, 13:18
On Contagion: How The Rest Of The World Will Suffer


sure...like domino, 1 down...all down....whole world will suffer....debt & printing...

06-03-12, 15:53
HSI down ~300.....
Gold below 1700 again....
Euro lao sa.i non-stop.....
STI refuse to go down?? has to pay back wan....

STI down 60+ as of now.....has to pay back wan.......
HSI below strong support level of 21000.....
more to come.....

06-03-12, 15:56
“The slide will eventually become clear to everyone.”

March 5th, 2012

hold tight tight...then you will know all a sudden...gone....:):):):)

06-03-12, 16:05
Analysts Warn Americans to Buy Guns and Gold, Predicting Market Crash and Street Riots Within A Year

March 5th, 2012

sure...recession followed by depression in next 1-2 yrs...untouchable....

06-03-12, 16:07
Netanyahu Has Made Up His Mind to Attack Iran

March 5th, 2012

wait patiently of action....then oil price then economy.....

06-03-12, 16:10
IRAQ/N…. Regaining Control of world’s 2nd largest oil reserves

March 5th, 2012

sure....stop ship all oil to Europe, US & ......

06-03-12, 16:12
Banks borrow from ECB (LTRO) and deposit at ECB – why?

March 5th, 2012

take the money, can't loan out.........hahaaaa.....loan out=bad debt.....
all back to square one...so panic, real situation is clear.....:):):):)

06-03-12, 16:14
12 States Where Homeowners Are Sinking Deeper Into Negative Equity

March 5th, 2012

like Japan....long way to go...down another 20 yrs.....Spore can avoid??...do we print like them??.....

06-03-12, 16:17
Even After A Huge Backlash, Banks Are Quietly Pursuing New Fees

March 5th, 2012

after printing 10 of US$trillion....still hard up of $2, $5 monthly fee??? something is not right lah....wait to explode.....:):):):):)

06-03-12, 16:19
Why the next major crisis may not be in Europe or the U.S.

March 5th, 2012

sure...still have hard landing of china...#1 debt to GDP of Japan....Middle east is the focus......nice....any one of above plus Europe, PIIGS, US....is good enough to crash global economy.....:):):):)

06-03-12, 16:21
Spain’s Sovereign Thunderclap & The End Of Merkel’s Europe

March 5th, 2012

eventually all PIIGS will clash & fight with Germany....no one will follow austerities....all the contract, deal, agreement...all sc.rew up....what happen with the mess??.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 06:22
Singapore property market outlook for 2012 and 2013

