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25-01-12, 22:10
u look at nos only fm papers articles. no friend experiences.
wht gd it is? showroom ppl buy. does nt mean gd mkt sentiment. tht why ppl get hit when mkt down. fm previous crisis we c d kinda same attitude.

ur experiences r enuf 2 tell diff. alot of risks now everywhere. nt bull
bear mkt. but move 2 bull mkt need alot of resources. any1 smart n brave 2 push mkt 2 bull. ask companies.

wah... I must be getting old... your use of short form texting style writing very tedious for me to read :confused: ... haha

25-01-12, 22:13
wah... I must be getting old... your use of short form texting style writing very tedious for me to read :confused: ... haha
bed time la 4 u

25-01-12, 22:23
bed time la 4 u

Hmmm.... actually my work just starting.... not exactly a good start though...hehe...

Ok won't bug you guys here, sorry to interrupt. Have fun!

(btw old people sleep less but nap more)

25-01-12, 22:30
D15 and D16. you can call it 'fringe' perhaps.
in your opinion, what are the good buys in d15 n d16 at this moment? :cheers6:
it doesnt matter if its LH or FH..:cheers6:

25-01-12, 22:48
the fed's announcement tonight should set the pace for the coming 2Qs.

26-01-12, 05:28
so low rate till 2014??.....

FED will very likely not exist by 2014, so he can shout what he likes now....
even FED exist in 2014, bernanek will not be there in 2014.....
what bernanke shouted last night mean US economy & real unemployment are very bad.....so what market will eventually react?? you will see soon....
haha.....all these rubbish is creating more problems & going to make recession worse because if his solution is not working in last 3 yrs, continue it will make it worse everyday.....they can fake & fraud but must face reality 1 day.......coming soon.....

26-01-12, 05:42
Fed not to raise US interest rates until late 2014

Continue reading the main story (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-16733461#story_continues_1)The Federal Reserve has said it does not now expect to raise interest rates in the US until late 2014.
The surprise move sent the dollar sharply lower in markets, and caused US government borrowing costs to fall.
In its regular policy statement (http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/20120125a.htm), the central bank said it saw "significant downside risks" to the economy, and said inflation had fallen back to a level in line with its mandate.
Rates remain in a target range of zero to 0.25%.
However, some members of the Fed's policy-setting committee, which has just finished a regular two-day meeting, think rates should rise more quickly.
Along with its usual economic forecasts, the Fed decided to publish the interest rate forecasts of individual committee members (http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/fomcprojtabl20120125.pdf) for the first time.
It revealed that three of the committee's 17 members think rates should rise by the end of this year already, and six members foresee this by the end of 2013.
By the end of 2014, six members expect rates to still be at their historic low, while one member expects them to have risen to 2.75%.
Inflation target The Fed did not announce any new quantitative easing measures - pumping newly created money into the financial system by buying up US government debt and other assets.
However, it repeated a concern expressed in previous statements that the US economy faced "significant downside risks" and that it "expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy".
The Fed cut its growth forecast for the current year slightly, to a range of 2.2-2.7%, from 2.5-2.9% previously.
However, it forecast unemployment would fall to 8.2% - an improvement on its previous 8.5% forecast.
Unlike in previous statements, the Fed also no longer said it was monitoring inflation closely, reinforcing the impression that price rises were no longer a major concern.
The Fed also formalised its inflation target at 2% (http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/20120125c.htm) - similar to the Bank of England's. Previously the central bank did not set itself a formal target, but pointed to a range of 1.7% to 2% as an informal target.
Core inflation - a measure of long-term inflation trends - has fallen back towards 2% in recent months. Consumer prices inflation hit a high of 3.9% last September.
However, the Fed's new inflation target is based on the broader personal consumption expenditure (PCE) index.
Dollar falls The interest rate announcement caught markets by surprise. They had been expecting rates to start rising from mid-2014, instead of the late 2014 forecast by the Fed.
The dollar fell, as the lower expected interest rates made the currency a slightly less attractive place to keep cash.
The euro rose one-and a-quarter cents to $1.31 following the release of the statement, which came at the end of a regular two-day meeting of the Fed's policy-setting committee. The pound rose just under a cent to $1.564.
Meanwhile, the US government's implied cost of borrowing in markets for 10 years fell froma 2.06% to 1.94%, as traders priced in the lower medium-term interest rate expectations.
Shares also rallied on the news, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which had been down for the day, rallying about 0.8% following the announcement.
The Fed first began stating its expectations about how long it expected interest rates to remain at their historic low back in August last year, as a way of lowering longer-term interest rates and thereby stimulating the economy.
Until now, it had been promising to hold rates down until mid-2013.

26-01-12, 05:49
so low rate till 2014??.....

FED will very likely not exist by 2014, so he can shout what he likes now....
even FED exist in 2014, bernanek will not be there in 2014.....
what bernanke shouted last night mean US economy & real unemployment are very bad.....so what market will eventually react?? you will see soon....
haha.....all these rubbish is creating more problems & going to make recession worse because if his solution is not working in last 3 yrs, continue it will make it worse everyday.....they can fake & fraud but must face reality 1 day.......coming soon.....
YES...u are absolutely spot on.
bernanke should have consulted u 1st b4 making his speech tonite..LOL

26-01-12, 08:16
YES...u are absolutely spot on.
bernanke should have consulted u 1st b4 making his speech tonite..LOL

Hah HAH I can only say BASICALLY WRONG.

26-01-12, 08:16
Where is B? Wonder what B will said about Fed's decision on keeping rates low till late 2014? What to say to people who bought WT?

26-01-12, 08:18
Where is Basic? Wonder what B will said about Fed's decision on keeping rates low till late 2014?

He is having a One on One Telly conference with BEN why BEN did a Anwar on him... never raise rates.

26-01-12, 08:56
low low interest rate acts as catalyst 4 expansions or not 2 impact public.
US needs tht badly. So is Europe. wht if interest rate doubles in US. more ppl cant afford d instalment...banks might as well write off /turn into property owner.
money flow out since nt attractive 4 investments

lower rate ..more ppl investors jump to equity?

wht abt china?
US maintains low rates is 4 own self.
other countries follow low interest rate policy?

26-01-12, 09:11
I hate to admit it, but it is quite amazing that the prices are not coming down.

This cannot be right. So many measures. So many people waiting on the side line.

Waiting for durian to drop. Instead, people still go to durian stall to buy durian.

I have not seen 30% fall yet alone 20%.

Some make believe 5% or 10% correction, yes, but its like going to the mall and seeing upto 80% discount, but dun have this item for sale now.

Oh well, its anyone guess. If someone had been garang enough to buy during the Japan earthquake, then he would have been very brave and rewarded.

If any bro here has been brave and gotten a unit during the CM5, then he also would have made a decision that would have seen some paper gain.

The question now is whether the 4 years later situation will see the same kind of exponetial gain to make it a worth while investment. :beats-me-man:

CM 5.5 , here we come....

26-01-12, 09:19
Part of the issue is that even if investors are not buying, there's plenty of HDB up graders that benefited from the insane raise in property prices over the past 5-10 years. These group of people are holding up the market and they are probably quite optimistic over it seeing how they have experienced for themselves bountiful gains.

26-01-12, 09:34
u look at nos only fm papers articles. no friend experiences.
wht gd it is? showroom ppl buy. does nt mean gd mkt sentiment. tht why ppl get hit when mkt down. fm previous crisis we c d kinda same attitude.

ur experiences r enuf 2 tell diff. alot of risks now everywhere. nt bull
bear mkt. but move 2 bull mkt need alot of resources. any1 smart n brave 2 push mkt 2 bull. ask companies.

You sound like Mr. B assistant :D

But your Boss more jialet.. He said his so-called "rich" fren is worrying that when the interest rate go up, the rental is not enough to cover the instalment:D

26-01-12, 09:57
Sign of dragon strength is here for 2012 with a bang on Hiller / Watertown's successful launch... another "inflated" year to come

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday the U.S. central bank was ready to offer the economy additional stimulus after it announced it would likely keep interest rates near zero until at least late 2014.

26-01-12, 11:06
I hate to admit it, but it is quite amazing that the prices are not coming down.

This cannot be right. So many measures. So many people waiting on the side line.

it will lah. be patient (if you can wait). all you need is for any of the following to happen:

1) War
2) Major disasters
3) Banking collapse

in any case, fixed assets can withstand tough economic conditions. it will be a popular investment whether in good or bad times. the only way is for the market to lose confidence i.e. you need ALL the buyers to come together and NOT buy. Mr B is trying very hard to create fear hoping that the buying stops but to no avail. LOL.

26-01-12, 11:23
He is having a One on One Telly conference with BEN why BEN did a Anwar on him... never raise rates.

your father did this on you too often.....
real human rubbish.....
forever personal in this forum.....go ahead & do your son now....

26-01-12, 11:24
Hah HAH I can only say BASICALLY WRONG.

only fool like you see stupid normal thing.....
90% born loser group.....

26-01-12, 11:29
still on holiday....
buy more now, property or stock....the more the better....
basically global stock has no volume....now is lowest volume in last 4 yrs with market want to up everyday......
only fools buy now....1 yr later you will know what I say now.....
dragon yr, buy lah....the more you buy the better......no business to do now except trade shares globally without based till they decide to dump & go.....BDI sink 90% from peak now.....

26-01-12, 11:50
Ah lah mah! With Fed rate to remain at 0-0.25% until late 2014, SIBOR going to remain below 0.6% until late 2014, what is there better to invest than property hah? :doh:

still on holiday....
buy more now, property or stock....the more the better....
basically global stock has no volume....now is lowest volume in last 4 yrs with market want to up everyday......
only fools buy now....1 yr later you will know what I say now.....
dragon yr, buy lah....the more you buy the better......no business to do now except trade shares globally without based till they decide to dump & go.....BDI sink 90% from peak now.....

26-01-12, 12:15
Ah lah mah! With Fed rate to remain at 0-0.25% until late 2014, SIBOR going to remain below 0.6% until late 2014, what is there better to invest than property hah? :doh:

go ahead & buy now if you can....
In 2006/7 bernanke said subprime totally fine, no problem...then it crashed.....
now he can print unlimited but no US banks dare to loan out in US except China & Spore loan out till shiok shiok.....

by 2014, FED may not be around.....
even if FED around, bernanke will not be there anymore, say what he likes now....
people power will show the world....where it should be.....

what will rate be in 2014....next yr you will know....

26-01-12, 12:48
still on holiday....
buy more now, property or stock....the more the better....
basically global stock has no volume....now is lowest volume in last 4 yrs with market want to up everyday......
only fools buy now....1 yr later you will know what I say now.....
dragon yr, buy lah....the more you buy the better......no business to do now except trade shares globally without based till they decide to dump & go.....BDI sink 90% from peak now.....

Since Mr B started his rattling some months ago, my friends here have been accumulating property stocks. Guess what are they doing now ?

Laughing all the way to the brokerage houses and banks!

Maybe you guys got Mr B wrong, he sincerely is asking all of you to go and BUY!

2-3 months back, he says "Buy now and in 2-3 mths u suffer huge losses!" and ... when is that 2-3 months later ? Its NOW!

Stay Calm and Cool

26-01-12, 12:52
Mr B is getting weaker, succumbing to market forces and Hillier/Watertown's success ... his voice no more carrying weight ... he shall declare retirement soon :D

26-01-12, 12:58
Mr B is getting weaker, succumbing to market forces and Hillier/Watertown's success ... his voice no more carrying weight ... he shall declare retirement soon :D

It is not only Hiller/Watertown leh! That day I randomly walk into some Cardiff. Thinking that there are no buyers coz its already very late on CNY Day 2, guess what ?! This auntie sitting one table away from me pull out her cheque book and start writing!

So, other than H/WT, other developments are also selling ? But I have limited information to make that kind of statement. Anyone else got any other information on other developments ? Archipelago ? Any agents here can provide some useful information ? Dont just come here grab clients la ... contribute something useful for us leh.

Stay Calm and Cool

26-01-12, 13:10
1% mortgage rate till end 2014.... Yippee.....

Rent out my condo at 3% yield... Very low Liao.... But still got 2% spread.... Got 30000 extra cash per year for a 1.5m property....

In about three years time accumulate close to 100k doing nothing...

Thank you Ben.....

And there is a silly forummer that can proudly proclaim that interest rates going up and that come 2014 there will be no FED??? I mean honestly what arebthe chances of the FED disappearing?????

26-01-12, 13:16
Mr B is getting weaker, succumbing to market forces and Hillier/Watertown's success ... his voice no more carrying weight ... he shall declare retirement soon :D

haha....did I not make myself very clear.....
2-3 yrs down >50%...not now...
go ahead & buy NOW, all of you, stock or property, the more the better....hahaha....
I will be back to post as before after holiday...then all of you will know what is happening.....

