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26-11-11, 22:34
Doomsayer self professed god chanting chanting chanting....

26-11-11, 22:37
how to compare to our LIAR KING....
depend...can be a month....sure can tcss....
just move around & live like local people here.....experience their lifestyle, food, shopping, talk to them for fun.....
U dun haf kids? Can be so mobile....so jealous leh....

27-11-11, 00:10
this thread should reach 1000 pages in a month's time. :cheers1:

27-11-11, 01:25
He is a god to himself only. He should set up a podium outside Bedok Residences showflat and prophesy there, but he should wear an armour before he gives his speech

Doomsayer self professed god chanting chanting chanting....

27-11-11, 06:34
He is a god to himself only. He should set up a podium outside Bedok Residences showflat and prophesy there, but he should wear an armour before he gives his speech

I hope bedok residences 100% sold out...then developers can launch out more, govt sell more lands & HDB or supply more & more buy....NOW we need more weak holders, over-commit borrowers, greedy, bank loan out more, push price up more, more debt, borrow more......

then price tumble will ba harder & faster.....

Spore is in a dangerous bubble state now, those hedge funds, global crocodiles, smelling bloods now, they will come together & whack it down when time is right....at this crisis time, who has bubble who will be killed irregardless of your reserved....

spore is in dilemma, inflation is unlike official 5.5%....those eat out, buy daily necessities will know, >15%.....next few months will be worse due to weak S$....mainly caused by high property price, income don't increase, housing loan eat up income, LOW disposable income, once retrenchment & rate hike start, many weak holders will crack & breaks.....
on the other hand, if property tumble, 3 local banks in big big trouble, too big to fail?? wait long long.....property down dies, but property crash earlier is better, we crash ourselves is better than hedge funds crash it, will be very ugly....with global stock market crashing in 1-2 yrs, Temasek/GIC holding hundreds of S$Bil of stocks, many will be wiped out....If many sell property now, cash out CPF & migrate.....Spore all blue chips & S$ will be gone, redemption on Temasek/GIC....Spore is unlike US can print easily, once print like Zimbabwee.....9% GDP, 9000% inflation....

27-11-11, 06:50
DEBT crisis is coming to Asia very soon...Japan is going to get downgrading, Japan debt is hitting 100 trillion Yen soon, DEBT to GDP >200, once Japan downgraded, Spore will be next as both the same, internal debt, which is super huge to GDP.....
Japan is definitely in bad shape, no way to pay back it's loan....fund will start to dump Japan bonds like Europe bond, fund will all leave asia, rate will spike, no demand & order from western world plus rate hike, many companies will close down across all expot based country like Spore...retrenchment, bankrupt, carry trade unwinding, fund outflow....Asia will be much harder hit than Europe & US due to we are at down stream....

Japan Yen is going to weaken to above 80...then will be down to below 100 & more...same to S$, once fund flow out qill never return again....bubble burst, all foreigners get out, global stock market collapse, Temasek/GIC will not be able to pay back CPF.....this is much worse than Europe bond today, we are nothing, nobody will help us, all money will pull out of Spore very soon, you can hold tight tight to your property......don't sell by then is not 50%, will it be Japan 90%??.....
don't worry, all will come....mark my word....you will know who is right & this is the way to face reality, never regret....


歐債危機愈演愈烈之際,日本主權債務亦響起警號!評級機構標普和惠譽,以至 國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)不約而同地警告日本公共財政惡化,其中標普不排除會調低日本主權信貸評級。另葡萄牙信貸評級被惠譽調低一級至垃圾級BB+,並 隨時有再降級危機,該國七月已被穆迪率先降至垃圾級別。




此外,他續稱,亞洲國家經濟以出口及投資產業為主,在環球經濟轉差下,定單減少及投資萎縮,已對亞州區經濟造成打擊,其次美國 推出的兩輪量化寬鬆措施,令大量熱錢流入亞洲,將推高資產價格至不合理水平,標普下調日本主權評級或會起刺激作用,觸發投資者大幅拋售日圓,令更多資金從 亞洲區流走,引發新一輪金融風暴。

Japan interest rate is moving up at highest speed since beginning of this yr....all foreign owners will dump Japan bonds like Euro bond as DEBT getting more serious.....once rate up, interest to pay back in bond will increase trmendously, up 1% rate, will take away 2% of GDP....this negaive will spiral down to bankrupt if don't handle properly.....
Even own rating form want to downgrade Japan rating now.....no way to keep borrowing to maintain budget deficit yr after yr....will just break somewhere & that is it.....




繼標普日前稱不排除會調低日本主權信貸評級後,日本本土評級機構格付投資情報(R&I)更警告,今年內有50至100%機會摘 除日本最高評級,最終是否降級取決於日本削債的政治意願,惟現時並不樂觀,因在野反對黨在兩院均反對政府增加消費稅率一倍,令政府難達到在一六年三月止年 度把財赤降低一半的目標。

27-11-11, 07:03
China property already down 10-70% across china, but cooling measures will continue to push property price down for next 3-5 yrs, that means will not remove in next 3-5 yrs....how much more it will drop?? eventually all down >50%-70%??.....3-5 yrs by the time, nobody talk about property anymore...as central govt is going to move focus out from property to other industry & sector....burst the property bubble totally....like US & Japan...

京沪广深新房价格全面下调 本轮调控周期或为3-5年


  北京中原地产市场研究部总监张大伟表示,随着楼市调控政策一再被重申,加上库存的上升,市场交易的天平正逐渐倾斜至“买方市场”,楼市降价的轮 廓越来越清晰,房价下调将加速。他表示,从目前情况看,楼市调控政策将至少持续至2012年底以后,本轮调控持续周期可能会在3-5年内都维持一定的政策 强度。京沪广深等一线城市短期放宽的可能基本不存在。

beside cooling measures will continue for next 3-5 yrs to puch property down all the way...china credit tigthening will continue for much longer period too....
this potential coming Chief of China central bank said it, he also said global economy will go into recession soon....
China will never print huge amount like RMB4trillion in 2009...they have big headache now, inflation super high, bank at super high risk of crashing due to bad debt & NPL, property also coming down at super high speed....this is the result of printing $$, no one can escape...all printed $$ will be evaporated, all DEBT will start to eat away the country growth for next 10-20 yrs.....



27-11-11, 07:06

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

27-11-11, 07:50
Singapore more over valued than HK? :confused:
Uk more under valued than Singapore? :beats-me-man:
All depends on what you use: UK luxury £12,000 psf vs SG only $6500 psf! :eek:
HK median property S$900k (I guesstimate) vs SG median price $500k - how can SG property be more overvalued than HK? :doh:


The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

27-11-11, 07:56
Scarily downgrade is good for Japan as interest all drop further? (just like US)? :scared-1:

Japan interest rate is moving up at highest speed since beginning of this yr....all foreign owners will dump Japan bonds like Euro bond as DEBT getting more serious.....once rate up, interest to pay back in bond will increase trmendously, up 1% rate, will take away 2% of GDP....this negaive will spiral down to bankrupt if don't handle properly.....
Even own rating form want to downgrade Japan rating now.....no way to keep borrowing to maintain budget deficit yr after yr....will just break somewhere & that is it.....




繼標普日前稱不排除會調低日本主權信貸評級後,日本本土評級機構格付投資情報(R&I)更警告,今年內有50至100%機會摘 除日本最高評級,最終是否降級取決於日本削債的政治意願,惟現時並不樂觀,因在野反對黨在兩院均反對政府增加消費稅率一倍,令政府難達到在一六年三月止年 度把財赤降低一半的目標。

27-11-11, 08:00

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

I believe our pte properties are in a nascent bubble, but engineered by the government to prop up land prices and taxes. This is needed to support the local infrastructure investments, overseas GIC/Temasek investments (losses) and civil service to administer government policies and maintain the infrastructure.

As long as HDB BTOs help to maintain a price floor and there is a 60% LTV for 2nd property, it is hard for this bubble to burst. Recession next year will deflat the bubble slightly though. The government knows this well, and it will never sell its land cheap.

27-11-11, 08:07

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

Singapore is still an EMERGING MARKET! lol!

27-11-11, 08:17
I believe our pte properties are in a nascent bubble, but engineered by the government to prop up land prices and taxes. This is needed to support the local infrastructure investments, overseas GIC/Temasek investments (losses) and civil service to administer government policies and maintain the infrastructure.

As long as HDB BTOs help to maintain a price floor and there is a 60% LTV for 2nd property, it is hard for this bubble to burst. Recession next year will deflat the bubble slightly though. The government knows this well, and it will never sell its land cheap.

Spore is in a dangerous bubble state now, those hedge funds, global crocodiles, smelling bloods now, they will come together & whack it down when time is right....at this crisis time, who has bubble who will be killed irregardless of your reserved....

spore is in dilemma, inflation is unlike official 5.5%....those eat out, buy daily necessities will know, >15%.....next few months will be worse due to weak S$....mainly caused by high property price, income don't increase, housing loan eat up income, LOW disposable income, once retrenchment & rate hike start, many weak holders will crack & breaks, property price will tumble down, funds will dump in bigger scale by selling in bloacks of property, if they can buy at lower price, why hold now??.......

on the other hand, if property tumble, 3 local banks in big big trouble, too big to fail?? wait long long.....property down dies, but property crash earlier is better, we crash ourselves is better than hedge funds crash it, will be very ugly....with global stock market crashing in 1-2 yrs, Temasek/GIC holding hundreds of S$Bil of stocks, many will be wiped out....If many sell property now, cash out CPF & migrate.....Spore all blue chips & S$ will be gone, redemption on Temasek/GIC....Spore is unlike US can print easily, once print like Zimbabwee.....9% GDP, 9000% inflation....

you think our govt got choice now?? why don't they support Temasek/GIC stock portfolio, why like they tumble like nobody business?? got choice?? if they support, buy & collect, then all will become no value, they can hold forever.....market force decide, go against trend, all killed without mercy....

27-11-11, 08:18

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.
u can go buy US, Ger, Swiss and Japan ppty now

Japan super undervalued followed by Ger

buy buy buy

27-11-11, 08:25
all prepare & get ready for Eurozone breakup now.....
most banks already set up contingency plan, all over the world from Europe to US to Asia, HK....
developing.....when it happens, too late....domino will fall 1 by 1...those still hope for printing $$...can continue to hope, even buy when it down 30%, then hold till down 60%....this time is different.....
fox is really here....

Banks brace for breakup of euro

November 26th, 2011

Some banks are no longer so sure, especially as the [URL="http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/e/european_sovereign_debt_crisis/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier"]sovereign debt crisis (http://forums.condosingapore.com/)threatened to ensnare Germany itself this week, when investors began to question the nation’s stature as Europe’s main pillar of stability.
On Friday, Standard & Poor’s downgraded Belgium’s credit standing to AA from AA+, saying it might not be able to cut its towering debt load any time soon. Ratings agencies this week cautioned that France could lose its AAA rating if the crisis grew. On Thursday, agencies lowered the ratings of Portugal and Hungary to junk.
While European leaders still say there is no need to draw up a Plan B, some of the world’s biggest banks, and their supervisors, are doing just that.
“We cannot be, and are not, complacent on this front,” Andrew Bailey, a regulator at Britain’s Financial Services Authority, said this week. “We must not ignore the prospect of a disorderly departure of some countries from the euro zone,” he said.
Banks including Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital and Nomura issued a cascade of reports this week examining the likelihood of a breakup of the euro zone. “The euro zone financial crisis has entered a far more dangerous phase,” analysts at Nomura wrote on Friday. Unless the European Central Bank steps in to help where politicians have failed, “a euro breakup now appears probable rather than possible,” the bank said.
Major British financial institutions, like the Royal Bank of Scotland, are drawing up contingency plans in case the unthinkable veers toward reality, bank supervisors said Thursday. United States regulators have been pushing American banks like Citigroup and others to reduce their exposure to the euro zone. In Asia, authorities in Hong Kong have stepped up their monitoring of the international exposure of foreign and local banks in light of the European crisis.

27-11-11, 08:30
all get ready to run roads...pull out their money from European banks....
even country also prepare to run anytime when crisis hits....
will just explode anytime now.....
tension has built up.....for many here, bo tai chi lah....hold tight tight...haha...

Prepare for riots in euro collapse, Foreign Office warns… The Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way.

November 26th, 2011

As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible.

Diplomats are preparing to help Britons abroad through a banking collapse and even riots arising from the debt crisis.

The Treasury confirmed earlier this month that contingency planning for a collapse is now under way.

A senior minister has now revealed the extent of the Government’s concern, saying that Britain is now planning on the basis that a euro collapse is now just a matter of time.

“It’s in our interests that they keep playing for time because that gives us more time to prepare,” the minister told the Daily Telegraph.
Recent Foreign and Commonwealth Office instructions to embassies and consulates request contingency planning for extreme scenarios including rioting and social unrest.
Greece has seen several outbreaks of civil disorder as its government struggles with its huge debts. British officials think similar scenes cannot be ruled out in other nations if the euro collapses.
Diplomats have also been told to prepare to help tens of thousands of British citizens in eurozone countries with the consequences of a financial collapse that would leave them unable to access bank accounts or even withdraw cash.

27-11-11, 08:35

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

Interesting report. It says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued in terms of price-to-rent ratio. So +60% means saving from renting or rental income doesn't justify to own one?

So renting is better?

If a person have enough CPF + cash of 200K (20% downpayment, stamp duty & renovation) and waiting at the sideline to buy a $1m property. After seeing this report you think renting is better?
So rent for 3 years wait for 50% down?

If the rental is 3k a month, will already paid 100k in 3 yrs. The cash would have went down -100K but with some additional saving maybe goes up say +50k. Your cash savings is now 150K. If the condo price drops 20% which means is 800K. You need 160K downpayment. Although has enough CPF+cash to buy but still haven't reach ones expectation as a newer economist magazine report say so still too expensive. So continue to rent for 2-3yrs. Another 100k gone.

6 yrs down the road, spent 200k on rental. Now if the property price went up by 20% of 800k becomes 960k. So how?

This is a typical report. Don't take it too seriously.

Let me quote a real life case. I've an expatraite friend who is a PR and renting during 2005-2006 period. I ask them to buy condo instead of renting. He told me why buy when the rental is less than 2k a month. He calculated and even though he can afford but find it's not worth to buy. It's cheaper to rent. Aiyah cannot force people to buy so I shut my mouth immediately.

When the property price went up later, for some reasons he decided to buy and he did. Guess what did he bought? A hdb flat not a condo. The condo price is not within his range already. Also partly because of his life style. Spent too much to enjoy life like drinking and holidays. Every time heard from others that he has went for short trip holiday at least twice a month.

With money on hands, people tend to have itchy fingers (including myself) and want to invest (stocks, etc) or buy something (car, luxury goods, etc). So the condo dream may never happen as expected. Even if it happens, it may not be the large size unit which ones wanted initially.

Live within your own means but still need to dream big.

27-11-11, 08:43
Interesting report. It says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued in terms of price-to-rent ratio. So +60% means saving from renting or rental income doesn't justify to own one?

So renting is better?

If a person have enough CPF + cash of 200K (20% downpayment, stamp duty & renovation) and waiting at the sideline to buy a $1m property. After seeing this report you think renting is better?
So rent for 3 years wait for 50% down?

If the rental is 3k a month, will already paid 100k in 3 yrs. The cash would have went down -100K but with some additional saving maybe goes up say +50k. Your cash savings is now 150K. If the condo price drops 20% which means is 800K. You need 160K downpayment. Although has enough CPF+cash to buy but still haven't reach ones expectation as a newer economist magazine report say so still too expensive. So continue to rent for 2-3yrs. Another 100k gone.

6 yrs down the road, spent 200k on rental. Now if the property price went up by 20% of 800k becomes 960k. So how?

This is a typical report. Don't take it too seriously.

Let me quote a real life case. I've an expatraite friend who is a PR and renting during 2005-2006 period. I ask them to buy condo instead of renting. He told me why buy when the rental is less than 2k a month. He calculated and even though he can afford but find it's not worth to buy. It's cheaper to rent. Aiyah cannot force people to buy so I shut my mouth immediately.

When the property price went up later, for some reasons he decided to buy and he did. Guess what did he bought? A hdb flat not a condo. The condo price is not within his range already. Also partly because of his life style. Spent too much to enjoy life like drinking and holidays. Every time heard from others that he has went for short trip holiday at least twice a month.

With money on hands, people tend to have itchy fingers (including myself) and want to invest (stocks, etc) or buy something (car, luxury goods, etc). So the condo dream may never happen as expected. Even if it happens, it may not be the large size unit which ones wanted initially.

Live within your own means but still need to dream big.

It all means that if you are in it to invest, be prepared to be in it for a long term and not try to make quick bucks by luck. 2-3 years down turn can still be managed if your target for appreciation is over 10-20 years. In that sense, property is still quite dependable because our only asset is what we've got under our feet - that small plot of land.

27-11-11, 10:32
Those overseas rental yield much higher den us all these while but mortgage rate also much higher all these while too.....got it?

