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19-08-12, 21:58
only morons count by # of post....
only liar cannot see this thread started end of last yr instead of 2008....our forever LIAR KING.....

out of this 14000 posts....7000 posts are by all these morons, post all the rubbish & nonsense lies & personal lies.....

hahaaaa.....all these moronic fools......

Agreed :D :D :D

19-08-12, 22:47
only liar cannot see this thread started end of last yr instead of 2008....our forever LIAR KING.....

KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) trying to act blur again.. but actually both FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) & SMARIAN already started the below Useless thread since 2008..

But too bad.. the Useless thread CANNOT MAKE IT end up lan lan only left 2 FAILURES talking to one another.. One FAILURE agrees to another FAILURE(same as the above post)..:D

"Agreed" till YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE SMARIAN he himself oso gave up on his own Useless thread..:D

Since INEXPERIENCE cum YOUNG KOK SMARIAN thread going to close shop soon.. KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) as usual change his nick & created his own Useless thread over here at condosg in Oct 2011.. & told YOUNG KOK SMARIAN to join him if he is too bored over at sghouse.. :D

Hello David, don't act blur.. you changed nick ppl oso can recognize you..
It was 2008 & not 2011.. since your rental was started since 2008.. That's why I can double confirmed is 2008 lor..:D :D :D


Believe it or not, Singapore is mature market and we will see the correction soon. The current sky-high prices make Spore less competitive in attracting foreigners on which our economy heavily relies. What should government do to attract more talents? You got the answer.


19-08-12, 23:04
If he posted 1 month before prices crash, then I say well done.

But 1 year has passed and prices have gone up so much. Nothing credible. It is a no brainer that a cycle last 4 to 7 years on average. Anyone (including idiots) would get it correct by saying a time frame of 4 to 7 years.

19-08-12, 23:08
KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) trying to act blur again.. but actually both FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) & SMARIAN already started the below Useless thread since 2008..

But too bad.. the Useless thread CANNOT MAKE IT end up lan lan only left 2 FAILURES talking to one another.. One FAILURE agrees to another FAILURE(same over here)..:D

"Agreed" till YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE SMARIAN he himself oso gave up on his own Useless thread..:D

Since INEXPERIENCE cum YOUNG KOK SMARIAN thread going to close shop soon.. KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) as usual change his nick & created his own Useless thread over here at condosg in Oct 2011.. & told YOUNG KOK SMARIAN to join him if he is too bored over at sghouse.. :D

Hello David, don't act blur.. you changed nick ppl oso can recognize you..
It was 2008 & not 2011.. since your rental was started since 2008.. That's why I can confirmed is 2008 lor..:D :D :D



Really fell sorry for them. After full 4 years of shouting property down with no results and still dare to say got facts, skills and knowledge.

Can see their desperations especially from Ah B extreme posts. Brain already shorted liao after 4 years of renting and fruitless search for a roof.

Continue to shout until 2015 also no use lah Ah B.

19-08-12, 23:48
Really fell sorry for them. After full 4 years of shouting property down with no results and still dare to say got facts, skills and knowledge.

Can see their desperations especially from Ah B extreme posts. Brain already shorted liao after 4 years of renting and fruitless search for a roof.

Continue to shout until 2015 also no use lah Ah B.

he begans to stay low during ghost month. worry kena escort back to hell gate to yama court with chain locked onto his foot. :not-worthy:begging :witches-brew: hot wok punishment.

19-08-12, 23:52
If he posted 1 month before prices crash, then I say well done.

But 1 year has passed and prices have gone up so much. Nothing credible. It is a no brainer that a cycle last 4 to 7 years on average. Anyone (including idiots) would get it correct by saying a time frame of 4 to 7 years.

What to do!! MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka DAVID LIM from sghouse) sold everything including his own roof over his head in 2008 to make some profit & tot very smart seeing pty price dip further till end of 2008..

But never expected price suddenly shot up from Q2 2009.. so endup quickly join MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN over at sghouse to do cut & paste of bad news..

Do cut & paste do till the Useless thread going to close shop soon.. (even YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN he himself also very very seldom go to his own thread.. only kena suan then lan lan go again).. :D

While seeing his hard earn saving all gone into rental.. so lan lan have to act blur create his own Useless thread over here at condosg by using a different nick thinking ppl won't know actually he was the KING OF ALL FAILURE coming from sghouse.. :D :D :D

tons in strait times classified & propertyguru....go & ask for it, you will get, 10-20%...
I sold what I need to...only fools still keep now....in next 1-2 yrs, you will know....

20-08-12, 00:08
What to do!! MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka DAVID LIM from sghouse) sold everything including his own roof over his head in 2008 to make some profit & tot very smart seeing pty price dip further till end of 2008..

But never expected price suddenly shot up from Q2 2009.. so endup quickly join MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN over at sghouse to do cut & paste of bad news..

Do cut & paste do till the Useless thread going to close shop soon.. (even YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN he himself also very very seldom go to his own thread.. only kena suan then lan lan go again).. :D

While seeing his hard earn saving all gone into rental.. so lan lan have to act blur create his own Useless thread over here at condosg by using a different nick thinking ppl won't know actually he was the KING OF ALL FAILURE coming from sghouse.. :D :D :D

:scared-4: He rented for 4 years? 3500 x 4 years? = 168 k :scared-4:

Plus prices have shot up at least 50% since 2008 bottom...
So if his condo is 1m, now would be 1.5m + 168k = 1.68m... + renovation for new house 60k = 1.74m + stamp duty and legal fees + commission he paid to sell his previous place...

Total about 1.8m.....

So prices must drop 50% for him to make 100k profit NOW....

But clock is ticking yet prices never drop how? The amount keep increasing as he is still paying rental :scared-2:

20-08-12, 06:47
:scared-4: He rented for 4 years? 3500 x 4 years? = 168 k :scared-4:

Plus prices have shot up at least 50% since 2008 bottom...
So if his condo is 1m, now would be 1.5m + 168k = 1.68m... + renovation for new house 60k = 1.74m + stamp duty and legal fees + commission he paid to sell his previous place...

Total about 1.8m.....

So prices must drop 50% for him to make 100k profit NOW....

But clock is ticking yet prices never drop how? The amount keep increasing as he is still paying rental :scared-2:
.....thought he sold everything.....so the quantum could be much higher....

20-08-12, 06:56
stupid moron....forever shout nonsense by assuming yourself, create yourself.......lie yourself & all forumers here, then yu very happy?? real moron....liar king forever....shout nonsense about me.....you are my shadow huh, real moronico fool.....lies & lies forever......

all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate withtheir overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies &personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish.....who care & bother all the rubbish lies....real moron, wasting time.....

only morons believe all these lies......hahaaaa.....

20-08-12, 07:17
  这些钦差大臣,做空客380头等舱,威风八面,下江南走天津卫又到岭南观光,吃香的喝辣的再带上地方官 员孝敬的美钞、黄金和小妾,返京上书天子,天下大安,房价稳定,皇上万福。皇上面呈喜色,发布诏书,天佑吾 国,吾民安居。吾皇万岁万岁万万岁。于是,这场全球经济史上最大的圈地运动,就这么过去了;这场全球经济史 上最大的房价泡沫就此消除。真的如此轻松吗?
  本朝的没落,就在于只顾经济增长而不致力于任何制度建设,因此,本朝的泡沫的全面的,不仅仅只是房价泡 沫,而且,货币泡沫、财政收入泡沫、制造业泡沫、外汇储备泡沫等等一起泛起,构成了人民币资产的全面泡沫, 没有一场惊心动魄的经济危机的爆发根本就不可能消除泡沫。而泡沫最终将危害统治者的统治,统治者的选择只有 两条路,一是政权发生惊天变局,一是经济泡沫彻底破灭。
今年跳楼和跑路很多是因为房地产债务,跳的跳,跑的跑,成为一道社会风景。那么,2013年,中国很多城市 将会出来一个新名词:拍房子。
  闲暇时跑了一趟杭州。杭州一位法官告诉我,今年债务案件是最多的一年,让法院喜出望外,平常年份一般每 年经法院判决后拍卖的住宅只有几百套,最多的时候是2008年次贷危机爆发时突破1000套,这大约创造了 杭州法院系统拍买住宅最高峰。而2012年上半年经过法院判决的有5600套,趋势正在增加,预期全年可达 1.4万套至1.5万套。
  这位法官说,“哪里需要开征房产税,只要央行货币不再大量发行,杭州空置住宅可全部逼出来,十年不用造 房子,只要法院拍卖出去的房子就可以满足杭州住宅的供给。从法院系统来看,这种异常的现象,其他城市应该和 杭州一样,不同程度的都存在。
  我一听,喜出望外,中国正是一个具有社会主义特色的国家,尽然用这种方法逼出空置住宅,尽管很残酷,倒 也是一件好事。因为法院拍卖住宅,只按照市场估价的60%,等于房价下降了40%至50%;有的朝向不好的 或者楼层很差的实在拍不出去的,最后会按照市场估价的20%都会拍出去。市场估价,理论上要比新盘价格低得 多,因为会考虑折旧。中国660个城市,现在拥有空置住宅早已超过1.6亿套可新增5亿人居住,在经济不好 的时候根本不存在住房需求,预期每年需求不会超过500万套足以供应32年,多少人要住的房子也早已造好, 不存在市场供应的问题。未来中国经济将进入11年至17年的衰退周期,需求更会产生巨大的萎缩。很多住宅也 许100年也不可能卖出去。
  可想而知,2013年后,中国法院将成为最好的产业,房子永远拍不完。全国三四线城市大抵如此,有的可 能更加恶劣。拍房子,将成为2013年“刚需”的口头禅。  [/QUOTE]

china property auction sale by banks increased few 1000% compared to normal yr.....price down 40-50% compared to buying & valuation price.....same to spore, coming in next dew months to 1-2 yrs......
with this auction, property supply already can meet demand in next 10 yrs, no need to build any property....
that is why china govt is very serious to burst property bubble now....they know the problem is real serious & china will follow Japan 1990 & property down within much shorter period than Japan to down 90%......coming to spore too...
china govt is smart & a responsible one.....unlike spore........

20-08-12, 08:45
all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate withtheir overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies &personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish.....who care & bother all the rubbish lies....real moron, wasting time.....

only morons believe all these lies......hahaaaa.....

Couldn't agree more
:D :D :D

20-08-12, 09:03
Couldn't agree more
:D :D :D
......think someone should report to Jurong Bird Park that one of their Parrots is on the loose........together with a Big Vulture circling the sky...think this vulture dare not land yet because of all the Cranes on the ground in Singapore.....but the 'Smart' Parrot is kinda annoying....the only haven for them without that many cranes is probably at Seletar....

20-08-12, 09:15
......think someone should report to Jurong Bird Park that one of their Parrots is on the loose........together with a Big Vulture circling the sky...think this vulture dare not land yet because of all the Cranes on the ground in Singapore.....but the 'Smart' Parrot is kinda annoying....the only haven for them without that many cranes is probably at Seletar....

I like it....:cool-punk-headbange

20-08-12, 09:59
......think someone should report to Jurong Bird Park that one of their Parrots is on the loose........together with a Big Vulture circling the sky...think this vulture dare not land yet because of all the Cranes on the ground in Singapore.....but the 'Smart' Parrot is kinda annoying....the only haven for them without that many cranes is probably at Seletar....

these vulture eat dead animal when they hungry, when run-out of food they go for this alternatives :turd: we call "kow sai"

20-08-12, 10:02
......think someone should report to Jurong Bird Park that one of their Parrots is on the loose........together with a Big Vulture circling the sky...think this vulture dare not land yet because of all the Cranes on the ground in Singapore.....but the 'Smart' Parrot is kinda annoying....the only haven for them without that many cranes is probably at Seletar....

+1 Like :cool-punk-headbange

20-08-12, 10:33
KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) trying to act blur again.. but actually both FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) & SMARIAN already started the below Useless thread since 2008..

But too bad.. the Useless thread CANNOT MAKE IT end up lan lan only left 2 FAILURES talking to one another.. One FAILURE agrees to another FAILURE(same as the above post)..:D

"Agreed" till YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE SMARIAN he himself oso gave up on his own Useless thread..:D

Since INEXPERIENCE cum YOUNG KOK SMARIAN thread going to close shop soon.. KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) as usual change his nick & created his own Useless thread over here at condosg in Oct 2011.. & told YOUNG KOK SMARIAN to join him if he is too bored over at sghouse.. :D

Hello David, don't act blur.. you changed nick ppl oso can recognize you..
It was 2008 & not 2011.. since your rental was started since 2008.. That's why I can double confirmed is 2008 lor..:D :D :D


.. The Useless thread which created by YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN since 2008 till now is going to close shop soon..

Now only left KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) trying to tahan by doing cut & paste alone.. haha :D

20-08-12, 10:39
  这些钦差大臣,做空客380头等舱,威风八面,下江南走天津卫又到岭南观光,吃香的喝辣的再带上地方官 员孝敬的美钞、黄金和小妾,返京上书天子,天下大安,房价稳定,皇上万福。皇上面呈喜色,发布诏书,天佑吾 国,吾民安居。吾皇万岁万岁万万岁。于是,这场全球经济史上最大的圈地运动,就这么过去了;这场全球经济史 上最大的房价泡沫就此消除。真的如此轻松吗?
  本朝的没落,就在于只顾经济增长而不致力于任何制度建设,因此,本朝的泡沫的全面的,不仅仅只是房价泡 沫,而且,货币泡沫、财政收入泡沫、制造业泡沫、外汇储备泡沫等等一起泛起,构成了人民币资产的全面泡沫, 没有一场惊心动魄的经济危机的爆发根本就不可能消除泡沫。而泡沫最终将危害统治者的统治,统治者的选择只有 两条路,一是政权发生惊天变局,一是经济泡沫彻底破灭。
今年跳楼和跑路很多是因为房地产债务,跳的跳,跑的跑,成为一道社会风景。那么,2013年,中国很多城市 将会出来一个新名词:拍房子。
  闲暇时跑了一趟杭州。杭州一位法官告诉我,今年债务案件是最多的一年,让法院喜出望外,平常年份一般每 年经法院判决后拍卖的住宅只有几百套,最多的时候是2008年次贷危机爆发时突破1000套,这大约创造了 杭州法院系统拍买住宅最高峰。而2012年上半年经过法院判决的有5600套,趋势正在增加,预期全年可达 1.4万套至1.5万套。
  这位法官说,“哪里需要开征房产税,只要央行货币不再大量发行,杭州空置住宅可全部逼出来,十年不用造 房子,只要法院拍卖出去的房子就可以满足杭州住宅的供给。从法院系统来看,这种异常的现象,其他城市应该和 杭州一样,不同程度的都存在。
  我一听,喜出望外,中国正是一个具有社会主义特色的国家,尽然用这种方法逼出空置住宅,尽管很残酷,倒 也是一件好事。因为法院拍卖住宅,只按照市场估价的60%,等于房价下降了40%至50%;有的朝向不好的 或者楼层很差的实在拍不出去的,最后会按照市场估价的20%都会拍出去。市场估价,理论上要比新盘价格低得 多,因为会考虑折旧。中国660个城市,现在拥有空置住宅早已超过1.6亿套可新增5亿人居住,在经济不好 的时候根本不存在住房需求,预期每年需求不会超过500万套足以供应32年,多少人要住的房子也早已造好, 不存在市场供应的问题。未来中国经济将进入11年至17年的衰退周期,需求更会产生巨大的萎缩。很多住宅也 许100年也不可能卖出去。
  可想而知,2013年后,中国法院将成为最好的产业,房子永远拍不完。全国三四线城市大抵如此,有的可 能更加恶劣。拍房子,将成为2013年“刚需”的口头禅。  

china property auction sale by banks increased few 1000% compared to normal yr.....price down 40-50% compared to buying & valuation price.....same to spore, coming in next dew months to 1-2 yrs......
with this auction, property supply already can meet demand in next 10 yrs, no need to build any property....
that is why china govt is very serious to burst property bubble now....they know the problem is real serious & china will follow Japan 1990 & property down within much shorter period than Japan to down 90%......coming to spore too...
china govt is smart & a responsible one.....unlike spore......

sure.....look at how foreign funds leaving china now caused SHIBOR to shoot up to 4% now......next will be investment all pull out followed by pull out of all factories in china......then interest rate will shoot to sky yet RMB is crashing down......RMB already falling hard in last 1-2 weeks.....

same to spore....whether foreign funds want to take action or now....likely they will do the same as china to spore......due to their own problem also spore govt performance......S$ will be crashing down plus interest rate shoot to sky due to liquidity dry up like china....coming......

20-08-12, 10:41
Pap in panic mode building preschools but where to find so many teachers? Ft again? Hdb rental chiong again? Mr b rental up thru roof again?

20-08-12, 10:44
all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate withtheir overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies &personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish.....who care & bother all the rubbish lies....real moron, wasting time.....

only morons believe all these lies......hahaaaa.....

stupid moron....forever shout nonsense by assuming yourself, create yourself.......lie yourself & all forumers here, then yu very happy?? real moron....liar king forever....shout nonsense about me.....you are my shadow huh, real moronico fool.....lies & lies forever....

all these morons keep shouting lies & want to talk till their lies become truth & believe by all morons here....hahaaaaa....real shamelesss......

lie is forever a lie....all real morons.....

20-08-12, 10:47

stupid moron in panic mode again......rental is crashing down & all foreigners are leaving lah....back to 4 milioms population in 1-2 yr time..real fool.......

Inflow of foreign manpower needs to be calibrated to S'pore's interest: Tan Chuan-Jin
16 August 2012

PAP has been reducing the number of FTs in Singapore since the last GE, and admits that with hindsight, the inflow of foreigners could have been better calibrated......

many expats have to leave Singapore because their employment pass are not renewed, more PRs also have to leave as their permits are not renewed....

so more FT/foreigners/PR are leaving than coming.....so population to reduce from 5.2 mil to 4 mil instead of going up......when huge retrenchment come, the rate to 4 mil will move at a super fast speed.....

huge retrenchment in next few months to 1-2 yrs.....tons of foreigners will leave...plus tons of FW/FT/PR pass are not renewed since last few months.....
all will have to leave eventually......

20-08-12, 11:02
stupid moron....forever shout nonsense by assuming yourself, create yourself.......lie yourself & all forumers here, then yu very happy?? real moron....liar king forever....shout nonsense about me.....you are my shadow huh, real moronico fool.....lies & lies forever....

all these morons keep shouting lies & want to talk till their lies become truth & believe by all morons here....hahaaaaa....real shamelesss......

lie is forever a lie....all real morons.....

Sad but true :D :D :D

20-08-12, 11:11
Sad but true :D :D :D

Ya! Is so sad but is true that the below USELESS thread created by YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN over at sghouse.. talking BIG BIG for 4-years finally going to close shop soon.. :(

Even he himself also very seldom post liao.. only kena suan by ppl then lan lan continue to do a few cut & paste of bad news in order to sustain the USELESS thread.. :D :D :D


Believe it or not, Singapore is mature market and we will see the correction soon. The current sky-high prices make Spore less competitive in attracting foreigners on which our economy heavily relies. What should government do to attract more talents? You got the answer.

20-08-12, 11:16
stupid moron in panic mode again......rental is crashing down & all foreigners are leaving lah....back to 4 milioms population in 1-2 yr time..real fool.......

Inflow of foreign manpower needs to be calibrated to S'pore's interest: Tan Chuan-Jin
16 August 2012

PAP has been reducing the number of FTs in Singapore since the last GE, and admits that with hindsight, the inflow of foreigners could have been better calibrated......

many expats have to leave Singapore because their employment pass are not renewed, more PRs also have to leave as their permits are not renewed....

so more FT/foreigners/PR are leaving than coming.....so population to reduce from 5.2 mil to 4 mil instead of going up......when huge retrenchment come, the rate to 4 mil will move at a super fast speed.....

huge retrenchment in next few months to 1-2 yrs.....tons of foreigners will leave...plus tons of FW/FT/PR pass are not renewed since last few months.....
all will have to leave eventually......

Inflow of foreign manpower needs to be calibrated to S'pore's interest: Tan Chuan-Jin:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

20-08-12, 11:55
china property auction sale by banks increased few 1000% compared to normal yr.....price down 40-50% compared to buying & valuation price.....same to spore, coming in next dew months to 1-2 yrs......
with this auction, property supply already can meet demand in next 10 yrs, no need to build any property....
that is why china govt is very serious to burst property bubble now....they know the problem is real serious & china will follow Japan 1990 & property down within much shorter period than Japan to down 90%......coming to spore too...
china govt is smart & a responsible one.....unlike spore......

sure.....look at how foreign funds leaving china now caused SHIBOR to shoot up to 4% now......next will be investment all pull out followed by pull out of all factories in china......then interest rate will shoot to sky yet RMB is crashing down......RMB already falling hard in last 1-2 weeks.....

same to spore....whether foreign funds want to take action or now....likely they will do the same as china to spore......due to their own problem also spore govt performance......S$ will be crashing down plus interest rate shoot to sky due to liquidity dry up like china....coming......[/quote]

Mr.B are you sure you can read chinese? i strongly believes you can't.