In 2011, buyers from China were the biggest group of foreign property buyers in Singapore. But if you are counting on foreigners to continue buying properties in Singapore in 2012 and 2013, I am afraid to say that you may be disappointed.
The following factors are worthy of our consideration when studying the prospects of the property market in the next two years.
Factors that determine Singapore's property market
Since interest rates are at a historical low now, it can only go up from here, and not down. In fact, interest rates on home loans can shoot up to 3 per cent to 4 per cent. In my opinion, this could probably take place in 2013 when U.S. interest rates start to climb due to the threat of rising inflation.
In the next two years, more than 30,000 condominium units will be completed. With a huge supply of new condominiums, do you think rental rates would go up or down? So when rental rates indeed go down and interest rates go up, would this make property investments more attractive or less attractive? With rental yield now at 3 per cent to 4 per cent, what would the revised rental yield be when rental rates drop? Would some properties go from yielding positive cashflow, where monthly rental income exceeds monthly housing loan installment, to having a negative cashflow?
In addition, HDB built 8,000 units in 2008. But in 2011 and 2012, HDB is going to build 25,000 units in each year, totaling 50,000 units in the span of two years. With supply of both condominiums and HDB flats expected to surge in the next two years, coupled with an economic slowdown as a result of the next global financial crisis, do you not think that the demand for properties would drop?
Singapore aside, given that the U.S. and Europe, each constituting 23 per cent of the global economy, are likely to experience an economic slowdown in 2012, the rest of the world seems to be headed for another recession. And when that happens, would a global recession, coupled with global sovereign debt problems, especially in the Euro zone and U.S., not trigger a global financial crisis?
By considering all the above using an upside / downside analysis, do you think Singapore's property market presents more upside potential or downside risks? And what will your decision be as to whether you should invest in condominiums now?
We should not just look at Singapore's property market alone
Apart from casting our sights on the local economic situation, we must also track closely the activities in Hong Kong. Why is this so? Well, this is because Singapore and Hong Kong are always closely linked in terms of property market trends and movements.
With respect to this, most market players have the impression that property prices in Singapore are slightly lower than prices in Hong Kong. So if Hong Kong's property prices fall, Singapore's property prices might fall as well.
So, with the latest land sales in Hong Kong fetching prices that are below market expectations, could this be a possible sign that the Hong Kong property market is beginning to go downhill?
As it is, Hong Kong's government—which is boosting the supply of land to try and curb a more than 70 per cent surge in home prices since early 2009—has already sold two sites in August 2011 that missed estimates as home price gains have stalled. This is due to concerns that the economy is sliding into recession. The Hang Seng Index (HSI) also fell 23 per cent from its November 2010 peak to below 18,000 points in September 2011.
According to figures released by the Hong Kong Land Registry, August 2011 home transactions experienced the biggest drop since February 2009. An index tracking home prices, compiled by Centaline, fell in June and July—the first consecutive monthly drop since December 2008.
Vincent Lo, chairman of Shui On Land Ltd., had reportedly said, "The last few weeks, the property market has come down a little and transactions have virtually stopped."
Echoing similar sentiments, Yu Kam-hung, a Hong Kong-based senior managing director for valuation and advisory services in Greater China at CB Richard Ellis Group Inc., said, "Property prices will start to decline soon and we are likely to see that in the rest of the year."
He reportedly added that "Prices will trend down by about 10 per cent in the next two years and I don't rule out the chance that they may fall as much as 20 per cent in the worst case scenario."
Property buyers from China may not continue their buying spree in Singapore. As it is, I am beginning to hear from some Chinese business owners that there is increasing difficulty for them to obtain loans in China. And some of them already know of friends who are starting to have cashflow problems in China. So if China business owners have cashflow problems, do you think they will have the ability or willingness to continue snapping up properties in Singapore in 2012 and 2013? Probably not.
In my opinion, the global financial crisis has already started, but most people just do not feel it yet. In fact, they won't find anything amiss until things become very ugly. When that happens, market sentiments can make a 180 degree flip within a very short time.
Many people, especially the middle-class Singaporeans are still happily buying properties. That said, my millionaire mentors and I are least interested in buying properties, especially condominiums, because the proposition simply failed our rule that upside must be at least double the potential downside.
But it must be said that I could always be wrong. When it comes to investing, we cannot afford to be overly confident. We must be mindful of the possibility of being wrong. So even if property prices rise instead of fall, I would only make less money by not buying more properties now, which is fine by me.
Personally, the number one investment question that I always ask is, "What if I'm wrong, will I be financially okay?" Next, I would do a simple upside / downside analysis and only invest when the upside is at least double the downside.
While these two investment rules may seem too simple to be true for some people, they have indeed helped me make millions of dollars and prevented me from suffering substantial losses thus far.
In this respect, it seems like I am able to see the future not because I have some supernatural abilities, but because I train myself to be logical and rational when analysing information and drawing my own conclusions.
In my books and seminars, I share this thought process that I personally go through, before making any investment. Since this thought process is made based on hard facts, anyone can arrive at the same conclusion by going through this process, unless he or she already has a biased view of the market.
And if you think that instead of investing in condominiums, you would be better off investing in commercial properties, as some seminar trainers are now advocating, do think again. Recently, I spoke with two multi-millionaires who specialise in investing in commercial properties. And they shared with me that the upside / downside is not working in the investors' favor. In fact, they are also not considering buying more commercial properties, but may sell if the price is attractive enough.
I also have a friend who bought a commercial property near Tai Seng MRT station in 2010, where its location is obviously rather convenient. The property's temporary occupation permit (TOP) was in May 2011, but even after a few months, he still has not found a tenant. This is in spite of the theoretical rental yield of about 5 per cent to 6 per cent based on current property prices.
With all above information provided, you should be in a position to decide for yourself the prospect of Singapore's property market. At all times, do remember that hope is not an investment strategy. Every investment can only be taken into consideration after doing your homework. Only after doing your research based on the available information, would you be able to take a calculated risk.
Dennis Ng is director of Leverage Holding and Master Your Finance. This article is posted courtesy of www.Propwise.sg, a Singapore property blog dedicated to helping you understand the real estate market and make better decisions. Click here to get your free Property Beginner's and Buyer's Guide.