Goto based on ROI to determine whether over or undervalued?

27-11-11, 10:40
Those overseas rental yield much higher den us all these while but mortgage rate also much higher all these while too.....got it?

Goto based on ROI to determine whether over or undervalued?

those are already taken into consideration by the econmist magazine's analysis. don't think you are smart enough to challeng of the prestigious jounral.

you are just a typical speculator, with zero training in economics.

27-11-11, 10:45
Interesting report. It says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued in terms of price-to-rent ratio. So +60% means saving from renting or rental income doesn't justify to own one?

So renting is better?

If a person have enough CPF + cash of 200K (20% downpayment, stamp duty & renovation) and waiting at the sideline to buy a $1m property. After seeing this report you think renting is better?
So rent for 3 years wait for 50% down?

If the rental is 3k a month, will already paid 100k in 3 yrs. The cash would have went down -100K but with some additional saving maybe goes up say +50k. Your cash savings is now 150K. If the condo price drops 20% which means is 800K. You need 160K downpayment. Although has enough CPF+cash to buy but still haven't reach ones expectation as a newer economist magazine report say so still too expensive. So continue to rent for 2-3yrs. Another 100k gone.

6 yrs down the road, spent 200k on rental. Now if the property price went up by 20% of 800k becomes 960k. So how?

This is a typical report. Don't take it too seriously.

Let me quote a real life case. I've an expatraite friend who is a PR and renting during 2005-2006 period. I ask them to buy condo instead of renting. He told me why buy when the rental is less than 2k a month. He calculated and even though he can afford but find it's not worth to buy. It's cheaper to rent. Aiyah cannot force people to buy so I shut my mouth immediately.

When the property price went up later, for some reasons he decided to buy and he did. Guess what did he bought? A hdb flat not a condo. The condo price is not within his range already. Also partly because of his life style. Spent too much to enjoy life like drinking and holidays. Every time heard from others that he has went for short trip holiday at least twice a month.

With money on hands, people tend to have itchy fingers (including myself) and want to invest (stocks, etc) or buy something (car, luxury goods, etc). So the condo dream may never happen as expected. Even if it happens, it may not be the large size unit which ones wanted initially.

Live within your own means but still need to dream big.

look at your story from another angle. the fact that your friend can no longer afford a condo is an indication that the bubble has gotten so big that it is ready to pop.

27-11-11, 10:51
look at your story from another angle. the fact that your friend can no longer afford a condo is an indication that the bubble has gotten so big that it is ready to pop.
Sell carabelle and buy japan! Extreme overvalued to extreme undervalued!

27-11-11, 10:52
those are already taken into consideration by the econmist magazine's analysis. don't think you are smart enough to challeng of the prestigious jounral.

you are just a typical speculator, with zero training in economics.
Lol....ya....u bestest....sell sg n buy japan! Bestest

27-11-11, 10:56
I am quoting the same article. First, 60% over valued just need 38% price drop to come to long term average. (100 - 160) / 160 = - 38%, so no panic. And even that won't happen.

"Some economists reject our measures of overvaluation, arguing that lower interest rates justify higher prices ..."

"Prices do not necessarily need to drop sharply to return to fair value. Adjustment could come through higher rents and wages."

The article has used long term average since 1975 for most countries, yet they don't have the data for Singapore on Price / Income. So the research may not be relevant to Singapore.


PS. For property market, locals are better than the Nobel Prize winning economists.

27-11-11, 11:08
So rising wage and rents would return it back to fair value eh? That's a very useful disclaimer. Ha. Doesn't predict where prices will correct to. At least in this forum you hahave members who will stick their neck out and quote a number.

27-11-11, 11:31
Based on this article, my target px of getting semi d in d15 for 8xxpsf land seems very achievable....shd lower down to 6xxpsf? Hehe

Continue to dream a dream

27-11-11, 11:34
TK area in particular. Can have 10-20% drop in price as annouce two days ago.
Based on this article, my target px of getting semi d in d15 for 8xxpsf land seems very achievable....shd lower down to 6xxpsf? Hehe

Continue to dream a dream

27-11-11, 11:44
TK area in particular. Can have 10-20% drop in price as annouce two days ago.
Goodie! I dun mind!

27-11-11, 11:53
I am quoting the same article. First, 60% over valued just need 38% price drop to come to long term average. (100 - 160) / 160 = - 38%, so no panic. And even that won't happen.

"Some economists reject our measures of overvaluation, arguing that lower interest rates justify higher prices ..."

"Prices do not necessarily need to drop sharply to return to fair value. Adjustment could come through higher rents and wages."

The article has used long term average since 1975 for most countries, yet they don't have the data for Singapore on Price / Income. So the research may not be relevant to Singapore.


PS. For property market, locals are better than the Nobel Prize winning economists.
Well said. Good luck to super bear StandardChartered in getting mortgage business if they really follow thru and refuse to meet valuation of asking prices.

27-11-11, 11:58
Well said. Good luck to super bear StandardChartered in getting mortgage business if they really follow thru and refuse to meet valuation of asking prices.Valuation by different financial institutes usually generate rougly similar figures but here we have someone who dares to be different. Is this the beginning of the end? :scared-4:

27-11-11, 12:03
Valuation by different financial institutes usually generate rougly similar figures but here we have someone who dares to be different. Is this the beginning of the end? :scared-4:
In 07, all analyst super bullish abt ppty market especially ccr segment.....

After subprime burst in oct07, all change tone/tune tgt.....lol

Happy reading and dun get confused hor...hehehe

27-11-11, 12:12
So the journalist is saying that projects in prime orchard rd area like paterson, devonshire and st thomas walk should all sell for $1k psf or less? If that is the case, 80% of those living in hdb flats would move to d9/10/11.

The economist magazine says that Singapore real estate is 60% overvalued. Read the report for yourself.

27-11-11, 12:16
Valuation by different financial institutes usually generate rougly similar figures but here we have someone who dares to be different. Is this the beginning of the end? :scared-4:
I am guessing they are two headed. Analyst branch say A but Mortgage business follow B. You throw business in front of them they have no reason to say no... Especially they have such aggressive agencies like PriceSolutions to execute the hunting...

27-11-11, 12:23
Basic liar...lol

How long is ur holiday? Can still tcss daily anot?

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT now stuck in the rental flat.. while still waiting & waiting & waiting in front of his PC searching for bad news to do cut & paste.. how to go for holiday?
Even go for long holiday still need to continue pay rental rite:D

27-11-11, 12:32
MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT now stuck in the rental flat.. while still waiting & waiting & waiting in front of his PC searching for bad news to do cut & paste.. how to go for holiday?
Even go for long holiday still need to continue pay rental rite:D

Or he is busy shifting to another rental flat yday? Hehehe

Shifting from jurong to changi beach consider as a holiday? Haha

27-11-11, 13:00
Ok back from holiday, anything happened here ? I see CAPL's bedok project is selling very well.

Stalingrad's economist article is interesting, but typically flawed as usual ( just like many other Economist articles). Japan severely under valued ?? :cool: And wrt SG, the fundamental flaw is it assumed the value of an asset equals to a multiple of its rent. it failed to see the biggest factor why SG's asset price is increasing: it's an "emerging, developing" country. The story of SG pty is the proxy of SG itself. The initial or mid phase increase of a nation when it goes from third world to first is exponential. It's only in mature market the rate of increase is normalized. ( btw this is also part of the reason why Temasek's "asset" grew double digit over so many yrs. You think it's because Temasek is so smart ?)

27-11-11, 13:19
MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT now stuck in the rental flat.. while still waiting & waiting & waiting in front of his PC searching for bad news to do cut & paste.. how to go for holiday?
Even go for long holiday still need to continue pay rental rite:D

this is the most rubbish bulls....after 400 pages, only have this to say...
you know they only can shout nonsense, knows nut.....haha...
I have some time,let have some such personal attack on each other.....

such rubbiah kena stuck with huge mortgage loan, cannot go for holiday, worry & panic day & night...once bubble burst, will whack the wife, divorce, beg for place to sleep, changi beach also cannot go...:):)

27-11-11, 13:21

Or he is busy shifting to another rental flat yday? Hehehe

Shifting from jurong to changi beach consider as a holiday? Haha
another one......this one LIAR KING...
that kind of shout is ALL they know.....
If I shift to changi beach, then your whole family shift to 6 ft under ground liao....if this is what you want to.....:):)

27-11-11, 13:25
by the time property px correct a little, he would have spent $100k plus on rental and the guy renting him the pty would still square off with a profit, all thanks to good tenants like Mr B

Or he is busy shifting to another rental flat yday? Hehehe

Shifting from jurong to changi beach consider as a holiday? Haha

27-11-11, 13:33
A recent article came out saying singaporeans taking lesser loan to buy pty. Singaporeans have lots of cash and with rising affluence, pty px sure to go up. You think developers are stupid?
this is the most rubbish bulls....after 400 pages, only have this to say...
you know they only can shout nonsense, knows nut.....haha...
I have some time,let have some such personal attack on each other.....

such rubbiah kena stuck with huge mortgage loan, cannot go for holiday, worry & panic day & night...once bubble burst, will whack the wife, divorce, beg for place to sleep, changi beach also cannot go...:):)

27-11-11, 13:44
A recent article came out saying singaporeans taking lesser loan to buy pty. Singaporeans have lots of cash and with rising affluence, pty px sure to go up. You think developers are stupid?

you go & borrow from all the people you know if they lend to you...go ahead & buy...
this market need lots of weak holders & over-commit people like you to crash harder later....
only brainless listen to such jokers.....all the fact is there, still open eyes big big to tell lies or they really know nut....
haha...go ahead & buy 1 more....just like local developers & property consultants shout day & night, price will shoot up lah....hahaha....:):):):)

27-11-11, 14:09
there are fewer weak holders coz buyers these days are no longer like the speculators before. Doesnt the long queue and take up rate for a 99yr lh in the suburb selling for $1400psf tell you something about the rising affluence of our tiny nation and the liquidity of singaporeans? You can scream all you want about the collapse of europe in this forum but it doesn't change the fact that pxs are still holding well.
you go & borrow from all the people you know if they lend to you...go ahead & buy...
this market need lots of weak holders & over-commit people like you to crash harder later....
only brainless listen to such jokers.....all the fact is there, still open eyes big big to tell lies or they really know nut....
haha...go ahead & buy 1 more....just like local developers & property consultants shout day & night, price will shoot up lah....hahaha....:):):):)

27-11-11, 14:12
haha...fun, so serious, even torch light also get ready liao...
once trigger, the speed is like lightning...1 by 1 down....
by then overnight down 20% in property price also no buyers...then can hope for print $$....print also no use liao...problem in Euro zone not US....
US will burst too...for sure, china will not print this time...
last time, FED print because they get china to print 1st...now China is definitely out...
rubbish bulls can hope & wait for property plunges more, the continue to hope for next 15 yrs...

Prepare for riots… EU/UK.

November 26th, 2011

Prepare for riots in euro collapse, Foreign Office warns
British embassies in the eurozone have been told to draw up plans to help British expats through the collapse of the single currency, amid new fears for Italy and Spain.

There’s also increasing risk of public sector strikes in the UK…
think 3-day week 70′s style.. so probably wise to make sure you have lighting (LED torches, batteries, candles), and means to keep warm in case of power cuts. (sleeping bags, extra blankets..)

27-11-11, 14:15
there are fewer weak holders coz buyers these days are no longer like the speculators before. Doesnt the long queue and take up rate for a 99yr lh in the suburb selling for $1400psf tell you something about the rising affluence of our tiny nation and the liquidity of singaporeans? You can scream all you want about the collapse of europe in this forum but it doesn't change the fact that pxs are still holding well.

holding or not, not by what you shout here...go out & check....
$1400 psf...my reply as below, since you want me to post 1 more time...
go ahead & buy lah.......hahahahaha.....lol lol.....:):):):)

For bedok residence, who care about how many units they sold, I only know property price will drop >50% in next 2-3 yrs time.....

Capitaland can fake queue, fake scene by hiring students, they can fake anything, sale, price, news, insider trading, no caveat lodge, uncomplete deal.....I have no trust with them, how about Temasek, govt??....

all the 'sold' sign sign, they can put up & bring it down, cheque by clients can bounced, whatever....all these frauds are not criminal in spore.....our govt, 1st class.....

even real buyers, are they beware of current global debt situation, how messy is it, how volatile, how huge, how dangerous, what is going to happen??.....

what happen if...
1. kena retrenched.....banks & manufacturing already started...
2. mortgage rate shoot to 20%....like in 1980, if carry trade unwinding & US election result is...
3. price plunges 60% before completion....highly possible...
4. STI go below 1000.....lost money on stock market....
5. bank runs....not to comment, next 2-3 yrs, everythng is possible....will he get another loan from another banks if liquidity tight....
6. family broken due to crisis...still need a house??....

can list down a much longer list.....

whatever...their decision, their choice, but NO BAILOUT by taxpayers' money, be responsible to yourself & others, be a man, profit or lost, rake it yourself......

27-11-11, 14:21
Can capland sue mr b for the above?


27-11-11, 14:26
All I can say to you is just wait for the news about the sellout of bedok residences. I am not vested in the project and am equally amazed at the level of interest, but trust me, the project will still sell well :D. I think you should go to the showflat and knock some sense into these rich buyers :D
holding or not, not by what you shout here...go out & check....
$1400 psf...my reply as below, since you want me to post 1 more time...
go ahead & buy lah.......hahahahaha.....lol lol.....:):):):)

For bedok residence, who care about how many units they sold, I only know property price will drop >50% in next 2-3 yrs time.....

Capitaland can fake queue, fake scene by hiring students, they can fake anything, sale, price, news, insider trading, no caveat lodge, uncomplete deal.....I have no trust with them, how about Temasek, govt??....

all the 'sold' sign sign, they can put up & bring it down, cheque by clients can bounced, whatever....all these frauds are not criminal in spore.....our govt, 1st class.....

even real buyers, are they beware of current global debt situation, how messy is it, how volatile, how huge, how dangerous, what is going to happen??.....

what happen if...
1. kena retrenched.....banks & manufacturing already started...
2. mortgage rate shoot to 20%....like in 1980, if carry trade unwinding & US election result is...
3. price plunges 60% before completion....highly possible...
4. STI go below 1000.....lost money on stock market....
5. bank runs....not to comment, next 2-3 yrs, everythng is possible....will he get another loan from another banks if liquidity tight....
6. family broken due to crisis...still need a house??....

can list down a much longer list.....

whatever...their decision, their choice, but NO BAILOUT by taxpayers' money, be responsible to yourself & others, be a man, profit or lost, rake it yourself......

27-11-11, 14:27
Can capland sue mr b for the above?


I don't mind to have a face to face debate with Liew Mun Leong on this in TV, also bear & bull of future property market.....

27-11-11, 14:29
All I can say to you is just wait for the news about the sellout of bedok residences. I am not vested in the project and am equally amazed at the level of interest, but trust me, the project will still sell well :D. I think you should go to the showflat and knock some sense into these rich buyers :D

bulls continue to hope...don't give up hope for next 20 yrs if you still alive, has ability to hope.....:):)

27-11-11, 14:32
I don't mind to have a face to face debate with Liew Mun Leong on this in TV, also bear & bull of future property market.....
Wah....so arrogant! I love it! Gogogo!

27-11-11, 14:34
bulls continue to hope...don't give up hope for next 20 yrs if you still alive, has ability to hope.....:):)
Mr b can continue to dream a dream

Keep chanting and hope one day px will fall below wat he sold in 09

God bless mr b....lol

27-11-11, 14:38
Mr b can continue to dream a dream

Keep chanting and hope one day px will fall below wat he sold in 09

God bless mr b....lol

LIAR KING, I no need to dream....I dont bother & care anything...just do what I am doing now, thing will unfold....
I don't know how to chant....chanting 15 hrs/day is your JOB now....:):)

27-11-11, 14:38
Knowing that mr b can't afford to buy, LML will just refer him to FEO coz the latter still have many rental units for him to choose
Wah....so arrogant! I love it! Gogogo!

27-11-11, 14:39
LIAR KING, I no need to dream....I dont bother & care anything...just do what I am doing now, thing will unfold....
I don't know how to chant....chanting 15 hrs/day is your JOB now....:):)
Somebody emo liao.....mental unstable again...omg!

27-11-11, 14:39
I am quoting the same article. First, 60% over valued just need 38% price drop to come to long term average. (100 - 160) / 160 = - 38%, so no panic. And even that won't happen.

"Some economists reject our measures of overvaluation, arguing that lower interest rates justify higher prices ..."

"Prices do not necessarily need to drop sharply to return to fair value. Adjustment could come through higher rents and wages."

The article has used long term average since 1975 for most countries, yet they don't have the data for Singapore on Price / Income. So the research may not be relevant to Singapore.


PS. For property market, locals are better than the Nobel Prize winning economists.

I read something similar to what you said in 2007 about the US market, right before it crashed. locals are better.

