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25-06-12, 09:13
June 24th, 2012

with PIIGS, debt in US, China, spore.....already can crash world economy....
now Egypt election also gone.....as I said, all govt will change in election.....Egypt change into muslim govt, war is middle east anytime.....US evil friendship gone & Israel has no more support in middle east....whack it down....take Jerusalem...
this world is gone case.....so all asset class will crash down, not only economically....politically & socially also gone case......due to all the rubbish leaders in last few yrs...they have chance to rescue but they chose easy way out.....
china also going to change govt soon....HK changing govt next week, successor is not donald tsang gang anymore, just do it on HK property.....
US will change in end of this yr....
all govt change, all fiscal policy reverse....later monetary policy will reverse accordingly....all printed $$ collect back, rate hike, taxes hike....all on the way....
spore social will dismantle......with all rubbish foreigners, no unity, no identification, no sense of belonging....govt , yourself to blame, that is all....already said it much earlier, you choose to be greedy to benefit a small group of yourself, then face it.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 09:36
Stop asking for more help, Germany tells Greece
June 24th, 2012

June 22nd, 2012

Max Keiser: Banks Are Dead!
June 22nd, 2012

Germany must just do it....stop talking...stop all the help to PIIGS.....no means no, no 2nd words....
spoonfeed forever is fools.......either they know how to fish or let them die, that simple.....

violation is rally nothing these days under stress, desperation & panic,....same to spore, give club members, give cars, freebies, absord everything.....let these desperates did all nonsense no problems....govt close both eyes & ears, also no problem.....whatever will be will be....

banks are real dead....globally, same to spore banks.......tons of mortgage loan at 1-2%.....you can say whatever collateral, 60%, 80%.......all will crash & all will die.....die like a man, don't die like a balless dog......ugly & shameless.....

banks crash, property still holding?? double crash.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 11:03
why bother about govt import more foreigners, mortgage rate at 1-2%, stop selling lands or building BTO, govt controlled media shouting property up everyday.....let all these rubbish do what they want, they are so rich & do shameless nonsense, so what??.....

when dow crash down from 13500 to 3500....when Dax crash down from 7500 to 1000....same like Nikkei down from 40000 to 8000, Japan property down 90%, now is happening everywhere in PIIGS....it will happen to everywhere in the world including spore....STI down to below 800.....property will crash super, down 60% is really nothing.....

when global economy collapse,all jobs gone, unemployment hit 10-20% in spore, who can pay mortgage loan?? those borrow S$mil by mil, where to get money?? print?? hope till commit suicide.....when no trade across the world, who want to sell you food?.....sound far & weired...it's coming in next 1-3 yrs.....

look globally today, almost all slowdown & in recession now, no 1 engine is working globally tofly, all diving down together....who can absorb the demand today?? NONE, not US nor china....all is shrinking......all have huge debt to take care......

who cause all these?? PAP govt.....they don;t stop it now, contiue to import, low mortgage rate, media shouting, slow supply, no cooling measures....let it be.....

then blame the world later, nothng to do with them......is this from old senile??.....

whatever.....it's unfolding now.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 11:53
WARNING: The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System
June 25th, 2012

sure....there are so many factors can crash global financial system totally now.....derivatives, debt, war, currency, bonds.....
US$1500trillion of bubble to be burst.....what is all rubbish leaders doing nbow is delay, kick can down the road....have they ever solved the root of the problem?? NO.....just wait for it to burst....print $$ is the worst of all.....

but everything is unfolding now....derivative already can't sustain anymore, delevaraging now, but lost will explode.....
debt in PIIGS is not getting any support now as all is bankrupt, even Germany is at the verge....
war is popping everywhere Syria, Iran, egypt....berween western world & china/Russia.....south china sea....

all these already burden every leaders, 1 event they cannot take it, whole world economy will collapse....coming....
no business now,no trade now, no jobs....cut jobs, huge retrenchment coming.....drag on, situation worse......
they try to all ways to support stock without base.....no business, but good stock price.....it will crash once crasck, funds will short global market down 60-80% easily......
spore property?? crash till no support......govt gang up with developers, govt will be gone....this is typical case in china history.....no need to be too long, it just happen in 20 century of KMT.....this evil....people will kill them.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 12:31
why bother about govt import more foreigners, mortgage rate at 1-2%, stop selling lands or building BTO, govt controlled media shouting property up everyday.....let all these rubbish do what they want, they are so rich & do shameless nonsense, so what??.....

when dow crash down from 13500 to 3500....when Dax crash down from 7500 to 1000....same like Nikkei down from 40000 to 8000, Japan property down 90%, now is happening everywhere in PIIGS....it will happen to everywhere in the world including spore....STI down to below 800.....property will crash super, down 60% is really nothing.....

when global economy collapse,all jobs gone, unemployment hit 10-20% in spore, who can pay mortgage loan?? those borrow S$mil by mil, where to get money?? print?? hope till commit suicide.....when no trade across the world, who want to sell you food?.....sound far & weired...it's coming in next 1-3 yrs.....

look globally today, almost all slowdown & in recession now, no 1 engine is working globally tofly, all diving down together....who can absorb the demand today?? NONE, not US nor china....all is shrinking......all have huge debt to take care......

who cause all these?? PAP govt.....they don;t stop it now, contiue to import, low mortgage rate, media shouting, slow supply, no cooling measures....let it be.....

then blame the world later, nothng to do with them......is this from old senile??.....

whatever.....it's unfolding now.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

you can't get anywhere by hiding in the dark.
your supporter lagi jialat, everytime see ghost :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: irritates the public. should be axe.

25-06-12, 12:38
Printing money stores up trouble for the for future, Bank of England told by leading financial watchdog
June 25th, 2012

The Human Cost Of Corruption In The U.S. Senate: Cutting Food Stamps While Giving The Sugar Lobby Billions
June 25th, 2012

printing $$ sure creating much bigger problem for future.....also creating corruption problem....
printing $$?? to who??......who has the say?? govt?...so printed $$ to who?? who else....corruption, cronyism, no need to dispute....shameless....

now they want to up lower income group, $1200/m? rubbish, they don't worth that much......instead of vomit out their money, they will cover their evilness by hike the lower.....

they are the one not worth the money.....this is robbing......
globally is the same.....now can only use lies, fake & fraud to cheat & con.....because global is sinking down, hard truth will be out if global crashing down, when govt lose all their election, all worms will sweep out of carpet......

don't shout rubbish of doing good thing for the people.....do the right thing & shut up....you get your pay....
same to ah cow......you are just doing too little....compared to what you get.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 13:07
Be afraid: Some in U.S. see shades of 2008 in euro crisis

REUTERS - Grim. Serious. Terrifying. Nerve-rattling.:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

These are the words some prominent American investors and strategists are using to describe the worsening debt crisis in the euro zone and its impact on the global economy.
While growth has been slowing in China and the United States and companies warn about the effect on earnings, there is a mounting sense among the financial community that politicians and markets are operating on two completely different timelines.
They see a fractured Europe fiddling in the near term, attempting to seal one fissure as another larger one appears while they talk about a five-to-10-year timeframe for real solutions, such as a more fiscally integrated euro zone. They see investors who want solutions in the next few weeks and months or else nations like Spain and Italy could find they cannot borrow at all on capital markets, starting an economic firestorm that would make today's problems seem mild.
Some even suggest markets are taking on shades of the 2008 global crisis, with the potential for a collapse in investor confidence, bank runs in Europe and a seizure for the global financial system.
"History may not repeat but it often rhymes. The fear is that it could be a replay of 2008. The reality is that the potential for a replay of 2008 on steroids is not exactly zero," said Bonnie Baha, portfolio manager at DoubleLine Capital, which oversees $35 billion. Baha, who is based in Los Angeles, was speaking while visiting Europe last week.
Added financier Steve Rattner, who is the former head of the U.S. auto task force, "We should be terrified about the euro crisis because the Europeans are trying to fix a deeply flawed system with the equivalent of Band-Aids,"
And Dan Fuss, vice chairman and portfolio manager at Loomis Sayles, which oversees $172 billion in assets, sees little reason not to be very worried. "We have uncertainties of the wrong kind. Bringing the political cohesion together has proven to be more difficult than I had thought. The headlines coming out of Europe are scary."
To be sure, while these are the views of highly credible investors, they are not necessarily the mainstream. Most economists and strategists still think Europe will be able to muddle through its problems as it has for the past few years. And while the majority of them see weak growth in the United States, they don't expect the economy to slip into a recession.
But most economic pundits were wrong in 2008 when they didn't foresee the financial crisis, and this time around even the optimists have had to pull back their U.S. and global growth expectations in recent months.
What's more, some investors and economists say central banks, including the Federal Reserve, are running low on ammunition after having loosened monetary policy considerably.
The economic crises in global history that have stemmed from excessive debt and financial leverage have proved to be the deepest. And while the United States has managed to maintain slow, if steady economic growth, many European countries are dealing with the threat of deep recessions: very high unemployment and intractable deficits that are only worsening because of the lack of growth.
The modest stimulus measures that have been talked about - top euro zone leaders agreed at a meeting this week to spend 130 billion euros to seek to revive growth and the European Central Bank may cut interest rates at its meeting on July 5 - may be too little, too late given the tsunami of debt some nations in the euro zone face.
"The realization that Spain will most probably need a bailout by the EU has rattled investors' nerves," Baha of DoubleLine said.
Spain, the fourth-largest economy in the euro zone, will need between $350 billion and $400 billion to stabilize conditions in the wake of a real-estate crash, according to Mark Grant, managing director at Southwest Securities Inc., who has been one of the biggest bears on the euro zone throughout the crisis.
"I do not think most people realize how serious the situation is with Spain," Grant said.
Grant, who forecast Greece was going to go bankrupt in January 2010, said on Sunday, "I fear the shades of 2008 are almost upon us once again and the increasing darkness is discernible."
The atmosphere was hardly helped on Sunday when German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told Bild am Sonntag in unusually blunt language that Greece's new coalition government should stop asking for more help and instead move quickly to enact more reform measures that had been agreed in return for previous bailouts from European partners. The new Greek government has indicated in a proposal seen by Reuters that it wants tax cuts, extra help for the poor and unemployed, a freeze on public sector layoffs and more time to cut its deficit.
The impact of the European debt crisis on the global economy is increasingly weighing on such American bellwethers as United Technologies Inc (UTX.N), Procter & Gamble Co (PG.N) and FedEx Corp (FDX.N).
P&G lowered its fourth-quarter earnings and revenue forecasts Wednesday, hurt by unfavorable foreign exchange rates, weak growth in developed markets and a slowdown of growth in China. It is the second time in three months that the consumer products maker has cut its outlook.
Also last week, FedEx said slow global growth would crimp its earnings over the next 12 months. The world's second-largest package delivery company forecast moderate growth for both the U.S. and global economies, citing the debt crisis in Europe and slowing growth in Asia.
Perhaps most pessimistic was UTX Chief Financial Officer Greg Hayes, who said just over a week ago that "the situation in Europe has gotten a lot worse than we had expected" and that the "Spanish market continues to convulse.
Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates, $120 billion hedge fund, summed up the state of affairs in a note late last week. "Global growth has continued to slow in a fairly broad way and is now as slow as it has been since 2009," he said. "The expansion in the developed world has not been self-sustaining."
In the developed world, the U.S. economy has slowed the most from 4 percent earlier in the year to the current 1 percent to 1.5 percent rate, said Bridgewater, which described euro zone policies as inadequate to deal with the crisis.
"Europe has kicked the can just about as far as they can without doing something," said John Mauldin, president of investment advisory firm Millennium Wave Investments in Dallas. "It's just like when they got to the Greek moment where they had to say, 'We're going to have to write off bonds.' They're now again to another 'do something' moment, except that this is a lot bigger." (Additional reporting by Steven C. Johnson and Deepa Seetharaman; Editing by Martin Howell and Kenneth Barry)

25-06-12, 13:46
The stock market may be hanging in there, but business activity is slowing substantially. “A very concerning divergence.”
June 25th, 2012

Fishy Economic Data and the China Crash
June 25th, 2012

already said it many times......all the fake, fraud, lies & magic....
business is no more there, no demand, no business.....but stock price still up there.....they are so desperate & panic to sustain, why?? eventually they will still have to lose their election, out & go....same to spore & spore property, sale is not there, they shouted like snap up everything.....with govt supporting behind, ah cow behind it....

china everything is slowing down.....they can only keep cutting rate & RRR, but can't help, how they cut, business will not be back again....10 yrs later, business also will not return like Japan.....down for 22 yrs now....

wny need to cheat & con?? because of desperation....

let it be, whatever will be will be....they can't hide any longer as global financial system going to collapse, global economy going to burst....all bubbles explode, all asset crash.....the one who hold it will bankrupt.....no time now, unfolding now, let do it....stop buying, wait patiently for it to dive down.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 14:44
Dow down 250 last night.....
will see much bigger 1 day drop next week....
my short on Euro & other future......good profit now, will continue to hold next week....
property down >50% before 2015 is really nothing, easily achievable......
will see PIIGS out of Euro stating from this yr....of course the talk is Italy now & return to Lira.......
I said many times, Italy will cause global economy collapse & total financial system collapse.....

very nice....Euro going down to below $1.25 again....shiok!!!...
whack it dw to beow 1.22 this round will super nce....

EU meeting thisThurs &Fri....still no drag on & nothng detail out...crash it hard...

said many times, don't bother about property & stock, no need to look at it till 2015, stay away, you will save S$mil.......focus in shorting at the right time, you can easily make S$mil......by 2015, you can buy property & stock at >50% cheaper.....this is how 1 should invest......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 17:31
China A going to retest low of Jan 2012 ... watch out for 2,180

25-06-12, 17:38


China buying blue chips in Japan :tsk-tsk:

25-06-12, 18:05
CNBC: We Are Slaves to the Central Banks
June 24th, 2012

Ron Paul: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers
June 24th, 2012

sure.....all these human rubbish should be hang....beside print, what else they know?? nothing......this is pure robbing.....
the world should learn from Iceland, put all banksters to hail NOW.....
that is why Iceland recover from bankrupt.....
the world today only way to recover genuinely is to follow Iceland way....do it fast before too late.....remove all central banks, put all human rubbish banksters to jail for life.....then drive people to hard work, then you can see fast recovery.....
If follow current, print & bailout, next 30-40 yrs are gone & down, that is for sure.....

that is why we need people power to get rid all current govt......
only govt really work for the people, not doing good thing for the peole, but RIGHT thing for the people, all his people, not 1% or 5% elites....so they must tax top earners 75%, cut their pay by 90% now.....if they have the courage to do all these, then they can win the people & really work for the people....

whatever....if they don't do, they fail even worse......election will kick them out, market will crash their bubble......unfolding now.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 18:13
Greece breached the rules of its EU/IMF loan agreement by taking on some 70,000 public sector staff in two years
June 24th, 2012

Greece signed to cut 50% govt servant instead they hire....why loan $$ to such rubbsih?? let them die, stop lending & let them fire all automatically till 80%, then start to loan them.....
spore productivity is 1 of the lowset in the world.....tons of red tapes & paper works & many are doing nothing during office hour.....yet collect high pay....
whether spore prit too much, US & funds will deal with spore 1 day.....nobody will let them do what they want......you will only pay what you worth....when you are like greece, you will get what greece deserve today.....

this is the world today....cheat, con, fake everywhere just to survive.....so the people, workers, employees also need to lie....so their kids also needs to con others to live on....great....top down....

but, whatever......notihng can hide for long....time is here to expose & kill....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 21:07
Spain Formally Comes A Begging

Wolfgang Schäuble: Ask Not What Germany Can Do For You, Ask How Many Government Workers You Can Fire

spain kneel down now after shouted want face & no need baillout for weeks.....all these rubbish beggers are the same....PIIGS are all beggers.....
they are all bankrupt.....those in Europe not bankrupt, also near bankrupt....so if they rescue them, they will be drawn & bankrupt.....
all Euorpe needs to fire at least 50% of govt servant....spore too, terminate>50% og govt servants, low productivity & many do nothing.....or cut their pay by 50%.....

this week EU meeting.....many will bag for money, better open your mouth or you get nothing.....of course open mouth does not mean you will get something.....
real desperation now....as what Germany said, cut your jobs now, cut 4mil jobs, cut 50% of pay, hike 50% of taxes....do it now, then talk about bailout later.....same to all PIIGS.....later spore will be the same.....

all bubble will crash....all asset will crash....all debt will have to pay back.....all rate will hike, taxes too...all coming starting from this yr......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 21:56
my talk is always consistent...you liar pick & create story....
but will not share the exact.....:)

From Now.. change to 1-2 mths.. and again change to 3-4mths.. yet again to 1-2 yrs.. try luck again to by 31/5/2013... lan lan think CANNOT MAKE IT & put further to before 2015 consistently hoping this time is correct.. :D

25-06-12, 22:05
June 25th, 2012

merkel said it loud & clear again....no Euro bond & Euro bill......
all these parasites just want to su.ck other's blood shamelessly......why can't they survive on themselves, don't they feel ashame?? just like bernanke keep printing, don't know what is shame??.....all these numb animal......
so if no rescue, PIIGS will sink to bankrupt soon.....
they will start to shout like crazy dying man soon......all these dogs is going t bite if no money pouring to them very soon....
why help?? stop helping them, let them stand on their own......change their lifestyle to live on human most basic......
stop shipping anything to them, pay 1st, then ship.....
whole world banks will collapse.....let it be.....better than helping such blood suc.kers.....
all will start to unfold from this yr to next 1-3 yrs......spore property will still up?? crash super hard.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 23:05
Soros: If some kind of agreement is not reached at an upcoming EU summit, it could be fatal
June 25th, 2012

June 25th, 2012

June 25th, 2012

this Thurs & fri willbe super nice again.......all will shout for $$$$$$$$......real broke liao....banks in empty after borrowing so much in last 6-9 months....throw in another few Trillions, will be gone again, shout for help againa & again......only fools will rescue.....

ECB also can't do much now.....sitting with all the toxic & rubbish bonds, real shameful....
PIIGS will only sign anything given ot them as long as you give them money now....sign, can do or not is another things, take 1st, real desperate now.....
100%, sure, take already can;t pay back.....

no one can do anything except, burst it....go ahead & buy more spore property now...going to burst big way once PIIGS explode......

If hedge funds is not greedy, they should press the button anytime now to net all the crabs.....if they want more, then go another 1-2 more rounds to net more fools in.....

all these fools & naive.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

25-06-12, 23:27
CHINA: Banking Sector Sees Rise in Bad Loans
June 25th, 2012

UK government Cameron to slash housing benefit for under-25s and benefits for lone parents
June 25th, 2012

global banks bad debt & NPL sure rises from now till next 1-3 yrs....>50% of banks will bankrupt.....

UK also know cooling measures is the way to go for property now.....to avoid more fools & naive to get caught as no way property can up for now....all asset will crash hard together with world economy collapse.....

only 1 or 2 govt in this world today close both eyes....let their developers & banks do what they like, trade among themselves to push up property price....if you want your condo price to go up, just trade 1-2 deal to push up price........then all morons will think this condo worth so much will only want to sell higher……when crashing down, all get caught…..

all these fake, fraud, lies & magic……manipulation & rigging…..use blardy taxpayers’ money to do such evil & greed….

let it be all these shameless robbbers.....time willcome to kill them all....then you know who are they in spore...whether is Lxx or Txx or Wxx or.....history will have a record & shame on their family.....now who cares, everybody is fine, you & I.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 06:52
Global stocks, euro slide on European summit doubts:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

By Herbert Lash
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Global stock indexes and the euro sank o n Monday on doubts that a European summit this week would move any closer to solving the region's festering debt crisis, a pessimistic outlook that spa rked a bid for safe-haven assets.
The euro fell broadly on investor skepticism that the meeting of European Union leaders on Thursday and Friday will produce substantive measures to tackle the debt crisis, now in its third year and buffeting Spain, the euro zone's fourth-largest economy.
Spanish and Italian bond yields rose in a sign of investor skittishness, while the dollar and U.S. government d ebt prices ga ined as investors sought safety.
Decliners beat advancers by a ratio of about 3 to 1 on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq in light trade.
The Dow Jones industrial average lost 138.12 points, or 1.09 percent, to close at 12,502.66. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 21.30 points, or 1.60 percent, to finish at 1,313.72. The Nasdaq Composite Index slid 56.26 points, or 1.95 percent, to end at 2,836.16.
The CBOE volatility index, Wall Street's so-called fear index, shot up 12.5 percent to 20.38, and debt prices surged.
European equity markets also fell.
The FTSEurofirst 300 index dropped 1.6 percent to close at 986.41 points, its biggest daily decline in more than three weeks as stocks retreated for a third successive session.
The MSCI all-country world equity index slipped 1.4 percent, while its emerging market index also fell 1.4 percent.
The price of the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note rose 22/32 to yield 1.61 percent. The 30-year U.S. Treasury bond shot up 27/32 to yield 2.68 percent.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel dashed any lingering hope in financial markets that Europe would issue common euro-zone bonds to underpin its single currency after Spain formally became the fourth country to request a financial rescue.
Merkel said shared debt liability within the euro zone was "economically wrong" and "counterproductive.
The two-day summit in Brussels will be the 20th time EU leaders have met to try to resolve a crisis that has spread across Europe since it began in Greece in early 2010.
"There's been a lot of rhetoric coming out of Europe about the meeting later this week not really accomplishing anything, so everybody is just running from risk to something perceived as being safe," said Jeffrey Given, managing director and portfolio manager at John Hancock Asset Management in Boston.
"People are moving out of stocks and into Treasuries. Once again, everyone is trying to preserve capital," Given said.
Spanish government bonds came under pressure after Spain
formally requested aid to recapitalize its banks, but did not specify how much money it would need.
Ten-year Spanish government bonds fell, pushing yields higher to 6.64 percent, while the cost of insuring five-year Spanish debt also rose.
German bonds snapped three weeks of losses to gain on safe-haven buying. The price of bund futures settled up 127 ticks at 142.15 while the yield on 10-year government bonds fell to 1.465 percent.
Pessimism about the European summit's outcome drove all markets.
"There's some nervousness ahead of the EU summit. Reports about the meeting have not intensified hopes or expectations that there will be agreement or any big progress," said Niels Christensen, currency strategist at Nordea.
The euro fell to its lowest in almost two weeks against the dollar and looked set to extend losses.
The euro fell as low as $1.2469, the weakest since June 12, and was last down 0.4 percent at $1.2503. Against the yen, the euro lost 1.4 percent to 99.58 yen.
Brent crude fell below $90 at one point, with concerns about faltering global growth and Europe's debt crisis hitting investor confidence. But the global benchmark for oil ended the day slightly higher after trading lower for most of the session.
The August contract for Brent crude edged up 3 cents to settle at $91.01 a barrel. In contrast, U.S. crude shed 55 cents to settle at $79.21 a barrel.
News that Cyprus became the fifth euro-zone country asking for emergency funding just hours after Spain formally requested help for its banks helped fuel gold prices.
U.S. gold futures for August delivery gained $21.50 to settle at $1,588.40 an ounce.
The Thomson Reuters-Jefferies CRB index of leading commodities rose 1.09 percent to 270.90, as gains in grains and metals helped to offset a weaker oil market.
(Additional reporting by Emelia Sithole-Matarise; Editing by W Simon, Dave Zimmerman and Jan Paschal)

26-06-12, 07:35
There tends to be a confusion about what central banks can and cannot do
June 25th, 2012

Central Banks Face Power Limit As Debt Persists, BIS Says
June 25th, 2012

Central banks in developed nations are confronting the limits of their ability to aid economic recovery as government efforts to strengthen their finances fall short, the Bank for International Settlements said.
“Central banks are being cornered into prolonging monetary stimulus as governments drag their feet and adjustment is delayed,” the Basel, Switzerland-based BIS said in its annual report, published yesterday. “Both conventionally and unconventionally accommodative monetary policies are palliatives and have their limits.”
While central banks’ actions were key to limiting damage from the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., interest ratesare now “as low as they can go” and debt purchases have swollen central bank balance sheets, the BIS said. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has indicated that the ECB is close to exhausting its tools after cutting its benchmark rate to a record low and flooding the banking system with cash.
“In the middle of all this we find the overburdened central banks, pushed to use what power they have to contain the damage,” Stephen Cecchetti, BIS economic adviser, said on a conference call. “There are very clear limits to what central banks can do. It’s critical for the health of the global economy to break the vicious cycles and reduce the pressure on central banks.”

what FED & ECB can do is very limited now....they have reached the end of what they can do....
keep printing will only destroy.....
the end is almost here.....

so without printing....all ponzi collapse....

FED & ECB & all central banks are backfire themselves to face bankruptcy & close down themselves....the day will come....

once shortage of liquidity, rate willshoot to sky......soproperty buyers, FED is the one who hep you, also the one to kill you soon....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 10:05
The turmoil in Europe continues to take its toll on financial services firms, as Credit Suisse’s (CS) appears to be making preparations for big cuts
June 26th, 2012



sure.......sll European banks are making big retrenchment soon....in both Europe, asia & Spore...big one...
later when they close down....then retrench all, 100% everywhere......

DBS said HK going for big retrenchment, why never said spore?? any difference?? HK is more stable than spore as they are big brother, spore followed HK in stock, financial as they are bigger....HSI is 10x bigger than STI, same to financial services due to china....

not only European banks, European companies too.....many already started to cut.....no demand in Europe, they don't need employees here to manufacture or support europe demands.....CUT now, the bigger the better as expenses will make them bankrupt sooner than later if don't cut....

soon US MNC, asia & spore firms will have to follow....HP, Sony already chopped.....more to come...the last one to cut, the 1st one to bankrupt.....

same to spore property, the last one to run, the 1st one to bankrupt.....those only see their coffin then run, these are fools.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 10:23
The Two Scariest Charts In Europe (Got Scarier)

The Full "Three-Days-To-Eurocalypse" Soros Interview

debt & employment can kill the whole Europe already, what so scary, just do it, let it collapse....the earlier the better as later the explosion will be much bigger after all these rubbish borrow more & waste more.....

so what they can clear this week?? next week will be back again.....the whole Europe are bankrupt, Germany debt to GDP almost 90 now, also in emergancy wards now, if they still want to lend their shoulder to PIIGS, all will fall together.....

even they can get over this time, more will move forward to ask for bailout.......just let all collapse now, all banks, countries.......rescue 1, you must rescue all....

of course, spore banks also got downgraded......same, when spore property crash, spore is worse than PIIGS...the turn will come in next few months to 1-3 yrs.....the contangious will be fast & furious when Europe 1 major bank down.....

no way to hide...wha must come will come, whatever will be will be.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 10:30
June 25th, 2012

hahaaaa....everybody is broke & anyhow shout now....all the fake, lies & desperation.....all the same....

you don't think spore banks, developers , govt are broke too??......you still buy their property like no tomorrow??.....hahaaaaa...

open your eyes to this world, all is debt & borrowing, how many has nett asset??.....if all asset crash down......>50% of all, individual, companies, countries are bankrupt....ot's start to unfold now till next 1-3 yrs....then you will know who swim naked....all those in huge mortgage loan, all will bankrupt.....

very nice, swee!!!!!!........