07-03-12, 06:35
OCR and RCR condos are supported by ECs, which in turn are supported by HDBs, which in turn are supported by government's policy of economic stability.

07-03-12, 06:43
One sentence to summarize all posts by Basic: Its The End

Alan Shearer
07-03-12, 08:52
"But it must be said that I could always be wrong."

The most notable sentence in the whole pile of drivel of an article.

07-03-12, 09:00
OCR and RCR condos are supported by ECs, which in turn are supported by HDBs, which in turn are supported by government's policy of economic stability.
this thread is for u to tok nonsense and rubbish one la

y making an effort to comment sensibly?


07-03-12, 09:15
ECB Surpasses €3 Trillion, Still Most Undercapitalized Hedge Fund In The World

it's time to crash Euro to US$1=Euro1.....then Germany will lead Europe to collapse.....

07-03-12, 09:16
very good!! drop more!!! gold slowly drop until 13xx on Oct den i can zhun zhun BUY

07-03-12, 09:18
this thread is for u to tok nonsense and rubbish one la

y making an effort to comment sensibly?


typical stupid moron......no sense at all....eat shyt lah, moron.....hahaaa......:):):):)

07-03-12, 09:19
上海楼市限购趋严 成年未婚子女不得购二套房

和父母共有房产限购进一步收紧 上海楼市再遭打击

more tigthening on the way.....across china....

07-03-12, 09:21
Bill Fleckenstein’s Greatest Fear Is That Europe Won’t Print ENOUGH Money
March 6th, 2012

print some more....Euro 1=S$1.....Germany most fear is inflation....German will become crazy once inflation hit......
before Euro 1= US$1....Germany will dump Euro.....

07-03-12, 09:30
typical stupid moron......no sense at all....eat shyt lah, moron.....hahaaa......:):):):)

at least u still can laugh lor...

i worried u cannot eat , slp and shyt wor


07-03-12, 09:36

at least u still can laugh lor...

i worried u cannot eat , slp and shyt wor


I am easy & relaxed....you can continue to eat your shyt, moron.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 09:36
I am easy & relaxed....you can continue to eat your shyt, moron.....:):):):)


07-03-12, 09:37
Sarkozy in an attempt to appeal to certain voters in next election promises to slash immigration in France and stop befits to anyone who hasn’t been a citizen for over 10 years:
March 6th, 2012

LHL also said to cut immigrants.....let see by 2016 if total population plus PR/FT/FW still above 4.5mil.....kick PAP out by then.....

07-03-12, 09:38

07-03-12, 09:39


hahaaa...moronic dog family....your whole family can eat each other shyt lah....go & eat your mother shyt now, moron....
whole family is moron.....hahaaa....

07-03-12, 09:40

LHL also said to cut immigrants.....let see by 2016 if total population plus PR/FT/FW still above 4.5mil.....kick PAP out by then.....

07-03-12, 09:40
How bad would a Greek default—and even a Greek exit from the euro—really be? IIF: It will cost Europe and the world
March 6th, 2012

sure....global economy collapse....once default....all money in the system will be suc.ked dry immediately.....

07-03-12, 09:41
hahaaa...moronic dog family....your whole family can eat each other shyt lah....go & eat your mother shyt now, moron....
whole family is moron.....hahaaa....



07-03-12, 09:42
Greece would fail to honor payments on its €368 billion ($486 billion) in debt obligations. That would probably collapse its banking system.

Greece will default....contagion to PIIGS...all domino will fall eventually irregardless how much yu print....print more more burden, bigger bubble burst.....

07-03-12, 09:42



07-03-12, 09:43


07-03-12, 09:44


forever personal attack 1st in this thread....is not moron is what....you can understand human language.....go & eat your father shyt now lah, moron.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 09:45
forever personal attack 1st in this thread....is not moron is what....you can understand human language.....go & eat your father shyt now lah, moron.....:):):):)


07-03-12, 09:46



07-03-12, 09:47


go & lick your molther chow xxx & suc.k your father stink xxx or your parent do it to you now lah since you have both, chow ah qua moron.....
beside all these personal thing, what else you post.....real moron....