26-01-12, 13:19
Since Mr B started his rattling some months ago, my friends here have been accumulating property stocks. Guess what are they doing now ?

Laughing all the way to the brokerage houses and banks!

Maybe you guys got Mr B wrong, he sincerely is asking all of you to go and BUY!

2-3 months back, he says "Buy now and in 2-3 mths u suffer huge losses!" and ... when is that 2-3 months later ? Its NOW!

Stay Calm and Cool

this kind of cheap talk.....
I am still holding many stocks.....read carefully....stocks is still tradable but short term....kepcorp, sembmarine, noble......
will take profit soon....
but there is a date to take note, after that, will see stock tua lao sa.i.....
anyway, hold tight tight to all your stock & property for long term......

26-01-12, 13:21
1% mortgage rate till end 2014.... Yippee.....

Rent out my condo at 3% yield... Very low Liao.... But still got 2% spread.... Got 30000 extra cash per year for a 1.5m property....

In about three years time accumulate close to 100k doing nothing...

Thank you Ben.....

And there is a silly forummer that can proudly proclaim that interest rates going up and that come 2014 there will be no FED??? I mean honestly what arebthe chances of the FED disappearing?????

If everything is static will be very nice.....
hold tight tight for 3 yrs & good luck.....

26-01-12, 14:21
Exactly why basic has always been in kukuland
I hate to admit it, but it is quite amazing that the prices are not coming down.

This cannot be right. So many measures. So many people waiting on the side line.

Waiting for durian to drop. Instead, people still go to durian stall to buy durian.

I have not seen 30% fall yet alone 20%.

Some make believe 5% or 10% correction, yes, but its like going to the mall and seeing upto 80% discount, but dun have this item for sale now.

Oh well, its anyone guess. If someone had been garang enough to buy during the Japan earthquake, then he would have been very brave and rewarded.

If any bro here has been brave and gotten a unit during the CM5, then he also would have made a decision that would have seen some paper gain.

The question now is whether the 4 years later situation will see the same kind of exponetial gain to make it a worth while investment. :beats-me-man:

CM 5.5 , here we come....

26-01-12, 14:22
You sound like Mr. B assistant :D

But your Boss more jialet.. He said his so-called "rich" fren is worrying that when the interest rate go up, the rental is not enough to cover the instalment:D

hello. there's no ass_istant here.
either u r bull or bear now.

why nt mr. B sound like me LOL
bt easier said then done. look ard global pic

26-01-12, 16:00
If everything is static will be very nice.....
hold tight tight for 3 yrs & good luck.....

Yes property is for long term investment with good yield on at least 3-5%....

I will definitely hold on to it for the next bull run.....

26-01-12, 16:25
go ahead & buy now if you can....
In 2006/7 bernanke said subprime totally fine, no problem...then it crashed.....
now he can print unlimited but no US banks dare to loan out in US except China & Spore loan out till shiok shiok.....

by 2014, FED may not be around.....
even if FED around, bernanke will not be there anymore, say what he likes now....
people power will show the world....where it should be.....

what will rate be in 2014....next yr you will know....
2012 just started and you start to talk about 2013.

So far any of your short term predictions come true?

26-01-12, 17:26
haha....did I not make myself very clear.....
2-3 yrs down >50%...not now...
go ahead & buy NOW, all of you, stock or property, the more the better....hahaha....
I will be back to post as before after holiday...then all of you will know what is happening.....
....wah its now 2-3 years down the line, thought you said 30% crash within months.....and now its 50% not 30%.....you are better than David Copperfield to pluck all the numbers from thin air......

26-01-12, 18:11
....wah its now 2-3 years down the line, thought you said 30% crash within months.....and now its 50% not 30%.....you are better than David Copperfield to pluck all the numbers from thin air......

No, no, no..... 1st post on this thread, October 2011.... "property price already down 15-20% in last 1-2 month"

26-01-12, 20:39
....wah its now 2-3 years down the line, thought you said 30% crash within months.....and now its 50% not 30%.....you are better than David Copperfield to pluck all the numbers from thin air......

all of you can pick what you like to blow....go ahead....this is the norm of forumers in this forum....
pick the line they can shoot at others....
since all of you wait impatiently for news, I can start a bit tonight although I am still holiday in oversea.....

26-01-12, 20:41
Greek Creditors “Ready To Accept” 3.75% Cash Coupon But With Untenable Conditions

January 26th, 2012

50% haircut....grow to 68% haircut...now talk about 80%....almost reach 90+% liao....
that means all debt to Greece are going to vaporise.....many bank will vaporise too.....
don't worry, eventually in next 2-3 yrs, 50% of banks in Europe will be bankrupt.....
As for Greece...default in 2-3 months down the road...then will shake the world with Domino effect fro PIIGS to whole world....

26-01-12, 20:44
ALERT: Portugal 10 Year Yield Passes 15% For The First Time, Is Where Greek 10 Year Was In August

January 26th, 2012

portugal is catching up very fast...only few months behind Greece now....so if Greece down in 2-3 months time, then Portugal will be defaulted this yr too....
Italy is the one to crash the whole world.....coming next.....

26-01-12, 20:55
Hermitage CEO: Equity markets on life support and there could come a time where the “the life support machine” will cause more problems than fixing it.

January 26th, 2012

this one whole world know.....now global stock market up at lowest volume in last 4 yrs.....up, no volume, but once down, volume will be historical high....all dump & run.....
most people now is selling, not many people buying except operators buy & sell themselves to push up price....
like all the peak before crash in 2007, 1997, 1987.....very close liao....

26-01-12, 21:02
UK heading for first double-dip recession since 1975 – Telegraph

January 25th, 2012

UK recession lai liao.....2012 is the double dip yr for UK.....
print & print also no use....all going to sink & sink soon....
once recession hit, deflation kick in....all unwinding will blow off tons of business to close overnight....

26-01-12, 21:05
....lets wait.......hahahhahaha

26-01-12, 21:06

January 25th, 2012

Germany going to show hands soon....
all can print, once Germany tighten to stop inflation.....whole world will run road like dog.....
the world largest bubble now is govt bond.....all will burst like bombs once Germany show hands.....ECB can act blurred to print now.....once Germany act, all these rats will run all over.....

26-01-12, 21:08
Bank is becoming more and more convinced that possibility of a Greece default will become a reality.

January 25th, 2012

haha...this one, no horse run....coming very very soon.....

26-01-12, 21:11
Nouriel Roubini: The euro needs to be 20 percent or even 30 percent weaker to help the euro zone economies.

January 25th, 2012

If Euro down 20-30%...then global stock market will down 30-50% liao....
risk is so high, whole world in panic mode....
those borrow US$ in swap line....all bankrupt....

26-01-12, 21:13


HK resale property price down & down, cut & cut every week.....
easily down 20% from last yr peak price...
yet many still cannot find buyer....
many just want to dump & run fast before crisis explode anytime.....

26-01-12, 21:16



cut price also cannot sell....more projects down price to sell....all dump to compete to lower price to fight for buyer to raise fund.....

26-01-12, 21:17
all of you can pick what you like to blow....go ahead....this is the norm of forumers in this forum....
pick the line they can shoot at others....
since all of you wait impatiently for news, I can start a bit tonight although I am still holiday in oversea.....

So poor thing. Holiday still doing cut &.Paste?
Another song for you

Miss the boat is never fun
Paying rent until bank empty
Cannot stand & cannot sit cannot rest for a little bit
Rental cost going up
Holiday also must cut & paste
Cannot stand cannot sleep cannot save for a little bit

26-01-12, 21:18
Aiyah still shouting. Low interest rates for a very long time confirm already. So what say you

26-01-12, 21:19
The Great Economic Storm: We Are Living In The Greatest Debt Bubble The World Has Ever Seen

January 25th, 2012

sure.....just wait for creditors to squeeze & collect umbrella back during stormy days.....that is it.....all mortgage loan will be collect back & auction off cheaply......

26-01-12, 21:19
Why don't you cut the long story short and say the world will end in 2012 :doh: :doh:

January 25th, 2012

Germany going to show hands soon....
all can print, once Germany tighten to stop inflation.....whole world will run road like dog.....
the world largest bubble now is govt bond.....all will burst like bombs once Germany show hands.....ECB can act blurred to print now.....once Germany act, all these rats will run all over.....

26-01-12, 21:20
So poor thing. Holiday still doing cut &.Paste?
Another song for you

Miss the boat is never fun
Paying rent until bank empty
Cannot stand & cannot sit cannot rest for a little bit
Rental cost going up
Holiday also must cut & paste
Cannot stand cannot sleep cannot save for a little bit

haha...moron talk rubbish....

26-01-12, 21:25
Merkel: Germany does not have unlimited resources

January 25th, 2012

Germany keep giving out warning sign....
once they act...no excuse from others....fast & swift....get ready....

ai show hands liao.....

26-01-12, 21:29
Forget Greece; it’s Portugal that’ll destroy euro; One default is an accident; two is a systemic crisis

January 25th, 2012

still have 3,4,5,6......
all is spend till broke.....not within mean....
when in debt, just wait for creditors to squeeze you hard...that is the rule of the game....
whether is stock, property, bond, currency, commodity, rate....all go in cycle & all go thru boom & bust.....

26-01-12, 21:32
Merkel warns Germany cannot be relied on to bail out all European countries ahead of crunch economic summit

January 25th, 2012

another one form merkel....
Germany has enough....
Euro is all ready to melt down.....

26-01-12, 21:34
Less Than Two Months Ahead Of The Greek D-Day, Rogoff Says “Europe Is Clearly Not Ready For A Greek Default”

January 25th, 2012

2 more months for Greece??.....bo tai chi lah....just buy, burst only lah....
everybody think alike....after so many round, like nothing will happen....
when you least expected.....it just blow off in front of your face.....

26-01-12, 21:37
Baltic Dry Plunges 42% More Than Seasonal Norm To Start The Year

January 26th, 2012

globally no demand...no trade & business....yet stock market cheong & cheong without volume....
they can push stock market up & up but they have nothing to ship to deliver order or goods because there is no order & production.....
BDI crash 90+% from peak now.....

26-01-12, 21:43
these are just starters...still have few hundreds of news.....
enjoy holiday....easy lah.....
more news when the day is getting nearer.....

26-01-12, 22:10
must well just cut to the chase give a specific date for dooms day. :scared-2:

26-01-12, 22:12
Hmm I wonder why DJ and SGX keep climbing... hmmm must be some thing wrong. isnt it suppose to be 600pts? hmmm

26-01-12, 22:14
Hmm I wonder why DJ and SGX keep climbing... hmmm must be some thing wrong. isnt it suppose to be 600pts? hmmm

Going to major rally already, BUY.

26-01-12, 22:20
Some sad news hor....

Bernanke says Fed pondering further stimulus

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday the central bank was ready to offer the economy additional stimulus after it announced interest rates would likely remain near zero until at least late 2014.

26-01-12, 22:21
Going to major rally already, BUY.

Then we sell!!!!!

26-01-12, 23:13



In contrast, in Singapore, we have WATERTOWN!
After selling more than 550 units, what's next ?

Are Hong Kongers moving over to Singapore soon ?

Will Singapore be one of the safest place to park your money ?

Will owning a private property in Singapore be a world coveted investment ?

春節Watertown十年最热 大家笑哈哈!!

26-01-12, 23:25
Omg sti almost 2900 dJ almost 12800

27-01-12, 05:11
must well just cut to the chase give a specific date for dooms day. :scared-2:

haha....you think I will tell the date to people like you....
I PM to some who PM me.....
to you....BUY BUY BUY & hold tight tight.....STI will be below 1000 in 3 yrs time to be more specific below 800....more specific.....mark my words....
It's bankrupt yrs ahead.......

27-01-12, 05:18
Some sad news hor....

Bernanke says Fed pondering further stimulus

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday the central bank was ready to offer the economy additional stimulus after it announced interest rates would likely remain near zero until at least late 2014.

this is good news.....print the more the better...happen in history so many times, happen in today world in Zimbabwee too....bread up 10% everyday, then bubble burst, property crash 90+% immediately.....
bubble bigger better....print print print....the more the better, then the date is closer......
bernanke is just a nut fool, beside printing, know nothing.....this is human rubbish, cannot take hardship, but he will suffer more hardship later.....

27-01-12, 05:30



In contrast, in Singapore, we have WATERTOWN!
After selling more than 550 units, what's next ?

Are Hong Kongers moving over to Singapore soon ?

Will Singapore be one of the safest place to park your money ?

Will owning a private property in Singapore be a world coveted investment ?