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 10:46
News says Cyprus asking for bailout now!

26-06-12, 11:18
Is a very very tough question for a MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT to answer you.. And you are not the only person who ask such kind of question.. But so far nobody got an answer from MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B.. He only act blur & keep changing his predictions.. From "now" to "2-3mths time" to "1-2yrs" & again to "31/5/2013".. & the now last one is "end of 2015":D

U can try to follow his forex tips, as in short euro 1.25 and close at 1.22

26-06-12, 11:39
U can try to follow his forex tips, as in short euro 1.25 and close at 1.22

hahaaaa....read my early thread....shorted 2 rounds at $1.27......
already can bring my family fly round the world few rounds.....

still holding......of course Thyrs & Fri, EU meeting is critical to break out....

nice & shiok!!!!.......

26-06-12, 11:55
Open Europe warns that Spanish house prices may drop another 35pc, and that the country’s banking sector could need an immediate €110bn capital injection
June 26th, 2012

this will be what happen to spore in next 1-3 yrs.....property to pull down banks.....
who want it to happen?? nobody, I know our rubbish govt will try to do whatever they can as we know individually who benefit the most from all these....
but this has nothing to do with we want or not......just like spain also don't want, buy no choice....same to spore when global crisis hit....

spore govt don't cool themselves then let foreign hedge funds to short it down & crash it by external force......those with heart will help them to short down together....don't blame, who started it? who irresponsible? who....

no bailout.....the more use taxpayers' money to bailout, the worse spore will be....use taxpayers' money to rescue someone....
by then Temasek/GIC in emergency wards almost gone case due to global market crashing down, let see they rescue themselves or country 1st....all shoyuld know the answer, look at today, you will know.....

we kena rob, take what you want now....we are all ok as we will know what will come will come.....will be will be....who care who die or kena killed.....wha care, hahaaaaaa......who care who......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 12:09
U can try to follow his forex tips, as in short euro 1.25 and close at 1.22
NB! If MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B knows how to advise me to "short" Luxus Hills during $1.6m.. Now I already made almost $1m liao!! But too bad, he's inexperience in the property market!!:D

26-06-12, 13:11
The Two Scariest Charts In Europe (Got Scarier)

The Full "Three-Days-To-Eurocalypse" Soros Interview

debt & employment can kill the whole Europe already, what so scary, just do it, let it collapse....the earlier the better as later the explosion will be much bigger after all these rubbish borrow more & waste more.....

so what they can clear this week?? next week will be back again.....the whole Europe are bankrupt, Germany debt to GDP almost 90 now, also in emergancy wards now, if they still want to lend their shoulder to PIIGS, all will fall together.....

even they can get over this time, more will move forward to ask for bailout.......just let all collapse now, all banks, countries.......rescue 1, you must rescue all....

of course, spore banks also got downgraded......same, when spore property crash, spore is worse than PIIGS...the turn will come in next few months to 1-3 yrs.....the contangious will be fast & furious when Europe 1 major bank down.....

no way to hide...wha must come will come, whatever will be will be.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

The Two Scariest Charts In Europe (Got Scarier) :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

26-06-12, 13:12
U can try to follow his forex tips, as in short euro 1.25 and close at 1.22

Yep Mr B give a lot of useful tips ;)

26-06-12, 14:17
FT: Doubling down on austerity, Brussels will be given the power to rewrite national budgets for eurozone countries that breach debt and deficit rules
June 25th, 2012

European Bloodbath As Merkel Won't Go Dutch

sure...this is the way to go to deal with rubbish.....give them minimum, let themsurvive on their own or die.....if you continue to feed them they will push you down badly....stop feeding them, also pull down but not as bad.....so the choice is clear.....

double austerity....very nice....cut 2x jobs, cut 2x spending....hike 2x taxes......take it or leave it....
will see tons of chaos on Europe in coming months....no choice, let them make noise.....or exit Euro or EU is also nice.....

now is fighting for survival, not about help.....already queue up for food.....situation is much worse than lehman bros but stock market still want to sustain to su.ck in more fools before big crash.....

more bloodbath to come....germany & merkel better be super firm, *censored**censored**censored**censored* them off.....let them learn fishing themselves or hunger to die themselves....

no demand from themis for sure...no money to buy & pay.....global no demand from everywhere from US to Asia...all shrinking.....stop all production, once sudden hike rate, all dies.....

those who want to make money in next few months to yrs....wait for good opportunity to short...short all down.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 14:20
將軍澳二手 業主料將劈價

放水炒唔起 滬綜5個月最殘


HK property cut price & dump again......they know super bad time is coming.......
China after cutting RRR & interest rate, pump in RMB 1 trillion into market, still SSE down from 2400 to 2200, down 8% in last few days, going to go below 2000 again soon....economy is getting worse each day, bad debt is surfacing now....tons of run road inside china now, biggest solar cells company bankrupt & many more to come....banks still dare to loan?? M2 shrink......
India is the hardest hit in asia.....hard truth all crawling out from carpet, investment & fund all pulling out, no growth with super high inflation, currency crash to historical low, India is Greece of Asia.....global economy crash will spread to asia & start from India, then Japan, China, Spore....everyone turn will come, no hurry....

HK new chief will be up this weekend, let see he deal with Li Kashing or not....china & HK property will crash hard.....tons of retrenchment already started in HK.....no demand from Europe, will see many chinese factory close down & run road soon.....

spore will not be spared.....cost is too high in spore, spore not competitive at all.....1st one to dump & avoid in asia.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 15:05
CHINA: Banking Sector Sees Rise in Bad Loans
June 25th, 2012

BRICs Biggest Currency Depreciation Since 1998 To Worsen
June 25th, 2012

sure....look at SSE keep falling, after china cutting rate & RRR, SSE down from 2400 to 2200 now, down 8% in last few days....more to come....will go below 2000....
many companies at verge of collapse....largest solar cells already bankrupt......if US going to terminate all china companies listed in US due to accounting stndard, htis will put a bomb to the world especially HSI & SSE.....
once global demand is no more there....once job pull back to western world......china will collapse.....then will see all boss run road & hide & no way to find, like evaporate from this world....

BRIC currency sink real bad except China.....RMB will face huge problem in 1-2 yrs from now, US will crash Euro 1st....
India, brazil & rusia are just rubbish.....really not up to standrad yet....once commodity burst, they are worse than PIIGS.....their people, country standard are still far below western world.....

Once China, Japan & India in trouble....most aisa will be in financial crisis again....Korea also in problem now...HK is in recession now.....
asia property bubble sure burst....it;s better for them to burst themselves then let western funds to short them down like 1997, that will be super ugly like Greece today...so Spore & HK are the leadyng property bubble in asia......it will end super ugly.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 16:04
Europe’s largest bank & 4th largest company in world Banco Santander downgraded close to junk:
June 26th, 2012

3 out of every 10 Americans do not have ANY savings lined up for an emergency
June 26th, 2012

Of VIX, Correlation, And Building A Better Mousetrap

sure.....many downgrading recently......all Spain banks downgraded yesterday.....all these downgrading come with high cost....borrowing cost will be higher due to lower rating now...stock price also crash down due to funds has to down their owning percentage.....sell....
many Italy banks plunging down to halt last night.....

3 out of 10 americans has no saving....same to spore, due to high cost of living, many has no saving once lost their jobs, has to depend on borrowing to survive....
once property crash, rental crash, situation will be much worse......time for hedge funds to come to spore to aqueeze such in debt & bubble.....short it down....

every market is building mousetrap to trap all the fools now, whether is spore property or global stock or commodity or currency, bonds.....
once you are trap like a mouse, no ways to get out, wait for the funds to skin you & we will know who swim naked ny then.....

many will get caught & bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs.....those in debt, mortgage loan or in ant type of loan.....all will swim naked once trigger.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 18:51
hahaaaa....read my early thread....shorted 2 rounds at $1.27......
already can bring my family fly round the world few rounds.....

still holding......of course Thyrs & Fri, EU meeting is critical to break out....

nice & shiok!!!!.......

:D :D :D tua pow sian

26-06-12, 20:26
Spain requests bank aid, Moody's downgrades banks:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain formally requested a European bank rescue on Monday but lack of details kept investors fretting and Moody's cut the ratings of most Spanish lenders, citing the government's reduced ability to support them and the likelihood of higher property losses.
In a letter to Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker sent early on Monday, Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said he wanted to take up the EU offer of up to 100 billion euros (80 billion pounds) and hoped to finalise the package by July 9.
He did not specify how much money Spain will seek to recapitalise the indebted lenders and said the final amount and conditions of the assistance were still under discussion.
Ahead of reports of the Moody's downgrade, Spanish banking stocks closed down 4.9 percent on Monday, underperforming the blue-chips index, which fell 3.7 percent. Spain's country risk, as measured by the spread between German and Spanish benchmark bonds, rose to around 518 basis points.
Moody's downgraded the ratings of 28 of 33 rated banks, by one to four notches, following a cut to Spain's sovereign rating to just above junk status earlier this month.
"The reduced creditworthiness of the Spanish sovereign...affects the government's ability to support the banks," the credit rating agency said in a statement.
"The banks' exposures to commercial real estate will likely cause higher losses, which might increase the likelihood that these banks will require external support."
The downgrade included Spain's largest two lenders, Santander and BBVA and left the long-term debt of Bankia, which requested a bailout last month, at junk status.
Moody's said it would assess the impact of the euro zone recapitalisation on banks' creditworthiness and bondholders once details on funds to individual banks were known.
Economy Minister De Guindos said an independent audit of the banking sector released last Thursday would be used as a starting point to determine the capital needs, to which an additional security buffer will be added.
The audit showed Spanish banks, badly hit by a property crash four years ago, need up to 62 billion euros to weather a severe economic downturn.
Analysts say the euro zone's fourth largest economy, which has become the focus of the debt crisis, will struggle to get out of recession unless the banking problems are solved.
According to financial and government sources, four nationalised banks - Bankia, CatalunyaCaixa, NovaGalicia and Banco de Valencia - will get the bulk of the aid. These banks could need a cash injection of around 40 billion euros as soon as July, the sources said.
The bailout mechanism - European Stability Mechanism or European Financial Stability facility - which will be used to raise the money will be chosen at a later stage.
This choice is important because the ESM has a preferred debtor status which would push private bondholders down the queue for repayment of their investments.
Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, who chairs monthly meetings of euro zone finance ministers, said he had received the request and would give an answer "in due course".
"We expect to give a mandate to the Commission, in liaison with the ECB and the EBA, to negotiate the necessary policy conditionality for the financial sector, including restructuring plans in accordance with EU state aid rules, which shall accompany the financial assistance," he said in a statement.
The European Commission usually requires banks which receive aid to sell assets, close branches and restructure.
This would, however, not involve imposing losses on banks' bondholders, something De Guindos ruled out on Friday.
Secretary of State for Economy Fernando Jimenez Latorre said on Monday the aid should reach the banks within three or four months and that transitory liquidity mechanisms would be used for the entities which require a lifeline earlier.
"In the next weeks, we will clear doubts about the seniority of the European aid, the conditions for the credits, the maturity, if it will affect the deficit," he said.
He added that the possibility of channelling the European aid directly to the banks was still an option. The request letter, however, said Spain's bank restructuring fund, known as the FROB, would receive the money and distribute it to the lenders.
Documents released on Friday after the independent audit showed Spain will carry out yet another stress test of its banks by October with a focus on seven lenders that might not need aid right away but could still be vulnerable.
Doing the extra test gives Spain at least two more months to negotiate for direct recapitalisation of the banks. The government wants to avoid taking on the aid itself and then channelling it to the banks, which would affect the public debt, potentially ramping up borrowing costs and dragging it further into the debt crisis.
Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said on Monday that Spain would insist on having long maturities and low interest rates on the loans. He also said direct European aid for the banks was still an option.
Spain has escaped conditionality for its economic policy in return for the financial assistance but it will be placed under increased scrutiny from its EU partners.
"The way Spain complies with any and all of its commitments will be looked at with more attention than for a country which has not sought financial assistance," said EU competition chief Joaquin Almunia on Monday.
Almunia will be in charge of supervising the restructuring of the banking sector and maintaining a level playing field with other lenders in Europe which did not receive state aid.


26-06-12, 20:55
Bernanke: Fed will not buy European sovereign debt
June 20th, 2012

Fed’s economic forecast gets gloomier

June 20th, 2012

very nice....no QE....shorted more Euro at $1.27.....

FED don't buy Europe bonds, china also will not buy.....basically globally nobody is buying except Europe themselves....the rest all selling instead....
even economy more gloomier, still no stimulus, no printing, target is Europe now.....OT is just pushing down long term rate but push up short term rate....
so short term rate globally will continue to push up higher like SIBOR, SHIBOR, LIBOR.....
no rescue to Europe is also very nice......the war between US & the world has started.....1st step is to kill Euro & Europe....
Europe & Euro problem will be back again very soon in next few days to weeks....
his economy gloomier means Europe will pull down US economy & globally.....Europe will kick start all the debt problem again very soon, focus will be back to them after Greece & FOMC......
whatever....this yr we will see Euro move further down & default of some PIIGS & European banks.....that will eventually pull down global economy & financial system to recession & great depression.......all bubble burst.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

above is my 2nd shorted Euro at $1.27......

earlier, I shorted another bloack ofeur at $1.27 too.......

26-06-12, 21:49
Asia investment banks launch new round of job cuts as China’s economy slowing down
June 26th, 2012

yes.....many banks in asia & spore already cut jobs....still going on.....& on going.....
If you have friends working in investment banks, check with them, they should be able to tell you.....
more to come....
huge one like close down the whole banks will have to wait 6-12 mmoths from now.....in next 1-3 yrs, >50% of global bank will be bakrupt, including spore banks.....

china slow down is for sure....already pull down all commodity price, no demand.....wait for China GDP to go down to below 7%, hard landing, will see riot & social unrest like in PIIGS today.......

all is unfolding......read more history & travel more, you will see with your eyes....you will learn the skill.....
later this yr, you will see lehman type of market crash....just the beginning of the end.....100x bigger explosion in next 1-3 yrs, this is just a started, a preview....but already good enough to make many bankrupt.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

26-06-12, 22:20
Spain Borrowing Costs Triple In One Month, Italian Yield Firmly Above 6% Again

Spain’s borrowing costs again soar as the government auctions €3.08B in short-term bills, which was above its target of €2B-€3B.
June 26th, 2012

Holy Sh*t: Cyprus may need a bailout equal to half of its economy– officials
June 26th, 2012

borrowing cost up 300% within 1 month......what happen to spore mortgage loan up 300% within 1 month??.....so don't think FED don't hike rate, our mortgage rate will not shoot to sky suddenly......
I thought ECB printed few trillion to push down rate to below 1%, why pay 7%+??.......just get from ECB lah....hahaaaaa.....
same to Italy, will cross 7% soon.....

Cyprus need 50% of GDP for bailout......crazy....everybody like money is free, just ask will have.....very nice, that means everbody will not get....

If Italy want 50% means Euro 1 trillion....If US needs 50%= US$ 7 trillion......hahaaa....fun...monopoly huh....

that is why global economy is going to collapse....all PIIGS is just like Cyprus & even worse if you look at debt to GDP.....but Spore debt to GDP is worse than Cyprus....no problem now, but when global stock market crash, Temasek/GIC go ho lan....then will be 2-3x worse than Cyprus today.....

anyway....asia going for financialom crisis again....spore will badly hit once Europe banks in trouble THIS yr.....then when spread to asia, we will be much worse than 1997 this time, we are at fore front like Thaialand in 1997.....good luck......

that is why spore property will crash super hard this time......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 08:28
Germany cool to EU fiscal union plan: report
June 26th, 2012

very nice.....so Germany & Merkel bochap EU....stick to her plan, stop asking for help, go 2x austerity 1st.....no Euro bonds & bills.....

the best is if she walk out of EU meeting to go watch Europe cup to support Germay team......don't waste time with those rubbish....only know how ro ask for money, con money, beg.....

since already cool to all fiscal policy of EU, then just keep her mouth shut & NO to everything.....another one to watch is UK.....ler see when will they exit EU.....

all these no more fun now....only beg for money that is all.....who foot the bill & not going to pay back, everyone know...so just let them bankrupt now, just do it once & for all, why drag on.....time is here, not this week will be next 1-2 months.....

why help such rubbish....let them bankrupt, let Europe banks, need to bankrupt, bankrupt.....no bailout, ley it spread, only the strong one will survive,this is free market......bailout the weak one is wasting money & time.....let the strong one rule.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 09:09
The Italian Consumer Collapse
June 26th, 2012

Italy Just Bailed Out The World’s Oldest Surviving Bank, Could Cost Up To €4 Billion
June 26th, 2012

Italy already bankrupt, still want face to bailout rubbish bank.....why bailout weak & useless, save them, only make the world worse....
Italy will need a full bailout like Cyprus soon....
as I said, once Italy is down, global economy is doen....coming...very nice.....

Italy consumer collapse....no money, no demand, no jobs.....let it collapse....
Germany now know, don't help them, let them cut their spending till nothing......change all their lifestyle to nothing......only need food to eat, no entertainment.....if they still need help, then can help a bit....the world should treat them this way to let them wake up.....this way of course they will not buy anything from the world, let it be......

same to spore....no bailout of any banks or company or individual...let them bankrupt....learn their lesson....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 09:27
WILLEM BUITER: Spain And Italy Will Need Sovereign Bailouts, And Quite Possibly Very Soon
June 26th, 2012

A Collapse Of Eurozone Could Spark Extremism, Head Of MI5 Warns
June 26th, 2012

sure....Italy & Spain already no way out only to ask for bailout soon.....
they can shout to buy their bonds or whatever....but bind yield keep escalating.....at wwhatever rate, they will still sell if they need money....real desperate now....

as I said once Italy default, global economy will collapse.....so whatever extremism.....all bubbles will burrst, all ponzi collapse....all debt will have to be squeezed real hard.....currency collapse, commodity crash, stock & property also dive super hard......all asset sink to real bottomless bottom....

kong hee case is really nothing compared to developers........let it be....all is real ugly & evil......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 09:35
June 26th, 2012

“The failure of Bernanke’s ‘wealth effect,’” says Jim Cramer, noting the divergence since QE began between consumer confidence and stock prices.
June 26th, 2012

another greece minister resigns after 1-2 days of appointment......more to come.....all these without sacrify leader quality, all just nonsense.....

more & more now know Bernanke is bullshyt....not many people trusted him anymore.....all know he knows nut, only print & print.....but the more he print, more property foreclosire, more unemployment, GDP getting worse, debt getting bigger.....all direct to recession & great depression....1 day, all will want him to get lost.....

bernake is really nothing.....his reserach just tell him, 1st great depression fail due to austerity, so this time don't do austerity, print his way out....the more he print, debt escalate, low rate will kill US eventually......exactly like Japan, low rate for 22 yrs, no growth for 22 yrs, property crash 90%, stock crash 80%.....

low rate means no need of liquidity, no expansion, no demand, no jobs, no......a healthy economy need to chase liquidity & chase rate up.....look into hostory, srock only can shoot up together with rate hike......when rate down means bad economy, need to cut rate to rescue......

same to spore....doomed...ptoperty crash......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 10:12
Deutsche Bank Hides The Hopium: “The Next Recession Should Start By The End Of August”
June 26th, 2012

Eyeing a double dip (Regardless of who wins, the next President faces a recession)
June 26th, 2012

so US will go into recession in this August.....should be no problem, but official announcement will only come next yr......
it will follow by a great depression next yr.....

double dip will sure come....this coming dip is much deeper than last dip of Dow at 6600 or S&P at 666.....as i said Dow will go below 3500 & STI go below 1000 before 2015.....

bernanke printed so much, still dip again.....at super low rate, US property will continue to down another 20-30%, already down 50-60% so far......foreclosure at historical record of 10 million units now....that means banks has collected 10 millions property in last 5 yrs in US....so when spore property crash hard in next 1-2 yrs, tons of property will be force sell & auction off by banks like US in last 5 yrs.....foreclosure......

spore property will crash super hard.......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 10:17
IT’S GAME OEVR!!! German Chancellor Merkel says Europe will not have shared liability for debt as long as she lives
June 26th, 2012

nice one from merkel......no Euro bond as long as she lives...no shared of debt, pay for your own debt, go ahead to bankrupt if you can't pay, Germany is not going to pay for you.....

with this comment....Spain yield shoot up suddenly....

this week EU has nothing much to discuss.....go & raise your own debt...if no money, go & bankrupt yourself....

great, will see 1st PIIGS go bankrupt this yr....followed by european banks default, spore market hit badly......

hold on & be firm......Spain & Italy going to kneel down very soon.....will see spain or italy banks bankrupt soon, let see how fast it will domino to pull down European banks 1 by 1.....FED & ECB have no more bullet to act....no more solution.....once banks default, global market will be in panic mode.....all will pull hands brake, start to recall loan to avoid bad debt & default themselves......ghostgate will break loose, funds will short like no tomorrow....lunar 7 months is near......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 10:29
Italian PM Monti threatens to quit – Il Giornale… “Immediately the Eurobond or I resign.”
June 26th, 2012

now this stupid rubbish threaten to resign....get lost lah, rubbish....
no money, don't beg, use threaten tactics, who cares.....
want people to give money to you using their taxpayers' money yet so shameless......
stay firm & we will see PIIGS default very soon.....then will see banks & spore market crashing down fast.....
real desperation now....the more desperate you are, the more people bochap you....
let this hooligan act his gangster way......the world will just laugh at him...real rascal.....
anyway...this yr sure see default.....very nice....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 10:38
Computers on Wall Street are Buying and Selling to Themselves! – Mike Krieger
June 26th, 2012

this is to say retailers involvement in trading is minimum now....not many people is trading except traders trade among themselves to make the market.....
why? either is market is coming to be bad or already no money to trade.....
same to spore property, 1 thing is difference is trader can long or short their product but developers will only push up priceas property is their own products.....

govt should not use taxpayers' money to manipulate price......this is the basic.....
this also has no difference from ponzi scheme.....if allow to do that.....govt should put them in jail like sunshime empire case.....

anyway, spore property, we can only wait for global market crash, wait for foreign hedge funds here to crash the bubble, as long as got money to make in a bubble, they will do it....spore property definitely is a gigantic bubble to be burst....govt should get out of it.....let free market operate & be fair.....that is why cow has tons of things to do & to be done but.......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 10:49
John Embry – We’re On The Edge of Collapse, We’ve Run Out of Time
June 26th, 2012

this is for sure....titanic going to sink, no one govt can support as all is bankrupt....let the cycle move on, the trend is irreversible now, just like when china want to grow in last 20 yrs, nobody can stop....just like england going to sink in 1930, is unstoppable.....

the cause of this sink is printing too much & use too much od fitire money in last 50 yrs.....debt is too huge, time topay back, that is all.....nobody hope or wish....
so face it, let it sink & crash, then work to rebuild again......this is cycle.....up/down is norm....nothing up forever....

the time is here...starting from PIIGS this yr to europe to Asia to spore to US.......all will be collapsing down.....
all asset class.....the more you try to support it, on the way, you will waste more money, more debt building up, the recovery will be harder & longer....
those fools tyr to manipulate, let it be, they will be killed, let them die,they deserve it.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 11:05
George Soros: “(Merkel) is trapped (realizing) the euro is not working, but she cannot change the narrative she has created.”
June 26th, 2012

she has to be strong, she is doing the right thing....must persist.....
this is problem with doing the right thing & doing the rubbish popular thing.....LKY always said, it but now ha has changed.....
almost all leaders in the world doing populat thing & easy way out due to obama, a black, not trying to be racist, but that is the core culture of black.....

she will hold on this Thurs & Fri.....most EU countries already bnkrupt....real desoerate, they will think of 100 ways to let you come out money....even give away their country to you, they want money now....all these shameless human rubbish.....let them bnakrupt, let them die, then they can wake up.....

same to spore property, no bailout, let them bankrupt, let them see their own coffin, then they will learn the lesson, they will be prudent in future.....

this world economy already gone, no demand, all bankrupt, no money, no jobs, has to crash to the bottom, before re-start again....already started, wait for the end in 1-3 yrs time......all market will crash hard.....

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 12:44
Alcoa’s Q2 earnings estimates are slashed by 75% at Deutsche Bank, the third firm to cite lower aluminum prices and production cuts
June 26th, 2012

Alcoa is always the one started reporting result.....if earning down 75%, share price must slash at least 15-20%.....
this is real ugly....next 1-2 weeks we will know...
normally is the reference of how other listed company & banks performance....if overall result down 30-60%, Dow will crash super hard....
Deutsche bank already said US will be in recession this August......this will match to Q2 result reporting season....
also August/Sept is the market crashing season like 9/2008, lehman bros bankrupt......this yr will be real ugly.....

global has no demand, from US to Asia to Europe.....all no business, no demand, no engine of the world is moving now.....all waiting to be bankrupt & close down....so all cut expenses now, who can last longer who will be the winners.....
so huge retrenchment is on the way......no compnies is in expansion mode unless they want to commit suicide due to desperation.....that will only create more bad debt to banks....
so banks should stop all loans now as current loan is the highest possible to causr bad debt, same again, unless banks is real desperate & at verge of collapse.....

still got fools buy property now?? sell & dump instead.......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 16:00

warren buffet favourite china company...BYD....starts pay cut.....
many china firms has to start pay cut or they will not survive soon.....bad debt alreadty surface, china banks will tigthen their loaning now....
pay cut is global trend now....starting from france to cut 30% across....of course, PIIGS austerity scheme is to cut 50%.....

why global in such huge debt today?? due to pay of elites of the world....all these rubbish should cut pay by >95%....nobody worth more than S$5mil/yr if you are an employee or CEO or micister or CxO or.......

with their pay whether is S$10Mil/yr or $1 Bil/yr....eventually many of these companies will be bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs, worth it??.....

pay cut fast before company collapse in next few months to 1-3 yrs as no demand now & cut expenses to survive......
many banks already cut jobs in spore...many europeans comapnies already slash jobs in spore, many spore company due to cash flow also retrench....HP, Sony Nxx & tons more.....all cut jobs now.....no rubbish job credit, productivity already at world lowest, still job credit to push productivity lower??......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 16:22
WARNING: The euro could crash to new lows at any time
June 26th, 2012

sure....with PIIGS development now.....with FED stop printing now.....
with ECB printed in last few months, Euro is at least over-valued by 10 cts now.....but due to global govt in desperation & panic mode, all support....this is definitely wrong doing of global govt as they know once Euro down, stock market will crash down.....
this can see how worry & panic global market today.....
but market will move to where it will....funds will short it down & those who support will have to cover back to sell, it will cause Euro to down much more eventually....so stop doing all these manipulation & rubbish & childish act.....let it be, let market decide.....