20-08-12, 12:34
Glenn Beck: Unstoppable Economic Collapse Is Imminent
August 19th, 2012

BoE warned banks of collapse – “Gentlemen, by Christmas it could all be over” – Paul Tucker
August 18th, 2012

sure....global economy sure collapse.....
>50% of global banks will bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs.....
total financial system also will crash down.....
Soros think is Sept.....many also said this sept....above think is before this Xmas.....
whatever....do your homework & prepare for it.....
next yr, situation will be super ugly....2014 is even worse....2015, tons already bankrupt & commit suicide......

20-08-12, 12:36
Mr.B are you sure you can read chinese? i strongly believes you can't.

stupid real moron.....go & read my posting with chnese, those I highlighted...if don't understand, can do it??....

real retarded brainless.......

20-08-12, 13:13
stupid real moron.....go & read my posting with chnese, those I highlighted...if don't understand, can do it??....

real retarded brainless.......

I don't understand why a chinese fellow use a nick "yalam" like this
in channel news asia? what your motive here exactly?

20-08-12, 14:07
I don't understand why a chinese fellow use a nick "yalam" like this
in channel news asia? what your motive here exactly?

brainless retarded......so sensitive, you cha bo??....
so your dog=god??.....blardy supid moron......
my chinese is 10x better than you....sa B.....

20-08-12, 14:31
brainless retarded......so sensitive, you cha bo??....
so your dog=god??.....blardy supid moron......
my chinese is 10x better than you....sa B.....

of course sensitive, i have the right to protect my homeland, not like you
everyday talk bad about the country. maybe you don't belong here and
too jealous of what we had today. don't like this place you can get lost.

20-08-12, 14:40
of course sensitive, i have the right to protect my homeland, not like you
everyday talk bad about the country. maybe you don't belong here and
too jealous of what we had today. don't like this place you can get lost.

B & S may be not Singaporean...:scared-3: . they are BS b'cos they like to talk BullShit:D !

20-08-12, 14:48
Goldman Sachs Leads Bankers In Abandoning Obama
August 17th, 2012

August 19th, 2012

sure....this rubbish must go....lazy & easy going, he will only print & survive....they will never fight their way out like a man....
romney will stop printing, no more QE....bernanke & FED will have to go....
stop all monetary policy.....really pull back all jobs from asia, work hard & pay back all debt....
cut all spending & expenses...hike taxes & rate to make sure budget is surplus.....
obama support percentage drop to 30% now...more drop to go.....
bite the bullet, face the hardship & crash.....then walk out from hell......

20-08-12, 14:51
don't waste time with all these morons...1 after another here everyday...you know who they are....all twist & turn rubbish nonsese.....forever personal.....shame to spore to bring up such rubbish....tell lies like eating rice......

all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate with their overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies & personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish......ignore all their postings, don't bother & waste time.....

these stupid morons want to question others, WHO are they?? stupid morons....don't bother to reply their nonsense.....

these stupid morons forever create noise here only, that is all.....no value & no credibility......

ignore all their postings here.....


20-08-12, 15:40
Stock is entering bull market soon... :D :D :D

20-08-12, 21:44
Market Crash Imminent; ECB Crushes Latest Rumor; The Hong Kong Fear Index Is Getting Extreme; Caterpillar Warns On Global Uncertainty; Russia Prepared for Economic Meltdown; The Shanghai Composite Has Hit A New Post-Crisis Low!
August 20th, 2012

Preparing For the Collapse
August 20th, 2012

market crash is imminent.....so prepare for the collapse now.....get ready....run fast before caught naked & bankrupt....
so globally from Europe to US....HK to China to Spore...also BRIC including Rusia, India & Brazil also crashing down now....
Iran war is near.....oil price shoot up will kill all recession to depression even harder.....
FED & ECB stop printing....ponzi burst....global economy collapse.....huge retrenchment...super high unemployment everywhere....including spore....
so spore 50 yrs mortgage loan....still cheap?? will be like Japan in 1990 with 2 generation mortgage loan.....property crash 90% all the way......

20-08-12, 22:15
The Euro crisis party is back on again!!!
August 20th, 2012

Germany’s Bundesbank warns that moves to share “solvency risks” in the eurozone should be decided by governments and not the ECB
August 20th, 2012

sure....the Europe crashing party is back again......all the lies blown off now....
Germany is right, country decide their own fate, not ECB or FED....all scared now...let all these rubbish print till country also gone like zimbabwee....
Now china join the party....SSE at 4 yrs low now....breaks 2100 today.....more to come...all panic & run road, funds pull out of china, rate shoot.....
china govt is not going to print also not going to do anything except more cooling measures to crash china property market, before whole property market hard landing instead of soft landing....same to spore, if govt no CM, hard landing here......

20-08-12, 22:59
76% of Greeks want to leave the country!!!
August 20th, 2012

Around 1000 people per day are still losing their jobs in Greece
August 20th, 2012

76% of greeks want to leave the country now....balanced 24% probably are too poor to leave.....
let the country default & bankrupt better....then pull down all European banks, default or bankrupt....
same to all PIIGS & Europe eventually.....all the debt needs to pay back wan.....same to all mortgage loan....pay or bankrupt....when squeeze.....

Alan Shearer
20-08-12, 23:54
You are an uneducated slob and a disgrace to humanity.

21-08-12, 08:30
Developers give 10% discounts from sales price OR 5% rental yield guarantee. The transaction price will be 10% lower as compared to last month.

if sale so good why need to offer 5% rental yield guarantee?? this is a way to dump unwanted property......
give 10% discount.....price down 10%....valuation will down 10%....other developers better cut more if want to sell...

stop buying.....global market will crash spore property.....wait patiently.....instead of discount, may end buy 1 get 1 free.....

21-08-12, 09:35
KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) trying to act blur again.. but actually both FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) & SMARIAN already started the below Useless thread since 2008..

But too bad.. the Useless thread CANNOT MAKE IT end up lan lan only left 2 FAILURES talking to one another.. One FAILURE agrees to another FAILURE(same as the above post)..:D

"Agreed" till YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE SMARIAN he himself oso gave up on his own Useless thread..:D

Since INEXPERIENCE cum YOUNG KOK SMARIAN thread going to close shop soon.. KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) as usual change his nick & created his own Useless thread over here at condosg in Oct 2011.. & told YOUNG KOK SMARIAN to join him if he is too bored over at sghouse.. :D

Hello David, don't act blur.. you changed nick ppl oso can recognize you..
It was 2008 & not 2011.. since your rental was started since 2008.. That's why I can double confirmed is 2008 lor..:D :D :D



I base on fact, skill & information.. so is double confirmed!! :D

21-08-12, 09:45
I wonder when is the crash coming..... Thread longer than the jam along expressway now. No crash, nothing. Dow almost hitting 4 years high, property up by 10% since this thread was started.

21-08-12, 10:16
FT/bankers moving to HDB with lower rental

so rental allowance cut or no more allowance totally.....
so less people rent condo...hard to rent out now....can leave there empty for yrs or cut rental deep to fight with HDB.....
so Orchard area, who can afford?? many expat already cut & send back to maintain company bottomline....leave it empty.....

so condo & HDB same rental, move to condo, HDB must down 30-40% to attract tenant & so on......down wards force is getting huge now as more kena retrenched, more allowance cut, more expat cut, job cut.......
tons of rental units out there....some unoccupied for 6-12 months......
or squeeze 20-30 persons into 1 units....
interest moving up, rental down....job lost....let see how long they will run road.......

Rents of newly completed homes decline further........
No of bankers able to rent prime fast declining.....
The decline of rental and momentum look serious....
a lot of expats have only limited housing allowance now, cut drastically since beginning of this year......

many rental allowance already cut to 0.....many banks & MNC to keep bottom line already cut most expats here....many foreigners leaving too......
If Tampines & Newton same rental, which one?? obvious,so Tampines rental must cut at least 30-40%......then Jurong, Woodland, Punggol must cut much more.....all coming.....

21-08-12, 10:48
don't waste time with all these morons...1 after another here everyday...you know who they are....all twist & turn rubbish nonsese.....forever personal.....shame to spore to bring up such rubbish....tell lies like eating rice......

all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate with their overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies & personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish......ignore all their postings, don't bother & waste time.....

these stupid morons want to question others, WHO are they?? stupid morons....don't bother to reply their nonsense.....

these stupid morons forever create noise here only, that is all.....no value & no credibility......

ignore all their postings here.....


Scenario: A very smart and astute property investor / owner think he is very smart and sold his condo in 2008. What has happened since is as follows......

1. sold his condo at 1m in 2008... It has since gone up 50% to 1.5m

2. His rental from 2008 till 2012 is now 4 years: 3500x 12 months x 4 years = 168,000.

3. Commission paid to agent for selling his condo: 11,000

4. Renovation needed for his new condo when he buys eventually... dunno when lah.... at least 60,000

5. Stamp duty and legal fees for his new condo: 40,000

6. He plans to buy in 2015 i.e another 3 years of rental = 3500 x 12 x 3 = 126,000

Total cost of his smart decision that he made in 2008 = 1.5m +168k +11k+60k+40K+126k = 1.9m.

Hence property prices must drop 50% by 2015 so that this astute buyer can "breakeven" and buy back his old condo at the same price.... :scared-4:

21-08-12, 10:56
Goldman Sachs to Clients: Get Out of Stocks Before Fiscal Cliff Hits
August 20th, 2012

sure.....get out fast as market will collapse anytime although fiscal cliff still is few months away.....
next month is super critical....we know many events is going to explode next month......
current market is just a no volume, manipulated, mainly taxpayers. money is trading...no fools will use their hard earned money o trade current market.....
all know....90% of stocks in the market is still down this yr.....only few indexed counters to drive index up.....penny sink all the way.....
look at SSE....near 4 yrs low now....funds are flowing out big way & SHIBOR shoot higher due to liquidity dry up.....so what is China US$3 trillion reserved??........

21-08-12, 10:56
Scenario: A very smart and astute property investor / owner think he is very smart and sold his condo in 2008. What has happened since is as follows......

1. sold his condo at 1m in 2008... It has since gone up 50% to 1.5m

2. His rental from 2008 till 2012 is now 4 years: 3500x 12 months x 4 years = 168,000.

3. Commission paid to agent for selling his condo: 11,000

4. Renovation needed for his new condo when he buys eventually... dunno when lah.... at least 60,000

5. Stamp duty and legal fees for his new condo: 40,000

6. He plans to buy in 2015 i.e another 3 years of rental = 3500 x 12 x 3 = 126,000

Total cost of his smart decision that he made in 2008 = 1.5m +168k +11k+60k+40K+126k = 1.9m.

Hence property prices must drop 50% by 2015 so that this astute buyer can "breakeven" and buy back his old condo at the same price.... :scared-4:
You are so right!!

That's why this astute buyer who sold off his own roof over his head in 2008.. die die need at least 50% crash in 2015.. :D

21-08-12, 10:59
how much property down, do your homework.....why botherabout fake, fraud, lies & magic......what index or data or by consultant orUni or......
like Cosco down from $8+ to $0.9+ now, down 90%....STI down only 20-30%.....still have tons of such blue chips tumbling down like Cosco....wilmar, noble,yzj, nol, sakari...tons....
>90% stock in SGX down...in recent rally..... only a few counters supportingSTI.....
>90% of penny already down >80-90% since recent peak....
which morons here dare to buy now?? property & stock.....hahaaaa......

open your eyes to see for yourself....reality....that is what you actual buy& sell, not index or data or.........
same to property index & data.....tons of property is down while index& data show otherwise....same as STI & stock........
many CCR price & rental already down substantially....same to OCR, the waydevelopers give all rebate, freebies, absord of 20-30%.....advertise like crazyin all media....you can shout what you like...reality is there....globaleconomy plunging is there....huge retrenchment is there......
spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever pricethey want to sell, but can't sell.....stop buying.......
spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property &property is on it's way down.......

21-08-12, 11:01
Scenario: A very smart and astute property investor / owner think he is very smart and sold his condo in 2008. What has happened since is as follows......

1. sold his condo at 1m in 2008... It has since gone up 50% to 1.5m

2. His rental from 2008 till 2012 is now 4 years: 3500x 12 months x 4 years = 168,000.

3. Commission paid to agent for selling his condo: 11,000

4. Renovation needed for his new condo when he buys eventually... dunno when lah.... at least 60,000

5. Stamp duty and legal fees for his new condo: 40,000

6. He plans to buy in 2015 i.e another 3 years of rental = 3500 x 12 x 3 = 126,000

Total cost of his smart decision that he made in 2008 = 1.5m +168k +11k+60k+40K+126k = 1.9m.

Hence property prices must drop 50% by 2015 so that this astute buyer can "breakeven" and buy back his old condo at the same price.... :scared-4:

Fat hope :simmering: !

21-08-12, 11:04
all shout same rubbish again & again, why??.....they are so desperate withtheir overleveraged property.....
post rubbish & nonsense everyday with no value added.....only lies &personal forever.....

already ignore & did not read most of their rubbish.....who care & bother all the rubbish lies....real moron, wasting time.....

only morons believe all these lies......hahaaaa.....

stupid moron....forever shout nonsense by assuming yourself, create yourself.......lie yourself & all forumers here, then you very happy?? real moron....liar king forever....shout nonsense about me.....you are my shadow huh, real moronico fool.....lies & lies forever....

no proof, no evidence...shout lies forever......
rent?? already said, 2-3% rental, after paying all comm, maintenance, opportunity cost, waiting time, property tax, wear & tear, hussle, problem with bad tenants....wasting time only....now start to worry can't rent out.......hahaaa......

21-08-12, 11:09
Tons sold recently are selling at lost >20%.....
most bought in 2007/8...2010/1/2...if they sell now, almost all sold at a lost ........this excluding all charges....normal buy/sell at 7-9%...another 3% stamp for 2nd units....plus additional 12-16% of stamp duty if sell wthin 1-2 yrs.....tons.....so is plunging down....so if 60% will be nice...but the real bottom will be much lower than 60%.....haaaaa.........

Developers give 10% discounts from sales price OR 5% rental yield guarantee. The transaction price will be 10% lower as compared to last month.

if sale so good why need to offer 5% rental yield guarantee?? this is a way to dump unwanted property......
give 10% discount.....price down 10%....valuation will down 10%....other developers better cut more if want to sell....

stop buying.....global market will crash spore property.....wait patiently.....instead of discount, may end buy 1 get 1 free.....

21-08-12, 11:11
Scenario: A very smart and astute property investor / owner think he is very smart and sold his condo in 2008. What has happened since is as follows......

1. sold his condo at 1m in 2008... It has since gone up 50% to 1.5m

2. His rental from 2008 till 2012 is now 4 years: 3500x 12 months x 4 years = 168,000.

3. Commission paid to agent for selling his condo: 11,000

4. Renovation needed for his new condo when he buys eventually... dunno when lah.... at least 60,000

5. Stamp duty and legal fees for his new condo: 40,000

6. He plans to buy in 2015 i.e another 3 years of rental = 3500 x 12 x 3 = 126,000

Total cost of his smart decision that he made in 2008 = 1.5m +168k +11k+60k+40K+126k = 1.9m.

Hence property prices must drop 50% by 2015 so that this astute buyer can "breakeven" and buy back his old condo at the same price.... :scared-4:

if property don't crash at 50% he will have to sleep with his dog, he told us his dog lives in a large kennel. :D he should have do it 4 years ago.

21-08-12, 11:14
how much property down, do your homework.....

NB!! Already repeated 1000x that I have done my homework since the start of the Useless thread (below) created by YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN in 2008.. when Luxus Hills was 1.6-mil..

Continue doing my homework till the start of this Useless thread created by KING OF ALL FAILURE DAVID LIM (aka MR B) in Oct 2011.. when Luxus Hills was 2.4-mil..

Do my homework till now.. Luxus Hills 2.9-mil.. still doing my homework lor.. :D

21-08-12, 11:17
Definitely MR B is correct, but that is for Facebook, down 50% in less than a year.

A frn just called me, told me that he just gave 1% option fee, after waiting for so many years for the price to drop, and was so frustrated that it nvr happen, cannot wait anymore....and bot a property, first viewing....and the price was slightly above the market

21-08-12, 11:30
Global demand has been shrinking and export business is getting from bad to worse.


Channel News Asia
Business News

Taiwan cuts full year growth forecast for 8th time

By Victoria Jen | Posted: 17 August 2012 2150 hrs

TAIWAN: Taiwan has cut its full year growth forecast once again - the eighth time since last August.

And it didn't come as a surprise since the island's exports in July fell for the fifth straight month.

It's now expecting the economy to expand by 1.66 per cent this year, instead of the earlier estimate of 2.08 per cent.

In data out on Friday, second quarter growth came in weaker than expected, shrinking by 0.18 per cent year-on-year.

Taiwan's growth has been hampered by a decline in exports.

Key markets such as China and the US have been cutting back on orders amid the global slowdown.

Shipments later this year are likely to remain weak as the European crisis continues to weigh on global demand.

In fact, Taiwan's overall exports are expected to contract by nearly 2 per cent.

That is an alarming sign for the island, whose exports make up for 70 per cent of its economy.

Based on that predication, officials were forced to cut the target for the third quarter growth by half to 2 per cent.

But they keep the forecast for the fourth quarter at 4.25 per cent, hoping things will turn around.

Meantime, the economy can barely rely on private consumption for support, which is expected to grow merely 1.5 per cent for the year.

Nor can it count on private investments, which are likely to shrink by 1 per cent this year.

Now the government has promised to take actions to revive the economy, which is the worst performing market among the four little dragons.

But they're mostly long-term plans and the impact will not be felt until three to four years later.

- CNA/ck

21-08-12, 11:34

Sharp to Cut 8,000 Jobs Through Plant Sales

Published: Monday, 20 Aug 2012 | 8:30 PM ET
By: Reuters

Embattled TV maker Sharp aims to cut 8,000 jobs or 15 percent of its global workforce, including 3,000 from the sale of two TV factories in China and Mexico to Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, Japan's Yomiuri newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Sharp had previously announced it would cut its workforce by 5,000 positions.

The Yomiuri report is the latest in a recent string on additional steps the troubled TV maker is expected to take to curb costs and satisfy its lenders.

Kyodo News reported over the weekend that Sharp was considering doubling the number of job cuts to 10,000 from the announced plan of 5,000.

"We continue work towards forming the best alliance within our agreement with Hon Hai, but no decision has been made about selling them our factories in Mexico and China," said a Sharp spokesman.

Sharp, with debt of 1.25 trillion yen ($16 billion), is scrambling for money to refinance as much as 360 billion yen of short-term commercial paper and a 200 billion-yen convertible bonds maturing in September next year.

The company will submit an asset appraisal report to its banks next month that will identify businesses the century-old company has to sell in return for funding, sources at the company's lenders have told Reuters.

Mizuho Financial Group and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group will provide several tens of billions of yen in stopgap financing until the report, being compiled by two consultants, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, is ready, the sources said on condition they were not identified.

The amount of funding needed will also depend on how much investment Sharp secures from Taiwanese partner Hon Hai.

Sharp's revised restructuring is not likely to be finalized until September, bankers involved in the process have said.

Shares in Sharp, which have fallen more than 35 percent since the beginning of August, opened down 1.7 percent on Tuesday.

21-08-12, 11:35
CITI: September Is The Worst Month For Stocks
August 20th, 2012

get ready for the dive......
just need to dump a few counters will crash the market as >90% stocks already down....of course more down to go for those junk, they will cash even harder....
SSE....tons of counters have down >60-80%.....more to come as more funds will move out of china & asia.....
under global collapsing stage....don't expect funds to load up junk....only taxpayers' money are used to drive up index....but has to pay back wan....all these govt anyhow manage people's money will have to be gone.....this is definitely not right thing to do.....
time will come to kill all these rubbish.....

21-08-12, 11:46
stupid moron....forever shout nonsense by assuming yourself, create yourself.......lie yourself & all forumers here, then you very happy?? real moron....liar king forever....shout nonsense about me.....you are my shadow huh, real moronico fool.....lies & lies forever....

no proof, no evidence...shout lies forever......
rent?? already said, 2-3% rental, after paying all comm, maintenance, opportunity cost, waiting time, property tax, wear & tear, hussle, problem with bad tenants....wasting time only....now start to worry can't rent out.......hahaaa......