春節Watertown十年最热 大家笑哈哈!!

sure....khaw should come out with more measures, whether is property gain tax or hike property tax by 3000% for 2nd & above property or.......
now all the fools are just feeding developers...real fools.....
recession sure comes, just few months away.....once trigger, this time is different, much worse than lehman bros, a tiny lehman bros already can crash spore property down by 30% within 6 months....this one can easily crash down 30% in 3 months.....
no need to care about interest rate....wait for crisis to come.....retrenchment, no payment, bankruptcy......all weak holders, mortgage loan holders, over-leveraged fools, all will be caught & make bankrupt.....
khaw just continue with his cooling measures & implement more will do....
be patient.....now everybody very comfortable with stock & property market, very good sign......

27-01-12, 05:36
The demise of the dollar

January 26th, 2012

bernanke can print more to press down interest rate.....
very soon 1 day, US$ will no longer be reserved currency & trading currency....then they will panicly unwinding all carry trade, rate will shoot to double digit within weeks....

27-01-12, 05:43
Jan. 27, 2012: General Strike and national demonstration in Rome

January 26th, 2012

stock keep going up, their bonds got ECB printed money to buy, no need taxpayers' money to pay, why strike & demonstration?? national one some more....
haha....bo tai chi lah....continue to buy property fast before shoot up to sky.....
wait for crisis to unfold then run, still have plenty of time, buy buy buy....hahahaha.....

27-01-12, 05:49
Some sad news hor....

Bernanke says Fed pondering further stimulus

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday the central bank was ready to offer the economy additional stimulus after it announced interest rates would likely remain near zero until at least late 2014.

If economy so strong, why he needs stimulus?? that means economy & fake unemployment data are in real serious situation now.....
US post office going to layoff 260,000 jobs.....
no additional jobs in US.....anything positive from US?? I am there not long ago......see for yourself.....
why occupy wall st.....more to come.....
haha......leg soft soft now, need viagra......sure die coc.k stand.....

27-01-12, 06:47
Mr b never give up, good ..... CM6 HDB no COV coming to support u soon :rolleyes:

27-01-12, 07:15
Mr b never give up, good ..... CM6 HDB no COV coming to support u soon :rolleyes:

only 3 months, can't even complete a property transaction, give up??....
once next down is here in few months time, it will down for next 15 yrs.....
15 yrs will be minimum.....actual is longer than 15 yrs.....
same to USA....print to press down rate, followed Japan to down for next 30 yrs......
have fun & having holiday now.....will be back after my travelling...

27-01-12, 07:20



In contrast, in Singapore, we have WATERTOWN!
After selling more than 550 units, what's next ?

Are Hong Kongers moving over to Singapore soon ?

Will Singapore be one of the safest place to park your money ?

Will owning a private property in Singapore be a world coveted investment ?

春節Watertown十年最热 大家笑哈哈!!

Far East is really #1 snake oil salesman....
fools follow them......all go ho lan soon.....
this type of human rubbish....time will deal with them.....
old man already died....good.....more to come lah.....笑哈哈

Astronotus oscellatus
27-01-12, 09:30
For those who are still keen on good buys, the unit I mentioned with dropping price and no takers...still can see the FOR URGENT SALE notices pasted all along the road I drive to for work...Pasir Panjang Road...black letters on white paper...advertised as lowest PSF, and no past transactions for a year in the same development, so very hard to compare, just can tell that resale transactions are languishing, asking prices very negotiable.

27-01-12, 10:22
sure....khaw should come out with more measures, whether is property gain tax or hike property tax by 3000% for 2nd & above property or.......
now all the fools are just feeding developers...real fools.....
recession sure comes, just few months away.....once trigger, this time is different, much worse than lehman bros, a tiny lehman bros already can crash spore property down by 30% within 6 months....this one can easily crash down 30% in 3 months.....
no need to care about interest rate....wait for crisis to come.....retrenchment, no payment, bankruptcy......all weak holders, mortgage loan holders, over-leveraged fools, all will be caught & make bankrupt.....
khaw just continue with his cooling measures & implement more will do....
be patient.....now everybody very comfortable with stock & property market, very good sign......

Lehman crisis is tiny? So this time it's bigger? Why bigger? You better ask KBW for help.... If he doesn't come up with draconian measures, your chances of owning a property gets lower by the day....

It doesn't seem like market is going down soon much less crashing by 30%...

27-01-12, 10:29
only 3 months, can't even complete a property transaction, give up??....
once next down is here in few months time, it will down for next 15 yrs.....
15 yrs will be minimum.....actual is longer than 15 yrs.....
same to USA....print to press down rate, followed Japan to down for next 30 yrs......
have fun & having holiday now.....will be back after my travelling...

Ok ok, we check back in a few months back... See if it drop a lot...

27-01-12, 10:51
Far East is really #1 snake oil salesman....
fools follow them......all go ho lan soon.....
this type of human rubbish....time will deal with them.....
old man already died....good.....more to come lah.....笑哈哈

Aiya, your prediction buay zun one.
If u zun, is just also by luck.
I see your ability in cut and paste only.
I follow your postings closely so that I can act the opposite.
U r my cai shen really.

27-01-12, 10:55
Aiya, your prediction buay zun one.
If u zun, is just also by luck.
I see your ability in cut and paste only.
I follow your postings closely so that I can act the opposite.
U r my cai shen really.
buay chun one....you better dump all the money you have to buy more property if you have any.....don't have then dump all in stock margin account, use 4x margin to whack up all property or any stocks & hold tight tight....sure cheong up like crazy one....then we review again in 1-2 yrs time, see you run road or bankrupt by then.....

tme has not up, buay zhun....real moron fool.....

27-01-12, 11:45
Aiya, your prediction buay zun one.
If u zun, is just also by luck.
I see your ability in cut and paste only.
I follow your postings closely so that I can act the opposite.
U r my cai shen really.

Please do not ask Mr. B to do predictions lah.. forever buay zun one :tongue3:

Talk big big tell ppl bring cheque now price down 20%.. when ppl cannot find & ask him for help.. he quickly twist & turn act blur by telling ppl to wait for 40% lah:D

And oso talk big big Dow will have a major crash upon closing before CNY.. now also act blur liao:D

Tolong Tolong please do not predict anymore lah!!:D

27-01-12, 12:33
Far East is really #1 snake oil salesman....
fools follow them......all go ho lan soon.....
this type of human rubbish....time will deal with them.....
old man already died....good.....more to come lah.....笑哈哈

This is the 1st thing I read so far that I totaly AGREE with!

27-01-12, 12:36
only fool like you see stupid normal thing.....
90% born loser group.....

It take one fool to spot another.....

27-01-12, 12:41
haha....you think I will tell the date to people like you....
I PM to some who PM me.....
to you....BUY BUY BUY & hold tight tight.....STI will be below 1000 in 3 yrs time to be more specific below 800....more specific.....mark my words....
It's bankrupt yrs ahead.......

Sounds like some mental case rambling... on an on.. knocking his head on the wall...

27-01-12, 12:43
Ok ok, we check back in a few months back... See if it drop a lot...

3mths on still ranting.. like mad man cant remember what they rant after a while. just keep repeating n repeating... and banging head on wall...

27-01-12, 12:54
For those who are still keen on good buys, the unit I mentioned with dropping price and no takers...still can see the FOR URGENT SALE notices pasted all along the road I drive to for work...Pasir Panjang Road...black letters on white paper...advertised as lowest PSF, and no past transactions for a year in the same development, so very hard to compare, just can tell that resale transactions are languishing, asking prices very negotiable.

check today ura transactions jan 2012 how many units transacted?
ppl may b suffering financially n taking a gamble on property price 2 clImb to break
hello any agents ard? wht d resale mkt like?
they can share n nt tell bs stories

everyday hear sad news on jobs

27-01-12, 13:18
Sounds like some mental case rambling... on an on.. knocking his head on the wall...


27-01-12, 13:21
Please do not ask Mr. B to do predictions lah.. forever buay zun one :tongue3:

Talk big big tell ppl bring cheque now price down 20%.. when ppl cannot find & ask him for help.. he quickly twist & turn act blur by telling ppl to wait for 40% lah:D

And oso talk big big Dow will have a major crash upon closing before CNY.. now also act blur liao:D

Tolong Tolong please do not predict anymore lah!!:D

stupid moron.....why don't you put down what you bought in property & stock here.....we can track in 2-3 yrs time, see chun or not....

I buay chun wan....you better dump all you have & borrow as much as you can, then leverage them by using margin account borrow another 400%....that will be super nice...sure huat till jump track.....

haha....real moron.....

27-01-12, 13:34
check today ura transactions jan 2012 how many units transacted?
ppl may b suffering financially n taking a gamble on property price 2 clImb to break
hello any agents ard? wht d resale mkt like?
they can share n nt tell bs stories

everyday hear sad news on jobs

haha....let them dream on lah....
many retrenchment already done, more to come....unpaid leave will continue after CNY.....more pay cut too.....
talk to taxi driver they will tell you business is bad, many even can't recover daily rental, market is bad, taxi drivers know the best.....

let developers do all the fraud & fake data.....fools, naive & newbies cheong in with cheat.....then all die pain pain & learn their life lesson, no bailout & mercy, this is life......

27-01-12, 13:58
Indonesia's largest oil-and-gas shipping company Berlian Laju Tanker said it will stop servicing its debt, which ratings agency Fitch said could lead to a default rating.

Indonesia is fastest growing country in the world today, called MIST.....yet it's biggest shipping company BANKRUPT now.....default payment......listed in Spore SGX.....
with BDI down 90%, our NOL still cheong up 25% in share price....they can push shares price but can't create business.....just wait for the time for shortists to short it down to below 50 cts.....

more to come....tons of global companies will be gone in next 2-3 yrs.....just the beginning, easily >30% of spore listed companies will be down & gone like S shares in next few yrs.....very nice......

Astronotus oscellatus
27-01-12, 14:12
haha....let them dream on lah....

many retrenchment already done, more to come....unpaid leave will continue after CNY.....more pay cut too.....
talk to taxi driver they will tell you business is bad, many even can't recover daily rental, market is bad, taxi drivers know the best.....

let developers do all the fraud & fake data.....fools, naive & newbies cheong in with cheat.....then all die pain pain & learn their life lesson, no bailout & mercy, this is life......
I totally agree with u about using taxi drivers as a barometer of the health of the economy.

27-01-12, 14:24
check today ura transactions jan 2012 how many units transacted?
ppl may b suffering financially n taking a gamble on property price 2 clImb to break
hello any agents ard? wht d resale mkt like?
they can share n nt tell bs stories

everyday hear sad news on jobs

hard to let agent to tell u resale market is deadmeat...they will tell you still ok...only those u know well will tell you or those stay close to ground can tell also and of course those with vested interest in property will also know...:o

27-01-12, 14:41
Far East snake oil salesman? Then you are basically worm oil salesman....always squirming around when your predictions backfired......but unlike Far East, you now have nothing to sell except hot air........Unlike Far east rolling in cash, you are rolling in dirt....hhahahahaha....try to enjoy another miserable new year.......

27-01-12, 15:00
Far East snake oil salesman? Then you are basically worm oil salesman....always squirming around when your predictions backfired......but unlike Far East, you now have nothing to sell except hot air........Unlike Far east rolling in cash, you are rolling in dirt....hhahahahaha....try to enjoy another miserable new year.......

Watertown just sold more than 620 units liao !!!

Ah B :

It is very hard to say that 620 kanna con la!
Then u might as well say 6 billion people kanna con except you ?

If that is the case, usually the 6 billion people are correct and you are just correct in an Institute near Buangkok.

You remind of people who say 21 Dec 2012 is End of the World.

Why not you make a statement based on your esteemed mental capabilities what is the URA index increase or decrease for March 12, June 12, Sept 12 and Dec 12 ? Then we can help u prove that you are right !

Stay Calm and Cool

27-01-12, 15:37
Mr B reminds me of the big canon at siloso. He only talk big only.
When his prediction buay zun, he will say the time has yet to come.
By then, he is giving himself unlimited timeframe to prove he is right.

27-01-12, 15:40
buay chun one....you better dump all the money you have to buy more property if you have any.....don't have then dump all in stock margin account, use 4x margin to whack up all property or any stocks & hold tight tight....sure cheong up like crazy one....then we review again in 1-2 yrs time, see you run road or bankrupt by then.....

tme has not up, buay zhun....real moron fool.....

In fact I already did that and I've already cash in and out many times in properties.
Why? You not happy is it?
That is why I always tell everyone here, follow mr B advise and act the opposite. Confirm haut !

27-01-12, 16:02
In fact I already did that and I've already cash in and out many times in properties.
Why? You not happy is it?
That is why I always tell everyone here, follow mr B advise and act the opposite. Confirm haut !

haha....who care...self-claimed whatever.....who knows & who care....
real rubbish fool....

27-01-12, 16:17
haha....who care...self-claimed whatever.....who knows & who care....
real rubbish fool....