27-11-11, 14:40
Knowing that mr b can't afford to buy, LML will just refer him to FEO coz the latter still have many rental units for him to choose
He prolly can only afford to rent a hdb rental flat from govt....while waiting for his turn, he now enjoying his holiday at changi beach now for the next 1mth hehehe

27-11-11, 14:42
He prolly can only afford to rent a hdb rental flat from govt....while waiting for his turn, he now enjoying his holiday at changi beach now for the next 1mth hehehe

so guarantee your family is moving to 6 ft under liao.....:):):):)

27-11-11, 14:43
Knowing that mr b can't afford to buy, LML will just refer him to FEO coz the latter still have many rental units for him to choose

If I cannot afford to buy, then you & your family sleep in cage liao.....:):):):)

27-11-11, 14:45
Somebody emo liao.....mental unstable again...omg!

haha..liar king can only rely on such rubbish liao....:)

27-11-11, 14:45
so guarantee your family is moving to 6 ft under liao.....:):):):)
Yng punk bear bear.....whahahahhahahaha

27-11-11, 14:45
there are fewer weak holders coz buyers these days are no longer like the speculators before. Doesnt the long queue and take up rate for a 99yr lh in the suburb selling for $1400psf tell you something about the rising affluence of our tiny nation and the liquidity of singaporeans? You can scream all you want about the collapse of europe in this forum but it doesn't change the fact that pxs are still holding well.

rising affluence or rising speculation? a lot of buyers are earning just $5,000 per month.

27-11-11, 14:46
Ynn punk bear bear.....whahahahhahahaha


27-11-11, 14:47
"Analysts say the situation is complicated by calls in Ireland and Portugal for a Greek-style debt write-off. Dublin and Lisbon are expected to take their case to the finance ministers' meeting on Tuesday, arguing that they should also enjoy the 50% reduction on their debts that was negotiated for Athens."

If like that, almost all European banks can close shop liao.....
very nice....:)

27-11-11, 14:48
rising affluence or rising speculation? a lot of buyers are earning just $5,000 per month.
Wat u mean by alot? How many of them?

U mean alot of buyers applying for bto flats earning just 5k?

27-11-11, 14:51
Wat u mean by alot? How many of them?

U mean alot of buyers applying for bto flats earning just 5k?
1st timer oredi complain bto flats not affordable and income ceiling is 10k.....

27-11-11, 14:56
"Analysts say the situation is complicated by calls in Ireland and Portugal for a Greek-style debt write-off. Dublin and Lisbon are expected to take their case to the finance ministers' meeting on Tuesday, arguing that they should also enjoy the 50% reduction on their debts that was negotiated for Athens."

If like that, almost all European banks can close shop liao.....
very nice....:)
The song by feo written by u?

Dream a dream? Whahahahahaha

27-11-11, 15:11
if young people can hoot hillier no sweat. what say basic.

27-11-11, 15:28
Bro, many couples are double income with no kids or just one kid. These days household income of hdb dwellers easily $10k monthly.
rising affluence or rising speculation? a lot of buyers are earning just $5,000 per month.

27-11-11, 15:33
If I live in cage, I think you would be begging on the streets. Many of us are one up compared to you as we are landlords and you are not :)
If I cannot afford to buy, then you & your family sleep in cage liao.....:):):):)

27-11-11, 15:51
actually no need to doubt if income is good or not. The whole road nowadays is BMW, MERC ,AUDI, JAG, Ferr, Lambo. Go CBD area car park take a look....

some things cannot fake one. OUR 5 series is equal to 5 proerties in US, not 1, not 2 , not 3 ,not 4 but 5. Nobody write article say our Car is overvalued?

pple also can pay $60m for GCB... only 1 reason, because they CAN.

27-11-11, 16:08
If I live in cage, I think you would be begging on the streets. Many of us are one up compared to you as we are landlords and you are not :)

If I beg, then all your family already died....
landlord with tons of housing loan?......soon becomes slave....
since day 1, I am not but without proof, just shout.....haha.....:)

27-11-11, 16:14
actually no need to doubt if income is good or not. The whole road nowadays is BMW, MERC ,AUDI, JAG, Ferr, Lambo. Go CBD area car park take a look....

some things cannot fake one. OUR 5 series is equal to 5 proerties in US, not 1, not 2 , not 3 ,not 4 but 5. Nobody write article say our Car is overvalued?

pple also can pay $60m for GCB... only 1 reason, because they CAN.

why not posting in your thread....
all debt when bubble burst & liquidity evaporates.....like Dubai, when crashing down....thousands of porsche, lambogini, maserati, bentley.....park at airport & owners disappeared....
when recession comes, we will be worse than Dubai in last 2 yrs.....they still have their surrounding oil brothers to support them as a financial center, most foreign banks here probably gone by themselves....
wait to see all the naked swimmers, tons...nice great scenery in next 2 yrs....:):):):)

27-11-11, 16:17
I have just checked the hard copy of The Economist. For the same article on P79, there is no mentioning about Singapore at all (nor HK).

So the main focus for the article is trying to say US housing is at bottom now. I have to agree with that because my American friends in Singapore are buying at their home country now. No offense, but once again, for property, locals are the best!

PS. If you have kids in Secondary 3 and above, The Economist is a good "newspaper" to subscribe. The student price is very reasonable. But don't trade based their timing, they normally lag the market, or get the turning point wrong. But very good for your kids's General Paper exams.

27-11-11, 16:17
those are already taken into consideration by the econmist magazine's analysis. don't think you are smart enough to challeng of the prestigious jounral.

you are just a typical speculator, with zero training in economics.

What the figures tell you is that: Singapore property is 60% overpriced in relation to the utility (rent) it generates
By analogy, Mercedes is also over priced, foods in food republic is also overpriced, as the utilities they can generate are not different from those by taxi (sent you to your destination) and hawker center (fill your stomach). Will the Mercedes bubble and food republic bubble burst soon?
The Economist also has a famous study called big Mac index, have you ever seen any big Mac bubble burst?

27-11-11, 16:19
TARP rescued US banks in 2008...now if European bank bankrupt, can be rescued??....
10x bigger size than US banks in 2008, can they do it?? NO WAY....
let wait for them to pop, all will know.....ai lai liao.....

Brother, can you spare $2.1 trillion? Eurozone needs a cash infusion “ten times bigger than TARP”.

November 26th, 2011
Tweet (http://twitter.com/share)

The head of the Carlyle Group, Oliver Sarkozy, just left CNBC’s cheerleaders aghast as he described the scale of the Eurozone crisis (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/sarkozy-europes-liquidity-run-has-begun-because-there-30-trillion-problem).
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K6rcWM3QdVE/Ts1CyT-oBjI/AAAAAAAAoyo/pUm8BDf170I/s400/111123-oliver-sarkozy.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/sarkozy-europes-liquidity-run-has-begun-because-there-30-trillion-problem)The math I’m working with is very simple.
In the U.S. banking sector, we had $3 trillion of wholesale funding that needed to be stabilized, got stabilized by the implementation of TARP which saw the U.S. treasury buy $212 billion worth of preferred in the banking sector to stabilize that $3 trillion, give our banks the time to work through their problem their problem assets.
In Europe, that $3 trillion is $30 trillion. So if you multiply the $212 by ten, you get the $2.12 trillion. In my view, the issues on the European banks are bigger than the issues on the books of the US banks. So if you want to stabilize that $30 trillion and in my view it’s not that you want to, it’s that you have to, you do not have a choice, you’re going to have to be at least at $2.1 trillion and I suspect it may need to be more.
In other words, the Eurozone needs a cash infusion that is ten times the size of TARP*.

27-11-11, 16:20
No lah, they mean orchard area selling $1k psf or less, HDB flats selling for $100 psf or less lah! :scared-1:
Otherwise, how to explain the below:

UK luxury £12,000 psf vs SG only $6500 psf! :eek:
HK median property S$900k (I guesstimate) vs SG median price $500k.
So, how can SG property be more overvalued than HK & UK? :doh:

So the journalist is saying that projects in prime orchard rd area like paterson, devonshire and st thomas walk should all sell for $1k psf or less? If that is the case, 80% of those living in hdb flats would move to d9/10/11.

27-11-11, 16:23
I have just checked the hard copy of The Economist. For the same article on P79, there is no mentioning about Singapore at all (nor HK).

So the main focus for the article is trying to say US housing is at bottom now. I have to agree with that because my American friends in Singapore are buying at their home country now. No offense, but once again, for property, locals are the best!

PS. If you have kids in Secondary 3 and above, The Economist is a good "newspaper" to subscribe. The student price is very reasonable. But don't trade based their timing, they normally lag the market, or get the turning point wrong. But very good for your kids's General Paper exams.

Brother Richard ! Your kids are reading "The Economist" ? My admiration for your strong support to your kids in giving them a fulfilling educational experience!


27-11-11, 16:30
No lah, they mean orchard area selling $1k psf or less, HDB flats selling for $100 psf or less lah! :scared-1:
Otherwise, how to explain the below:

UK luxury £12,000 psf vs SG only $6500 psf! :eek:
HK median property S$900k (I guesstimate) vs SG median price $500k.
So, how can SG property be more overvalued than HK & UK? :doh:

We had missed a whole 5 years economic cycle in catching up with the global property markets back in 2000-2005. Remember how small retailers were closing one by one in shopping centers and even taxi deivers also complained?

Now you go any rural shopping center in Singapore, you can see the tremendous amount of human traffic and business activities for the small retailers there.

I think PAP did an Excellent job in promoting the economic progress here in Singapore otherwise we could end up like Taiwan in her lost decade in 1998-2008.


27-11-11, 16:31
Talk about ppl family dying no good for your soul, no wonder you are homeless now...wahahaha
If I beg, then all your family already died....
landlord with tons of housing loan?......soon becomes slave....
since day 1, I am not but without proof, just shout.....haha.....:)

27-11-11, 16:33
Talk about ppl family dying no good for your soul, no wonder you are homeless now...wahahaha

If you started to badmouth someone, then this will happen to you....
my home is warm & cosy.....:):)

27-11-11, 16:35
If you started to badmouth someone, then this will happen to you....
my home is warm & cosy.....:):)

brother Regulators is not known to have badmouth anyone here leh...that person that badmouthed him must have really been stepping on his toes.


27-11-11, 16:37
I have just checked the hard copy of The Economist. For the same article on P79, there is no mentioning about Singapore at all (nor HK).

So the main focus for the article is trying to say US housing is at bottom now. I have to agree with that because my American friends in Singapore are buying at their home country now. No offense, but once again, for property, locals are the best!

PS. If you have kids in Secondary 3 and above, The Economist is a good "newspaper" to subscribe. The student price is very reasonable. But don't trade based their timing, they normally lag the market, or get the turning point wrong. But very good for your kids's General Paper exams.
The economist is not that bad. I like its analyses of international politics. In fact, it is pretty in telling why things happened. But for what's going to happen, it may have more solid statistic study to support its forecast, but in terms of accuracy, it is just as good as any one on paper, Internet, and this thread, be it basic's 50% crash or ccr's 10% correction

27-11-11, 16:39
brother Regulators is not known to have badmouth anyone here leh...that person that badmouthed him must have really been stepping on his toes.


office boy is here....go & read 1st, then talk....
he like slapping his own face....
haha....beside go personal, they don't know anything??.....why reflect themselves as such??.....hahahahaha....lol lol.....:):)

27-11-11, 16:45
The economist is not that bad. I like its analyses of international politics. In fact, it is pretty in telling why things happened. But for what's going to happen, it may have more solid statistic study to support its forecast, but in terms of accuracy, it is just as good as any one on paper, Internet, and this thread, be it basic's 50% crash or ccr's 10% correction

you can have your choice of 30% down in next 24 months....
as for others, unless you have proof....
so is your 30% just as good??.....
If you do not know, better don't comment....
I read, I verified, I know who are trustable, relaible....of course, those can throw away, tons.....:)

27-11-11, 16:51
My prediction: CCR Property price would have gone up by >100% by 2021 to catch up with HK & London! :p

you can have your choice of 30% down in next 24 months....
as for others, unless you have proof....
so is your 30% just as good??.....
If you do not know, better don't comment....
I read, I verified, I know who are trustable, relaible....of course, those can throw away, tons.....:)

27-11-11, 16:52
The economist is not that bad. I like its analyses of international politics. In fact, it is pretty in telling why things happened. But for what's going to happen, it may have more solid statistic study to support its forecast, but in terms of accuracy, it is just as good as any one on paper, Internet, and this thread, be it basic's 50% crash or ccr's 10% correction

yes indeed. we must learn from our past to excel into the future. Correct or not, brother ? :)

27-11-11, 16:53
My prediction: Property price would have gone up by 100% by 2021! :p

One thing basic is not aware is that, Singapore land is getting more and more scarce. How do we tell? By the bidding of more and more suburban lands by developers instead of prime ones recently. Coupled with the curb on density control in landed zone, more and more developers will turn to Pungool or Pasir Ris liao la. :)

27-11-11, 16:58
I spoke to my foreigner barber the other day. He is very grateful to Singapore for giving him an opportunity to earn a living here. In his homeland, he would not have dreamed of being a millionaire la...


27-11-11, 17:05
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011

I have been offered a full time job in Singapore.

My Gross take home salary would be S$ 5, 000 (exclusive of some incentives, which I suspect, won’t be much). the annual compensation is a little over 66K.

In addition to this- I will get S$ 6500 as relocation allowance to spend any way I want.

Company will pay the deposit & brokerage for my housing but not Rent

WAHAHAHAAHAHAHA..Cheong arhhhhh I remembered just 2 years ago it was only S$3000 leh.....hehehehehe

27-11-11, 17:14
you can have your choice of 30% down in next 24 months....
as for others, unless you have proof....
so is your 30% just as good??.....
If you do not know, better don't comment....
I read, I verified, I know who are trustable, relaible....of course, those can throw away, tons.....:)
You must understand the difference between forecast and fact, and forecast of trend and exact number
You can read and verify, but if ecb come out tomorrow or next week to agree to monetize euro debt, your forecast of 50% crash may miss by a fat margin. It is easier to forecast the trend.
Any forecast for the future is as good, or as bad, at this moment. Only when the time comes, we will know. Bashing other ppl's opinion won't make mine superior, but only make myself look silly

27-11-11, 17:18
You must understand the difference between forecast and fact, and forecast of trend and exact number
You can read and verify, but if ecb come out tomorrow or next week to agree to monetize euro debt, your forecast of 50% crash may miss by a fat margin. It is easier to forecast the trend.
Any forecast for the future is as good, or as bad, at this moment. Only when the time comes, we will know. Bashing other ppl's opinion won't make mine superior, but only make myself look silly

a fortiori, talking about the death of someone else's entire family in a property thread will make you look beyond silly.

27-11-11, 17:19
WAHAHAHAAHAHAHA..Cheong arhhhhh I remembered just 2 years ago it was only S$3000 leh.....hehehehehe

haha...you song what huh?? ki siao??.....
relocation $6500 is nothing...air ticket, air freight so expensive, $25/kg, 200 kg + air ticket>6.5k...then you set up cost in Spore....

1 time cost, must have receipt to claim, some more must return if work less than 2 yrs, blah blah...tons of condition for few $k...
wasting time.....:):)

27-11-11, 17:20
The chestnut plot received 12 bids despite not being walking distance to mrt
One thing basic is not aware is that, Singapore land is getting more and more scarce. How do we tell? By the bidding of more and more suburban lands by developers instead of prime ones recently. Coupled with the curb on density control in landed zone, more and more developers will turn to Pungool or Pasir Ris liao la. :)

27-11-11, 17:21
a fortiori, talking about the death of someone else's entire family in a property thread will make you look beyond silly.

then don't start personal nonsense...already warns >10x....haha....
you are being personal too...focus in view & analysis....

27-11-11, 17:22
WAHAHAHAAHAHAHA..Cheong arhhhhh I remembered just 2 years ago it was only S$3000 leh.....hehehehehe

with regards to the foreigner pay.

which i know a indian IT software engineer working at changi biz park,renting 3i hdb 1.6k at tampines (with a room locked).

enjoy working in sgp, becos his company pays him 6k in all. without housing allowance. managed to saved 3.5k monthly,more than what he get in india.
months ago he had a sinus opt in india, resulted pain in his ears if exposed in aircon room.
terminating his contract,to seek medical in india

* i read it as foreigners are here to work, get good pay and save as much.
not necessary to live the high-life,staying in condo and go for fine-dine

27-11-11, 17:26
then don't start personal nonsense...already warns >10x....haha....
you are being personal too...focus in view & analysis....

no la, i'm not being personal; i just thought that talking about the death of families crossed a line.

i do find the news bits you post interesting.