Euro will have to crash down.....
when PIIGS default or European banks default....Euroe will crash real hard...this yr will happen....

when Euro hit, spore market will be hit real hard.....this yr, will come.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 16:28
柏景內地客 慘輸千萬

prc chinese bought 1 property in HK last yr, this yr kena squeezes sold & lost almost 35-40% within 1 yr......
bought HKD27mil....lost HKD10mil in last 1 yr.....so property is up or down??.....if up why must he sold at such great lost??...because there is no buyers.....if you are not in the developers traders group to push up property price....no one will buy from you at good price...so stop buying or want to buy quote low like above, no need to be hurry or rush.....take your time.....

same to spore property.....no buyers now....so let sellers shout or posted how much they want....ignore all these rubbish....when they get squeeze like above, they will have to sell at any asking price when time to come....the time is near, just look at global economy & political situation....

Europe will sure burst this yr.....once developers trade among themselves get stuck...once problem arise between them when cash flow hit....they will kill each other instead....all these bunch of manipulators,of course govt can close both eyes, cow can say he bow down to drink water, did not see anything yet receive his S$mil salary.....

what a bunch of shameless world & @$%&^*(&........when time come, you can pui on all these @$^$^%& & their fxxxxxxx....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 17:07
Markets are largely no longer trading fundamentals; they are just trading state intervention and money printing.
June 27th, 2012

all is trading on news now.....not even data......
nothing to trade on company fundemental now as all has no business now.....
when news turns real ugly...then they will switch back to company result, real hard truth result, then all will sudeenly realise, they have to dump & short immediately as already 50% over priced now......then will probably see Dow crash >30% overnight...likely will see this yr....

global govt is in panic mode when they see all is bankrupt, all have no money to pay salary....all has to depend on printing & borrowing to pay.....why they can't collect ebnough taxes?? as there is no business how to collact taxes??.....if they collect taxes, economy will sink to nothing as no disposable income.....

just wait patiently for the big crash.....global govt are fake, fraud, lies & doing magic now....all the rubbish leaders, no guts to face reality....but reality will come to bite them...some better don't do any criminal act....all will go to jail...if all stop catching economy crimes, all will be in jail too.....

so stop buying...wait patiently....50 yrs of debt, so wait 6 months or 1-2 yrs is really nothing......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 17:25
CHARLES NENNER: The S&P Will Sink To 1,235 By Next Week
June 27th, 2012

so S&P is 1320 now....expect to down 8% in next 1 week......reasonable.....with half yr end window dressing, EU & many activities in early July.....
for a start, a down of 8% is nothing but to bernanke & most govt.......it will be shyting their whole pants......

anything can happen from now till sept.....by sept, most need to unfold for this yr will unfold.....
by October.....almost all is gone for this yr....no more chance to get out liao......

too many holes to cover....too many lies to cover....nothing can be covered......
same to spore property......holod tight tight, you will see melting down, even down 50%, no big deal....life moves on.....just a few $100k or $mil, just keep working, still can pay back, happen before, easy lah.....globally tons of country already down 50%, nothing great.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 18:18
Ray Dalio: Don't Assume That Germany Will Bail Europe Out; Consider The "Fat Tail" A Significant Possibility

merkel already put it very clear......no help to PIIGS, no Euro bonds & Bills, more austerity.....
she will not slap her own face.....
whole Euorpe only Germany can decide & has the money although not much......
the rest are all bankrupt waiting to be feed......only way to make them comply is to aqueeze rthem till no breathing....
this Thurs & Fri, no concrete plan, just for show, then hosay liao.....will see market react terribly.....
whatever....PIIGS will still default this yr....coming.....already dry up & in real pain & cannot take it anymore, let crash them....
If bailout them this time, still have 10x down the road....let do it once & for all...with guts, just do it.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 18:38

HK developers join force to cut price & give freebies to dump property.....
time is getting worse each day better run fast before kena netted like crab....this coming crisis will last 20-30 yrs....so better run fast or will have bno chance to get out in whole life.....then this whole life will be ruined......

soon when china banks tigthened credit to recall loan back due ro bad debt escalation, then will see tons of prc dumping their peoperty in HK & Spore at any price to raise funds to pay back their loan.....already started in HK.....

In spore developers giving freebies, cars, membership & absord all taxes & legal......a discount of 20-30% is common these days.....
so the nett psf is much lower than reported in media driven by govt....they should worl out the nett psf....

whatever, let them do all rubbish together with govt....has to pay back wan.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 19:58
Top economist Hussman: The next recession is starting right now
June 27th, 2012

all about the same timeon US recession......start right now or August....basically no difference......down trend started & will last for 20-30 yrs......

look at it STI is the most desperate index in the world.....most panic on down trend.....Temasek/GIC can buy up & push up, collect all the stock dumped by funds....funds will never come back after htis round, govt can hold forever till shares has no value......this is not the way to trade....respect the market is the way to go....free market, not using taxpayers' money for something no value in future.....

most European ocuntries already in recession....most asian also started recession.....all companies has no business & on the way down & cutting employees now....
banks stop loaning out as they know, loan out now will become bad debts......
shrink & lean & cut all expenses is the way to go, be defensive, wait for your enemy go bankrupt, then you can survive better in bad times ahead.....

those cannot see, deserve to bankrupt & commit suicide....be responsible......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 20:25
君臨天下呎售逾3.7萬 標準戶新高 文章日期:2012年6月27日


27-06-12, 20:53
This ridiculous story shows the Chinese economy could be even worse than thought
June 26th, 2012

Trader alert: This is a bad sign for U.S. stocks
June 26th, 2012

SSE down consecutively 6 days.......going to break 2200 & moving below 2000.....
no demand.....electricity consumption is down to yrs low....summer is here, no money to on air-con??.....
>85% of prc still eaning below RMB2500/m....still have tons of prc still living inside cages.....
with prc attitude, mentality, manners.....I can tell you confidently, they have reach their limit.....that is it....no way for them to go higher than current level.....

will see china sink like Japan in 1990....property down 90%, stock down 80% from historical peak.....
chow ang mo will deal with china, no need to bother....same to spore, chow ang mo will also deal woth spore in next few yrs.....

be patient.....now is the time to watch on sideline...let them fight & kill, get out of stock & property, short currency, stock, commodity at right time......no hurry....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 21:32
As The ECB’s Balance Sheet Hits New Record Highs, Fair EURUSD Value Is 900 Pips Lower
June 26th, 2012

SHOCK: Egan Jones Downgrades Germany From AA- To A+!!! Euro Falls Immediately!
June 26th, 2012

so based on money printing....Euro is 10 cts over-valued now.....but whole world supporting it as they know if Euro down 10 cts, global srock market will have to down 20% immediately.....

so desperate & panic, no respect to market.....all will be punished.....free market, got guts to let it plunge & has wisdom to work hard toclimb back again....but whole world know, debt is too heavy for any up side......hike rate, can't pay back debt.....0% rate, no banks want to loan out, whole market died.....only rubbish spore still loan out mortgage at 1-2%....this is most evil inn this world currently.....hedges dunds will come here to whack like Thailand in 1997 in next 1-2 yrs.....

so Germany also got downgraded.....Germany debt to GDP is almost 90 now, is not low, economy is not strong, no way to rescue anybody, he himself also can't take care now.....so better let all die by themselves....more downgrade of whole Europe countries & banks on the way....

wait patiently for Euro to crash super hard 1 day......unexpected day......short at right time.....then whole world stock market will plunge together.....spore property will follow to dive....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 22:19
Crazy diagram shows why the euro crisis is unlikely to be “solved”
June 26th, 2012

definitely no way to solve....all already bankrupt, yet no demand from the world, no jobs, no collaction of taxes, how to solve??.....
asset keep dropping, market keep dropping, then currency also myst down......no earning, no income, how to survive??.....
this is global scenario now, no demand globally, US has no consumption now, everywhere is shrinking.....
BRIC also going to bankrupt soon.....
only way out is hyper-deflation....sqieezed out all the weak one......be slave, then start all over again....
debt is too heavy now.....
borrowing cost also keep raising globally...who dare to loan, who loan who bankrupt now.....
short for good profit & you will win the battle 2 hands up.....next 1-3 yrs you will know.....
PIIGS sure default starting from this yr......whole world economy sure collapse in next 1-3 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 22:50
Supply Chain Slowdown Signals US Economic Slump Ahead
June 26th, 2012

sure....from supply chain, you know there is no demand....
when BDI down....you know global trade is halted....world concumption is low due to no demand.....
when transportation demand is low domestically....you know US & americans are not consuming....
from retail sales data.....supply chain data....business is not moving.....
already in huge debt....must stop all spending....save to pay back 1st.....

when huge retrenchment hit spore in next few months to 1-3 yrs, all will know, global trade is halted....
then rental down, sales down, no buyer, banks auction up, force & fire sales of property everywhere.....foreigners force to leave, locals have no jobs.....

tons of stop shipment due to no payment made....cancel order due to no demand......account receivable not paid....cash flow tight, no money for salary.....all already happens, more to come, that is all......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

27-06-12, 23:05
Supply Chain Slowdown Signals US Economic Slump Ahead
June 26th, 2012

[SIZE=3][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]sure....from supply chain, you know there is no demand....
when BDI down....you know global trade is halted....world concumption is low due to no demand.....
when transportation demand is low domestically....you know US & americans are not consuming....
from retail sales data.....supply chain data....business is not moving.....
already in huge debt....must stop all spending....save to pay back 1st.....

when huge retrenchment hit spore in next few months to 1-3 yrs, all will know, global trade is halted....
then rental down, sales down, no buyer, banks auction up, force & fire sales of property everywhere.....foreigners force to leave, locals have no jobs.....

tons of stop shipment due to no payment made....cancel order due to no demand......account receivable not paid....cash flow tight, no money for salary.....[COLOR="Red"]all already happens, more to come, that is all......


.....hmmmm never knew something can "already happens"......

28-06-12, 08:15
Italy Pays More For 6 Month Debt Than America Pays For 30 Year, As LTRO Claims Its First Bank Insolvency

Italy pay more to borrow 6 months than US to borrow for 30 yrs.......credibility real s.cuk.....
same to spore property....anyhow loan out mortgage loan to non-credible people at same rate....end result will be the same as US subprime mortgage loan problem in 2007....lehman bros & Bear stern bankrupt.....

6 months is a very short term, matured early next yr, Italy probably will not have money to pay back premium, don't talk about interest....or ponzi again to borrow to pay back matured bonds.......but for sure they cannot afford to pay back high interest because the country in recession now.....same to all PIIGS....

LTRO loan is 3 yrs term....so fast within few months already insolvent bank happened.....very soon all banks bankrupt, all LTRO Euro 2-3 trillion loan all gone....this is the kind of risk to loan out currently.....you make 1%, lost 100%....only fools do such business with these bunch of jobless rubbish....same to spore property, mortgage loan at 1-2% to rubbish, once retrenchment comes, all cannot service loan, take back all property, once property crash, bank bankrupt......

it will sure happen in next 1-3 yrs.......rate will have to shoot to sky at such critical time......banks want to do such business must bear bankrupt responsibility, no way to use raxpayers' money to bailout.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 09:18
Spain Prime Minister says it cant afford to finance Spanish debt at current rates, which have topped 6.8%
June 27th, 2012

don't say 6.8%, 1% also they cannot afford to pay back....
at least Spain PM said it out, no way they can pay back the loan, don't talk about interest......
all the earlier few Euro trillion loan will be all gone with the wind eventually....same to spore property mortgage loan, mostly will be gone in next few yrs too.....
so want to continue to loan to PIIGS?? 1% or 10%, any difference?? at current crisis time,10% is a resonable rate, but who dare to loan?? yet our banks loan out mortgage loan at 1%.......when bankrupt, blame who?? bailout??......now CEO collect S$10mil/yr, yet make bank bankrupt later, so? why pay now??.....

even spain PM said can't afford to loan but why still got tons of fools want to buy Spain bonds?? same to all stock price today....all not worth 50% of stock price but still have tons of fools buy......because all is panic & desperate now, if they don't buy, collapse, they lose everything....same to Temasek/GIC.......

these are the condition of today market & world economy......

why rescue, let them die....free market, market decide....stop all nonsense support act....let nature decide or eventually result is the same & worse.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 09:36
Expect ZERO RATE from ECB soon

28-06-12, 09:56
Prem Bhagat, 36, a human resources manager at Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), said he wants to buy a home in Singapore to reduce the S$3,200 he currently pays every month in rent for his east Singapore condominium. When he buys, he intends to restrict his monthly payments to S$2,800 to S$3,000, he said.
“The current interest rates are way too low, the CPF takes care of a large portion of the monthly payments, and there’s not too much of a risk of property prices coming down in Singapore over the longer term,” said Bhagat.

Mr B, u should write to him to let him know property is going to crash 50% by 2015 :rolleyes:

28-06-12, 10:03
This is TOO important to ignore: Sequestration (Massive Automatic-Cuts to the Federal Gov in Jan 2013 that is already LAW)
June 27th, 2012

Stockton to file for bankruptcy, will be largest U.S. city to fail… Halts debt payments, slashes pay, cuts pensions
June 27th, 2012

looks like US is going to abandon printing & moving towards austerity slowly......
so subsidy to state will cut tremendously from end of this yr....plus fiscal cliff.....to increase tax income....so US govt will start to hike tax to increase revenue for a balanced budget instead of rely on printing to live their life.....

stockton is filing for bankruptcy.....state & govt also don't care, let it bankrupt....so easy to print & help but they refuse....moving in the right direction to cut all social benefit & retirement fund......stop using taxpayers' money to rescue all the rubbish......swee!!!!.....

obama is a black, black is easy going, print $$ to them is nothing, that is why obama is the most spending president in US history....black do not know what is saving, if they are king ask them no money can print?? their answer 100% is go ahead.......look at US today & last 4 yrs.....deficit shoot to sky & print to sky in US history......hope he wake up & stop EVERYTHING...the other extreme will be super nice.....

If US turns austerity, plus Europe double austerity.....tehn global trade will halt...then asia will stop all production....then all retrench.....find your own way to survive......strong one prevail....then human got hope....many waek one will die very ugl.....those cannot pay mortgage loan, all up lorry......next 1-3 yrs, tons, really tons....so why rush....be very patient......

so in coming months, most common words globally is cut cut cut cut cut....everywhere, every corner.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 10:49
John Williams of Shadowstats Interview: The Next Crash Will Be A Lot Worse!
June 27th, 2012

sure......next crash will definitely a lot worse than 2008/9......this is the real one......
so why still trade stock & property now....the risk return is totally not worth to trade for now.....
crash....so get ready to short big, that is all.....

from PIIGS, you should know, the debt today is totally unsustainable......just when it will burst....it will not burst overnight & everything over....it will take few yrs to crash all the way to the bottom....even lehman bros , a super small case, also take 6 months to see the bottom, this coming one is 100x bigger than lehman & is global one.....

2012 will be the beginning....2015 will be partially complete....the full completion will take 20-30 yrs....

now for stock is just pump & dump for BB....they will have to distribute all they have to retailers & fools before they can short it down 90%.....
only those fools desperate & worry of total collapse will collect & pick up all the rubbish when market crashing down real hard.......

stop buying...stay out....watch ot unfold.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 12:06
Prem Bhagat, 36, a human resources manager at Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), said he wants to buy a home in Singapore to reduce the S$3,200 he currently pays every month in rent for his east Singapore condominium. When he buys, he intends to restrict his monthly payments to S$2,800 to S$3,000, he said.
“The current interest rates are way too low, the CPF takes care of a large portion of the monthly payments, and there’s not too much of a risk of property prices coming down in Singapore over the longer term,” said Bhagat.

Mr B, u should write to him to let him know property is going to crash 50% by 2015 :rolleyes:

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B did let many many ppl know since last October..
But due to his CAN'T MAKE IT prediction and twist & turn tactics.. nobody believe him anymore and go ahead to BUY BUY BUY!!!

From Now.. to 1-2 mths.. to 3-4 mths.. to 1-2 yrs.. by 31/5/2013.. & latest by 2015.. haha :D

28-06-12, 12:12
Computers on Wall Street are Buying and Selling to Themselves! – Mike Krieger
June 26th, 2012

this is to say retailers involvement in trading is minimum now....not many people is trading except traders trade among themselves to make the market.....
why? either is market is coming to be bad or already no money to trade.....
same to spore property, 1 thing is difference is trader can long or short their product but developers will only push up priceas property is their own products.....

govt should not use taxpayers' money to manipulate price......this is the basic.....
this also has no difference from ponzi scheme.....if allow to do that.....govt should put them in jail like sunshime empire case.....

anyway, spore property, we can only wait for global market crash, wait for foreign hedge funds here to crash the bubble, as long as got money to make in a bubble, they will do it....spore property definitely is a gigantic bubble to be burst....govt should get out of it.....let free market operate & be fair.....that is why cow has tons of things to do & to be done but.......

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Computers on Wall Street are Buying and Selling to Themselves! – Mike Krieger :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

28-06-12, 13:33
Prem Bhagat, 36, a human resources manager at Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO), said he wants to buy a home in Singapore to reduce the S$3,200 he currently pays every month in rent for his east Singapore condominium. When he buys, he intends to restrict his monthly payments to S$2,800 to S$3,000, he said.
“The current interest rates are way too low, the CPF takes care of a large portion of the monthly payments, and there’s not too much of a risk of property prices coming down in Singapore over the longer term,” said Bhagat.

Mr B, u should write to him to let him know property is going to crash 50% by 2015 :rolleyes:
these are people who are draeing at leadt qtr mil a year. They dun buy chesp stuff.

28-06-12, 14:00
these are people who are draeing at leadt qtr mil a year. They dun buy chesp stuff.

As long as the immigration target base is Asian, property ownership is the goal.

28-06-12, 14:37
PRINT OR DIE! RED ALERT: Spain Prime Minister asking for EXTREME money printing.
June 27th, 2012

National Bank of Greece chairman Rapanos resigns – bank source, rtrs
June 27th, 2012

panic liao.....anyhow shout now.....
If Germany & France do not agree....then get ready to exit.....
Merkel & Hollande has an announcement to make at 2am spore time tomorrow morning....let see what they have to say....

greece central bank chairman resigned.....such rubbish cannot take pressure.....
hard to beg for money these days.....got money, must give up freedom & live like a slave or dog....

wait patiently for 1st PIIGS to exit, followed by banke bankrupt....spore market will be hit real hard....
then global banks bankrupt 1 by 1......recession & great depression....all bubble burst...hyper-deflation....all asset crash super hard.....all these will unfold in next 1-3yrs.....by then, all market already crash....STI below 1000, spore property already down >50% across......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 14:40
so what govt import more foreigners, mortgage rate at 1-2%, stop selling lands or building BTO, govt controlled media shouting proerty up everyday.....let them do, so what?? market will still crash & crash harder........

when dow crash down from 13500 to 3500....when Dax crash down from 7500 to 1000....same like Nikkei down from 40000 to 8000, Japan property down 90%, now is happening everywhere in PIIGS....it will happen to everywhere in the world including spore....STI down to below 800.....property will crash super, down 60% is really nothing.....

when global economy collapse,all jobs gone, unemployment hit 10-20% in spore, who can pay mortgage loan?? those borrow S$mil by mil, where to get money?? print?? hope till commit suicide.....when no trade across the world, who want to sell you food?.....sound far & weired...it's coming in next 1-3 yrs.....

who cause all these?? PAP govt.....they don;t stop it now, contiue to import, low mortgage rate, media shouting, slow supply, no cooling measures....let it be.....

then blame the world later, nothng to do with them......is this from old senile??.....

whatever.....it's unfolding now.....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 14:46
Singapore 1%, Hong Kong 2%, China 7%, ECB / US 0% :beats-me-man:

28-06-12, 15:04
Rosenberg – Were past the point of no return
June 27th, 2012

sure....already pass the point of no return....so ne need to hope, no recession or no crisis or......all is broke, just when they want to dump & run, that is all.....

will not take too long....all is gambling, all is panic & tense to watch....once 1 dump, all will dump.....

retailers will be the last one to know, why trade?? get out, the most another few months, it may be next week.......
up side 5-10%, down side 70-90%....totally no worth.....

at least stock still liquid.....property is totally ILLIQUID....no buyer now, no way to run now, unless cut real deep......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 17:08
Euro Crisis’ Winds Can Suddenly Intensify Without Warning – TD Bank
June 27th, 2012

Euro crisis will happen anytime, any hour, may be this afternoon or next week.....because, the stress level in spain & Italy are unbearable now.....

Once Euro banks default, spore market will hit super hard......plunging like no tomorrow.....

so no hurry, no panic,just wait patiently, only fools still buy property & stock now.....risk level is too high, overnight crash 20-30% is really nothing.....

easy lah, get ready to short once turn on.....don't even bother to look at stock & property now, 2015 then come back, stop buying, you can save S$mil easily & price down 50-80%.....capitaland at below 75 cts is really nothing by 2015.....by then what will be property price be??......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 17:33
Roubini: We Are Heading for a Global Perfect Storm, Bloomberg
June 27th, 2012

sure.....this perfect storm will wipe out all bubbles, property, srock, currency, debt, derivatives.....all asset class will be wiped out starting fom this yr.....

PIIGS will be 1st to go, exit, whoever 1st, Greece or Italy....then will start to cause European bank to default this yr.....then spore market will plunge real hard....

UK already consecutively few quarters in negative GDP....technically already in recession formquite a while...same to almost all European countroes except Germany for now.....all already in recession, will sink further into great depression......globally, spre will not be spared.....spore property will crash real hard.....

Euro going to crash below $1.24 again soon.....let see will Dow crash below 12000......then 11000....will see Dow below 3500 before 2015, STI below 1000, by then unemployment in spore is real hiigh....global pay cut......
by later this yr, you will start to see rate hike.....

so a perfect storm forming in next few months & lasting foe 1-2 yrs will wipe out all asset across the world & tons of people will bankrupt.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 18:41
Derivatives: Bank Downgrades Trigger Billions In Collateral Calls
June 27th, 2012

market cannot ignore banks downgraded by moody, S&P.....but internaitonally, once you are downgrade, tons of funds will sell your sell, holding percentage will be cut....shares ptice will be dump & down....
derivatively, once downgraded, oyu need to topup your margin as collateral.....
with recent tons of European banks downgraded to junk.....globally all big banks RNS, HSBC, Citi, BoA......
margin calls will be out very soon....either top up by US$ billions or cut lost, shares price will be dumped.....
wait patiently for all action to come.....
anyway, >50% of global banks will be bankrupt in next 1-2 yrs....then many companies will be squeezed to pay back all their loan, tons of companies will also bankrupt due to no,mliquidity.....huge retrenchment wave will follow in next few months to 1-2 yrs......tons will lost their jobs....
most foreigners in spore will ask to leave & jobs will be preserve for local 1st & pay is much lower than before as company is at verge of bankrupt too....
so wait patiently....all is coming in next 1-2 yrs.....real big one......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 19:40
16,000 private residential units to come on-stream in Punggol, Sengkang, Pasir Ris

SINGAPORE - A housing oversupply looms over the north-east district, with market watchers expecting about 16,000 private residential units (including executive condominiums) to come on-stream in Punggol, Sengkang and Pasir Ris over the next five to six years.*

Later this year, developers are expected to bid for four sites in the north-east that are expected to yield some 2,000 executive condominium units.*

This will add to the 3,295 units from sites released in the area by the government in the first half of the year.

"The north-east is now most at risk of an oversupply. When taken together with HDB flats, the total number of units plus, potentially, a lack of demand from expats … and, in future, relatively weaker rental value … In the next three to five years, these risks will start to show," said Mr Ku Swee Yong, CEO of International Property Advisor.

Despite this, experts predict that a well-located site will see eight to 10 bids.

"Pricing will be competitive in Punggol and Pasir Ris," said Mr Alan Cheong, research head of Savills Singapore. "There will be a bit of competition among developers but prices will remain competitively stable."

28-06-12, 20:02
16,000 private residential units to come on-stream in Punggol, Sengkang, Pasir Ris

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR SMARIAN forever has doubt with MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B... keep searching for local property news.. so so desperate!!

Anyway, whatever you paste here.. do remember to paste one more over at your CANNOT MAKE IT thread at sghouse(below).. otherwise going to close shop soon lor :D

with all these news…what I want to tell you is spore property will not be crash by local news, it will crash hard due to global economy news as what I have posted….

28-06-12, 21:08
The really big show in Europe is going to be Italy
June 28th, 2012

as I have said many time here....this time, Italy down, whole world down ......
It will come sooner than everyone think.....
spore will definitely not spare......spore not even can take Greece's default, don't talk about Italy.....
sit tight & watch the show of your life time......it will sure unfold.....
Europe will only get worse from here....they can shout anything...ECB 0% rate or even negative rate, so what?? no money, no business, no jobs, it will only crash harder, that is all.....
the time to rescue already past.....merkel will stand firm, austerity & pay back debt is the right & only way to go....not robbing & parasiting.....
once Europe baks default, spore market will hit real hard....will see this yr.....
everything is predictable.....not that difficult if you have the skill....only those without, think is impossible.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 22:03
There are headlines about Germany already leaking that nothing at all will be accomplished at this EU Summit. No treaty talk. No banking union or anything like that.
June 28th, 2012

merkel will stay firm....nothing will accomplish by those rubbish, beg for $$, want an easy way out.....
let them live till they can't live, then let them be slave if they still don't wake up.....
bankrupt whatever need to bankrupt......banks, companies, MNC.....
debt, they will definitely no wsay to pay back....stop any loan, don't sink any further.....
it will spread, so all bite bullet, let see who die last....all has to be strong again & be responsible again, cannot rely on printing $$ again....
that is why next 20-30 yrs is very tough, but pay back time, no choice...all will collapse down, let it be....
nobody want, but no choice, this is the result of our own doing in last few yrs & 50 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 22:11
16,000 private residential units to come on-stream in Punggol, Sengkang, Pasir Ris

SINGAPORE - A housing oversupply looms over the north-east district, with market watchers expecting about 16,000 private residential units (including executive condominiums) to come on-stream in Punggol, Sengkang and Pasir Ris over the next five to six years.*

Later this year, developers are expected to bid for four sites in the north-east that are expected to yield some 2,000 executive condominium units.*

This will add to the 3,295 units from sites released in the area by the government in the first half of the year.

"The north-east is now most at risk of an oversupply. When taken together with HDB flats, the total number of units plus, potentially, a lack of demand from expats … and, in future, relatively weaker rental value … In the next three to five years, these risks will start to show," said Mr Ku Swee Yong, CEO of International Property Advisor.