Not really.
We all care for your existence.
Without your bird stories and buay zun advise, we would never huat.
You are really our Cai Shen!

27-01-12, 21:13
Actually, if u take a step back, its quite a miricle.

1. The rate of all the take up since CM 4 and CM 5
2. LHL mention that the out look is not as bad as 2008. this means dun need to unlock thereserve
3. any condo from the big developers still have many people take up the gross price increse.
4.Dispite all the bad news, I have not heard of doom like Europe or US. but I have heard of bosses thretening that this year not good so everyone to put in more over time.

28-01-12, 00:44
stupid moron.....why don't you put down what you bought in property & stock here.....we can track in 2-3 yrs time, see chun or not....

I buay chun wan....you better dump all you have & borrow as much as you can, then leverage them by using margin account borrow another 400%....that will be super nice...sure huat till jump track.....

haha....real moron.....
Aiyo! Why don't you put down where u renting now & how much per month.... I can estimate 20-30 years later, see you whether u will fully pay up the 80% loan on behalf for your landlord or not mah. :D

28-01-12, 01:34
Mr B reminds me of the big canon at siloso. He only talk big only.
When his prediction buay zun, he will say the time has yet to come.
By then, he is giving himself unlimited timeframe to prove he is right.

But ifnhe continues like this then he risk missing even more boats....

We should always stay nimble and change our strategies when necessary...

28-01-12, 05:33
Watertown just sold more than 620 units liao !!!

Ah B :

It is very hard to say that 620 kanna con la!
Then u might as well say 6 billion people kanna con except you ? Think a crow wanted eat up the small worm but decided that its not worth the effort....

If that is the case, usually the 6 billion people are correct and you are just correct in an Institute near Buangkok.

You remind of people who say 21 Dec 2012 is End of the World.

Why not you make a statement based on your esteemed mental capabilities what is the URA index increase or decrease for March 12, June 12, Sept 12 and Dec 12 ? Then we can help u prove that you are right !

Stay Calm and Cool

hhaha you are referring to Mr B I presume?....a crow just came along and wanted to eat up the little worm, but decided its more entertaining to watch it crawl all over the place in panic than to eat it....

28-01-12, 05:50
Just reached back hotel from galeries lafayette in Paris.. I can say the place there like no recession... swarmed with chinaman, taiwan pple and yes many rich singaporeans. End result, chinaman still trash us 3x/6x in terms of quantity and purchase quantum. I sneak peak one of the receipt from the chinaman, I dunno how the hell can 3 items from LV cost 11k euros. U see them chiong like fishmarket. Even artas shopping area became a major turnoff for me. Queue to go into boutique shops, fight to go to tax refund counter. QQQ, Fight Fight Fight.

If not for the cold weather, nice buildings outside and angmoh babes, I would thought that inside is like warehouse sale. The only place I could go for a chillout in parisian style is on the terrace rooftop:

28-01-12, 06:03
Not really.
We all care for your existence.
Without your bird stories and buay zun advise, we would never huat.
You are really our Cai Shen!

that is great as I said go ahead & borrow to max & buy up all property you can but you talk coc.k only....panic to unload your unwanted property, that is all.....

I will continue to post after holiday......
stupid rubbish.....

28-01-12, 06:06
Just reached back hotel from galeries lafayette in Paris.. I can say the place there like no recession... swarmed with chinaman, taiwan pple and yes many rich singaporeans. End result, chinaman still trash us 3x/6x in terms of quantity and purchase quantum. I sneak peak one of the receipt from the chinaman, I dunno how the hell can 3 items from LV cost 11k euros. U see them chiong like fishmarket. Even artas shopping area became a major turnoff for me. Queue to go into boutique shops, fight to go to tax refund counter. QQQ, Fight Fight Fight.

If not for the cold weather, nice buildings outside and angmoh babes, I would thought that inside is like warehouse sale. The only place I could go for a chillout in parisian style is on the terrace rooftop:

only fools think all chinese are like that....
come to Shanghai, rich man world of chinese, tons of beggers in the street....
all these LV mainly are for money making.....sell back in china, all their holiday trip is free....Europe branded stuff is china is 40-50% higher price than Paris if you know the price difference.....
only fools do not know.....

28-01-12, 06:07
Aiyo! Why don't you put down where u renting now & how much per month.... I can estimate 20-30 years later, see you whether u will fully pay up the 80% loan on behalf for your landlord or not mah. :D


28-01-12, 06:09
Aiyo! Why don't you put down where u renting now & how much per month.... I can estimate 20-30 years later, see you whether u will fully pay up the 80% loan on behalf for your landlord or not mah. :D

all self-claimed & liar.....
real moron....
wasting time...

28-01-12, 06:12
this thread will be back to normal after holiday....
all the nonsense posting here during this CNY period will be gone eventually....all the rubbish fools back to their rat race, polish their boss a.s.s, kena chase like a dog.....go back to their pariah dog life......

28-01-12, 06:14
only fools think all chinese are like that....
come to Shanghai, rich man world of chinese, tons of beggers in the street....
all these LV mainly are for money making.....sell back in china, all their holiday trip is free....Europe branded stuff is china is 40-50% higher price than Paris if you know the price difference.....
only fools do not know.....

It is no hidden secret that pple buy for friends or sell back. But having seen the way they buy is seriously no joke :scared-4:

28-01-12, 06:21
It is no hidden secret that pple buy for friends or sell back. But having seen the way they buy is seriously no joke :scared-4:

limited pcs/person....
tour guide will grab all balanced quota....
nobody interested in scenery, museum, history or....

whatever...PIIGS will be default & down 1 by 1....
will see Euro 1=US$1 in next 18 months....cheaper LV by then....
25% unemployment rate in Spain.....all PIIGS & US real unemployment is around this no........time is near, no jobs, all gone.....it will spread fast to Asia, china, spore once crisis trigger......very soon....

28-01-12, 07:20
But ifnhe continues like this then he risk missing even more boats....

We should always stay nimble and change our strategies when necessary...
Mr. B already repeated many times property price will crash 50% in 2-3yrs time & it will down for a prolong period of time maybe 20 years or even longer. So his strategies is to continue stay into rental market for the next 20yrs. I would say his landlord is damn lucky person who has a super long term tenant.. But hopefully his landlord won't kick him out after Mr. B fully pay up his mortgage loan..

28-01-12, 08:36
Just reached back hotel from galeries lafayette in Paris.. I can say the place there like no recession... swarmed with chinaman, taiwan pple and yes many rich singaporeans. End result, chinaman still trash us 3x/6x in terms of quantity and purchase quantum. I sneak peak one of the receipt from the chinaman, I dunno how the hell can 3 items from LV cost 11k euros. U see them chiong like fishmarket. Even artas shopping area became a major turnoff for me. Queue to go into boutique shops, fight to go to tax refund counter. QQQ, Fight Fight Fight.

If not for the cold weather, nice buildings outside and angmoh babes, I would thought that inside is like warehouse sale. The only place I could go for a chillout in parisian style is on the terrace rooftop:

Yea. Just back from Paris also. Quite madness. The LV shop was like FLOODED with PRCs. Buying in huge quantum!

Where got people say buying is a reflection of poor economy one ? Whether you buy for one self, buy back China to sell, buy to give friends, it only points to a simple fact --> PRCs can afford to buy !

This is quite reflective of our property market a while ago also. If not for the last CM, people can really forget abt buying anything at current prices. These "I-Must-Grab-Everything" PRCs are near unstoppable.

Money in staying in China is worth much less than money in Singapore.
Let me explain - if you have $5 million and used it to buy properties in China, after 60 years, it will be gone, vanished, disappear. But your $5 million high end apartment here in Singapore will always have value. So what if u are paying extra 500K now ? it is still worth it !

Think! Think! Think!

Stay Calm And Cool

28-01-12, 08:40
limited pcs/person....
tour guide will grab all balanced quota....
nobody interested in scenery, museum, history or....

whatever...PIIGS will be default & down 1 by 1....
will see Euro 1=US$1 in next 18 months....cheaper LV by then....
25% unemployment rate in Spain.....all PIIGS & US real unemployment is around this no........time is near, no jobs, all gone.....it will spread fast to Asia, china, spore once crisis trigger......very soon....

I like your statement on 1 Euro = 1 USD in ... 18 months ?!! Why your prediction is now extending to longer and longer ??!! It used to be 3 months prediction. If you want to predict 18 months later things, please start a thread call "B's Long Term Prediction of the World and Singapore Property Market".

I predict 18 months later, our property prices will at least be 8% more than NOW! In fact, I predict by end of 2012, our property market will be at least 5% more than NOW!

See who can predict better la!

Stay Calm and Cool (Trying ... Haha!)

28-01-12, 09:42
ST Today Section A20 reads :

US Growth Quickens in 4th Quarter
GDP rises 2.8% - fastest pace since 2nd Q of 2010!

How come B never cut and paste this piece of info here ?

Stay Calm and Cool

28-01-12, 10:07
STI is gradually inching up...i think it's a sign that the worst may be over...will be having an exceptional strong strong rally after Budget announcements i PREDICT.

28-01-12, 10:20
ST Today Section A20 reads :

US Growth Quickens in 4th Quarter
GDP rises 2.8% - fastest pace since 2nd Q of 2010!

How come B never cut and paste this piece of info here ?

Stay Calm and Cool

Cos KING OF ALL FAILURES only keen on bad news..
When PM Lee say be prepared for the worst to come.. he will quickly cut & paste say we must believe what our PM said.
Later, PM Lee say but it will not be not be as worst as 2008 crisis.. he will act blur.. this time never cut & paste & say we must believe what our PM said.:D

28-01-12, 10:21
STI is gradually inching up...i think it's a sign that the worst may be over...will be having an exceptional strong strong rally after Budget announcements i PREDICT.

Welcome to the world of Predictions!

New members get a CNY goodie bag too!


Stay Calm and Cool

28-01-12, 13:09
Just reached back hotel from galeries lafayette in Paris.. I can say the place there like no recession... swarmed with chinaman, taiwan pple and yes many rich singaporeans. End result, chinaman still trash us 3x/6x in terms of quantity and purchase quantum. I sneak peak one of the receipt from the chinaman, I dunno how the hell can 3 items from LV cost 11k euros. U see them chiong like fishmarket. Even artas shopping area became a major turnoff for me. Queue to go into boutique shops, fight to go to tax refund counter. QQQ, Fight Fight Fight.

If not for the cold weather, nice buildings outside and angmoh babes, I would thought that inside is like warehouse sale. The only place I could go for a chillout in parisian style is on the terrace rooftop:

From the looks of it, it will take time for certainty to emerge, time needed to expand their economies and clear their mountain of debt. If MR B is wrong, China and developing countries will experience more good times. But it is political incorrect and media incorrect to say we do not face any challanges. Cheers 2012.

28-01-12, 14:57
Wise man do not predict but seize any opportunity along the way.

do you agree?

28-01-12, 15:19
They do not do things most people do.
Wise man do not predict but seize any opportunity along the way.

do you agree?

28-01-12, 15:33
ST Today Section A20 reads :

US Growth Quickens in 4th Quarter
GDP rises 2.8% - fastest pace since 2nd Q of 2010!

How come B never cut and paste this piece of info here ?

Stay Calm and Cool

All these data are LIES! The gahmen is massaging the numbers coz the world is comoing to an end..... Morons! Sounds familiar? :D

28-01-12, 16:01
I predict I will be having dinner later today. I also predict the food price for chicken rice will be $4 !!!!!

I also predict that later the chicken I ate will turn into black stuff that will be use for land fill.

Moron.. Rite...

28-01-12, 16:24
I predict I will be having dinner later today. I also predict the food price for chicken rice will be $4 !!!!!

I also predict that later the chicken I ate will turn into black stuff that will be use for land fill.

Moron.. Rite...

Welcome to the World of Prediction (WP in short) !

New members are entitled to a goodie bag, please collect from Ah B!

Stay Calm and Cool

28-01-12, 16:40
change CM5 soon? new yr hong bao?
mkt turn hot again? prices shoot up soon?

no bet..phew

28-01-12, 19:14
All these data are LIES! The gahmen is massaging the numbers coz the world is comoing to an end..... Morons! Sounds familiar? :D
You rubbish fool!:D

28-01-12, 19:54
only fools think all chinese are like that....
come to Shanghai, rich man world of chinese, tons of beggers in the street....
all these LV mainly are for money making.....sell back in china, all their holiday trip is free....Europe branded stuff is china is 40-50% higher price than Paris if you know the price difference.....
only fools do not know.....
hey MR B.....listen to what you are saying.....if PRC buy at 40% cheaper in Paris to sell back home.....hmmmm....you are saying there is a market for such margin in PRC!!!!!! wow....first optimistic thing coming out from MR B.........Huat liaoleh...