27-11-11, 17:27
One thing basic is not aware is that, Singapore land is getting more and more scarce. How do we tell? By the bidding of more and more suburban lands by developers instead of prime ones recently. Coupled with the curb on density control in landed zone, more and more developers will turn to Pungool or Pasir Ris liao la. :)

spore reclaim more lands now...in 1996, spore has less land yet property price crash 50-60%....
same to HK, in 1996/7 till 2005, few $100k of people in negative asset & bankrupt due to property price crash....HK has more lands than Spore with mountans around??....
now Shanghai has 22 million population, beijing 18 million...land no increase, yet property price drop 20-50% in 2-3 months time....more to come....

nothing to do with land scarce...it's all economy situation, up/down cycle...this coming crisis is diffrent....it will crash much harder than 1997.....:):)

27-11-11, 17:29
why not posting in your thread....
all debt when bubble burst & liquidity evaporates.....like Dubai, when crashing down....thousands of porsche, lambogini, maserati, bentley.....park at airport & owners disappeared....
when recession comes, we will be worse than Dubai in last 2 yrs.....they still have their surrounding oil brothers to support them as a financial center, most foreign banks here probably gone by themselves....
wait to see all the naked swimmers, tons...nice great scenery in next 2 yrs....:):):):)

Hi bro basic, didn't know I m not welcome to post here. I think we are looking at 2 different period. I m talking about now, u are talking about when it happens. My reply is to the income lvl now discussion. Sure all that can happen, naked swimmers n all.

we are discussing 2 different perpective. Dooms day may come based on your knowledge. infact thanks to you, I decided not to trade up my fully paid car and to accumulate another 200k cash in next 15 months to await for the naked swimmers when and if it happens.

In the end everything will be ok, don't u agree?

27-11-11, 17:34
You must understand the difference between forecast and fact, and forecast of trend and exact number
You can read and verify, but if ecb come out tomorrow or next week to agree to monetize euro debt, your forecast of 50% crash may miss by a fat margin. It is easier to forecast the trend.
Any forecast for the future is as good, or as bad, at this moment. Only when the time comes, we will know. Bashing other ppl's opinion won't make mine superior, but only make myself look silly

sure, only those forecast without full consideration looks silly...like those bulls here....
once you forecast, you must take into consideration the best & worse case, then put in your forecast....
I said many times, you must have the knowledge, experience, & skill....

the difference between a success & failure depend on how far he can see tihngs correctly...the further he can see, the more successful he is....

don't just put a common sentence....as good as nothng type...this just tell that you do not know anythng.....:):)

27-11-11, 17:34
If I beg, then all your family already died....
landlord with tons of housing loan?......soon becomes slave....
since day 1, I am not but without proof, just shout.....haha.....:)走火入魔!!!

27-11-11, 17:44
Hi bro basic, didn't know I m not welcome to post here. I think we are looking at 2 different period. I m talking about now, u are talking about when it happens. My reply is to the income lvl now discussion. Sure all that can happen, naked swimmers n all.

we are discussing 2 different perpective. Dooms day may come based on your knowledge. infact thanks to you, I decided not to trade up my fully paid car and to accumulate another 200k cash in next 15 months to await for the naked swimmers when and if it happens.

In the end everything will be ok, don't u agree?

sure...everything will be ok in the end...but this time is different, will take very long time...it's not a correction or depression...it's revolutionary....
I don't want to say too much.....but it's painful & deep...
it's not 1997, thailand, Indonesia, after 5-10 yrs, we are back & pull back up by US, China or...
Now is global, US, Europe, China, Japan...all need to sink 1 after another....
anyway, clear all debt.....

27-11-11, 17:47

read thru' this thread, few hundreds posts, personal attack & badmouth onme....
already warn them >50x, yet they keep coming back...not on you, you can say rubbish....
if like you said, 走火入魔, 回头是岸....they already should go to hell long ago....haha....:):)

27-11-11, 18:03
Computer overheated.....nid to cool down oredi

Auto enlarge fonts and turn black to red.....jialat

27-11-11, 18:17
read thru' this thread, few hundreds posts, personal attack & badmouth onme....
already warn them >50x, yet they keep coming back...not on you, you can say rubbish....
if like you said, 走火入魔, 回头是岸....they already should go to hell long ago....haha....:):)


27-11-11, 18:20
spore reclaim more lands now...in 1996, spore has less land yet property price crash 50-60%....
same to HK, in 1996/7 till 2005, few $100k of people in negative asset & bankrupt due to property price crash....HK has more lands than Spore with mountans around??....
now Shanghai has 22 million population, beijing 18 million...land no increase, yet property price drop 20-50% in 2-3 months time....more to come....

nothing to do with land scarce...it's all economy situation, up/down cycle...this coming crisis is diffrent....it will crash much harder than 1997.....:):)

WAHLAUEH..You mean you din know reclaimed lands need 30 years to settle arh ? How to talk property like that?:doh:

27-11-11, 18:21
BJ china more powderful den england

Catch no balls again

27-11-11, 18:22
BJ china more powderful den england

Catch no balls again

it means everything that has a rule, is but an illusion lah....bro :) Just hope someone dun turn into a real devil by reading too much analyst reports lor.. as mentioned by one kind bro here

27-11-11, 18:24
WAHLAUEH..You mean you din know reclaimed lands need 30 years to settle arh ? How to talk property like that?:doh:
Land scarce not applicable to mr b one lah

He only focus on oversupply story of 80k units within 2-3yrs....whahaha

Only read wat he wants to read....the rest r just rubbish to him mah

27-11-11, 18:25
Land scarce not applicable to mr b one lah

He only focus on oversupply story of 80k units within 2-3yrs....whahaha

Only read wat he wants to read....the rest r just rubbish to him mah

sigh.. that is why we all here have been trying to help steer this poor guy into a proper path la...hehehehehe

27-11-11, 18:28
it means everything that has a rule, is but an illusion lah....bro :) Just hope someone dun turn into a real devil by reading too much analyst reports lor.. as mentioned by one kind bro here

I told my CEO cousin back in 2008, dun read too much anal-list reports lor...and told him to buy Ford @ $2. He dun believe la...only a month later, he suan me at Ford was @ 1.80. Now Ford is how much har ?


27-11-11, 18:29
sigh.. that is why we all here have been trying to help steer this poor guy into a proper path la...hehehehehe
His processor overheated liao....

Hopefully goes bck to norm after cooling down lor....

If not goto change another processor....hehe

27-11-11, 18:30
His processor overheated liao....

Hopefully goes bck to norm after cooling down lor....

If not goto change another processor....hehe

hehheheh....maybe he still using Pentium 800.

27-11-11, 18:31
I told my CEO cousin back in 2008, dun read too much anal-list reports lor...and told him to buy Ford @ $2. He dun believe la...only a month later, he suan me at Ford was @ 1.80. Now Ford is how much har ?

U r vy interesting and unique

Hows ur ah ma? Got her dreammy PH liao?

27-11-11, 18:33
U r vy interesting and unique

Hows ur ah ma? Got her dreammy PH liao?

Very touched brother still remember leh...we are now staying in D15 but not PH la...got to squat a place here first mah...hehehehe

27-11-11, 18:37
Very touched brother still remember leh...we are now staying in D15 but not PH la...got to squat a place here first mah...hehehehe
No wonder....easty folks r frenly and love to tcss! Haha

27-11-11, 18:46
WAHLAUEH..You mean you din know reclaimed lands need 30 years to settle arh ? How to talk property like that?:doh:

I dun recall Marina Bay took 30 years to settle...

27-11-11, 19:30
Hi bro basic, didn't know I m not welcome to post here. I think we are looking at 2 different period. I m talking about now, u are talking about when it happens. My reply is to the income lvl now discussion. Sure all that can happen, naked swimmers n all.

we are discussing 2 different perpective. Dooms day may come based on your knowledge. infact thanks to you, I decided not to trade up my fully paid car and to accumulate another 200k cash in next 15 months to await for the naked swimmers when and if it happens.

In the end everything will be ok, don't u agree?

Damn, want to go Chinese restaurant in west side, near my in-laws place. Can put at least 50 tables also fully booked!! Ask me to wait 1 hr........

27-11-11, 19:53
MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT now stuck in the rental flat.. while still waiting & waiting & waiting in front of his PC searching for bad news to do cut & paste.. how to go for holiday?
Even go for long holiday still need to continue pay rental rite

this is the most rubbish bulls....after 400 pages, only have this to say...
you know they only can shout nonsense, knows nut.....haha...
I have some time,let have some such personal attack on each other.....

such rubbiah kena stuck with huge mortgage loan, cannot go for holiday, worry & panic day & night...once bubble burst, will whack the wife, divorce, beg for place to sleep, changi beach also cannot go...:):)

Oh good! I love to have personal attack in this rubbish thread..:D

You are so right that my long term tenant all along is also a MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT like you been servicing my mortage loan.. haha
Just hope that he won't go jobless.. otherwise I'll let the next tenant to takeover.
But if he can tahan.. I'll still kick him out after he finished servicing my loan or maybe sell my house & pocket all the $$ which actually almost 80% servicing by him over the last 20-yrs.. thanks so much MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT!:D

Sorry to add: now I'm on holiday.. outside temp is cold at 4 deg celcius.. so hid in hotel nothing to do.. so come here talking rubbish again.. hope you don't mind:D

27-11-11, 20:21
I spoke to my foreigner barber the other day. He is very grateful to Singapore for giving him an opportunity to earn a living here. In his homeland, he would not have dreamed of being a millionaire la...


haha yr barber is David Gan? :cheers1:

27-11-11, 20:24
hehheheh....maybe he still using Pentium 800.

haha...very powerful liao, compared to LIAR KING & OFFICE BOY, 4 bit processor yet china brand, crash everyday...need to shut down & blow by fan......:):)

27-11-11, 20:26
Oh good! I love to have personal attack in this rubbish thread..:D

You are so right that my long term tenant all along is also a MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT like you been servicing my mortage loan.. haha
Just hope that he won't go jobless.. otherwise I'll let the next tenant to takeover.
But if he can tahan.. I'll still kick him out after he finished servicing my loan or maybe sell my house & pocket all the $$ which actually almost 80% servicing by him over the last 20-yrs.. thanks so much MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT!:D

Sorry to add: now I'm on holiday.. outside temp is cold at 4 deg celcius.. so hid in hotel nothing to do.. so come here talking rubbish again.. hope you don't mind:D

moron mumbling..........:):)

27-11-11, 20:48
event has not triggered yet, china workers already started strike, unrest & riots...when retrenchment, cut jobs, cut pay next yr, whole china will go into fire everywhere....
That is the reason why China will not print $$ for big stimulus like 2009 because current instability of workers & bosses run road are the result & just the beginning...inflation, high labour,high material cost plue high RMB, the whole country is in big trouble.....property crashing, then banks in highly dangerous, local debt hit breakinglevel, still no money, have to hike rate 6x to su.ck in money from people, still need to dump property to raise funds....
chinese is suffering high cost of living, no disposable income, govt is facing bank bankrupt risk....fun....that is why no more print $$ for china...then no more for US FED too....2009, FED QE because of China go ahead with RMB4Trillion 1st...now china dont print, Germany NO...FED can't....

China hit by labour unrest as global slowdown bites
27 November 2011 1415 hrs
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/imagegallery/store/phpceZ6tU.jpg Photos 1 of 1 http://www.channelnewsasia.com/images/dotline_240.gif
Workers in green uniform stage sit-in protest at a factory in China (File pic)

BEIJING: China's manufacturing heartland has been hit by large-scale strikes in recent weeks, as an increasingly demanding workforce faces off with employers struggling with high costs and falling exports.

Thousands of workers in factories in the southern province of Guangdong have gone on strike in recent days, protesting over low salaries, wage cuts or tough conditions, and triggering a strong police response and some clashes.

The unrest comes as China's exports and manufacturing activity weakens, hit by falling demand due to economic woes in Europe and the United States -- both crucial markets for the export-driven economy.

"When orders and profits decline and costs of business increase for manufacturers... their first instinct is to pass those costs on to the workers," said Geoffrey Crothall, editor of the China Labour Bulletin.

He said many factories in Guangdong were cutting back on lucrative overtime, bonuses and benefits for their workers, even as living costs remain high.

That's why we are seeing workers much more willing to go out on strike and protest," he told AFP, adding that the recent bout of unrest was the most intense since a series of strikes in the summer of 2010.

27-11-11, 20:49
sure, only those forecast without full consideration looks silly...like those bulls here....
once you forecast, you must take into consideration the best & worse case, then put in your forecast....
I said many times, you must have the knowledge, experience, & skill....

the difference between a success & failure depend on how far he can see tihngs correctly...the further he can see, the more successful he is....

don't just put a common sentence....as good as nothng type...this just tell that you do not know anythng.....:):)
Actually, the above just summarize what have you done from the first post till now on this thread. You started with one sweeping statement of market is going to crash 50%, then start to post news to support your view. However, you said nothing about how you translated the "qualitative" reports and news into the "50% crash of property price"
you have repeated emphasized on the importance of knowledge, experience, and skill but actually, so far you have only demonstrated the following:
1) the ability to post news on this thread in a timely manner. The quantum is amazing but the quality is a mixed. Some, if not most, of the news you posted are nothing new to anyone who pays attention to what's going on in the world, frankly speaking.
2) your skill in cursing and swearing in a effective and efficient way

You also failed to show the following:
1) your experience
2) your skill in translating news
3) how far can you see correctly. Can you see the levels at which dow and nasdaq and STI will be close on Monday? Why don't you show it to us as it shall be a much easier job than forecasting a 50% drop in 2-3 years, by your definition?

You don't need to prove anything if you are just tcss
You may want to consider the post your comments in a more serious way if there is any academic or economic, or just any kind of value in them; here I refer to your comments, not the news you posted. From all the things happening around the world it is not difficult to make people hold bearish view. You can try to explain how you translate the qualitative reports into quantitative forecasts will be a good starting point. So far there is a big gap in this perspective. You just need to substantiate your "astonishing yet vain" claim

One two things for you to consider: knowing the news does not necessary means knowledge; and you may be an clever guy but what you've said seriously damage your credibility. Don't use the excuse of who started first as you are the one who started calling ppl fool (post #4 of this thread), and the level of this excuse is .... P1

27-11-11, 21:02

I really admire your stamina in posting all this while (103+ pages).
However I can't understand why do you need to stress the downturn so explicitly and trying your best to convince the rest.

To be true, I am way super bear then you do and basically your article/s are just scratching the surface.

Hosing in U.S have been down since the peak 2006 and are still down (lots of pundits/experts are still commenting that markets bearishness really left them scratching their head when the market had come down so much. OMG!!!)

Lots of stories in Australia too if you search hard enough.

China markets stories are really coming fast and furious.

In HK, in one quarter, the number of loans in negative equity just shot through the roof as compare to Q2 (b,b, but didn't they have tons of billionaire/millionaire in HK, Taiwan.Macau and China to support??? The problem is always a lack of housing, never a problem of demand!!!)

In KL, last week Straits Times also had an article on KLCC surrounding price stagnation (but in KLCC, a couple of months ago, people are saying that there will be no problem with supply, there's too much demand at the moment. (I was there then)).

But I guess Singapore is SOOOO DIFFERENT, we are the LITTLE RED DOT you know. always short of supply, never a problem with demand.

Anyway, last week Daiwa Research came out with a call for Singapore Property to go down 22-26% by 2014 and StandChart is 30% (or something like that.

But aren't they like the ratings companies, they adjust when its too late and still they give too high a rating despite the bottom is falling off.

Talk to any Indonesians/Chinese whom have property in Singapore and ask them about their outlook. Also don't expect them to wait and hold when the plunge come. Judging the way they cut their liquid investment, I don't have a lot of confidence in them not dumping.

22-26%/30% and look at 4% (only?) interest when calculating home loan???
We shall see................................but its always the case right? When prices fall, people pull their property of the shelf, waiting for a rebound. Only when the plunge come then do they start to panic and all come out and sell at the same time, depressing the prices further. Since when is this different?

I can only say for me, when the price correction come, I will offer 20-25% lower for the asking, if the owner still dilly dally and by then market turn for the worse and they hit me on my offer, I will tell them offer is not there anymore and will adjust another 15% lower. Nothing personal, its just business cos that's the way owner do when market chiong up couple of years ago.

Anyway........have a great week ahead everyone.

27-11-11, 21:05
Actually, the above just summarize what have you done from the first post till now on this thread. You started with one sweeping statement of market is going to crash 50%, then start to post news to support your view. However, you said nothing about how you translated the "qualitative" reports and news into the "50% crash of property price"
you have repeated emphasized on the importance of knowledge, experience, and skill but actually, so far you have only demonstrated the following:
1) the ability to post news on this thread in a timely manner. The quantum is amazing but the quality is a mixed. Some, if not most, of the news you posted are nothing new to anyone who pays attention to what's going on in the world, frankly speaking.
2) your skill in cursing and swearing in a effective and efficient way

You also failed to show the following:
1) your experience
2) your skill in translating news
3) how far can you see correctly. Can you see the levels at which dow and nasdaq and STI will be close on Monday? Why don't you show it to us as it shall be a much easier job than forecasting a 50% drop in 2-3 years, by your definition?