Despite this, experts predict that a well-located site will see eight to 10 bids.

"Pricing will be competitive in Punggol and Pasir Ris," said Mr Alan Cheong, research head of Savills Singapore. "There will be a bit of competition among developers but prices will remain competitively stable."

you doesn't have to worry over those overly supplied units. those queing for PR and citizenship have tons of cash to unload into singapore properties.

its time for you and Mr.B to packup.

28-06-12, 22:49
UK economy plunges deeper in recession
June 28th, 2012

Spain Back Over 7%
June 28th, 2012

UK is deeper in to recession....not recession....this afternoon GDP sink further into red again.....
same to all Europe countries except Germany....all will sink & sink in next few quarters & yrs.....
borrow money, how to pay back??.....print more, die faster....

Spain borrowing cost back to above 7% again......1% also can't pay, how to pay 7%....
spore mortgage loan will not go up if FED don't hike??.....hahaaaa....end of the yr, you will know....market decide....

nobody is doing anything to improve economy except beg & kneel down everywhere to get $$ for free....all these robbers....
let them die...they are wasting their times....anyway, time is real closed now....
let it burst....let them learn the hard way.....all will sink....all will bankrupt.....
EU very quiet.....but JP Morgan, tua ki liao.....from $200Mil to $9nil now....not ending yet...this is US$1200trillion case......
all will burst.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

28-06-12, 23:10
Roubini: We Are Heading for a Global Perfect Storm, Bloomberg
June 27th, 2012

sure.....this perfect storm will wipe out all bubbles, property, srock, currency, debt, derivatives.....all asset class will be wiped out starting fom this yr.....

PIIGS will be 1st to go, exit, whoever 1st, Greece or Italy....then will start to cause European bank to default this yr.....then spore market will plunge real hard....

UK already consecutively few quarters in negative GDP....technically already in recession formquite a while...same to almost all European countroes except Germany for now.....all already in recession, will sink further into great depression......globally, spre will not be spared.....spore property will crash real hard.....

Euro going to crash below $1.24 again soon.....let see will Dow crash below 12000......then 11000....will see Dow below 3500 before 2015, STI below 1000, by then unemployment in spore is real hiigh....global pay cut......
by later this yr, you will start to see rate hike.....

so a perfect storm forming in next few months & lasting foe 1-2 yrs will wipe out all asset across the world & tons of people will bankrupt.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Roubini: We Are Heading for a Global Perfect Storm, Bloomberg ...Be Warned :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

28-06-12, 23:18
Chancellor Osborne: RBS, HSBC, UBS and C are under investigation in regards to Libor
June 28th, 2012

nice.....make an investigation see how these rubbish manipulate LIBOR....audit them, be transparent, how they fix the rate.....
definitely got fraud....
when LIBOR is out...time for SIBOR.....
let see how rate move later this yr.....after October will be interesting.....
all these manipulation, rigging, fake fraud, lies & magic.....
under current crisis, still can loan out at 1%?? Spain 7% also dare not loan & all European banks are in the same boat, you dare to loan at 1%??.....
same to spore property mortgage loan.....use 30 yrs rate instead of SIBOR....this is how rubbish govt is....
so later local banks bankrupt, no bailout, their own decision....instead CEO & all mangement should vomit out their pay.....
time to dig out all the worms under carpet....when all hard truth is out, you will see who is the real devil, kill the whole family......such human rubbish.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 07:23
Dark clouds over housing market:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

The deterioration of the euro zone debt crisis during the past few weeks has once again cast dark clouds over the private housing market in Singapore.
Feedback from various market players - housing agents, bankers and valuers - indicate a significant slowdown in home purchases in both the primary and secondary markets during this period.
This has happened so regularly that, by now, you cannot help but notice the strong links between buying sentiment here and the problems faced by the European Union (EU). The greater the gravity of the problems in Europe, the weaker the market sentiment here in Singapore.
In a way, this reaffirms the view that most of the home-buying today consists of investment buys rather than for owner occupation.
Genuine buyers purchase based on long-term needs after taking into consideration their levels of affordability. Long-term needs do not change overnight, which means the buying should continue. Investors, on the other hand, time their purchases and these are based mainly on market sentiment.
The stillness of the housing market has led to talk among some market players of impending doom and gloom and of cheap property sales next year or earlier.
However, for most investors, this is just the same old talk they have heard many times before. What they find thoroughly confusing is the seemingly never-ending saga of whether Greece will exit the euro zone: How should they factor this into their property-buying decisions? One day, it is "buy" and another day it is "don't buy".
By now, most investors would have read the learned views of many prominent economists who say it is no longer a question of whether Greece will exit from the euro zone but when and how.
Personally, I believe that if the EU does not have control over the budgets of individual member countries, it will only be a matter of time before Greece exits the euro zone, which will possibly lead to the disintegration of the entire bloc.
At the same time, I believe there is strong political will to keep the euro zone going.
United States billionaire George Soros, in a recent opinion piece in London's Financial Times, said Germany must change its "can't do" policy. He was referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's resistance to all proposals to provide relief to Spain and Italy from the excessive risk premiums prevailing in the market.
I believe it is not that the Chancellor does not understand the gravity of the situation in these countries and in Greece. It is probably "wayang", as we say in Singapore, to get the best deal for her country because - as the richest nation in the EU - it will end up footing most of the bill to keep the euro zone going.
At the same time, politicians in Greece will continue to threaten to leave the euro zone in order to get more pro-growth programmes and reduce austerity measures for their beleaguered country.
The "wayang" will keep the action close to the edge of the cliff but, time and again, the key players will pull back at the last minute. The danger is that one party may play it too far by mistake and plunge the global economy into catastrophe. But I believe every "wayang" player recognises the cost of playing it too far. Nobody wins.
It is the same with players in the financial markets. They earn more commission when there is volatility in the markets, which gives rise to trading opportunities. Flat inactive markets earn no one any commission.
So do not be surprised to find that when Greece's problems are finally solved, they will pick on the weaknesses of another country. The problem of excessive overspending by any country does not happen overnight; it is an accumulation from years of ill discipline.
I believe the rating agencies can make a case for downgrading the ratings of several EU countries at the same time. But that would be like killing the goose that lays the golden egg, wouldn't it?

29-06-12, 07:56
Ron Paul Moves Forward with ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill
June 27th, 2012

of course beside SIBOR manipulaiton.....MAS printed $$, how & who decide, money flow??....
Just like Ron Paul to audit FED, be transparent....MAS also must be audited.....
all these rubbish open floodgate to foreigners in last few yrs, mortgage loan rate, printed $$ flooded market, govt controlled media to drive up property price, no supply of lands & property......who plan? who behind? all ministers , MP...their sibling, relatives, cloased friends...govt developers.....
anyway.....got karma wan, sky got eyes....
globally, time to pay back now.....2011 election, they are lucky on those 50+% GRC...2016, no more lucky, like most election these days....people heart are not with them anymore.....crash it.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 09:16
Record inequality for HK: Hong Kong’s Gini coefficient which measures income inequality: 0.43 in 1971 to 0.537 in 2011 (0 complete equality)
June 27th, 2012

spore Gini should be worse than HK.....due to Spore is more diversify in races....large group of indian, pinnoy, malay, prc.....
also citizens/non-citizens ratio is much higher compared to HK.....
at least HK has minimum wage...spore NO....

after 40 yrs.....inequality is still the same...1971 & 2011...actually 2011 is worse.....not only inequility, also happiness index.....
If spore is worse than, ours is 45 yrs? 50 yrs?...that is real bad....is this old man dream??......
the whole middle class probably already wipe out.....
of course, property is the key....that means last 3 yrs change the whole picture, who is behind all these?? all should know who is the evil.....

all the nonsense they have shouted since 1965....all is rubbish now.....although we have a good 1980, 90s.....simple but happy....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 10:00
Watching the Clock: Will a Total Economic Collapse Occur in September – October
June 27th, 2012

this sept-Oct will be super nice.....
by next month, we will know whether obama will be nominated.....sound weired, but wait for confirmation then say....
then we will know they need a fear & scary tactics to voters or not as now is the best time for a total collapse to win election....

same to 2016.....
from current development in PIIGS, in middle east....in china, in derivative....chances is good....
all already get ready to run road once any shake or jerk as all know the crash is juat a matter of time....sometimes this yr....

just a few major European banks default is good enough for global to collapse like lego....much worse than lehman bros....
lehman bros is 2-3 weeks after beijing olympics.....this time is 1 month after London olympic or even duringolympic?? because this olympic is a very shaky one....

let crash all bubbles globally for a healthier tomorrow.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 11:21
Asia stocks, U.S. futures jump after EU news

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Asia stocks turned from mild losses to shoot sharply higher Friday, while U.S. index futures rallied, after European Union leaders announced plans for a single financial supervisor and other measures to shore up the markets there. The Hang Seng Index /quotes/zigman/2622475 HK:HSI +2.02% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/HSI?countrycode=HK&link=MW_story_quote)jumped 2%, while Australia's S&P/ASX 200 /quotes/zigman/1653884 AU:XJO +1.10% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/XJO?countrycode=AU&link=MW_story_quote)rose 1.4%. Japan's Nikkei Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:100000018 -0.13% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/100000018?countrycode=JP&link=MW_story_quote)remained on midday break. Meanwhile, U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures rose more than 1% before easing to a 0.8% gain, while the S&P 500 futures were up 0.8%, and those for the Nasdaq Composite added 0.9%.

Europe plans single financial supervisor

spore property will up >15% before 2015, maybe can continue to buy property & property is on it's way up for now... there will always be problems around the globle and there will always be limit in supply to our small piece of land, better late then never.....:D

:2cents: :2cents: make your own judgement, thats the most important thing. here is only my opinion.

maron will say this is rubbish but make your judgement who is more rubbish :p

29-06-12, 11:42
Asia stocks, U.S. futures jump after EU news

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Asia stocks turned from mild losses to shoot sharply higher Friday, while U.S. index futures rallied, after European Union leaders announced plans for a single financial supervisor and other measures to shore up the markets there. The Hang Seng Index /quotes/zigman/2622475 HK:HSI +2.02% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/HSI?countrycode=HK&link=MW_story_quote)jumped 2%, while Australia's S&P/ASX 200 /quotes/zigman/1653884 AU:XJO +1.10% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/XJO?countrycode=AU&link=MW_story_quote)rose 1.4%. Japan's Nikkei Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:100000018 -0.13% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/100000018?countrycode=JP&link=MW_story_quote)remained on midday break. Meanwhile, U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures rose more than 1% before easing to a 0.8% gain, while the S&P 500 futures were up 0.8%, and those for the Nasdaq Composite added 0.9%.

Europe plans single financial supervisor

spore property will up >15% before 2015, maybe can continue to buy property & property is on it's way up for now... there will always be problems around the globle and there will always be limit in supply to our small piece of land, better late then never.....:D

:2cents: :2cents: make your own judgement, thats the most important thing. here is only my opinion.

maron will say this is rubbish but make your judgement who is more rubbish :p
Thumbs up!

29-06-12, 12:13
Asia stocks, U.S. futures jump after EU news

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Asia stocks turned from mild losses to shoot sharply higher Friday, while U.S. index futures rallied, after European Union leaders announced plans for a single financial supervisor and other measures to shore up the markets there. The Hang Seng Index /quotes/zigman/2622475 HK:HSI +2.02% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/HSI?countrycode=HK&link=MW_story_quote)jumped 2%, while Australia's S&P/ASX 200 /quotes/zigman/1653884 AU:XJO +1.10% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/XJO?countrycode=AU&link=MW_story_quote)rose 1.4%. Japan's Nikkei Average /quotes/zigman/5986735 JP:100000018 -0.13% (http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/100000018?countrycode=JP&link=MW_story_quote)remained on midday break. Meanwhile, U.S. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures rose more than 1% before easing to a 0.8% gain, while the S&P 500 futures were up 0.8%, and those for the Nasdaq Composite added 0.9%.

Europe plans single financial supervisor

spore property will up >15% before 2015, maybe can continue to buy property & property is on it's way up for now... there will always be problems around the globle and there will always be limit in supply to our small piece of land, better late then never.....:D

:2cents: :2cents: make your own judgement, thats the most important thing. here is only my opinion.

maron will say this is rubbish but make your judgement who is more rubbish :p

UP UP UP AGAIN!!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Not I say one.. Is Pok L P King say one.. :D

29-06-12, 12:31
Blackmail Fail? DEADLOCK LOOMS IN ITALY As Monti Threatens Resignation, Berlusconi Wants Euro Exit And Merkel Hardens Position!!!
June 27th, 2012

Fitch: crisis continues to threaten global credit outlook, EU leaders summit is unlikely to resolve the crisis, BTIC facing slowing growth
June 27th, 2012

Italy Will Propose Semi-Automatic Mechanism Allowing EFSF, ESM to Buy Bonds in Secondary Market, EU Official Tells DJ-WSJ
June 28th, 2012

Italy in real desperaiton now....monti threatened to resign yesterday.......merkel bochap...now shout another nonsense again.....

really no need to bother about such rubbish.....what they want is only money....who don't want money, go & earn yourself....stop begging....

Euro exit is super nice....

EU summit will achieve nothing....all ralk & shout, no one will decide & finalise anything.....all knows PIIGS only want bailout, but provide money?? no one will want to come out money as all is in recession now.....no one got money, no one want to increase their own burden....

Italy is thinking all way out to get someone to buy their bonds in secondary market.....real panic liao...that is nice....let them die....

Merkel is very firm this time....she will just go& watch footbal later to support Germany team....why waste time with all the rubbish, watch soccer better......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 12:57
Merkel leaves summit without comment
June 29th, 2012

June 29th, 2012

all dogs & cats can shout whatever after meeting......these are just irresponsible rubbish....real sahmeless, ask them to come out money, all diam diam....
Germany already put it loud & clear.....
you can shout whatever....only give chance for shortists to short big big & make money, taht is all.....
last 2 yrs all the EU, EZ, Exx.....meeting, all they come out all rubbish, that is why PIIGS is today.....that is why whole Europe is bankrupt today.....
same as today shouting, tomorrow become nonsense rubbish.....why?? that is all desperate morons did....same as forumers here & spore, spore property, govt & developers.....

all has no views, short term, no guts, only shout popular comments.....
whole world male leaders ads up, can't compare to a lady, Merkel, with gut & dare to face the world.........real shameful.....
our LHL?? LKY?? hahaaaaa......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 13:00
Latest news dated 29th Jun should overwrite most of these rubbish below...

Blackmail Fail? DEADLOCK LOOMS IN ITALY As Monti Threatens Resignation, Berlusconi Wants Euro Exit And Merkel Hardens Position!!!
June 27th, 2012

Fitch: crisis continues to threaten global credit outlook, EU leaders summit is unlikely to resolve the crisis, BTIC facing slowing growth
June 27th, 2012

Italy Will Propose Semi-Automatic Mechanism Allowing EFSF, ESM to Buy Bonds in Secondary Market, EU Official Tells DJ-WSJ
June 28th, 2012

Italy in real desperaiton now....monti threatened to resign yesterday.......merkel bochap...now shout another nonsense again.....

really no need to bother about such rubbish.....what they want is only money....who don't want money, go & earn yourself....stop begging....

Euro exit is super nice....

EU summit will achieve nothing....all ralk & shout, no one will decide & finalise anything.....all knows PIIGS only want bailout, but provide money?? no one will want to come out money as all is in recession now.....no one got money, no one want to increase their own burden....

Italy is thinking all way out to get someone to buy their bonds in secondary market.....real panic liao...that is nice....let them die....

Merkel is very firm this time....she will just go& watch footbal later to support Germany team....why waste time with all the rubbish, watch soccer better......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 13:02
Wages for workers grew on the back of a tight labour market last year, despite a slower economic growth.

The total wages in the private sector rose by 6.1 per cent in 2011, compared to an increase of 5.7 per cent in 2010.

However, if the rise in the consumer price index is factored in, the increase in real terms was 0.9 per cent in 2011, lower than the gain of 2.9 per cent in 2010.

29-06-12, 13:17
Latest news dated 29th Jun should overwrite most of these rubbish below...

only stupd moron like you...know nut...why don't you buy Euro & Dow with this bullish news NOW......hahaaaa.....this kind ofnews, last 0.5 days? 1 day?? then sink again next week.....shout for song only.......

so many EU, EZ...meeting in last 2 yrs, what have they achieved??? NOTHING....today situation getting worse....today rubbish announcement become rubbish again tomorrow......

all tese little dogs & cats can shout whatever after meeting......these are just irresponsible rubbish....real sahmeless, ask them to come out money, all diam diam....

you can shout whatever....only give chance for shortists to short big big & make money, that is all.....
all they come out all rubbish, that is why PIIGS is today.....that is why whole Europe is bankrupt today.....
same as today shouting, tomorrow become nonsense rubbish.....why?? that is all desperate morons did....same as forumers here & spore, spore property, govt & developers.....

all has no views, short term, no guts, only shout popular comments.....
whole world male leaders ads up, can't compare to a lady, Merkel, with gut & dare to face the world.........real shameful.....
our LHL?? LKY?? hahaaaaa......;) ;)

29-06-12, 13:31
Mr B or S bought this after camping too long?? :scared-1:

SUITES @ GUILLEMARD LIM AH WOO ROAD Apartment 1 495,000 258sqft Strata 1,916psf Jun-12

29-06-12, 13:53
...know nut...why don't you buy Euro & Dow with this bullish news NOW......hahaaaa.....this kind ofnews, last 0.5 days? 1 day?? then sink again next week.....shout for song only.......

hahaa.....how come u know i already bought Euro??? :confused: but i bought yesterday, not today...:D
clever boy...:p i not shouting la, just sharing some positive news...

29-06-12, 14:24
hahaa.....how come u know i already bought Euro??? :confused: but i bought yesterday, not today...:D
clever boy...:p i not shouting la, just sharing some positive news...

anothr sef-claimed moron.....later if Euro crs down, will shutI solda peak this morning...hahaaa...

typical of horse behind canon LIAR.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

29-06-12, 14:25
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed
June 28th, 2012

whatever they shout...end result is the same....prolong & delay it, the burst will be bigger, that is all.....
they are just struggling before they died.....
they already see their coffin....panic like kan cheong spider to hold on any oxygen.....
such desperation will only end up....die ugly.....no way to come out with a good plan with such last minutes fire-fighting rubbish....
the Euro rash will start from this yr....that is why they are struggling now.....wasting all the time & energy doing rubbish....
If got a good plan 2 yrs ago....now is much stronger, instead now then they see all their coffin lying down there......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 14:26
anothr sef-claimed moron.....

typical of horse behind canon LIAR.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

may peace be with you and be open to all comments....no shouting please, it will only make u look more moronic than anyone else...:o

29-06-12, 14:30
June 29, 2012, 1:55 a.m. EDT
Europe plans single financial regulator

SYDNEY (MarketWatch) — European leaders on Friday unexpectedly announced a raft of measures designed to alleviate the worst of the current debt crisis gripping the region.

Japan's Nikkei Average ends 1.5% up at 9,006.78

29-06-12, 14:33
Confirmed!!! Super positive signal from STI, last time I said resistance about 2,825 so after a period of consolidation above 2,825 ... it chiongs today, a breakout above 50/200d MA ... now next target is 3,000 for STI

Sorry Mr B ... you are again wrong, better pay 2000psf for Suites @ Guillemard

29-06-12, 15:19
Confirmed!!! Super positive signal from STI, last time I said resistance about 2,825 so after a period of consolidation above 2,825 ... it chiongs today, a breakout above 50/200d MA ... now next target is 3,000 for STI

Sorry Mr B ... you are again wrong, better pay 2000psf for Suites @ Guillemard

stupid moron.......you are foreer tikam here & there......cove both side of your a.s.s.....
your time is 2015 now...... never see you right once before.....

29-06-12, 15:21
June 29, 2012, 1:55 a.m. EDT
Europe plans single financial regulator

SYDNEY (MarketWatch) — European leaders on Friday unexpectedly announced a raft of measures designed to alleviate the worst of the current debt crisis gripping the region.

Japan's Nikkei Average ends 1.5% up at 9,006.78

this type of no event just create volatility for you to trade.....so excited....

tell me what it means.......

suddenly all the morons jump out......hahaaaa.......

29-06-12, 15:24
新股冷清 建銀傳大裁員

Italy’s oldest bank to slash 4600 jobs
June 27th, 2012

huge retrenchment everywhere now....HK too.....
especially banks....local & foreign banks.....the most non-productive.....
banks dare not loan out now due to too high risk....company also no business, loan to them, they rae not making money to pay back...
basically not much thing can be done due to bad economy environment.....so time to huge retrnchment......
this is the time of who loan out who die....why pay salary then, just cut.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 16:44
Latest news dated 29th Jun should overwrite most of these rubbish below...

Not overwrite the post... is delete the whole thread.. :D

29-06-12, 17:03
With Crucial Details Missing, Will EU Deal Euphoria Last?

Published: Friday, 29 Jun 2012 | 4:41 AM ET

http://media.cnbc.com/i/CNBC/CNBC_Images/header/icon_textT.gifText Size http://media.cnbc.com/i/CNBC/CNBC_Images/header/icon_text_minus.gif (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48008902#)http://media.cnbc.com/i/CNBC/CNBC_Images/header/icon_text_plus.gif (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48008902#)

By: Patrick Allen (http://www.cnbc.com/id/15837548/cid/181847)
CNBC EMEA Head of News

“Not many technical details are known. The reference to the ECB “serving as agent to EFSF/ESM” in conducting market operations suggests that the measures are supposed to involve mainly secondary market interventions. Hopes about such intervention should give near-term relief to peripheral yields with spreads to Bunds tightening from both ends,” said Commerzbank analyst Christoph Rieger in a research note.

“It should not be too long, however, until market participants will begin to contemplate the limitations of this approach. First, unlike the ECB, the EFSF/ESM do not have the means to intervene in size. Unless ECB repos will become possible the markets will question how the EFSF/ESM will be able to raise the money for meaningful Interventions” said Rieger.
“Second, even if the ESM would have the means, its firepower is limited. With more countries applying for regular/banking aid, the theoretical ESM capacity of 500 billion euros could also quickly reach its limits amid sizeable secondary market interventions for non-program countries” said Rieger, who believes today’s relief rally could be short lived.
© 2012 CNBC.com

29-06-12, 17:28
this euro crisis is total crap...bunch of nations who dont know what they are doing....all they are good for is SOCCER....

HUAT Italy...:D

29-06-12, 17:32
From $94 billion to $1.6 trillion: ObamaCare Now Officially the Largest Tax Hike in US History!
June 28th, 2012

tax hike globally is the trend now....will see global tax hike in mosr country in next few yrs.....
because all is in debt now, need higher tax to survive....
with huge retrenchment coming....mostly no eed to pay taxes...so those need to pay, has to pay much more....will eat into disposable income & money to pay mortgage also much lower.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 17:34
Easy-to-understand post explains how the Fed’s 0% interest rates are destroying the economy
June 25th, 2012

REPORT: $1.4 billion in stimulus credits went to tax cheats
June 27th, 2012

only 2 things with 0% or negative rate & printed $$.......economy collapse & corruption, cronyism........same to spore......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 18:44
Not just inflation: Another BIG way fiat money hurts us all
June 28th, 2012

I have long suspected that a money supply based on nothing other than faith in government is a productivity killer.

with printing money who still want to work....in Europe, no money just beg....govt no money beg like this morning....people no money, queue for food, why work??.....
same to spore, make from 1 property, can retire for life, why work??......
this is the basic of easy way out.....black like obama love the most.....easy going race....play music, dance & sport, why work?? so stressful.....
human will be gone this way.....
same to spore....will be gone too....
everybody just wait & hope for printed $$.....wait till they see their coffin, then they blame everyone....
ok lah....lead by our govt.....economy crash down, stimulus & print.....no job, job credit....all these is negative productivity action....that is why spore is 1 of the lowest productivity country in the world......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 19:38
finally Mr B is giving up because he has bought into Suites @ Guillemard 258sqft 1916sqft for half a mio

he realized he is no match for Germany who actually is rich enough to play games with PIIGS ... same for China, when economy about to dip, relax property market rules a little bit ... and Ben is already nicknamed Helicopter ...

if you want Singapore prop market to crash 50%, you must let it run up 100% in 3y time ... it means Suites@Guillemard will be 4000psf at the peak:scared-1:

29-06-12, 20:52
June 22nd, 2012

June 25th, 2012

IT’S GAME OEVR!!! German Chancellor Merkel says Europe will not have shared liability for debt as long as she lives
June 26th, 2012

Angela Merkel – No quick and easy solution to debt crisis
June 27th, 2012

BREAKING ALERT: Merkel dismisses Spain, Italy pleas for aid
June 27th, 2012

German Chancellor Merkel rejects Italian proposal of EFSF/ESM bonds buying
June 28th, 2012

Merkel leaves summit without comment
June 29th, 2012

clear & straight forwards.......

all the rubbish noise....just pure noise eventually.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 21:20
hello how come all the old history news....
here is some latest update tonight:

Fed's Bullard says policy is at proper place

Dudley sees gradual strengthening of economy

France's largest business lobby, Medef, said Friday that the decisions adopted at the European Union summit in Brussels are important and useful.
The commitments to consolidate national budgets and carry out structural reforms show that European leaders are determined to react strongly to the crisis, Medef said in a statement.
The lobby said that the newly given flexibility of the European Stability Mechanism represents a necessary step toward a stronger financial integration of the euro zone.

BRUSSELS - Euro zone leaders agreed on Friday to bend their aid rules to shore up banks and bring down the borrowing costs of stricken members like Italy and Spain, in a sign the bloc is adopting a more flexible approach to solving its two-year old debt crisis.