28-01-12, 22:23
Certain brands cheaper la..nt all
Coach 1 eg.
Hello dann n basic both r husband n wife? At each others odds

Focus on topic n facts.

With relaxation of CM soon, things may turn.
Prices may go up.

29-01-12, 05:22
Certain brands cheaper la..nt all
Coach 1 eg.
Hello dann n basic both r husband n wife? At each others odds

Focus on topic n facts.

With relaxation of CM soon, things may turn.
Prices may go up.
Fist goodnews I have heard since the tread started. Any timeline for the CM loosening ?

Better prepare to reload liao.

29-01-12, 05:44
Certain brands cheaper la..nt all
Coach 1 eg.
Hello dann n basic both r husband n wife? At each others odds

Focus on topic n facts.

With relaxation of CM soon, things may turn.
Prices may go up.
.....trying to change your tune? ...throwing out a red herring?

29-01-12, 06:58
all these morons here.....real morons.....

I said 500x below in this thread....yet they can't read, not moron, what else.....haha....real moron.....



haha....all these real morons.....go ahead & buy, in 1-2 yrs time, you will know what I am talking, typical of born loser....>90% of people in this world.....only follow crowd & do not know what is coming on.....


29-01-12, 07:00
I predict I will be having dinner later today. I also predict the food price for chicken rice will be $4 !!!!!

I also predict that later the chicken I ate will turn into black stuff that will be use for land fill.

Moron.. Rite...

this is not moron, then what is this??.....

29-01-12, 07:06
hey MR B.....listen to what you are saying.....if PRC buy at 40% cheaper in Paris to sell back home.....hmmmm....you are saying there is a market for such margin in PRC!!!!!! wow....first optimistic thing coming out from MR B.........Huat liaoleh...

that is why you people is frog in the well.....will never know what is going on in this world.....
I will not tell you reason here....go & find out yourself.....
tons of ways to make money, with skill, knowledge & experiences....only fools & morons here rush in to spore property, a dead end & be slave for the rest of their life.....

29-01-12, 07:10
Extraordinary proposal for European Union to take control of the Greek budget in return for more bail-out cash

January 28th, 2012

so they want to takeover Greece now....later PIIGS, you think so simple??....
this is dog eat dog world...their whole mouth has hairs & bloods....
same to our govt & developers here...they will get what they deserve soon....
time is getting close.....all these greeds.....
all of you can continue to load your stocks & property in spore....haha....market going to cheong to sky soon....haha.....

29-01-12, 07:15
太古城劈300萬 呎價5年低

this is the smart hongkies, why he sold even lower than 2009....
you will know in 1-2 yrs from now....nobody buy resale now...all conned by developers.....
2012 is not end of world...is the beginning of a brand new world instead....
only naive fools living in denail & unknown.....

29-01-12, 07:19
Pentagon Seeks Mightier Bomb vs. Iran

Chinese supertankers hired for Iran oil

January 28th, 2012

Iran to Stop Oil Sales to Europe This Week

January 28th, 2012

UN Team & Iran’s EU Embargo

January 28th, 2012

get ready for this in next 1-2 months too....
this news so quiet now....only fools so forgetful & focus in wrong thing forever....
many slept whole days & life...never wake up & do not know what to look out for....only when thing happen then that panic like spiders....
yet attacking the person actually helping them....haha...this is life....they praying the one slaughter them.....

29-01-12, 07:28
Soros Warns of ‘Riots,‘ ’Brutal’ Clampdowns & Possible Total Economic Collapse

January 28th, 2012

this guy is still very awake....
the world today is going backward at super high speed train....
all will be going back to slavery days again....no more private....all public....
talk nonsense.....haha.....when your next generation all become slave, then you will realise it....
I know morons here will 1st point at my next generation...haha...typical, what else they know instead of doing something they can do to change.......

29-01-12, 07:34
Celente – War, Bank Runs, Riots

January 28th, 2012

another smart one....Gerald Celente....although he get conned by MF Global bankruptcy....
morons...buy more stock & property....then we will see market crash earlier & deeper....
all these bernanke, dhargi, Fed, ECB...all are leading the world to hell...all of you can follow them.....
different people prepare for diferrent things.......

29-01-12, 07:38
John Mauldin: It’s Time To Make The Hard Decisions

January 28th, 2012

another one....
smart one knows already hit the end globally, whether is stock, property, debt, bonds, printitng.....
the time is very closed.....can drag but pay back in 5x, 10x....
hard decision, hardship....human has to grow up with these....not weak & begger mentality.....all the pigs, wait to be feed & slaughter.....

29-01-12, 07:42
Endgame Begins – UK “Foreign Office Sources Say Merkel Now Thinks Greece Will Default”

January 27th, 2012

slowly they will say the hard truth & real things....can all of you swallow??....
you think LKY do not know the hard truth??....
all know it long ago....but they have to get ready & run 1st,let fools & morons hold all their unwanted babies....
will hear more hard facts slowly from now.....then they will show hands.....

29-01-12, 07:49
UK economy shrinks in Q4, raising recession fears

January 28th, 2012

this AAA rating will in recession in 1-2 quarter time....
actually most Europe & G7.....all already in....what else can expect from the world....those small one, what can they do.....
look at BDI....look like all global trade & business have halted....
check with most MNC, you will know....big pay cut & retrenchment are coming....because most will be losing money or bankrupt later.....

29-01-12, 07:53
.....trying to change your tune? ...throwing out a red herring?
Hello any1 home Ur head made of stone?
Stick to topic. U no help. Sit boy. Sit n hear
When things change we change la Our tactic
Idiot or moron stick 2 principles n die

29-01-12, 07:55
ok....going to have some fun....
all of you can continue with your slavery dream.....

29-01-12, 08:28
With regards to constant cries for adjusted/lower property price(s), I am ver much perplexed the fact that the price for the properties regardless HDB, privated or landed is still holding steady and resilient against the bear's talk.

In view of today's uncertainty and tomorrow random unpredictable economy outlook and situation, it seems that many Singaporean especially the younger generation are very confident and optimistic for the coming years.

I like to seek all of wise men/women opinions and comments: Are we inflating this property trend and transforming it to a bubble? Even if there is negativity news looming and discouraging news from Europe, that does not deter Singaporean or/and foreigners investing in our properties. Is our properties really that valuable, robust and resilient to world economy?

Last, though Fed has expressed openly low interest is to stay till late 2014; does that means Sibor/SOR rate in Singapore regulated by MAS will going to follow the Fed strategy in parallel? Are the banks ready to commit high interest risk business with low profit margin?

I am perplexed...and confuse; can someone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 09:00
"living in denail" - just about sums you up you silly little boy.

We are witnessing an angry young schoolboy posting rubbish.

Ignorant fool should shut up and stop embarrassing himself.


29-01-12, 09:13
"living in denail" - just about sums you up you silly little boy.

We are witnessing an angry young schoolboy posting rubbish.

Ignorant fool should shut up and stop embarrassing himself.


this most stupid moron....haha......

29-01-12, 09:21
Nice set up for the perfect storm.....

this is by me, not cut & paste....
take yrs to unfold....later this yr you will know....
all these is not 4D, you tio or not tonight.....
these are like pregnant....you have to wait 10 months to see the real thing...
only fools keep shouting here where is the crash.....only fools can't see the storm is right in front of them....
wait 2-3 yrs to see property down >50% from last yr price......$2mil become $800k & more to come.....

29-01-12, 09:26
Nice set up for the perfect storm.....

this is by me, not cut & paste....
take yrs to unfold....later this yr you will know....
all these is not 4D, you tio or not tonight.....
these are like pregnant....you have to wait 10 months to see the real thing...
only fools keep shouting here where is the crash.....only fools can't see the storm is right in front of them....
wait 2-3 yrs to see property down >50% from last yr price......$2mil become $800k & more to come.....

well said..;)

29-01-12, 09:35
Is Fed Running Out of Tools to Boost Economic Growth?

January 27th, 2012

sure....no more tools liao...unlike 2008 lehman crisis, this time, no more bullet, just wait to die.....
Spore property will die very pain due to Khaw undecisiveness....he should just go all out...dump tons of lands out every weeks.....build few $100k of HDB immediately....just do it, he worry here & there, create more problems eventually.....
everything is too late now.....late is still better than not doing anythng....let see he wake up or not.....

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 09:57


29-01-12, 10:21
Nice set up for the perfect storm.....

this is by me, not cut & paste....
take yrs to unfold....later this yr you will know....
all these is not 4D, you tio or not tonight.....
these are like pregnant....you have to wait 10 months to see the real thing...
only fools keep shouting here where is the crash.....only fools can't see the storm is right in front of them....
wait 2-3 yrs to see property down >50% from last yr price......$2mil become $800k & more to come.....

yes yes yes pls come true I am sure many pple want this to happen then can buy....

dream on

29-01-12, 10:33
I predict Ben's USD Ang pow to flow into asia and push up stocks and property prices further. ABSD can only block out some of that invasion. Locally, most expats will receive a massive pay rise this year due to the recent increment of minimum salaries for employment visas. More expat salary results more money chasing after rental apartments which will cause rentals to at least hold at current levels even as supply of apartments increases.

The property boom party is now officially extended to 2014!

29-01-12, 10:41
My 2cents worth of advice: Do not worry about future property prices. Invest within your means and with a long term view in mind.

29-01-12, 10:45
Empty vessels make the most noise.
No point screaming in big bold words.
Only time will tell.....

Agree with Rosy to invest within your means.

29-01-12, 10:46
Wait till CM on ABSD gets revised

29-01-12, 10:48
Have 2 Cheong if things move up
Situations change 1 cannot be bear or bull lifetime

When winter b a bear hibernate
When it's summer all charge

29-01-12, 10:56
Have 2 Cheong if things move up
Situations change 1 cannot be bear or bull lifetime

When winter b a bear hibernate
When it's summer all charge

It does make sense but I do not think it is suitable with regards to real estate investment.

I prefer to time my purchase with regards to equities and definitely not real estate. Real estate is very illiquid and transaction cost is too high to make frequent buy/sell viable.

29-01-12, 11:02
Empty vessels make the most noise.
No point screaming in big bold words.
Only time will tell.....

Agree with Rosy to invest within your means.

this is another rubbish....
I am away for 2 weeks, so many bull posting, you keep quiet....I just came back with posting, your rubbish noise is here....
typical of biased rubbish fool....
with biased mind, you just bound to fail, that is all......
rosy?? haha......now is within mean?? is the world spend within mean now?? what if the world & spore has spent 100x out of their mean now.....
all these jokers......

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 11:07
"with biased mind, you just bound to fail, that is all"

Well said so accurate and you admit it.

You did it. YOU FAILED.

What a fool.

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 11:08
And cannot speak BASIC English.

Stupid schoolboy.

29-01-12, 11:11
this is another rubbish....
I am away for 2 weeks, so many bull posting, you keep quiet....I just came back with posting, your rubbish noise is here....
typical of biased rubbish fool....
with biased mind, you just bound to fail, that is all......
rosy?? haha......now is within mean?? is the world spend within mean now?? what if the world & spore has spent 100x out of their mean now.....
all these jokers......

Hey.... welcome back from your holiday!
One man's trash is another's treasure!

29-01-12, 11:17
Hey.... welcome back from your holiday!
One man's trash is another's treasure!

continue to treasure your rubbish......

29-01-12, 11:17
rosy?? haha......now is within mean?? is the world spend within mean now?? what if the world & spore has spent 100x out of their mean now.....
all these jokers......

You do not treat other forummers with respect.

What is wrong to buy anything within one's means of affordability?

29-01-12, 11:23
With regards to constant cries for adjusted/lower property price(s), I am ver much perplexed the fact that the price for the properties regardless HDB, privated or landed is still holding steady and resilient against the bear's talk.

In view of today's uncertainty and tomorrow random unpredictable economy outlook and situation, it seems that many Singaporean especially the younger generation are very confident and optimistic for the coming years.

I like to seek all of wise men/women opinions and comments: Are we inflating this property trend and transforming it to a bubble? Even if there is negativity news looming and discouraging news from Europe, that does not deter Singaporean or/and foreigners investing in our properties. Is our properties really that valuable, robust and resilient to world economy?

Last, though Fed has expressed openly low interest is to stay till late 2014; does that means Sibor/SOR rate in Singapore regulated by MAS will going to follow the Fed strategy in parallel? Are the banks ready to commit high interest risk business with low profit margin?

I am perplexed...and confuse; can someone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

there is really no answer to the suitation right now. If it breaks it breaks.
i think we will need to take a balanced approach. if you already have property on hand, just read more and watch the show unfold.

however, if one is in need of a roof, just buy within yr means.

as of now there is a pressure for the price to come down. Maybe you can still buy a good unit at current market price. owner is more willing to negotiate esp those bou in 2009 at low price.