You don't need to prove anything if you are just tcss
You may want to consider the post your comments in a more serious way if there is any academic or economic, or just any kind of value in them; here I refer to your comments, not the news you posted. From all the things happening around the world it is not difficult to make people hold bearish view. You can try to explain how you translate the qualitative reports into quantitative forecasts will be a good starting point. So far there is a big gap in this perspective. You just need to substantiate your "astonishing yet vain" claim

One two things for you to consider: knowing the news does not necessary means knowledge; and you may be an clever guy but what you've said seriously damage your credibility. Don't use the excuse of who started first as you are the one who started calling ppl fool (post #4 of this thread), and the level of this excuse is .... P1

this is not a place to share knowledge & skill...I have spent my time to do my research, just display here for all the rubbish bulls or you to learn & pick up??....haha...dream on....even I teach everything, I will kena all kind of insult & badmouth, don't waste time...continue my way, they can get lost but i know they will stick to this thread day & night to personal so that I can give up this thread....

to you, I know your intention earlier when you started to comment on my posting....you should go & create a thread yourself since you think property price will down 30% in next 24 months, put down your formula, how you derive....I a not interested, will not even take a look at your thread....

cursing & swearing, you still want to bring up here...already explained many times to you...so I ocnfirmed your intention of coming into this thread....bring those bulls to your thread, I continue to post my bearish reports which I think things will be unfolded this way....

discredit me, you gain?? bulls will be on your side? try to paly politics?? you are not welcome in this thread, I will continue post what I like, explain accordingly, if you think you gain nothng here, stay out....as I said from beginning of this thread, I don't need anything from any forumers here, of course including you....from your posting, I don't see anything I can pick up.....

27-11-11, 21:07
Blackswan - We need more people like you... :p Developers are getting too bold in pricing their projects and need to be taught a lesson. Let's all hold back from buying for 1 year. It will be a self-fufilling prophecy.

27-11-11, 21:14
this is not a place to share knowledge & skill...I have spent my time to do my research, just display here for all the rubbish bulls or you to learn & pick up??....haha...dream on....even I teach everything, I will kena all kind of insult & badmouth, don't waste time...continue my way, they can get lost but i know they will stick to this thread day & night to personal so that I can give up this thread....

to you, I know your intention earlier when you started to comment on my posting....you should go & create a thread yourself since you think property price will down 30% in next 24 months, put down your formula, how you derive....I a not interested, will not even take a look at your thread....

cursing & swearing, you still want to bring up here...already explained many times to you...so I ocnfirmed your intention of coming into this thread....bring those bulls to your thread, I continue to post my bearish reports which I think things will be unfolded this way....

discredit me, you gain?? bulls will be on your side? try to paly politics?? you are not welcome in this thread, I will continue post what I like, explain accordingly, if you think you gain nothng here, stay out....as I said from beginning of this thread, I don't need anything from any forumers here, of course including you....from your posting, I don't see anything I can pick up.....
Can you say something new? be more creative, basic
All the news you posted are history
All your comments are common sense: clean your debt during crisis, retrenchment in recession, rent will be hit during crisis,..... tell us something we don't know
Anything you posted is insightful? Please just name ONE more in addition to the 50% thing
I hope that this is not the only place on earth where people even listening to you, judging by the way you carrying yourself
BTW, you are the very person who discredit yourself, at least you are the one who started it

27-11-11, 21:22
Blackswan - We need more people like you... :p Developers are getting too bold in pricing their projects and need to be taught a lesson. Let's all hold back from buying for 1 year. It will be a self-fufilling prophecy.

If you look at the bidders of the chestnut ave site, many of them, including the winning bidder, are joint-ventures. In a way developers are also reducing the risks, too.

27-11-11, 21:24

I really admire your stamina in posting all this while (103+ pages).
However I can't understand why do you need to stress the downturn so explicitly and trying your best to convince the rest.

To be true, I am way super bear then you do and basically your article/s are just scratching the surface.

Hosing in U.S have been down since the peak 2006 and are still down (lots of pundits/experts are still commenting that markets bearishness really left them scratching their head when the market had come down so much. OMG!!!)

Lots of stories in Australia too if you search hard enough.

China markets stories are really coming fast and furious.

In HK, in one quarter, the number of loans in negative equity just shot through the roof as compare to Q2 (b,b, but didn't they have tons of billionaire/millionaire in HK, Taiwan.Macau and China to support??? The problem is always a lack of housing, never a problem of demand!!!)

In KL, last week Straits Times also had an article on KLCC surrounding price stagnation (but in KLCC, a couple of months ago, people are saying that there will be no problem with supply, there's too much demand at the moment. (I was there then)).

But I guess Singapore is SOOOO DIFFERENT, we are the LITTLE RED DOT you know. always short of supply, never a problem with demand.

Anyway, last week Daiwa Research came out with a call for Singapore Property to go down 22-26% by 2014 and StandChart is 30% (or something like that.

But aren't they like the ratings companies, they adjust when its too late and still they give too high a rating despite the bottom is falling off.

Talk to any Indonesians/Chinese whom have property in Singapore and ask them about their outlook. Also don't expect them to wait and hold when the plunge come. Judging the way they cut their liquid investment, I don't have a lot of confidence in them not dumping.

22-26%/30% and look at 4% (only?) interest when calculating home loan???
We shall see................................but its always the case right? When prices fall, people pull their property of the shelf, waiting for a rebound. Only when the plunge come then do they start to panic and all come out and sell at the same time, depressing the prices further. Since when is this different?

I can only say for me, when the price correction come, I will offer 20-25% lower for the asking, if the owner still dilly dally and by then market turn for the worse and they hit me on my offer, I will tell them offer is not there anymore and will adjust another 15% lower. Nothing personal, its just business cos that's the way owner do when market chiong up couple of years ago.

Anyway........have a great week ahead everyone.

thanks...what you said I have said it much earlier, whether is china, HK, US...except Australia & KL..I do have some news, but i think is more than enough for me to understand Australia & Malaysia....

Australia property has been coming down fast since 1-2 yrs ago due to their immigration policy & control in foreigners' owning property in Australia....Australia 80% of growth depend on china infrastructure...so the demand has coming down tremendously, that is why you see Australia GDP coming down a lot, even has to cut rate to sustain their growth....Australia cannot ride on china growth anymore going forward from here....hard time is coming....look at Australia stock index plunging in last 2 weeks & AUD down 13% against US$.....

KLCC, malaysia property market did not move up much in last 5 yrs compared to most asian city, I bought a unit in KLCC at RM600+ psf in early 2007, sold earlynthis yr at RM900+, after 4 yrs only up 50%....property price there move at a much slower pace, when market plunging down, also will not down too much...compared to Penang, Ipoh, Melaka or JB, only KL property worth to invest...next is JB,the rest,don't waste time....

property move in cycle, up/down....time is here, don't fight the trend, don't hope....this time is no joke....by end 2012, you will know why I said that....by 2014, you will not believe how hard it is....:)

27-11-11, 21:28
User of nickname blackswan.....do u haf another nick?

Not bad an idea to have 3 diff nicks.....bearbear, bullbull and another normal nick....hehehe

27-11-11, 21:29
Can you say something new? be more creative, basic
All the news you posted are history
All your comments are common sense: clean your debt during crisis, retrenchment in recession, rent will be hit during crisis,..... tell us something we don't know
Anything you posted is insightful? Please just name ONE more in addition to the 50% thing
I hope that this is not the only place on earth where people even listening to you, judging by the way you carrying yourself
BTW, you are the very person who discredit yourself, at least you are the one who started it
your talk is cheap....what I posted here, the fastest you can read in Straits Times for the same news is 2 days after....

why don't you create you own thread, let see how creative you atre...talk & comment this way is easy & nothing....

the 50% is that all I want to say....as I said detailed, timeline...short, mid & long term timing are only for friends, not for rubbish bulls here....hope they buy more now....then we can have harder crash later....

you said I started it, that means you are getting personal too, shame on you.....

that is why I said, I am clear of your intention....go & open your own thread....

I have nothing to talk to you, I said it before, NO REQUEST.....you want to read, read.....don't, just pass....

27-11-11, 21:32
Blackswan - We need more people like you... :p Developers are getting too bold in pricing their projects and need to be taught a lesson. Let's all hold back from buying for 1 year. It will be a self-fufilling prophecy.


27-11-11, 21:33
If you look at the bidders of the chestnut ave site, many of them, including the winning bidder, are joint-ventures. In a way developers are also reducing the risks, too.
U r sharp!

27-11-11, 21:37
Blackswan - We need more people like you... :p Developers are getting too bold in pricing their projects and need to be taught a lesson. Let's all hold back from buying for 1 year. It will be a self-fufilling prophecy.

I am sure the forum don't need people like me. Because what will happen will happen. Whether I say it r not have no material impact on what's going to come

When China start to cool its property market last year, a lot of property tycoon there were interviewed and their response is "We will not cut prices of our unsold house because there are huge demand and these measure will have very minimum impact". Well we know that the prices have since plunge and they need to compensate earlier batch of buyers for the price cut + give out Mercedes (or BMW or AUDI) to entice new buyers.

Anyway, I happen to be in the banking business and like to talk to people (maybe that's why I am in Banking?), and from some of the chat, I have no doubt that the valuation price and the final txn price (publish in URA) is FREAKING wide. There are also deals that can be close to 30-35% lower than what 1st owner bought.

But, having said that, these are deals that's at in the single millions, so its still not affecting the suburbs. But these are always the ones that buy at the highest and believe in everything they like to think to convince themselves. Isn't it always so.

I might be wrong (possibility is 50%. Probability???) in the end and have to lan lan buy at higher price. In the end, we are all adults making CALCULATED guess. So right or wrong, we and only we will be responsible for it.

27-11-11, 21:40
User of nickname blackswan.....do u haf another nick?

Not bad an idea to have 3 diff nicks.....bearbear, bullbull and another normal nick....hehehe

Haha... maybe BJ21T is Basic's alter ego.... they are the same person!!

27-11-11, 21:42
Good sense...

I am sure the forum don't need people like me. Because what will happen will happen. Whether I say it r not have no material impact on what's going to come

When China start to cool its property market last year, a lot of property tycoon there were interviewed and their response is "We will not cut prices of our unsold house because there are huge demand and these measure will have very minimum impact". Well we know that the prices have since plunge and they need to compensate earlier batch of buyers for the price cut + give out Mercedes (or BMW or AUDI) to entice new buyers.

Anyway, I happen to be in the banking business and like to talk to people (maybe that's why I am in Banking?), and from some of the chat, I have no doubt that the valuation price and the final txn price (publish in URA) is FREAKING wide. There are also deals that can be close to 30-35% lower than what 1st owner bought.

But, having said that, these are deals that's at in the single millions, so its still not affecting the suburbs. But these are always the ones that buy at the highest and believe in everything they like to think to convince themselves. Isn't it always so.

I might be wrong (possibility is 50%. Probability???) in the end and have to lan lan buy at higher price. In the end, we are all adults making CALCULATED guess. So right or wrong, we and only we will be responsible for it.

27-11-11, 21:46
wahlaueh.. SpinCity is one of the more credible brothers here and also kena hamtam by basic for nothing leh.......:doh:

27-11-11, 21:47
User of nickname blackswan.....do u haf another nick?

Not bad an idea to have 3 diff nicks.....bearbear, bullbull and another normal nick....hehehe

Wah Bro:

Suspect your have mind reading skills.

I do have another nick but I can't remember that nick and can only remember this nick.

Whether someone use 3//5.....nicks, does it matter?
Its the argument that counts isn;t it? At least that's for me, hence I tried to read both side of an argument to prevent personal bias.

Also, does it really matter what I say about the market?
No it don't. We don't have any control over where the market go.
If those property hotshot can't, I don't think I can via this forum.

27-11-11, 21:49
I am sure the forum don't need people like me. Because what will happen will happen. Whether I say it r not have no material impact on what's going to come

When China start to cool its property market last year, a lot of property tycoon there were interviewed and their response is "We will not cut prices of our unsold house because there are huge demand and these measure will have very minimum impact". Well we know that the prices have since plunge and they need to compensate earlier batch of buyers for the price cut + give out Mercedes (or BMW or AUDI) to entice new buyers.

Anyway, I happen to be in the banking business and like to talk to people (maybe that's why I am in Banking?), and from some of the chat, I have no doubt that the valuation price and the final txn price (publish in URA) is FREAKING wide. There are also deals that can be close to 30-35% lower than what 1st owner bought.

But, having said that, these are deals that's at in the single millions, so its still not affecting the suburbs. But these are always the ones that buy at the highest and believe in everything they like to think to convince themselves. Isn't it always so.

I might be wrong (possibility is 50%. Probability???) in the end and have to lan lan buy at higher price. In the end, we are all adults making CALCULATED guess. So right or wrong, we and only we will be responsible for it.

the way you talk bear makes me feel so good....nice way to put it...maybe that basic should learn some basic courtesy from you lah...:D

27-11-11, 21:50
Wah Bro:


Also, does it really matter what I say about the market?
No it don't. We don't have any control over where the market go.
If those property hotshot can't, I don't think I can via this forum.

That is correct. Many like basic thought that there are BBs controlling the markets. WOHAHAHAHAHAAH

27-11-11, 21:57
thanksgiving friday is the shopping day of the year....this yr, beside robbery, gunfire & shooting, they have pepper spray....that why is called black friday...

this is american today...the society is very unstable, agitated...any further stress will trigger social unrest & riot across whole US although OWS is practically a peaceful gathering so far, not much real big violence....

If Europe banks run in coming months, cause US banks, brokerage , insurance or financial firms to run too, then it will ignite the riot fire in US.....baby boomers likely cannot retire now but cannot find jobs too....

Anyone really wonder what would happen to society if the economy collapses or war is brought close to home…Black Friday behaviour is telling.

November 26th, 2011

Anyone really wonder what would happen to society if the economy collapses or war is brought close to home…Black Friday behaviour is telling. This is a sad state for a supposedly season of ‘giving’. Just imagine…if/when tshtf …reminds me of the extreme importance to quickly move forward on my security & safety preparations. imho

We all knew that this was coming, didn’t we? Each year Black Friday violence just seems to get worse and worse. What does it say about American consumers when they are willing to fight like crazed animals just to save a few bucks on cheap plastic crap made in China? Not that retailers are innocent in any of this. It certainly seems as though many of them purposely create wild situations on Black Friday where customers will rush like crazy people into their stores and nearly riot as they fight over discounted merchandise. The more Black Friday madness there is, the more of an “event” it becomes, and the higher the profits of the retailers go. This year there was more Black Friday hype than ever and there was also more Black Friday violence than ever. It is being projected that this year a record-setting 152 million (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2066011/Black-Friday-sales-2011-20-injured-152m-Americans-hit-shops.html) Americans will go shopping between Thanksgiving and Sunday night. That may be good news for the big corporate retailers, but the shocking lack of character being displayed by American consumers all over the country this weekend is very bad news for the future of this nation.
included robberies (http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/25/news/economy/black_friday_violence.cnnw/index.htm), gunfire (http://news.yahoo.com/gunfire-erupts-nc-mall-early-shoppers-arrive-095423235.html) and shootings (http://www.thesunnews.com/2011/11/25/2517852/one-woman-wounded-during-robbery.html), but the most shocking incidents actually happened inside the big retail stores. For example, as merchandise was being unveiled on Black Friday night at a Wal-Mart in the Los Angeles area, one woman actualy pulled out pepper spray (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/11/at-wal-mart-pepper-spray-attack-triggered-chaos-screaming.html) and sprayed it at other customers that were gathered around her.
Did she do this because she felt threatened?
No, according to the Los Angeles Times (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/11/at-wal-mart-pepper-spray-attack-triggered-chaos-screaming.html), authorities say that the woman was just seeking a “competitive” edge.
It is being reported that at least 20 people were affected by the pepper spray.

27-11-11, 22:00
That is correct. Many like basic thought that there are BBs controlling the markets. WOHAHAHAHAHAAH

office boy....I said it >30x in ths thread, MARKET FORCE decide.....
don't anyhow shout....

why you so worry, abandon your thread & camp here??....that only show you are scared of this thread.....show your weakness.....

haha...even your uncle wants you to watch me here....haha....no need lah, go back to your thread.....

27-11-11, 22:00
Wah Bro:

Suspect your have mind reading skills.

I do have another nick but I can't remember that nick and can only remember this nick.

Whether someone use 3//5.....nicks, does it matter?
Its the argument that counts isn;t it? At least that's for me, hence I tried to read both side of an argument to prevent personal bias.

Also, does it really matter what I say about the market?
No it don't. We don't have any control over where the market go.
If those property hotshot can't, I don't think I can via this forum.

Dun get defensive la.....

U shd noe me by now tat i love to tok anything under the sun

Blackswan is a damn good bearbear nick.....;)

Bcoz at diff stages and period, we take different side.....in 08, i am a big bear bear.....so if i hf join this forum earlier in 08, it will b appropriate to use smthing like blackswan rite? U joined in dec08 during the darkest period.....