June 22nd, 2012

June 25th, 2012

IT’S GAME OEVR!!! German Chancellor Merkel says Europe will not have shared liability for debt as long as she lives
June 26th, 2012

Angela Merkel – No quick and easy solution to debt crisis
June 27th, 2012

BREAKING ALERT: Merkel dismisses Spain, Italy pleas for aid
June 27th, 2012

German Chancellor Merkel rejects Italian proposal of EFSF/ESM bonds buying
June 28th, 2012

Merkel leaves summit without comment
June 29th, 2012

clear & straight forwards.......

all the rubbish noise....just pure noise eventually.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 22:03
Germany’s Merkel: “Countries must meet conditions for bond-buying” – rtrs
June 29th, 2012

No direct recapitalization without common bank oversight according to a German official – BBG
June 29th, 2012

from the day those dogs & mouses shouted till confirmed.....in berween 50 obstacles to cross....any 1 fail, all collapse.....

no need to wait till Oct or Dec...Italy & Spain can't even cross next week....

by October...Greece already exit EZ, if not then Germany exit, that will be a better choice to cllapse world market.....

all condition must spell out as Germant know....all these con man just out to con money.....con the world too, play with time, then sink to the bottom, till 1 time cannot cross, all collapse....

all these criminal...desperate till don't care law anymore.....already said no direct bank funding, it's against treaties....but dying, rob 1st...either way also died......

all morons buy on such news, will lose everything.......fun....hahaaaa....create a great choice for short, that is all.....all of you will know by next week.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 22:05
DPA: Some CDU/FDP MPs calling for postponement of tonight’s vote on ESM & fiscal treaty due to confusion over Merkel’s possible concessions
June 29th, 2012

5 Holes In The EU Summit Agreement
June 29th, 2012

so this morning rubbish all waiting for Merkel to nod.....or void.....
all still trade till song song....all will get caught in next few weeks.....
all these dogs & mouses......shout shout....now you look at me, I look at you......no balls to make decision.....
so many holes & unknown....they shout shout & mostly do not know what they arev shouting as desperate...anything can con, can move market, can delay....even poison, they will eat......
hahaaaa....all these morons......always rush out thing without knowing anything.........puppet to read from paper.....
just wait for those who swim naked to commit suicide......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 22:06
Markets are largely no longer trading fundamentals; they are just trading state intervention and money printing.
June 27th, 2012

this is what happening now in the market......
fun......all companies has no fundemental....mostly already bankrupt...just trade now, all bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs.....
all the desperate rubbish....panic & worry....what for....take care of your health......
let all these rubbish do all nonsense......real shameful......hahaaaaa.....they just create this opportunity to make some money & run road later.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

29-06-12, 22:52
Hahaha Mr Basic ... now u also acknowledge market trading all based on intervention ... as long as Germany / China still has $$, Ben still can print ... the game continues

30-06-12, 00:27
Is property market Coming down fast? Nus resale index still up...... And I don't think resale owners give furniture vouchers and club membership to entice buyers....

30-06-12, 00:43
Past underbuilding explains today's housing resilience

Tan Chin Keong

Jun 29

Singapore's residential property market has continued to confound sceptics, myself included, with its strong monthly new home sales of more than 2,000 units - including executive condominiums - over the last five months.

While recent project launches have set new prices benchmarks, demand has remained unquestionably healthy. This is especially surprising given the cooling measures already introduced and the expected ramp-up in supply over the next few years as both the Government and private sector analysts have signalled.

My own estimate is that total residential property completions, both by the Housing & Development Board and private developers, would jump from around 20,000 units this year to around 50,000 units in 2015.

To make sense of the current strength and resilience of the residential market in the face of rising supply, one explanation I can offer is the significant undersupply that had built up in the housing market over the last decade.

By my calculations, today's market could still be compensating for an estimated 90,000-unit shortfall at the start of the millennium, thanks to the mixture of housing policy and demographic transition in Singapore.

In 2001, the HDB adopted the Build-to-Order scheme which significantly slowed down the public flat-construction process, resulting in the plunge in total residential property completions from about 37,000 homes in 2000 to a low of around 9,000 homes in 2006.

While completions have since partially recovered to some 20,000 units last year, they could still be inadequate compared to the significant population growth that Singapore has seen over the last decade.

Between 2000 and last year, Singapore's population rose from 4.03 million to 5.18 million, implying an average annual growth rate of 2.3 per cent.

Assuming that the population-to-housing stock ratio remained unchanged at 3.9 as recorded in 2000, this population growth of 1.15 million would have required additional housing of around 295,000 units.

Calculating demand

However, over the same period, Singapore's total stock of residential property increased by only around 133,000 units, net of demolitions, from 1.04 million in 2000 to 1.17 million last year.

Even if we factor in the vacant units during this period as a source of supply, they could not have been a meaningful contribution.

Vacant private residential units numbered only around 13,000 in 2000, implying a 7-per-cent vacancy rate. And while we do not have vacancy rate data for HDB flats, using the same 7 per cent - which is not too far-fetched given the ample supply of HDB flats back then - we get an estimated 59,000 vacant HDB flats in 2000.

Adding the combined HDB and private residential vacancies of 72,000 units in 2000 to the supply of 133,000 units from 2000 to last year, we get a total supply of around 205,000 units.

This would still imply a supply shortfall of around 90,000 units relative to the potential demand created by Singapore's population growth.

We believe it is this potential 90,000-unit shortfall that could be supporting the Singapore residential property market at the moment, and that has prompted the Government to significantly ramp up the supply of homes.

Overall, we estimate that a total of 140,000 to 150,000 residential units would be completed from this year to 2015. Assuming that Singapore's population growth rate slows down substantially to an average of around 1 per cent from this year to 2015 given the recent tightening of immigration policy, this would result in a population of around 5.39 million by 2015 (or an increase of around 210,000 in three years). Using the same population-to-housing stock ratio of 3.9, this population growth would require additional housing of around 54,000 units from this year to 2015.

Now, comparing this potential requirement with our supply estimate of around 140,000 to 150,000 residential units, we get a cumulative oversupply of around 86,000 to 96,000 units from this year to 2015. However, this oversupply may just fully compensate for the estimated supply shortage of around 90,000 units that had built up in the past 11 years.

My calculations here assumes that Singapore's equilibrium population-to-housing stock ratio remains unchanged from the 3.9 figure in 2000 (which the reader may or may not agree) and does not factor in other supportive drivers of higher housing prices (such as rising income or lower interest rates over the last decade).

Nevertheless, I hope the calculations and estimates here do help to partly explain the curious case of the current housing market resilience in light of the past shortage, which may have translated into pent-up demand that is now only being met.

Tan Chin Keong is an analyst at UBS CIO Wealth Management Research.

30-06-12, 00:45
ThiS is a well written piece.... With facts and data to support it... There should not be any oversupply till 2015... After that nobody knows.....

The current trend is to make up for past under building.....

30-06-12, 06:59
ThiS is a well written piece.... With facts and data to support it... There should not be any oversupply till 2015... After that nobody knows.....

The current trend is to make up for past under building.....

The numbers look fine, until one zooms in to see that the BTO and PC supplies are mostly concentrated in certain regions (particularly the NE). So there is over-supply in some regions and under-supply in others.

My sense is most buyers (>50%) now are simply buying MMs (studios to compact 2-bedders) for long term investment purpose. The real buyers for own-stay are those buying large PCs (fully-sized 2-bedders and above), ECs and BTOs.

If past under-supply leads to this price situation, then current over-supply in certain regions may point to price development in the opposite direction.

30-06-12, 07:03
Hahaha Mr Basic ... now u also acknowledge market trading all based on intervention ... as long as Germany / China still has $$, Ben still can print ... the game continues

hahaaaa....stupid moron....you think fundamental will just disappear forever??......

all know fundamental is most company already bankrupt.....so when stupid bulls all cheong in to buy property & stocks,market suddenly collapse, all get caught like crab for the rest of the life.........;)

30-06-12, 07:50
all know fundamental is most company already bankrupt..............;)
this is the most nonsensical and irresponsible comment that you have made and everyone here with little bit of intelligent would have seen your motive in this forum, sorry, in a few forums.
anyway, u very free everyday hoping market collapse and ppl jump down from their flats, i also free to add some spices to this thread when i also very free.....:cheers1:

30-06-12, 08:00
hahaaaa....stupid moron....you think fundamental will just disappear forever??......

all know fundamental is most company already bankrupt.....so when stupid bulls all cheong in to buy property & stocks,market suddenly collapse, all get caught like crab for the rest of the life.........;)
Singapore will continue to offer economic stability and growth. One will see that even migrated singaporeans will one day race back to buy property here. Where there is sugar... There is ants.

30-06-12, 08:22
dow jones up 270 points....:D..europe recovering....

on MONDAY...DOWN jones...down...200 points...europe collapsing...:doh:

30-06-12, 10:08
hahaaaa....stupid moron....you think fundamental will just disappear forever??......

all know fundamental is most company already bankrupt.....so when stupid bulls all cheong in to buy property & stocks,market suddenly collapse, all get caught like crab for the rest of the life.........;)

the reality is some countries like China/Germany/BRIC are rich, the rest of the countries are just issuing debt to them ... of course one day US debt will go bust and Germany will no longer want to pay for PIIGS ... but another 10y at least :cheers2:

30-06-12, 10:30
to me, this is the most not important post I have posted......
to crash spore property, it will come from global news......if global is ok, out rubbish govt & media will do all rubbish hanky panky to drive......

I don't even care about such news........if you can negotiate, much more to go down.....

spore property down >50% beofre 2015....time will tell.....it will sure unfold......

NB!! You sibeh bullsh!t one leh.... I started negotiate since Luxus Hills $1.6m till now $2.6m :doh:.... yet still negotiating!! :banghead:

30-06-12, 10:40
Yep Mr B give a lot of useful tips ;)

No wonder after so many years, you still a MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK in the property market!! :D

30-06-12, 11:11
EU Summit’s Result By No Means Even Close To Be The Debt Crisis’ Solution – Danske
June 29th, 2012

solution?? what a joke.....look at all their previous implementation.....
see how much they have printed since ESM, EFSF, LTRO....till ECB keep printing to buy bonds & stop 1-2 months ago......3 trillion?? 5 trilliion?.....
with all these $$ printing, interest rate near 0.....their property crash till nothing now...why?? the more they print, crash harder.....
that is why this EU rubbish, will soon crash stock & property further like before.......
the more they print the more bankrupt they are....same to US....same to Spore eventually after property bubble crash.....
because what come from thin air....back to thin air...nothing change, only debt increase 10x more & need to pay back......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

30-06-12, 11:12
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed
June 28th, 2012

whatever they shout...end result is the same....prolong & delay it, the burst will be bigger, that is all.....
they are just struggling before they died.....
they already see their coffin....panic like kan cheong spider to hold on any oxygen.....
such desperation will only end up....die ugly.....no way to come out with a good plan with such last minutes fire-fighting rubbish....
the Euro rash will start from this yr....that is why they are struggling now.....wasting all the time & energy doing rubbish....
If got a good plan 2 yrs ago....now is much stronger, instead now then they see all their coffin lying down there......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.....

with all the micky mouse leaders......now EuroCrash is more guaranteed ever.....
the more plan they come out, Europe will die more ugly soon....
since 2 yrs ago Greece problem till now, how many rounds & only get worse.....banks runs now, capital control now, all property crash now, all banks shares almost collapse, all borrowing cost shoot to sky, Euro keep plunging down, all unemployment at 23%, all youth unemployment >53%, GDP in negative for few quarters, all in recession, industry output drop till nothing to drop, PMI below 50, below 40 for >1 yr.......

so more plan?? just fire fighting for 1 day....last minutes squeeze out something nobody knows what is it but implement end of the yr.....
you trust them?? no demand from them, the more $$ they print, they more broke they are....no money to buy anything, no demand.....

hahaaaaaa.....super crash overnight is just around trhe corner....whole world will not spare....spore will hit real hard once Europe sink......

30-06-12, 11:22
For Now: Merkel Knows the Dealing Isn’t Done
June 30th, 2012

no short term solution can solve Europe debt issue......
all these rubbish can only comemout with popular thing to cheer tha market but is bad for the economy & market eventually...next 1-2 weeks you will know...
up 4%, has to return 8% later.....just like DAX down from 7400+ to recent 6000+, after last night only back to 6300+....then has to come back down again....

only long term, well plan, motivate all the european people to doittogether, that is the only solution.....now all these monkey act, will only bring PIIGS to ho lan sooner.....

merkel knows it....so she refuse any comment yesterday.....because is a joke.....
only leader with right mindset, prepare to bite the long term bullet, will have the last laugh.....all these just desperate shout.....

so the deal will be gone later....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

30-06-12, 13:38
For Now: Merkel Knows the Dealing Isn’t Done
June 30th, 2012

no short term solution can solve Europe debt issue......
all these rubbish can only comemout with popular thing to cheer tha market but is bad for the economy & market eventually...next 1-2 weeks you will know...
up 4%, has to return 8% later.....just like DAX down from 7400+ to recent 6000+, after last night only back to 6300+....then has to come back down again....

only long term, well plan, motivate all the european people to doittogether, that is the only solution.....now all these monkey act, will only bring PIIGS to ho lan sooner.....

merkel knows it....so she refuse any comment yesterday.....because is a joke.....
only leader with right mindset, prepare to bite the long term bullet, will have the last laugh.....all these just desperate shout.....

so the deal will be gone later....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......
U underestimate everything... The US, Europe, Japan, China, even Singapore. Why u ever think they all will crash and die? The market will remain irrational longer, than any individual can remain solvent.

30-06-12, 14:28
U underestimate everything... The US, Europe, Japan, China, even Singapore. Why u ever think they all will crash and die? The market will remain irrational longer, than any individual can remain solvent.
siao liao for those that short the market. Holland ship docking soon

30-06-12, 15:17
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed
June 28th, 2012

whatever they shout...end result is the same....prolong & delay it, the burst will be bigger, that is all.....
they are just struggling before they died.....
they already see their coffin....panic like kan cheong spider to hold on any oxygen.....
such desperation will only end up....die ugly.....no way to come out with a good plan with such last minutes fire-fighting rubbish....
the Euro rash will start from this yr....that is why they are struggling now.....wasting all the time & energy doing rubbish....
If got a good plan 2 yrs ago....now is much stronger, instead now then they see all their coffin lying down there......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed ...wow :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

30-06-12, 16:22
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed ...wow :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Hello, today 30th jun already... Everyday things are changing. If u so scare, quickly sell away your computer or notebook or iPad, if not later u got nothing left just like Mr B....;)

30-06-12, 17:40
Hello, today 30th jun already... Everyday things are changing. If u so scare, quickly sell away your computer or notebook or iPad, if not later u got nothing left just like Mr B....;)

Hello.. Do you know that MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN has been very :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: since 2008 over at sghouse(below)
Cos his thread "Price decreasing for s'pore property!" been talking BIG BIG for 4-years & even with all the copy & paste of bad news (just like what MR B is doing now) yet still CANNOT MAKE IT!!... end up act blur & come over to condosg hoping nobody know he was a FAILURE over at sghouse!!

This YOUNG KOK Sibeh jialet!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: ...:D

30-06-12, 18:24
Wa serious eh.....very persistent le...like that also can, really skin very thick! Talk nonsense for so long. Property price will go up and down and keep saying down down for wat. Eventually it will go down some day but doesn't mean because u are accurate.....:doh:

Hello.. Do you know that MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK cum INEXPERIENCE MR SMARIAN has been very :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: since 2008 over at sghouse(below)
Cos his thread "Price decreasing for s'pore property!" been talking BIG BIG for 4-years & even with all the copy & paste of bad news (just like what MR B is doing now) yet still CANNOT MAKE IT!!... end up act blur & come over to condosg hoping nobody know he was a FAILURE over at sghouse!!

This YOUNG KOK Sibeh jialet!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: ...:D

30-06-12, 18:28
Watching the Clock: Will a Total Economic Collapse Occur in September – October
June 27th, 2012

this sept-Oct will be super nice.....
by next month, we will know whether obama will be nominated.....sound weired, but wait for confirmation then say....
then we will know they need a fear & scary tactics to voters or not as now is the best time for a total collapse to win election....

same to 2016.....
from current development in PIIGS, in middle east....in china, in derivative....chances is good....
all already get ready to run road once any shake or jerk as all know the crash is juat a matter of time....sometimes this yr....

just a few major European banks default is good enough for global to collapse like lego....much worse than lehman bros....
lehman bros is 2-3 weeks after beijing olympics.....this time is 1 month after London olympic or even duringolympic?? because this olympic is a very shaky one....

let crash all bubbles globally for a healthier tomorrow.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Watching the Clock: Will a Total Economic Collapse Occur in September – October ....it's just around the corner :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

30-06-12, 19:52
Wa serious eh.....very persistent le...like that also can, really skin very thick! Talk nonsense for so long. Property price will go up and down and keep saying down down for wat. Eventually it will go down some day but doesn't mean because u are accurate.....:doh:

Ya.. MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK MR. SMARIAN created this useless thread(below) since 2008 & started to talk BIG BIG like expert yet end up lan lan act blur doing copy & paste only... even he himself almost give up on his own thread... cos now seems like he is talking to himself only :D

30-06-12, 20:13
EU Summit’s Result By No Means Even Close To Be The Debt Crisis’ Solution – Danske
June 29th, 2012

solution?? what a joke.....look at all their previous implementation.....
see how much they have printed since ESM, EFSF, LTRO....till ECB keep printing to buy bonds & stop 1-2 months ago......3 trillion?? 5 trilliion?.....
with all these $$ printing, interest rate near 0.....their property crash till nothing now...why?? the more they print, crash harder.....
that is why this EU rubbish, will soon crash stock & property further like before.......
the more they print the more bankrupt they are....same to US....same to Spore eventually after property bubble crash.....
because what come from thin air....back to thin air...nothing change, only debt increase 10x more & need to pay back......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

EU Summit’s Result By No Means Even Close To Be The Debt Crisis’ Solution – Danske
:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

30-06-12, 20:27
MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B using all different id from different forums to copy news from news from XXX.. to CNA.. to sghouse.. to..
Don't tell me his real name is DAVID LIM???!!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

sghouse -#2814
Interesting quote from CNA forum

spore porperty already down for last 3 mont according to report......also down in Q1 this yr by report.....
COV already down, valuaiton down...most sold sold below valuaiton.....where is the up???.....
only fools buy now.....this rubbish uglyinvestor is the best buy peak sell bottom fool in this forum....shouted to buy ChinaNewTown at peak, now price already crash 60-80%.....read all his track record in property & stock, 2009, shoured to sell property due to lehman crisis....now shout to buy...same to all stock...

many CCR porperty already down 20-30% compared to last yr peak....Sail last yr transacted at $3200-3400 psf, recently $1700-1900 psf & tons more...Reflection also same, now can't sell convert to rental, tons of property try to sell in last 6-12 months, can;t sell, change to rental also can't rent, caused rental price down....D'Leedon also same, after sell for 2 yrs still have 80% unsold, price keep dropping in last 2 yrs...

OCR same, new unit down from $1000 psf to below $750 psf....soon you will get below $650 psf....this is still crazy price as compared to CCR....resale already death, new units advertised like crazy, price war, launching like crazy to get out fast before crisis hit....those try to sell low in same condo alreay can't sell, those try to sell high or fake advertisement by agent instructed by xxxx, just a plot....those sell high will queue behind till all low price one clear 1st, but low price keep adjusting down due to ni takers.....

crisis will sure hit this yr....before August you will see major move....once 5-6 months before US election FED can't print, whole world stock & debt marjet will explode & crashing down...currency war, Euro will tumble like toilet parper, bond will plunge & push up interest rate.....global unemployment shoot up, inflaiton shoot up, no growth, no business, no jobs.....

those listened to uglyinvestor will get stuck forever as huge debt globally today once rate shoot up, they can't pay back in next 20-30 yrs, exactly like Japan today, property down 90%, no growth for 20-30 yrs to pay back debt.....so many who bought today will have no chance to see their price back in thie life time....mak my words, many will have to work for free for their whole life just to pay back debt....many will bankrupt, commit suicide, family broken, say thank you to uglyinvestor & PAP govt....

S$130bil of mortgage loan...once property bubble burst, already started will last for 3-4 yrs to see the low, then keep drifting down for next 20 yrs....all the mortgage owner borrow $130B, will have to pay back at least $400B with interest when rate hike later this yr for next >10 yrs of rate up trend....all go in cycle, don't fight this universal trend....these $400Bil, can't print, all buy house in last 2-3 yrs will have to pay this amount by working their whole life....

so stop buying property, don't get yourself into this...now happy, once crashing down, you don't want to jump down from your apartment also hard, beside this, what can you do to pay back?? rob? con? murder?....

30-06-12, 20:36
JPMorgan’s Potential Trading Loss Just Keeps Spiraling Higher – $5 billion or more
May 20th, 2012

still growing....keep pushing gold & silver higher...lost will be greater...of course still have Euro type of bonds, crash it....
US$1200trillion of derivative bubble.....crash it.....
this is much bigger than lehman bros, wait to be burst....be very patient, with europe banks run, Greece exit, all banks are at the verge of collapse, all these are linked & tied together....once huge lost in 1 inestment, it will pull down all the rest like what is happening now in global stock market....
same to spore property, once funds pull out or stock plunging or global banks run......not only no buyers, if banks tigthen, all developers will dump panicly as tehir cash flow will be dry up to continue....we need a few weak developers to declare solvency is good enough.....if govt try to bailout, then panic will focus in spore sovereignity, rubbish, stay out & stay away....coming....

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now......

JPMorgan’s Potential Trading Loss Just Keeps Spiraling Higher – $5 billion or more
:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

30-06-12, 20:42
you are right.....i also leaving this thread already, let them talk to themselves :D bye....

Ya.. MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK MR. SMARIAN created this useless thread(below) since 2008 & started to talk BIG BIG like expert yet end up lan lan act blur doing copy & paste only... even he himself almost give up on his own thread... cos now seems like he is talking to himself only :D

30-06-12, 21:01
you are right.....i also leaving this thread already, let them talk to themselves :D bye....

Ya! Let both MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT cum YOUNG KOK (MR SMARIAN & MR B aka David Lim aka Rick aka Leeds aka...... too many) talk to themselves :D


30-06-12, 21:40
新股冷清 建銀傳大裁員

Italy’s oldest bank to slash 4600 jobs
June 27th, 2012

huge retrenchment everywhere now....HK too.....
especially banks....local & foreign banks.....the most non-productive.....
banks dare not loan out now due to too high risk....company also no business, loan to them, they rae not making money to pay back...
basically not much thing can be done due to bad economy environment.....so time to huge retrnchment......
this is the time of who loan out who die....why pay salary then, just cut.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Italy’s oldest bank to slash 4600 jobs :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

01-07-12, 10:55
Italy’s oldest bank to slash 4600 jobs :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:
I think same situation for dbs sometime back. But they come bsck stronger. Soits a step in the right direction

01-07-12, 11:07
Italy’s oldest bank to slash 4600 jobs :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

IMH door opens for you.
keep you away from debts.

01-07-12, 12:02
China June official PMI hits 7-month*:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Employees make circuit boards at an electronic component factory in Hefei, Anhui province May 2, 2012. REUTERS/Stringer/Files
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's factory downturn worsened in June as a key activity index hit seven-month lows, data expected to fuel expectations the central bank may seek more policy easing to kick-start an economic recovery.
China's official purchasing managers' index (PMI) fell to 50.2 in June, above expectations but down from 50.4 in May, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Sunday.
It was the lowest reading since November, and economists expect things to worsen. They say cooling exports, factory output and fixed asset investment could drag the world's second-biggest economy into its worse slowdown in 13 years this year.
The sub-index for new export orders suffered its biggest monthly fall since December, shedding 2.9 percentage points to 47.5.
That is below the 50-point level that demarcates expansion from contraction, and shows Chinese factories received fewer new export orders in June compared to May.
New orders, which include domestic orders, were anaemic too, slipping 0.6 percentage points to 49.2.
But the headline number was higher than economists polled by Reuters this week, who had expected June's official PMI to retreat to seven-month lows of 49.8, showing contraction.
The HSBC China Flash PMI, which gave an earlier glimpse of activity in China's vast factory sector, also retreated in June, reflecting an eighth straight month of contraction.
Sluggish economic performance in April and May galvanized China's central bank into cutting interest rates on June 7 for the first time since the depths of the great financial crisis in late 2008.

01-07-12, 15:10
for one thing I bet that monday market will edge up in open but come down sharply for the day:D

01-07-12, 18:12
Lakshman Achuthan: U.S. Economy Will Fall Back Into Recession In Mid-2012 And There’s Nothing That Policy makers Can Do To Head It Off
May 10th, 2012

EU: Europe ‘in recession’ … Slashes growth forecasts; deficit balloon Economies to contract in 2012…
May 11th, 2012

Just not what the market needs… tomorrow/Tuesday Euro Zone 2012Q1 GDP is expected to show a return to recession: -0.2% after 2011Q4 -0.3%
May 14th, 2012

From Bloomberg: U.S. Recession Worst Since Great Depression, Revised Data Show
May 16th, 2012

“100%”: Marc Faber Guarantees A Global Recession
May 25th, 2012

Spanish recession ‘will get worse in second quarter’
May 29th, 2012

CLINTON: USA Already in ‘Recession,’ Extend Bush Tax Cuts
June 6th, 2012

HUSSMAN: The recession is here right now
June 11th, 2012

The global recession threat is growing, and Goldman says the Fed won’t do anything about it.
June 21st, 2012

Deutsche Bank Hides The Hopium: “The Next Recession Should Start By The End Of August”
June 26th, 2012

Top economist Hussman: The next recession is starting right now
June 27th, 2012

Bank of Spain says recession worsened in 2012Q2
June 27th, 2012

no recession....recession already in now in most western countries....
HK probably is the 1st asia to be in....S korea too, soon....
spore as I said above...

most not only in recession....getting deeper into recession instead in Q2 end today....

01-07-12, 18:29
Barclays On The Rally: “Fade It”, Because The Summit Is “Not A Game-Changer For The EUR”
June 29th, 2012

nothing change......all still look at Germany for direction....Germany alreday very clear to everyone....
those dogs & mouses wanted to move forward from here?? they dare not say more from here......or Germany will walk out of Euro zone.....

those ang mo will not tell their dogs in asia the hard truth....just listen & execute, dog.....no hard truth for you....
go & con your people, then get caught.....

nothing change.....the down trend will be back again after some fools rush into get trapped themselves.....
next week, Italy & Spain will bark again on their bailout.....no one will care about them, but market will scared to death again, CDS will shoot again....

oil shot up much more than gold last night is nice....Iran embargo tomorrow......let see next week....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

01-07-12, 18:35
Your posts have Basically caused the recent Singapore property prices to go up instead of down. Very good reverse psychology tactics, now I understand :)

01-07-12, 19:33


Jim Roger...Europe economy collapse is on the way now......
Alan Greenspan....Euorpe is sinking like Titanic now.....

sure....no way out now.....they can only keep lying to delay to explosion....as I said....fake, fraud, lies & magic...that is all they can to do to con....they don't dell ashame to con, they will say they are doing good thing for their people....good thing is wrong thing, then is super bad.....
we must only do right thing.....no more good rubbish....

same to spore....so much retrenchment in last few months...do they report 1 in Shyt times? Bullshyt Times?? forever....fake, fraud, lies & magic...they only shout property cheong cheong cheong everyday......

no more good pay jobs around, only pay cut & job lost......those lose their jobs, don't expect to get same pay job in their life time....

Europe will start to explode later this yr....they can bullshyt whatever.....1 country, 1 Europe.....these are different language, culture, religious, races.......people, you want them to share & unite????hahaaaa.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.....


01-07-12, 20:27
many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....