However, my agent told me there are "robbers" who request a 100k drop and so far still no luck.

29-01-12, 11:30
You do not treat other forummers with respect.

What is wrong to buy anything within one's means of affordability?

respect?? read thru' this thread....
I did not reply you, I replied to buttercap, so read from his posting....

anythng wrong to ask "now is within mean?? is the world spend within mean now?? what if the world & spore has spent 100x out of their mean now....."

29-01-12, 11:31
The supply will not come until 4 years later! Yes, 4 years later! It takes 4 years to TOP from new launch, especially if the condo estates are not fully sold and hence developers will slow the construction work for sales to catch up. :rolleyes:
For HDB flats, new supply will not come until 8 years later (3 years construction + 5 years MOP)! (unless got illegal sub-letting before MOP is up, which I heard is very common nowsadays (which means the current HDB flats demand is fake - those people just want to buy a "lottery" and hence demands mature estates and near town HDB flats!), see recent 1 case being prosecuted) :doh:

I predict Ben's USD Ang pow to flow into asia and push up stocks and property prices further. ABSD can only block out some of that invasion. Locally, most expats will receive a massive pay rise this year due to the recent increment of minimum salaries for employment visas. More expat salary results more money chasing after rental apartments which will cause rentals to at least hold at current levels even as supply of apartments increases.

The property boom party is now officially extended to 2014!

29-01-12, 11:34
all these morons here.....real morons.....

I said 500x below in this thread....yet they can't read, not moron, what else.....haha....real moron.....




Very sorry, actually right from the beginning till now I didn't bothered to read all your "copy & paste" of bad news .. am I consider a moron oso??

Totally never read all "copy & paste" consider a moron or not??:D

29-01-12, 11:37
respect?? read thru' this thread....
I did not reply you, I replied to buttercap, so read from his posting....

anythng wrong to ask "now is within mean?? is the world spend within mean now?? what if the world & spore has spent 100x out of their mean now....."
Glad that you agree with me about spending within our means.

I did not question on your comment about overspending in the west now.

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 11:38
Basic is a moron cos he can't speek ingrish.

29-01-12, 11:39
Very sorry, actually right from the beginning till now I didn't bothered to read all your "copy & paste" of bad news .. am I consider a moron oso??

Totally never read all "copy & paste" consider a moron or not??:D

real moron talks......

29-01-12, 11:41
Glad that you agree with me about spending within our means.

I did not question on your comment about overspending in the west now.

live within mean is definitely correct....
overspending is not only in the west.....spore is even worst than west, just wait to explode.....
whatever overspend in the past....from 2012, all has to start to pay back....see for yourself.....

29-01-12, 11:42
real moron talks......
I never read oso consider a moron:banghead:

29-01-12, 11:52

overspending is not only in the west.....spore is even worst than west, just wait to explode.....

Why s'pore is worse than the west in terms of overspending?

29-01-12, 11:56
Why s'pore is worse than the west in terms of overspending?

mortgage loan, debt is 1 big junk......also others, find out yourself....

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 11:59
.....spore is even worst than west

Basic English... ha ha ha

Who would listen to such a moron?


29-01-12, 12:00
If you so good at making money, why you end up homeless and need to stoop to the level of renting from people?
that is why you people is frog in the well.....will never know what is going on in this world.....
I will not tell you reason here....go & find out yourself.....
tons of ways to make money, with skill, knowledge & experiences....only fools & morons here rush in to spore property, a dead end & be slave for the rest of their life.....

29-01-12, 12:01
mortgage loan, debt is 1 big junk......also others, find out yourself....
I am refering to national level.

It is fine if you do not want to share.

Alan Shearer
29-01-12, 12:02
mortgage loan, debt is 1 big junk......also others, find out yourself....

More meaningless rants.

29-01-12, 12:02
continue to treasure your rubbish......

You got any "rubbish" property to donate to me ?

29-01-12, 12:05
If you so good at making money, why you end up homeless and need to stoop to the level of renting from people?

big LIAR.....said it 100x, still can't read.....
moron fool.....

29-01-12, 12:06
Basic has been giving me the impression that he is not very willing to share his knowledge over the forum.

It makes me wonder why he is sharing all the global bad news with us and also giving us such kind warnings/dangers ahead of us so willingly.

29-01-12, 12:07
You got any "rubbish" property to donate to me ?


29-01-12, 12:08
Basic has been giving me the impression that he is not very willing to share his knowledge over the forum.

It makes me wonder why he is sharing all the global bad news with us and also giving us such kind warnings/dangers ahead of us so willingly.

>95% in this forum personal attacking & badmouth me, should I share with such clowns??.....
those bad news already a blessing to all these rubbish.....1-2 yrs later, you will know what I mean....

29-01-12, 12:11
German is trying to force Greece to exit the EU under the latest plan
January 28th, 2012

Honestly, as a German I don’t ****ing care about the Greek political system. And why should I? It’s none of my business.
January 28th, 2012

all these rubbish?? ......
when it explode & spread to others PIIGS, it's 30x bigger than lehman bros in 2008.....
lehman bros push spore property down 30% wihtin 6 months, this one will be much worse....no more tools from FED & bernanke this time, whatever print has to unwinding....all these will be very nice....
lehman bros brought STI from 3920 to 1465....this time??....
Greece will be down & gone in next 1-2 months.....show will unfold.....
buy more stocks & property now.....

29-01-12, 12:18
If you so good at making money, why you end up homeless and need to stoop to the level of renting from people?

big LIAR.....said it 100x, still can't read.....
moron fool.....

You die die also dare not post which rental flat you are staying now of course can't read lah!

Otherwise I tot of forming a group visit to your place to see whether you still alright...:(

29-01-12, 12:26
You die die also dare not post which rental flat you are staying now of course can't read lah!

Otherwise I tot of forming a group visit to your place to see whether you still alright...:(

no problem.....my place can entertain 300-500 people party anytime....
moron fool....

29-01-12, 12:27

Donate is different hor.....
You can claim tax relief.
If you give money to begger.... no nobody knows.
I agree with alan shearer.....
What grade did you get for English?

29-01-12, 12:30
You rent a 3 room hdb flat of course can book the void deck downstairs to entertain even 1000 people.
no problem.....my place can entertain 300-500 people party anytime....
moron fool....

29-01-12, 12:31
no problem.....my place can entertain 300-500 people party anytime....
moron fool....

Wow!!!: :scared-5:
Your rental must be damn expensive!! :not-worthy:
Your landlord is damn lucky person to have such a rich & long term rental supporter like u..:cheers4:

29-01-12, 12:34
Donate is different hor.....
You can claim tax relief.
If you give money to begger.... no nobody knows.
I agree with alan shearer.....
What grade did you get for English?

whatever against me, you agree...nothing news here....
you need donation??.....

29-01-12, 12:36
You rent a 3 room hdb flat of course can book the void deck downstairs to entertain even 1000 people.

Hopefully Mr. B don't mean by using his void deck lor

29-01-12, 12:38
I hope IMH is not where u r staying? If so people here will be more forgiving to you.

no problem.....my place can entertain 300-500 people party anytime....
moron fool....

29-01-12, 14:47
that is why you people is frog in the well.....will never know what is going on in this world.....
I will not tell you reason here....go & find out yourself.....
tons of ways to make money, with skill, knowledge & experiences....only fools & morons here rush in to spore property, a dead end & be slave for the rest of their life.....
.....hmmmm standard answer.....again.

29-01-12, 14:55
can the moderator pls close this thread? it's getting really ridiculous, painful and even cancerous to read.

29-01-12, 14:59
can the moderator pls close this thread? it's getting really ridiculous, painful and even cancerous to read.
....hey its a free world....anyone can choose to read or not to read, and I hope nobody take all these craps seriously...........itS ALL MAINLY TALKING rot.....hahahaha

29-01-12, 17:02
With regards to constant cries for adjusted/lower property price(s), I am ver much perplexed the fact that the price for the properties regardless HDB, privated or landed is still holding steady and resilient against the bear's talk.

This has to do with sentiment and sentiment will not died down within a month unless a black swan event happened. Give it another few more months and assess again.

In view of today's uncertainty and tomorrow random unpredictable economy outlook and situation, it seems that many Singaporean especially the younger generation are very confident and optimistic for the coming years.

Younger generation in general has not gone thru any baptism of fire and has not experience much economic 'pain' so naturally will be more optimistic. Will ample job opportunities here it's again normal to be optimistic.

I like to seek all of wise men/women opinions and comments: Are we inflating this property trend and transforming it to a bubble? Even if there is negativity news looming and discouraging news from Europe, that does not deter Singaporean or/and foreigners investing in our properties. Is our properties really that valuable, robust and resilient to world economy?

For a bubble to form it requires very high level of credit. Japan, U.S. property bubbles were caused by massive amount of credit. In Spore context, the level of property loan, credit, is still within 'normal' level. However, as Spore is extremely sensitive to external shocks, any major out flow of funds will have a significant impact on us. Looking at things now, we might see some level of out flow this year, be it Obama propsed new tax law or EU deleveraging, there will be impact if out flows is significant. Otherwise, property prices correction might be limited unless we see another round of massive job loss.

Last, though Fed has expressed openly low interest is to stay till late 2014; does that means Sibor/SOR rate in Singapore regulated by MAS will going to follow the Fed strategy in parallel? Are the banks ready to commit high interest risk business with low profit margin?

I'm no economist but I'll try my best to answer this...
Fed has expressed low interest rate policy until 2014 DOES NOT mean they will not revise their stance. The reason why Fed said that is becoz they do not want the market to second guess when is the next rate hike since the focus is now on U.S. economy to pick up. Therefore, Fed cleared this uncertainty and assure the market that rates will be kept low.

MAS has no influnce on SIBOR/SOR. Spore monetary policy is thru currency and NOT interest rate.

Between SIBOR & SOR, go for SIBOR if you want less volatility. Both rates will be affected by US rates.

I am perplexed...and confuse; can someone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

Hope I cleared some of your doubts.

29-01-12, 17:26
Hope I cleared some of your doubts.
fairly reasonable answers and outlook

29-01-12, 17:29
I believe property prices will be trading within a tight range due to all the sequential CMs we had since 2009. weaker holders and speculators should have already reduce or sold all their properties by now.

29-01-12, 17:45
I believe property prices will be trading within a tight range due to all the sequential CMs we had since 2009. weaker holders and speculators should have already reduce or sold all their properties by now.

I think to say that the younger generation (like me) has not seen major shocks is not correct. Younger generation has seen how the shocks hit their parents era and how property prices stay resilient.

Other than once (in 1997), when property prices drop until cannot stand up again, there are no other instances.

So unless people are convinced that the 1997 crash is going to happen again. Property is one of the best investment u can find. Company can collapse overnight (eg Lehman) but for property, at most drop 10-20%. But if u wait long enough, it will always bounce back. It is supported by inflation.

Dont believe ? Ask the hoaders in this forum.

Stay Calm and Cool

29-01-12, 18:04
can the moderator pls close this thread? it's getting really ridiculous, painful and even cancerous to read.

Please don't close this thread lah... there's no better place for me to dump my "rubbish" lor:character0029:

29-01-12, 18:26
Hope I cleared some of your doubts.

Hi, your explanation and views are clear and concise.

Are there any more inputs and opinions; I hope to read more of anyones' perspective.

I would love to have 2nd property like many other Singaporean, however assuming everyone behaves the same way as I am, can this domestic market really support the level of "available" units out there in this island?

This is disturbing...

29-01-12, 18:39
The opportunity cost to add on to your portfolio now is too high :2cents:

29-01-12, 19:34
Hi, your explanation and views are clear and concise.

Are there any more inputs and opinions; I hope to read more of anyones' perspective.

I would love to have 2nd property like many other Singaporean, however assuming everyone behaves the same way as I am, can this domestic market really support the level of "available" units out there in this island?

This is disturbing...

i think you can hold on. no hurry to rush in now.

29-01-12, 23:44
I would love to have 2nd property like many other Singaporean, however assuming everyone behaves the same way as I am, can this domestic market really support the level of "available" units out there in this island?

This is disturbing...

I can only say that there are many many others like your good self.
So do bear in mind you are not the minority.

People like your good self is providing very strong support for the market.

My advice to you is, if you find something 10% below valuation and FH - just grab!

Stay Calm and Cool

30-01-12, 04:25
Hi, your explanation and views are clear and concise.

Are there any more inputs and opinions; I hope to read more of anyones' perspective.

I would love to have 2nd property like many other Singaporean, however assuming everyone behaves the same way as I am, can this domestic market really support the level of "available" units out there in this island?

This is disturbing...
...what is disturbing?

......that there are many who can afford it?...and you are envious?
......that you might have missed the boat?.........because the market might get saturated? ...and hoping the govt would step in to preserve this dream rather than allow market forces to play it out?