Agreed :D :D :D

21-08-12, 11:51
Marc Faber’s 100% Certainty of Another Recession
August 20th, 2012

Shhhh… It’s Even Worse Than The Great Depression

sure....no way out now with all the debt....depression is almost 100% now in coming many many yrs to stay......
all asset will crash down hard....
demand is crashing down......no money to buy now....all jobs will have to cut & go soon.....
yet still have so much debt to pay & tons is going to mature & pay back soon....where is the money to pay back?? bankrupt?? more job cut??....
let all weak & useless die.....they make mistake, bear it....all will die of natural death....recovery?? all rob the banks??....
sit tight & wait for all these to explode.....

21-08-12, 13:24
Michael Pento: Prepare For War, Skyrocketing Crude & A Global Depression
August 20th, 2012

global in depression now.....no demand, no business, no jobs....
If Iran war starts now.....oil price rocket....already no money to eat, transportation up, all food & daily necessity shoot to sky.....disposable income crash to negative still buy property??....dump all to run road to survive.....

all asset price will crash real hard......china will go all way out to crash their property down 60-70% price by soft landing themselves or it will be forced by external force like Japan to crash 90%......tons of excess now, >few 10 millions units...yet they are still building 36 millions of public house on the way, 0 completion now, on the way....
coming months to 1-2 yrs will be super ugly.....global market will crash down with huge debt is burdening all country.....cut all expenses, stop spending, hike all taxes & rate......

21-08-12, 13:40
Marc Faber’s 100% Certainty of Another Recession
August 20th, 2012

Shhhh… It’s Even Worse Than The Great Depression

sure....no way out now with all the debt....depression is almost 100% now in coming many many yrs to stay......
all asset will crash down hard....
demand is crashing down......no money to buy now....all jobs will have to cut & go soon.....
yet still have so much debt to pay & tons is going to mature & pay back soon....where is the money to pay back?? bankrupt?? more job cut??....
let all weak & useless die.....they make mistake, bear it....all will die of natural death....recovery?? all rob the banks??....
sit tight & wait for all these to explode.....

those reply you are mostly opposition party. the rest has given up hope on you. don't you think you need a long break? maybe come back with a car topic "COE price down 50%" sure you make another record of thousand pages. you get more supporters too.

21-08-12, 13:48
Definitely MR B is correct, but that is for Facebook, down 50% in less than a year.

A frn just called me, told me that he just gave 1% option fee, after waiting for so many years for the price to drop, and was so frustrated that it nvr happen, cannot wait anymore....and bot a property, first viewing....and the price was slightly above the market

agree, got friend who bought FB, I warned him that valuation too high still he bought ... now is burnt

Australian property never corrected even 5% post Lehman and is ticking up again:


and I heard Bombay suburb property up 50% in 2y .. rental yield 2% with interest rate at 9% :scared-1:

21-08-12, 13:53
本週公佈 與上週比較 與上月比較

+1.01 % +2.49 %

21-08-12, 13:57
those reply you are mostly opposition party. the rest has given up hope on you. don't you think you need a long break? maybe come back with a car topic "COE price down 50%" sure you make another record of thousand pages. you get more supporters too.

NB!! If KING OF ALL FAILURE MR B start a thread "COE price is coming down fast"... confirm I will support him... cos in a few years time I really need to buy a brand new dream car to replace my lao-por chia..

Another I will be like YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN... everything also "Agreed" to all his Useless comment.. :D

21-08-12, 14:00
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming
August 20th, 2012

these people know what is coming.....be patient...investment must have patience....
not difficult to see perfect storm is on the way & just right in front now.....
be focus, no need to bother about all the rubbish, they will only lead you to ho lan.....
the deciding moment is here....when bubble burst...nothing is safe, especially banks....bad debt will kill all...especially local banks on mortgage loan....tons will run road.....
why bother all these rubbish market now....short euro & some future is good enough for now.....

21-08-12, 14:07
FT/bankers moving to HDB with lower rental

so rental allowance cut or no more allowance totally.....
so less people rent condo...hard to rent out now....can leave there empty for yrs or cut rental deep to fight with HDB.....
so Orchard area, who can afford?? many expat already cut & send back to maintain company bottomline....leave it empty.....

so condo & HDB same rental, move to condo, HDB must down 30-40% to attract tenant & so on......down wards force is getting huge now as more kena retrenched, more allowance cut, more expat cut, job cut.......
tons of rental units out there....some unoccupied for 6-12 months......
or squeeze 20-30 persons into 1 units....
interest moving up, rental down....job lost....let see how long they will run road.......

Rents of newly completed homes decline further........
No of bankers able to rent prime fast declining.....
The decline of rental and momentum look serious....
a lot of expats have only limited housing allowance now, cut drastically since beginning of this year......

many rental allowance already cut to 0.....many banks & MNC to keep bottom line already cut most expats here....many foreigners leaving too......
If Tampines & Newton same rental, which one?? obvious,so Tampines rental must cut at least 30-40%......then Jurong, Woodland, Punggol must cut much more.....all coming.....

FT/bankers moving to HDB with lower rental, with no rental income it will be tough to pay the condo loan :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

21-08-12, 15:11
ROMNEY: Time to Audit the Fed
August 20th, 2012

sure...time to audit this rubbish.....where is all the money go to?? how much real debt to pay back now?? exploding.....
stop raising debt limit......
eventually lose down FED, govt to decide on monetary policy....
stop QE...raise tax to get surplus balanced to pay back debt....it will take 20-30 yrs, just do it....
no need to think of recovery in next 20-30 yrs......when all crash down, salary will cut 50-99% for all......pay back all the debt & mortgage ......prudent time again.....

21-08-12, 15:50
On The Fed's Sudden Need For "Risk Managers" And "Financial Engineers"

What the Federal Reserve’s “mouthpiece” is saying now
August 20th, 2012

suddenly Feds is looking for risk management.....now they start to scared & feel risk is very high now to crash economy & collapse USA......
recently all the voice from FED is all no QE, stop printing......real pressurised & stressful now, US may just collapse like zimbabwee if they continue to let bernanke to print....

china RMB down & rate up....china cannot cut rate anymore as RMB will plunge further if cut rate....
US bond yield also shoot up....more selling of bond by asia countries....all start to dump at each others holding....war has started....
as long as all want to be strong....then it has to drive rate further up.....all the way up.....

21-08-12, 16:07
Optimism on Greece, ECB, lifts European shares

You will never beat the market. Creepy?:p

21-08-12, 16:24
Gold up $5 to 1,625

Main street news are manipulated by Wall Street ... don't read the news, read the market instead

21-08-12, 16:43
Feel the market's pulse.

News are crap.

21-08-12, 17:51
pulse my foot...then buy & put down here....shout nonsense....

rubbish kiasi fools forever buy at peak....once they buy, market sure crash...& get caught.....shout loud, dare not buy.....

hahaaaaa.....all these stupid morons dare not buy stock & property now....already ask them 30x, low also dare not buy, buy now??.....buy 1 lot of capitaland now also dare not....also confirmed they not even make 1 cts in this rally.....

cheer price here only try to unload their overleveraged property & junk stocks to naive, fools & newbies.....shout nonsense only, all the lies, fake, fraud & magic........

if they are really confidence, stock & property price will go up, they will just buy & boast here, dare?? hahaaaaa.....
they also know global economy is crashing....but they kena stucked...such market only insider trade on selective, most stock & property down.....
only fools buy now.....till the day 'can' hit the wall......all face green green & disappear from this thread, into hiding or jumping mode....

21-08-12, 18:06
pulse my foot...then buy & put down here....shout nonsense....

rubbish kiasi fools forever buy at peak....once they buy, market sure crash...& get caught.....shout loud, dare not buy.....

hahaaaaa.....all these stupid morons dare not buy stock & property now....already ask them 30x, low also dare not buy, buy now??.....buy 1 lot of capitaland now also dare not....also confirmed they not even make 1 cts in this rally.....

cheer price here only try to unload their overleveraged property & junk stocks to naive, fools & newbies.....shout nonsense only, all the lies, fake, fraud & magic........

if they are really confidence, stock & property price will go up, they will just buy & boast here, dare?? hahaaaaa.....
they also know global economy is crashing....but they kena stucked...such market only insider trade on selective, most stock & property down.....
only fools buy now.....till the day 'can' hit the wall......all face green green & disappear from this thread, into hiding or jumping mode....

You sama sama .... every day shouted short Euro, size? leverage ? what time?

21-08-12, 18:28
Apple closes as most valuable company of all time

Mr B, I challenge you to short Apple

21-08-12, 18:50
Smarter to buy a long dated put than to do an outright short.

21-08-12, 19:05

Sharp to Cut 8,000 Jobs Through Plant Sales

Published: Monday, 20 Aug 2012 | 8:30 PM ET
By: Reuters

Embattled TV maker Sharp aims to cut 8,000 jobs or 15 percent of its global workforce, including 3,000 from the sale of two TV factories in China and Mexico to Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, Japan's Yomiuri newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Sharp had previously announced it would cut its workforce by 5,000 positions.

The Yomiuri report is the latest in a recent string on additional steps the troubled TV maker is expected to take to curb costs and satisfy its lenders.

Kyodo News reported over the weekend that Sharp was considering doubling the number of job cuts to 10,000 from the announced plan of 5,000.

"We continue work towards forming the best alliance within our agreement with Hon Hai, but no decision has been made about selling them our factories in Mexico and China," said a Sharp spokesman.

Sharp, with debt of 1.25 trillion yen ($16 billion), is scrambling for money to refinance as much as 360 billion yen of short-term commercial paper and a 200 billion-yen convertible bonds maturing in September next year.

The company will submit an asset appraisal report to its banks next month that will identify businesses the century-old company has to sell in return for funding, sources at the company's lenders have told Reuters.

Mizuho Financial Group and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group will provide several tens of billions of yen in stopgap financing until the report, being compiled by two consultants, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, is ready, the sources said on condition they were not identified.

The amount of funding needed will also depend on how much investment Sharp secures from Taiwanese partner Hon Hai.

Sharp's revised restructuring is not likely to be finalized until September, bankers involved in the process have said.

Shares in Sharp, which have fallen more than 35 percent since the beginning of August, opened down 1.7 percent on Tuesday.

Sharp to Cut 8,000 Jobs Through Plant Sales:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

21-08-12, 19:15
Apple closes as most valuable company of all time

Mr B, I challenge you to short Apple

I don't play with Apple or Orange but if it is Soybeans, I short every morning. Soybeans also near all time high and I dare to short, everyday. Must admit last two days, lose money shorting.

21-08-12, 19:38
As what some has predicted, saw a 50% firesale for Magnum ice-cream at Caltex, buy 1-get-1, bot 8x, for price of 4x. Just had one for dinner.. YUMMMIEEE!


21-08-12, 19:40
I don't play with Apple or Orange but if it is Soybeans, I short every morning. Soybeans also near all time high and I dare to short, everyday. Must admit last two days, lose money shorting.

The run for soybeans is still on....

21-08-12, 19:41
本週公佈 與上週比較 與上月比較

+1.01 % +2.49 %

rather unstoppable run...

21-08-12, 19:45
I don't play with Apple or Orange but if it is Soybeans, I short every morning. Soybeans also near all time high and I dare to short, everyday. Must admit last two days, lose money shorting.
U can learn long dated put with Kane, warning negative sum game is addictive

21-08-12, 23:08
Wow!! Just notice, base on the last 2-mths transactions done..
PRICE CONTINUE TO MOVE UP UP UP AGAIN!! :scared-1: :eek: :scared-5:

My neighbour just sold his PH unit.. UP 15% compare to the last PH sold just over 1-yr ago!!

Invited me to his new landed house to pop champagne.. :cheers4:
Is coming on the way.. sept/oct 2012, price will go UP & UP & UP at a faster pace.. :eek:

21-08-12, 23:14
And see who's the one holding the hot potato...

22-08-12, 07:02
Global demand has been shrinking and export business is getting from bad to worse.


Channel News Asia
Business News

Taiwan cuts full year growth forecast for 8th time

By Victoria Jen | Posted: 17 August 2012 2150 hrs

TAIWAN: Taiwan has cut its full year growth forecast once again - the eighth time since last August.

And it didn't come as a surprise since the island's exports in July fell for the fifth straight month.

It's now expecting the economy to expand by 1.66 per cent this year, instead of the earlier estimate of 2.08 per cent.

In data out on Friday, second quarter growth came in weaker than expected, shrinking by 0.18 per cent year-on-year.

Taiwan's growth has been hampered by a decline in exports.

Key markets such as China and the US have been cutting back on orders amid the global slowdown.

Shipments later this year are likely to remain weak as the European crisis continues to weigh on global demand.

In fact, Taiwan's overall exports are expected to contract by nearly 2 per cent.

That is an alarming sign for the island, whose exports make up for 70 per cent of its economy.

Based on that predication, officials were forced to cut the target for the third quarter growth by half to 2 per cent.

But they keep the forecast for the fourth quarter at 4.25 per cent, hoping things will turn around.

Meantime, the economy can barely rely on private consumption for support, which is expected to grow merely 1.5 per cent for the year.

Nor can it count on private investments, which are likely to shrink by 1 per cent this year.

Now the government has promised to take actions to revive the economy, which is the worst performing market among the four little dragons.

But they're mostly long-term plans and the impact will not be felt until three to four years later.

- CNA/ck

Taiwan cuts full year growth forecast for 8th time:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

22-08-12, 07:20
Mr B, I challenge you to short Apple

sure...will short when time is right....I said before, Apple will drop to US$80 by 2015.......
only fool buy this rubbish at this price.......
shorted a small position of Euro this morning...although based on chart tomorrow is a better time....no problem...

22-08-12, 07:21
Wing Tai sees correction in S'pore's property market
By Lynda Hong | Posted: 21 August 2012 2224 hrs

Full-year profit declined 35 per cent year-on-year to S$242.2 million, while turnover dropped 17 per cent to S$624.9 million.

Wing Tai, Capitaland, SC Global......almost all developers recent result is no good....not record price & record sales?? hahaaaa.....all the fake & lies??....

Capitaland share price in 2007 is $8+....now is only $3.....only 30-35% of 2007 price....how about property price now & 2007?? really good or just fake, fraud, lies & magic??...........
so as claimed by govt media, sales is good now, price is good now.....what happen to share price?? why no funds today interested at even 35% of 2007 share price??.....
why profit also not as fantastic? PE ratio better now?? where are all the money gone??.....of course, I am talking about spore property, don't try to pull in commercial or service apartment.....you look at all property counters, all about the same...Kepland, 2007 at $9+, now $3+.....

so funds are not optimistic with spore property??......we will only see the hard truth when grest depression is here in 1-3 yrs time.....then we will know what is fake, fraud, lies & magic......
whatever.....capland share price will go down to $0.7 by 2015, let see.....

If spore property is so strong, so good today, much higher than 2007....then what happen to all shares price of developers?? why only 30% of of their shares price in 2007??....
where is all the money they have made?? why their profit is low with strong property today? why developers still retrench staff recently with strong property today??.....no sales?? bad sales??

22-08-12, 08:46
August 21st, 2012

now no more in weeks or months....in days now....
whatever...this yr you will see global market crashing down.....Aug or Sept....better still if another Oct overnight crash like 1987....
current market is a death market...no volume, manipulated by few index counter using taxpayers' money, this is abuse of people's money.....>90% of listed counters still down....
global money circulation, M2 are all death too....no trade, no business, no order......print how much money also no use.....
the end is super near......when stock crashes down, that is it, end of global economy & total financial system.....
spore property will crash real hard.......

22-08-12, 09:38
A huge rally can begin in days too (talk is cheap)

22-08-12, 11:12
Fed’s Lockhart Kills Hopes Of Further QEasing
August 21st, 2012

US starts to scare......china is going for gold currency.....then US & US$ will collapse....
time to pay back all debt.....
rate hike will not be later than early next yr.....
currency & rate war started......more serious fight the better.....
sense of urgency is there & fight for survival of country......

22-08-12, 11:14
to phatom_opera....

stupid moron in panic mode liao......anyhow shout, buy lo....hahaaaa......real moron.....

22-08-12, 12:04
4-years of rental... and yet still counting... is really no joke!!

Really need to speed up cut & paste of bad news... otherwise how to tahan!! :D

22-08-12, 12:18
4-years of rental... and yet still counting... is really no joke!!

Really need to speed up cut & paste of bad news... otherwise how to tahan!! :D

Mr B already submitted cheque for One Dusun Residences, FREEHOLD 2 HS + SOHO + 2br 452sqft for only 7xxk ... where to find :rolleyes:

22-08-12, 12:49

South Korean Household Debt Hits Critical Point

http://media.cnbc.com/i/CNBC/Sections/News_And_Analysis/_News/_TEMPLATES/__PARTNERS/PARTNER_IMAGES/byline_logo_financial_times.gif (http://ft.com/)
Published: Tuesday, 21 Aug 2012 | 10:11 PM ET

By: Simon Mundy and Laeticia Ock in Seoul

Since their restaurant closed, Oh Jin-suk and his wife have made a living gardening and cleaning streets in Seoul, which earns them about 1m won ($880) a month. Supporting a family on that income would be difficult, the 52-year-old says, even without their $40,000 of loans.

Having started with a small loan from a commercial bank, Mr Oh battled to keep up the payments as his Chinese restaurant struggled. “As my business wasn't going well, I had to keep borrowing money from different money lenders and pay extra interest for overdue payments,” he says. “That's how I ended up with this massive debt."

After South Korea's government forced large corporations to shed debt following the 1997 Asian crisis, its banks turned to consumers for asset growth. Like the US and Europe, South Korea experienced a rapid increase in household lending in the following decade, with retail borrowers attracted by rising property prices.

But while consumers in most developed countries have deleveraged over the past four years, South Korea’s household debt pile has continued to grow and rose last year to 164 per cent of disposable income: much higher than the US figure at the beginning of the subprime mortgage crisis.

While the country’s well capitalized banks are unlikely to face a systemic threat, the consumer debt burden is stymieing government efforts to make the economy less reliant on exports. The household debt overhang was the main reason behind disappointing consumption growth of just 1.4 per cent in the first half of this year, says the Bank of Korea.

The situation has left the authorities in a bind, as they seek to check consumer debt expansion without further undermining domestic momentum in an economy already troubled by stuttering export markets.

The BoK steadily increased interest rates last year, while the government tightened lending restrictions in an attempt to cool new lending. But this year has brought a change of tack: the BoK carried out a surprise interest rate cut (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48155778/) last month, with concern about high household interest payments widely seen as contributing to the decision.

Last week, the Financial Services Commission, the main financial regulator, loosened debt-to-income restrictions following government concerns about sagging house prices.

“We see household debt as one of the biggest risk factors . . . but politicians are demanding we make regulations less strict so that people can borrow more to buy houses,” says a FSC official. “So we come to a decision somewhere in the middle.”

Erik Lueth, Asia regional economist for the Royal Bank of Scotland, says the government has not halted the escalation of the problem. “Household debt is coming closer to the point where it may be unsustainable,” he says.

The household debt problem reflects broader, structural issues in South Korea. In a country where about 80 per cent of young people go to university, many parents take on large amounts of debt to fund their children’s education.

Another large component of the debt pile consists of personal and mortgage loans taken out by self-employed workers (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48295031/), who make up nearly a third of the workforce, to fund their businesses. Typically middle-aged people laid off by large Korean corporations, which favor younger workers, they have little choice but to start a new business, funded at least in part by debt.

While commercial banks tend to concentrate on higher-income retail customers, non-bank financial institutions – helped by looser regulation than that imposed on banks – have grown rapidly in recent years by targeting poorer borrowers. Lending by “mutual savings banks” (which are not treated as full banks in South Korea) grew by 20 per cent in the year to March, even after regulators tightened their lending criteria in 2011.

This growth is worrying the Bank of Korea, which warned in April that non-banks’ loans could become “distressed on a large scale", adding that "some mutual credit companies are showing signs of worsening asset soundness”.

Beyond the systemic concerns lies a growing social problem. Mrs Park, a former stallholder in Seoul's Dongdaemun market, says she “lost everything” after turning to a credit union for a high-interest loan to support her business. As she struggled to keep up with the installments on the loan, she took out four more, building a pile of debt that spiraled into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Finally she defaulted, resulting in the repossession of her home and the loss of her business. "I considered suicide, until I found out I had a baby on the way,” says Mrs Park, now unemployed and living in state-provided accommodation.

Kim Jin-hee, a counselor at the Seoul Financial Welfare Counselling Centre, says that such cases are becoming increasingly common. “The government should not allow institutions to lend money to these people who are unable to pay it back."