07-03-12, 09:48
this thread is for u to tok nonsense and rubbish one la

y making an effort to comment sensibly?


It's a nice reminder tt there r always bulls n bears. Good to re-look at e trend. If not group think here cld b dangerous.

07-03-12, 09:48
go & lick your molther chow xxx & suc.k your father stink xxx or your parent do it to you now lah since you have both, chow ah qua moron.....
beside all these personal thing, what else you post.....real moron....


07-03-12, 09:49
It's a nice reminder tt there r always bulls n bears. Good to re-look at e trend. If not group think here cld b dangerous.
as i said, no point posting sensibly in this thread

jus let Mr B aka sissy aka shemale and his/she supporters live in self denial......

just come here and disturb this bastard can oredi

can post sensibly in other threads ;)

07-03-12, 09:50


you pay me $50k for you to suc.k my dog dick, I also will not accept...moronic family, whole family are all sick & scre.w each other, so dirty.....real moron....:):):):):)

07-03-12, 09:52


so you admit your whole family scre.w each other everyday?? together with your dog?? real moronic daog family.....hahaaa.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 09:53
bastards will never learn....forever fight like a sissy

07-03-12, 09:55
If you believe the messages from Europe … if you believe the constant bailout propaganda … if you believe it when the media tells you the problems in Europe have been solved … then you are likely in position to get side-swiped, again, by another global financial storm.
March 6th, 2012

1 fall, that is it.....

07-03-12, 09:56
Volatility, Fear, Stocks and Gold
March 6th, 2012

volatility is back....last night Dow -204 is 1 of the hghest volume in last 3 months...
down with large volume...up with no volume....
no point for manipulated to keep collecting & push up price....once crashing down, all govt will collapse......don't manipulate.....legal law will create to execute manipulator....

07-03-12, 09:57
Relax. He has already gone nuts. Wouldn't you go nuts if you sell off all your properties after price crashes and went up 40%? Now still have to pay high rental and potentially for a few more years. He is just venting his frustration.

Anyway, who wouldn't know properties prices will drop after a few years? Idiot also know. URA chart tells us the cycle will come every 3 to 5 years so anyone who say prices will drop in 3 years will be spot on. It is a no brainer.

as i said, no point posting sensibly in this thread

jus let Mr B aka sissy aka shemale and his/she supporters live in self denial......

just come here and disturb this bastard can oredi

can post sensibly in other threads ;)

07-03-12, 09:58
UK economy is in freefall and its only get worse: auto sales fall; house prices fall; gasoline prices at the pumps breaks new record high

March 6th, 2012

Spore property is in bigger bubble, the crash will be much worse....down>50% in next 2-3 yrs easily.....

07-03-12, 09:59
Relax. He has already gone nuts. Wouldn't you go nuts if you sell off all your properties after price crashes and went up 40%? Now still have to pay high rental and potentially for a few more years. He is just venting his frustration.

Anyway, who wouldn't know properties prices will drop after a few years? Idiot also know. URA chart tells us the cycle will come every 3 to 5 years so anyone who say prices will drop in 3 years will be spot on. It is a no brainer.

all these moron will never fail to come back to this thread....why?? we all know how desperate they are.....
what can they do here?? personal attack.....
hahaaaa....all these morons.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 10:03
As a repeat of what happened during the Great Depression, US imposes import duties on China:

March 6th, 2012

sure...impose 300% tax to all good import from Asia.....great depression will be here again very soon,.....

07-03-12, 10:04
Historically High US Debt Bomb

March 6th, 2012

sure.....debt=bubble...print=debt=bubble...all will burst...soon....

07-03-12, 10:05
Jim Sinclair: US Dollar Chart

March 6th, 2012

breakout....very nice....

07-03-12, 10:22
Relax. He has already gone nuts. Wouldn't you go nuts if you sell off all your properties after price crashes and went up 40%? Now still have to pay high rental and potentially for a few more years. He is just venting his frustration.