...I am not attacking anyone here , but I am thinking aloud by putting myself in the shoe of those who have the same dream....is this the cause of the clamour for more?

Is this why many are hoping for govt to step in to preserve this dream for them....at least until they get their 2nd/3rd property, rather than allow market forces to play it out....

30-01-12, 08:04
If the trends weren't so "disturbing", prices could possible be fairly higher than what it is now. The disturbance has created general cautiousness in the last 3 years. You might have a lot of people shouting Huat ah in this forum but generally people out there were distinctively cautious.

30-01-12, 08:24
Basically I feel the primary role the goverment Play is at least help Singaporean. Have a roof over their head.

The 2nd 3rd 4th home dream is up to individual n capability. Cannot blame Goverment for every darn thing. So if already have 4 prop price drop blame Goverment again?

That's greed.

30-01-12, 09:13
But if govt interrupt free market forces in private property market too much with CMs, then can blame right? You see, just when property owners are starting to see good time only (esp CCR property owners), they come out with so many CMs, especially the latest ones that target foreigners, knowingly full well that foreigners are mostly CCR buyers. Bad time whatever they do is useless since property prices won't recover until economy recover. Don't blame them blame who?
Worst of all, their job is to ensure that HDB flats are affordable and we are seeing almost $1m DBSS HDB flats & resale HDB flats! Are they failing in their job? The one that needs their strong action didn't see action early (HDB flats market), not even now; The one that don't need their action they come out so many CMs! Ops! :beats-me-man:

Basically I feel the primary role the goverment Play is at least help Singaporean. Have a roof over their head.

The 2nd 3rd 4th home dream is up to individual n capability. Cannot blame Goverment for every darn thing. So if already have 4 prop price drop blame Goverment again?

That's greed.

30-01-12, 09:46
Hi, your explanation and views are clear and concise.

Are there any more inputs and opinions; I hope to read more of anyones' perspective.

I would love to have 2nd property like many other Singaporean, however assuming everyone behaves the same way as I am, can this domestic market really support the level of "available" units out there in this island?

This is disturbing...

Maybe you would like to read more views on Sg property at the below thread, i dont know maybe it would be informative and helpful to you..


30-01-12, 12:38
...what is disturbing?

......that there are many who can afford it?...and you are envious?
......that you might have missed the boat?.........because the market might get saturated? ...and hoping the govt would step in to preserve this dream rather than allow market forces to play it out?

...I am not attacking anyone here , but I am thinking aloud by putting myself in the shoe of those who have the same dream....is this the cause of the clamour for more?

Is this why many are hoping for govt to step in to preserve this dream for them....at least until they get their 2nd/3rd property, rather than allow market forces to play it out....

How to always intervene ?

Like Watertown now sold more than 750 units already !
Parc Rosewood hitting 200 units real soon !

And please dont tell me second/third property, these are real demands of heartlanders with loads of cash on hand. And they are driving up the prices.

Year of Dragon - Prices will crash 20-30% ?
Better record the names of these analysts and ask them to explain in Q2 or Q3 12.

Stay Calm and Cool

30-01-12, 12:58
How to always intervene ?

Like Watertown now sold more than 750 units already !
Parc Rosewood hitting 200 units real soon !

And please dont tell me second/third property, these are real demands of heartlanders with loads of cash on hand. And they are driving up the prices.

Year of Dragon - Prices will crash 20-30% ?
Better record the names of these analysts and ask them to explain in Q2 or Q3 12.

Stay Calm and Cool

Yes. Parc Rosewood news came out in Todays newspaper. Without mall, without mrt and highway directly infront, still can sell at this rate. Close to 1000psf discount price.

30-01-12, 13:07
Yes. Parc Rosewood news came out in Todays newspaper. Without mall, without mrt and highway directly infront, still can sell at this rate. Close to 1000psf discount price.

This brings me to a very very interesting question.

Is there somewhere we can check how many Rich Singaporeans are there now with say $500,000 or more HARD cash sitting in the bank account ?
Then we can estimate how many Watertowns they can cheong before they run out of steam ?

I suspect there are easily tens of thousands of them here, there.

Who bank account for more than $500K sitting idle now ? Khee Chiu! Khee Chiu!

Stay Calm and Cool (trying ...)

30-01-12, 14:59
It wasnt too long ago that nobody wants any condo in Woodlands and EC there sells below 400 psf and relatively new condo sells for 600 psf....At 1000 psf for a far flung condo, i am amzed...That just shows that the CMs target the wrong segment....

30-01-12, 15:10
It wasnt too long ago that nobody wants any condo in Woodlands and EC there sells below 400 psf and relatively new condo sells for 600 psf....At 1000 psf for a far flung condo, i am amzed...That just shows that the CMs target the wrong segment....

was chatting with an agent and it seems that CM may have an unintended effect on some buyers especially those who are not caught by the CM, e.g. hdb upgraders or new buyers who are eligible to loan up to max 80% and no ABSD. This segment could feel that this is their chance to "grab" as "others" are now excluded from buying. Sounds illogical to me though...

of cos i'm sure this is not representative of the general buyer profile.

30-01-12, 15:12
Pentagon Seeks Mightier Bomb vs. Iran

Chinese supertankers hired for Iran oil

January 28th, 2012

Iran to Stop Oil Sales to Europe This Week

January 28th, 2012

UN Team & Iran’s EU Embargo

January 28th, 2012

get ready for this in next 1-2 months too....
this news so quiet now....only fools so forgetful & focus in wrong thing forever....
many slept whole days & life...never wake up & do not know what to look out for....only when thing happen then that panic like spiders....
yet attacking the person actually helping them....haha...this is life....they praying the one slaughter them.....

‘Dr Doom’ – economist who predicted financial meltdown of 2008 – now warns Iran conflict ‘could spiral economy into global recession’

January 29th, 2012

sure....all those fools still shouting buy buy buy....property & stock.....the more theybuy the better...then market can crash harder soon....
Iran war is the same as Greece...just a matter of time...bith will happen about the same time...double happiness....market will be in super panic....

only fools fooled by all the fake data & shouting by developers....using MM unit to boost psf.....spore really have tons of brainless, they dese5ve to be bankrupt, so no point to bailout such fools in time to come....

all BB already dump most of their holding, get ready to short all the way down.....show is about to start....many will jump reservoir in next 2-3 yrs.....remember, they deserve it.....

30-01-12, 15:17
French FinMin: Crisis is of “violent,” “unprecedented” kind

January 30, 2012

France downgraded...Sharkozy going to out in Apr....
many Euro zone already in recession.....greece GDP is -6% last yr, Portugal is big negative too....many in same boats, plus almost all will see red GDP this yr again....including non PIIGS.....
UK too....likely in red this yr....
show is going to start next month....of course, these 2 nights will have preview....
Greece will be down & gone, followed by Portugal, Italy, Spain...then the whole Euro zone collapse, breakup....new Euro currency....
spread to the world UK, Japan, China, US.....
2012 is the beginning, 2013 worse, 2014 even worse....
so waiting for spore property to collapse....only fools still buy now.....no upside, downside is easily >50% in 2-3 yrs time......haha...still got people buy on such risk-return.....

30-01-12, 15:20
We’re on the brink, warns Greece ahead of summit

January 30, 2012

warn for what?? bailout?? Germany is all ready to show hands....
want to go, get lost....
all these beggers.....
same to US & Spore....all the rubbish printing country....will be down 1 by 1 in time to come....

30-01-12, 15:23
Fitch places major Australian banks on rating watch negative

January 30, 2012

Russia sold US bond, bought Australia bond....
now Australia also kena....
so US is going to deal with all countries, stealing their business....
many already started to dumped US bonds including China.....more to come....
let see how US to kill everyone eventually.....
elephant fight is good.....

30-01-12, 15:25
Sigh...... we were just having a productive and intelligent conversation then suddenly all the RED letters start bombarding us again.... :D

30-01-12, 15:27
20 Signs That Europe Is Plunging Into A Full-Blown Economic Depression And It Is Just The Beginning of The Nightmare For Most European Nations

January 29th, 2012

sure...very clear sign already shown last yr...
now is action time....
tons of action in netx 1-2 months....bond matured....Germany show hands...
US economy going to sink again after some fake data....
push up stock to a level, can't go any further....no volume rally, who lost big?? this time retailers are smarter, stay sideline, mostly govt 7 funds play among themselves....nobody want to own those rubbish papers.....
wait for their blood fight later......of course will sink global stock market eventually.....wait patiently.....

30-01-12, 15:29
Sigh...... we were just having a productive and intelligent conversation then suddenly all the RED letters start bombarding us again.... :D

all the morons talk....
can create a thread & talk else where....get lost.....
so worry of this thread.......

30-01-12, 15:31
all the morons talk....
can create a thread & talk else where....get lost.....
so worry of this thread.......

ya lah ya lah....
all morons lah...

Only those who preach that the world is coming to an end is a saint lah...

30-01-12, 15:43
it is easy to quote negative number

here it comes, big plunge in Baltic Dry Index this month:


30-01-12, 15:49
it is easy to quote negative number

here it comes, big plunge in Baltic Dry Index this month:


this chart is not nice enough....
BDI actually sink below 726.....
this is definitely significant.....no trade, no business...shipping company operate in negative earning....all lost big money with current high oil price, will go higher in next 1-2 months....

but NOL, Cosco....cheong till very shiok....haha...this is the world today....all no business but stock cheong....I already unloaded most of my shares after CNY......bulls better hold tight tight.......

BDI down 90+% from recent top.....
many thing will down >90% in netx few yrs......

30-01-12, 16:29
How to always intervene ?

Like Watertown now sold more than 750 units already !
Parc Rosewood hitting 200 units real soon !

And please dont tell me second/third property, these are real demands of heartlanders with loads of cash on hand. And they are driving up the prices.

Year of Dragon - Prices will crash 20-30% ?
Better record the names of these analysts and ask them to explain in Q2 or Q3 12.

Stay Calm and Cool
hahaha, there you go again, you cannot read between the lines I guess....you seems to always misread what i am driving at....I was questioning what Yowetan was thinking when he said the trend was disturbing.....I am not saying Govt should intervene.....I am saying there is a group who is always asking the govt to step in because they are being priced out.....get it??????

Stay cool and clam and you might just get it....

30-01-12, 17:00

Jan to date, Beijing property price down 23.6% this month....
this is the way to go instead of 1-2 % per month, then more people will suffer & jump reservoir later.....
Sellers can hold & don't sell but price already down 20-30%....nobody will pay above last transacted price....
Govt must have very clear signal.....no guts will only fail.....
we will only see such drop in spore when crisis trigger....already too late....

30-01-12, 17:35
Republicans Demand Block Of US IMF Funding To Bail Out Europe
January 26th, 2012

How long can the Fed pump up the US bond bubble?
January 26th, 2012

you think evil ah ben is stupid?? QE3, 4, 5.....like Japan....
then US will sink down in next 30 yrs like Japan.....
That is why he only used lip service now.....shouted interest till 2014, he also knows he will not be around in 2014......
rate is on the way to rise slowly....by end of the yr, you will see up at a faster rate....
once US wants to break away from Japan low growth for next 30 yrs....then rate will shoot to double digits within months....
economy determines property crash....not rate.....Japan low rate & QE printed $$ crash their property by >90% now.....

30-01-12, 17:42
杭州部分楼盘一夜跌回3年前 降价成主旋律

China down reserved rate...property still crash big way....
it all about bubble & economy....
Hangzhou porperty overnight back to 3 yrs ago price.....that is low of 2009....
once developers is squeezed, they need funds, they have to sell at lost...
why buy?? squeeze these rubbish hard since our govt has no balls.....we have to be unite & show the rubbish govt....
Japan, US...per capita income is much higher than us...but their property is much lower.....Spore per capita is super low if we remove top 10% earners....unlike western countries & Japan, their toilet cleaner is almost engineers' pay....

30-01-12, 20:16
To Basic

I really like all the stuff that you post, very interesting and informative .

Thanks for sharing

30-01-12, 21:15
To Basic

I really like all the stuff that you post, very interesting and informative .