22-08-12, 12:54
Mr Seletar, you are a decent guy, my advice is don't believe in anything you read in main media as it is manipulated for political or economic reason... action speaks louder than words ... feel the pulse of the market yourself ... go and visit some show flats, work out your investment strategy in this uncertain time ... for example China A share could be worth buying now

NO strategy like Mr B is suicide when inflation is so high

22-08-12, 13:00

Japan Swings to Trade Deficit as Exports Sink on Europe: Economy

By Andy Sharp and Keiko Ujikane - Aug 22, 2012 11:52 AM GMT+0800

Japan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/japan/) reported a wider-than-expected trade deficit in July as Europe (http://topics.bloomberg.com/europe/)’s sovereign-debt crisis and a slowdown in China dragged down exports and higher oil prices (http://topics.bloomberg.com/oil-prices/) boosted imports.

The shortfall (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBAL:IND) was 517.4 billion yen ($6.5 billion), after a revised 60.3 billion yen surplus in June, the Finance Ministry (http://topics.bloomberg.com/finance-ministry/) said in Tokyo today. The median forecast (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBAL:IND) in a Bloomberg News survey of 28 analysts was for a 270 billion yen deficit. Exports fell 8.1 percent from a year earlier, compared with an estimated 2.9 percent drop. Imports rose 2.1 percent.

Strength in the yen and faltering global growth threaten to restrain exports in coming months, undermining Japan’s recovery from an earthquake, tsunami and economic contraction in 2011. Today’s report adds pressure for government spending (http://topics.bloomberg.com/government-spending/) or monetary easing to support the world’s third-biggest economy by bolstering domestic demand.

“Japan needs more monetary stimulus to sustain the recovery,” said Hiroaki Muto (http://topics.bloomberg.com/hiroaki-muto/), a senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. in Tokyo. “Sentiment among manufacturers is deteriorating globally, triggered by Europe’s fiscal problems, and that’s adversely affecting Asian economies.”

The yen traded at 79.22 per dollar as of 11:20 a.m. in Tokyo, up more than 5 percent since mid-March. A stronger currency erodes export sales and profits. Today’s level compares with a post-World War II high of 75.35 in October.

Europe, China

Shipments to the European Union (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBEUEY:IND) fell 25 percent in July from a year earlier, the biggest decline since October 2009, while those to China slipped 12 percent, the ministry said. The trade deficit was the biggest for any July in data going back to 1979, it said.

Today’s report adds to signs of weakness across Asia (http://topics.bloomberg.com/asia/) after growth in China (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china/)’s overseas shipments collapsed in July and that nation’s economy grew at the slowest pace since 2009 in the second quarter. Japan’s gross domestic product advanced an annualized 1.4 percent in the three months through June, down from 5.5 percent in the first quarter.

Hiroshi Watanabe, a senior economist at SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. in Tokyo, said Aug. 13 that a supplementary government budget for Japan is “already a done deal.” The central bank, meanwhile, is due to make its next policy decision Sept. 19.

“It’s unavoidable that Japan’s economic growth will lose steam this quarter,” said Kohei Okazaki, an economist at Nomura Securities Co. in Tokyo. “Global demand is looking stagnant as China’s economy (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china%27s-economy/) is slowing while the advanced nations’ economies remain weak.”

Taiwan, Sri Lanka

Taiwan reported today the island’s unemployment rate rose to 4.25 percent in July. Sri Lanka (http://topics.bloomberg.com/sri-lanka/) is due to release June export data this week, after overseas sales fell 15 percent in May. China’s exports grew 1 percent in July from a year earlier, down from a 20 percent gain in the same month in 2011.

“Today’s report indicated the downside risks to exports have grown,” said Mitsumaru Kumagai, chief economist at Daiwa Institute of Research in Tokyo. “The economy in the European Union area is stalling and the emerging economies such as China are slowing, so the uncertainty over the global economy is heightening.”

Japan’s ninth trade deficit in 12 months underscores the country’s reliance on energy imports after atomic plants were shut down following last year’s earthquake and nuclear disaster.

Sony, Sharp

Sony Corp. (6758) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/6758:JP), Japan’s biggest consumer electronics exporter, cut its full-year profit forecast on Aug. 2. Sharp Corp., the nation’s largest maker of liquid-crystal display panels, announced the same day it would eliminate 5,000 jobs worldwide in its first cuts since 1950.

Reports today will give the latest readings for economies across Europe.

Norway’s unemployment rate probably rose in June, according to a Bloomberg News survey. Hungary may report slowing wage growth, a separate survey showed. Denmark (http://topics.bloomberg.com/denmark/) will release July retail sales data, Russia (http://topics.bloomberg.com/russia/)’s weekly inflation report is due, and Iceland’s central bank will decide on the seven-day collateral lending rate.

In the U.S., the National Association of Realtors will release existing house sales data for July. Purchases increased 3.2 percent to a 4.51 million annual rate, following a 4.37 million pace in June, according to the Bloomberg survey median.

To contact the reporters on this story: Andy Sharp in Tokyo (http://topics.bloomberg.com/tokyo/) at [email protected] ([email protected]); Keiko Ujikane in Tokyo at [email protected] ([email protected])

22-08-12, 13:18

內地傳媒報道,溫州民間借貸規模較去年八月縮減近三成,銀行業不良貸款比率十個月內增逾兩個百分點至2.4 3%。分析認為,在房地產價格回軟及經濟不景氣兩大因素夾擊下,九月還債高峰期前後,借貸風險有機會進一步 惡化

地方版4万亿或被债务压垮 希腊式阴云笼罩

人民币出现疲软态势 3万亿外汇储备靠不住

wait for the bad debt to hit banks......that will be super ugly.....
tons of boss will run road like S shares....tons of luxury cars abandon everywhere.....property will crash like toufu....
more to come....spore will be the same.......

22-08-12, 13:21
Mr Seletar, you are a decent guy, my advice is don't believe in anything you read in main media as it is manipulated for political or economic reason... action speaks louder than words ... feel the pulse of the market yourself ... go and visit some show flats, work out your investment strategy in this uncertain time ... for example China A share could be worth buying now

NO strategy like Mr B is suicide when inflation is so high

srupid moron, no more clone huh?? I thought all the rubbish mornic bulls here shouted we are all clones?? those real morons....so you betray them.......

22-08-12, 13:35
4-years of rental... and yet still counting... is really no joke!!

Really need to speed up cut & paste of bad news... otherwise how to tahan!! :D

stupid moron...tell him this is lies 100x, he has no proof of anything but keep shouting same things.....hahaaaa...such shamesless....shout same thing forever....hahaaaaa....my dog cage is bigger than your son room lah...moron...hahaaaa.....all the morons here are the same including phantom opera....

22-08-12, 14:07
stupid moron...tell him this is lies 100x, he has no proof of anything but keep shouting same things.....hahaaaa...such shamesless....shout same thing forever....hahaaaaa....my dog cage is bigger than your son room lah...moron...hahaaaa.....all the morons here are the same including phantom opera....

Sorry.. don't mind asking.. your dog cage is belonging to you or you landlord??
Such a big cage.. how much you need to rent from your landlord on top of the house rental which you are paying right now??

22-08-12, 14:13
Sorry.. don't mind asking.. your dog cage is belonging to you or you landlord??
Such a big cage.. how much you need to rent from your landlord on top of the house rental which you are paying right now??

Ah B stays in the same cage with his dog lah.

22-08-12, 14:23
Best Buy’s 2Q profit drops 90 percent!!!
August 21st, 2012

1 of the biggest US electrical & electronic chain store.....
top & bottom line all gone....recovery??.....more like bankrupting....same to all US companies.....
no business, no buyers....no spending now.....no borrowing, banks also dare not loan out now.....
stop printing.....all collapse....print, US will collapse.....time is here...pay back all the debt.....
no demand from western world....spore & asia economy going to collapse...spore property will crash hard.....

22-08-12, 14:24
Ah B stays in the same cage with his dog lah.

your wife, sisters, daughters all in same cages.....all very wet & wild, legs open very big al the time.....
you can sleep with snake in anther cage......

22-08-12, 15:23
your wife, sisters, daughters all in same cages.....all very wet & wild, legs open very big al the time.....
you can sleep with snake in anther cage......


脑休成怒. 好大的火气。 :hell-hath-no-fury:

22-08-12, 15:30
Mr B still needs to buy all these


22-08-12, 15:48
Ah B stays in the same cage with his dog lah.

ah B knows when to please..:jackass:

22-08-12, 15:51
if property don't crash at 50% he will have to sleep with his dog, he told us his dog lives in a large kennel. :D he should have do it 4 years ago.

If property drop say 20% by 2015 he will wait till 2020... byt then property must drop another 50% coz he will be paying additional rental for another 5 years.... sigh poor thing....

22-08-12, 15:58
dun worry for Ah B, by then property developer like World Class Land or Fragrance will have 200sqft MM for 500k, high ceiling of 3.4m

22-08-12, 16:16

脑休成怒. 好大的火气。


hahaaaa....release till shiiok shiok....but your whole family real stink....yiak!!!...like shyt.....hahaaaaa.....

22-08-12, 16:19
hahaaa....all themorons, worry for yourself...buy what you need to buy, buy the more the better, then can crash harder...I will short Dow to below 3500 by 2015, STI to beow 1000 by 2015, property will sure crash >50% by 2015....

so no 2015, no buy....who care & bother now....only morons busy & bankrupt.......

22-08-12, 16:20
Buffett Ends 5-Year Bullish Bet That Over A Dozen U.S. States Would Pay Bills On Time
August 21st, 2012

warren Buffett also gave up liao.....stop selling insurance of CDS to US states & county....total lost of confidence of USA....wait to collapse.....

22-08-12, 16:22
The CEO of The World’s Biggest Bond Fund: ECB Caping Bond Yields Is Unlikely To Happen Because It’s An Open-Ended Commitment For Unlimited Intervention
August 21st, 2012

draghi anyhow shout again....will backfire big way again......

22-08-12, 16:23
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming
August 20th, 2012

Fed’s Lockhart Kills Hopes Of Further QEasing
August 21st, 2012

Global Collapse Now Accelerating As Central Banks Buy Gold
August 18th, 2012

Goldman Sachs Leads Bankers In Abandoning Obama
August 17th, 2012

“The US Dollar Must Be Devalued In Order To Shrink The Destructive Power Of Debt”
August 17th, 2012

22-08-12, 16:26
hahaaa....all themorons, worry for yourself...buy what you need to buy, buy the more the better, then can crash harder...I will short Dow to below 3500 by 2015, STI to beow 1000 by 2015, property will sure crash >50% by 2015....

so no 2015, no buy....who care & bother now....only morons busy & bankrupt.......

Ya lor. Since you waited for 4 yrs already from 2008. Can still wait for another 3 yrs. No diff anyway.

Continue to earn 0.x% interest from the bank. Make you feel rich. :D

Short? Always say you short. Don't tell everyone lah. Keep it to yourself. :tongue3:

22-08-12, 16:28
If property drop say 20% by 2015 he will wait till 2020... byt then property must drop another 50% coz he will be paying additional rental for another 5 years.... sigh poor thing....

NB!! If price can't drop 50% by 2015.. MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B will speed up 3x his cut & paste of bad news lor..

Any kind of bad news also post.. even his landlord increase his rental$ he will oso post.. sibeh tulan liao.. :simmering:

22-08-12, 16:31
Ya lor. Since you waited for 4 yrs already from 2008. Can still wait for another 3 yrs. No diff anyway.

Continue to earn 0.x% interest from the bank. Make you feel rich. :D

Short? Always say you short. Don't tell everyone lah. Keep it to yourself. :tongue3:

Wa so he waited for 7 yrs in total?? The opportunity cost and rental cost might not be enough to cover his 50% he expected le....furthermore, maybe in the end only drop 10%. :p
Wa, big lugi...:doh:
Moron king of all...:2cents: :scared-2:

22-08-12, 16:34
NB!! If price can't drop 50% by 2015.. MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B will speed up 3x his cut & paste of bad news lor..

Any kind of bad news also post.. even his landlord increase his rental$ he will oso post.. sibeh tulan liao.. :simmering:

Couldn't agree more...:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Sounds familiar...:D

22-08-12, 16:42
NB!! If price can't drop 50% by 2015.. MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B will speed up 3x his cut & paste of bad news lor..

Any kind of bad news also post.. even his landlord increase his rental$ he will oso post.. sibeh tulan liao.. :simmering:

Of course Ah B very tulan. He says short already. :ashamed1:

22-08-12, 16:44
Couldn't agree more...:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Sounds familiar...:D

sad but true :D :D :D

22-08-12, 16:46

Japan Swings to Trade Deficit as Exports Sink on Europe: Economy

By Andy Sharp and Keiko Ujikane - Aug 22, 2012 11:52 AM GMT+0800

Japan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/japan/) reported a wider-than-expected trade deficit in July as Europe (http://topics.bloomberg.com/europe/)’s sovereign-debt crisis and a slowdown in China dragged down exports and higher oil prices (http://topics.bloomberg.com/oil-prices/) boosted imports.

The shortfall (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBAL:IND) was 517.4 billion yen ($6.5 billion), after a revised 60.3 billion yen surplus in June, the Finance Ministry (http://topics.bloomberg.com/finance-ministry/) said in Tokyo today. The median forecast (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBAL:IND) in a Bloomberg News survey of 28 analysts was for a 270 billion yen deficit. Exports fell 8.1 percent from a year earlier, compared with an estimated 2.9 percent drop. Imports rose 2.1 percent.

Strength in the yen and faltering global growth threaten to restrain exports in coming months, undermining Japan’s recovery from an earthquake, tsunami and economic contraction in 2011. Today’s report adds pressure for government spending (http://topics.bloomberg.com/government-spending/) or monetary easing to support the world’s third-biggest economy by bolstering domestic demand.

“Japan needs more monetary stimulus to sustain the recovery,” said Hiroaki Muto (http://topics.bloomberg.com/hiroaki-muto/), a senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. in Tokyo. “Sentiment among manufacturers is deteriorating globally, triggered by Europe’s fiscal problems, and that’s adversely affecting Asian economies.”

The yen traded at 79.22 per dollar as of 11:20 a.m. in Tokyo, up more than 5 percent since mid-March. A stronger currency erodes export sales and profits. Today’s level compares with a post-World War II high of 75.35 in October.

Europe, China

Shipments to the European Union (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/JNTBEUEY:IND) fell 25 percent in July from a year earlier, the biggest decline since October 2009, while those to China slipped 12 percent, the ministry said. The trade deficit was the biggest for any July in data going back to 1979, it said.

Today’s report adds to signs of weakness across Asia (http://topics.bloomberg.com/asia/) after growth in China (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china/)’s overseas shipments collapsed in July and that nation’s economy grew at the slowest pace since 2009 in the second quarter. Japan’s gross domestic product advanced an annualized 1.4 percent in the three months through June, down from 5.5 percent in the first quarter.

Hiroshi Watanabe, a senior economist at SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. in Tokyo, said Aug. 13 that a supplementary government budget for Japan is “already a done deal.” The central bank, meanwhile, is due to make its next policy decision Sept. 19.

“It’s unavoidable that Japan’s economic growth will lose steam this quarter,” said Kohei Okazaki, an economist at Nomura Securities Co. in Tokyo. “Global demand is looking stagnant as China’s economy (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china%27s-economy/) is slowing while the advanced nations’ economies remain weak.”

Taiwan, Sri Lanka

Taiwan reported today the island’s unemployment rate rose to 4.25 percent in July. Sri Lanka (http://topics.bloomberg.com/sri-lanka/) is due to release June export data this week, after overseas sales fell 15 percent in May. China’s exports grew 1 percent in July from a year earlier, down from a 20 percent gain in the same month in 2011.

“Today’s report indicated the downside risks to exports have grown,” said Mitsumaru Kumagai, chief economist at Daiwa Institute of Research in Tokyo. “The economy in the European Union area is stalling and the emerging economies such as China are slowing, so the uncertainty over the global economy is heightening.”

Japan’s ninth trade deficit in 12 months underscores the country’s reliance on energy imports after atomic plants were shut down following last year’s earthquake and nuclear disaster.

Sony, Sharp

Sony Corp. (6758) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/6758:JP), Japan’s biggest consumer electronics exporter, cut its full-year profit forecast on Aug. 2. Sharp Corp., the nation’s largest maker of liquid-crystal display panels, announced the same day it would eliminate 5,000 jobs worldwide in its first cuts since 1950.

Reports today will give the latest readings for economies across Europe.

Norway’s unemployment rate probably rose in June, according to a Bloomberg News survey. Hungary may report slowing wage growth, a separate survey showed. Denmark (http://topics.bloomberg.com/denmark/) will release July retail sales data, Russia (http://topics.bloomberg.com/russia/)’s weekly inflation report is due, and Iceland’s central bank will decide on the seven-day collateral lending rate.

In the U.S., the National Association of Realtors will release existing house sales data for July. Purchases increased 3.2 percent to a 4.51 million annual rate, following a 4.37 million pace in June, according to the Bloomberg survey median.

To contact the reporters on this story: Andy Sharp in Tokyo (http://topics.bloomberg.com/tokyo/) at [email protected] ([email protected]); Keiko Ujikane in Tokyo at [email protected] ([email protected])

Japan Swings to Trade Deficit as Exports Sink on Europe: Economy:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

22-08-12, 16:47
Japan Swings to Trade Deficit as Exports Sink on Europe: Economy:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Did someone mentioned there is a missing parrot from the Bird Park?

22-08-12, 16:47
Buffett Ends 5-Year Bullish Bet That Over A Dozen U.S. States Would Pay Bills On Time
August 21st, 2012

warren Buffett also gave up liao.....stop selling insurance of CDS to US states & county....total lost of confidence of USA....wait to collapse.....

Buffett Joins Team Whitney; Sees Muni Pain Ahead As He Unwinds Half Of His Bullish CDS Exposure Prematurely


warren buffett run roads......

22-08-12, 16:50
all the stupid moron...continue to waste your time & talk lies & personal attack....that is all shameless rubbish can do....
all these useless human rubbish......

22-08-12, 16:51
The CEO of The World’s Biggest Bond Fund: ECB Caping Bond Yields Is Unlikely To Happen Because It’s An Open-Ended Commitment For Unlimited Intervention
August 21st, 2012

draghi anyhow shout again....will backfire big way again......

Draghis Bazooka Will Fire Blanks… Just Like Paulson’s Did in 2008

August 20th, 2012

all know draghi is bullshyter...sure backfire & burn down whole Euro.......

22-08-12, 16:55
Ah B has no more control over here.
kena skinned like dead meat.

22-08-12, 17:06
Ah B has no more control over here.
kena skinned like dead meat.

stupid moron shout nonsense huh....go to hang yourself lah...real moron....hahaaaaa......

22-08-12, 17:08
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson And George Soros Are All Betting That Financial Disaster Is Coming

August 20th, 2012

Fed’s Lockhart Kills Hopes Of Further QEasing

August 21st, 2012

Global Collapse Now Accelerating As Central Banks Buy Gold

August 18th, 2012

Goldman Sachs Leads Bankers In Abandoning Obama
August 17th, 2012

“The US Dollar Must Be Devalued In Order To Shrink The Destructive Power Of Debt”
August 17th, 2012

US: Out of 312 Million people, we have 203 Million people dependent on the government
August 20th, 2012

2/3 population depend on country to feed them.....sure die....print how much also not enough.....
global will just crash down from Europe to US to Asia & Spore......

22-08-12, 17:19
Wa so he waited for 7 yrs in total?? The opportunity cost and rental cost might not be enough to cover his 50% he expected le....furthermore, maybe in the end only drop 10%. :p
Wa, big lugi...:doh:
Moron king of all...:2cents: :scared-2:

That's why.

Besides short, his brain also shorted. :rolleyes:

22-08-12, 17:19
all the stupid moron...continue to waste your time & talk lies & personal attack....that is all shameless rubbish can do....
all these useless human rubbish......

Couldn't agree more :D :D :D

22-08-12, 17:22
Couldn't agree more :D :D :D
Can someone help to scotch tape the parrot please. :tongue3:

22-08-12, 17:37
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views. Instead, a handful of them enjoy making personal judgements (some even traded insults) on Mr B on his so call bad investment decisions. Of course, this provoke strong and unpleasant responses from Mr B.

Objectively, Mr B's past investment decisions (be it true or untrue) are not reievalent to this thread. We should focus on any flaw in the articles or put up opposing articles to support a bull market instead.

This thread is rather refreshing minus the personal attacks traded toward each party. Hopefully, good common sense will prevail and we could all enjoy this thread. We are our own worst enemies.