Den in mid 09, i turned into a super bull.....so i cant possibly use a bearbear nick and say i buy this and there rite? Whahahaha

After 14 jan, i turned neutral.....so perhaps using a normal nick will be better?

27-11-11, 22:01
Wah Bro:

Suspect your have mind reading skills.

I do have another nick but I can't remember that nick and can only remember this nick.

Whether someone use 3//5.....nicks, does it matter?
Its the argument that counts isn;t it? At least that's for me, hence I tried to read both side of an argument to prevent personal bias.

Also, does it really matter what I say about the market?
No it don't. We don't have any control over where the market go.
If those property hotshot can't, I don't think I can via this forum.

I like yr post no need to bicker just stay objective, coz certain phenomenon r just beyond human control, imagination n calculation!

27-11-11, 22:05
office boy....I said it >30x in ths thread, MARKET FORCE decide.....
don't anyhow shout....

why you so worry, abandon your thread & camp here??....that only show you are scared of this thread.....show your weakness.....

haha...even your uncle wants you to watch me here....haha....no need lah, go back to your thread.....
Hows the 3g signal at changi beach? Seems quite gd....goodie

27-11-11, 22:08
Hows the 3g signal at changi beach? Seems quite gd....goodie

how is 6 ft under with your family with all the devil??.....
who burn the modem to you?? get your wife to queue up to enter the gate....:):)

27-11-11, 22:11
the way you talk bear makes me feel so good....nice way to put it...maybe that basic should learn some basic courtesy from you lah...:D

Have not posted for some time, was renting all these while and just like to do a check to confirm my feeling and this forum is my first test check.

But below are some of the reasons why I don't post as much as last time.

1) I don't want to "rescue" anybody by telling them of the "REAL" sate of afairs (IMHO) despite me having high conviction of my call because I always think that for those talking heads on Bloomberg/CNBC, if they are so good and so sure of their call, they should milk their strategy to the fullest before disclosing it. So I will just quietly observe the market patiently and strike when the time is right.

2) I can't help anybody because they are too many sheeple out there that want to believe what they believe. There is a cliff out there and they are galloping (do sheep gallop?) towards it as their vision sent a signal to their brain that its a stairway to heaven!!!

How do I make them see what I see in this case?
Just like how do the "bulls" make me see what they see to convince me otherwise?

27-11-11, 22:13
how is 6 ft under with your family with all the devil??.....
who burn the modem to you?? get your wife to queue up to enter the gate....:):)
Wah...reminds me of the poker drama series....

A guy tat dun tink twice about using his wife as a betting stake

27-11-11, 22:15
Wah...reminds me of the poker drama series....

A guy tat dun tink twice about using his wife as a betting stake

since you like to start nonsense poking so much...then poke your family to hell lor....:):):):)

27-11-11, 22:18
since you like to start nonsense poking so much...then poke your family to hell lor....:):):):)
Be a man.....fight one on one....dun nid to drag family along

U always say one leh...be a man....face it...dun beg for money....aiyoyo

27-11-11, 22:18
Dun get defensive la.....

U shd noe me by now tat i love to tok anything under the sun

Blackswan is a damn good bearbear nick.....;)

Bcoz at diff stages and period, we take different side.....in 08, i am a big bear bear.....so if i hf join this forum earlier in 08, it will b appropriate to use smthing like blackswan rite? U joined in dec08 during the darkest period.....

Den in mid 09, i turned into a super bull.....so i cant possibly use a bearbear nick and say i buy this and there rite? Whahahaha

After 14 jan, i turned neutral.....so perhaps using a normal nick will be better?

No problem Bro.

In fact like Nassim Taleb in his book "Fooled By Randomness", he had a section which was thinking whats the matter with all this classification of bulls/bears as if its a zoo. But guess I am one of the sheeple at that time to choose this nick.

There is no bulls/bears, just whether u make $$$ or the converse.

enjoy your week ahead.

27-11-11, 22:20
how is 6 ft under with your family with all the devil??.....
who burn the modem to you?? get your wife to queue up to enter the gate....:):)

Bro.. why bring family into this? Not cool....:tsk-tsk:

27-11-11, 22:24
Be a man.....fight one on one....dun nid to drag family along

U always say one leh...be a man....face it...dun beg for money....aiyoyo

If you are man, then you would not start so much nonsense & be LIAR KING........:)

27-11-11, 22:25
Bro.. why bring family into this? Not cool....:tsk-tsk:

then ask him don't start nonsense....I warn him 100x, no use...how....
don't point at me...he started all, hundreds of nonsense posts....:)

27-11-11, 22:39
your talk is cheap....what I posted here, the fastest you can read in Straits Times for the same news is 2 days after....

why don't you create you own thread, let see how creative you atre...talk & comment this way is easy & nothing....

the 50% is that all I want to say....as I said detailed, timeline...short, mid & long term timing are only for friends, not for rubbish bulls here....hope they buy more now....then we can have harder crash later....

you said I started it, that means you are getting personal too, shame on you.....

that is why I said, I am clear of your intention....go & open your own thread....

I have nothing to talk to you, I said it before, NO REQUEST.....you want to read, read.....don't, just pass....

The moment you used "formula" and formula only, I kind of know where your level is
By knowing you invested in KL properties, I kind of know where you are in terms of property investment
I shall request no more clarification and explanation from you any more
By the way,
I come to this thread when I want to come, not by your invitation
I may not come back to this thread one day, that's because I choose to, but because you command so
I post when I want to post, whether you like it or not
You may started this thread, but it is not your property since the moment it was created

27-11-11, 22:40
aiyoyo, basic you know not this forum ok.

Devilplate: although is critical in his comments sometimes, is a very sharp investor. Hardly I see him bashing anybody at all leh.

howgozit: A nice guy into flying crafts. He is a very logical and rational thinking person.

SpinCity: By far one of the most sensible poster in this forum that contribute a lot prior to you starting this thread.

All the above 3 are nice brothers leh... why you keep calling them names ?


27-11-11, 22:48
No problem Bro.

In fact like Nassim Taleb in his book "Fooled By Randomness", he had a section which was thinking whats the matter with all this classification of bulls/bears as if its a zoo. But guess I am one of the sheeple at that time to choose this nick.

There is no bulls/bears, just whether u make $$$ or the converse.

enjoy your week ahead.
U r very right! Looks like i shd pick up this interesting book!

U see....anybody disagree wif mr b, he classified them as bull....and for me, liar king...lol

In fact according to the poll results, so many bear bear here wor.....where got so many rubbish bulls? Perhaps only our unique blackjack showhand trader still bullbull la....hehehe

U hf a great week ahead ;)

U r so far a living example tat not all bears kena bashed like mr b....whahahaha

27-11-11, 22:50
You may started this thread, but it is not your property since the moment it was created
Mr b forgot to lodge a caveat! Whahahahaha

27-11-11, 23:01
The moment you used "formula" and formula only, I kind of know where your level is
By knowing you invested in KL properties, I kind of know where you are in terms of property investment
I shall request no more clarification and explanation from you any more
By the way,
I come to this thread when I want to come, not by your invitation
I may not come back to this thread one day, that's because I choose to, but because you command so
I post when I want to post, whether you like it or not
You may started this thread, but it is not your property since the moment it was created

if your formula is mathematical, then your mind is very narrow...
regarding KL property, I have a reason why I invested, you will not know & you jump into conclusion....real joker.....
You come or not, who care...you comment on me, then I reply accordingly...I never started any conversation with you....

If this thread is not interesting, why come?? just like those rubbish bulls, camp here day & night....they are stressful to find out any bomb explodes, bad news is good enough for them....why do they personal attack?? why rely on personal attack?? if they have strong reason for uptrend, they don't have to post here & personal attack to struggle themselves, reflect bad on themselves....

27-11-11, 23:08
aiyoyo, basic you know not this forum ok.

Devilplate: although is critical in his comments sometimes, is a very sharp investor. Hardly I see him bashing anybody at all leh.

howgozit: A nice guy into flying crafts. He is a very logical and rational thinking person.

SpinCity: By far one of the most sensible poster in this forum that contribute a lot prior to you starting this thread.

All the above 3 are nice brothers leh... why you keep calling them names ?


nice? you can have them....
same to you....below is for you too....

If this thread is not interesting, why come?? just like those rubbish bulls, camp here day & night....they are stressful to find out any bomb explodes today, bad news is good enough for them to be crazy....these bulls have no pride, how you sk them to get lost from this bear thread, they still come back themselves....even they said will not come, back, still come back shamelessly...hahahaha......
why do they personal attack?? why rely on personal attack?? if they have strong reason for uptrend, they don't have to post here & personal attack to struggle themselves, reflect bad on themselves....

27-11-11, 23:09
if your formula is mathematical, then your mind is very narrow...
regarding KL property, I have a reason why I invested, you will not know & you jump into conclusion....real joker.....
You come or not, who care...you comment on me, then I reply accordingly...I never started any conversation with you....

If this thread is not interesting, why come?? just like those rubbish bulls, camp here day & night....they are stressful to find out any bomb explodes, bad news is good enough for them....why do they personal attack?? why rely on personal attack?? if they have strong reason for uptrend, they don't have to post here & personal attack to struggle themselves, reflect bad on themselves....
Ya la...u r always right.....

In ur world, there r only FANs who worship u as GOD or Fools

Only black and white.....no grey is allowed

27-11-11, 23:25
Ya la...u r always right.....

In ur world, there r only FANs who worship u as GOD or Fools

Only black and white.....no grey is allowed

haha...I have no fan, no god.....
this thread comes to this stage...there is only bull or bear....no in between....
till today, still so many personal attack, what can we discuss?? what can I reveal?? or what can you say??....

so this thread will just move on like now....as I said, if all of you don't come in, no forumer here, no fan, no god, no fool...I am very happy & enjoy the 'no nloise' environment.....this is where I can track some of the reports & notes...

27-11-11, 23:28
haha...I have no fan, no god.....
this thread comes to this stage...there is only bull or bear....no in between....
till today, still so many personal attack, what can we discuss?? what can I reveal?? or what can you say??....

so this thread will just move on like now....as I said, if all of you don't come in, no forumer here, no fan, no god, no fool...I am very happy & enjoy the 'no nloise' environment.....this is where I can track some of the reports & notes...
U shd create a blog and update from there? U can truly own ur blog ....dun nid to lodge caveat....lol

28-11-11, 00:33
if your formula is mathematical, then your mind is very narrow...
regarding KL property, I have a reason why I invested, you will not know & you jump into conclusion....real joker.....
You come or not, who care...you comment on me, then I reply accordingly...I never started any conversation with you....

If this thread is not interesting, why come?? just like those rubbish bulls, camp here day & night....they are stressful to find out any bomb explodes, bad news is good enough for them....why do they personal attack?? why rely on personal attack?? if they have strong reason for uptrend, they don't have to post here & personal attack to struggle themselves, reflect bad on themselves....
You were not me, how do you know my formula is mathematical? or even there is a formula at all?
You were not me, how do you know my conclusion on your investment in KL?
You were not me, how do you know why I come to this thread?
All these just reflect that you are narrow minded, always try to find out people's intention but sadly get it wrong
Of course, as usual, you will say you don't care, blah blah blah
you can save it as after so many pages, people shall know what can come out from you
I don't mind if you want to continue but remember, don't get it personal, please
By the way, at what levels that Dow, Nasdaq, and STI will close on Monday? Do you mind sharing what your formula tells you? If you can see as far as 2-3 or even 5 years, and as precise as "50% drop" in property price, it shall be easy to tell what's going to happen tomorrow, right?:)

28-11-11, 05:47
You were not me, how do you know my formula is mathematical? or even there is a formula at all?
You were not me, how do you know my conclusion on your investment in KL?
You were not me, how do you know why I come to this thread?
All these just reflect that you are narrow minded, always try to find out people's intention but sadly get it wrong
Of course, as usual, you will say you don't care, blah blah blah
you can save it as after so many pages, people shall know what can come out from you
I don't mind if you want to continue but remember, don't get it personal, please
By the way, at what levels that Dow, Nasdaq, and STI will close on Monday? Do you mind sharing what your formula tells you? If you can see as far as 2-3 or even 5 years, and as precise as "50% drop" in property price, it shall be easy to tell what's going to happen tomorrow, right?:)

haha...another wasting time....
formula?....I said, IF.....mathematical formula is you said, not me....
on KL, you said ' I kind of know where you are in terms of property investment', so what you know??.....
why you come to this thread, same as those bulls although you bet on property down 30% in next 24 month, NOT 50%....
I said >30x here, I don't start any personal, unless someone started....if I warn >10x, they still carry on, then I will greet their family....
nobody know exactly what Dow, Nasdaq or STI close today...not even LHL or LKY or obama or bernanke or GS CEO or warren buffett.....NOBODY....by probability & other method....those who ask this question is naive....

28-11-11, 05:53
U shd create a blog and update from there? U can truly own ur blog ....dun nid to lodge caveat....lol

I am not so tech savvy, also don't want to waste time to maintain....
viewer rate here is good...1 month, 135,000, why should I start somewhere...

28-11-11, 06:35
haha...another wasting time....
formula?....I said, IF.....mathematical formula is you said, not me....
on KL, you said ' I kind of know where you are in terms of property investment', so what you know??.....
why you come to this thread, same as those bulls although you bet on property down 30% in next 24 month, NOT 50%....
I said >30x here, I don't start any personal, unless someone started....if I warn >10x, they still carry on, then I will greet their family....
nobody know exactly what Dow, Nasdaq or STI close today...not even LHL or LKY or obama or bernanke or GS CEO or warren buffett.....NOBODY....by probability & other method....those who ask this question is naive....

if the situation becomes dire as you stated, no properties or assets in the World will be spared- including KL. Singapore drop 1 % is equivalent to KL drop 10%- after exchange rate losses and inflation consideration. Good Luck.


28-11-11, 06:54
haha...I have no fan, no god.....
this thread comes to this stage...there is only bull or bear....no in between....
till today, still so many personal attack, what can we discuss?? what can I reveal?? or what can you say??....

so this thread will just move on like now....as I said, if all of you don't come in, no forumer here, no fan, no god, no fool...I am very happy & enjoy the 'no nloise' environment.....this is where I can track some of the reports & notes...

share leh...dun be selfish la.

28-11-11, 06:56
The World's governments are trying their best to avert a double dip. Here we have an anti-World doomsayer that hopes that they fail in their endeavors. :doh:

proud owner
28-11-11, 07:28
I don't mind to have a face to face debate with Liew Mun Leong on this in TV, also bear & bull of future property market.....

sweet ...

c'mom BULLs ... who wants to show face and debate with Basic on TV ???

round 1 goes to Basic

proud owner
28-11-11, 07:41

please dont fight ..

i know Devil likes to tcss ...
i know Basic likes to defend ...

so stop TCSS to Basic ..
otherwise he will retaliate till family members involve ..

its not cool ... he shouldnt but in the name of 'law' ..he was provoked ..

so please ..

for the good of other forummers ... like me ... who is here to learn ...
stop poking .. and stop name calling from now on ..

thank you ..

proud owner
28-11-11, 07:46
The World's governments are trying their best to avert a double dip. Here we have an anti-World doomsayer that hopes that they fail in their endeavors. :doh:

can i assume that you also believe the world is in trouble ?

and that the govts are trying their best to avert a double dip ?

if it is ... what are you still so BULL ?

what if the govts fail to save the world ?

28-11-11, 07:53
The World's governments are trying their best to avert a double dip. Here we have an anti-World doomsayer that hopes that they fail in their endeavors. :doh:

not what I hope, is what I read & after some work....
If rely on hope, then stay out of all investment.....

28-11-11, 07:56
"From Bloomberg: 'RETAIL GROUP SAYS SECOND-BEST BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND WAS IN 2008." As a reminder, Thanksgiving 2008 happened just after a nearly 400 point plunge in the S&P in two months as can be seen in the chart below. Which begs the question: with the world on the verge every single day once again, is it a coincidence that people spent more than they did only compared to 2008 when the world was once again ending. In other words, did Americans really spend "like there is no tomorrow" (more so than ever that is)... and what happens when the bill (because there is no doubt the purchasing was entirely on credit) is in the mailbox?"

good thanksgiving sales is good?? pay by credit card again, got money to pay later??....
shop like NO TOMORROW...so pesismistic in US??.....
after 2008 thanksgiving, STI sink to 1465, 4 months later....let see will we have a bigger drop this time since the sales is stronger than 2008....

28-11-11, 07:59
aiyoyo, basic you know not this forum ok.

Devilplate: although is critical in his comments sometimes, is a very sharp investor. Hardly I see him bashing anybody at all leh.

howgozit: A nice guy into flying crafts. He is a very logical and rational thinking person.

SpinCity: By far one of the most sensible poster in this forum that contribute a lot prior to you starting this thread.

All the above 3 are nice brothers leh... why you keep calling them names ?


I clicked "LIKE" :cheers4:

28-11-11, 08:01
if the situation becomes dire as you stated, no properties or assets in the World will be spared- including KL. Singapore drop 1 % is equivalent to KL drop 10%- after exchange rate losses and inflation consideration. Good Luck.


I did not say the world.....
I said earlier KL will drop less than Spore, reason simple, KL up less so drop less compared to spore...also malaysia is resources rich country, during recession time, easier to get over....depend on others & outside world & trade during depression or war or....hard to survive....

28-11-11, 08:04
can i assume that you also believe the world is in trouble ?

and that the govts are trying their best to avert a double dip ?

if it is ... what are you still so BULL ?

what if the govts fail to save the world ?

Because if they failed, China will be the next World leader..simple as that. I am vested into Western assets but no China stocks at all. Angmo will have to give up their technology to China much like the Germans to the Americans in WW2.

I already knew 10 years ago when Euro started trading in forex that one day this will happen.

China have been preparing for this. What you see now in the property market in China is called intentional RESHUTTLING- much like consolidating all the small players into a few major ones like capitalland. In fact , the target is 1000 property developers in China instead of the current 10,000. After which, they will emerge from China to buy assets all over the World especially Western ones.

Do you know that as recent a a few weeks ago, someone from China bid to buy a HUGE part of Iceland? The angmo gahment prevented him.

We will see who is right in 2012 Lunar New Year whereby the Chinese Zodiac coincide with the DRAGON YEAR.

The World needs a bipolar political balance. Not a monopolar one.

proud owner
28-11-11, 08:13
Because if they failed, China will be the next World leader..simple as that. I am vested into Western assets but no China stocks at all.

I already knew 10 years ago when Euro started trading in forex that one day this will happen.

China have been preparing for this. What you see now in the property market in China is called intentional RESHUTTLING- much like consolidating all the small players into a few major ones like capitalland. In fact , the target is 1000 property developers in China instead of the current 10,000. After which, they will emerge from China to buy assets over the World especially Western ones.

Do you know that as recent a a few weeks ago, someone from China bid to buy a HUGE part of Iceland? The angmo gahment prevented him.

We will see who is right in 2012 Lunar New Year.

The World needs a bipolar political balance. Not a monopolar one.


i am very slow at this ..

so you are saying ..the West will and cannot afford to fail ..
cos if it does, it will lose its supremacy to China ..

hence, by hook or bu crook ...europe will be saved ... ( or problem postponed ?)

with Europe saved , property markets will boom again

28-11-11, 08:14

i am very slow at this ..

so you are saying ..the West will and cannot afford to fail ..
cos if it does, it will lose its supremacy to China ..

hence, by hook or bu crook ...europe will be saved ... ( or problem postponed ?)

with Europe saved , property markets will boom again

Dear brother proud owner, Nobody can predict the future. All I can say is I do not wish a MONO-POLAR World.

28-11-11, 08:16
haha...another wasting time....
formula?....I said, IF.....mathematical formula is you said, not me....
on KL, you said ' I kind of know where you are in terms of property investment', so what you know??.....
why you come to this thread, same as those bulls although you bet on property down 30% in next 24 month, NOT 50%....
I said >30x here, I don't start any personal, unless someone started....if I warn >10x, they still carry on, then I will greet their family....
nobody know exactly what Dow, Nasdaq or STI close today...not even LHL or LKY or obama or bernanke or GS CEO or warren buffett.....NOBODY....by probability & other method....those who ask this question is naive....

for the formula thing, it was you who brought it up, wanted me to create my thread and put up my formula to explain how I derive at 30% drop, didn't that imply you have your formula to derive your 50%? But it's ok, I won't argue with you on this one.

For what I know about your KL investment. Seriously, all I know is that you bought in early 2007 and sold in 2011 with a profit of RM300psf or 50% of your purchase price. That's all I know. But the following is what I deduce from what I know:
1) you bought in early 2007, which means you missed the bottom. but it is fine as you still bought on the way up, and there might be a reason for you to miss the bottom
2) you were very bearish in 2008 but you didn't sell it in 2008 but in 2011 instead, which means you didn't put your money where your mouth is. In addition, you missed the peak in 2008 before the financial crisis. If you had sold it in 2008 and bought back at the bottom in 2009, you could have made much more. You may have your reason, too. It's ok.
3) You may have grown in skill as four years ago, you couldn't even see what was going to happen in 2008 and 2009 (if you could, you would have sold at the peak and bought back at the bottom, couldn't you?), but now you can see 4-5 years down the road, which means you are getting better, if you are right this time.
Anyway, congrats on your growth

Lastly, you know that no human being, including yourself, knows what's going to happen tomorrow to stock markets, but you know exactly what's going to happen to property price in 2-3 years with absolute confidence: not 5% correction ,not 30% drop, but a 50% crash, which demonstrate your super-natural ability in seeing through time into the future. This is amazing!

proud owner
28-11-11, 08:16
Dear brother proud owner, Nobody can predict the future. All I can say is I do not wish a MONO-POLAR World.

i dont want either ...especially if it is going to be the PRC ..

cannot tahan their behaviours ...frightens me ..if those news on Asiaone are true

28-11-11, 08:19
i dont want either ...especially if it is going to be the PRC ..

cannot tahan their behaviours ...frightens me ..if those news on Asiaone are true

Exactly my same sentiments. But not that I cannot tahan them- more like I am very fearful of their farmer soldiers. In Shanghai, all their Military Police are at least 1.85m tall. Think about it and try to recall what happened during the Indian-Chinese Border War and the Long March. China won the War not by Military power, more like their soldiers already gave up their life before even the battle started...SCARY or not?:banghead:

28-11-11, 08:21
Dear brother proud owner, Nobody can predict the future. All I can say is I do not wish a MONO-POLAR World.

If you cannot predict what is coming & no direction where the market is heading....then only by chance by hope by tikam....then stay out of all investment....

Investment is about how far & how correct you are in looking into future....
so you must have your way to decied what is in short, mid & long term of the market, whether is stock, property, commodity, currency or interest rate....

don't depend on others, develop your own skill....if someone leave, then you do not know what to do or lost totally, then you will sure fail.....

proud owner
28-11-11, 08:23
Exactly my same sentiments. But not that I cannot tahan them- more like I am very fearful of their farmer soldiers. In Shanghai, all their Military Police are at least 1.85m tall. Think about it and try to recall what happened during the Indian-Chinese Border War and the Long March.

i am more afraid of eating their food products, or being knocked down by a PRC driver, and i dont die on the spot and he wold ram into me over and over until i die ..

or see a girl being openly molested or ... " My father is the governor of XXX province" ...

28-11-11, 08:23
If you cannot predict what is coming & no direction where the market is heading....then only by chance by hope by tikam....then stay out of all investment....

Investment is about how far & how correct you are in looking into future....
so you must have your way to decied what is in short, mid & long term of the market, whether is stock, property, commodity, currency or interest rate....

don't depend on others, develop your own skill....if someone leave, then you do not know what to do or lost totally, then you will sure fail.....

Good Advice :) I will strive to be like that lor...WOAHAHAHAHAAH

28-11-11, 08:23
I read an article about CEO of Long Hu property group (0960.HK) in China ... scary ... they study what kind of plants can attract what kind of birds when building condos .... they even rearrange your shoes when you are visiting their showflats :scared-3:



28-11-11, 08:24
Exactly my same sentiments. But not that I cannot tahan them- more like I am very fearful of their farmer soldiers. In Shanghai, all their Military Police are at least 1.85m tall. Think about it and try to recall what happened during the Indian-Chinese Border War and the Long March.

Bro, I have seen shorter ones in Shanghai lah.

28-11-11, 08:26
i am more afraid of eating their food products, or being knocked down by a PRC driver, and i dont die on the spot and he wold ram into me over and over until i die ..

or see a girl being openly molested or ... " My father is the governor of XXX province" ...

When you have the major bulk of a population without any faith or religion- it is very scary. Why Japan could never conquer China is that during WW2, it is China human flesh against the Japanese Bullets. Waves and waves of human flesh showered into the advancing Japanese Imperial Army. Until the Japanese machine guns melted ! That makes me very very scared when I think of how much I treasure my own life lor.

28-11-11, 08:27
Bro, I have seen shorter ones in Shanghai lah.

Must be new generation la. Like angmo police now all FAT FAT mah . WOAHAHAHAHA

28-11-11, 08:30
US started to move somemanufacturing jobs back from china to US....
actually this should happen much earlier....manufacturing in china is not cheap with tons of misallaneous cost....
It's good to see US impose huge import taxes for china & asian goods or move factory back....
Once global demand down plus factory move out...china property will really sink like Japan in 1990.....no jobs, no business, china will never afford current price....riots & social unrest will spread across....
1 child policy, every kids will inherit 2-4 property eventually....so much excess, who want in future?? the time is getting closer now....china property will crash eventually....


美國波士頓諮詢集團(Boston Consulting Group)上月底剛發表的研究報告"Made in America, Again"顯示,隨着「美國製造」的成本優勢日益顯現,美資企業正撤離中國,回歸本土。本港 工商界人士亦稱,中國勞動成本持續上升是鐵一般的事實,預計外資將廠房撤出中國繼續增加。


28-11-11, 08:33
Dear brother proud owner, Nobody can predict the future. All I can say is I do not wish a MONO-POLAR World.

I dont want a Bi-Polar disorder. I may accidentally drop cat into bin.

28-11-11, 08:35
1 whole list of US companies already started to move factory back from China to US.....
nice....more to come....


公司名稱:通用 回流原因:稅務獎勵,中國生產表面上可慳成本3成,但實際僅慳成本6%。
公司名稱:福特汽車 回流原因:汽車業勞動成本中,工人工資佔低於1成,反而機器設備佔主要的25%,此外還有物流、關稅和匯率等成本。
公司名稱:NCR 回流原因:自動櫃員機的業務將遷回喬治亞州,希望讓設計人員就近供應商、客戶,以及能夠快速訓練員工的大學院校。
公司名稱:Sleek Audio 回流原因:高端耳筒業務將遷回佛羅里達州,因為中國生產品質差劣。
公司名稱:法魯克系統 回流原因:搬廠回休斯頓,為了解決知識產權問題。
公司名稱:診斷設備 回流原因:九月在美國設新廠,目的是降低庫存與交貨期。
公司名稱:汽車零組件供應商Morey 回流原因:在車廠與車隊經理轉向美國採購之後,業績增長70%。
公司名稱:Outdoor GreatRoom Co. 回流原因:將烤爐與部分戶外雨傘搬回美生產,大大縮減生產時間。
公司名稱:Sauder Woodworking 回流原因:因應成本及供應鏈情況,將主要的生產程序遷回美國。
公司名稱:T-shirt 品牌RibbedTee.com 回流原因:將所有工序遷回洛杉磯,方便品質控制,貼近消費者。

28-11-11, 08:40
Exactly my same sentiments. But not that I cannot tahan them- more like I am very fearful of their farmer soldiers. In Shanghai, all their Military Police are at least 1.85m tall. Think about it and try to recall what happened during the Indian-Chinese Border War and the Long March. China won the War not by Military power, more like their soldiers already gave up their life before even the battle started...SCARY or not?:banghead:

I remember this phrase from some movie "I dont want you to sacrifice YOUR lives for your country. I want the enemy soldier to give THEIR lives for their country". :)

28-11-11, 08:44
1 whole list of US companies already started to move factory back from China to US.....
nice....more to come....


公司名稱:通用 回流原因:稅務獎勵,中國生產表面上可慳成本3成,但實際僅慳成本6%。
公司名稱:福特汽車 回流原因:汽車業勞動成本中,工人工資佔低於1成,反而機器設備佔主要的25%,此外還有物流、關稅和匯率等成本。
公司名稱:NCR 回流原因:自動櫃員機的業務將遷回喬治亞州,希望讓設計人員就近供應商、客戶,以及能夠快速訓練員工的大學院校。
公司名稱:Sleek Audio 回流原因:高端耳筒業務將遷回佛羅里達州,因為中國生產品質差劣。
公司名稱:法魯克系統 回流原因:搬廠回休斯頓,為了解決知識產權問題。
公司名稱:診斷設備 回流原因:九月在美國設新廠,目的是降低庫存與交貨期。
公司名稱:汽車零組件供應商Morey 回流原因:在車廠與車隊經理轉向美國採購之後,業績增長70%。
公司名稱:Outdoor GreatRoom Co. 回流原因:將烤爐與部分戶外雨傘搬回美生產,大大縮減生產時間。
公司名稱:Sauder Woodworking 回流原因:因應成本及供應鏈情況,將主要的生產程序遷回美國。
公司名稱:T-shirt 品牌RibbedTee.com 回流原因:將所有工序遷回洛杉磯,方便品質控制,貼近消費者。
We actually set up a factory in California to serve the China market

28-11-11, 08:48
this definitely is the right direction to go....if we want a better world, stronger human being in long term...
short term solution will make situation worse in long term....
Europe will survive much stronger than US if US continue to print....the battle should be who can recover faster from working harder to come out with more innovative & creative device to improve human life in future....whether is green energy or electronics or life science.....& NOT BY PRINTING....then the world got hope.....

Noyer: Europe’s refusal to liquify Sovereign debt through massive monetisation will eventually be rewarded

November 28, 2011 at 00:49 GMT

28-11-11, 08:52
We actually set up a factory in California to serve the China market

For technical support or servicing or many higher level jobs....never hire in China or Spore....
If need any support just fly in from home country HQ....cost difference is minimum...just the difference in air-ticket price...hotel & allowances, you need to pay whether is fly in from US or Spore....& definitely more professional & skillful as it's from original source.....
it's a waste to set up regional office in Spore or Asia HQ here or.....to support regional......

28-11-11, 09:18
I am not so tech savvy, also don't want to waste time to maintain....
viewer rate here is good...1 month, 135,000, why should I start somewhere...
'i am not tech savvy'......I tot u said u got the SKILL and KNOWLEDGE??? looks like very limited.....it is really simple to set up a blog especially for the purpose of cutting and pasting....LOL

'also dunwan to waste time to maintain'.......wat else more to maintain a blog?? u just nid to continue to cut and paste and add in comments to ur blog to maintain it like wat u did over here.....Or u mean u r wasting time here?? whahahaha

'viewer rate here is gd'......u shd thank me and the rest who inject the vibe and fun.....whahahahaha

got motive say so la.....dun give lame excuses la.....u r a sheep meh? lame lame? lamb chop ai mai?? hahaha

dunwan ppl to hijack ur thread den set up ur blog......u dun own the thread by creating a thread in a forum.....tats the rules of the game.....LOL

28-11-11, 09:19
sweet ...

c'mom BULLs ... who wants to show face and debate with Basic on TV ???

round 1 goes to Basic
cmon proudowner----dun be a blinded Fan of self professed doomsayer GOD


28-11-11, 09:21
'i am not tech savvy'......I tot u said u got the SKILL and KNOWLEDGE??? looks like very limited.....it is really simple to set up a blog especially for the purpose of cutting and pasting....LOL

'also dunwan to waste time to maintain'.......wat else more to maintain a blog?? u just nid to continue to cut and paste and add in comments to ur blog to maintain it like wat u did over here.....Or u mean u r wasting time here?? whahahaha

'viewer rate here is gd'......u shd thank me and the rest who inject the vibe and fun.....whahahahaha

got motive say so la.....dun give lame excuses la.....u r a sheep meh? lame lame? lamb chop ai mai?? hahaha

dunwan ppl to hijack ur thread den set up ur blog......u dun own the thread by creating a thread in a forum.....tats the rules of the game.....LOL

rubbish pest.....:):)

28-11-11, 09:24

please dont fight ..

i know Devil likes to tcss ...
i know Basic likes to defend ...

so stop TCSS to Basic ..
otherwise he will retaliate till family members involve ..

its not cool ... he shouldnt but in the name of 'law' ..he was provoked ..

so please ..

for the good of other forummers ... like me ... who is here to learn ...
stop poking .. and stop name calling from now on ..

thank you ..
in the name of 'law'? ur own set of laws? pls refer to the very first page of this thread and see who starts to provoke others first la

r u blind? only see wat u wana see?

u wana learn from this thread? u serious? i tot u say alot of news/articles cannot be trusted? and Mr B oredi made it very clear tat he only share REAL KNOWLEDGE wif 'bros' here by PM......so wat u read in his thread pnly touches the surface u noe? i am sure u r eligible to PM the self professed GOD and he will be very happy to share his KNOWLEDGE wif u de

28-11-11, 09:26
i am more afraid of eating their food products, or being knocked down by a PRC driver, and i dont die on the spot and he wold ram into me over and over until i die ..

or see a girl being openly molested or ... " My father is the governor of XXX province" ...

More examples of why China cannot be the world leading power or we'll be in sad times

Construction failures due to shoddy and unethical work


Exploding watermelon


Sewage as oil used to cook food


Blind people going extinct soon in china


Used condoms recyled as hairband


Chopsticks as bamboo shoots


Many more examples la.

28-11-11, 09:35
china ppl born and brought up in china r being moulded to be like tat.....eevry man to himself over there....the strong bully the weak.....always been like tat many centuries ago and ppl tot it ended in Qing dynasty.....but sadly it doesnt end there.....its in their blood......haizzz

28-11-11, 10:03
Because if they failed, China will be the next World leader..simple as that. I am vested into Western assets but no China stocks at all. Angmo will have to give up their technology to China much like the Germans to the Americans in WW2.

I already knew 10 years ago when Euro started trading in forex that one day this will happen.

China have been preparing for this. What you see now in the property market in China is called intentional RESHUTTLING- much like consolidating all the small players into a few major ones like capitalland. In fact , the target is 1000 property developers in China instead of the current 10,000. After which, they will emerge from China to buy assets all over the World especially Western ones.

Do you know that as recent a a few weeks ago, someone from China bid to buy a HUGE part of Iceland? The angmo gahment prevented him.

We will see who is right in 2012 Lunar New Year whereby the Chinese Zodiac coincide with the DRAGON YEAR.

The World needs a bipolar political balance. Not a monopolar one.

Hi BJ21T,
I may be flamed later for giving this comment but would like to share nevertheless. Know of this family from China (and I am sure many more like them), who were big time landlords during the pre-CCP era, but whose land / properties were taken away from them by the CCP during the civil war period. However, after the economic reforms by Deng Hsiao Peng about "being rich is glorious", their family assets were slowly released back to them by the CCP. The family took the opportunity to diversify their portfolio; where in addition to buying properties around China in their names, their kids names (technically can't buy more than 2 properties in your name in China); they are also bought / looking to buy more in Singapore. Their kids will be in the American School in Woodlands, and their concept of standard of living is to buy a strata titled house in Woodland to be near the Amercia School for weekdays, but also invest in a weekend home in Orchard / RV where they can "relax" in the Shopping districts during the Sat/Suns. There are many of their types around in Singapore. This is again the same analog as the one of the India native family in Singapore I talked about before. I therefore do see a parallel property market thriving and doing well influence by the Chinese/Indians, devolved of financial factors but strictly by the benefits that Singapore brings to a family oriented environment; co-existing with a general property market influence much by the ups and downs of the Euro / Soon-to-be -world crisis by 2012 and beyond.
Just my 2 cents worth od sharing !!!

28-11-11, 10:10
we shd thank basic for setting up this thread.....not becoz of his knowledge and skill BUT bcoz his thread incidentally uncover some embedded knowledgeable bros here

28-11-11, 10:15
we shd thank basic for setting up this thread.....not becoz of his knowledge and skill BUT bcoz his thread incidentally uncover some embedded knowledgeable bros here

we uncover a LIAR KING & pest in this forum....:):)

28-11-11, 10:15
Hi BJ21T,
I may be flamed later for giving this comment but would like to share nevertheless. Know of this family from China (and I am sure many more like them), who were big time landlords during the pre-CCP era, but whose land / properties were taken away from them by the CCP during the civil war period. However, after the economic reforms by Deng Hsiao Peng about "being rich is glorious", their family assets were slowly released back to them by the CCP. The family took the opportunity to diversify their portfolio; where in addition to buying properties around China in their names, their kids names (technically can't buy more than 2 properties in your name in China); they are also bought / looking to buy more in Singapore. Their kids will be in the American School in Woodlands, and their concept of standard of living is to buy a strata titled house in Woodland to be near the Amercia School for weekdays, but also invest in a weekend home in Orchard / RV where they can "relax" in the Shopping districts during the Sat/Suns. There are many of their types around in Singapore. This is again the same analog as the one of the India native family in Singapore I talked about before. I therefore do see a parallel property market thriving and doing well influence by the Chinese/Indians, devolved of financial factors but strictly by the benefits that Singapore brings to a family oriented environment; co-existing with a general property market influence much by the ups and downs of the Euro / Soon-to-be -world crisis by 2012 and beyond.
Just my 2 cents worth od sharing !!!

why would this family want to send their kids to SAS while living at Orchard?

if they want their kids to grow up immersed in American culture, wouldn't it more efficient to move to San Francisco or New York. Why Singapore?

this part I don't get.

28-11-11, 10:17
Understand American school is one of the hardest international school to entrol - its in every expat's wishlist. I am not sure how easy for the china kids to get in...

every year heard there is always 1-2 bright kids got direct entry to the top university in America... so the popularity.

28-11-11, 10:17
For security
why would this family want to send their kids to SAS while living at Orchard?

if they want their kids to grow up immersed in American culture, wouldn't it more efficient to move to San Francisco or New York. Why Singapore?

this part I don't get.

28-11-11, 10:18
why would this family want to send their kids to SAS while living at Orchard?

if they want their kids to grow up immersed in American culture, wouldn't it more efficient to move to San Francisco or New York. Why Singapore?

this part I don't get.

daddy and mummy in SG.

28-11-11, 10:20
For security

so their kids will graduate from SAS, and go to America to suffer from high crimes there?

I am of course speaking tongue in cheek.

28-11-11, 10:22
daddy and mummy in SG.
why are they here? with their wealth, they can live anywhere in the world.

28-11-11, 10:23
Dear brother Petersim ,why should u b flamed ? U r speaking the truth. I have seen one documentary on this recently.

28-11-11, 10:24
Do ppl that graduate from american unis necessarily work in US? Even our education system has moved away from UK style to follow americans. I think kids are sent to Sas for the holistic teaching rather than a step towards living in the states
so their kids will graduate from SAS, and go to America to suffer from high crimes there?

I am of course speaking tongue in cheek.

28-11-11, 10:25
Hi BJ21T,
I may be flamed later for giving this comment but would like to share nevertheless. Know of this family from China (and I am sure many more like them), who were big time landlords during the pre-CCP era, but whose land / properties were taken away from them by the CCP during the civil war period. However, after the economic reforms by Deng Hsiao Peng about "being rich is glorious", their family assets were slowly released back to them by the CCP. The family took the opportunity to diversify their portfolio; where in addition to buying properties around China in their names, their kids names (technically can't buy more than 2 properties in your name in China); they are also bought / looking to buy more in Singapore. Their kids will be in the American School in Woodlands, and their concept of standard of living is to buy a strata titled house in Woodland to be near the Amercia School for weekdays, but also invest in a weekend home in Orchard / RV where they can "relax" in the Shopping districts during the Sat/Suns. There are many of their types around in Singapore. This is again the same analog as the one of the India native family in Singapore I talked about before. I therefore do see a parallel property market thriving and doing well influence by the Chinese/Indians, devolved of financial factors but strictly by the benefits that Singapore brings to a family oriented environment; co-existing with a general property market influence much by the ups and downs of the Euro / Soon-to-be -world crisis by 2012 and beyond.
Just my 2 cents worth od sharing !!!

haha....nice story, from pre-ccp to today yet only 2 unit/per family.....when recession comes, this family will fight for money till family broken....this is typical of chinese mindset & situation these days.....

anyway india is in big trouble now, ruppee plunges 15% against US$, keep hiking rate, rupee keep dropping, when they reverse, rupee crash...the country is at verge of explosion due to high inflation....
china property tumbling is no secret, down 10-70%.....if they see china property, they will still buy spore?? S$ against RMB down 10% in last few months, lost will be bigger with SSD & exchange rate later....S$ will be weaken further with RMB....
eventually big lost will be local banks comes recession, many mortgage loan by foreigners will be hard to recover once in negative asset...they will just run road like dubai, no way to locate them...once property starts to drop >25%, tension in banks will be super strong to press hard on foreigners to top up....

let hope govt import another 2-4 millions of chinese, indian, pinnoy, bangla to our little red dot since property bulls love them so much...lai, kaka import, the more the better.....:)

28-11-11, 10:25
why would this family want to send their kids to SAS while living at Orchard?

if they want their kids to grow up immersed in American culture, wouldn't it more efficient to move to San Francisco or New York. Why Singapore?

this part I don't get.

Becos their England cannot make it la.

28-11-11, 10:27
why would this family want to send their kids to SAS while living at Orchard?

if they want their kids to grow up immersed in American culture, wouldn't it more efficient to move to San Francisco or New York. Why Singapore?

this part I don't get.

bcos this is a chinese majority society.
when the kids are older then they are sent to US, UK etc.

28-11-11, 10:27
Do ppl that graduate from american unis necessarily work in US? Even our education system has moved away from UK style to follow americans. I think kids are sent to Sas for the holistic teaching rather than a step towards living in the states

so they graduate from SAS, with an accent that Singaporeans can barely understand, with an outlook on life that Singaporeans find entirely alien, and can find a job here, find a women to marry to, and put down roots here.

haha, are you 10 years old?

28-11-11, 10:29
why are they here? with their wealth, they can live anywhere in the world.

bcos they want a chinese environment when growing up.
in today's world how many sovereign nations are of majority chinese.

28-11-11, 10:31
why are they here? with their wealth, they can live anywhere in the world.

they are here cos they are able to create more wealth in Singapore plus government welcome them.

28-11-11, 10:32
Becos their England cannot make it la.

so the parents can speak zero english, but want their kids to speak perfect English and immerse in American culture.

So their kids will totally repudiate them when they grow up. what strange people the chinese are.

28-11-11, 10:33
we uncover a LIAR KING & pest in this forum....:):)
ur processor so fast overheat liao ar? aiyoyo....ask u min get a dual hardcore liao mah.....LOL

28-11-11, 10:34
What makes you think they will even get that accent just by studying in sas and what makes you think they even want to work in singapore or the states? Their parents could just be here for work and may return to china later or go elsewhere. don't be so one track minded
so they graduate from SAS, with an accent that Singaporeans can barely understand, with an outlook on life that Singaporeans find entirely alien, and can find a job here, find a women to marry to, and put down roots here.

haha, are you 10 years old?

28-11-11, 10:34
Understand American school is one of the hardest international school to entrol - its in every expat's wishlist. I am not sure how easy for the china kids to get in...

every year heard there is always 1-2 bright kids got direct entry to the top university in America... so the popularity.

how about the one beside 8woodleigh

hehehe HUAT ARGH!

28-11-11, 10:36
What makes you think they will even get that accent just by studying in sas and what makes you think they even want to work in singapore or the states? Their parents could just be here for work and may return to china later or go elsewhere. don't be so one track minded

then why would they buy a home in woodlands and one at Orchard?

if they are going home eventually, why bother with all these real estate purchases?

28-11-11, 10:37

how about the one beside 8woodleigh

hehehe HUAT ARGH!

that is why you have one in 8woodleigh...haha..so you know why I also keen in pp earlier....

28-11-11, 10:37
why are they here? with their wealth, they can live anywhere in the world.
bcoz angmors like u detest china ppl mah

28-11-11, 10:37
bcoz angmors like u detest china ppl mah
you hit the nail on the head.

haha, I am just kidding.

Lots of chinese from HK and Taiwan live in California and seattle. they seem to feel right at home there.

28-11-11, 10:38
bcoz angmors like u detest china ppl mah

thot he is abu neh? lol

28-11-11, 10:39
so they graduate from SAS, with an accent that Singaporeans can barely understand, with an outlook on life that Singaporeans find entirely alien, and can find a job here, find a women to marry to, and put down roots here.

haha, are you 10 years old?
i understand tat ur kids r currently in SG too.....


life must be very tough for u

28-11-11, 10:40
thot he is abu neh? lol

no, I am a parandongoodek. whatever that means.

28-11-11, 10:41
so the parents can speak zero english, but want their kids to speak perfect English and immerse in American culture.

So their kids will totally repudiate them when they grow up. what strange people the chinese are.
u r the weirdest guy here u noe?

y continue to squat in SG and vent ur anger/hatred by bashing sporeans/chinese blah blah in this forum??

life confirmed plus chop very tough for u.....

28-11-11, 10:42
They may stay they may go home, I am not them so only they know. Their country's pty does not provide better prospects for investment than singapore so they buy ptys here, just logical
then why would they buy a home in woodlands and one at Orchard?

if they are going home eventually, why bother with all these real estate purchases?

28-11-11, 10:42
i understand tat ur kids r currently in SG too.....


life must be very tough for u

we are entirely different. We are all english speakers at home. not the case with this chinese family. and we are going home soon, in a few years.

28-11-11, 10:43
u r the weirdest guy here u noe?

y continue to squat in SG and vent ur anger/hatred by bashing sporeans/chinese blah blah in this forum??

life confirmed plus chop very tough for u.....

he has strong inferiority complex ....

28-11-11, 10:44
thot he is abu neh? lol
i was told tat he is a canadian....so i assumed he angmor leh

but hey.... can be indian canadian hor?

28-11-11, 10:45
u r the weirdest guy here u noe?

y continue to squat in SG and vent ur anger/hatred by bashing sporeans/chinese blah blah in this forum??

life confirmed plus chop very tough for u.....

did I bash them. I was just asking questions.

28-11-11, 10:45
haha....nice story, from pre-ccp to today yet only 2 unit/per family.....when recession comes, this family will fight for money till family broken....this is typical of chinese mindset & situation these days.....

anyway india is in big trouble now, ruppee plunges 15% against US$, keep hiking rate, rupee keep dropping, when they reverse, rupee crash...the country is at verge of explosion due to high inflation....
china property tumbling is no secret, down 10-70%.....if they see china property, they will still buy spore?? S$ against RMB down 10% in last few months, lost will be bigger with SSD & exchange rate later....S$ will be weaken further with RMB....
eventually big lost will be local banks comes recession, many mortgage loan by foreigners will be hard to recover once in negative asset...they will just run road like dubai, no way to locate them...once property starts to drop >25%, tension in banks will be super strong to press hard on foreigners to top up....

let hope govt import another 2-4 millions of chinese, indian, pinnoy, bangla to our little red dot since property bulls love them so much...lai, kaka import, the more the better.....:)

all these rubbish bulls shout ah tiong now, just hope to unload their property to ah tiong...nice to hope....
they are not stupid lah...they unload so many in HK recently...they start to unload here too....once crisis trigger, they will dump at any price like in china....those bulls if still can borrow but mostly already tied like hairy crabs, can get good firesell from them....
be patient, they are gambler & speed runners.....
90+% of ah tiong here is student or workers...all the same...2-3% claimed rich but spoilt kids....same ending....:)

28-11-11, 10:46
he has strong inferiority complex ....
that's right. when feeling inferior, bash other people.

28-11-11, 10:47
u r the weirdest guy here u noe?

y continue to squat in SG and vent ur anger/hatred by bashing sporeans/chinese blah blah in this forum??

life confirmed plus chop very tough for u.....

your tiny 4 bit brain can throw away...same to your kids, rusty liao....:)

28-11-11, 10:47
all these rubbish bulls shout ah tiong now, just hope to unload their property to ah tiong...nice to hope....
they are not stupid lah...they unload so many in HK recently...they start to unload here too....once crisis trigger, they will dump at any price like in china....those bulls if still can borrow but mostly already tied like hairy crabs, can get good firesell from them....
be patient, they are gambler & speed runners.....
90+% of ah tiong here is student or workers...all the same...2-3% claimed rich but spoilt kids....same ending....:)

so now you respond to your own post?

28-11-11, 10:48
your tiny 4 bit brain can throw away...same to your kids, rusty liao....:)
he is attacking me. why are you so worked up?

they call me all kinds of names. I never took them seriously. talking to them is like eating daily bread. It has therapeutic value. sorry, I just used a word that they don't know.

28-11-11, 10:51
he is attacking me. why are you so worked up?

they call me all kinds of names. I never took them seriously. talking to them is like eating daily bread. It has therapeutic value. sorry, I just used a word that they don't know.
TCSS u know anot?

28-11-11, 10:52
he is attacking me. why are you so worked up?

they call me all kinds of names. I never took them seriously. talking to them is like eating daily bread. It has therapeutic value. sorry, I just used a word that they don't know.

cool lah, I am replying his post....zai lah...no kan cheong lah...:):)

28-11-11, 10:53
cool lah, I am replying his post....zai lah...no kan cheong lah...:):)
oh no....ur Fans so so limited hor....


28-11-11, 10:54
need more popcorn...

28-11-11, 10:54
your tiny 4 bit brain can throw away...same to your kids, rusty liao....:)
poor thing...goto drag family in again

reminds me of the poker drama series again....tat wang dao can pawn his own son

28-11-11, 10:55
need more popcorn...
plus diet coke to go along wif it


28-11-11, 10:55
oh no....ur Fans so so limited hor....

No, I am a big fan of basic. He is doing a great job teaching you guys about the danger of putting too much faith in real estate.

28-11-11, 10:57
No, I am a big fan of basic. He is doing a great job teaching you buys about the danger of putting too much faith in real estate.
but at least u r not blinded.....whahahahhaa

28-11-11, 10:59
plus diet coke to go along wif it


lol.... long time never come in to read actively, all of a sudden so fast and furious.

28-11-11, 10:59
poor thing...goto drag family in again

reminds me of the poker drama series again....tat wang dao can pawn his own son

already warn you....you only rely on such rubbish...I don't do it, you will get karma too.....your kids brain going to burn to chow tar liao...be careful to become vegetable hor.....:)