Thanks for sharing

Hello Useless Follower cum inexperience smarian bro, how are you lor..:D

Cannot survive over at sg-house below.. come over here join your KING OF ALL FAILURE bro Mr. B hah.. haha:D

Where is your young kok bro David Lim leh.. ask him come over here have fun leh, since your thread over there "Price decreasing for singapore property" been talking since 2008 talking till now only left a few FAILURES talking only.. Oh I mean doing "copy & paste" of bad news just like Mr. B :D


30-01-12, 21:28
Only two groups of people qualify to be friends with MrB, those who are homeless and those who are tenants :doh: :doh:
Hello Useless Follower cum inexperience smarian bro, how are you lor..:D

Cannot survive over at sg-house below.. come over here join your KING OF ALL FAILURE bro Mr. B hah.. haha:D

Where is your young kok bro David Lim leh.. ask him come over here have fun leh, since your thread over there "Price decreasing for singapore property" been talking since 2008 talking till now only left a few FAILURES talking only.. Oh I mean doing "copy & paste" of bad news just like Mr. B :D


30-01-12, 21:42
Wah! Like that you also can dig out. Pei fu pei fu! :D
Since late 2008, many website and forum threads singing gloom and doom of private property prices. Some have gone dead, some have persisted till now, while some have re-incarnated into another forum names to sing the same old tune. Really pity them for being "homeless" for so long....... :ashamed1:
Want to make money or buy cheap cheap? Have to take some risk lah, wait for the forever truly "bottom-less" bottom that will never come or come and see them go (like in early 2009)? :doh:

Hello Useless Follower cum inexperience smarian bro, how are you lor..:D

Cannot survive over at sg-house below.. come over here join your KING OF ALL FAILURE bro Mr. B hah.. haha:D

Where is your young kok bro David Lim leh.. ask him come over here have fun leh, since your thread over there "Price decreasing for singapore property" been talking since 2008 talking till now only left a few FAILURES talking only.. Oh I mean doing "copy & paste" of bad news just like Mr. B :D


30-01-12, 21:52
Wah! Like that you also can dig out. Pei fu pei fu! :D
Since late 2008, many website and forum threads singing gloom and doom of private property prices. Some have gone dead, some have persisted till now, while some have re-incarnated into another forum names to sing the same old tune. Really pity them for being "homeless" for so long....... :ashamed1:
Want to make money or buy cheap cheap? Have to take some risk lah, wait for the forever truly "bottom-less" bottom that will never come or come and see them go (like in early 2009)? :doh:

If you have the patient to read thru the thread, you will realised that their KING OF ALL FAILURE KING DIVA already go MIA long ago liao.. Most of DIVA'S (USELESS) FOLLOWERS also go MIA.. now only left like 3 USELESS FOLLOWERS.. smarian / David Lim / newsgcitizen :D :D :D

30-01-12, 22:01
‘Dr Doom’ – economist who predicted financial meltdown of 2008 – now warns Iran conflict ‘could spiral economy into global recession’

January 29th, 2012

sure....all those fools still shouting buy buy buy....property & stock.....the more theybuy the better...then market can crash harder soon....
Iran war is the same as Greece...just a matter of time...bith will happen about the same time...double happiness....market will be in super panic....

only fools fooled by all the fake data & shouting by developers....using MM unit to boost psf.....spore really have tons of brainless, they dese5ve to be bankrupt, so no point to bailout such fools in time to come....

all BB already dump most of their holding, get ready to short all the way down.....show is about to start....many will jump reservoir in next 2-3 yrs.....remember, they deserve it.....

Really an eye opener --- Thanks Mr B

30-01-12, 22:58
Ah B is indeed right man!

Singapore property price index actually did crashed by 0.8% in Dec 2011.

And then in Jan 2012, new condo sales volume will rebound by more than 100% from Dec 2011. the impact on price ?

Stay Calm and Cool

30-01-12, 22:59
This is so worrisome !

If property price keep declining 0.8% each month, in 50 months it will drop 40% ! Gosh!! How ? Quickly sell now at 20% discount ?

Stay Calm and Cool

30-01-12, 23:07
This is so worrisome !

If property price keep declining 0.8% each month, in 50 months it will drop 40% ! Gosh!! How ? Quickly sell now at 20% discount ?

Stay Calm and Cool

Mathematically incorrect

30-01-12, 23:12
Mathematically incorrect

You win lor!

Each month drop 0.8% for 50 months later, properties will be VERY cheap for all to buy. Ok ?

30-01-12, 23:25
Very Good!!!Best drop to s$500psf!!!:cool:

31-01-12, 05:31
Hello Useless Follower cum inexperience smarian bro, how are you lor..:D

Cannot survive over at sg-house below.. come over here join your KING OF ALL FAILURE bro Mr. B hah.. haha:D

Where is your young kok bro David Lim leh.. ask him come over here have fun leh, since your thread over there "Price decreasing for singapore property" been talking since 2008 talking till now only left a few FAILURES talking only.. Oh I mean doing "copy & paste" of bad news just like Mr. B :D


typical of moron fool....
haha...if I am failure, your whole family, from grandfather to son, BEG in street now.....
real moron.....

31-01-12, 05:32
Only two groups of people qualify to be friends with MrB, those who are homeless and those who are tenants :doh: :doh:

LIAR king cum moron.....another stupid fool....

31-01-12, 05:37
If you have the patient to read thru the thread, you will realised that their KING OF ALL FAILURE KING DIVA already go MIA long ago liao.. Most of DIVA'S (USELESS) FOLLOWERS also go MIA.. now only left like 3 USELESS FOLLOWERS.. smarian / David Lim / newsgcitizen :D :D :D

real moron, can't read.....
If you shouted property cheong since 1998....you ahouted for 8-9 yrs, market also fcuk care of you....
I just started 3 months ago.....already price down......
I said price down >50% in 2-3 yrs time......be patient to wait for 2-3 yrs instead of if you shouted for 8-9 yrs for nothing.......

real moron....within 1 yr you will know what will happen in 2-3 yrs time...

31-01-12, 05:40
Ah B is indeed right man!

Singapore property price index actually did crashed by 0.8% in Dec 2011.

And then in Jan 2012, new condo sales volume will rebound by more than 100% from Dec 2011. the impact on price ?

Stay Calm and Cool

real moron...did not read my earlier post yesterday??...
only read what you want to read?? then you will be bankrupt soon....
Spore day is coming soon....much bigger drop than China....


Jan to date, Beijing property price down 23.6% this month....
this is the way to go instead of 1-2 % per month, then more people will suffer & jump reservoir later.....
Sellers can hold & don't sell but price already down 20-30%....nobody will pay above last transacted price....
Govt must have very clear signal.....no guts will only fail.....
we will only see such drop in spore when crisis trigger....already too late....

31-01-12, 05:43
This is so worrisome !

If property price keep declining 0.8% each month, in 50 months it will drop 40% ! Gosh!! How ? Quickly sell now at 20% discount ?

Stay Calm and Cool

stupid moron....1 more posted yesterday, you also blind to read.....
real moron.....

杭州部分楼盘一夜跌回3年前 降价成主旋律

China down reserved rate...property still crash big way....
it all about bubble & economy....
Hangzhou porperty overnight back to 3 yrs ago price.....that is low of 2009....
once developers is squeezed, they need funds, they have to sell at lost...
why buy?? squeeze these rubbish hard since our govt has no balls.....we have to be unite & show the rubbish govt....
Japan, US...per capita income is much higher than us...but their property is much lower.....Spore per capita is super low if we remove top 10% earners....unlike western countries & Japan, their toilet cleaner is almost engineers' pay....

31-01-12, 05:49
Ah B is indeed right man!

Singapore property price index actually did crashed by 0.8% in Dec 2011.

And then in Jan 2012, new condo sales volume will rebound by more than 100% from Dec 2011. the impact on price ?

Stay Calm and Cool

moron, not enough....3rd one for you...
you think Spore will not be like that?? you think Spore can be better than china average 9% GDP growth for last 15 yrs??......

real moron.....believe in developers hot air fake & fraud......

Spore strong sales while almost NO sales across china in same period, 1.4Bil population sale worse than our 5 mil population?? everything will come to an end, bubble burst, in term of population, affordability, conned jobs with our govt closed both eyes.....fast & furious down like China NOW is the reply soon......
dream on lah....moron.....when you wake up, too late.....

Stunner: Shanghai New Home Prices Tumble 41% In Past Week

January 30th, 2012
More specifics from Bloomberg:
New home transactions by area plunged 89% W/w in Jan. 23-Jan. 29 to 4,400 sq/m, Uwin says in e-mailed statement.
Sales during Chinese New Year holiday decline to lowest level since 2006 for same period; volume 36% of 7-yr avg. for CNY holiday
Avg. new home price down 41% W/w
New home supplies plunged 87% W/w
Property developers may have to continue price cuts for cashflow to survive, Uwin analyst Zhijian Huang says

31-01-12, 06:18
the diff btn China & Singapore is that we have almighty HDB upgraders

but frankly speaking developers need to keep the units affordable

MM 400sqft - for absolute kiasu family who make only 5k pm
Decent 1br 5xxsqft - for PMET singles or young hippy couple who make 6k per month
SOHO - for high flying PMET singles or couple (be careful of your head) who make 8k per month

CONDO - for old birds with tonnes of money to burn or family with > 12kpm income

SKY PATIO - for the top 10% family who make 20k+ pm or landed property downgraders where sky high price is justified with canal, reservoir, GCB, sea, jungle, golf, MRT depo view :rolleyes:

31-01-12, 06:29
the diff btn China & Singapore is that we have almighty HDB upgraders

but frankly speaking developers need to keep the units affordable

MM 400sqft - for absolute kiasu family who make only 5k pm
Decent 1br 5xxsqft - for PMET singles or young hippy couple who make 6k per month
SOHO - for high flying PMET singles or couple (be careful of your head) who make 8k per month

CONDO - for old birds with tonnes of money to burn or family with > 12kpm income

SKY PATIO - for the top 10% family who make 20k+ pm or landed property downgraders where sky high price is justified with canal, reservoir, GCB, sea, jungle, golf, MRT depo view :rolleyes:

china no upgraders??.....they are smarter......
Spore rich/poor gap is super wide now.....If remove the top 10% earners, average household income will be below S$3k/m, what can they afford?? what is their disposable income after mortgage loan?? If all CPF for property purchase for next 30-40 yrs, what do they have for retirement?? medical with medisave enough for 1 jap of serious illness?....

all will come to an end.....those fools are just hot in brain now.....when sudden down plunge......they will be like lehman bros cow father & mother, all these irresponsible rubbish only wait for other taxpayers' money to bail the out....real human rubbish....govt will be out if bail them out....

haha....time is very closed & approaching.....

31-01-12, 06:34
china no upgraders??.....they are smarter......
Spore rich/poor gap is super wide now.....If remove the top 10% earners, average household income will be below S$3k/m, what can they afford?? what is their disposable income after mortgage loan?? If all CPF for property purchase for next 30-40 yrs, what do they have for retirement?? medical with medisave enough for 1 jap of serious illness?....

all will come to an end.....those fools are just hot in brain now.....when sudden down plunge......they will be like lehman bros cow father & mother, all these irresponsible rubbish only wait for other taxpayers' money to bail the out....real human rubbish....govt will be out if bail them out....

haha....time is very closed & approaching.....

that is where you get your facts wrong, median family income is 5.X k pm ... the trick is where to get that 40% down payment

31-01-12, 06:34

春节济南楼市遭遇冰封 一套房也没有成交

ZERO transaction in 2 large cities in China.....
Spore property so hot during same period???.....haha...joker....
all the recent boostful sales, you will see them in market again & again....
in paper, in propertyguru in.......all these rubbish....Sporean is even more crook than Chinese now....
look down at chinese, look at yourself.....shameful.....

31-01-12, 06:44
that is where you get your facts wrong, median family income is 5.X k pm ... the trick is where to get that 40% down payment

you trust the number??....how they play with number & tabulate...definition of population, family, income, time.....
as I have said, open floodgate, easy money, limit supply, drive by govt media....do what they like, there is limit in all these.....once trigger, all will break loose......
with many retrenchment, pay cut, unpaid leave...in last few months....
more will come, they will not adjust down forever.....

31-01-12, 06:49
春节7天津城楼市遇冷 新房卖出9套二手房零成交




春节期间多地楼市遇寒冬 上海广州仅成交十余套


only closed 2 deals each....all these cities anytime bigger than spore with more population....
spore real kelong.....hard truth only will out in 1-2 yrs time.....
all sold units will be out for sell again & again....
with such low sale & price down 20-45% in last few weeks in China....
haha......is sporean so stupid??.......

31-01-12, 07:04
How Wall St. Is Cutting Back:

January 30th, 2012

with US$trillion loan from FED to wall st. banks, they still need to cut down their headcounts & bonuses big way.....
employees in wall st. down from 400k to 200k+.....
bonuses cut by 70%....
why? with so much printed money, why can't they hire more?? push up US property price?? hire more to solve unemployemnt problem??.....
hard truth will be out soon....

31-01-12, 07:51
you trust the number??....how they play with number & tabulate...definition of population, family, income, time.....
as I have said, open floodgate, easy money, limit supply, drive by govt media....do what they like, there is limit in all these.....once trigger, all will break loose......
with many retrenchment, pay cut, unpaid leave...in last few months....
more will come, they will not adjust down forever.....

if you think the positivity reported in the media is questionable, then what about you cutting and pasting all the negative reports from the internet?