22-08-12, 17:56
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views. Instead, a handful of them enjoy making personal judgements (some even traded insults) on Mr B on his so call bad investment decisions. Of course, this provoke strong and unpleasant responses from Mr B.

Objectively, Mr B's past investment decisions (be it true or untrue) are not reievalent to this thread. We should focus on any flaw in the articles or put up opposing articles to support a bull market instead.

This thread is rather refreshing minus the personal attacks traded toward each party. Hopefully, good common sense will prevail and we could all enjoy this thread. We are our own worst enemies.

Couldn't agree more


22-08-12, 17:57
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views. Instead, a handful of them enjoy making personal judgements (some even traded insults) on Mr B on his so call bad investment decisions. Of course, this provoke strong and unpleasant responses from Mr B.

Objectively, Mr B's past investment decisions (be it true or untrue) are not reievalent to this thread. We should focus on any flaw in the articles or put up opposing articles to support a bull market instead.

This thread is rather refreshing minus the personal attacks traded toward each party. Hopefully, good common sense will prevail and we could all enjoy this thread. We are our own worst enemies.

Mr B posting of article all copy and paste from Zero Hedge or other bear sources ... already a very biased source of information to begin with ...what is the point of countering those articles when market has factored in all information + insiders news that Mr B won't know :p

Market is the one that passes the final judgement, bull camp just needs to show that property price still going up .... that's all

Market is always right except at the peak or bottom :p

22-08-12, 18:37
"I don't know if they (China) will grow 7 percent. Why can't they grow 2 or 3 percent?," he said. "Two percent is more than fine. The rest of the world is declining," Jim Rogers said.
"If China grows 2 percent, everyone will be flocking to China, including me," he added.

:p very true

22-08-12, 18:44
Mr B posting of article all copy and paste from Zero Hedge or other bear sources ... already a very biased source of information to begin with ...what is the point of countering those articles when market has factored in all information + insiders news that Mr B won't know :p

Market is the one that passes the final judgement, bull camp just needs to show that property price still going up .... that's all

Market is always right except at the peak or bottom :p

Couldn't agree more.. :D

22-08-12, 18:51
Mr B posting of article all copy and paste from Zero Hedge or other bear sources ... already a very biased source of information to begin with ...what is the point of countering those articles when market has factored in all information + insiders news that Mr B won't know :p

Market is the one that passes the final judgement, bull camp just needs to show that property price still going up .... that's all

Market is always right except at the peak or bottom :p

hahaaaa....real stupid moron.....this is bear thread, of course post bear view.....you rrally btainless retarded......

what is biased? yours is not biased?? slap your own face......

said 100x here....you are buying future, NOT now or past.....you dare to buy now??.....real moron.....1 lot of capitaland also dare not buy to hold till 2015, shout nonsense........

22-08-12, 18:53
鲁比尼:欧元区早解体早解脱 否则浪费数万亿欧元

roubini...is better for Euro to dissolve asap than wasted another few 10 Euro trillion along the way...
drag & buy time need to pay wan...it will pull back another 10-20 yrs of time.....

22-08-12, 18:55
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead... [/B]

NB!! Simply answer!!
The Bears are consistently putting up "cut & paste" articles, cos both had sold off everything including the roof over their head since 2008 & gone into rental lah...

To support their belief.. needs to support from 2008 Luxus Hill 1.6-mil.. support till now Luxus Hills 2.9-mil.. support for so so long one meh!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:


Believe it or not, Singapore is mature market and we will see the correction soon. The current sky-high prices make Spore less competitive in attracting foreigners on which our economy heavily relies. What should government do to attract more talents? You got the answer.

22-08-12, 18:58
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views. Instead, a handful of them enjoy making personal judgements (some even traded insults) on Mr B on his so call bad investment decisions. Of course, this provoke strong and unpleasant responses from Mr B.

Objectively, Mr B's past investment decisions (be it true or untrue) are not reievalent to this thread. We should focus on any flaw in the articles or put up opposing articles to support a bull market instead.

This thread is rather refreshing minus the personal attacks traded toward each party. Hopefully, good common sense will prevail and we could all enjoy this thread. We are our own worst enemies.

fair statemet....unlike those rubish...depend on name calling, personal attack & lies only......forever....

no proof, shout lies, mocking....that is all they do...contribute nothing....

personal. mocking...who don'tkow.....I can be more personal & mocking if they want.....since they started it......

all these rubbish fools......

22-08-12, 18:59
WikiLeaks Cable: “Systemic Insolvency Is Now The Problem, Global Bank Bailout Needed”
August 20th, 2012

total financial system collapse & >50% of global banks bankrupt on the way.....in next 1-3 yrs.......

22-08-12, 19:03
Bill Murphy – JP Morgan Is FINISHED!
August 21st, 2012

another lehman is making...this sept?? like lehman in 2008 sept??.....
be patient, will come....global>50% of banks will bankrupt due to bad debt, including spore.......

22-08-12, 19:05
Spain Faces A Huge Repayment Crunch In October
August 21st, 2012

no way to pay back for spain in Oct...but we may not need to wait till Oct....

22-08-12, 19:20
China getting ready to float honest GOLD BACKED currency, Banksters getting ready to soil their pants! Dollar collapse now inevitable soon!!!!
August 21st, 2012

this will be super nice......be patient....US is scared now....
reversed of QE will be fast & furious if button press.....
also wait patient only for romney....for FED & bernanke.....

22-08-12, 19:24
China getting ready to float honest GOLD BACKED currency, Banksters getting ready to soil their pants! Dollar collapse now inevitable soon!!!!
August 21st, 2012

this will be super nice......be patient....US is scared now....
reversed of QE will be fast & furious if button press.....
also wait patient only for romney....for FED & bernanke.....

China getting ready to float honest GOLD BACKED currency, Banksters getting ready to soil their pants! Dollar collapse now inevitable soon!!!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

22-08-12, 19:26
fair statemet....unlike those rubish...depend on name calling, personal attack & lies only......forever....

no proof, shout lies, mocking....that is all they do...contribute nothing....

personal. mocking...who don'tkow.....I can be more personal & mocking if they want.....since they started it......

all these rubbish fools......

Sad but true :D :D :D

22-08-12, 19:50
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views.

You are kidding , are you ?
In the beginning of this thread, ppl try to reason with him with real hard facts. For example when he announced "china pty market crashed 40%" or something like that, ppl counter with fact that the released data is 0.5%. When he "predicted" with so much certainty that market will crash by this by then, "Chinese new year", "September", etc, ppl showed him hard numbers all went up not down. With all these, not only he totally ignored the hard fact, he shouted at ppl with all sorts of vulgarity and curses. He has absolutely no intention to engage in any serious or meaningful discussion at all. Even the nicest person lost patience with him. And it is so clear all he wanted to do here is to shout.

I post this here not about him, but for you. I have 0 interest to engage in any discussion with him. But for you, with such blatant facts in front of you, and u still found his posting style "acceptable"? Now u know why ppl suspect you are another alter ego of him ?

22-08-12, 20:04
fair statemet....unlike those rubish...depend on name calling, personal attack & lies only......forever....

no proof, shout lies, mocking....that is all they do...contribute nothing....

personal. mocking...who don'tkow.....I can be more personal & mocking if they want.....since they started it......

all these rubbish fools......

:D father and son.

22-08-12, 20:12
I have observed that the Bears are consistently putting up articles to support their belief about a possible negative market ahead. On the other hand, the Bulls did not put up any effort to support their opposing views. Instead, a handful of them enjoy making personal judgements (some even traded insults) on Mr B on his so call bad investment decisions. Of course, this provoke strong and unpleasant responses from Mr B.

Objectively, Mr B's past investment decisions (be it true or untrue) are not reievalent to this thread. We should focus on any flaw in the articles or put up opposing articles to support a bull market instead.

This thread is rather refreshing minus the personal attacks traded toward each party. Hopefully, good common sense will prevail and we could all enjoy this thread. We are our own worst enemies.
Obviously you are not fair in your observation. Did you read every posts from page1 till now?

Fact 1
How many lies have Ah B twisted into facts? Go check it out by reading all the posts.
How many times he shouted abuses at others?
How many times he insulted others?
How many times he wanted to screw others' family members?

Fact 2
You believe the credibility of his posts for someone who has been banned multiple times in other forums? Where is his credibility?

Fact 3
He changed his position from bull to bear in year 2008. Everything he said turn 180 suddenly. It's pretty obvious what has happened.

Fact 4
Some of his bad news are about WWIII coming, SARS, Flu. He is so happy that people will suffers and jump down or hang themselves

So are you a clone of Ah B?

22-08-12, 20:39
hahaaaa....real stupid moron.....this is bear thread, of course post bear view.....you rrally btainless retarded......

what is biased? yours is not biased?? slap your own face......

said 100x here....you are buying future, NOT now or past.....you dare to buy now??.....real moron.....1 lot of capitaland also dare not buy to hold till 2015, shout nonsense........

A bear thread? Is there such a thing call bear thread in a forum?
In a public forum like this, everyone has the right to post their opinions. As a TS, you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting.

Do you understand young boy?

22-08-12, 20:45
A bear thread? Is there such a thing call bear thread in a forum?
In a public forum like this, everyone has the right to post their opinions. As a TS, you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting.

Do you understand young boy?

you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting.

Can someone help to scotch tape the this parrot please :doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

22-08-12, 20:48
Breaking News!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka David Lim in sghouse) & MR SMARIAN actually waited till neck long long over in sghouse (below)since 2008!! Both are actually the Useless Followers of KING OF ALL FAILURES MR DIVA !!

The pioneers there told me.. his tactics is to use different ID.. post in CNA.. thereafter, go sghouse & use another ID say taken from CNA.. thereafter again go another forum use another ID say taken from here & there..
But actually take here & take there.. all taking from his own posting!! Is really scare!!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Wow!! That's really scary!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:


22-08-12, 20:53
Wow!! That's really scary!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:


Wow that's really scary :doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

22-08-12, 20:54
you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting.

Can someone help to scotch tape the this parrot please :doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

Don't steal my line parrot. :tongue3:

22-08-12, 20:57
Don't steal my line parrot. :tongue3:

you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting. :doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

22-08-12, 21:04
:expert: looks like we have a retired politician here.

22-08-12, 21:07
Bill Murphy – JP Morgan Is FINISHED!
August 21st, 2012

another lehman is making...this sept?? like lehman in 2008 sept??.....
be patient, will come....global>50% of banks will bankrupt due to bad debt, including spore.......

Bill Murphy – JP Morgan Is FINISHED!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

22-08-12, 22:00
you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting. :doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

As expected, parrot only know how to mimic human speech. :D:D:D

22-08-12, 22:07
As expected, parrot only know how to mimic human speech. :D:D:D

you have no rights or authority to stop people from posting.:doh: :doh: :doh:
:D :D :D

22-08-12, 22:13
Best thing to do is to boycott this thread.

22-08-12, 22:13
I have been waiting for the 50% sale and lots of people jump + firesale as quoted by Mr B.

Although increasing impatient after the very long wait. :doh:
but hasn't seen any massive jumping nor firesale

22-08-12, 22:43
I have been waiting for the 50% sale and lots of people jump + firesale as quoted by Mr B.

Although increasing impatient after the very long wait. :doh:
but hasn't seen any massive jumping nor firesale

3 more years..:cool:

22-08-12, 22:43
I have been waiting for the 50% sale and lots of people jump + firesale as quoted by Mr B.

Although increasing impatient after the very long wait. :doh:
but hasn't seen any massive jumping nor firesale
NB! MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B been saying tons of it.. Just ask sure can get.. But he himself can't even find one that is cheaper by 20% as compare to last Oct 2011 transaction.. So you think you can find meh!! :D

22-08-12, 23:15
Thank you for leading me to where Mr B's err.

If he is indeed not worth engaging, then ignore him. I got nasty responses from a particular guy here and I simply ignore him. Had I chose to engage him, I would surely get hurt.

We are not here to try to convince people or to conform others.

If someone indeed twist and turn, wonder why we still want to actively engage him or even bother to prove him wrong? He is simply not worthy of your effort. In fact, engaging him should be the last thing any wise guy should do. Interestingly, the Bulls are persistently trying a dig at him. If this is the choice, then be prepare for the ugly things.

I enjoy reading the negative postings to have a balance views of the things I read elsewhere.

The worst thing that could happen in a forum is the formation of "group think" which the PAP is trying hard to disband and still without much success.

There is no reason for me to support Mr B or anyone else here. I never ever engage him at all simply because I know where he is coming from and I choose to leave him alone while I enjoy my readings. I only engage with fourmers who stay objective and remain polite despite differring views.

22-08-12, 23:56
Reading this thread is a big mistake!
I am still waiting for the property prices to drop 50%! Wait very long already still no sight, not even drop 10%! :banghead:
Now my friend hit my head and ask me to wake up my idea! Drop 50%? Don't buy now and you see prices up go another >30% to 2017!

Thank you for leading me to where Mr B's err.

If he is indeed not worth engaging, then ignore him. I got nasty responses from a particular guy here and I simply ignore him. Had I chose to engage him, I would surely get hurt.

We are not here to try to convince people or to conform others.

If someone indeed twist and turn, wonder why we still want to actively engage him or even bother to prove him wrong? He is simply not worthy of your effort. In fact, engaging him should be the last thing any wise guy should do. Interestingly, the Bulls are persistently trying a dig at him. If this is the choice, then be prepare for the ugly things.

I enjoy reading the negative postings to have a balance views of the things I read elsewhere.

The worst thing that could happen in a forum is the formation of "group think" which the PAP is trying hard to disband and still without much success.

There is no reason for me to support Mr B or anyone else here. I never ever engage him at all simply because I know where he is coming from and I choose to leave him alone while I enjoy my readings. I only engage with fourmers who stay objective and remain polite despite differring views.

23-08-12, 00:10
It not about whether he is worth engaging or not, it's rather people must be responsible for what they post and say. The number of irresponsible postings are now very rampant especially on social media and forums. :doh: :doh:

23-08-12, 06:49

stupid moronic liar...who started all the insult, abuse....read from beginning of this thread, proof is all there, all the rubbish bulls started it...because all of you are overleveraged in property....worry & stressful....cannot rely on views, knowlegde, information & analysis to talk....all rely on personal attack, name calling, mocking & lies to shout & hooligan act now......that is all, all of you can do now & do it everyday....

as I said since all of you started all personal & mocking, I have warned you because I can't stop you, so I will shout at your family members if you continue.....you should responsible....

no judge & police in cyber space...that is all I can do....

I turn from bull to bear from 2008?? I did not make a single post in 2009, 2010 till Nov/2011, so in between am I bull or bear?? you are just a liar....you twist & turn & distort all the time....then finger point at me....mosr shameless rubbish here...forever argue....that is why I ignore, but need to rebute if not all will believe a lie to be true....real shameless rubbish.....

whatever I post, you can take it as warning if you like.......

I have said many time, this is a bear thread, bulls here already showed your desperation......yet everyday here day & night to post al personal rubbish.....

post your view, information & analysis here....stop all personal stuff...if you continue as I said, I can be more personal since all of you start again.....then involve your family, you must responsible.......

23-08-12, 06:54
China getting ready to float honest GOLD BACKED currency, Banksters getting ready to soil their pants! Dollar collapse now inevitable soon!!!!
August 21st, 2012

this will be super nice......be patient....US is scared now....
reversed of QE will be fast & furious if button press.....
also wait patient only for romney....for FED & bernanke.....

Heard The Rumour China Is Buying 6,000 Tonnes Of Gold? It May Not Be As Crazy As It Sounds
August 20th, 2012

叶檀:人民币出现疲软态势 3万亿外汇储备靠不住

23-08-12, 06:55
UBS: The corporate recovery could be ending
August 20th, 2012

those company result posted by morons are shouting rubbish profit...their debt is surging much faster than profit....all will be crashing down as above......

Texas Instruments 2Q profit tumbles, outlook weak

Cisco to lay off 1,300 employees in latest cutback


Netflix Plunges After Cutting Q3 Outlook, Sees Q4 Loss


CFO SURVEY – US Public Companies LIE On Earnings Reports
July 24th, 2012

ZNGA Earning Miss, Cut Outlook, Shares -33%

July 25th, 2012

23-08-12, 09:09
It not about whether he is worth engaging or not, it's rather people must be responsible for what they post and say. The number of irresponsible postings are now very rampant especially on social media and forums. :doh: :doh:

No wonder MR B kena hamtam jialet jialet by more & more ppl with ALL the misleading post, even right from the start of his first post.. title alone already misleading ppl.. Very Irresponsible!!

His intention is very clear.. So don't come & tell ppl here what sh!t.. "I enjoy reading the negative postings by MR B to have a balance views of the things I read elsewhere."

I will only respect ppl who admit that they had MISSED THE BOAT.. openly start a thread to seek advice & for a discussion..

China property price in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen & all major cities have been plunging down in last 1-2 months, down 20-50%, many developers are cutting price to raise fund as their cash flow dry up, there is no other channels to borrow now, banks, stock market, bonds are all shut, only black market lending at 100% interest/yr which some developers has no choice...with such price cutting, response is still no good, volume is still very low, instead many earlier buyers return their units to developers as before completion, already see 30-40% price down, so many riots & unrest in china now on such cases....situation in china property will get worse in next few months as china govt already said, cooling measures for property will not lift, no loosen of credit in property market in next 12 months, govt want to see property price down to affordable level.....

Same to HK, property price already down 15-20% in last 1-2 month, many chinese dump their property in HK to channel funds back to China due to tight credit control in china. Also due to bad experience of 1996/7, many sold recently at 5-10% below buying price in 1996/7, they do not want to go thru' the hardship period of last 15/16 yrs, working for life to pay off housing debt. Negative asset in HK in last 1 month already raised to 2000 cases, the number will keep increasing in coming months with property price continuing to drop due to global debt crisis, trade war, no demand, tight liquidity, rate hike, job retrenchment & deteriorate situation.

Spore too, many developers already giving discount of 15-20% to get rid of their holding as they know, the later they get out, lost will be higher. Resale owners down price more than developers in order to let go their units as tons of sellers out there, >150,000 units now in the market for sales, no buyers now due to property is illiquid investment, any collapse of economy in PIIGS in Europe or further downgrade of USA this month or China local govt debt or Japan debt will immediately turn the world into double dip recession, domino effect to pull whole world down to standstill economy.

23-08-12, 09:35
Financial And War Crisis Ahead – John Xenakis
August 21st, 2012

no country in the world is going to spare...spore property will hit hard.....
later this yr & next 1-2 yrs.....

23-08-12, 09:40

you kena hantum till whole family.....all stay in rat hole....scre.wed each others, still so happy huh....want more??.....haaaaaaa......real moron....

kena called moron & fool since long ago...admit yourself as a moron....moron hantum smart one??arkk...ark....ark your head lah, moron....hahaa.....

23-08-12, 09:50
Reading this thread is a big mistake!
I am still waiting for the property prices to drop 50%! Wait very long already still no sight, not even drop 10%! :banghead:
Now my friend hit my head and ask me to wake up my idea! Drop 50%? Don't buy now and you see prices up go another >30% to 2017!

From your writing above, am I right to said that actually there are a lot more people reading Mr's B postings and were affected thus the determination to "get even" with him?

Anyone who acted base on information in this forum and got affected had only themselves to blame.

There are plenty of information right here in the cyber space. One must learn to filter what you do not want to read. And obviously, the Bulls must learn to filter Mr B's postings and not expecting Mr B to post what you like to read or what you think is more credible.

People must also learn how to respect your "enemies" in the cyber space. This is a new media and thus many people are still learning or coping to understand the right behaviour to enjoy the cyber space.

You only engage with people you think worthy to. It has nothing to do with what you think what other people should post. It is not for anyone here to measure others' base on your own standard of behaviour. It is for the individual here to decide what you want to filter and who you want to engage with. This is the new media and hope everyone learns to respect the "ruleless" world when you are hitting the button. If you belong to the "black is black" and "white is white" then you should not be engaging in the cyber space.

23-08-12, 10:03
There are plenty of information right here in the cyber space. One must learn to filter what you do not want to read...

I have nothing to filter in this USELESS thread.. cos after reading the 1st posting by MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B.. thereafter almost 99% I didn't bother to read.. so nothing to filter.. :D

I just come here to dump my rubbish in order to help to sustain this USELESS thread.. otherwise it will end up like the one posted by YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN going to close shop soon.. after talk BIG BIG for over 4-yrs.. :D

Believe it or not, Singapore is mature market and we will see the correction soon. The current sky-high prices make Spore less competitive in attracting foreigners on which our economy heavily relies. What should government do to attract more talents? You got the answer.

23-08-12, 10:22
lai liao lai liao, led by Gold ...Chiong ah

Market is bull's best friend :cool:

23-08-12, 10:23
Published August 23, 2012
Sales in luxury property market rebound
But growing number of unsold homes points to further price correction

Mindy Tan

EVEN as investors stream back into the luxury property market, causing sales activity to almost double in the second quarter, further price correction may be in the offing given the growing number of unsold homes.

Of this, 16 per cent (over 600 units) remain unsold, bringing total unsold stock in the prime segment to 12,855 units. This comprised 731 completed units and 12,124 uncompleted ones, half of which are ready to be launched.

Prices for non-landed new sales dipped 5 per cent quarter-on-quarter to $2,374 per square foot in Q1 2012, and slid further to $2,230 psf in Q2.

Reflecting the downtrend in prices, 19 units at Paterson Suites were purchased at an average price of $2,619 psf this year - 10 per cent below last year's $2,915 psf and 15 per cent off the peak price in 2007. A total of 12 units at Orchard View changed hands at an average price of $2,604 psf, down 21 per cent from 2010's peak price, while four transactions at St Regis Residences posted the largest drop of 28 per cent from the peak to $2,228 psf in H1 2012.

nice one......this is like rental market now.....no more money, downgrade to HDB & outskirt condo.....
then CCR start to drop rental & price 30-40%.....attractive again....then outskirt condo will down price by 30-40% to make it competitive again....
such down ward spiral in price & rental is moving on now.....basically is a downgrading like what is happening in rental market now....

if market is strong & they are confident in property why they want to sell below 2007 & 2010 price at this time?? down 21% price….plus another 8% buy/sell transaction cost…almost 30% down….almost all the sale here is sold at lost.......more down to come...don't forget down 33%=up 50%.......

funds start to pull out from asia at a bigger way now....Dow can trade at yr high but SSE at 4 yrs low & HSI is almost 10% below yr high now......liquidity dry up also cause SHIBOR shoot up, investment & factories will also move out at a faster pace soon.......all will crash down......

once perfect storm hit & global economy collapse......this downwards spiral will be super fast & furious.....crashing down instead....
so be patient.....the crash will come...spore property down >50% by 2015 is really nothing.....


23-08-12, 10:29
Mr B even if Paterson suites is down 20% from its peak... u have the money to buy?? ;)

Market is going to chiong soon ... very positive technical signal from GOLD

Gold is at 1661, broken 200d DMA

and how was your Euro short position .. burnt in hell already :p

1.25333 .. yesterday was still at 1.24x right? You stop loss already :D

23-08-12, 10:32
you kena hantum till whole family.....all stay in rat hole....screwed each others, still so happy huh....want more??.....haaaaaaa......real moron....

kena called moron & fool since long ago...admit yourself as a moron....moron hantum smart one??arkk...ark....ark your head lah, moron....hahaa.....

:( You been calling me a moron since Luxus Hills 1.6-mil.. call till now Luxus Hills 2.9-mil.. sigh liao!! :sleep:

Got something new or not!! :D

23-08-12, 10:35
:( You been calling me a moron since Luxus Hills 1.6-mil.. call till now Luxus Hills 2.9-mil.. sigh liao!! :sleep:

Got something new or not!! :D

His scream/shout will be drown in the expectation of QE3:

Hopes for a fresh round of quantitative easing from the Fed were boosted Wednesday when minutes of its last policy meeting were published, IG Markets said in a report.
The minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee meeting three weeks ago showed there was support by "many members" for additional stimulus to the US economy soon unless economic data turns around.
"Having spent the last few months watching from in the stands, QE3 is now sitting on the bench waiting for the call to come on as a last-gasp substitute," the IG report said, referring to a new round of quantitative easing.
"That is how things look this morning after Fed minutes stated that another round of large-scale asset purchases could happen 'fairly soon'."
The minutes said: "Many members judged that additional monetary accommodation would likely be warranted fairly soon unless incoming information pointed to a substantial strengthening in the pace of the recovery."

23-08-12, 10:41
Mr B short position on Euro badly burnt after FOMC minute


23-08-12, 10:43
Mr B even if Paterson suites is down 20% from its peak... u have the money to buy?? ;)

Market is going to chiong soon ... very positive technical signal from GOLD

Gold is at 1661, broken 200d DMA

and how was your Euro short position .. burnt in hell already :p

1.25333 .. yesterday was still at 1.24x right? You stop loss already :D

As I said recently.. I believe that Property price will start to move up at a slightly fast pace starting from Sep/Oct..

23-08-12, 10:48
Baltic dry index below 710. Down 59% since January, Down from 2173 a year ago.
August 22nd, 2012

BDI crash further to 710.....down almost 60% this yr.....down almost 95% from 5 yrs ago....
so no trade at all?? no need to buy material to build for year end festive season...Xmas & new year??...no celebration....many electronics are in huge retrenchment now, no need to build & produce anything??.....
no more order? no business? then better cut jobs fast before cash flow dry up.....banks start to chase for loan before another banks chase 1st....
when PIIGS fall...banks will be super busy.....need to work 7/24 like big ear to chase back bad debt.......coming.....

23-08-12, 10:52
From your writing above, am I right to said that actually there are a lot more people reading Mr's B postings and were affected thus the determination to "get even" with him?

Anyone who acted base on information in this forum and got affected had only themselves to blame.

There are plenty of information right here in the cyber space. One must learn to filter what you do not want to read. And obviously, the Bulls must learn to filter Mr B's postings and not expecting Mr B to post what you like to read or what you think is more credible.

People must also learn how to respect your "enemies" in the cyber space. This is a new media and thus many people are still learning or coping to understand the right behaviour to enjoy the cyber space.

You only engage with people you think worthy to. It has nothing to do with what you think what other people should post. It is not for anyone here to measure others' base on your own standard of behaviour. It is for the individual here to decide what you want to filter and who you want to engage with. This is the new media and hope everyone learns to respect the "ruleless" world when you are hitting the button. If you belong to the "black is black" and "white is white" then you should not be engaging in the cyber space.

most of the reader here owns a property or two. Mr.B came here empty handed by shouting and calling property price down, deliberately he wants to offend the people and ask for trouble.

you have been defending him all this while, we truly believe there's a backer behind all this doing. this thread binds a hidden agenda.

we are all ready to fight back to beat such an idiot. no easy way for you Mr.B.

23-08-12, 10:54
sure...will short when time is right....I said before, Apple will drop to US$80 by 2015.......
only fool buy this rubbish at this price.......
shorted a small position of Euro this morning...although based on chart tomorrow is a better time....no problem...

did not read my earlier post.....best time to short is tonight after Tues negate.....already took profit of 30 pips last night around 8.30pm.....If you can read chart.....yesterday reach around 8.30-9pm already totally no strength to go further down anymore.........will short again tonight....

if you want to make noise as I did not log in here last night....can take it as I still hold, just a small position & only 50 pips....no big deal....it will plunge down from tonight as what I have said yesterday.......next week will have profit to take, no problem....

23-08-12, 10:58

sure have money to buy....but only moron buy now......

you are real moron....said 1000x here, no 2015, no buy......your memory must be shorted........

above post explain my Euro.....30 pips profit instead.....

23-08-12, 11:08
most of the reader here owns a property or two. Mr.B came here empty handed by shouting and calling property price down, deliberately he wants to offend the people and ask for trouble.

you have been defending him all this while, we truly believe there's a backer behind all this doing. this thread binds a hidden agenda.

we are all ready to fight back to beat such an idiot. no easy way for you Mr.B.

You are thinking too deeply. There is no backer nor any agenda. This is the cyber space.

Take a step back and you will realise that there are also many people especially first-timers who have not bought any property and participate in this forum. If base on your thinking, this group of people should also bring down hard on people who continue to "shout" about the continuous rise in property price?

It is also absurd to suggest that anyone who support Mr B are in the same situation as him.

This is the new media and we all should learn how to manage it to enjoy the cyber space.

23-08-12, 11:12
Bears will be killed by QE3

23-08-12, 11:13
Global demand has been shrinking fast. So far this week it has been reported that export businesses have been getting worse for Asian economies Taiwan, Japan and China.


China HSBC Flash PMI at 9-Month Low, New Export Orders Sink

Published: Wednesday, 22 Aug 2012 | 10:39 PM ET
By: Reuters

China's factory activity in August shrank at its fastest pace in nine months as new export orders slumped and inventories rose, a signal that a persistent slowdown in economic growth has extended deeper into the third quarter.

The HSBC Flash China manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) fell to 47.8 in August, its lowest level since November, from 49.5 in July.

After hovering for several months just under the 50 mark that divides expansion from contraction, the index is now at levels rarely seen since the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.

The survey provides an early peek at data for August, as well as an indication that a pick-up in economic growth may not have taken root as anticipated.

The new export orders sub-index at 44.7 - the worst showing since March 2009 - provides particularly bearish reading.

A sharp drop in China's official producer price index in July, which marked the fifth straight month of producer price deflation, was also reflected in the HSBC survey. It showed a sub-index measuring factory input prices at its lowest level since March 2009.

The flash PMI also showed inventories piling up.

"Weaker-than-expected sales contributed to a further rise in holdings of finished goods at manufacturers' plants," Markit Economics, which conducted the survey, wrote in a note.

The HSBC PMI has been below 50 for 10 straight months, reinforcing calls from analysts and investors for further measures from Beijing to support economic growth.

China is loathe to unleash a massive stimulus package as it did in 2008. Instead, it has chosen to open more sectors to private capital to help fund new investment projects.

"Deeper-than-expected euro area recession and hesitation in domestic policy easing may prolong the destocking process," Citi Asia Economics wrote on Tuesday.

The flash PMI is based on 85-90 percent of total PMI survey responses, set to be published in full on Sept 3.


HSBC's flash employment sub-index was unchanged from June, when it had registered its lowest level since March 2009, the point at which China began to pull out of the trough of the global financial crisis.

Falling demand from debt-ridden Europe - China's single biggest export market - has put the Chinese economy under pressure.

Government data showed July exports rose just 1 percent from a year earlier and that new loans were at a 10-month low. Factory output rose at its lowest pace in three years and pricing power faded.

That raised the specter of a seventh straight quarter of slowing growth in July-September, after the second-quarter expanded 7.6 percent from a year earlier, only just above Beijing's official 7.5 percent target.

The prospect of unemployed workers taking to the streets is a top worry for China's ruling Communist Party, particularly ahead of a once-in-a-decade leadership transition this autumn.

However, unemployment levels have not yet come close to those of the winter of 2008-2009. At least 20 million jobs were lost in export-oriented coastal provinces when global trade ground to a halt then. Some estimates put the total as high as 40 million.

Analysts broadly believe a headline PMI of 48 is consistent with manufacturing output strong enough to deliver the jobs growth that China's government needs to absorb millions of new graduates and rural migrant workers each year.

China has been "fine tuning" policies to keep growth on track without releasing curbs on the property sector. Some cash-strapped municipalities that have tried to loosen curbs unilaterally have been forced to retreat.

Instead, Beijing has fast-tracked fiscal spending on key projects, cut the amount of cash banks must keep as reserves to free an estimated 1.2 trillion yuan for lending ($190 billion) and, in the space of four weeks in June and July, twice lowered benchmark lending rates.

Analysts polled by Reuters expect one more cut to interest rates of 25 basis points and 100 bps of cuts in banks' required reserve ratios by the end of the year.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions (http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/media/brand_guidelines/legal_notice/).

23-08-12, 11:15


Jim Roger told Zhou Xiao Chuan......cut rate & RRR are big mistake to china....keep credit tight is the right way to do....sure, this is definitely right....
anyway...china SHIBOR shoot up so high...RMB is plunging down now, china is worrying, if cut rate, RMB will be crashing down fast.....so will not cut anything....
funds are flowing out fast....SSE liquidity dry up at 4 yrs low now...more to go, will go below 2000 soon....
no demand.....low RMB also no business....don't waste time...instead inflation shoot up with weak RMB will kill as unemployment shoot up now.....last few days big news in china is Motorola & Daphne retrenchment in Beijing & Shanghai.....huge retrenchment on the way now......

23-08-12, 11:16
Global demand has been shrinking fast. So far this week it has been reported that export businesses have been getting worse for Asian economies Taiwan, Japan and China.

Already factored into the market, so what? Everybody'f focus now is QE3.

23-08-12, 11:17
Mr B posting of article all copy and paste from Zero Hedge or other bear sources ... already a very biased source of information to begin with ...what is the point of countering those articles when market has factored in all information + insiders news that Mr B won't know :p

Market is the one that passes the final judgement, bull camp just needs to show that property price still going up .... that's all

Market is always right except at the peak or bottom :p

You either ignore him or let others know the sources of his postings which you did now. So, isn't this what a good forum should be?

I have no issue with such counter postings. It is healthy and much encouraged.

23-08-12, 11:17
Bulls will be slaugtered nakedly

Gary Shilling – The Fed Cant Fix Anything, Their Paper Shuffling – Fed Has To Show They’re Doing Something
August 22nd, 2012

sure....FED can't fix anything...only crash economy eventually....
If print can solve problem, then no economy problem in this world today...print=robbing....if rob can solve, then go ahead & rob....
If debt make rate cannot go up like Japan.....then country is dying in natural death eventually......US stupid?? they dare?? U turn soon....

china stop printing like 2009, US dare to QE?? If china go for gold backed currency....US & US$ gone....
currency war already started....very nice...anyone dies is good enough.....Euro will be gone 1st.......

23-08-12, 11:20
Mr B ... you cannot deny that Japan managed to stay at near zero rate for 20+years ... so can US Fed

if US Fed is like Japan ... your FD rate will forever stay at near zero unless MAS changes its peg

It does not solve the problem of course, but no major recession, no depression, just limping along :p

23-08-12, 11:24

China’s Manufacturing May Contract at Faster Pace in August

By Bloomberg News - Aug 23, 2012 10:53 AM GMT+0800

China (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china/)’s manufacturing may contract at a faster pace in August, a private survey showed, signaling more monetary and fiscal stimulus may be needed to secure a second-half rebound in economic growth.

The preliminary reading was 47.8 for a purchasing managers’ index (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/EC11CHPM:IND) released today by HSBC Holdings Plc and Markit Economics, after July’s final 49.3 figure. If confirmed, it would be the weakest level since November and extend to 10 months the longest run of readings below the expansion-contraction dividing line of 50 in the index’s eight-year history.

Today’s data underscores risks that growth (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CNGDPYOY:IND) in the world’s second-biggest economy may slow for a seventh quarter, pushing the government to step up stimulus after two interest-rate cuts and accelerated investment approvals. Central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/zhou-xiaochuan/) yesterday said further rate adjustments can’t be ruled out while Shen Danyang, a Commerce Ministry spokesman, said last week that China’s trade situation will be “more grim” in the second half.

“Chinese producers are still struggling with strong global headwinds,” said Qu Hongbin (http://topics.bloomberg.com/qu-hongbin/), Hong Kong-based chief China economist for HSBC, said in a statement. “To achieve the stated policy goal of stabilizing growth and the jobs market, Beijing must step up policy easing to lift infrastructure investment in the coming months.”

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index of stocks fell after the release, down 0.4 percent as of 10:37 a.m. local time.

Export Growth

China’s export growth collapsed to 1 percent in July from a year earlier after an 11.3 percent gain in June, while industrial production and lending missed economists’ forecasts, data released earlier this month showed.

China Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group Holdings Ltd. (1101) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/1101:HK), the country’s largest shipbuilder outside state control, this week reported an 82 percent drop in first-half profit and said it received orders for two vessels in the first half compared with 24 a year earlier.

Cotton consumption in China may shrink 11 percent this year as demand falters, Zhang Hongxia, chairman of Hong Kong-listed Weiqiao Textile Co. (2698) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/2698:HK), China’s largest cotton-textile maker, said in an interview this week. “The Chinese economy is only at the beginning of a harsh winter,” Zhang said.

The preliminary reading, called the Flash PMI, is based on 85 percent to 90 percent of responses to a survey of more than 420 companies, according to HSBC. The final figure for August will be released Sept. 3.

Government Index

The government’s own index (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CPMINDX:IND), due Sept. 1, had a July reading of 50.1, the weakest in eight months, and down from 50.2 in June.

A separate report today showed that a leading index for China’s economy (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china%27s-economy/) rose in July after a little-changed June reading, according to the Conference Board, a New York-based research group.

Foreign direct investment in China declined 8.7 percent in July from a year earlier to $7.58 billion, the eighth drop in nine months and the smallest inflow since July 2010, a report last week showed. Chinese financial institutions sold a net 3.8 billion yuan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/yuan/) ($600 million) of foreign currency in July, indicating capital outflows as property curbs and export weakness slow growth and the yuan weakens.

Rising property prices are complicating the government’s efforts to add stimulus. China’s new-home prices advanced in the largest number of cities in 14 months in July after interest- rate cuts and incentives for first-time buyers.

--Zhou Xin. Editors: Scott Lanman, Nerys Avery

To contact the reporter on this story: Xin Zhou in Beijing at [email protected] ([email protected])

23-08-12, 11:24
Gold ...1663USD now

China is very smart, it can afford not to print because it knows US will print ... very very very smart :cheers5:

Russians also buy gold like no tomorrow

23-08-12, 11:29
Mr B ... you cannot deny that Japan managed to stay at near zero rate for 20+years ... so can US Fed

if US Fed is like Japan ... your FD rate will forever stay at near zero unless MAS changes its peg

It does not solve the problem of course, but no major recession, no depression, just limping along :p

sure.....Japan property also down 90% in last 20 yrs & NIkkei down 85% in last 20yrs....no way to rebound totally...wait to die, that is all....

why?? heart is stopped only rely on machine to survive......
once Yen crash down hard.....it can't hike rate to push up Yen because of debt......iluminati just turn off the machine, Japan is death......Spore want to go Japan way, go ahead........

23-08-12, 11:31
My friend has finally bought a resale unit recently after renting for about a year. Not too happy with money going into landlord's pocket. Just rented my place yesterday with an increased rental rate of 20%. Got another call this morning from an agent with a foreign couple looking for a unit to rent. There is still rental demand.

23-08-12, 11:33

China’s Manufacturing May Contract at Faster Pace in August

By Bloomberg News - Aug 23, 2012 10:53 AM GMT+0800

China (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china/)’s manufacturing may contract at a faster pace in August, a private survey showed, signaling more monetary and fiscal stimulus may be needed to secure a second-half rebound in economic growth.

The preliminary reading was 47.8 for a purchasing managers’ index (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/EC11CHPM:IND) released today by HSBC Holdings Plc and Markit Economics, after July’s final 49.3 figure. If confirmed, it would be the weakest level since November and extend to 10 months the longest run of readings below the expansion-contraction dividing line of 50 in the index’s eight-year history.

Today’s data underscores risks that growth (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CNGDPYOY:IND) in the world’s second-biggest economy may slow for a seventh quarter, pushing the government to step up stimulus after two interest-rate cuts and accelerated investment approvals. Central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/zhou-xiaochuan/) yesterday said further rate adjustments can’t be ruled out while Shen Danyang, a Commerce Ministry spokesman, said last week that China’s trade situation will be “more grim” in the second half.

“Chinese producers are still struggling with strong global headwinds,” said Qu Hongbin (http://topics.bloomberg.com/qu-hongbin/), Hong Kong-based chief China economist for HSBC, said in a statement. “To achieve the stated policy goal of stabilizing growth and the jobs market, Beijing must step up policy easing to lift infrastructure investment in the coming months.”

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index of stocks fell after the release, down 0.4 percent as of 10:37 a.m. local time.

Export Growth

China’s export growth collapsed to 1 percent in July from a year earlier after an 11.3 percent gain in June, while industrial production and lending missed economists’ forecasts, data released earlier this month showed.

China Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group Holdings Ltd. (1101) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/1101:HK), the country’s largest shipbuilder outside state control, this week reported an 82 percent drop in first-half profit and said it received orders for two vessels in the first half compared with 24 a year earlier.

Cotton consumption in China may shrink 11 percent this year as demand falters, Zhang Hongxia, chairman of Hong Kong-listed Weiqiao Textile Co. (2698) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/2698:HK), China’s largest cotton-textile maker, said in an interview this week. “The Chinese economy is only at the beginning of a harsh winter,” Zhang said.

The preliminary reading, called the Flash PMI, is based on 85 percent to 90 percent of responses to a survey of more than 420 companies, according to HSBC. The final figure for August will be released Sept. 3.

Government Index

The government’s own index (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CPMINDX:IND), due Sept. 1, had a July reading of 50.1, the weakest in eight months, and down from 50.2 in June.

A separate report today showed that a leading index for China’s economy (http://topics.bloomberg.com/china%27s-economy/) rose in July after a little-changed June reading, according to the Conference Board, a New York-based research group.

Foreign direct investment in China declined 8.7 percent in July from a year earlier to $7.58 billion, the eighth drop in nine months and the smallest inflow since July 2010, a report last week showed. Chinese financial institutions sold a net 3.8 billion yuan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/yuan/) ($600 million) of foreign currency in July, indicating capital outflows as property curbs and export weakness slow growth and the yuan weakens.

Rising property prices are complicating the government’s efforts to add stimulus. China’s new-home prices advanced in the largest number of cities in 14 months in July after interest- rate cuts and incentives for first-time buyers.

--Zhou Xin. Editors: Scott Lanman, Nerys Avery

To contact the reporter on this story: Xin Zhou in Beijing at ([email protected])[email protected]

If you know what this mean......that means no more order for Xmas & New Year fo year end.....the biggest order season of the yr......30-40% export of the yr??.......

many factories can close shop & many people can go back now for chinese new yr........huge retrenchment, tons of boss can run road......banks can start to chase for bad debt if govt alow them to do.......

23-08-12, 11:37
hahaaaa....still tons of self-claimed in this thread.....real panic & desperate liao.......market really so bad huh....hahaaaaa.......

23-08-12, 11:50
Gold ...1663USD now

China is very smart, it can afford not to print because it knows US will print ... very very very smart :cheers5:

Russians also buy gold like no tomorrow

Central banks from South Korea, The Philippines, Kazakhstan. Russia, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, Ukraine, along with several others bought 157.5 tonnes of gold in Q2. Still buying.

Last night there is news on Philippines gold miners sold to black market instead of to central bank to avoid taxes. The gold eventually went to China and HK.

23-08-12, 11:51
A “perfect storm” is developing: Our weather is going crazy, our financial system is on the verge of collapse, our politicians seem more insane than ever
August 22nd, 2012

last month is warmest July & drought....now is coldest August.....weather ki siao liao....any effect?? sure.......

financial system sure collapse.....in next few weeks, we should know.....
obama should be shot....of course bernanke all these rubbish.....same to global leader today.....

so perfect storm is forming now.....wipe out all nonsense by all these leaders, all overleveraged borrowers & mortgagees will be squeeze to death & bankrupt......coming......

23-08-12, 11:56
Gold ...1663USD now

hahaaaaa......you know gold up meas what??......

High Gold Prices Mean The Risk Of A Sudden And Catastrophic Financial Collapse Is Real
August 22nd, 2012

hahaaaaaaa......all market & financial system collapse....all asset crash real hard......all run road liao.......

23-08-12, 12:00
Why they buy gold?

Think again.

23-08-12, 12:11
Mr B so naive, he thinks gold up can only be financial disaster ... gold up, stock up, USD down simply means QE3 i.e. currency devaluation, inflationary

Spot Gold (100oz)

23-08-12, 12:35
China government is doing the right thing to control property prices, unlikely they will lower interest rate further if US is going to announce QE3, 3y bond yield already recovering to nearly 3% from 2.4% and most property stocks were down in last few weeks to more sustainable level

China Govt Bond Generic Bid Yield 3 Year
GCNY3YR:IND 2.90000 0.04000 +1.40%
As of 08/22/2012.

A hard landing in China property market is avoided :p

23-08-12, 13:28
Originally Posted by Rysk

you kena hantum till whole family.....all stay in rat hole....scre.wed each others, still so happy huh....want more??.....haaaaaaa......real moron....

kena called moron & fool since long ago...admit yourself as a moron....moron hantum smart one??arkk...ark....ark your head lah, moron....hahaa.....

That's a good one :D :D :D

23-08-12, 13:35


23-08-12, 14:00
That's a good one :D :D :D
NB! Say your YOUNG KOK mean YOUNG KOK.. This is nothing to me lah.. Not vulgar enough.. Chicken feet.. Cherrr..:tsk-tsk:.......Yours can't "stand" since 2008.. I oso keep quite..:D

23-08-12, 14:17
H1N1!!!. One lady, 27 die in Malaysia, working in SG. She was sick in Singapore

She is suspected to get H1N1 Virus in Singapore......
how many people contact with her in spore??....
all the morons shouted I spread fear or give warning....
forget it...if you think is bullshyt......end of the yr is the high time...
when SARS back...nobody view property for 6-12 months.....tons of TOP, launching & unsold now....resale even more...by the perfect storm already hit, global market crashing yet no buyes & huge retrenchment, no sales for 6-12 months.....all wipe out totally.....

23-08-12, 14:40
Debt Crisis – Greece Pleads For ‘Room To Breathe’
August 22nd, 2012

August 22nd, 2012

no room to breathe now....going to die or explode very soon.....Citi sees next few weeks to exit.....
that will be super nice....many banks will hit badly....
next will be Spain or Italy......once hit Italy, that is the end road......
situation is real bad in Greece....but nobody care or do anything...just continue to push their stock before button press.....
situation in spain & italy not any better too.....holiday is going to over....real stuff is here....just do it.....

23-08-12, 14:42
...if you think is bullshyt......end of the yr is the high time...
when SARS back...nobody view property for 6-12 months.....tons of TOP, launching & unsold now....resale even more...by the perfect storm already hit, global market crashing yet no buyes & huge retrenchment, no sales for 6-12 months.....all wipe out totally.....

NB!! Your "unsold" talk so many months.. Told u 100x to inform KBW to remove all CM u oso no Lam Pah Chee to tell.. :doh: ...:D

23-08-12, 14:49
NB!! Your "unsold" talk so many months.. Told u 100x to inform KBW to remove all CM u oso no Lam Pah Chee to tell.. :doh: ...:D

Still awaiting no 50% drop in psf no buyyy:

HUNDRED TREES 89 West Coast Drive #07-17 1 137 Strata 1,800,000 13139 1221 10-AUG-2012 Condominium 956 Yrs From 27/05/1928 Uncompleted Sub Sale Private 05 12 128016 West Region Clementi

ONE SHENTON 1 Shenton Way #23-09 1 102 Strata 2,316,780 22714 2110 10-AUG-2012 Apartment 99 Yrs From 14/10/2005 2011 Resale Private 01 06 068803 Central Region Downtown Core

ASPEN HEIGHTS 261 River Valley Road #10-23 1 146 Strata 2,545,020 17432 1619 10-AUG-2012 Condominium 999 Yrs From 01/07/1841 1998 Resale HDB 09 23 238307 Central Region River Valley

NASSIM MANSION 40 Nassim Hill #09-40 1 317 Strata 9,800,000 30915 2872 08-AUG-2012 Apartment Freehold 1977 Resale Private 10 25 258474 Central Region Tanglin

THE TRIZON 8 Ridgewood Close #15-14 1 94 Strata 1,838,000 19553 1817 08-AUG-2012 Condominium Freehold 2012 Sub Sale HDB 10 27 276698 Central Region Bukit Timah

WATERFALL GARDENS 12 Farrer Road #09-09 1 170 Strata 3,019,000 17759 1650 08-AUG-2012 Condominium Freehold 2010 Resale Private 10 26 268824 Central Region Tanglin

JEWEL OF BALMORAL 7C Balmoral Park #02-02 1 77 Strata 1,600,000 20779 1930 08-AUG-2012 Apartment Freehold 2000 Resale Private 10 25 259865 Central Region Tanglin

DRAYCOTT EIGHT 10 Draycott Park #05-07 1 269 Strata 6,500,000 24164 2245 08-AUG-2012 Condominium 99 Yrs From 24/10/1997 2005 Resale Private 10 25 259405 Central Region Newton

MARINA COLLECTION 17 Cove Drive #01-23 1 195 Strata 5,877,200 30139 2800 08-AUG-2012 Condominium 99 Yrs From 03/01/2007 2011 Resale HDB 04 09 098329 Central Region Southern Islands

THE CASCADIA 925 Bukit Timah Road #03-10 1 115 Strata 2,215,000 19261 1789 07-AUG-2012 Condominium Freehold 2010 Resale HDB 21 58 589640 Central Region Bukit Timah

MARINA COLLECTION 17 Cove Drive #01-24 1 195 Strata 4,900,000 25128 2334 07-AUG-2012 Condominium 99 Yrs From 03/01/2007 2011 Resale Private 04 09 098329 Central Region Southern Islands

WTFF??????? PARK NATURA 35 Bukit Batok East Avenue 6 #02-12 1 189 Strata 2,268,000 12000 1115 06-AUG-2012 Condominium Freehold 2011 Resale Private 23 65 659765 West Region Bukit Batok

Bbbbasically many pple still dunno how to spell the word "die"?

23-08-12, 15:05
H1N1!!!. One lady, 27 die in Malaysia, working in SG. She was sick in Singapore

She is suspected to get H1N1 Virus in Singapore......
how many people contact with her in spore??....
all the morons shouted I spread fear or give warning....
forget it...if you think is bullshyt......end of the yr is the high time...
when SARS back...nobody view property for 6-12 months.....tons of TOP, launching & unsold now....resale even more...by the perfect storm already hit, global market crashing yet no buyes & huge retrenchment, no sales for 6-12 months.....all wipe out totally.....

wipe u out 1st.

23-08-12, 15:15
wipe u out 1st.

stupid moron......forever personal.....wipe your whole family out lah.....useless rubbish......

23-08-12, 15:23
Biderman’s Daily Edge 8/22/2012 – Don’t Lose Money While Waiting For Market Plunge
August 23rd, 2012

nice one....has to be very patient & firm......once hands itchy like those morons, buy & crash overnight, that is it...all lock in.....even stock, lost can be real huge....
this is how to catch those fools & newbies.....everything looks good once you are in, suddenly all reversal....
down is always faster than up....this is norm....because fear is more impact than greedy....especially for kiasi sporean....
many warning already given by all gurus.....

23-08-12, 15:30
Most violent and vulgar thread and yet still going strong with over 14k postings. Awesome. You're awesome Basically ...still managing to excite and captivate people with your headlines...:scared-4:

23-08-12, 16:02
Most violent and vulgar thread and yet still going strong with over 14k postings. Awesome. You're awesome Basically ...still managing to excite and captivate people with your headlines...:scared-4:

I am equally amaze. the stamina and thee never say die attitude.

Taking a leaf, anyone knows why , even if it shows we are affected, the market is still so robust.

Mr B does have a point in the stock market and the stock been way discounted.

The euro crisis is still there despite the mutiple riots, SG remains strong.

The earning numbers from the local bank seems rather disspointing, yet never tank.

Something or someone MUST be proping the market up. There is no fresh injection of Funds. There is no lifeline like the key to the reserves been used. There is no new Muti billion dollar tender that the market is stroking up to remain resilent. And truth be told, I too have seen many frens sitting at home with no job, while I am still thankful that I still have one.

So what gives?

I am still waiting for the 30 % correction that the Stand chart anaylst gave. I doubt he is going to be invited for another ST inetrview if the numbers are still as robust till Dec.2012


23-08-12, 16:31
Answer is not that difficult ...liquidity and low borrowing rates.
Add (high) inflation and that just pushes people to borrow more aggressively coz it makes sense.

As for stocks, Basically has his points. Most of the 'liquidity' has found it's way to the 'index' stocks and high-dividend yielders. With the normal stocks actually floundering...

Some shifting of this will come when rates START to normalise ...2015 or beyond ... in the meantime lets just enjoy this thread...

I am equally amaze. the stamina and thee never say die attitude.

Taking a leaf, anyone knows why , even if it shows we are affected, the market is still so robust.

Mr B does have a point in the stock market and the stock been way discounted.

The euro crisis is still there despite the mutiple riots, SG remains strong.

The earning numbers from the local bank seems rather disspointing, yet never tank.

Something or someone MUST be proping the market up. There is no fresh injection of Funds. There is no lifeline like the key to the reserves been used. There is no new Muti billion dollar tender that the market is stroking up to remain resilent. And truth be told, I too have seen many frens sitting at home with no job, while I am still thankful that I still have one.

So what gives?

I am still waiting for the 30 % correction that the Stand chart anaylst gave. I doubt he is going to be invited for another ST inetrview if the numbers are still as robust till Dec.2012


23-08-12, 16:46
Demand has been shrinking for German goods and services. The German PMI is now down to a 38-month low back to early 2009 when Germany was battling with the peak of the global financial crisis.


German Private Sector Shrinks for Fourth Month Running

Published: Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | 3:48 AM ET
By: Reuters

Germany's private sector shrank for the fourth month running in August, surveys showed, suggesting Europe's powerhouse economy is feeling the headwinds from the euro zone crisis as orders from abroad for its goods fell at the fastest rate in more than three years.

Markit's composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), measuring activity in both manufacturing and services, slipped to 47.0 in August, according to a flash estimate released on Thursday, below the 50 mark that separates growth from contraction that it crossed in May.

That took the index to a 38-month low reached in early 2009 when Germany, Europe's largest economy, (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48760498) battled with the peak of the global financial crisis, and came as the services sector fell back into contraction.

Both the manufacturing and services indices are now back in shrinking territory and Markit's Rob Dobson said that did not bode well for the currency bloc as a whole.

"What people were hoping was that ongoing German economic strength (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48646805) would aid growth and recovery in the broader euro zone economy. Given these numbers, it looks very much as though a blow is being dealt to that," Dobson said.

"What we've now seen over most of 2012 is that conditions in Germany and France are at best muted and in many cases weakening as we come into the middle of the year," Dobson said.

The index tracking the manufacturing sector rose to 45.1 from 43.0 in August but remained firmly in contraction for the sixth month in a row. Manufacturing export (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48645401/Research_and_Markets_Car_Manufacturing_in_Germany) orders dropped to 39.5, falling at the fastest rate since April 2009.

The services sector PMI, having climbed above 50 in July, retreated to 48.3 in August. It also contracted in June.

Slower German Growth

Germany's "Teflon economy" remained resilient throughout Europe's three-year debt crisis (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48749975) that has hit its peers, which are also major markets for its exports.

But recent data have showed declines in manufacturing and industrial output, imports and exports. Economic growth slowed in the second quarter and key sentiment indicators have threatened contraction if the debt crisis runs unresolved for much longer.

If the German slowdown worsens, that could also affect the willingness of ordinary citizens to contribute to euro zone bailouts, but for now Germany's labor market is still holding up well, wages have risen and inflation is relatively low.

A sub-index tracking employment in Germany's private sector - combining manufacturing and services industries - grew again at 50.5, up from 49.2 in July.

Preliminary data last week showed the economy grew by 0.3 percent in the second quarter, helped by exports to countries outside of Europe, but that was down from 0.5 percent in the first three months.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions (http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/media/brand_guidelines/legal_notice/).

23-08-12, 16:55

Euro-Area Services, Manufacturing Contract for Seventh Month

By Simone Meier - Aug 23, 2012 4:09 PM GMT+0800

Euro-area services and manufacturing output contracted for a seventh straight month in August, adding to signs of a deepening economic slump as European leaders struggle to contain the fiscal crisis.

A composite index (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/ECPMICOU:IND) based on a survey of purchasing managers in both industries in the 17-nation euro area rose to 46.6 from 46.5 in July, London-based Markit Economics said today in an initial estimate. A reading below 50 indicates contraction. Economists had forecast an unchanged reading, the median of 19 estimates in a Bloomberg News survey (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/ECPMICOU:IND) showed.

Europe (http://topics.bloomberg.com/europe/)’s economy may struggle to return to growth as budget cuts from Spain (http://topics.bloomberg.com/spain/) to Ireland undermine consumer demand while companies eliminate jobs to protect earnings. With the fiscal crisis clouding the economic outlook and eroding investor confidence, French President Francois Hollande (http://topics.bloomberg.com/francois-hollande/) and GermanChancellor Angela Merkel (http://topics.bloomberg.com/chancellor-angela-merkel/) will meet in Berlin today.

“The third quarter will be difficult for the euro region with another significant economic contraction overall,” said Christian Lips, an economist at NordLB in Hanover, Germany.“The debt crisis is gradually starting to affect core nations such as Germany, partly by affecting export demand.”

A gauge of euro-area manufacturing (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/PMITMEZ:IND) rose to 45.3 from 44 in July, today’s report showed. An indicator of services output (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/PMITSEZ:IND)slipped to 47.5 from 47.9, Markit said.

‘Bottomless Pit’

European leaders are returning from vacation with agreement still elusive on measures to support Greece (http://topics.bloomberg.com/greece/) and prevent Spain and Italy being shut out of sovereign debt markets. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, who requested a two-year extension of the nation’s fiscal adjustment program, will travel to Berlin tomorrow before heading to Paris.

The sovereign-debt crisis mustn’t become a “bottomless pit” for Germany, even though Europe’s biggest economy would pay the highest price in a breakup of the single-currency bloc, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble (http://topics.bloomberg.com/wolfgang-schaeuble/) said on Aug. 18.“There are limits,” he said, ruling out another Greek aid program.

With investors growing more concerned about a euro breakup, the economy may enter a recession in the current quarter after contracting 0.2 percent in the previous three months. In Germany, Europe’s largest economy, business confidence (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GRIFPBUS:IND) fell more than economists forecast in July to the lowest in more than two years. Euro-area consumer confidence (http://topics.bloomberg.com/consumer-confidence/) probably dropped for a third month in August, a Bloomberg survey shows ahead of a European Commission report at 4 p.m. in Brussels.

Job Cuts

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, the world’s largest maker of luxury cars, on Aug. 1 reported its first drop in quarterly operating profit in almost three years and said the fiscal crisis could cause “the global economic climate to cloud over further.” Hochtief AG (HOT) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/HOT:GR), Germany’s biggest builder, said on Aug. 14 that full-year profit targets have become more challenging.

Euro-area unemployment held at 11.2 percent in June, a record high, with companies from Belgium (http://topics.bloomberg.com/belgium/) to Ireland and Italy cutting jobs to weather the slump. At least six euro member states are in recession, with Greece projected to shrink for a fifth straight year in 2012.

In the U.S., the Federal Open Market Committee (http://topics.bloomberg.com/federal-open-market-committee/) said on Aug. 1 it will pump fresh stimulus if necessary into the weakening economic expansion to boost growth and lower unemployment. The Fed bought $2.3 trillion of mortgage and Treasury debt from 2008 to 2011 in two rounds of so-called quantitative easing, or QE, seeking to cap borrowing costs.

Bond Purchases

Bank of England (http://topics.bloomberg.com/bank-of-england/) Governor Mervyn King (http://topics.bloomberg.com/mervyn-king/) said on Aug. 8 that asset purchases remain the central bank’s main stimulus instrument. The U.K. central bank earlier this month maintained its bond-buying program at 375 billion pounds ($596 billion).

The European Central Bank (http://topics.bloomberg.com/european-central-bank/), which in July cut borrowing costs to a record low of 0.75 percent, said on Aug. 2 that it’s ready to purchase government bonds (http://topics.bloomberg.com/government-bonds/) in tandem with Europe’s rescue funds to fight the turmoil. While Germany’s Der Spiegel reported the central bank’s new program may set yield caps, the ECB responded by saying it’s “misleading to report on decisions which have not yet been taken.”

Germany’s Bundesbank in its monthly report on Aug. 20 stepped up its criticism of the ECB plan, saying any government bond purchases would “entail significant stability risks.”

‘Full-Scale QE’

“For far too long, the ECB has been unable and unwilling to demonstrate that it will stand behind the single currency through thick and thin,” said Michael Derks, chief strategist at FXPro Group Ltd. in London (http://topics.bloomberg.com/london/). “If the ECB does decide to go it alone on this, itself a tall order, it will need to show enormous willing and firepower, or else the market will shred their credibility again very quickly.”

The Frankfurt-based central bank will hold its next policy meeting on Sept. 6 and also publish latest economic projections. In June, it had forecast the euro-area economy to shrink 0.1 percent in 2012 before expanding 1 percent in 2013.

Kit Juckes, head of foreign-exchange research at Societe Generale SA in London, told Ken Prewitt and Kathleen Hays (http://topics.bloomberg.com/kathleen-hays/) onBloomberg Radio (http://topics.bloomberg.com/bloomberg-radio/)’s “Bloomberg Surveillance” on Aug. 20 that if the ECB was able to follow the Fed and engage in “full-scale”QE, they could “at least calm the bond markets down.”

“The ECB has to take the decision at some point that it is going to intervene in bond markets and everything else is secondary,” Andrew Milligan (http://topics.bloomberg.com/andrew-milligan/), head of global strategy at Standard Life Investments Ltd. in Edinburgh told Erik Schatzker (http://topics.bloomberg.com/erik-schatzker/)on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance” on Aug. 20. “All it is doing, is removing the distortion from a couple of bond markets in Europe. On its own, it’s not going to bring the European recession to an end.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Simone Meier in Zurich at [email protected] ([email protected])

23-08-12, 17:16
Shrinking demand, shrinking sales and lower prices from stiff competition resulting in huge losses for HP. The company has been cutting cost to stem losses including large retrenchments of 11,500 people in 2012.


HP books record S$11.1b loss as PC sales slump

Updated 09:02 AM Aug 23, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO - Hewlett-Packard swung to a US$8.9 billion (S$11.1 bil-lion) quarterly loss as personal computer sales shrank again and it swallowed a huge write-down linked to its US$13.9 billion purchase of Electronic Data Systems.

The No 1 PC-maker, which employs more than 300,000 people globally, is undergoing a multi-year restructuring aimed at focusing the sprawling corporation on enterprise services, in the mould of IBM.

The plan calls for reducing its employee base by 8 per cent.

HP will have gone through about half of its targeted job reductions by the end of the fiscal year, HP's Chief Financial Officer Cathie Lesjak said in an interview. The company cut 4,000 jobs in fiscal third quarter and will likely have shorn 11,500 jobs by end of fiscal 2012, she said.

"HP is definitely showing progress in terms of turning around the company," said Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu. "One of the clear signs is a better predictability of earnings."

The company was plagued by poor forecasting during former Chief Executive Leo Apotheker's brief tenure. Current CEO Meg Whitman has urged investors to be patient as she works to jumpstart revenue and cut costs.

"We are still in the early stage of the turnaround. There will be challenges ahead that could create some variability in performance," said Ms Whitman, who replaced Mr Apotheker at the helm in September. "But I'm confident in our ability to work through them and get to where we want to be."

The world's largest PC maker posted a 5-per-cent slide in net revenue in its fiscal third quarter to US$29.7 billion, slightly below the average Wall Street estimate of US$30.1 billion as compiled by Thomson Reuters. It took a charge of US$10.8 billion, mostly related to the writedown of its EDS services business, which it had announced earlier this month.

HP posted a net loss of US$4.49 a share in its fiscal third quarter that ended July 31, versus a profit US$1.9 billion, or 93 US cents a share, a year earlier.

Excluding items such as the writedown, it earned US$1 a share, outstripping Wall Street's target of 98 US cents. The stock was holding steady at US$19.20 in after hours, unchanged from its close in regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange. REUTERS

23-08-12, 17:28

Channel News Asia
Business News

Australian mining minister warns boom is 'over'

Posted: 23 August 2012 1210 hrs

SYDNEY: Australia's Resources Minister Martin Ferguson on Thursday declared the mining boom "over" following BHP Billiton's decision to delay the massive Olympic Dam project as commodities prices sag.

"You've got to understand, the resources boom is over. We've done well -- A$270 billion (US$283.6 billion) in investment -- the envy of the world," Ferguson told ABC radio.

"It has got tougher in the last six to 12 months. Look at Europe, the state of the European and global economy."

BHP, the world's largest miner, said it would delay and explore a "less capital-intensive design" for the multi-billion dollar Olympic Dam copper and uranium mine as it reported its first profit slump in three years Wednesday.

Cooling in China and ongoing turbulence in Europe saw BHP's annual profit dive 35 per cent to US$15.42 billion as prices for a number of its key products including iron ore plunged while its own costs rose.

BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers also blamed the bullish Australian dollar, which has traded near or above parity with the greenback for almost two years for the result, which chimed with recent losses at rival Rio Tinto.

Ferguson earlier said he was not surprised by the Olympic Dam delay and warned that attracting new mining investment was going to be challenging "for some time to come".

The remarks echo recent warnings from Australia's central bank that the once-in-a-century mining boom which helped the resources-rich nation stave off recession during the global downturn was nearing its peak.

The Reserve Bank of Australia expects mining and energy-related spending to peak "sometime in 2013-14", warning in its quarterly outlook on monetary policy this month that the boom would end "somewhat earlier than previously thought".

- AFP/wm

23-08-12, 18:41

ok, time will tell.....1-2 yrs, take mid point, 18 months from now, 31/5/2013....price will drop >30% from last 2-3 months price....

So how??

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B.. last Dec you talk BIG BIG by 31/5/2013.. price will drop 30% from Sep/Oct 2011 price..

You confirmed boh??

Dun again tell ppl.. developers are giving 10% discount.. plus absorb stamp duty.. plus lucky draw (of course must kena one lah).. then make up of 30%...... dun use this tactics again ok! :D

23-08-12, 18:50

Channel News Asia
Business News

Australian mining minister warns boom is 'over'

Posted: 23 August 2012 1210 hrs

SYDNEY: Australia's Resources Minister Martin Ferguson on Thursday declared the mining boom "over" following BHP Billiton's decision to delay the massive Olympic Dam project as commodities prices sag.

"You've got to understand, the resources boom is over. We've done well -- A$270 billion (US$283.6 billion) in investment -- the envy of the world," Ferguson told ABC radio.

"It has got tougher in the last six to 12 months. Look at Europe, the state of the European and global economy."

BHP, the world's largest miner, said it would delay and explore a "less capital-intensive design" for the multi-billion dollar Olympic Dam copper and uranium mine as it reported its first profit slump in three years Wednesday.

Cooling in China and ongoing turbulence in Europe saw BHP's annual profit dive 35 per cent to US$15.42 billion as prices for a number of its key products including iron ore plunged while its own costs rose.

BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers also blamed the bullish Australian dollar, which has traded near or above parity with the greenback for almost two years for the result, which chimed with recent losses at rival Rio Tinto.

Ferguson earlier said he was not surprised by the Olympic Dam delay and warned that attracting new mining investment was going to be challenging "for some time to come".

The remarks echo recent warnings from Australia's central bank that the once-in-a-century mining boom which helped the resources-rich nation stave off recession during the global downturn was nearing its peak.

The Reserve Bank of Australia expects mining and energy-related spending to peak "sometime in 2013-14", warning in its quarterly outlook on monetary policy this month that the boom would end "somewhat earlier than previously thought".

- AFP/wm
Australian mining minister warns boom is 'over':scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

23-08-12, 18:51
Shrinking demand, shrinking sales and lower prices from stiff competition resulting in huge losses for HP. The company has been cutting cost to stem losses including large retrenchments of 11,500 people in 2012.


HP books record S$11.1b loss as PC sales slump

Updated 09:02 AM Aug 23, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO - Hewlett-Packard swung to a US$8.9 billion (S$11.1 bil-lion) quarterly loss as personal computer sales shrank again and it swallowed a huge write-down linked to its US$13.9 billion purchase of Electronic Data Systems.

The No 1 PC-maker, which employs more than 300,000 people globally, is undergoing a multi-year restructuring aimed at focusing the sprawling corporation on enterprise services, in the mould of IBM.

The plan calls for reducing its employee base by 8 per cent.

HP will have gone through about half of its targeted job reductions by the end of the fiscal year, HP's Chief Financial Officer Cathie Lesjak said in an interview. The company cut 4,000 jobs in fiscal third quarter and will likely have shorn 11,500 jobs by end of fiscal 2012, she said.

"HP is definitely showing progress in terms of turning around the company," said Sterne Agee analyst Shaw Wu. "One of the clear signs is a better predictability of earnings."

The company was plagued by poor forecasting during former Chief Executive Leo Apotheker's brief tenure. Current CEO Meg Whitman has urged investors to be patient as she works to jumpstart revenue and cut costs.

"We are still in the early stage of the turnaround. There will be challenges ahead that could create some variability in performance," said Ms Whitman, who replaced Mr Apotheker at the helm in September. "But I'm confident in our ability to work through them and get to where we want to be."

The world's largest PC maker posted a 5-per-cent slide in net revenue in its fiscal third quarter to US$29.7 billion, slightly below the average Wall Street estimate of US$30.1 billion as compiled by Thomson Reuters. It took a charge of US$10.8 billion, mostly related to the writedown of its EDS services business, which it had announced earlier this month.

HP posted a net loss of US$4.49 a share in its fiscal third quarter that ended July 31, versus a profit US$1.9 billion, or 93 US cents a share, a year earlier.

Excluding items such as the writedown, it earned US$1 a share, outstripping Wall Street's target of 98 US cents. The stock was holding steady at US$19.20 in after hours, unchanged from its close in regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange. REUTERS

HP books record S$11.1b loss as PC sales slump:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

23-08-12, 18:52
Demand has been shrinking for German goods and services. The German PMI is now down to a 38-month low back to early 2009 when Germany was battling with the peak of the global financial crisis.


German Private Sector Shrinks for Fourth Month Running

Published: Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | 3:48 AM ET
By: Reuters

Germany's private sector shrank for the fourth month running in August, surveys showed, suggesting Europe's powerhouse economy is feeling the headwinds from the euro zone crisis as orders from abroad for its goods fell at the fastest rate in more than three years.

Markit's composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), measuring activity in both manufacturing and services, slipped to 47.0 in August, according to a flash estimate released on Thursday, below the 50 mark that separates growth from contraction that it crossed in May.

That took the index to a 38-month low reached in early 2009 when Germany, Europe's largest economy, (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48760498) battled with the peak of the global financial crisis, and came as the services sector fell back into contraction.

Both the manufacturing and services indices are now back in shrinking territory and Markit's Rob Dobson said that did not bode well for the currency bloc as a whole.

"What people were hoping was that ongoing German economic strength (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48646805) would aid growth and recovery in the broader euro zone economy. Given these numbers, it looks very much as though a blow is being dealt to that," Dobson said.

"What we've now seen over most of 2012 is that conditions in Germany and France are at best muted and in many cases weakening as we come into the middle of the year," Dobson said.

The index tracking the manufacturing sector rose to 45.1 from 43.0 in August but remained firmly in contraction for the sixth month in a row. Manufacturing export (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48645401/Research_and_Markets_Car_Manufacturing_in_Germany) orders dropped to 39.5, falling at the fastest rate since April 2009.

The services sector PMI, having climbed above 50 in July, retreated to 48.3 in August. It also contracted in June.

Slower German Growth

Germany's "Teflon economy" remained resilient throughout Europe's three-year debt crisis (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48749975) that has hit its peers, which are also major markets for its exports.

But recent data have showed declines in manufacturing and industrial output, imports and exports. Economic growth slowed in the second quarter and key sentiment indicators have threatened contraction if the debt crisis runs unresolved for much longer.

If the German slowdown worsens, that could also affect the willingness of ordinary citizens to contribute to euro zone bailouts, but for now Germany's labor market is still holding up well, wages have risen and inflation is relatively low.

A sub-index tracking employment in Germany's private sector - combining manufacturing and services industries - grew again at 50.5, up from 49.2 in July.

Preliminary data last week showed the economy grew by 0.3 percent in the second quarter, helped by exports to countries outside of Europe, but that was down from 0.5 percent in the first three months.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions (http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/media/brand_guidelines/legal_notice/).

German Private Sector Shrinks for Fourth Month Running :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

23-08-12, 19:12

ok, time will tell.....1-2 yrs, take mid point, 18 months from now, 31/5/2013....price will drop >30% from last 2-3 months price....

So how??

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B.. last Dec you talk BIG BIG by 31/5/2013.. price will drop 30% from Sep/Oct 2011 price..

You confirmed boh??

Dun again tell ppl.. developers are giving 10% discount.. plus absorb stamp duty.. plus lucky draw (of course must kena one lah).. then make up of 30%...... dun use this tactics again ok! :D

23-08-12, 19:24
NB! My predictions is the most accurate!!

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B sold-off everything including his own under pant in 2008

By Oct 2011.. he needs property price to fall 10-20%.. in order to breakeven..

tons in strait times classified & propertyguru....go & ask for it, you will get, 10-20%...
I sold what I need to...only fools still keep now....in next 1-2 yrs, you will know....

By 31/5/2013.. he needs property price to fall 30%.. in order to breakeven..

ok, time will tell.....1-2 yrs, take mid point, 18 months from now, 31/5/2013....price will drop >30% from last 2-3 months price....

And lastly by 2015.. he needs property price to fall 50%.. in order to breakeven..

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......
spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down.......

Reporting by Rysk from CNA.. :D

23-08-12, 19:35
NB! My predictions is the most accurate!!

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B sold-off everything including his own under pant in 2008

By Oct 2011.. he needs property price to fall 10-20%.. in order to breakeven..

By 31/5/2013.. he needs property price to fall 30%.. in order to breakeven..

And lastly by 2015.. he needs property price to fall 50%.. in order to breakeven..

Reporting by Rysk from CNA.. :D
No wonder Ah B (alam1, yalam, yang, young, liyang & don't know what else stupid nicknames) got banned from CNA forums so many times.

You ban him is it? :cheers5:

23-08-12, 19:46
b sets 2015 bcos us fed said low interest rate to last till end 2014, so he gong gong trust us fed, low int rate can last 20y lah ask Japan

23-08-12, 20:33
I wait for reverse indicator - Property price will drop when KBW removes all the Cooling Measures... :p

NB!! Your "unsold" talk so many months.. Told u 100x to inform KBW to remove all CM u oso no Lam Pah Chee to tell.. :doh: ...:D

23-08-12, 23:03
Gold is so shiny ...

1675.5 up up up up

23-08-12, 23:16
stupid moron......forever personal.....wipe your whole family out lah.....useless rubbish......

thread starter "non stop" kena attacked.
why? no experience.
the wise will never trigger challenge on home ground.
end up countless enemies.
make himself a punching bag.

:expert: should change his nick to "green horn B"

23-08-12, 23:17
I wait for reverse indicator - Property price will drop when KBW removes all the Cooling Measures... :p

peak indicator ... when MR B gives up ...

24-08-12, 00:27
I wait for reverse indicator - Property price will drop when KBW removes all the Cooling Measures... :p

It should be property price drop will lead the removal of cooling measures.

24-08-12, 00:42
Lots of negative news flowing out again..

China PMI hits 9 months low, Eurozone down consecutive 7 months, US jobless rates climb...

STI surely drop tmr.

24-08-12, 00:45
Likely to have QE3. Gold price has shot up. Hold on to your job tight!

24-08-12, 00:50
Personally I think QE3 not a sure-go. Simply because of the pending Presidential Elections in Nov...

24-08-12, 00:58
Personally I think QE3 not a sure-go. Simply because of the pending Presidential Elections in Nov...

US citizens have to lower their standard of living and work harder. QE is to buy time. If it drags on, I'm afraid there might be more conflicts.

24-08-12, 01:48
US citizens have to lower their standard of living and work harder. QE is to buy time. If it drags on, I'm afraid there might be more conflicts.

They need to sent their troops to Mars.



24-08-12, 05:14
Bill gross said qe3 will have no size restriction n open ended

24-08-12, 06:13
Bill gross said qe3 will have no size restriction n open ended

I doubt QE3 will materialise.

24-08-12, 06:38

stupid moron...you super panic huh.....forever personal.....

I give up?? likely when there is totally no personal attack on me from all morons here & they apologised on their lies & attack....
the more rubbish nonsense & lies, the stronger I am....hahaaaaa........

24-08-12, 06:40
I doubt QE3 will materialise.

even have QE3 already 100% factor in....
don't have by Sept 12 or may be this week jackson hole....then pay back 2x of gain since May within days.......

24-08-12, 08:16
Answer is not that difficult ...liquidity and low borrowing rates.
Add (high) inflation and that just pushes people to borrow more aggressively coz it makes sense.

As for stocks, Basically has his points. Most of the 'liquidity' has found it's way to the 'index' stocks and high-dividend yielders. With the normal stocks actually floundering...

Some shifting of this will come when rates START to normalise ...2015 or beyond ... in the meantime lets just enjoy this thread...
thanks. That's something useful to chew on.

so the plan is to slowly unload near 2014 to mitigate the risk. Else wait for the libor changes that is coming into effect.

24-08-12, 09:00
It should be property price drop will lead the removal of cooling measures.

Till now still haven't remove the CM meaning what...... Meaning price still haven't drop lah!! :D

24-08-12, 09:03
Romney says he won’t renominate Bernanke
August 23rd, 2012

sure....very nice....this human rubbish only know how to print, a moron can also do the job, why need this rubbish....time to fire & get lost....
US will not want to go Japan way....once in huge debt, rate cannot go up forever a country is gone.....rate must be able to adjust up or down under critical condition, if cannot up, once currency kena attack, country is gone....

obama too, must be out....deficit under him already hit the wall, debt surges to sky, unemployment shoot......worst president in US history....all the destructive, nothing constructive, real rubbish.....
come Nov 6...all must go...end of printing day is here....all carry trade unwinding.....rate shoot....time to pay back all debt & mortgage loan..........

24-08-12, 09:21
Cash could be king again.

24-08-12, 09:21
Of this, 16 per cent (over 600 units) remain unsold, bringing total unsold stock in the prime segment to 12,855 units. This comprised 731 completed units and 12,124 uncompleted ones, half of which are ready to be launched.

Prices for non-landed new sales dipped 5 per cent quarter-on-quarter to $2,374 per square foot in Q1 2012, and slid further to $2,230 psf in Q2.

Reflecting the downtrend in prices, 19 units at Paterson Suites were purchased at an average price of $2,619 psf this year - 10 per cent below last year's $2,915 psf and 15 per cent off the peak price in 2007. A total of 12 units at Orchard View changed hands at an average price of $2,604 psf, down 21 per cent from 2010's peak price, while four transactions at St Regis Residences posted the largest drop of 28 per cent from the peak to $2,228 psf in H1 2012.

nice one......this is like rental market now.....no more money, downgrade to HDB & outskirt condo.....
then CCR start to drop rental & price 30-40%.....attractive again....then outskirt condo will down price by 30-40% to make it competitive again....
such down ward spiral in price & rental is moving on now.....basically is a downgrading like what is happening in rental market now....

if market is strong & they are confident in property why they want to sell below 2007 & 2010 price at this time?? down 21% price….plus another 8% buy/sell transaction cost…almost 30% down….almost all the sale here is sold at lost.......more down to come...don't forget down 33%=up 50%.......

funds start to pull out from asia at a bigger way now....Dow can trade at yr high but SSE at 4 yrs low & HSI is almost 10% below yr high now......liquidity dry up also cause SHIBOR shoot up, investment & factories will also move out at a faster pace soon.......all will crash down......

once perfect storm hit & global economy collapse......this downwards spiral will be super fast & furious.....crashing down instead....
so be patient.....the crash will come...spore property down >50% by 2015 is really nothing.....


hahaaaaa......property price already spiral down now.....

China will not remove CM till property price down at least 60-70%......spore govt will not say anyhting like that....only fool will remove after 20-30%, then if up then implement again......unless spore gvt is fool.......

24-08-12, 09:28
I think Bernanke will launch QE3 b4 presidential election result is known .. just in case this Romney guy wins :rolleyes:

Gold already factored in probably 80% chance of QE3 b4 election, from USD1580 to 1670 in 2 weeks !!!

Today's paper, NZ property price reached all time high, 6% above pre-Lehman level in June 2012

24-08-12, 09:30
Republicans eye return to gold standard
August 23rd, 2012

very nice......all the paper money will be back to their full value....asset will crash hard....
If US & US$ want to maintain as reserved, oil & trading currency,then gold back US$ is a must.....
if any major currency go for gold back, US$ is gone as it almost gone now due to bernanke print all the rubbish....
now US$ is a real shame after bernanke print.....a great country will not do such rubbish....face it & fight it, not such rat work...
time to show your courage & gut again.....just do it....

24-08-12, 09:38
I think Bernanke will launch QE3 b4 presidential election result is known .. just in case this Romney guy wins :rolleyes:

Gold already factored in probably 80% chance of QE3 b4 election, from USD1580 to 1670 in 2 weeks !!!

Today's paper, NZ property price reached all time high, 6% above pre-Lehman level in June 2012

Getting frothy..

24-08-12, 09:40

even have QE3 already 100% factor in now.......
don't have by Sept 12 or may be this week jackson hole....then pay back 2x of gain since May within days.....
funds outflow from asia will speed up....dump all asset & hot money just transfer back....

with fiscal cliff & tons of taxes to add, plus all the cut deficit & budget......US will sink to even worse than greece.....FED will not have anymore bullet, so keep it now or use all up now.....all already hit the wall now, crash now or crash harder later.....
so QE3 now ro support obama??......still have audit FED & debt limi to clear.....
now food & oil at high & inflation is high....print??.....
all debt has to pay back wan if you want to be in the market.......
only fools shouting QE3 & china cut rate now.......

24-08-12, 09:47
Can someone show me his fact, skill, knowledge & information?? :D

URA price index for
Aug 2008 - ??
Oct 2011 - ??
July 2012 - ??

24-08-12, 10:21
Reported by MAS ... rental cost up 6.4% compared to July last year

Mr B cold sweat liao