Anyway, who wouldn't know properties prices will drop after a few years? Idiot also know. URA chart tells us the cycle will come every 3 to 5 years so anyone who say prices will drop in 3 years will be spot on. It is a no brainer.

stupid moron....I alreay answered N time of what the story you created......you are real slow...real moronic dog.....hahaaaa.....:):):)

07-03-12, 10:27
bastards will never learn....forever fight like a sissy

this moronic dog now suc.king is father cxxxx & licking HER mother xxxx till diam diam now....hahaaaa.....real moron.....:):):):)

07-03-12, 10:28
John Embry: Conditions are Deteriorating at an Alarming Rate

March 6th, 2012

sure....global economy condition is at worst condition.....print delay problem but make problem much bigger, when burst, all gone.....coming....

07-03-12, 10:30
Today’s trading suggests a stock market correction has begun

March 6th, 2012

that will be nice....whatever will be will be....

07-03-12, 10:31
厦门节后看房客源增多 但二手房却未见成交


sure...resale has no way to sell now unless you willing to cut 20-30% from market price.....resale market is death.....

07-03-12, 10:33

property will be down all the way...all funds are pulling out....
only fools is buying now....once crash, many will bankrupt, let it be, no bailout, free market decide, let them learn their lesson & pay the debt for the rest of their whole life.....

07-03-12, 10:35
Paul B. Farrell: Today’s drama reminds me of a major cover story in the Economist back two years before the 2008 global meltdown: “Rising property prices helped to prop up the world economy after the stock market bubble burst in 2000.” Global real estate values increased 75% in five short years, blowing “the biggest bubble in history.”

March 6th, 2012

sure....all bubble will burst.....print=debt will burst...Spore property will burst even worse.....

07-03-12, 10:37
35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America And Things Are Going To Get Even Worse In The Years Ahead.

March 6th, 2012

sure....coming yrs will be worst in last 50 yrs...recession then depression....currency, bonds, property globally all collapse.....

07-03-12, 10:38
Illinois State ‘On Brink Of Collapse’

March 6th, 2012

state by state will be gone....bernanke print how much also no use...instead print will backfire as debt burden will press till they breaks...kill themselves or bernanke is killing US & the world.....

07-03-12, 10:40
Banks and insurers pose Greek debt plan

March 6th, 2012

like lehman bros...greece case not only banks bankrupt, Insurance companies also burst.....& many more....

07-03-12, 15:00
Must-see chart shows what could happen to stocks and the euro without QE3

March 6th, 2012

sure...already said inflation, no QE3, US election, FED cannot QE3 in last 6 months.....stock & Euro move in samr dorection....with ECB printed 3 trillion...gone case, down to 1:1 with US$....very nice...

07-03-12, 15:25


sure...continue to down & drop price.....

07-03-12, 15:26
Greece continues to give investors headaches as they await the outcome of a crucial bond swap.

March 6th, 2012

sure....just wait for default....

07-03-12, 15:27
Erste Group's Complete 2012 Oil Price Outlook - "Nothing To Spare", Crude Could Reach $200


many already said, $200 this yr....$400 next?.....

07-03-12, 15:29
More PSI Troubles: Greek Swiss Franc Bondholders Organize, Will Hold Out


either side bankrupt is fine.....

07-03-12, 15:31
Panetta Says US Will Take Military Action In Iran


talk so much rubbish....just do it.....

07-03-12, 15:32
Allen Stanford Found Guilty Of Being Not Too Big To Fail; In Other News Jon Corzine Walking Free


anothe MF Global.....another Ponzi scheme....like bernanke & Madoff....all ponzi will collapse....

07-03-12, 15:34
Financials Implode As Volatility And Volume Explodes


when market down, volume explode...what it means??.....
volatility also go crazy....

07-03-12, 15:36
IIF warns of massive Greek default fallout: report

March 6th, 2012


07-03-12, 15:37
Ian Bremmer: Iran oil sanctions threaten the global economic

March 6th, 2012

sure....all the printed $$=debt=bubble will burst....all debted countries bankrupt....

07-03-12, 15:38
GOD say he will come and the world will come to an end... All assets become useless... SELL SELL SELL!!!!!

07-03-12, 18:39
Today's posts sooooooo vulgar :scared-4:

bro devil, don't need to fight with little B

大人不记小人过 ;)