OCR also down 20-30% from $1000 psf to current below $750 psf.....with develpers dumping all freebies.....adsorb absd, free legal, free comm & pay extra comm, free stamp, free cars, free furniture, membership, cash rebate & more....all add up to 20-30% discount yet negotiable.....all panic & desperate now...go to 1 showflat, 3-4 agents serving you......

tons of advertisement by developers everywhere in TV, paper, internet....you will receive tons of email, sms, brouchure, letter in letterbox.....developers are so panic & try all ways out to dump their units....stop buying, they will cut more price if no buyers situation drag on with global uncertainties & recession getting deeper.....many sellers are trying to sell at 10% below valuation or last transacted price but no buyer.....banks will also panic look at European banks in banks tun, holiday, capital control & funds withdrawal......risk is getting super high & borrowing cost keeps shooting up 300% within 1 month, mortgage rate already up few rounds in europe this yr....

many retrenchment going on now......many foreigners will force to leave....commercial & residential rental will be down, business will be down, demand will go down, no retail business, must cut jobs to survive....this spiral down negative effect will cause spore to sink into recession very soon...this will force property to plunge down yet still cannot find buyers....HK will enter recession this month.....US will follow later this yr.....huge retrenchment on the way, if no jobs & no rental income, rental has tro cut tremensdously to sustain their life or default loan payment & go for auction fast...if not tons of default, banks willbe in big trouble......

price war & prce cuttng getting deeper these days.....with units return, almost no buyer & developers trade among themselves, risk is getting higher....

May global stock down 20%, shyt in their pants....last month some minor consolidtion.....later this month will see huge down again......

wait patiently....PIIGS default & bankrupt is iminent.....major banks bankrupt also this yr to kick start the collapse of global financial system....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

01-07-12, 22:14
Your posts have Basically caused the recent Singapore property prices to go up instead of down. Very good reverse psychology tactics, now I understand :)

The more red wordings and the bigger the font size, the more the market move up.

For those intending to buy, better start thinking about it seriously.

Come Sept, market should see more significant upward movements.

As expected, May/June come and go and my prediction that Sg property will remain one of the best investment choices globally still stands. Prices inched up the 0.5-1% every month/quarter.
And by 2015, you should see at least 15% increase since this thread started ...



01-07-12, 22:18
many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....

OCR also down 20-30% from $1000 psf to current below $750 psf.....with develpers dumping all freebies.....adsorb absd, free legal, free comm & pay extra comm, free stamp, free cars, free furniture, membership, cash rebate & more....all add up to 20-30% discount yet negotiable.....all panic & desperate now...go to 1 showflat, 3-4 agents serving you......

tons of advertisement by developers everywhere in TV, paper, internet....you will receive tons of email, sms, brouchure, letter in letterbox.....developers are so panic & try all ways out to dump their units....stop buying, they will cut more price if no buyers situation drag on with global uncertainties & recession getting deeper.....many sellers are trying to sell at 10% below valuation or last transacted price but no buyer.....banks will also panic look at European banks in banks tun, holiday, capital control & funds withdrawal......risk is getting super high & borrowing cost keeps shooting up 300% within 1 month, mortgage rate already up few rounds in europe this yr....

many retrenchment going on now......many foreigners will force to leave....commercial & residential rental will be down, business will be down, demand will go down, no retail business, must cut jobs to survive....this spiral down negative effect will cause spore to sink into recession very soon...this will force property to plunge down yet still cannot find buyers....HK will enter recession this month.....US will follow later this yr.....huge retrenchment on the way, if no jobs & no rental income, rental has tro cut tremensdously to sustain their life or default loan payment & go for auction fast...if not tons of default, banks willbe in big trouble......

price war & prce cuttng getting deeper these days.....with units return, almost no buyer & developers trade among themselves, risk is getting higher....

May global stock down 20%, shyt in their pants....last month some minor consolidtion.....later this month will see huge down again......

wait patiently....PIIGS default & bankrupt is iminent.....major banks bankrupt also this yr to kick start the collapse of global financial system....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

I received so many phone calls each day with buyers dangling their cheques at 3% below valuation ... I told them to wait till Sept-Oct period, then we see who blink first.

Sg property prices is still inching up, so see for yourself, dont anyhow listen to people from IMH.

China market has already staged a rebound, that why Ah B nowadays STOPPED talking about China properties. It is reported for that for some launches, they have people queuing overnight and fully sold within hours of launch! HK will be next , the wave should hit us in Sept/Oct.

Where do you think these trillions of Europe money is going to flow ?

For those who sold 2 years back hoping for a crash, please think again, dont jeopardise your next generation, while u can still afford to stay in PC, do consider grabbing one NOW! Dont wait till past Oct ...


02-07-12, 06:23
Capitaland share price in 2007 is $8+....now is only $2.6+.....only 30% of 2007 price....how about property price now & 2007?? really good or just fake, fraud, lies & magic??...........
so as claimed by govt media, sales is good now, price is good now.....what happen to share price?? why no funds today interested at even 35% of 2007 share price??.....
why profit also not as fantastic? PE ratio better now?? where are all the money gone??.....of course, I am talking about spore property, don't try to pull in commercial or service apartment.....you look at all property counters, all about the same...Kepland, 2007 at $9+, now $3.2.....

so funds are not optimistic with spore property??......we will only see the hard truth when grest depression is here in 1-3 yrs time.....then we will know what is fake, fraud, lies & magic......

whatever.....capland share price will go down to $0.7 by 2015, let see.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.........

02-07-12, 06:30
Your posts have Basically caused the recent Singapore property prices to go up instead of down. Very good reverse psychology tactics, now I understand :)

srupid moron liar.......you shouted landed property down 30%, so is down or up????hahaaaaa.......

CCR condo last transacted price last Nov is $3.6M, now asking for $2.6M is down or up??.......

let them continue to blow their lies, fake, fraud & magic.......whatever, you will only see global economy keep plunging to slap on them.......no more fundamental is all about lies to drive market now........till it bursts.......

02-07-12, 06:48
Germany’s ESM Role, EU Fiscal Pact Challenged in Constitutional Court
June 30th, 2012

Show Me the Money: European Bailout Funds
June 30th, 2012

Germany to go ahead of EU fiscal pact need to get court & merkel approval......
you think they are so stupid & so easily satisfy with 1 day 4% rally??.....
anyone with commonsense also know, Germany will be su.ck dry if they approve tha pact.....they will lose all their reserved & pull to bakrupt by PIIGS....

now all shout like happy but when come to come out money, all keep quiet....
where is the money?? show me the money?? nothing......if they print, Euro will crash really hard, this is what US love to see.....but last friday, Euro shoot up, that means they are not going to print??....then market will crash real hard.......

print will create more debt but cannot solve problem....
the real problem is no jobs & no demand.....they have no way to solve this problem by printing....then printing $$ become meaningless...stock will only crash harder moving forward.....

same to spore property.....will only crash harder with all these short term rubbish....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.........

02-07-12, 07:47
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed ...wow :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:
If this was Guaranteed, I wondered how the market would moved today.

2 July 2012 should be a benchmark since it is GUARANTEED,:scared-3:

02-07-12, 07:52


Jim Roger...Europe economy collapse is on the way now......
Alan Greenspan....Euorpe is sinking like Titanic now.....

sure....no way out now.....they can only keep lying to delay to explosion....as I said....fake, fraud, lies & magic...that is all they can to do to con....they don't dell ashame to con, they will say they are doing good thing for their people....good thing is wrong thing, then is super bad.....
we must only do right thing.....no more good rubbish....

same to spore....so much retrenchment in last few months...do they report 1 in Shyt times? Bullshyt Times?? forever....fake, fraud, lies & magic....they only shout property cheong cheogn cheong everyday.......

no more good pay jobs around, only pay cut & job lost......those lose their jobs, don't expect to get same pay job in their life time....

Europe will start to explode later this yr....they can bullshyt whatever.....1 country, 1 Europe.....these are different language, culture, religious, races.......people, you want them to share & unite????hahaaaa.......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 07:54
Doug Casey: A “eurocrash” is now guaranteed ...wow :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:
Since this is guaranteed. Can we take a baseline of todays transaction.
2 July 2012.

Let see how true the prediction will be.

I have encountered people who actually works in a bank and they have avoided buying for 5 years and wipe out all gains of 200 K.

I can understand the anxiety where every new development of the crisis is a "hope"

02-07-12, 09:04
Germany Cries: "Europe Is Coming For Our Money", Greece Promptly Obliges

hahaaaa....look at all these robbers neighbours Germany have.....
after they su.ck Germany dry & bankrupt, you think they care??.....
whatever...the debt is still there & increasing everyday.....no jobs created & job lost everyday instead.....no demand & no money, economy willkeep sinking & shrinking whether they have Germany money to spend or not.....

probably Germany will ask for new name of Europe to be United state of Germany, take it or Germany exit.....
same to spore?? you think with all the rubbish neighbour here, spore can prosperous?? United state of spore for Asean?? hahaaa....a small dot, you can tan ku ku....

so the end result of Europe will be the same....no way a economy policy will change political landscape in Europe, German is not stupid either....unless a war in Europe & tons of human life involve or it's noy going to change the collapse of Europe economy in next 1-3 yrs.....
same to spore property crash >50% beofre 2015....
as for ah cow, said 10x, separate all these economy development & coling measures & supply of spore property....now Dow up 280 pts, global market cheong, better for you to come out CM dast before too late, also dump 50k of BTO & 100 plots of lands out fast.....no anticipation for you, once you make mistake on supply, consequences will be divastated.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 09:44
China Guangdong gov Zhu: HK cost facing ‘unprecedented’ difficulties, significant fall in orders due to € crisis, rising costs eg pay, raw materials
June 30th, 2012

China June official PMI hits 7-month low
July 1st, 2012

if HK is in unprecendented difficulties, then spore will be in double of HK....
HK last 3 month is in negative GDP growth......no order, cancel order, no demand from Europe & US....
same to Spore....spore is even worse, drivem by property speculation, once property bubble burst.....ALL gone....
china too is slowing down....govt PMI at 50.....let wait for HSBC PMI for SME, likely down & in negative for consecutively 12 months...that will reflect china export situation.....global demand drop tremendously, economy slowdown, banks bad debt shoot up, banks dare not loan out, badv debt from last few yrs will surface in coming months....M2 supply down 50%....once foreignfunds pull out, factories close down.....tons of excess capacities across china, all banks loan payment will be in big trouble.....super high inventory now, movement is really slow....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.........

02-07-12, 09:48
Germany’s ESM Role, EU Fiscal Pact Challenged in Constitutional Court
June 30th, 2012

Show Me the Money: European Bailout Funds
June 30th, 2012

Germany to go ahead of EU fiscal pact need to get court & merkel approval......
you think they are so stupid & so easily satisfy with 1 day 4% rally??.....
anyone with commonsense also know, Germany will be su.ck dry if they approve tha pact.....they will lose all their reserved & pull to bakrupt by PIIGS....

now all shout like happy but when come to come out money, all keep quiet....
where is the money?? show me the money?? nothing......if they print, Euro will crash really hard, this is what US love to see.....but last friday, Euro shoot up, that means they are not going to print??....then market will crash real hard.......

print will create more debt but cannot solve problem....
the real problem is no jobs & no demand.....they have no way to solve this problem by printing....then printing $$ become meaningless...stock will only crash harder moving forward.....

same to spore property.....will only crash harder with all these short term rubbish....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.........

02-07-12, 09:50
let them continue to blow their lies, fake, fraud & magic........govt, developers, media......whatever, you will only see global economy keep plunging to slap on their faces.......no more fundamental now is all about lies to drive market now........till it bursts.......

lies=bubble....because actual is going reverse of what they are shouting.....global economy sinking everyday including spore.....lost job, no more new jobs or accept much lower pay jobs....no jobs= no money = no demand.....how they print, only widen wealth gap, do NOT create jobs instead lost more jobs or they create fake jobs which cause productivity to plunge like job credit, pay $$ but no work created......economy will keep sinking everyday from here........till they admit it to collapse or WAR......

same to spore property.......lost jobs, no rental later, how to pay for their S$mil mortgage loan, stop buying from them, let them cut & cut till selling at rock bottom.....this is the name of the game....up/down cycle, this will will never change if we still have a market......

02-07-12, 09:50
SINGAPORE, July 2 (Reuters) - Resale prices of government-built HDB apartments rose 1.3 percent in the second quarter from the first three months of 2012, accelerating from a gain of 0.6 percent in the first quarter, Singapore's Housing and Development Board said on Monday.

3rd quarter will be +1-2%

02-07-12, 09:53
Breaking News: Stall rental plunged 60% - 90% in June 2012

Breaking News: Stall rental plunge in June 2012

Demand of hawker stalls plunged by 60% to 90% in June 2012 when NEA removed the reserved bidding price.

Finally, the government has to swallow the facts that demand is dwindling and that stall owners are
unable to cope with the manipulated high rental and high inflation.

Yet there is another shocking news, that is there were MASSIVE job retrenchments in May - Jun 2012
in private and government sectors which the media did not release to the public.

The news may be delayed until July 2012 to be released.

whatever in the paper & TV & media today is telling you still strong economy are all LIES or tell BULLSHYT story about good thing, tell him we want right thing & hard truth, not good story......as I said, now can only use lies to drive market....no more fundamnental as fundamental globally already collapse....nothing to talk about as already no more jobs & business.......

economy keep sinking, leaders keep lying to drive market......this is the world today till all these rubbish leader find their mind again or tell hard truth when no place for them to hide & lies anymore.....

no more new jobs in this world now is hard truth....the rest is not imporatnt at all...printed $$ is totally not important as we have printed so many yrs till today, world economy collapse...print more collapse more.....be cause print cannot create jobs, no jobs, no money, no economy......

what 0% rate or negative rate also no use.....no circulation, dare not loan out....loan out to expand business, no businessm what to expand?? loan out to default later only.....banks bankrupt faster....same to spore property & mortgage loan.........

this is the world today....collapse anytime once some one press the button.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 09:58
There u go again... just because of one pathetic stall at Chinatown bid price is $100+ does not mean throughout the islands hawker rental is plunging ... sometimes it is just luck ... if knowing b4 hand rental is going to be $100+ I also go and bid lah

02-07-12, 10:00
韩国央行下达指令购中国股票 共3亿美元额度




02-07-12, 10:08

物業買賣四個月最 淡業主削價

how china stimulus, cut rate & RRR also no use.....as there is no demand from the world, they proudce also can't sell, only way to cut jobs fast....
banks dare to loan out money to company & developers?? now banks already facing huge bad debt problem......loan out to buy equipment to manufacture?? who buy?? build more property?? price crashing down.....loan to build more roads & train track?? already excess & over-build....repeating building & will only cause more bad debt & wastage.....

stop shipment, cancel order, account receivable......all stuck, all machines stuck there & not operating due to no demand, but debt still need to pay back....same to property, build already no buyer, no occupancy waste of resources yet still need to pay back loan.....

china economy will continue to sink down to bottomless pit once peole start to lose their jobs & no moew new jobs available.....

HK property has no buyers now....sellers cut price to sell.....all knows now market is driven by lies, no more actual economy & fundamental to sustain....all banks are at the brink of bankrupt due to loan out, cannot collect back....don't loan also die.....tons of retrenchment going on....better cut property price deeper to dump now then wait till global economy collapse, everyone dump together price will collapse fast & furious by then.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 11:06
Spain Reminds us What The Main Problem With Blank Checks Is: Says Q2 GDP Will Be Worse Than Q1

whatever money loan to spain need to pay back.....with big interest....as I said many times, spain take the money, loan out?? to who?? how to pay back....
no way to pay back, that means will sink to worse condition in future when time to pay back again......till explode....soon for PIIGS.....
same to PIIGS & same to spore.....

no need to pay back?? then everyone also want, including you & me....who want to work in rat race roday??....
so what happen to all printed $$ in last few yrs....amounted to few US$10 trillion.....how to pay back now?? cannot pay back mean bankrupt globally....got it....

Q2 GDP will be announced this month....globally >90% of countries will be in negative GDP in Q2.....those in red will drag down those in green....& those in green, mostly are lies & fake data......everybody is shrinking, you expand?? expand needs to pump in money, cannot sell, die faster, bankrupt soon....

this is the world today.....mostly willbankrupt in next 1-3 yrs, whether is banks or companies...whether is PIIGS or Spore....
once is jobless, that is it...no more new jobs or same pay jobs....cut salary, hike taxes are the main theme in next 20-30 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 11:44

China HSBC PMI Hits 7-Month Low of 48.2 in June

Published: Sunday, 1 Jul 2012 | 10:43 PM ET

By: Reuters

China's factory activity shrank in June at the fastest pace in seven months as new export orders tumbled to depths last seen in March 2009, a private sector survey showed, underlining the risk of a lurch lower for the Chinese economy.

The HSBC Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) fell to 48.2 after seasonal adjustments, its lowest since November 2011, and little changed from a flash, or preliminary, estimate of 48.1. The final reading in May was 48.4.


June was the eighth straight month of a reading below 50, the threshold dividing expansion from contraction in the survey methodology.

China's official PMI, released on Sunday, also fell to a seven-month low in June. However, the official PMI was 50.2 (http://www.cnbc.com/id/48030826/), indicating the sector was still expanding.

The two indexes often give divergent readings as the official PMI surveys mainly big, state-backed firms, while the HSBC PMI takes the pulse of more smaller, private-sector companies.

But both readings underline speculation that Beijing will relax monetary and fiscal policies further to boost domestic activity to compensate for weakening foreign demand for China's factory goods - a problem for the world's biggest exporter.

The survey said export demand from Europe and North America was especially weak.

"We expect more decisive easing efforts to come through in coming months," said Qu Hongbin, an economist at HSBC.

"It is all about growth and employment," Qu said. "As external demand has weakened and domestic demand hasn't shown a meaningful improvement in response to earlier easing measures, growth is likely to be on track for further slowdown."

Like the official PMI, the HSBC PMI showed new orders and new export orders struggling in June below the 50-point threshold, suggesting demand was shrinking.

The new export orders sub-index lost a hefty 2.7 points to sink to a 39-month low of 45.8.

The new orders sub-index also fell, although not as sharply as new export orders. But the combined drop in export and domestic orders was the biggest so far this year, the survey said.

Sliding production cooled prices. Average production costs fell at their steepest rate since March 2009. Prices of finished goods fell at the fastest pace in 42 months, although in part due to competitive pressures between producers.

Crucially, it said there were also signs that factories were saddled with excess capacity as backlogs of work fell slightly as factories received fewer new orders.

Factory employment shrank for the fourth straight month in June, though the employment sub-index rebounded to a three-month high from May's 38-month low.

Job creation is a key indicator for China's government, which calibrates policy to ensure growth is fast enough for the Communist Party to make good on pledges to raise incomes for the poor and achieve social stability, thereby justifying its grip on power.

The loss of around 20 million Chinese jobs in a matter of months towards the end of 2008 during the depths of the global financial crisis, as international trade ground to a halt and factory activity tumbled, prompted Beijing to fashion a 4 trillion yuan ($635 billion) stimulus program in response.

To shore up the economy this time around, Beijing has lowered interest rates once and reduced banks' reserve requirement ratio twice this year. Investors expect to see more, though few anticipate a full-blown fiscal stimulus package.

A Reuters poll in May showed analysts expect China to lower banks' reserve requirements by another 100 basis points this year to 19 percent for its biggest banks.

The full PMI report, compiled by British research firm Markit, also highlighted the following findings:

Factories surveyed said demand was muted for both domestic and foreign markets. Demand was especially weak in Europe and North America.
Around 15 percent of factories polled said new export business fell in June, compared to 6 percent of respondents who said business improved.
Inventories of finished goods rose, and anecdotal evidence suggested the increase was a result of unexpectedly weak sales. Inventories rose at their second-fastest rate since records began in April 2004, although the survey said the speed of increase was still modest.
Falling commodity and crude oil prices dragged input prices down to their second-lowest level on record, behind all-time lows seen during the 2008/09 crisis.
Slackening demand for raw materials improved the delivery times of suppliers.
Purchases of raw materials fell due to weak demand, and as factories tried to run down their stocks.

02-07-12, 12:17
Is The Bank Of England About To Be Dragged Into Lie-borgate, And Which US Bank Is Next

The UK’s Banking System Is ‘A Massive Cesspit’
July 1st, 2012

The big banks are literally criminal enterprises: New evidence shows massive bank fraud is rampant
June 30th, 2012

all the banks in the world is the same, including spore....HSBC, chartered, all is UK banks........
all these banksters can have so much income?? worth?? most of these will be bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs......if no bailout, all bankrupt....
pay them so much & make banks bankrupt eventually?? morons also can do the jobs & get the same pay....same to most CEO & CxO of all companies in the wotrld today....all human rubbish.....

why all Europena banks going to bankrupt?? because all money loan out by them, cannot collect back....
why? because most company not making money, bad debt & most property & loan become negative asset & no jobs to pay back study, credit & personal loan....

all the banks in the world, any difference beside investment & traditional banks?? not much.....all losing money.....
why all these companies not making money, yet CxO still ocllecting big salary??......even make money also not ebough to make salary to all employees....

the more they oan out, the worse to will be, same to mortgage loan......

so print money bailout is to make sure debtors don't sie but still continue to lose big money....this is the purpose of global printing $$, any use??.....
debt getting bigger only....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 13:45
Mike Krieger And Max Keiser Take On The World Of Financial Crime

not only banks....financial system is the same....derivative or broking firm......
just like when lehman bros bankrupt,AIG also bankrupt if not bailout.....
same to MF Global & many future trading brokers....same to kong hee donation.....it's all not supervise, control or regulate.....

now all these debt amounted to US$1500trillion globally......no way to deleverage & cover back.....just wait to burst.....

with all these debts need to pay back...banks will not loan out anymore....no jobs & rental income, only way to survive is to cut all spending to bear bone.....
cut cut cut....all business also cut.....then more retrenchment.....
with spore high rental & high cost of doing business....mostly will not able to survive...better close shops early then drag till bankrupt or see your own coffin then admit failure.....
those kena retrench whether is local or foreigners.....also cut pay to fight for jobs, company cut salary from $5k to $4k...they will offer $2.5k/m to take up the jobs.....
spore productivity is so low, tons of excess & fat to remove.....or it will drag down the whole country....cut fast before too late.....
still have money to buy property or pay back monthly mortgage loan?? many will force sell & fire sell....so stop buying, time to auction at super low price will come much sooner.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 14:29
Been trying to book a room for a friend at fairmont hotel... At 400 dollar a night can't get a booking. Till august booked solid. My apartment just rented out at 4.68% annual return in just over a month of listing. I should have bought more. Now the pressure of capital and people inflow in intensifying. Rich people are moving in, looking for low tax and financial stability here in singapore. For good or bad that is the reality. First rich people moving in, then come the bankers, then the international schools, then restaurateurs, then the hair dressers, etc. All these people require a place to live.

02-07-12, 15:32
NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

Yes, some of them retrenched were my ex-colleagues.
All are insider news.

Most industries were in a standstill for months already.
Anyone in the IT distribution industries, eg SIS, ECS, Ingram will know it is really really bad.

Many HDB shops closed down when the rental up 50-70% in the first quarter when
some minister said the economy was very good.

beside above still have Sony Spore, NOL, Wincor, Dell & tons more.......some even retreching 30% of headcount & more to go in next few months.....

Spore is totally not competitive now with high cost of living & expenses....it will be the 1st country to chop jobs if heads has to rolls......low productivity plus high costs....unless govt use taxpayers' money to give back door rebate to keep jobs which make productivity even lower as pay out without doing any works.....

with unemployment up & foreigners leaving due to no renewal of permit.....many business also on the way to close down like F&B, consumers, high rental shops, which will cause more job lost in negative spiral.....

sporean working oversea also terminated & cannot find jobs, especially china....all these jobless will give more salary pressure when they are unable to find jobs....plus fresh graduate.....>30-40% will be out of jobsthis yr....

they can lie, fake, fraud & magic wnatever.....people know, market knows......only they are cheating themselves......that is why all lost in election......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 15:40
MORGAN STANLEY: The Fed has given up
July 1st, 2012

FED by bernanke...after printed so much & did not see the effect at all......instead they wiped out the whole of US middle class as printed $$ only widen wealth gap...top 5% & bottom 95%....no more middle class.....

unemployment recorded at 8.2% now & htis friday......bt all know that working adult participation drop from 69% to 62% now....almost 100 million americans adult has no jobs now...total populaiton of US is only 300+ millions.....60 millions are on food stamp, without it, many will hunger to death....

so if FED got heart, they should know what they have created for US.....a going to hell road by printing....if they are man & have guts, they should admit it & reverse all action...but they are not....bernanke is definitely nor a man, a chow ah qua....will only sit on the problem till all dies....if you know bernanke well, but inside his heart now, I can tell you, he is super regret....such rubbish, no balls....

FED starts to divide & they will give up eventually all their printing policy.....

I hve said many times here....printing will not solve, will only create more...reason already stated in this thread...so simple, you think bernanke & all the smart leaders cannot understand?? they want face, they lies to themselves.....

print cannot create jobs....low rate cannot resolve liquidity issue.....

same to spore.....intentionally bring in millions of rubbish foreigners, press down mortgage rate, media tell lies, cut supply......all cannot push up property price for long....it's all fake & man made.....all has to crash back as spore has wasted all the time, doing nothing except blowing property bubble to drive market like US subprime from2004-2007.....
what spore has today?? casino?? financial?? nothing solid to be call themselves...system?? all broken now after importing all rubbish....
snale oil salesman can con for short time....when lies expose, all will be killed......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 15:41
Reasons Why The Fed Should Raise Interest Rates
June 30th, 2012

reason for not raising rate is simple....US is world #1 debtor....if raise rate, debtor's interest they need to pay out every yr is super huge....all collection from taxes will not be enough to pay interest of their debt.....

also hike rate...their porperty price will sink further...now already down 60%, hike rate, price may sink 90%.....

but don't hike rate, they will be like japan.....economy no growth, forever shrinking economy.......already explained 100x here, banks dare not loan out to expand as there is no demand globally....now already tons of excess capacity, tons of machine already down & not operating due to no demand, still loan out $$ to expand?? this is the problem with today global economy.......these excess are all in debt, still need to pay back loan to banks, how to loan more if you are already so much in debt.....so globally all is the same as PIIGS, just not transparent, not explode yet.....

hike rate will hike income payment, will hike spending, hike demand....
there is another 10 of reasons why hike rate will drive economy.....

bernanke is balless....wait for a leader with guts of steel.....he will shoot interest rate to sky to drive economy....

all the human today, leaders or not....they are so weak, both physically & mentally....they cannot take hardship......then human will only melted eventually....
spore has the gut to raise rate?? no way....then sink likejapan in next 20-30 yrs....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 15:42
There u go again... just because of one pathetic stall at Chinatown bid price is $100+ does not mean throughout the islands hawker rental is plunging ... sometimes it is just luck ... if knowing b4 hand rental is going to be $100+ I also go and bid lah

Since last Oct 2011 till Now June 2012.. I can confirmed that property price UP 16%..

Tons & Tons of it.. just go & ask & you will get easily.. :D

eg. Transaction done
Oct 2011 - Luxus Hills - 1615sf - $2.5m
Jun 2012 - Luxus Hills - 1615sf - $2.9m

tons in strait times classified & propertyguru....go & ask for it, you will get, 10-20%...
I sold what I need to...only fools still keep now....in next 1-2 yrs, you will know....:)

02-07-12, 16:03
Capitaland share price in 2007 is $8+....now is only $2.6+.....only 30% of 2007 price....how about property price now & 2007?? really good or just fake, fraud, lies & magic??...........
so as claimed by govt media, sales is good now, price is good now.....what happen to share price?? why no funds today interested at even 35% of 2007 share price??.....
why profit also not as fantastic? PE ratio better now?? where are all the money gone??.....of course, I am talking about spore property, don't try to pull in commercial or service apartment.....you look at all property counters, all about the same...Kepland, 2007 at $9+, now $3.2.....

so funds are not optimistic with spore property??......we will only see the hard truth when grest depression is here in 1-3 yrs time.....then we will know what is fake, fraud, lies & magic......

whatever.....capland share price will go down to $0.7 by 2015, let see.....

If spore property is so strong, so good today, much higher than 2007....then what happen to all shares price of developers?? why only 30% of of their shares price in 2007??....

where is all the money they have made?? why their profit is low with strong property today? why developers still retrench staff recently with strong property today??.....no sales?? bad sales?? govt paper & media shouted sold out, grab all within mins, few 100k visit showflat, queue for few night s.......all lies? fake? fraud? magic?........or profit all with govt land sales?? then where is money in govt?? why the poor in spore still earning S$800/m?? how to survive?? not even enough to pay for accomodation, don't talk about food, transport & others.....now they don't want to cut pay on top, they want to raise below pay to $1200/m, already no jobs, so many retrenchment, so many people looking for jobs, how to hike pay?? by force?? by order?? no more free market??..........

many bullshyt inside.....just like bullshyt of PIIGS....exactly the same, just when to burst out like them.....by then property only down 50%?? 80%??......

printed money, loan out sure die......whether loan out to company for expansion without business....or loan out to mortgage loan without economy activities....
all these are bubbles......all these will come back to haunt us in next 20-30 yrs of 0 growth & suffer.....

0% 0r 1% rate is killing all country economy eventually including spore.....all loan out but cannot collect back eventually like PIIGS today.........

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down..........

02-07-12, 16:20
From April to May, private debt have gone up $10 billion to $445 billion and bank issued housing loans went up $1.6 billion to $137.7 billion.

This massive private debt of $445 billion is over 130% of Singapore's GDP. Should Euro crisis gets worse and push Singapore into recession, banks may not have enough deposits to cover loans...


Bank lending in S'pore up 22.5% in May

Channel News Asia
Posted: 29 June 2012 1612 hrs

SINGAPORE: Total bank lending in Singapore rose by 22.5 per cent year-on-year in May, according to figures from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Bank lending totalled about S$445 billion in May.

On a month-on-month basis, it is up 2.3 per cent from S$435.3 billion in April.

All sectors in both business loans and consumer loans saw growth over the previous month, except share financing for consumers, which dropped some six per cent from S$1.15 billion in April to S$ 1.08 billion in May.

Meanwhile, housing and bridging loans to consumers rose by 3.4 per cent to S$137.7 billion in May, compared to S$136.1 billion in April.

Manufacturing loans to businesses reached S$22.2 billion in May, up from S$21.4 billion of the previous month.

DBS Vickers Securities said in its report that banks appear to be pacing deposits with loan growth.

With the 2012 loan growth projected at 12 per cent, DBS Vickers believes the year-on-year loan growth momentum will continue to moderate for the rest of the year.

02-07-12, 17:13
Protester interrupts speech by Chinese President, called for an end to one-party rule
July 1st, 2012

THIS IS HUGE: Tens of thousands of Hong Kongers demanded democracy today, It was very hot out there but people are clearly very angry
July 1st, 2012

china 1 party system & chinese attitude, manners, humanity, people quality......they has reached the ceiling of their level for now.....hard for them to progress further from here......that is all they can do for now.....whether they can reach moon or mars, their total people quality is not going to bring them to next level, also their political party......

hongkies too...after 15 yrs, hard for them to accept heartly china as their country.....not say chow ang mo is better but in term of graciousness, civilisation & many more, china is still not recognised till today....50 yrs, will they reach there?? I don't think so....even current generation is still very far behind in term of mindset....those live in china before know aht I mean....till today pants in their kids still open below, even the 1980s & 90s generation.....

anyway......ecoomy is nlot align to their civilisaiton.....also their economy power till today is still in manufacturing......they know it well & also know many still living inside cages today.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 19:27
with all these news…what I want to tell you is spore property will not be crash by local news, it will crash hard due to global economy news as what I have posted….

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B should tell KBW to remove all CMs... cos it will crash hard due to global economy "news"...

But too bad, talk BIG BIG.. end up still "bo chee" to tell.. :D

02-07-12, 19:43
NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

Yes, some of them retrenched were my ex-colleagues.
All are insider news.

Most industries were in a standstill for months already.
Anyone in the IT distribution industries, eg SIS, ECS, Ingram will know it is really really bad.

Many HDB shops closed down when the rental up 50-70% in the first quarter when
some minister said the economy was very good.

beside above still have Sony Spore, NOL, Wincor, Dell & tons more.......some even retreching 30% of headcount & more to go in next few months.....

Spore is totally not competitive now with high cost of living & expenses....it will be the 1st country to chop jobs if heads has to rolls......low productivity plus high costs....unless govt use taxpayers' money to give back door rebate to keep jobs which make productivity even lower as pay out without doing any works.....

with unemployment up & foreigners leaving due to no renewal of permit.....many business also on the way to close down like F&B, consumers, high rental shops, which will cause more job lost in negative spiral.....

sporean working oversea also terminated & cannot find jobs, especially china....all these jobless will give more salary pressure when they are unable to find jobs....plus fresh graduate.....>30-40% will be out of jobsthis yr....

they can lie, fake, fraud & magic wnatever.....people know, market knows......only they are cheating themselves......that is why all lost in election......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

If get retrenched ... How to service bank loan :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

02-07-12, 19:51
NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

If get retrenched ... How to service bank loan :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

this is another useless B's dog.
lum par got removed during childhood days.

02-07-12, 20:01
Reasons Why The Fed Should Raise Interest Rates
June 30th, 2012

reason for not raising rate is simple....US is world #1 debtor....if raise rate, debtor's interest they need to pay out every yr is super huge....all collection from taxes will not be enough to pay interest of their debt.....

also hike rate...their porperty price will sink further...now already down 60%, hike rate, price may sink 90%.....

but don't hike rate, they will be like japan.....economy no growth, forever shrinking economy.......already explained 100x here, banks dare not loan out to expand as there is no demand globally....now already tons of excess capacity, tons of machine already down & not operating due to no demand, still loan out $$ to expand?? this is the problem with today global economy.......these excess are all in debt, still need to pay back loan to banks, how to loan more if you are already so much in debt.....so globally all is the same as PIIGS, just not transparent, not explode yet.....

hike rate will hike income payment, will hike spending, hike demand....
there is another 10 of reasons why hike rate will drive economy.....

bernanke is balless....wait for a leader with guts of steel.....he will shoot interest rate to sky to drive economy....

all the human today, leaders or not....they are so weak, both physically & mentally....they cannot take hardship......then human will only melted eventually....
spore has the gut to raise rate?? no way....then sink likejapan in next 20-30 yrs....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Reasons Why The Fed Should Raise Interest Rates ... That's interesting;)

02-07-12, 20:10
If get retrenched ... How to service bank loan :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Ya!! How to service long term rental!!
Must sleep bus stop loh!! :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:


02-07-12, 20:19
From April to May, private debt have gone up $10 billion to $445 billion and bank issued housing loans went up $1.6 billion to $137.7 billion.

This massive private debt of $445 billion is over 130% of Singapore's GDP. Should Euro crisis gets worse and push Singapore into recession, banks may not have enough deposits to cover loans...


Bank lending in S'pore up 22.5% in May

Channel News Asia
Posted: 29 June 2012 1612 hrs

SINGAPORE: Total bank lending in Singapore rose by 22.5 per cent year-on-year in May, according to figures from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Bank lending totalled about S$445 billion in May.

On a month-on-month basis, it is up 2.3 per cent from S$435.3 billion in April.

All sectors in both business loans and consumer loans saw growth over the previous month, except share financing for consumers, which dropped some six per cent from S$1.15 billion in April to S$ 1.08 billion in May.

Meanwhile, housing and bridging loans to consumers rose by 3.4 per cent to S$137.7 billion in May, compared to S$136.1 billion in April.

Manufacturing loans to businesses reached S$22.2 billion in May, up from S$21.4 billion of the previous month.

DBS Vickers Securities said in its report that banks appear to be pacing deposits with loan growth.

With the 2012 loan growth projected at 12 per cent, DBS Vickers believes the year-on-year loan growth momentum will continue to moderate for the rest of the year.

This massive private debt of $445 billion is over 130% of Singapore's GDP. Should Euro crisis gets worse and push Singapore into recession, banks may not have enough deposits to cover loans...:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

02-07-12, 22:26
NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

If get retrenched ... How to service bank loan :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

I have prepared a kennel for you at rowell road.
collect 20cts if you see anyone pee on you.

02-07-12, 22:35
many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....

OCR also down 20-30% from $1000 psf to current below $750 psf.....with develpers dumping all freebies.....adsorb absd, free legal, free comm & pay extra comm, free stamp, free cars, free furniture, membership, cash rebate & more....all add up to 20-30% discount yet negotiable.....all panic & desperate now...go to 1 showflat, 3-4 agents serving you......

tons of advertisement by developers everywhere in TV, paper, internet....you will receive tons of email, sms, brouchure, letter in letterbox.....developers are so panic & try all ways out to dump their units....stop buying, they will cut more price if no buyers situation drag on with global uncertainties & recession getting deeper.....many sellers are trying to sell at 10% below valuation or last transacted price but no buyer.....banks will also panic look at European banks in banks tun, holiday, capital control & funds withdrawal......risk is getting super high & borrowing cost keeps shooting up 300% within 1 month, mortgage rate already up few rounds in europe this yr....

many retrenchment going on now......many foreigners will force to leave....commercial & residential rental will be down, business will be down, demand will go down, no retail business, must cut jobs to survive....this spiral down negative effect will cause spore to sink into recession very soon...this will force property to plunge down yet still cannot find buyers....HK will enter recession this month.....US will follow later this yr.....huge retrenchment on the way, if no jobs & no rental income, rental has tro cut tremensdously to sustain their life or default loan payment & go for auction fast...if not tons of default, banks willbe in big trouble......

price war & prce cuttng getting deeper these days.....with units return, almost no buyer & developers trade among themselves, risk is getting higher....

May global stock down 20%, shyt in their pants....last month some minor consolidtion.....later this month will see huge down again......

wait patiently....PIIGS default & bankrupt is iminent.....major banks bankrupt also this yr to kick start the collapse of global financial system....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

02-07-12, 22:47
this is another useless B's dog.
lum par got removed during childhood days.
YOUNG KOK Bo Lum Par Chee??!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: ... :D

02-07-12, 22:56
YOUNG KOK Bo Lum Par Chee??!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1: ... :D

I have prepared a kennel for him next to a popular backlane.
smell and taste longkang urine.

02-07-12, 22:59
Breaking News: Stall rental plunged 60% - 90% in June 2012

Breaking News: Stall rental plunge in June 2012

Demand of hawker stalls plunged by 60% to 90% in June 2012 when NEA removed the reserved bidding price.

Finally, the government has to swallow the facts that demand is dwindling and that stall owners are
unable to cope with the manipulated high rental and high inflation.

Yet there is another shocking news, that is there were MASSIVE job retrenchments in May - Jun 2012
in private and government sectors which the media did not release to the public.

The news may be delayed until July 2012 to be released.

whatever in the paper & TV & media today is telling you still strong economy are all LIES or tell BULLSHYT story about good thing, tell him we want right thing & hard truth, not good story......as I said, now can only use lies to drive market....no more fundamnental as fundamental globally already collapse....nothing to talk about as already no more jobs & business.......

economy keep sinking, leaders keep lying to drive market......this is the world today till all these rubbish leader find their mind again or tell hard truth when no place for them to hide & lies anymore.....

no more new jobs in this world now is hard truth....the rest is not imporatnt at all...printed $$ is totally not important as we have printed so many yrs till today, world economy collapse...print more collapse more.....be cause print cannot create jobs, no jobs, no money, no economy......

what 0% rate or negative rate also no use.....no circulation, dare not loan out....loan out to expand business, no businessm what to expand?? loan out to default later only.....banks bankrupt faster....same to spore property & mortgage loan.........

this is the world today....collapse anytime once some one press the button.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

Breaking News: Stall rental plunged 60% - 90% in June 2012 :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

02-07-12, 23:19
many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Your TV spoiled ? Never watch TV ?

Singapore Property resale prices is resuming its inching up 0.6% in Q2.

Prices are here to stay. Despite the tons of bad news we see you post and on newspaper, globally, investors all know that Sg is one of the best places in the world to invest.

For those who are retrenched and unable to service the loan and wish to sell now, please call one of the friendly investors here (call me also can). We are ready to help u unload at just 18% below valuation. Not 50%!

So far, no one message me. Office Boy and all those in my Office are waiting eagerly for prices to drop just 10%. So far, more and more are giving up and buying before prices continue inching up.

From Sept 2012 onwards, you will see prices start to escalate at a higher rate than now.

Every month also got companies retrench and companies employing.

Singapore property will up at least 15% by 2015 !

Ah B predicted that world stock market will correct at least 20% in May/June/July ... and guess what ?! May/June came and go, market down and up, nothing much changed ... So scary! All these baseless prediction.

Unlike my accurate prediction of market up 0.5-1% every month/quarter in 2012 !


02-07-12, 23:30
Can’t Wait A Minute Longer!! Modern Great Depression: Waiting for midnight, hungry families on food stamps are lining up at Walmart for FOOD!
July 2nd, 2012

this is not depression??.....60 millions americans are on such food stamp now.....every 1 in 5 americasn queue up for food now......
it's real shameful....
huge drought in US now......5 millions family have no power in last 24 hrs.....114 deg F now in some cities.....will see some death body in next few days....
food will be big problem if drought continues.....if globally in drought plus depression.....sure crash real hard.....
middle class in US already wipe out by FED & bernanke....more will join the 60 millions food stamp soon....
so what print few US$trillion in last 2-3 yrs....so what is 0% rate.....end result is depression.....
that is why FED & americans will wake up very soon....they will give up on FED....bernanke still wants face now to defence his rubbish QE...but inside him, he feels real bad to see his fellow americans' life ruined by him, if he is still a human.....
all will come to spore in time in next 1-3 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 23:31
June Global PMI Summary: Euro Area Slowdown Is Beginning To Impact The Rest Of The World; Japan, Korea, Norway, South Africa and Taiwan All Dropped Into Contraction Territory
July 2nd, 2012

this one also is the killer....also print another US$1000 trillion also no use type....same to what rate also useless......sure crash.....
almost all Europe is contracting & in recession now.....cause almost globally in contracting, shrinking & no demand....also all unemployment shoot up....
many country in contracting not shown in above headlines like Australia & tons....

as I said.....market don't depend on fundamental anymore as most company is at the verge of bankrupt now......
under such situation if banks still loan out, then result is the same as PIIGS banks.....get ready to bankrupt anytime due to bad debt, no need to talk about rate, whether is 1% or 10%, no difference, will not pay back........same to spore property, once crash due to no buyers, due to huge retrenchment, no rental....rate at 1% or 10%, still fire sell.....coming....the global econolmy is real ugly now....cut jobs & cut pay is processing now.....be patient....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

02-07-12, 23:39
I really hope this thread will be deleted... I get depressed looking at it.

03-07-12, 00:06
It’s Going To Get Worse: European Manufacturing Contracts For 11th Consecutive Month As Unemployment Hits Record; The Rate of Decline In Germany Was The Steepest For Three Years
July 2nd, 2012

this one is the real killer....print Euro 100 trillion also no use.....
If Europe & US cannot resolve employment problem, what 0% rate, negative rate, print another US$500 trillion, what fiscal policy......all is useless....
instead the more they print, the worse it will get as money only flow to top 1%, 99% will not have money to spend & buy.....
then print what or 0% also no growth....as 1% will not borrow, they have tons....99% will not get loan as they will never ablr to pay back.....that simple....
whatever theory or book also no use....same to spore property, sure crash......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 00:16
nice sleep ...wake up and Mr B/S still trying desperately against the world's central bankers ...they can press a button to print ... you can only copy and paste ;)

03-07-12, 02:55
nice sleep ...wake up and Mr B/S still trying desperately against the world's central bankers ...they can press a button to print ... you can only copy and paste ;)

Price will be corrected at some point which no one will denied..
Basically ...lol...to buy a cheap property..he cursing and wanting whole world to collaspe..interesting...

03-07-12, 06:33
nice sleep ...wake up and Mr B/S still trying desperately against the world's central bankers ...they can press a button to print ... you can only copy and paste ;)

print??? the more the better......then the crash will be harder....

only shameless rubbish like you rely on printing to sutvive,not skill & knowledge.....

hahaaaaa....only panic & worry likeyou care what all these people print or not.......I just put down my view, why bother what they shout.....whatever will come wiill come according to my timing......

my shorting on Euro sit on 120 pips in the money......you can say self-claimed but I posted it in CNA immediately I shorted last friday.....whatever, not important.......

making money while posting.....that is the ay to go....all of you can sit tight tight with your property & no buyer now.......see it down >50% before 2015......

03-07-12, 06:39
I really hope this thread will be deleted... I get depressed looking at it.

easy lah.....no need to be so serious....you must know what is coming & get ready to make money from it....if you go against the tide, you deserve to bankrupt either you have no skill or you believe in wrong people or media....

no need to be happy when read positive news & vice versa.....know your limit, time to buy, buy....time to sell, sell......if you want to wait till you see your coffin then sdmit....your decision, be responsible & face it.....

when yoou are wise & eperience, everything is easy......be prudent, at current situation, do not over-burden yourselfwith debt....super dangerous....huge retrenchment is coming soon....if most most jobs, foreigners have to leave, no rental, no income.....price plunging......

03-07-12, 07:54
Mr b goes against Ben and merkel wow

03-07-12, 08:31
Merkel’s rescue mechanism for EU meets resistance in Germany, strongly opposed by The left opposition party Die Linke…
July 2nd, 2012

RTRS: German constitutional court says will look at complaints over ESM bailout fund on Tuesday July 10
July 2nd, 2012

73% of Germans want a referendum on fiscal union if power transfered to EU, Focus Reports
June 30th, 2012

nobody so stupid to give away country reserved to others, especially to rubbish southerm europeans.....different races, culture, languages, religious......

once DAX return the 4% back....all will oppose it.....

all just kicking the can down the road.....all no money now....will you take out the last few $ you have to share with nonsense...unless you have few trillion, take out 1 trillion is ok.....now the richest is also almost broke.....

today PMI almost 100% contraction in Europe......next will come all negative growth in Q2 & all in recession.....who will still donate in sinking economy.....all nojobs, no order, no business, ownselves can't take care, still bother about southern rubbish....

Spain & Italy will scream & shout again very soon......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 08:34
Euro compromises likely to unravel, Merkel weakened at home by Brussels concessions
July 2nd, 2012

By David Marsh, MarketWatch
MADRID (MarketWatch) — The major German concessions (above all, over the use of ESM European rescue funds directly for Spanish banking recapitalization) agreed at the euro summit are unlikely to enter into force. The compromises announced on Friday between creditors and debtors will fall apart because they are mutually contradictory.

more objection.....
the whole EU summit is just a joke......
exit is unavoidable......

03-07-12, 08:37
Marc Faber: If I were Germany, I would have abandoned eurozone last week
July 2nd, 2012

swee!!!! Matc Faber.....this is real man....
this is real leader...go for right thing, never fear of popular policy....so NO & walk out....

this should be done last week if we have a real man leader.....
never fear under pressure.....even need to sacrify your life on the spot....

be direct....no politics....this is real respectful....not those rubbish leaders...pui at then without fear too......

whatever......exit of Euro will still happen this yr.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 09:49
Despite Mr B shouting, screaming, cursing ... STI to test 3k soon

03-07-12, 10:11
NCS retrenched 110 (May news). MBS retrenched 500 (Apr news).
In the list were also Oracle, ST Electronics, HP Singapore, IBM, Kopitiam, etc. (May news)

Yes, some of them retrenched were my ex-colleagues.
All are insider news.

Most industries were in a standstill for months already.
Anyone in the IT distribution industries, eg SIS, ECS, Ingram will know it is really really bad.

Many HDB shops closed down when the rental up 50-70% in the first quarter when
some minister said the economy was very good.

beside above still have Sony Spore, NOL, Wincor, Dell & tons more.......some even retreching 30% of headcount & more to go in next few months.....

Spore is totally not competitive now with high cost of living & expenses....it will be the 1st country to chop jobs if heads has to rolls......low productivity plus high costs....unless govt use taxpayers' money to give back door rebate to keep jobs which make productivity even lower as pay out without doing any works.....

with unemployment up & foreigners leaving due to no renewal of permit.....many business also on the way to close down like F&B, consumers, high rental shops, which will cause more job lost in negative spiral.....

sporean working oversea also terminated & cannot find jobs, especially china....all these jobless will give more salary pressure when they are unable to find jobs....plus fresh graduate.....>30-40% will be out of jobsthis yr....

they can lie, fake, fraud & magic wnatever.....people know, market knows......only they are cheating themselves......that is why all lost in election......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

of course, govt will want to shout good thing forever.....this is lousy govt, cannot tell the hard truth, then lead the country people to fight their way out....can only tell lies to con their way out like a rat.....

what is LKY meritocracy?? strong one prevail??......I thought LKY like to talk about good gene in 1980s....
under current time, we need to let the weak one fail, out & collapse, then work with the strong for recovery, no other way out.....
If you still want to pull the weak one now, all will sink down together.....

spore debt to GDP is 130% or 180%, check it out.....ugly number, worse than Spain & Italy......when the focus ro asia & spore, we are gone & worse than PIIGS today....

1996, Thailand is still celebrating & proud of their achievement....come 1997, collapse totally...Thai Baht, Thai stcok, Thai baks & company...all collapse & kneel down & beg for IMF & world bank to rescue.....

now is the rime again.....gigantic property bubble is there, world economy is real ugly....retrenchment is on the way.......

03-07-12, 10:13
Despite Mr B shouting, screaming, cursing ... STI to test 3k soon

I am posting easily....

only you panic & desperate to shout behind me day & night.....

real shameless moron.....hahaaaa......

03-07-12, 10:16
Despite Mr B shouting, screaming, cursing ... STI to test 3k soon

I think he meant that market will be ship for property. Becoz equity do well so property is no good :-) :-) :-) :-)

03-07-12, 10:17
I am posting easily....

only you panic & desperate to shout behind me day & night.....

real shameless moron.....hahaaaa......

We all despair dunno what to do with our profit from equity........ Help.........

03-07-12, 10:30

Euro zone factories hit hard in June, job cuts rise

Updated 06:44 PM Jul 02, 2012

LONDON - Euro zone manufacturing took another hefty blow in June and factories are preparing for worse to come, according to business surveys on Monday that showed jobs were cut at the fastest rate in two-and-a-half years.

Markit's Eurozone Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) was unchanged at 45.1 in June, above the preliminary reading of 44.8 and holding at its lowest reading since June 2009.

Anchored below 50 mark that divides growth and contraction for almost a year now, the survey again showed factories in the region's two largest economies, Germany and France, are succumbing to a downturn that started in southern Europe.

Companies are clearly preparing for worse to come, cutting back on both staff numbers and stocks of raw materials at the fastest rates for two-and-a-half years," said Mr Chris Williamson, chief economist at data provider Markit.

The PMI suggests that the goods-producing sector contracted by about 1 per cent in the second quarter, with this steep rate of decline looking set to accelerate further as we move into the second half of the year."

Alarmingly, the survey's employment index fell to 46.7 in June, its lowest since January 2010, from 47.1 in the previous month, signaling accelerating job cuts.

Similar surveys released earlier on Monday showed German and Spanish manufacturing shrank at its fastest pace in three years in June, while the pace of contraction in French and Italian factories eased a little bit. REUTERS

03-07-12, 10:33

US manufacturing hits first slump in 3 years

Updated 08:30 AM Jul 03, 2012

NEW YORK - Manufacturing shrank last month for the first time in nearly three years in the United States as new orders plummeted, according to one measure of the sector that provided a stark sign of the economic recovery's slowdown.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said yesterday its index of national factory activity fell to 49.7 from 53.5 the month before, missing expectations of 52.0, according to a Reuters poll of economists, and below even the lowest forecast.

It was the first time since July 2009 that the index has fallen below the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. That was shortly after the US economy emerged from recession.

Manufacturing has been one of the drivers of the US economic recovery, which now appears to be losing momentum over fears about the euro zone's debt crisis, a slowdown in China and uncertainty over domestic fiscal policy.

"Clearly this is the biggest sign yet that the US is catching the slowdown that is well under way in Europe and China," said Mr Paul Dales, senior US economist at Capital Economics in London.

Mr Dales said the report is consistent with an economy that is growing at an annualised rate of a little below 1 per cent after 1.9-per-cent growth in the first quarter, dismissing talk that the number signalled a new US recession was coming. A reading below 47 would be consistent with another recession, Mr Dales said.

The ISM report painted a more dour picture of manufacturing than a survey released earlier yesterday from Markit, which showed the sector still grew last month, albeit at its slowest rate in 18 months.

Until yesterday's report, US manufacturing had held up better than similar sectors overseas, which have already shown signs of deteriorating. Euro-zone manufacturing took another hit last month, data showed on yesterday, while China and Japan saw orders from abroad fall. REUTERS

03-07-12, 10:37
On Lie-borgate: "Everyone Knew, And Everyone Was Doing It"

all these shameless everywhere now...because they are panic & desperate...
many in this forum.....panic bulls shouted day &night in bear thread.....why no confident to start a bull thread to attract all forumers here?? because he has no based.....only rely on personal attack in this thread........tons of them, the more desperate bulls the better, these are all weak holders, 1st wave of down trend, they will all wipe out.....

I already said many times here......all market now no more fundamentals, this is very dangerous sign, last stage of crashing.....all try to get out thru' lies, if 1 can live upright, they will not want to live a stressful & tell lies everyday......let them be.....they deserve to be bankrupt....

many bought $1 mil in 1997 & crash down to $500k in 2003.....but when they bought, they thought property will never come down...all regret,many bankrupt duting that time...same to now....when huge retrenchment & pay cut come in few months time, all foreigners has to leave, no rental income....when PIIGS burst, stock crashing down....sure printed money a lot now, debt is even bigger than printed $$, once rate up later this yr, all printed $$ will be gone....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 10:59
Summary of yesterday's PMI numbers for June.

China HSBC PMI sub index for new orders sunk to 39 month low of 45.8 which is at 2009 global recession level, indicating demand is shrinking.

US ISM sub index for new orders sunk to 47.8 which is at 2009 global recession level, indicating demand is shrinking.

Eurozone PMI is already at global recession level, the latest factory output index of 44.7 indicates sharp contraction. Germany is now affected by the crisis, surveys released yesterday showed German and Spanish manufacturing shrank at its fastest pace in three years in June.

03-07-12, 11:10

World's factories running out of steam

Grace Ng
The Straits Times (http://www.straitstimes.com/Home.html)
Publication Date : 03-07-2012

http://www.asianewsnet.net/photo/news/factory_copy1.jpghttp://www.asianewsnet.net/home/images/spacer.gifFactory output in June slumped across major economies from China to Europe and the United States while jobs data worsened, signalling that the slowing global economy has yet to limp out of its troubles. (AFP PHOTO)

Factory output in June slumped across major economies from China to Europe and the United States while jobs data worsened, signalling that the slowing global economy has yet to limp out of its troubles.

Production activity last month shrank in four of Asia's largest economies as well as in the crisis-hit euro zone, figures released yesterday showed.

US factory activity contracted for the first time since July 2009. The data, which fell way below forecasts, caused US stocks to dive, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling 0.4 per cent in the first 45 minutes of trade.

Taken together, these figures 'suggest that global growth continues to be weak, with a Europe recession in the second quarter having an impact across a lot of Asian countries', said Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Chua Hak Bin.

He expects Singapore's purchasing managers index (PMI) in June, an indicator of factory activity, to teeter on the edge of the 50 mark separating expansion and contraction. The figures are due out today.

In China and Japan, the PMI last month fell to seven-month lows, while South Korea and Taiwan saw a contraction in output for the first time in five months.

The euro zone PMI was unchanged at 45.1 last month, way below the 50 mark. In the US, the Institute for Supply Management's index fell to 49.7 from 53.5, way below the median forecast of 52.

Of even greater concern is the widespread dip in new orders - which can indicate future factory output growth and affect jobs.

In China, the bright spot in the global economy so far, new export orders sank to levels last seen in March 2009. Overseas demand also faltered for Asian markets including South Korea, which just cut export forecasts for this year to 3.5 per cent from 6.7 per cent.

In Europe, job cuts grew the fastest in 21/2 years, while the US' second-quarter hiring growth is expected to be the weakest since early 2010, a Bloomberg survey showed. This may prompt consumers to rein in spending.
However, there are glimmers of hope, with signs that the slowdown may be bottoming out.

Although external demand for Asia's exports has wilted a little, there has not been a steep decline that could cause job losses, said Barclays senior regional economist Leong Wai Ho.

Indeed, the PMI of key economies such as China and Japan, while still in contraction, managed to beat forecasts in June.

Average prices in China's housing market, a key contributor to growth, rose last month for the first time in nine months. A gauge of confidence among Japanese firms improved and India's PMI rose to a four-month high.

And more stimulus may be on the way to shore up confidence, starting this week - when the European Central Bank and Bank of England are expected to seek moves to unfreeze credit markets.

Beijing, too, is likely to take action to hold up growth, said HSBC economist Sun Junwei.
But how soon the world economy can pick up lies in one thing: confidence.

'Things can turn around very quickly if investors, consumers and businesses perceive that the situation in Europe is not as bad any more,' said CIMB economist Song Seng Wun.

03-07-12, 11:26
Summary of yesterday's PMI numbers for June.

China HSBC PMI sub index for new orders sunk to 39 month low of 45.8 which is at 2009 global recession level, indicating demand is shrinking.

US ISM sub index for new orders sunk to 47.8 which is at 2009 global recession level, indicating demand is shrinking.

Eurozone PMI is already at global recession level, the latest factory output index of 44.7 indicates sharp contraction. Germany is now affected by the crisis, surveys released yesterday showed German and Spanish manufacturing shrank at its fastest pace in three years in June.

whole world is sinking now...right now....US, Europe, Asia....none is expanding, none is buying, no demand from all engines, plane is just crashing down now...pilot may try to stir it back up but no engine, better to call all to jump ship now to save life......

many already sunk back to the lowest point after lehman bros in 3/2009......

print $$ also will not help as there is no jobs, no money, no demand.....
last few yr, printed too much, now is pay back time, where to find money to pay back?? bankrupt......so the effect of previous QE 1 & 2 are here......pay back time now for QE 1 & 2, mo money & bankrupt now.....tons of them......huge retrenchment is coming now....

In next 1-2 months, all will be clear......Germany get out of Euro or US debt limit hit, China hard landing, Spore property crashing hard, global in recession, Iran war & terrorist, global warming & caused global blackout, bird flu is back, total financial system collapse due to derivative & banking......

global economy can only keep sinking from here....all the lies no more working, no more greater fools......

all will unfold in next 1-3 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 11:34
Oh ya ... collapsing? Why STI still chiong towards my target of 3k??

Global shares gain as weak factory data boost easing hopes

03-07-12, 11:47
MORGAN STANLEY: The Fed has given up

July 1st, 2012

FED by bernanke...after printed so much & did not see the effect at all......instead they wiped out the whole of US middle class as printed $$ only widen wealth gap...top 5% & bottom 95%....no more middle class.....

unemployment recorded at 8.2% now & htis friday......bt all know that working adult participation drop from 69% to 62% now....almost 100 million americans adult has no jobs now...total populaiton of US is only 300+ millions.....60 millions are on food stamp, without it, many will hunger to death....

so if FED got heart, they should know what they have created for US.....a going to hell road by printing....if they are man & have guts, they should admit it & reverse all action...but they are not....bernanke is definitely nor a man, a chow ah qua....will only sit on the problem till all dies....if you know bernanke well, but inside his heart now, I can tell you, he is super regret....such rubbish, no balls....

FED starts to divide & they will give up eventually all their printing policy.....

I hve said many times here....printing will not solve, will only create more...reason already stated in this thread...so simple, you think bernanke & all the smart leaders cannot understand?? they want face, they lies to themselves.....

print cannot create jobs....low rate cannot resolve liquidity issue.....

same to spore.....intentionally bring in millions of rubbish foreigners, press down mortgage rate, media tell lies, cut supply......all cannot push up property price for long....it's all fake & man made.....all has to crash back as spore has wasted all the time, doing nothing except blowing property bubble to drive market like US subprime from2004-2007.....
what spore has today?? casino?? financial?? nothing solid to be call themselves...system?? all broken now after importing all rubbish....
snale oil salesman can con for short time....when lies expose, all will be killed......

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down......

use your commonsense.......this coming recession & great depression, alreday prove that QE fails, you think they will still print to stimulus again in coming crisis??.....make mistake once is fool....repeating same mistake is moron.........

read above tilte...FED themselves has given up....

for sure...this coming crash, there will be no more printing $$.....only austerities all the way out in next 20-30 yrs.....so spore property will not recover in next 20-30 yrs......many will get stuck for life or bankrupt or commit suicide...whatever, they deserve it....

that is why this coming crash is super huge & it will sink super long time to pay back all the debt.....US$1500trillion.....30 yrs of burden to pay back...

hahaaaaa......to those who hoe & ask others to hope......hope more & hold tight tight..........

03-07-12, 12:05
Looks like conspiracy theory is at work now with global equities rising at the same time when nothing much has changed. This is increasingly looking unreal and what is likely to happen next is a sudden pull back by major funds leaving retailers naked again. Is this more of a bear trap of a serious kind? To be prudent, it may make sense to get out and take profits now before the tide subside.

As for property, it may not be a straight forward case..... Harder to make the call for many investors now.... Well, like in every cycle, some will win and some will loose. Given the price index at its peak now, it is now a game for the rich. They either get richer or feel less rich. Interestingly, the rich are not biting. For the middle class, getting into the game NOW is like playing with fire. For the lower middle class, stay away for God's sake.

And if you are not in the game AT THIS TIME, good for you. Betting to gain 15% against losing 30% or more just does not make sense.

03-07-12, 12:06
Breaking News: Stall rental plunged 60% - 90% in June 2012 :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Yes! Breaking News:
Title will be changing to "Stall rental is coming down fast".. cos "Property price is coming down fast" CANNOT MAKE IT!! :D

03-07-12, 12:08
China's Landing Getting Harder As Stimulus Fails To Prime Pump

#Brazil #oil exports -37% in June, #iron ore exports -17.3%: Trade Minister Prazeres
July 2nd, 2012

china hard landing is coming....once GDP below 7%.....crashing down hard....
recent stimulus already failed....all knows.....no demand, stimulus what?? everything already excess, stimulus what?? road? train? museum??......manufacturing, excess & tons of duplication.....

BRIC are gone case....India & Brazil will crash realhard, followed by Russia & China....

India rupee in free fall for months.....going to confiscate gold soon....Brazil is cutting rate by 1% by 1%.....still sinking as global commodity demand no more there due to no more growth globally.....Petrobas, bullshyt....kepcorp, sembmar....all will kena conned & cancel order eventually.....

before all the lies cannot cover up....better run out of stock, property & allasset fast.....the coming crash willb efast & furious once lies cannot work anymore....soon, coming real soon.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 12:33
tons in strait times classified & propertyguru....go & ask for it, you will get, 10-20%...
I sold what I need to...only fools still keep now....in next 1-2 yrs, you will know....:)

Yes!! Tons in strait times classified & propertyguru.... go & check & you will see that is UP UP UP again!!
Luckily I didn't sell what I need to... only fools sold everything including their underwear... now coming to 1 yr from the above post, and I already know... :D

03-07-12, 12:38
whole world is sinking now...right now....US, Europe, Asia....none is expanding, none is buying, no demand from all engines, plane is just crashing down now...pilot may try to stir it back up but no engine, better to call all to jump ship now to save life......

many already sunk back to the lowest point after lehman bros in 3/2009......

print $$ also will not help as there is no jobs, no money, no demand.....
last few yr, printed too much, now is pay back time, where to find money to pay back?? bankrupt......so the effect of previous QE 1 & 2 are here......pay back time now for QE 1 & 2, mo money & bankrupt now.....tons of them......huge retrenchment is coming now....

In next 1-2 months, all will be clear......Germany get out of Euro or US debt limit hit, China hard landing, Spore property crashing hard, global in recession, Iran war & terrorist, global warming & caused global blackout, bird flu is back, total financial system collapse due to derivative & banking......

global economy can only keep sinking from here....all the lies no more working, no more greater fools......

all will unfold in next 1-3 yrs.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down......

the global economy collapse is confirmed......recession & great depression is unfolding RIGHT NOW.....
with all these clear signs, market still cheong?? yet fools still jump in??.....hope for printing?? US debt at US$16trillion now...hit debt ceiling, no way FED can print in next 5-6 months, still hope for what?? just because you do not know debt ceiling?? you think funds do not know?? they are just try to trap all the fools...
the best time for hedge funds to short global market down is next 1-2 months with all central banks hands are tied.....see for yourself.....

so get out NOW, fast.....all property & stocks.....when you sell, you will see market collapsing down as they will not let you go away easily....

global economy collapse & total financial system collapse already confirm.......will see in next few months, full unfold in 1-3 yrs time.....if you really want to wait till lose all your pants then admit...go ahead....as I said, if you can sell your property at $1mil now, wait till 1-2 yrs later become $500k, then regret or bankrupt, just be responsible, market will not come back in next 20-30 yrs or in your life time.....

of course, you still can choose to dream & hope.....till you see your coffin......

03-07-12, 12:39

World's factories running out of steam

Grace Ng
The Straits Times (http://www.straitstimes.com/Home.html)
Publication Date : 03-07-2012

http://www.asianewsnet.net/photo/news/factory_copy1.jpghttp://www.asianewsnet.net/home/images/spacer.gifFactory output in June slumped across major economies from China to Europe and the United States while jobs data worsened, signalling that the slowing global economy has yet to limp out of its troubles. (AFP PHOTO)

Factory output in June slumped across major economies from China to Europe and the United States while jobs data worsened, signalling that the slowing global economy has yet to limp out of its troubles.

Production activity last month shrank in four of Asia's largest economies as well as in the crisis-hit euro zone, figures released yesterday showed.

US factory activity contracted for the first time since July 2009. The data, which fell way below forecasts, caused US stocks to dive, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling 0.4 per cent in the first 45 minutes of trade.

Taken together, these figures 'suggest that global growth continues to be weak, with a Europe recession in the second quarter having an impact across a lot of Asian countries', said Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Chua Hak Bin.

He expects Singapore's purchasing managers index (PMI) in June, an indicator of factory activity, to teeter on the edge of the 50 mark separating expansion and contraction. The figures are due out today.

In China and Japan, the PMI last month fell to seven-month lows, while South Korea and Taiwan saw a contraction in output for the first time in five months.

The euro zone PMI was unchanged at 45.1 last month, way below the 50 mark. In the US, the Institute for Supply Management's index fell to 49.7 from 53.5, way below the median forecast of 52.

Of even greater concern is the widespread dip in new orders - which can indicate future factory output growth and affect jobs.

In China, the bright spot in the global economy so far, new export orders sank to levels last seen in March 2009. Overseas demand also faltered for Asian markets including South Korea, which just cut export forecasts for this year to 3.5 per cent from 6.7 per cent.

In Europe, job cuts grew the fastest in 21/2 years, while the US' second-quarter hiring growth is expected to be the weakest since early 2010, a Bloomberg survey showed. This may prompt consumers to rein in spending.
However, there are glimmers of hope, with signs that the slowdown may be bottoming out.

Although external demand for Asia's exports has wilted a little, there has not been a steep decline that could cause job losses, said Barclays senior regional economist Leong Wai Ho.

Indeed, the PMI of key economies such as China and Japan, while still in contraction, managed to beat forecasts in June.

Average prices in China's housing market, a key contributor to growth, rose last month for the first time in nine months. A gauge of confidence among Japanese firms improved and India's PMI rose to a four-month high.

And more stimulus may be on the way to shore up confidence, starting this week - when the European Central Bank and Bank of England are expected to seek moves to unfreeze credit markets.

Beijing, too, is likely to take action to hold up growth, said HSBC economist Sun Junwei.
But how soon the world economy can pick up lies in one thing: confidence.

'Things can turn around very quickly if investors, consumers and businesses perceive that the situation in Europe is not as bad any more,' said CIMB economist Song Seng Wun.:scared-1: :scared-1:
World's factories running out of steam

03-07-12, 14:10
Euro zone factories hit hard in June, job cuts rise
Jul 02, 2012

World's factories running out of steam

June Global PMI Summary: Euro Area Slowdown Is Beginning To Impact The Rest Of The World; Japan, Korea, Norway, South Africa and Taiwan All Dropped Into Contraction Territory
July 2nd, 2012

It’s Going To Get Worse: European Manufacturing Contracts For 11th Consecutive Month As Unemployment Hits Record; The Rate of Decline In Germany Was The Steepest For Three Years
July 2nd, 2012

do I need to explain more??.....most factory globally ready to switch off to lay off big way......better get your packet now, later close down, not only get nothing, can't even get your current month pay......
still want to hope & dream??.....
FED can't print now due to debt limit....
global economy is just heading for a crash with no safety net at all now....
get out fast before too late....
market will just turn super ugly all a sudden.....
time bomb sure explode this yr....last for 1-2 yrs & down for 20-30 yrs....
it's structural problem......that is why no way to avoid now.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 14:13
Steve Forbes – Is Debt Destroying the American Dream?
July 3rd, 2012

The Ticking Debt Bomb: $16 Trillion and Climbing
July 3rd, 2012

US is hitting debt limit once again.....will be downgraded again like last Aug....whack it down to below AA.....Debt to GDP at 102%......
hedge funds will use this excellent opportunity to short down global market as Europe also with super huge debt issue....
next 1-2 months...many will explode together...US, Europe, China, Spore, Derivative, war, oil.........

with huge debt & no demand globally, no recovery, no expansion, plus no printing, nothing can be down except bankrupt & collapse.....
kick the can already hit the wall....best time for hedge funds to short down globally for huge profit....
just imagine you are running business with huge debt, what can you do yet no business coming at all.....

many US cities already line up for bankruptcy, no money to pay govt servant salary.....60 millions in food stamp....100 millions cannot find jobs....property down 60%....stock is hanging down there, only few up, >80-90% down.....>50% malls are closed....nore taxes is coming, food is surging in price, tons of retrenchment coming, some more want to go for war now......

bernanke & FED already given up.....better to mump ships fast or all life will be gone.....
save your life & fight next battle....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 14:14
Iran Closing Hormuz Strait Soon. Approximately 20% of the world’s oil, which is about 35% of seaborne traded oil, passes through the strait!
July 3rd, 2012

Iran close the Strait is not only stopping Iran oil shipping our....not only embargo on Iran....
It's almost whole middle east oil need to go past the Straits.....that is why US & Israel will be in once officially closed.....

this world is no more peace....world leaders lying everyday.....preparing for war to divert economy collapse....
this world is no more stable as any miss, will trigger global fiamcial system collapse....

so get out & stay out for now....all is developing, once trigger anytime in next few weeks to months, it will be fast & furious, much faster & 100x bigger than lehman bros bankruptcy.......

with global no demand, all factory closed down......with war, global trade all halt....US & Asia are in drought now, food supply is critical....
If il still shooting up....then all will just dump all asset & run road....this will happen within very short period of time.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 15:55
In next 1-2 months, all will be clear......Germany get out of Euro or US debt limit hit, China hard landing, Spore property crashing hard, global in recession, Iran war & terrorist, global warming & caused global blackout, bird flu is back, total financial system collapse due to derivative & banking......

all will unfold in next 1-3 yrs.....

u ran out of gloomy stuffs to say? now become end of the world thread??

Totally enjoying this thread :D

03-07-12, 16:10
u ran out of gloomy stuffs to say? now become end of the world thread??

Totally enjoying this thread :D

hahaaaa.....when it comes in next few months, then you know what is happening......
must know what is coming & adjust accordingly......

US already 5 millions family blackout for 2-3 days now due to huge electromagnetic wave suddenly interference......it's not pluck from the air......

just remember the EM wave...you will hear often ....

flu is H3N7.......

03-07-12, 18:08
Straits Times

3k very near already .... basic waits until become neck long long tribe in Thailand

03-07-12, 19:12
Straits Times

3k very near already .... basic waits until become neck long long tribe in Thailand

Breaking News!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka David Lim in sghouse) & MR SMARIAN actually waited till neck long long over in sghouse (below)since 2008!! Both are actually the Useless Followers of KING OF ALL FAILURES MR DIVA !!

The pioneers there told me.. his tactics is use different ID.. post in CNA.. thereafter, go sghouse & use another ID say taken from CNA.. thereafter again go another forum use another ID say taken from here & there..
But actually take here & take there.. all taking from his own posting!! Is really scare!!!:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

quoted by David Lim (aka MR B) in sghouse :scared-1:

Taken from another forum

many CCR already down 20-40% compared to last yr peak....
sentosa cove down 50%.....

OCR also down 20-30% from $1000 psf to current below $750 psf.....with develpers dumping all freebies.....adsorb absd, free legal, free comm & pay extra comm, free stamp, free cars, free furniture, membership, cash rebate & more....all add up to 20-30% discount yet negotiable.....all panic & desperate now...go to 1 showflat, 3-4 agents serving you......

tons of advertisement by developers everywhere in TV, paper, internet....you will receive tons of email, sms, brouchure, letter in letterbox.....developers are so panic & try all ways out to dump their units....stop buying, they will cut more price if no buyers situation drag on with global uncertainties & recession getting deeper.....many sellers are trying to sell at 10% below valuation or last transacted price but no buyer.....banks will also panic look at European banks in banks tun, holiday, capital control & funds withdrawal......risk is getting super high & borrowing cost keeps shooting up 300% within 1 month, mortgage rate already up few rounds in europe this yr....

many retrenchment going on now......many foreigners will force to leave....commercial & residential rental will be down, business will be down, demand will go down, no retail business, must cut jobs to survive....this spiral down negative effect will cause spore to sink into recession very soon...this will force property to plunge down yet still cannot find buyers....HK will enter recession this month.....US will follow later this yr.....huge retrenchment on the way, if no jobs & no rental income, rental has tro cut tremensdously to sustain their life or default loan payment & go for auction fast...if not tons of default, banks willbe in big trouble......

price war & prce cuttng getting deeper these days.....with units return, almost no buyer & developers trade among themselves, risk is getting higher....

May global stock down 20%, shyt in their pants....last month some minor consolidtion.....later this month will see huge down again......

wait patiently....PIIGS default & bankrupt is iminent.....major banks bankrupt also this yr to kick start the collapse of global financial system....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

03-07-12, 19:31
Steve Forbes – Is Debt Destroying the American Dream?
July 3rd, 2012

The Ticking Debt Bomb: $16 Trillion and Climbing
July 3rd, 2012

US is hitting debt limit once again.....will be downgraded again like last Aug....whack it down to below AA.....Debt to GDP at 102%......
hedge funds will use this excellent opportunity to short down global market as Europe also with super huge debt issue....
next 1-2 months...many will explode together...US, Europe, China, Spore, Derivative, war, oil.........

with huge debt & no demand globally, no recovery, no expansion, plus no printing, nothing can be down except bankrupt & collapse.....
kick the can already hit the wall....best time for hedge funds to short down globally for huge profit....
just imagine you are running business with huge debt, what can you do yet no business coming at all.....

many US cities already line up for bankruptcy, no money to pay govt servant salary.....60 millions in food stamp....100 millions cannot find jobs....property down 60%....stock is hanging down there, only few up, >80-90% down.....>50% malls are closed....nore taxes is coming, food is surging in price, tons of retrenchment coming, some more want to go for war now......

bernanke & FED already given up.....better to mump ships fast or all life will be gone.....
save your life & fight next battle....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

The Ticking Debt Bomb: $16 Trillion and Climbing:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

03-07-12, 19:34
Breaking News!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka David Lim in sghouse) & MR SMARIAN actually waited till neck long long over in sghouse (below)since 2008!! Both are actually the Useless Followers of KING OF ALL FAILURES MR DIVA !!

The pioneers there told me.. his tactics is use different ID.. post in CNA.. thereafter, go sghouse & use another ID say taken from CNA.. thereafter again go another forum use another ID say taken from here & there..
But actually take here & take there.. all taking from his own posting!! Is really scare!!!
:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

quoted by David Lim (aka MR B) in sghouse :scared-1:

his nick lagi scary. got yalam, laya and all sort of rubbish names.
confirm transgender.

03-07-12, 19:36
The Ticking Debt Bomb: $16 Trillion and Climbing:scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

this one is a rowell boy.

03-07-12, 20:00

Euro zone factories hit hard in June, job cuts rise

Updated 06:44 PM Jul 02, 2012

LONDON - Euro zone manufacturing took another hefty blow in June and factories are preparing for worse to come, according to business surveys on Monday that showed jobs were cut at the fastest rate in two-and-a-half years.

Markit's Eurozone Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) was unchanged at 45.1 in June, above the preliminary reading of 44.8 and holding at its lowest reading since June 2009.

Anchored below 50 mark that divides growth and contraction for almost a year now, the survey again showed factories in the region's two largest economies, Germany and France, are succumbing to a downturn that started in southern Europe.

Companies are clearly preparing for worse to come, cutting back on both staff numbers and stocks of raw materials at the fastest rates for two-and-a-half years," said Mr Chris Williamson, chief economist at data provider Markit.

The PMI suggests that the goods-producing sector contracted by about 1 per cent in the second quarter, with this steep rate of decline looking set to accelerate further as we move into the second half of the year."

Alarmingly, the survey's employment index fell to 46.7 in June, its lowest since January 2010, from 47.1 in the previous month, signaling accelerating job cuts.

Similar surveys released earlier on Monday showed German and Spanish manufacturing shrank at its fastest pace in three years in June, while the pace of contraction in French and Italian factories eased a little bit. REUTERS

Not looking good that's for sure :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

03-07-12, 20:32
his nick lagi scary. got yalam, laya and all sort of rubbish names.
confirm transgender.

Please give some respect & address by name.. is David Lim (aka MR B).. not yalam or rick1 or Leeds..ok :D

just click on the below & you can have a nice chat with MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B (aka David Lim) over at sghouse..:scared-1:

03-07-12, 21:09
Iran Closing Hormuz Strait Soon. Approximately 20% of the world’s oil, which is about 35% of seaborne traded oil, passes through the strait!
July 3rd, 2012

Iran close the Strait is not only stopping Iran oil shipping our....not only embargo on Iran....
It's almost whole middle east oil need to go past the Straits.....that is why US & Israel will be in once officially closed.....

this world is no more peace....world leaders lying everyday.....preparing for war to divert economy collapse....
this world is no more stable as any miss, will trigger global fiamcial system collapse....

so get out & stay out for now....all is developing, once trigger anytime in next few weeks to months, it will be fast & furious, much faster & 100x bigger than lehman bros bankruptcy.......

with global no demand, all factory closed down......with war, global trade all halt....US & Asia are in drought now, food supply is critical....
If il still shooting up....then all will just dump all asset & run road....this will happen within very short period of time.....

received tons of email, brouchure & sms from developers, propertyguru, property agents, consultants.......these days....just deleted, don't even bother to open up......all these panic & desperate rubbish......real pests........

whatever....spore property will crash.....they can shout whatever price they want to sell.....stop buying.......

spore property will down >50% before 2015, stop buying property & property is on it's way down now...no 2015, no buying....no buyer now, unless cut deep to sell or hold for>50% down.......

that's is the worst case scenario :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

03-07-12, 21:40
Median HDB resale price at Jurong West is 450k WOW !!!!!

The estates that witnessed the highest number of Q2 resale transactions include Yishun (median resale price: S$377,000), Woodlands (median resale price: S$415,000) and Jurong West (median resale price: S$449,000).

03-07-12, 22:20
Other than landed, top profitable projects in 1H 2012 are all mass market:

The Quintet 57 caveats 25.2 millions
Trevista 64 caveats 20.5 millions :D

03-07-12, 22:33
Not looking good that's for sure :scared-1: :scared-1: :scared-1:

Sissy smarten backside itch liow.

03-07-12, 22:44
Median HDB resale price at Jurong West is 450k WOW !!!!!

The estates that witnessed the highest number of Q2 resale transactions include Yishun (median resale price: S$377,000), Woodlands (median resale price: S$415,000) and Jurong West (median resale price: S$449,000).

It will be tough for our younger generation to purchase HDB :scared-4: