View Full Version : Waterview (D18, 99-year Leasehold, Sim Lian Group)

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17-02-13, 14:33
The picture look gloomy , cold and scary.... :(

17-02-13, 20:42
Today,my hubby finally had a chance to visit the site. He is a designer and hence, has his own perception about colours. He finds that if SL wanted to mix colours, the "crystal blue" ought to have been mixed with stronger colours, such as dark grey. Mixing it with white was a no-no as it makes the whole estate pale. Of course, if it is completely white, it was definitely safe.

Sigh. Actually, i am quite neutral since colour is reversible and i really love the tranquil feeling of the reservoir park. Nevertheless, i hope that SL would let us have a "preview" of the final product to let us know what we will be expecting.

17-02-13, 20:47
WV owners, if you don't mind an independent opinion ...... OMG!

ok now i understand why some WV owners are upset, i would be too.

17-02-13, 20:58
Actually, i am quite neutral since colour is reversible and i really love the tranquil feeling of the reservoir park.

Er... What do you mean by, "since colour is reversible"? Condos are usually painted only after 5-7 years after handover if there are sufficient funds in the sinking fund. So in the meantime, residents & owners will have to live with the colour scheme. Right now, this prospect is not something I'm looking forward to...

17-02-13, 21:58
Er... What do you mean by, "since colour is reversible"? Condos are usually painted only after 5-7 years after handover if there are sufficient funds in the sinking fund. So in the meantime, residents & owners will have to live with the colour scheme. Right now, this prospect is not something I'm looking forward to...

Compared to the environment and location which are more of a permanent nature (i.e. not something $ can buy), I thought colour is still something we can change after x years. Yep, I understand that this needs sinking funds and voting etc. However, for most condos that i know, it is quite usual that the estate is re-painted after x years.

Of course, if we can all move into a condo that is prettily painted, I am more than happy. :)

17-02-13, 23:37
It will be a sad case if EC Arc@Tampines final product is more outstanding.

18-02-13, 00:03
It will be a sad case if EC Arc@Tampines final product is more outstanding.

Arc reminds me of Mandarin Gardens ... It doesn't look too bad from the model apart from the MSCP ...

18-02-13, 09:16
Hi all,

I have last spoken to Shirley and Designlink.
My suggestion to them is to reach a win-win amicable solution for all parties: More white, less blue. i.e. 70% white, 30% blue. I quoted Clover By the Park as a good example. One glance and most pple can tell it is mostly white with some green.
Also, for them to consider on holding a briefing session with us owners. Not to vote colours but rather, to show us a visual mockup to bring down our fears and stress.

They are considering and I have given them the deadline of 25 Feb 13.
If I do not receive a reply, I will approach the media for live interview.
Sorry, but I have spent so much time, effort and $. This is not something I can stomach.

(...SL, Kopi Kar Tai, ho lim bo?) :witches-brew:


18-02-13, 09:52

I don't mean to be sarcastic, but does anyone see any "Crystal Blue" paint in this model? I think it is quite safe to say that everyone who saw the model and the brochure had the impression that Waterview would be painted white and the windows would be accented in blue glass. Is there anyone who expected the condo to be painted in "Crystal Blue" or any other colour?? :simmering:

18-02-13, 11:43
not vested but i support owners who are raising the issue with the developer. Developers should not be allowed to get away with such rubbish.

18-02-13, 12:15
can expect final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look. surely developer had done due diligence to ensure that:D

18-02-13, 12:25
can expect final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look. surely developer had done due diligence to ensure that:D

but what if it doesnt. By then it will be too late for owners.
Best time to raise dissent is now when the colour can already be clearly seen, and not wait until TOP.

18-02-13, 13:54
The HDB block is nicely painted. Funny right guys. A few HDB blocks in blue people compare the HDB to a private condo. Even more HDB in white and most of the private condominiums in white. How come no one compare these white buildings with that of HDB?

Weird isn't it? Hmmm...:confused:

i totally agree

18-02-13, 14:02
can expect final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look. surely developer had done due diligence to ensure that:D

i agree with Komo

let's wait n see.

18-02-13, 14:17
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18-02-13, 15:34
i agree with Komo

let's wait n see.

if u are buying something white, it should be white. Not any other colour. The developer will hope that u wait bcos once TOP it maybe too late and troublesome to do anything and they hope that u will just accept it, lol.

18-02-13, 17:24
i agree with Komo

let's wait n see.

Hi jjtio and Komo, please see the attached pictures and then tell me you think "the final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look." Somehow, I don't think so...

18-02-13, 18:28
Hi jjtio and Komo, please see the attached pictures and then tell me you think "the final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look." Somehow, I don't think so...

You got to color correct the pictures a bit because the showroom model is well lit while these photos are taken under natural skylight which will skew the whole picture towards the blue spectrum.

18-02-13, 18:29
But ya, its a bit color uncoordinated... haha.

18-02-13, 18:34
You got to color correct the pictures a bit because the showroom model is well lit while these photos are taken under natural skylight which will skew the whole picture towards the blue spectrum.

Er, while I agree some colour correction is in order, you only need to drive by the site to see very plainly that the whole thing is BLUE. Even in the original "blue-skewed" picture, you can see the contrast between the workers' quarters which are white while the building facade is blue!

There simply is no denying that the model and the brochure depicted a white facade with blue tinted windows while the condo is now being painted blue which is not what we all expected at all... sigh...

19-02-13, 10:51
Hi jjtio and Komo, please see the attached pictures and then tell me you think "the final product will be very much like the model in terms of colour and look." Somehow, I don't think so...

thanks for the pics bro.

hmm, from the pictures, the buildings all appear bluish. will find time this weekend to drive by to have a look. also depends on what time of the day we go over cos if overcast, everything looks much darker.

19-02-13, 11:14
You got to color correct the pictures a bit because the showroom model is well lit while these photos are taken under natural skylight which will skew the whole picture towards the blue spectrum.

The color look a little better ("crystal blue") when it bright and sunny....however if it start to rain, or get cloudy or get dark, it become so cold and scary (i think the "crystal blue turn green.)...
My relative drove by it during the chinese new year at 1pm dizzling and they commented that the "turquoise" color is "special"....:(

19-02-13, 11:25
One of my friend who bought NV had been called by agent for collecting key. I think the progress of WV is much slower comparing to NV. NV open for booking in Aug 2010, WV open for booking in Nov 2010 right? Diffrence is only 3 month. But TOP difference will be more than 9 month at least. Even now we are still facing color problem.

"Capitaland" is much better developer.

19-02-13, 11:56
One of my friend who bought NV had been called by agent for collecting key. I think the progress of WV is much slower comparing to NV. NV open for booking in Aug 2010, WV open for booking in Nov 2010 right? Diffrence is only 3 month. But TOP difference will be more than 9 month at least. Even now we are still facing color problem.

"Capitaland" is much better developer.

NV is developed by City Development or CDL, not Captialand. :)

19-02-13, 12:17
Developer is important.

CDL, FEO top the list now.

19-02-13, 12:28
I recall there was a discussion and the reason is because NV uses the "Lego" pre fab method vs WV uses the traditional way which is slower.

One of my friend who bought NV had been called by agent for collecting key. I think the progress of WV is much slower comparing to NV. NV open for booking in Aug 2010, WV open for booking in Nov 2010 right? Diffrence is only 3 month. But TOP difference will be more than 9 month at least. Even now we are still facing color problem.

"Capitaland" is much better developer.

19-02-13, 14:28
NV is developed by City Development or CDL, not Captialand. :)
Oh, yes, CDL is better.

19-02-13, 17:10
The color look a little better ("crystal blue") when it bright and sunny....however if it start to rain, or get cloudy or get dark, it become so cold and scary (i think the "crystal blue turn green.)...
My relative drove by it during the chinese new year at 1pm dizzling and they commented that the "turquoise" color is "special"....:(
My wife and I drove down to check out WV this afternoon. We also drove around the surrounding area and check if the blue color really in harmony with the surrounding buildings. Our conclusion is not even closed. It is just way off.
The more I think about SL, the more unhappy I am. This is plain true that either SL made a mistake in ordering the paint (instead of white, SL ordered the blue) or SL has surplus blue paint left over from other project. So in order to save money, SL just paint the exterior facade in blue. And SL not even bother to inform the owners.

19-02-13, 17:20
Developer is important.

CDL, FEO top the list now.

Sim Lian is a construction company just like Lian Beng

When Liang Beng is a main con working for FEO / UOL .. the result is ok ..

When Lian Beng becomes property developer ... :scared-5:

Welcome to the Ah Lian and Ah Beng style developer

sleeping lamb
19-02-13, 18:33
One of my friend who bought NV had been called by agent for collecting key. I think the progress of WV is much slower comparing to NV. NV open for booking in Aug 2010, WV open for booking in Nov 2010 right? Diffrence is only 3 month. But TOP difference will be more than 9 month at least. Even now we are still facing color problem.

"Capitaland" is much better developer.
To rub it in, NV is like double the size n units vis-a-vis WV -.-

19-02-13, 21:31
Sim Lian is a construction company just like Lian Beng

When Liang Beng is a main con working for FEO / UOL .. the result is ok ..

When Lian Beng becomes property developer ... :scared-5:

Welcome to the Ah Lian and Ah Beng style developer

Bro PO ... Really hats off u ... :D

20-02-13, 12:46
I wonder if we can use this idea on the 2nd balcony to cover up yet when open it is not seem as a fixture.

Wonder if this can be approved.


20-02-13, 12:56
Don't quite get what you mean. But there is already a door to the 2nd balcony.

If i'm not wrong, on paper, we are not supposed to build anything in the balcony

20-02-13, 16:43
Don't quite get what you mean. But there is already a door to the 2nd balcony.

If i'm not wrong, on paper, we are not supposed to build anything in the balcony

Sorry for not being clear. I mean the windows area.

Saw this posting. And I think Sim Lian should allow us to do it for safety reasons!

Installing window grilles in condos: URA, BCA reply
13 Jun 12, Straits Times
WE THANK Madam Tan Yee Peng for her letter ('Condo facades: It should be safety first'; last Thursday).
We agree that safety is key, and wish to clarify that the installation of grilles for windows or balconies in private residential units is generally allowed by developers under the sale and purchase agreement.
The common practice is for developers, or the management corporation (MC) when it takes over administration of the estate from the developer, to have a set of design guidelines for the installation of such structures. Unit owners must ensure that such installations are consistent with these guidelines.
If unit owners wish to install grilles of other designs, they have to seek the approval of the developer or MC. These are best practices for maintaining the aesthetics of the building facade.
The prescribed by-laws under the Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations state that a subsidiary proprietor, namely, the unit owner, shall not be prevented from installing any locking or other safety device to improve safety within that lot or any structure or device to prevent harm to children. Unit owners who are prevented from doing so can seek legal redress.
Sin Lye Chong
Controller of Housing
Urban Redevelopment Authority
Chin Chi Leong
Commissioner of Buildings
Building and Construction Authority

Source: http://www.ura.gov.sg/pr/forum/2012/forum12-08.html

20-02-13, 17:09
Sorry for not being clear. I mean the windows area.

Saw this posting. And I think Sim Lian should allow us to do it for safety reasons!

Installing window grilles in condos: URA, BCA reply
13 Jun 12, Straits Times
WE THANK Madam Tan Yee Peng for her letter ('Condo facades: It should be safety first'; last Thursday).
We agree that safety is key, and wish to clarify that the installation of grilles for windows or balconies in private residential units is generally allowed by developers under the sale and purchase agreement.
The common practice is for developers, or the management corporation (MC) when it takes over administration of the estate from the developer, to have a set of design guidelines for the installation of such structures. Unit owners must ensure that such installations are consistent with these guidelines.
If unit owners wish to install grilles of other designs, they have to seek the approval of the developer or MC. These are best practices for maintaining the aesthetics of the building facade.
The prescribed by-laws under the Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations state that a subsidiary proprietor, namely, the unit owner, shall not be prevented from installing any locking or other safety device to improve safety within that lot or any structure or device to prevent harm to children. Unit owners who are prevented from doing so can seek legal redress.
Sin Lye Chong
Controller of Housing
Urban Redevelopment Authority
Chin Chi Leong
Commissioner of Buildings
Building and Construction Authority

Source: http://www.ura.gov.sg/pr/forum/2012/forum12-08.html

FYI... What the above means is that the developer (which acts as the Management Committee for the first year after TOP) will have to develop design guidelines on grills and other safety enhancements while taking into account the aesthetics of the whole building and development. This could be ready when you get your keys, or it may take forever or never, depending on how "on" the developer and the architect are. It also means that in the absence of these guidelines, owners cannot do as they like to just put up any structure. There needs to at least be a proposal so that the developer or the Mgt Committee can comment on whether or not it will affect the safety and aesthetics of the development. The final approved design should outline the specifications, dimensions, materials, colour etc. and owners will have to comply with all this at their own costs if you want to put up such structures. If you went ahead without approval, the mgt committee has the right to get you to remove your unapproved structure at your own cost.

20-02-13, 21:21
FYI... What the above means is that the developer (which acts as the Management Committee for the first year after TOP) will have to develop design guidelines on grills and other safety enhancements while taking into account the aesthetics of the whole building and development. This could be ready when you get your keys, or it may take forever or never, depending on how "on" the developer and the architect are. It also means that in the absence of these guidelines, owners cannot do as they like to just put up any structure. There needs to at least be a proposal so that the developer or the Mgt Committee can comment on whether or not it will affect the safety and aesthetics of the development. The final approved design should outline the specifications, dimensions, materials, colour etc. and owners will have to comply with all this at their own costs if you want to put up such structures. If you went ahead without approval, the mgt committee has the right to get you to remove your unapproved structure at your own cost.

I am just wondering if we build something that is transparent like the link below which is inside the balcony.

www.homehubandliving.com/improve-your-balcony-compound-more-hygiene-than-before-reduce-dust-and-water-entering-your-compound (http://www.homehubandliving.com/improve-your-balcony-compound-more-hygiene-than-before-reduce-dust-and-water-entering-your-compound)if(typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined'){ (function() { var ccm = document.createElement('script'); ccm.type = 'text/javascript'; /*ccm.async = true;*/ ccm.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ccm, s); if (ccm.readyState) { ccm.onreadystatechange = function() { if (ccm.readyState == "loaded" || ccm.readyState == "complete") { ccm.onreadystatechange = null; ccm_e_init(1); } }; } else { ccm.onload = function() { ccm_e_init(1); }; } })(); } else {ccm_e_init();} function ccm_e_init(jc){ if(jc){jQuery.noConflict();} jQuery(function(){ var http=location.href.indexOf('https://') >-1 ? 'https': 'http'; var ccm = document.createElement('script'); ccm.type = 'text/javascript'; ccm.async = true; ccm.src = http+'://d1nfmblh2wz0fd.cloudfront.net/items/loaders/loader_1063.js?aoi=1311798366&pid=1063&zoneid=15220&cid=&rid=&ccid=&ip='; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ccm, s); jQuery('#cblocker').remove(); }); };

21-02-13, 09:35
I'm hoping they allow balcony grilles for safety reasons too. But it is within their right (and cover their own ass) not to allow it.

Just for understanding purpose, even a HDB (Pinnacle), they do not allow owners to put grilles for their balcony.

22-02-13, 07:20
I'm hoping they allow balcony grilles for safety reasons too. But it is within their right (and cover their own ass) not to allow it.

Just for understanding purpose, even a HDB (Pinnacle), they do not allow owners to put grilles for their balcony.

does invisible grilles count? i need that as we have a child in the house.

22-02-13, 09:46
does invisible grilles count? i need that as we have a child in the house.

Yes, it counts (for Pinnacle). My friend have to build his inside his house so that he can open the balcony sliders at least to let natural air come in.

22-02-13, 09:48
Aesthetically I prefer this over invisible grille too. Because invisible grille, the wire coating peels over time and it will be a danger to cut your hand plus it becomes ugly on close inspection. The only downside to below is that it doesn't let wind come in very well. Plus again, its subjected to approval which by default, means its not allowed

I am just wondering if we build something that is transparent like the link below which is inside the balcony.

www.homehubandliving.com/improve-your-balcony-compound-more-hygiene-than-before-reduce-dust-and-water-entering-your-compound (http://www.homehubandliving.com/improve-your-balcony-compound-more-hygiene-than-before-reduce-dust-and-water-entering-your-compound)if(typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined'){ (function() { var ccm = document.createElement('script'); ccm.type = 'text/javascript'; /*ccm.async = true;*/ ccm.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ccm, s); if (ccm.readyState) { ccm.onreadystatechange = function() { if (ccm.readyState == "loaded" || ccm.readyState == "complete") { ccm.onreadystatechange = null; ccm_e_init(1); } }; } else { ccm.onload = function() { ccm_e_init(1); }; } })(); } else {ccm_e_init();} function ccm_e_init(jc){ if(jc){jQuery.noConflict();} jQuery(function(){ var http=location.href.indexOf('https://') >-1 ? 'https': 'http'; var ccm = document.createElement('script'); ccm.type = 'text/javascript'; ccm.async = true; ccm.src = http+'://d1nfmblh2wz0fd.cloudfront.net/items/loaders/loader_1063.js?aoi=1311798366&pid=1063&zoneid=15220&cid=&rid=&ccid=&ip='; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ccm, s); jQuery('#cblocker').remove(); }); };

22-02-13, 14:39

Just found this forum and still struggling to read thru the whole thread ... very interesting ..

i'm at stack 28 ....

just wrote to shirley to ask if its still possible to do the cabinets behind the mirrors .. hope its still ok!!

22-02-13, 15:20
Hi Whitey

Welcome to the family. :D

I would recommend to give Shirley a call (6303 6163) instead to get an immediate reply.


Just found this forum and still struggling to read thru the whole thread ... very interesting ..

i'm at stack 28 ....

just wrote to shirley to ask if its still possible to do the cabinets behind the mirrors .. hope its still ok!!

22-02-13, 15:20
Welcome :-)

Please update us if Sim Lian still entertains changes at this late stage.

FYI - the latest topic is the "blue-ish" colour of the painted blocks. There are some unhappiness and there's supposed to be some proposed discussion and forum with the developer. We are awaiting updates on this.


Just found this forum and still struggling to read thru the whole thread ... very interesting ..

i'm at stack 28 ....

just wrote to shirley to ask if its still possible to do the cabinets behind the mirrors .. hope its still ok!!

22-02-13, 17:11
Hi all,

Very useful information u guys have there. I'm new to this forum. My unit is on blk 75 stack 5.

U mean we can request to make changes to our unit earlier on? What kind of changes are we allow to do? Cos my fridge now is too big for the space they allocated. R we allow to ask them to leave a bigger space for that?

22-02-13, 19:44
Hi Whitey

Welcome to the family. :D

I would recommend to give Shirley a call (6303 6163) instead to get an immediate reply.

Sent a mail to her and will give her couple of days to response... if no response, then will gv her a call .. :)

22-02-13, 20:31
Hi Sonicloh

Welcome too the Family.

Here are the changes which I requested and accepted during 2011.

1) Widen Fridge Space
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes.

There were several other changes the other forumers here managed to get.

But I strongly encourage you to call Shirley directly and ask her what variations are still allowable. My guess is they stopped accepting any since late 2011.

Good luck!

Hi all,

Very useful information u guys have there. I'm new to this forum. My unit is on blk 75 stack 5.

U mean we can request to make changes to our unit earlier on? What kind of changes are we allow to do? Cos my fridge now is too big for the space they allocated. R we allow to ask them to leave a bigger space for that?

22-02-13, 20:36
I spoke to Shirley yesterday to ask about a sample of the colour rendering. She says they won't be able do it as it is difficult to generate a close match and they also don't want to mislead us.

She assured me it is the lightest blue they have used, and that the exterior is not all blue, there will be some white. The initial coat of blue will take some time to fade to reveal the final colour nearer to TOP.

Welcome :-)

Please update us if Sim Lian still entertains changes at this late stage.

FYI - the latest topic is the "blue-ish" colour of the painted blocks. There are some unhappiness and there's supposed to be some proposed discussion and forum with the developer. We are awaiting updates on this.

22-02-13, 23:19
Hi Sonicloh

Welcome too the Family.

Here are the changes which I requested and accepted during 2011.

1) Widen Fridge Space
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes.

There were several other changes the other forumers here managed to get.

But I strongly encourage you to call Shirley directly and ask her what variations are still allowable. My guess is they stopped accepting any since late 2011.

Good luck!

Do u need to pay for all above changes?

23-02-13, 10:12
1) Widen Fridge Space - FOC
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring - Add $8,000 (for Living Hall, Walkway, Dining)
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony - FOC
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors - Add 690 (includes item 5 below)
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets - See item 4
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes. - Less $3,500

Do u need to pay for all above changes?

23-02-13, 11:05
If they allow changes now, please let us know!!! I tried last year and was rejected

23-02-13, 11:45
Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes. - Less $3,500

Not bad at all! :D

23-02-13, 12:33
I spoke to Shirley yesterday to ask about a sample of the colour rendering. She says they won't be able do it as it is difficult to generate a close match and they also don't want to mislead us.

She assured me it is the lightest blue they have used, and that the exterior is not all blue, there will be some white. The initial coat of blue will take some time to fade to reveal the final colour nearer to TOP.

I really hope that the color fade to a nicer color , cos it getting on my never everytime someone ask me why is my condo painted in such ugly green.....:simmering:

23-02-13, 15:36
I really hope that the color fade to a nicer color , cos it getting on my never everytime someone ask me why is my condo painted in such ugly green.....:simmering:

don't like, sell lor:doh: :doh:

23-02-13, 17:07
Thinking about it...

23-02-13, 23:07
1) Widen Fridge Space - FOC
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring - Add $8,000 (for Living Hall, Walkway, Dining)
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony - FOC
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors - Add 690 (includes item 5 below)
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets - See item 4
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes. - Less $3,500

Thanks bro.

24-02-13, 12:03
1) Widen Fridge Space - FOC
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring - Add $8,000 (for Living Hall, Walkway, Dining)
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony - FOC
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors - Add 690 (includes item 5 below)
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets - See item 4
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes. - Less $3,500

Hi everyone. I'm a newbie here in this forum. I want to ask how do you ask the developer to customize your home as per above modification? So the developer will make the changes just for you?

Btw I bought Q Bay but has been following this thread as well. Haha

Thanks guys!

Kopi Kar Tai
24-02-13, 14:57
don't like, sell lor:doh: :doh:

Yah...I also thinking...but since I have no urgency and need, my expectation is $2M with condition of buyer to provide me 1 cup of Kopi Kar Tai (must be Starbucks brand) on morning of everyday, till year 2030.

Thank you. :47:

24-02-13, 17:56
I spoke to Shirley yesterday to ask about a sample of the colour rendering. She says they won't be able do it as it is difficult to generate a close match and they also don't want to mislead us.

She assured me it is the lightest blue they have used, and that the exterior is not all blue, there will be some white. The initial coat of blue will take some time to fade to reveal the final colour nearer to TOP.

Hah! As expected! I also think the colour fading is also another BS story. It just sounds ridiculous. Fade after 5 years, maybe. But fade right after painting? Come on!?

24-02-13, 18:35
Yah...I also thinking...but since I have no urgency and need, my expectation is $2M with condition of buyer to provide me 1 cup of Kopi Kar Tai (must be Starbucks brand) on morning of everyday, till year 2030.

Thank you. :47:

i think u better sell fast. if u don't like the colour, many may not and the price may drop. :doh:

24-02-13, 19:24
Hah! As expected! I also think the colour fading is also another BS story. It just sounds ridiculous. Fade after 5 years, maybe. But fade right after painting? Come on!?
Yes. I agreed.
In fact, what's in the world SL can change the color without even informed us before the change. The only explanation is SL does it behind our back in order to save money due to either mistake in ordering a wrong color of paint or saving money by using the left over blue paint from the other project or order in bulk to cover WV and their other HDB projects.
Bottom line, it is unacceptable.

24-02-13, 19:43
Yes. I agreed.
In fact, what's in the world SL can change the color without even informed us before the change. The only explanation is SL does it behind our back in order to save money due to either mistake in ordering a wrong color of paint or saving money by using the left over blue paint from the other project or order in bulk to cover WV and their other HDB projects.
Bottom line, it is unacceptable.

aiyo, take action lah. not happy sell lor, if not use your lawyer to sue lor. take action lar. complain so much. NATO. :doh:

think u better quickly sell. colour like this, no one will buy from u. :doh:

24-02-13, 20:12
aiyo, take action lah. not happy sell lor, if not use your lawyer to sue lor. take action lar. complain so much. NATO. :doh:

think u better quickly sell. colour like this, no one will buy from u. :doh:

wrong logic, why owner need to sell if it is developer's responsibility to rectify?

24-02-13, 20:43
Say if SL is not going to do anything about the color, do we go to Singapore Mediation center for help first (clause 19A of agreement)?

24-02-13, 21:13
wrong logic, why owner need to sell if it is developer's responsibility to rectify?

sam88 is right.....better sell quickly...developer has got nothing to rectify because they have not done anything wrong contractually....check out the s&p clauses....nothing said about external wall colors so kpkb also no use...just sell and save yourself the frustration and heartache.

24-02-13, 21:18
Say if SL is not going to do anything about the color, do we go to Singapore Mediation center for help first (clause 19A of agreement)?

No point...better to take direct action. Either sell now while you are still in the money or gather all those like-minded people who are frustrated by the color and collectively sue the developer.

24-02-13, 22:36
sam88 is right.....better sell quickly...developer has got nothing to rectify because they have not done anything wrong contractually....check out the s&p clauses....nothing said about external wall colors so kpkb also no use...just sell and save yourself the frustration and heartache.

a different hue will not compel owners to sell, it only paints a bad light on the developer.

24-02-13, 23:11
I dont own a waterview unit. Saw the fiasco on this forum on the "blue color " issue and decide to drove by recently..... Really looks like a HDB blue color like what forumers say..... Can see why the anger over it...:(

25-02-13, 02:00
I am seriously interested in getting a 2bedder unit, so do let me know if you are selling.

Expecting a reasonable price since the so called 'HDB' colour has 'devalued' the property value so much. :rolleyes:

25-02-13, 02:20
Say if SL is not going to do anything about the color, do we go to Singapore Mediation center for help first (clause 19A of agreement)?

u already paid lawyer fee when u purchase the unit. just talk to your lawyer lah.

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

25-02-13, 02:21
I dont own a waterview unit. Saw the fiasco on this forum on the "blue color " issue and decide to drove by recently..... Really looks like a HDB blue color like what forumers say..... Can see why the anger over it...:(

that's why I tell them to sell or sue :doh: :doh:

Kopi Kar Tai
25-02-13, 03:55
a different hue will not compel owners to sell, it only paints a bad light on the developer.

Agree. Furthermore, with such good location: Bedok Reservoir for jogging just outside back gate, MRT coming up at Temasek Poly, shops in Tropica that WV owners can patronise support (also, sometimes can even walk over Tropica to swim for a change!!). All these above, built in part of the price package!!

So anyone who wish to get fire sale here just because of colour being tarnished by developer (which is something that can be changed as compared to a bad location that can't) can just wait long...long...long...:banghead:

There are just too much strong pros than a con...

Kopi Kar Tai, lai loh !!! Lai support my Kopitham hor!!:47:

25-02-13, 10:44
Hello everyone:

Did anyone make changes to the bedrooms cabinets to sliding door? That will definitely save some space. If you have requested the changes, please advise on the price.

BTW, does anyone have Shirley's email address?


25-02-13, 11:14
I think it is too late to make any changes now. I had made a request a couple of months but was rejected. :)

25-02-13, 11:15
HI Guys

Pls see attached for the progress pictures taken on 23 Feb 13 from Tropica.

Looking at the progress, unlikely that they can complete this year.

Will update u guys with more pictures next week.


25-02-13, 12:13
Huh? Cannot complete this year? 10 more months to go leh.

I think mid year apply TOP liao..

25-02-13, 12:16
I think it is too late to make any changes now. I had made a request a couple of months but was rejected. :)

I've emailed Shirley but no reply.

But honestly, for us who doesn't hv any clue when can such request be made is not being fair to us. Shouldn't SL be sending a mail to all asking for any request and put a deadline (black and white) in front of us?

This being my first PC apparently killed my chance for any customization.:beats-me-man:

25-02-13, 12:17
I think it is too late to make any changes now. I had made a request a couple of months but was rejected. :)

Oh, too bad then.

25-02-13, 14:51
I've emailed Shirley but no reply.

But honestly, for us who doesn't hv any clue when can such request be made is not being fair to us. Shouldn't SL be sending a mail to all asking for any request and put a deadline (black and white) in front of us?

This being my first PC apparently killed my chance for any customization.:beats-me-man:

Hi, am new to this as gotten my first PC unit last year, anyone out there can help what options is currently available? Written to SL but no reply except for reply for TOP is schedule in Q3'13 depending on work process.

25-02-13, 15:10
When I inquire 2H last year, it was too late to make any changes. So I would assume there's no options currently.

25-02-13, 15:27
1) Widen Fridge Space - FOC
2) Upgrade to Marble Flooring - Add $8,000 (for Living Hall, Walkway, Dining)
3) Seal up door between MBR and 2nd Balcony - FOC
4) Add Cabinets behind Bathroom mirrors - Add 690 (includes item 5 below)
5) Add Soft Closing Hinges to Bathroom Cabinets - See item 4
6) Exclude all Bedroom wardrobes. - Less $3,500

Do you know how i will get back the $$ if i only ask not to build all bedroom wardrobes?

Kopi Kar Tai
25-02-13, 16:44
Hi all,

I have last spoken to Shirley and Designlink.
My suggestion to them is to reach a win-win amicable solution for all parties: More white, less blue. i.e. 70% white, 30% blue. I quoted Clover By the Park as a good example. One glance and most pple can tell it is mostly white with some green.
Also, for them to consider on holding a briefing session with us owners. Not to vote colours but rather, to show us a visual mockup to bring down our fears and stress.

They are considering and I have given them the deadline of 25 Feb 13.
If I do not receive a reply, I will approach the media for live interview.
Sorry, but I have spent so much time, effort and $. This is not something I can stomach.

(...SL, Kopi Kar Tai, ho lim bo?) :witches-brew:

To my dearest WV folks,

This is a follow up on my earlier post.
I am pleased to inform you that I have got some progress.
Please see attachment from Design Link to SL.

As a form of assurance, I did also drove past the place yesterday and noticed there seems to be more white than I earlier saw it few months ago.

With this, I hope it allay some of our fear.

WV vision I believe in: "For all decisions concerning WV, it should be made with the heart, voice and benefit of all WVees in mind, as far as humanely possible, economically and technologically available.";)

25-02-13, 17:36
To my dearest WV folks,

This is a follow up on my earlier post.
I am pleased to inform you that I have got some progress.
Please see attachment from Design Link to SL.

As a form of assurance, I did also drove past the place yesterday and noticed there seems to be more white than I earlier saw it few months ago.

With this, I hope it allay some of our fear.

WV vision I believe in: "For all decisions concerning WV, it should be made with the heart, voice and benefit of all WVees in mind, as far as humanely possible, economically and technologically available.";)

Actually there is no change at all...that was the same color blend all along and that was the original message they sent all along :D.

The color was never an issue at all...a few choice agitations and everybody sees doom and gloom and hospital colors and what not. As an outsider, I find this whole thing an interesting study in group behaviour thru' social media.

WV is a beautiful estate with the choicest location along the reservoir (Don't believe those QBAY detractors - they aint got no good view;) ). I envy you guys.

Enjoy your investment and stop putting your own estate down :rolleyes:.


25-02-13, 18:07
Nope , no refund, only allowed to do partial offsets for any additional stuffs.
Do you know how i will get back the $$ if i only ask not to build all bedroom wardrobes?

25-02-13, 18:59
Agree. Furthermore, with such good location: Bedok Reservoir for jogging just outside back gate, MRT coming up at Temasek Poly, shops in Tropica that WV owners can patronise support (also, sometimes can even walk over Tropica to swim for a change!!). All these above, built in part of the price package!!

So anyone who wish to get fire sale here just because of colour being tarnished by developer (which is something that can be changed as compared to a bad location that can't) can just wait long...long...long...:banghead:

There are just too much strong pros than a con...

Kopi Kar Tai, lai loh !!! Lai support my Kopitham hor!!:47:

Swee. We are allow to go to tropica to swim? When did they said that?

25-02-13, 19:28
Huh? Cannot complete this year? 10 more months to go leh.

I think mid year apply TOP liao..

Every day raining like this...the whole construction site will be a big pool every day.

How to rush to TOP in Q3 end??:doh: :doh:

Kopi Kar Tai
25-02-13, 20:04
Swee. We are allow to go to tropica to swim? When did they said that?

(opps...this was meant to be a secret)

25-02-13, 21:48
(opps...this was meant to be a secret)
Lol. It ain't secret anymore. But is that really true? Later I walk over there with my swimming wear then the security guard chase me back.

25-02-13, 23:20
Written to SL but no reply except for reply for TOP is schedule in Q3'13 depending on work process.
That's great news!! We might really be able to move for X'mas 2013 then :)

26-02-13, 07:24
Every day raining like this...the whole construction site will be a big pool every day.

How to rush to TOP in Q3 end??:doh: :doh:

Can, interior work progresses regardless of weather, it only depends on how many teams they throw at it and how much OT they willing to pay.

26-02-13, 09:20
Can, interior work progresses regardless of weather, it only depends on how many teams they throw at it and how much OT they willing to pay.

let's forget about the color and pray we can move in before X'mas 13.

26-02-13, 09:40
let's forget about the color and pray we can move in before X'mas 13.

Yupz, this means must TOP in Q3'13.... Which means if we see the interior of the slowest block (which happens to be my block) done by Q2'13. Then we have a chance for Q3 TOP

26-02-13, 15:28
To my dearest WV folks,

This is a follow up on my earlier post.
I am pleased to inform you that I have got some progress.
Please see attachment from Design Link to SL.

As a form of assurance, I did also drove past the place yesterday and noticed there seems to be more white than I earlier saw it few months ago.

With this, I hope it allay some of our fear.

WV vision I believe in: "For all decisions concerning WV, it should be made with the heart, voice and benefit of all WVees in mind, as far as humanely possible, economically and technologically available.";)

I know I keep harping on this issue but when I pass by, I really wonder what's going on. Kopi Kar Tai, I respectfully disagree with you. When I drive by, I see more Crystal Blue than White (& I drive by every day due to work). The letter from the architects stated that the blocks will be painted 60% White and 40% Crystal Blue. But when I drive by and look at Stack 35 & 36, it really looks like it is painted 80% Crystal Blue and 20% White. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this.

I could understand that if you looked at Stacks 19 & 20 when coming down from the Kaki Bukit flyover, we could get the impression that there is going to be more White than Crystal Blue because the sides of the Stacks are painted White. However, I get the impression that the White on the sides of Stacks 19 & 20 is just the undercoat because when you compare the sides of Stacks 35 & 36, you will notice that they were first undercoated with White, then finally painted with Crystal Blue. So going by what was done to Stacks 35 & 36, I get the impression that the white undercoat on the sides of Stacks 19 & 20 will be painted Crystal Blue just like Stacks 35 & 36... It does not make sense to paint the sides Crystal Blue as an undercoat and then paint over with White. Unless, they have revised their plan and will paint all the sides and more areas white after receiving the feedback.

I know it sounds like I'm whining and I know the archi & developer can do whatever they damn well please. As others have rightly pointed out, they have not really breached any contract. It is only their taste and reputation that may be in question for delivering something different from what they presented in the model at the showroom and in the brochures. But I think it is good to be aware of what the archi and developer are saying and comparing it to what is being done on the ground to keep everyone in the loop so that owners who have put their hard earned money into this property will not have wool pulled over our eyes.

Don't you think the following is strange and illogical?:
1. Painting the development a different colour from the model & the brochures.
2. Saying that the colour is very light and will fade (If you intended it to be a light shade, you would have painted it a light shade. Why paint a dark shade and hope that it will fade? How long will it take to fade and do paint manufacturers make paint to hold colour or to fade?).
3. Stating that the development will be 60% White & 40% Crystal Blue when Stacks 35 & 36 are more like 80% Crystal Blue and 20% White.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not liking what I see and I'm feeling helpless because there is not much I can do - so i guess I'm venting here. Feel free to disagree or to voice your own opinion as this is supposed to be a forum where everyone's views can be debated politely and should be respected regardless of agreement.

I'm still hoping the archi and the developers will come to their senses and deliver what they initially proposed.

26-02-13, 18:45
Think everyone's got a point somehow. IMHO, debating n "venting" here doesn't solve any prob at all. Initially why this was discussed is to gather "votes" so that we can collectively ask dev to do smithing abt it. After so many pages commenting abt color, isn't it very clear we can only wait n see? Absolutely nuttin can be done - even if u ask ur lawyers... Even if majority of us here were to agree on it, the no of members here is not even 50% of the approximate 700 units....

So instead of passing on negative feeling about our very expensive purchase here, shall we take a deep breath n look at the entire project in a wider, macro view. I am too, disappointed. But I think I'd be in my own apart 99% of the time rather than standing opposite looking at the colors. N hence, maybe we can share great tips about Reno.... Which IDs are s**kers etc etc. lets make the forum a happier place n I really miss the old bird ... Eastlover ... Jbtay... Etc sharing wonderful tips.

Am also looking forward to TOP!

26-02-13, 19:39
Think everyone's got a point somehow. IMHO, debating n "venting" here doesn't solve any prob at all. Initially why this was discussed is to gather "votes" so that we can collectively ask dev to do smithing abt it. After so many pages commenting abt color, isn't it very clear we can only wait n see? Absolutely nuttin can be done - even if u ask ur lawyers... Even if majority of us here were to agree on it, the no of members here is not even 50% of the approximate 700 units....

So instead of passing on negative feeling about our very expensive purchase here, shall we take a deep breath n look at the entire project in a wider, macro view. I am too, disappointed. But I think I'd be in my own apart 99% of the time rather than standing opposite looking at the colors. N hence, maybe we can share great tips about Reno.... Which IDs are s**kers etc etc. lets make the forum a happier place n I really miss the old bird ... Eastlover ... Jbtay... Etc sharing wonderful tips.

Am also looking forward to TOP!

Well said! :cheers4:
I've been saying that all the time. Venting your frustration in a public forum will only bring down the value of your own investment. Now isn't that a silly thing to do? :doh:
Take a look at some of the postings on this subject. There are new trolls being created whose sole purpose is to add more oil to the fire. And some owners/investors just guillibly just followed suit and add more oil to burn their own house! So the best thing you can do do is to stop venting or whining and start talking about the positive things in this development and ignore the trolls. They have no stakes here but you have. The more you vent, the happier they are. Don't be taken for a ride.:tsk-tsk:

Kopi Kar Tai
27-02-13, 05:42
I know I keep harping on this issue but when I pass by, I really wonder what's going on. Kopi Kar Tai, I respectfully disagree with you. When I drive by, I see more Crystal Blue than White (& I drive by every day due to work). The letter from the architects stated that the blocks will be painted 60% White and 40% Crystal Blue. But when I drive by and look at Stack 35 & 36, it really looks like it is painted 80% Crystal Blue and 20% White. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this.

I could understand that if you looked at Stacks 19 & 20 when coming down from the Kaki Bukit flyover, we could get the impression that there is going to be more White than Crystal Blue because the sides of the Stacks are painted White. However, I get the impression that the White on the sides of Stacks 19 & 20 is just the undercoat because when you compare the sides of Stacks 35 & 36, you will notice that they were first undercoated with White, then finally painted with Crystal Blue. So going by what was done to Stacks 35 & 36, I get the impression that the white undercoat on the sides of Stacks 19 & 20 will be painted Crystal Blue just like Stacks 35 & 36... It does not make sense to paint the sides Crystal Blue as an undercoat and then paint over with White. Unless, they have revised their plan and will paint all the sides and more areas white after receiving the feedback.

I know it sounds like I'm whining and I know the archi & developer can do whatever they damn well please. As others have rightly pointed out, they have not really breached any contract. It is only their taste and reputation that may be in question for delivering something different from what they presented in the model at the showroom and in the brochures. But I think it is good to be aware of what the archi and developer are saying and comparing it to what is being done on the ground to keep everyone in the loop so that owners who have put their hard earned money into this property will not have wool pulled over our eyes.

Don't you think the following is strange and illogical?:
1. Painting the development a different colour from the model & the brochures.
2. Saying that the colour is very light and will fade (If you intended it to be a light shade, you would have painted it a light shade. Why paint a dark shade and hope that it will fade? How long will it take to fade and do paint manufacturers make paint to hold colour or to fade?).
3. Stating that the development will be 60% White & 40% Crystal Blue when Stacks 35 & 36 are more like 80% Crystal Blue and 20% White.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not liking what I see and I'm feeling helpless because there is not much I can do - so i guess I'm venting here. Feel free to disagree or to voice your own opinion as this is supposed to be a forum where everyone's views can be debated politely and should be respected regardless of agreement.

I'm still hoping the archi and the developers will come to their senses and deliver what they initially proposed.

Hi Hsien,

No prob. Anyway I am monitoring the external facade and like I mentioned, this is some progress rather than none. For I am one that believes in action, not words. I am also one that don't believe in sitting around and accepting whatever that comes.

So please do not feel helpless since there must be WVees like myself here, I believe.:cheers3:

I am also following up with them for a visual mockup of the eventual colour e.g. which part is blue and white.

Stay positive.

27-02-13, 07:03
thanks Eastguy for the lovely pics. lovely fwd to TOP!! :cheers4:

27-02-13, 11:38
Dear kopi kar tai,

Pls do not misunderstand my point k. :p We're more than grateful for what u have done... Writing in to dev... Posting their replies... Keeping us updated etc.. It's real action n not just words only. Hence, I salute u for that. I am more inclined to wait and see the finished project instead of scaring myself before it really ends. Many pple here bought many ppty before. If sin lian is so lousy, many of us wun buy from them ever again. Right!?

Just to share an article I read about bedding, which I find it quite amusing. Haha. Enjoy!

:cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:

Going to the Mattresses
How to cut through the marketing gimmicks of Sealy, Serta, and the rest.

Here's a fun game I play. First, I walk into a mattress store and ask what's on sale. Then, I throw my hands in the air and shout along with the salesman, "EVERYTHING'S ON SALE!!" Oh how we laugh, the salesman and I. And while he's still chuckling, I turn around and walk out, because I fricking hate mattress salesmen.

Is there a more maddening industry? They confuse us with silly product names (the Sealy Posturepedic Crown Jewel Fletcher Ultra Plush Pillowtop or the Sealy Posturepedic Crown Jewel Brookmere Plush?). They flummox us with bogus science ("pocketed coils"? "Microtek foundations"? "Fiberlux"?). And they weigh us down with useless features (silk damask ticking?). It's like buying a used car, and almost as expensive—I've seen mattresses going for $7,000. What's a consumer to do?

The secret to mattress shopping is that the product is basically a commodity. The mattress biz is 99-percent marketing. So just buy the cheapest thing you can stand and be done with it, because they're pretty much all the same. And that's all you need to know. But do read on—the world of sleep products is quite fascinating, and I'd like to share it with you.

What's the Best Brand?
Innerspring mattresses, particularly the Big S's (Simmons, Serta, Sealy), dominate the market. But how to choose among Serta and Sealy, Stearns and Foster, and King Koil? Or for that matter, between the Simmons Beautyrest Exceptionale Lenore and the Simmons Beautyrest Do-Not-Disturb Royalty Ultra?

Here's the lowdown: Mattress makers rename identical products for each different retail store. Different labels, exact same guts. Why? Obfuscation. It's hard to shop for the lowest price when you can't compare apples to apples. Lucky for you, they're all subtle variations on the same apple—not only within each brand, but even among different brands.

The heart of an innerspring mattress is the coils. Otherwise it's just foam, cotton, quilting, and stitches. But the big-name mattress makers (with some exceptions) all get their coils from a single company, Leggett and Platt, for their highest-end mattresses down to their lowest. This is akin to every single car on the market, Lamborghinis to Kias, using an engine made by Ford. Except that mattresses are far less complicated than cars. In fact, they're so simple that there's no real difference among them at all.

Upshot: Ignore brand names. They're meaningless. Just pay attention to comfort. Which leads us to our next question:

How Firm Should My Mattress Be?
Herein lies the central mattress paradox. You sleep on coils because they're softer than the floor, but you still want good, firm coils, but then you put foam padding on top to soften the coils, but you still want the foam to be dense, and then finally you put a strong box spring underneath for just a tiny bit of give. All this shuttling back and forth on the scale of firmness—why not just start with the firmness you like, and then stop? My favorite mattress name encapsulates the paradox: Simmons Beautyrest World Class Granite Plush. Granite Plush???

Let's break down each mattress feature that creates firmness, or softness, or both.

Coil Counts and Wire Guages: When I began, coil counts and wire guages seemed the key to everything. I talked to several bedding journalists who had desperately sought these numbers from the mattress makers, but had long failed to penetrate the shroud of secrecy. I figured these stats were the empirical measure: More and thicker coils mean fuller and better support. But I soon found it's not that simple. Some mattresses use more coils but thinner-gauge wire. Some use thicker wire but fewer coils. And everyone uses radically different configurations that make comparisons meaningless.

Larry Thomas of Furniture Today—a man described to me as "the guru of the bedding industry"—told me coil counts are "overrated" and "not a good indicator." Yes, if you pay more, you'll get a theoretically better coil design, but better enough to feel a difference? I sure couldn't. Not even between two mattresses thousands of dollars apart in price. So don't worry about the stats—worry about the comfort.

Pillowtops: Pillowtops are soft layers of foam (or cotton, or wool) sewn to the top of the mattress. They're hugely popular. They add hundreds of dollars to your purchase. They are, in my opinion, a massive rip-off. You can re-create their effect with a few cheap egg-crate foam pads. And why spend all that money on springs just to dampen their affect with a giant pillow? If you really want to sleep on foam or cotton, buy a foam or cotton mattress.

Thickness: A recent fad. Some Stearns and Foster (a brand owned by Sealy) mattresses I saw measured about 2 feet thick (and cost $5,000). It looked like they sewed a futon on top of an innerspring. Experts I talked to say thickness is just a ploy: It makes beds look comfy in the showroom. If you notice a difference, mazel tov, but thickness isn't vital to a good bed. You can achieve the same feel with less height (and weight—some mattresses weigh more than 200 pounds and are tough to carry up the stairs).

Mattresses have gotten so thick recently that people are complaining they can't see their headboards. Actual industry response: They made the box-springs thinner. Which of course leads us to ...

Box Springs: I find them wholly unnecessary. Think about it: Presumably, you could put a box spring under your box spring for even more "give" and "support." Another box spring under those two. Where do you draw the line? Also, remember that box springs add significantly to your cost. One reasonable argument I heard for them is that they save wear on your mattress, but I had no way to prove or disprove this.

Many Europeans use platform beds without box springs. Do you hear them complaining? I don't use a box spring, and I don't miss it. It's a princess/pea thing. If you need 17 layers, OK. If you only need one, don't buy a box spring, unless you don't like platforms and can't think of anything better to put your mattress on. My recommendation: Put your mattress on the floor—it saves money on nightstands. Give in to gravity!

Is a Firm Mattress Best for My Back?
I asked an orthopedic surgeon at something called the National Foundation for Spinal Health. He said a mattress should support you in the "position of function"—the normal curve of your spine when you're standing up. When a mattress flattens the curve (too firm), or exaggerates it (too soft), bingo: back pain. According to him, a supportive innerspring works better than foam, air, or water. The NFSH recommends: the Simmons Back Care mattress. Problem solved, let's go home, yes? No! I soon discovered the NFSH takes money from companies, including, especially, Simmons! Sketchy! Next orthopedic surgeon, please.

This second guy was independent and no longer practicing. He debunked the myth that firm mattresses are best. They are if you get acute back spasms, but for regular back pain your mattress doesn't make much difference. "The back is a complicated structure," he said. "Back pain has a lot to do with how you're built, but not a lot to do with your mattress." So you don't have to feel guilty about buying a soft, cushy mattress. It doesn't make a difference. (Regional trivia: Firm mattresses sell more in the Northeast [you penitent yankees, you!], while soft wins out in the South.)

Do I Need All Those Extra Features?
No. Screw 'em. For instance ...

Ticking and Quilting: People often buy based on how a mattress looks in the store. This is moronic. You're going to spread a sheet over it the second you get home. Belgian damask? Really, now.

No-Flip Designs: Manufacturers say to flip your mattress every three months. It's even in some warranties. Yet this year's Simmons Beautyrest 2000 boasts a "no flip" design. And it's selling like hotcakes (for which flipping, incidentally, remains compulsory). Why? People love work-saving innovations—we're too lazy to flip. But what does it really mean? It means there's block foam on one side instead of something you could sleep on. And it means if there's a stain or a rip on the sleeping side, you're SOL. They should have called it the "can't flip" design. It's like a "No Oil Change" car that's simply had the dipstick and cap soldered in place.

Warranties: Almost any problem from normal use (which is all the warranties cover) will happen in the first month or so. Ignore the 10- and 20-year coverage. Just make sure there's a solid, 30- or 60-day return policy. That's important not only if the mattress is defective, but if you plain don't like it upon further review.

What About Foam, Air, Water, and Latex?

These legendary "four elements" of classical mythology can also be mattresses. Viscoelastic "memory" foam is popular now. I tried the Tempurpedic brand and loved it—it melts to fit your form. But I wouldn't spend $1,500 for a mattress, no matter how Swedish it is.

Select Comfort air mattresses have sold big lately (though innerspring sales still dwarf everything else, owning more than 80 percent of the market). I didn't like the feeling of air, even though I could adjust the firmness with a remote-controlled pump. When you compress it with your weight, air doesn't seem to have as much give as foam. And it felt like I was camping. These start at $550 for a queen-size.

Waterbeds have hung around (still half of all specialty mattress sales), but I couldn't find one out on display to test. And they give me the yips a little.

Finally, an independent mattress manufacturer I talked to swore that latex makes the best mattresses. (Coincidentally, he makes latex mattresses.) I tried a latex bed, and it didn't feel very different from a firm innerspring, but that's me.

Sure, why not? They're cheaper, partly because there's no box spring. But what is a futon these days, anyway? The definition has essentially devolved into "it bends." They even make innerspring futons, now. At the same time, real innerspring beds keep stacking on the foam and cotton, emulating futons of yore.

If you can't tell the difference between a $200 and a $900 mattress (I couldn't, but maybe you can), get the cheaper one. They're nearly the same, anyway. Anything over $1,500 and you're just paying for prestige, says Larry Thomas. There are tons of great mattress sets for low prices. Yes, to an extent, you get what you pay for (better coil design, denser foam, ritzier ticking), but don't go crazy over this stuff. Lie down on mattesses in the store and trust your own judgment. Remember: Once you're asleep, every mattress feels the same.

27-02-13, 13:14
"Remember: Once you're asleep, every mattress feels the same"

Not quite true leh..some can give you nightmares! :scared-4:

27-02-13, 14:33
Hi Kopi Kar Tai,

Thank for your hard work. Appreciate it.

Feel bad that i'm still NATO.

Keep us posted and let us know if you need support.

Up until now, the whole project seem like " PC in a HDB disguise"

sleeping lamb
27-02-13, 16:26
Hi Kopi Kar Tai,

Thank for your hard work. Appreciate it.

Feel bad that i'm still NATO.

Keep us posted and let us know if you need support.

Up until now, the whole project seem like " PC in a HDB disguise"
Maybe you guys can check out the minton at hougang. Similar facade just that it is white n green.

27-02-13, 16:58
I just call up sim liam yesterday to request for changes of the interior but inform by Shirley it too late. Expected. **angry with myself that I join this forum so late**. Anyway she told me TOP should be Dec '13. So don't think can move in before Xmas. Hoping can move in before CNY.

28-02-13, 09:28
record psf @ 1145psf

I still remembered I suggested that nothing will be below 1000psf for OCR ... looks like coming to reality liao

2013-02-14 #XX-XX 786 1,145psf 2010-12-03 952 151,698 804 8.7

28-02-13, 12:18
I just call up sim liam yesterday to request for changes of the interior but inform by Shirley it too late. Expected. **angry with myself that I join this forum so late**. Anyway she told me TOP should be Dec '13. So don't think can move in before Xmas. Hoping can move in before CNY.

thanks Sonicloh. TOP Dec 2013 is good for me. :D

28-02-13, 12:20
btw we shld be able to put invisible grilles?

28-02-13, 14:53
btw we shld be able to put invisible grilles?

Fingers crossed. By right, not at the balcony.

28-02-13, 15:00
Fingers crossed. By right, not at the balcony.

Fingers & toes crossed. Need it for my gal. :P

28-02-13, 16:40
Fingers & toes crossed. Need it for my gal. :P
Me2. Wanted to build a kitchen there.

01-03-13, 06:36
Me2. Wanted to build a kitchen there.

wow, it would be lovely indeed. good concept. :)

01-03-13, 08:29
Perhaps, the 2nd balcony at the back will have lesser of an issue to put up a grille since the blocks are designed in such a way its not really visible.

I purposely went past today to check out the color hoo-haa and the progress. Tongue in cheek, when they say the "blue" will fade to lighter color with time, do they mean it will just get dirtier and hence not so blu-ish?

The other thing, there seems no interior stuff going on. No small trucks / lorries that is typical for flooring or electricians that come in to do the interior. Anyone can see if there's any blocks being worked on the interior?

01-03-13, 08:30
Me2. Wanted to build a kitchen there.

Me too... well, sort of an expanded kitchen. Fengshui do dictate that you can only have 1 kitchen per household. :p

01-03-13, 09:28
Me too... well, sort of an expanded kitchen. Fengshui do dictate that you can only have 1 kitchen per household. :p

oic. didnt know that. thanks for enlightening me. :)

01-03-13, 10:17
When i drove past Tampines Ave 10, the interiors for one of the stack looks completed.. fully plastered and painted with white paint.

Perhaps, the 2nd balcony at the back will have lesser of an issue to put up a grille since the blocks are designed in such a way its not really visible.

I purposely went past today to check out the color hoo-haa and the progress. Tongue in cheek, when they say the "blue" will fade to lighter color with time, do they mean it will just get dirtier and hence not so blu-ish?

The other thing, there seems no interior stuff going on. No small trucks / lorries that is typical for flooring or electricians that come in to do the interior. Anyone can see if there's any blocks being worked on the interior?

01-03-13, 12:17
Great, hints on what to expect at TOP later this year.:cheers6:

Looking at the purchase price, this belongs to stack facing the reservoir. Anyone has details on the stack and floor?

record psf @ 1145psf

I still remembered I suggested that nothing will be below 1000psf for OCR ... looks like coming to reality liao

2013-02-14 #XX-XX 786 1,145psf 2010-12-03 952 151,698 804 8.7

01-03-13, 12:51
Hmm, is 786 referring to the floor size?

I recall all the reservoir facing units are > 1,000 sf (3 or 4 bedders).

Hence this should be a non-reservoir unit... even better right??? :D

Great, hints on what to expect at TOP later this year.:cheers6:

Looking at the purchase price, this belongs to stack facing the reservoir. Anyone has details on the stack and floor?

01-03-13, 13:11
Yes, 786 refers to floor size.

Original Purchase price is 952psf, so guessing should be highfloor reservior facing.

Hmm, is 786 referring to the floor size?

I recall all the reservoir facing units are > 1,000 sf (3 or 4 bedders).

Hence this should be a non-reservoir unit... even better right??? :D

01-03-13, 14:02
Me2. Wanted to build a kitchen there.

Building kitchen to combine with the yard area? How to hang clothes? Sobs... Like v small.... Arg....

02-03-13, 14:39



02-03-13, 15:44


the so called "blue" colour that many of you detest still looks good lah in my opinion....

02-03-13, 15:51
Thanks to bro Kengar and sis Eastlover for sharing the images with us all. :p :p :p

02-03-13, 22:34


Thanks to Bro Kengar and Sis East Lover. Our homes look good :) Hope they can speed up so that we can move in soon!

Kopi Kar Tai
03-03-13, 13:51
the so called "blue" colour that many of you detest still looks good lah in my opinion....

As I had earlier mentioned, the blue is indeed tone down now compared to initial paintwork. When one look from far driving towards it, it now seems much better, not extremely bluish.

I think I can accept it given the current combi of white and very light blue, and also based on SL earlier response on a 60/40 white/blue combi.

"Kopi Gao, Kar Tai, Siu Nai, Ci":cheers2:

03-03-13, 15:52
I finally went to check out Q Bay.. it is indeed very nice.

I like the way the sliding door of the "walk-in" wardrobe is designed, hopefully i can find an ID/Contractor to do the same design since WV has a similar corner wardrobe for the C1/C2 layout.

If the Verandah layout in the showroom is indeed 1119 sf (104sqm), then I am a little more assured that the space is quite liveable, even if the 3-bedder layout at the WV showroom is slightly 'inflated'. :D

Quite impressed that the false ceiling for the whole unit will come in fixed condition, just need to add the lights in.

But of course, i still value my reservoir view, and the generous spacing between each block in WV.. cheers!

03-03-13, 18:27
I finally went to check out Q Bay.. it is indeed very nice.

I like the way the sliding door of the "walk-in" wardrobe is designed, hopefully i can find an ID/Contractor to do the same design since WV has a similar corner wardrobe for the C1/C2 layout.

If the Verandah layout in the showroom is indeed 1119 sf (104sqm), then I am a little more assured that the space is quite liveable, even if the 3-bedder layout at the WV showroom is slightly 'inflated'. :D

Quite impressed that the false ceiling for the whole unit will come in fixed condition, just need to add the lights in.

But of course, i still value my reservoir view, and the generous spacing between each block in WV.. cheers!

I told you it's impressive. It blew me away without a breeze. With respect to the size, I think the designer/architect put a lot of thinking in this one. Te layout is very good hence much space is utilised. I don't think ts a blown up one as there are guidelines that developers have to follow these days.

Thumbs up to Qbay!! Lovely home with a fantastic layout. Just losing the reservoir view and spaciousness like Kengar mentioned. With a more cozy resort style outlook, I think they have their plus points too. :D

03-03-13, 19:44
A good ID job from an innocent point of view::spliff: :spliff:

1. Make efficient 3D utilisation of the limited space

2. Create a larger-than-actual spacious visual effect to cheat your eyes

3. Find the color matrix which matchs the wonderland in your heart

Definitely, need $$$:D :D

03-03-13, 19:57
I did confirm with a designer that certain developers whom is not convenient to be mentioned here - their showflat floor area is usually larger than the actual.

03-03-13, 23:13
The interior designer for qbay is "the id dept". Does anyone here engage them before?

04-03-13, 12:35
thanks for the lovely pics bro Kengar and sis Eastlover. progress is good. :D

finally visited QBay. the ID is good but i find it v cramp and they dun allow us to hang clothes except at the balcony!!:doh:

04-03-13, 19:34
thanks for the lovely pics bro Kengar and sis Eastlover. progress is good. :D

finally visited QBay. the ID is good but i find it v cramp and they dun allow us to hang clothes except at the balcony!!:doh:

Like that sure will have colorful facade next time...everybody hang clothes at balcony :D :D :D

04-03-13, 21:50
Thanks sis east lover n bro kengar for the pic !!

Not only that wor.... The spacing between the blocks also quite narrow... If u guys hv a chance to go caspian.. Sit at the balcony... I think the feel with be like that in qbay... Can chit chat with neighbours at balcony I think.... I still prefer the space in wv in general.....

Just passed by parc Vera..... Omg..... Like super cramp..... 2nd level gonna be ultra noisy for sure...

Yea the progress looks gd.. Exterior will be last rite! :)

East Lover
05-03-13, 10:34
Good morning dear FEC!

Finally I got time to say "hello" to our dear WVers!

Today I called SL, they said the expected TOP is Q4 2013! Let's just pray we can collect key on early of Q4 :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

They confirmed the interior works are doing concurrently, so when you see your unit has been sealed with blue windows, it means SL works are happily installing your wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, and your marble floors!

Let's look forward for our X'mas party at WV on 2013! :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:

Thanks sis east lover n bro kengar for the pic !!

Not only that wor.... The spacing between the blocks also quite narrow... If u guys hv a chance to go caspian.. Sit at the balcony... I think the feel with be like that in qbay... Can chit chat with neighbours at balcony I think.... I still prefer the space in wv in general.....

Just passed by parc Vera..... Omg..... Like super cramp..... 2nd level gonna be ultra noisy for sure...

Yea the progress looks gd.. Exterior will be last rite! :)

05-03-13, 10:45
Thanks EL for your updates and photos.

Errr...I think you have unintentionally made many people happy by saying "marble floors" :scared-5:

Not all of us are lucky to have requested changes to marble flooring.

Please do keep the photos coming.

Good morning dear FEC!

Finally I got time to say "hello" to our dear WVers!

Today I called SL, they said the expected TOP is Q4 2013! Let's just pray we can collect key on early of Q4 :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

They confirmed the interior works are doing concurrently, so when you see your unit has been sealed with blue windows, it means SL works are happily installing your wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, and your marble floors!

Let's look forward for our X'mas party at WV on 2013! :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:

05-03-13, 23:08
Good morning dear FEC!

Finally I got time to say "hello" to our dear WVers!

Today I called SL, they said the expected TOP is Q4 2013! Let's just pray we can collect key on early of Q4 :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

They confirmed the interior works are doing concurrently, so when you see your unit has been sealed with blue windows, it means SL works are happily installing your wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, and your marble floors!

Let's look forward for our X'mas party at WV on 2013! :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:Yay! Nice to see you back in the forum, Sis!

06-03-13, 19:48
Received my lawyers letter today and paid another 10%.. 3 more milestones to TOP! :D

06-03-13, 20:40
So here's my prediction,

Completion of electrical wiring/internal plastering etc - Jun 2013
Completion of carpark, roads, drains, etc - Aug 2013
TOP - Oct 2013

Swee? :cheers5:

06-03-13, 21:39
When I drove past today, I noticed the colour really blends in nicely. Maybe it's psychological but the blue seems to be toned down very much. Not anymore that bluish. Whether it fades away or not I'm not sure (special colour perhaps which fades away slowly?)

Very nice now. No complains. Hehe. On overall there's definitely much more white than the tinge of blue mentioned. Did SL actually hear us and do something about it? Maybe. Upon a closer look then you notice fading blue. Very nice I should say. Well we should put that all aside now and smile while waiting patiently for it to mature in a few months time.

Do drive and talk a walk around the vicinity and admire the beauty. Impressive so far...:p Seeing is believing!':p

06-03-13, 22:49
When I drove past today, I noticed the colour really blends in nicely. Maybe it's psychological but the blue seems to be toned down very much. Not anymore that bluish. Whether it fades away or not I'm not sure (special colour perhaps which fades away slowly?)

Very nice now. No complains. Hehe. On overall there's definitely much more white than the tinge of blue mentioned. Did SL actually hear us and do something about it? Maybe. Upon a closer look then you notice fading blue. Very nice I should say. Well we should put that all aside now and smile while waiting patiently for it to mature in a few months time.

Do drive and talk a walk around the vicinity and admire the beauty. Impressive so far...:p Seeing is believing!':p

My personal feel is that... Previously the paint is really still too fresh... I helped grandma paint her flat many times when I was younger n the paint always appear a lot darker initially. Plus..... At that time... Many blocks were still in cement n the contrast is just too awful... That's why I decided to wait n see the final product.....

Now it really looks like the show flat model! I just hope that the defects are as little as possible .... N can collect keys ASAP!! :)

I haven receive lawyers letter... :(

07-03-13, 01:39
My personal feel is that... Previously the paint is really still too fresh... I helped grandma paint her flat many times when I was younger n the paint always appear a lot darker initially. Plus..... At that time... Many blocks were still in cement n the contrast is just too awful... That's why I decided to wait n see the final product.....

Now it really looks like the show flat model! I just hope that the defects are as little as possible .... N can collect keys ASAP!! :)

I haven receive lawyers letter... :(

Although I fully respect atta and Desquire's comments, I'm sorry I have to disagree... It looks far from what we saw at on the model in the showroom, on the video and in the brochure. I pass by everyday and today I saw the workers on the gondola painting the side of the block at the corner of Tampines Ave 10 and Tampines Ave 1 "Crystal Blue". If you look at that block, it looks like 80% blue and 20% white. If you think that it looks anything like the stated 60% blue and 40% white you must be looking at the block as you come down from the Kaki Bukit flyover - the side of the block there looks white because you are seeing the UNDERCOAT which is white. They will soon be painting that Crystal Blue just like the block at the corner of Tampines Ave 10 & Ave 1.

In fact, the only way the blocks could be anywhere near 60% blue and 40% white instead of what looks like 80% blue and 20% white is if they count the side walls in between the blocks and the staircase external walls as the white areas. When you look at the blocks plan view, we do not see the white walls - only the blue walls are apparent. That is why the blocks will look 80% blue.

07-03-13, 08:35
I personally do not mind the colour. The combination looks ok to me. Everyday I drove pass wv, looking at my unit, hoping for TOP fast fast come....Will start looking for my ID designer in June so that once gotten the key in Q3, they can immediately start working on it. Even if it is all white, it will look so dull like old style... no creative, but some will feel cool and classy. Is just a thin fine line of the separation of like and dislike. :)

07-03-13, 10:40
I personally do not mind the colour. The combination looks ok to me. Everyday I drove pass wv, looking at my unit, hoping for TOP fast fast come....Will start looking for my ID designer in June so that once gotten the key in Q3, they can immediately start working on it. Even if it is all white, it will look so dull like old style... no creative, but some will feel cool and classy. Is just a thin fine line of the separation of like and dislike. :)

Wow! June? Some IDs need 4-6 weeks to come out with a "design". I'm already talking to a few now. Haha!!

07-03-13, 13:00
Received my lawyers letter today and paid another 10%.. 3 more milestones to TOP! :D

Hmnn, so its not too bad to be in the tortoise stacks, they still haven't ask for the 5% for brickworks yet .....Looks like (2c) and (2d) come together..
Cheers.... Desquire ... we get to hold on to our money a little longer ..:cheers5:
and TOP same time .... likely to collect keys later though :rolleyes:

07-03-13, 13:20
Wow! June? Some IDs need 4-6 weeks to come out with a "design". I'm already talking to a few now. Haha!!
Can those ID quotation hold till so long? then i also start looking now and get a few quotations for compare.. :) any good recommendation?

07-03-13, 14:49
Hmnn, so its not too bad to be in the tortoise stacks, they still haven't ask for the 5% for brickworks yet .....Looks like (2c) and (2d) come together..
Cheers.... Desquire ... we get to hold on to our money a little longer ..:cheers5:
and TOP same time .... likely to collect keys later though :rolleyes:
No difference la but really tortoise. Hold on a little little longer. Hahah. When their units are ready, we go attack them and bunk in. Hehe. :p

07-03-13, 18:01
Can those ID quotation hold till so long? then i also start looking now and get a few quotations for compare.. :) any good recommendation?

I met two n given them my requirement already. They need approx a mth to gimme a quote plus ideas / simple sketch of wads it's gonna be like.. So I still dunno which is reasonable priced n creative... Still sourcing ard! :)

Big bro jbtay.. Yea I shld feel happy hor.. No need pay yet... Should be getting keys last also I think .. Nvm la... Hopefully by CNy can move in can Liao.. Haha

07-03-13, 20:08
Somehow i feel the crystal blue painted on the stacks facing QBay/Arc is nicer than the current crystal blue painted on the stacks facing Tampines Ave 10/Quarry.

Any one noticed it too? :cool:

07-03-13, 20:14
I met two n given them my requirement already. They need approx a mth to gimme a quote plus ideas / simple sketch of wads it's gonna be like.. So I still dunno which is reasonable priced n creative... Still sourcing ard! :)

Big bro jbtay.. Yea I shld feel happy hor.. No need pay yet... Should be getting keys last also I think .. Nvm la... Hopefully by CNy can move in can Liao.. Haha
I didn't know they need a month to do up the drawing and quotation...hmm...I guess I need to start my marketing on ID soon..btw, are we able to do the windows at our yard? Or we really need to wait for SL to confirm the standard design?

07-03-13, 21:26
I didn't know they need a month to do up the drawing and quotation...hmm...I guess I need to start my marketing on ID soon..btw, are we able to do the windows at our yard? Or we really need to wait for SL to confirm the standard design?

Actually I think they can do it faster... But coz I asked for something unique... Thus they need longer time I think..

Abt the windows... I've no children yet... So not installing any.... :)

But I'm gonna instal fingerprint entry. Keys very heavy!! Lol

07-03-13, 21:28
Somehow i feel the crystal blue painted on the stacks facing QBay/Arc is nicer than the current crystal blue painted on the stacks facing Tampines Ave 10/Quarry.

Any one noticed it too? :cool:

Really bro kengar??? Must go check it out. By the time I've time to drive past... It's always night already.. :( kk I try to go this Sunday!! :p

Shld park n take a stroll at the reservoir !

East Lover
07-03-13, 21:50
Came back from reservoir... Whole stack 12 installed balcony! It looks really good ;)

Bro kengar, can borrow ur super camera? :D dear atta, maybe you can try also? :p :p i just hope by this weekend my stack can have balcony, that will make entire block 77 & 79 looks complete & pretty :cheers4:

East Lover
08-03-13, 12:28
Received my lawyers letter today and paid another 10%.. 3 more milestones to TOP! :D

How come you only 10% payment notice? for which step?

I have received the 5% payment on Jan already. I thought your block is the pioner of all the block in WV?

Standard Payment Scheme
Standard Payment Scheme
The time for payment and the amount of purchase price payable under the standard payment scheme is shown in the following table:
1) Upon the grant of Option to Purchase 5% - 10% (booking fee)
2) Upon signing of the Sale & Purchase Agreement or within 8 weeks from the Option date 20% less booking fee
3) Completion of foundation work 10%
4) Completion of reinforced concrete framework of unit 10%
5) Completion of partition walls of unit 5%
6) Completion of roofing/ceiling of unit 5%
7) Completion of door sub-frames/ door frames, window frames, electrical wiring, internal plastering and plumbing of unit 5%
8) Completion of car park, roads and drains serving the housing project 5%
9) Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion 25%
10) On completion date 15%


08-03-13, 21:47
How come you only 10% payment notice? for which step?

I have received the 5% payment on Jan already. I thought your block is the pioner of all the block in WV?

Standard Payment Scheme
Standard Payment Scheme
The time for payment and the amount of purchase price payable under the standard payment scheme is shown in the following table:
1) Upon the grant of Option to Purchase 5% - 10% (booking fee)
2) Upon signing of the Sale & Purchase Agreement or within 8 weeks from the Option date 20% less booking fee
3) Completion of foundation work 10%
4) Completion of reinforced concrete framework of unit 10%
5) Completion of partition walls of unit 5%
6) Completion of roofing/ceiling of unit 5%
7) Completion of door sub-frames/ door frames, window frames, electrical wiring, internal plastering and plumbing of unit 5%
8) Completion of car park, roads and drains serving the housing project 5%
9) Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion 25%
10) On completion date 15%


(5) and (6) combined 10%

East Lover
08-03-13, 22:39
(5) and (6) combined 10%
Maybe (6)+(7) for kengar case, as his block is the pioneer block! :D

09-03-13, 06:59
Maybe (6)+(7) for kengar case, as his block is the pioneer block! :D

Yeah that's correct I was billed for these 2. :D

09-03-13, 07:14
Hi everyone, is the boundary wall surrounding condo completed? Is it the metal wire type or concrete wall type?

East Lover
09-03-13, 07:44
Yeah that's correct I was billed for these 2. :D

That's good! So next one will be car park things! Only one more step to TOP!

We have high chance to celebrate our Xmas party @WV on 20013! :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:

6) Completion of roofing/ceiling of unit 5%
7) Completion of door sub-frames/ door frames, window frames, electrical wiring, internal plastering and plumbing of unit 5%
8) Completion of car park, roads and drains serving the housing project 5%
9) Temporary Occupation Permit or Certificate of Statutory Completion 25%

East Lover
09-03-13, 07:47
Hi everyone, is the boundary wall surrounding condo completed? Is it the metal wire type or concrete wall type?
It's metal wire type, based on the model shown in show flat, similar to Waterfront Wave. It's not completed yet.

09-03-13, 09:22
Yeah that's correct I was billed for these 2. :D

Your unit already fully equipped with plumbing , electricity, floor and ceiling tiling etc? Pretty fast.

09-03-13, 09:41
Just and back from car park view. Moving up pretty fast. Very nice and workers working very hard. In the morning, the quarry people would appreciate a good breakfast at the comfort of their balcony. Nice view until afternoon comes...

Win some and lose a little here and there. With pool and a good greenery, the place will be marvellous. :D

09-03-13, 09:52
Just and back from car park view. Moving up pretty fast. Very nice and workers working very hard. In the morning, the quarry people would appreciate a good breakfast at the comfort of their balcony. Nice view until afternoon comes...

Win some and lose a little here and there. With pool and a good greenery, the place will be marvellous. :D

You never take pictures to share share ah? :D

09-03-13, 09:56
You never take pictures to share share ah? :D
Never bring digital camera. Hehe. I'm on 3GS. The phone's camera is horrid. I almost never used it.:D

09-03-13, 10:15
Your unit already fully equipped with plumbing , electricity, floor and ceiling tiling etc? Pretty fast.

Oops my bad, only done up to ceiling. No plumping, electric etc yet. Still billed 10% but perhaps was a catch up for the earlier milestones not billed.

09-03-13, 11:43
Will click some nice pictures for updates.

Was looking at the apartments using binoculars from Tropica Block 65.

Saw kitchen cabinets, Air con, balcony, kitchen opening done up.

Swimming pool looking great :-).

If u wish to drop by n hv a good view from Tropica, do let me know.


09-03-13, 13:35
Hey bro eastguy, you staying at Tropica? :)

Will click some nice pictures for updates.

Was looking at the apartments using binoculars from Tropica Block 65.

Saw kitchen cabinets, Air con, balcony, kitchen opening done up.

Swimming pool looking great :-).

If u wish to drop by n hv a good view from Tropica, do let me know.


09-03-13, 14:38
Will click some nice pictures for updates.

Was looking at the apartments using binoculars from Tropica Block 65.

Saw kitchen cabinets, Air con, balcony, kitchen opening done up.

Swimming pool looking great :-).

If u wish to drop by n hv a good view from Tropica, do let me know.


Sounds good. Take some real close-ups of the insides. Shld be fun to watch the pool being filled for the very first time:D :D :D

09-03-13, 15:21
Hey bro eastguy, you staying at Tropica? :)

Hi Bro

Sister is staying at Tropica.

alvin heng
09-03-13, 15:50
:tongue3: :tongue3: now the blue is 80% white 20% ugly ugly:doh: :doh: :doh:

09-03-13, 16:27
Seems like much progress has been made. At this rate, I won't be surprised at a Oct/Nov'13 TOP.

With so much development in this area (WV,QBAY,The ARC,Waterfront series, Archipelago, etc), I bet IKEA and Courts Tampines have been reaping the windfall of a huge surge in purchases from residents in these developments. Good strategic positioning indeed.

09-03-13, 16:34
:tongue3: :tongue3: now the blue is 80% white 20% ugly ugly:doh: :doh: :doh:

but the condo is 100% sold..congats all WV bros...:cheers4:

09-03-13, 20:25
"Alvin Heng" is just a troll whose account was created in this forum for the sole purpose of creating discord amongst waterview buyers. If you had noticed, he would make an instigating post whenever the issue of color crops up or when things are going smoothly. He probably derives some kind of perverse pleasure in creating unhappiness and seeing people argue.

Don't fall victim to this guy. He is just a loser who doesn't have a life. :tsk-tsk:

hi guy is want to change the colour all must email to sim lian

where got people paint blue and the glass is blue ugly ugly

wow the blue really cannot make it :doh: :doh: :doh: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk:

ugly ugly now the blue paint more than white paint :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

:tongue3: :tongue3: now the blue is 80% white 20% ugly ugly:doh: :doh: :doh:

10-03-13, 04:46
I think we should not pick names and fight among ourselves. The one at fault is our seller for switching the colour of our one million dollar purchase without consultation. I can understand my brother's annoyance for I am a victim in this, too.

How can I ever accept when buying a white shirt, or white leather sofa, my seller on delivery, changes the colour of my desire for one which they think is better for my maintenance? I already knew the colour of my desire at the time of my purchase, that it will be hard to maintain, but I love it. How can they change that without informing me and expecting me to accept that without a question?

I am still writing to Sim Lian for a satisfactory action of remedy if the final colour fails to be what they sold us as presented at the time of selling; in their selling brochure and display model. One way of remedy could be paying for our sinking fund to re-paint the façade in the first year for acting independently without participation with us; the buyer. We should not be penalized for late TOP or paying sinking fund, to correct their undesirable results due to their independent action without the agreement from us; their buyers.

I am asking for 75-80% white, not 60%.

10-03-13, 09:50
Seems like much progress has been made. At this rate, I won't be surprised at a Oct/Nov'13 TOP.

With so much development in this area (WV,QBAY,The ARC,Waterfront series, Archipelago, etc), I bet IKEA and Courts Tampines have been reaping the windfall of a huge surge in purchases from residents in these developments. Good strategic positioning indeed.

Ya man. Nowadays so crowded.. Can't even find a table to dine at the restaurant ! Hopefully a shopping mall will be built soon. Haha

10-03-13, 10:14
There is a big difference between your post and that of your brother's.

You voice your unhappiness sensibly and logically and even though people
may disagree with you, they respect your views.

Your brother's posts are one-liners without any substance and ALL his posts are like that. They are deliberately designed and timed to provoke and instigate discord.

1) hi guy is want to change the colour all must email to sim lian
2) where got people paint blue and the glass is blue ugly ugly
3) wow the blue really cannot make it
4) ugly ugly now the blue paint more than white paint
5) now the blue is 80% white 20% ugly ugly

I rest my case and all the best to you and all waterview buyers who are trying to convince SL to change the colours. If it were me - don't miss the forest for the trees; enjoy the great view and facilities.

I think we should not pick names and fight among ourselves. The one at fault is our seller for switching the colour of our one million dollar purchase without consultation. I can understand my brother's annoyance for I am a victim in this, too.

How can I ever accept when buying a white shirt, or white leather sofa, my seller on delivery, changes the colour of my desire for one which they think is better for my maintenance? I already knew the colour of my desire at the time of my purchase, that it will be hard to maintain, but I love it. How can they change that without informing me and expecting me to accept that without a question?

I am still writing to Sim Lian for a satisfactory action of remedy if the final colour fails to be what they sold us as presented at the time of selling; in their selling brochure and display model. One way of remedy could be paying for our sinking fund to re-paint the façade in the first year for acting independently without participation with us; the buyer. We should not be penalized for late TOP or paying sinking fund, to correct their undesirable results due to their independent action without the agreement from us; their buyers.

I am asking for 75-80% white, not 60%.

10-03-13, 11:55
Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.


10-03-13, 12:21
Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.


the first and last picture looks very blue..:banghead:

10-03-13, 12:31
Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.

Thanks bro. Very nice of you. Can you see your sis unit from yours? Else can say hello each morning and pass breakfast. Hehehe. :p

I wonder what's the function of the arm like machine/crane. Hoisting items or passing out cement? Looks like a gadget from Star Wars!! Haha. :D

10-03-13, 12:35
everything seems so blue......It's realy ugly....white goes which every background.....if they want to match with water bodies/ water theme, they should know when people passing by the building they can't see the water body...it's not so close.....from ave 10 & ave 1 if somebody looking at the buildings it will look like a HDB .......can't we do anything?

Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.


10-03-13, 13:15
He is not my real brother, just a polite way of addressing.

There is a big difference between your post and that of your brother's.

You voice your unhappiness sensibly and logically and even though people
may disagree with you, they respect your views.

Your brother's posts are one-liners without any substance and ALL his posts are like that. They are deliberately designed and timed to provoke and instigate discord.

1) hi guy is want to change the colour all must email to sim lian
2) where got people paint blue and the glass is blue ugly ugly
3) wow the blue really cannot make it
4) ugly ugly now the blue paint more than white paint
5) now the blue is 80% white 20% ugly ugly

I rest my case and all the best to you and all waterview buyers who are trying to convince SL to change the colours. If it were me - don't miss the forest for the trees; enjoy the great view and facilities.

10-03-13, 13:17
Thanks bro. Very nice of you. Can you see your sis unit from yours? Else can say hello each morning and pass breakfast. Hehehe. :p

I wonder what's the function of the arm like machine/crane. Hoisting items or passing out cement? Looks like a gadget from Star Wars!! Haha. :D

Sis unit is near the entrance, m at stack 5.

The arm was transferring some pipes.

10-03-13, 13:23
The 2nd letter from the Architect's reply with regards to our displeasure of the changes in façade wall colour, made reference to the "Clover by the Park". However, I still do not see any colour scheme close to "Clover by the Park" in these pictures. How can they pacify us with this reply and reference? It still fails to match up. The blue that they painted does not calm our senses, nor gave us a serenity feel that they envisioned. We do not want that!

Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.


10-03-13, 14:00
I thought wv looks pretty stunning now under a bright sunny day. Cheers!


East Lover
10-03-13, 14:13
Thank you my bro!

It will be even prettier once the balconies installed!

Did u take photo for my pretty block 77? :D stack 12 fully installed windows n balconies, beautiful isn't it?

I thought wv looks pretty stunning now under a bright sunny day. Cheers!


10-03-13, 19:30
I thought wv looks pretty stunning now under a bright sunny day. Cheers!


Agree it looks stunning. Many thanks to Eastguy for the lovely pics.:cool:

11-03-13, 02:25
I think we should not pick names and fight among ourselves. The one at fault is our seller for switching the colour of our one million dollar purchase without consultation. I can understand my brother's annoyance for I am a victim in this, too.

How can I ever accept when buying a white shirt, or white leather sofa, my seller on delivery, changes the colour of my desire for one which they think is better for my maintenance? I already knew the colour of my desire at the time of my purchase, that it will be hard to maintain, but I love it. How can they change that without informing me and expecting me to accept that without a question?

I am still writing to Sim Lian for a satisfactory action of remedy if the final colour fails to be what they sold us as presented at the time of selling; in their selling brochure and display model. One way of remedy could be paying for our sinking fund to re-paint the façade in the first year for acting independently without participation with us; the buyer. We should not be penalized for late TOP or paying sinking fund, to correct their undesirable results due to their independent action without the agreement from us; their buyers.

I am asking for 75-80% white, not 60%.

Woah! Acidic.straw, I think that was a little harsh. I think "our brother" may not be inclined or able to articulate his displeasure as well as others but calling him a"troll" and a "loser" is just mean. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and although we don't have to agree, we should at least respect it. If u disagree, u can always respectfully disagree and state your reasons. U don't see others disparaging your taste or comments so lets all be nice to one another like civilised folks.
By the way, JC_star, I don't quite understand what u were saying about the sinking fund to pay for repainting in the first year. Could u pls elaborate?

Oh, and also, I do not think this switch in colour scheme is right. It is a clear depature from the brochures, the model at the showroom& even the flythru video by the architect & SIM Lian. If it was originally represented as crystal blue, we would be buying with eyes wide open. How can they suddenly change the colour scheme?!

alvin heng
11-03-13, 08:00
im going to sell it :cheers5:

11-03-13, 08:04
im going to sell it :cheers5:

:cheers4: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:im-so-happy: :im-so-happy: :im-so-happy:

alvin heng
11-03-13, 08:06
what loser by the way i going to sell it waterview like a hdb flat

11-03-13, 09:46
Around 70% or more of Singaporeans stay in HDB flat. I forsee, that is likely where I could be in 10 yrs time, if I's still around. I have lived in HUDC, Private Freehold Apt, back to HUDC, back to 99 yrs PC, and now swapping to a new PC. I have many friends who have moved back to HDB.
Anyway, we all are looking to stay in a HOME, a place where we lived in, communicate and interact with people and build relationships and LIVE. Its not like we buy a beautiful painting and hang it up on a wall and everyday look at it and admire it. To me, thats not LIVING. Period. My views. Hope I didn't offend anyone.;) :rolleyes: :cool: I kind of like the blue now, actually. And for those who think seriously that SL has breached the contract, do take it up with your lawyer. But honestly, we all know the answer to that.:sleep:

11-03-13, 10:13
Around 70% or more of Singaporeans stay in HDB flat. I forsee, that is likely where I could be in 10 yrs time, if I's still around. I have lived in HUDC, Private Freehold Apt, back to HUDC, back to 99 yrs PC, and now swapping to a new PC. I have many friends who have moved back to HDB.
Anyway, we all are looking to stay in a HOME, a place where we lived in, communicate and interact with people and build relationships and LIVE. Its not like we buy a beautiful painting and hang it up on a wall and everyday look at it and admire it. To me, thats not LIVING. Period. My views. Hope I didn't offend anyone.;) :rolleyes: :cool: I kind of like the blue now, actually. And for those who think seriously that SL has breached the contract, do take it up with your lawyer. But honestly, we all know the answer to that.:sleep:

Thanks eastguy for the pic. And zeamybro's superb photoshoot skills. My HOME really looks so beautiful. ESP with the balcony and the white window frame.(I think they are beginning to tear the black tapes away)

Those who wanna sell, congrats!! u have made money from this ugly proj. I still don't get how pple derive the 60%, 80% etc. I can't.. But it's ok. I cant be bothered. This definition is so subjective.. Since sim lian disappointed some peeps here. I do hope they will learn their lesson and avoid sim lian's proj in future. so I dun need to squeeze in the showflat for my next purchase from sim lian.They r reasonably priced as compared the the bigger players. At least I dun pay premium for .... Whatever. To bros n sis who shares same view as I do... Lets move on happily and wait for our keys collection!! Are we gonna have a BBQ session when we move in ? Hahah!

Oh n big bro jbtay, I agree with u! I m still holding to my dear hdb. Will nvr let go! Haha!!!

11-03-13, 10:34
Wonder if by chance they will convert the long-gang into like the punggol river bank :D

11-03-13, 11:30
Attached are pictures taken on 9 March 13.


thanks Eastguy. the pics look fabulous!

11-03-13, 11:32
Around 70% or more of Singaporeans stay in HDB flat. I forsee, that is likely where I could be in 10 yrs time, if I's still around. I have lived in HUDC, Private Freehold Apt, back to HUDC, back to 99 yrs PC, and now swapping to a new PC. I have many friends who have moved back to HDB.
Anyway, we all are looking to stay in a HOME, a place where we lived in, communicate and interact with people and build relationships and LIVE. Its not like we buy a beautiful painting and hang it up on a wall and everyday look at it and admire it. To me, thats not LIVING. Period. My views. Hope I didn't offend anyone.;) :rolleyes: :cool: I kind of like the blue now, actually. And for those who think seriously that SL has breached the contract, do take it up with your lawyer. But honestly, we all know the answer to that.:sleep:

Good health to you Mr. Tay. You will lead a long and happy life and many many Christmases and New Years in Waterview! Cheers bro! :cheers4:

11-03-13, 11:38
Wonder if by chance they will convert the long-gang into like the punggol river bank :D

Yes, that would be great :spliff:
But may be tricky to push for this in this current political climate. Anyway, let's just enjoy what we have at the moment and hope for improvements in the future :D

East Lover
11-03-13, 16:49
Yes, that would be great :spliff:
But may be tricky to push for this in this current political climate. Anyway, let's just enjoy what we have at the moment and hope for improvements in the future :D
if PAP agreed to convert ugly long gang into beautiful river like Bishan park, will PAP win your heart? :D

11-03-13, 19:19
if PAP agreed to convert ugly long gang into beautiful river like Bishan park, will PAP win your heart? :Di can live with the long gang lah. Since I have a beautiful bedok reservoir park behind my home :) hmm. I dun mind a McDonald in the park though! Good to have. Not a necessity.

11-03-13, 19:50
i can live with the long gang lah. Since I have a beautiful bedok reservoir park behind my home :) hmm. I dun mind a McDonald in the park though! Good to have. Not a necessity.

Hi, anyone can explain to me what is the lang gang?


11-03-13, 19:55
"Long Gang" = drain (in Hokkein), case in point - the big canal between WV & Bedok Reservoir

11-03-13, 20:03
i can live with the long gang lah. Since I have a beautiful bedok reservoir park behind my home :) hmm. I dun mind a McDonald in the park though! Good to have. Not a necessity.

McDonald's by the park sounds good. Maybe also a mini canteen selling breakfast food like bee hoon, laksa, meesiam, mee rebus :D :D :D

11-03-13, 23:03
McDonald's by the park sounds good. Maybe also a mini canteen selling breakfast food like bee hoon, laksa, meesiam, mee rebus :D :D :D
Perhaps we can have a breakfast van parked at Caltex!!! sure have business from Tropica, WV and the other residents nearby...hmm...but likely caltex will say no since it will snatch away Old Chang Kee's biz!!! hee.

12-03-13, 00:15
Agree it looks stunning. Many thanks to Eastguy for the lovely pics.:cool:

I am beginning to appreciate the thinking behind the color scheme... U can see the graduation in hues (from crystal blue to white to crystal blue) from a far... At least I think this is the "water" effect the architects are trying to recreate with "water"view.... I am excited!

12-03-13, 06:14
I am beginning to appreciate the thinking behind the color scheme... U can see the graduation in hues (from crystal blue to white to crystal blue) from a far... At least I think this is the "water" effect the architects are trying to recreate with "water"view.... I am excited!

yes, you're right...we may not see it up close but from afar,we can see the effect.

12-03-13, 07:52
Ya, I agree. The effect is greater under the sun light in crystallizing the entire residential. But on cloudy & rainy days, the color scheme can be very dull though ...

yes, you're right...we may not see it up close but from afar,we can see the effect.

12-03-13, 08:40
Good health to you Mr. Tay. You will lead a long and happy life and many many Christmases and New Years in Waterview! Cheers bro! :cheers4:

Thank you, my friend, but I also do need to be reminded to stay healthy. 30 yrs or so of neglect will not change overnight just because I exercise regularly now and eat more sensibly and can be said to be stress-free, with the market providing a little bit of excitement now and then, ha ha. My colleague who was 63 only last week passed away suddenly, collapsed in his bedroom, alone. He had two stents previously. Apparently, no signs of angina pain, etc. So we can only do what we can, take all the risk management measures, etc and accept each day as a gift and enjoy each day to the fullest... Will be going up to Taiwan in early Apr, free n easy, more to introduce my mrs and son to this lovely country and its people. :cheers1:

12-03-13, 08:44
Anyone knows what is the ceiling height?

12-03-13, 09:08
Thank you, my friend, but I also do need to be reminded to stay healthy. 30 yrs or so of neglect will not change overnight just because I exercise regularly now and eat more sensibly and can be said to be stress-free, with the market providing a little bit of excitement now and then, ha ha. My colleague who was 63 only last week passed away suddenly, collapsed in his bedroom, alone. He had two stents previously. Apparently, no signs of angina pain, etc. So we can only do what we can, take all the risk management measures, etc and accept each day as a gift and enjoy each day to the fullest... Will be going up to Taiwan in early Apr, free n easy, more to introduce my mrs and son to this lovely country and its people. :cheers1:

Yeah!! That will be nice. Do you have a great time out there!!! I still prefer my drive-ups across the highway. Thinking of Langkawi in June and Bangkok in December (if we are not too busy with the new home!):) :)

But if given the chance I would love to migrate over to become an Icelandic over the other side of this world!!! :D

12-03-13, 09:10
Anyone knows what is the ceiling height?

I think it's somewhat 2.8m??? Someone might be able to help us in this... definitely not 3m!!:confused:

East Lover
12-03-13, 09:28
Mr Tay, enjoy your trip! TW is one of the places we loved to visit again and again....

Your family will surely love this April holiday!

Thank you, my friend, but I also do need to be reminded to stay healthy. 30 yrs or so of neglect will not change overnight just because I exercise regularly now and eat more sensibly and can be said to be stress-free, with the market providing a little bit of excitement now and then, ha ha. My colleague who was 63 only last week passed away suddenly, collapsed in his bedroom, alone. He had two stents previously. Apparently, no signs of angina pain, etc. So we can only do what we can, take all the risk management measures, etc and accept each day as a gift and enjoy each day to the fullest... Will be going up to Taiwan in early Apr, free n easy, more to introduce my mrs and son to this lovely country and its people. :cheers1:

East Lover
12-03-13, 09:30
bro, confirm it's 2.8m, see the small print in the end of S&P

I think it's somewhat 2.8m??? Someone might be able to help us in this... definitely not 3m!!:confused:

12-03-13, 09:31
Morning fellow WV neighbours, my family drove to WV on last Sat to have a peak of the development. I must agree with Sis East Lover stack 12 looks great after doing up the balcony! My family is so looking forward to moving in by Xmas this year :)

Oh, can I ask which website shows the transaction details of the property, besides URA website? Think someone mentioned before but I can't locate page. Thanks! :)

East Lover
12-03-13, 09:34
bro, why suddenly interested in Iceland??? that's opp with our Tropical Singapore! :D

Nú vaknar þú
Allt virðist vera breytt
Ég gægist út
En ég sé ekki neitt

Now that you
Everything seems different
I look around
But I do not see anything

East Lover
12-03-13, 09:37
here you are:

by the way, did you take some photos of stack 12? :D

Morning fellow WV neighbours, my family drove to WV on last Sat to have a peak of the development. I must agree with Sis East Lover stack 12 looks great after doing up the balcony! My family is so looking forward to moving in by Xmas this year :)

Oh, can I ask which website shows the transaction details of the property, besides URA website? Think someone mentioned before but I can't locate page. Thanks! :)

12-03-13, 10:04
bro, why suddenly interested in Iceland??? that's opp with our Tropical Singapore! :D

Nú vaknar þú
Allt virðist vera breytt
Ég gægist út
En ég sé ekki neitt

Now that you
Everything seems different
I look around
But I do not see anything

Noleh... i grew up with Sigur Rós and have picked up Icelandic and hopelandic since then. Hahahahah!!! :D

I wonder if the bunk bed in Ikea can fit into one of our rooms, especially with the wardrobe already built in.... hmmm...


12-03-13, 10:11
Do we have a facebook page? I can't seem to find it

12-03-13, 10:18
i jog regularly at bedok reservoir park and i find the white paint makes the condo looks like BTO flat and very boring. it doesnt stand out as a condo or something distinctive due to the 'blocky' design like our hdb. even tropicano looks better like condo but older.

12-03-13, 10:57
Do we have a facebook page? I can't seem to find it

Nope... we don't, not that I know fo also. It's already cozy and breeze in here... hahahah! Good enough to welcome all in this forum.:D

12-03-13, 11:07
If WVceiling height is the same or slightly taller than HDB, then this particular model is a no. I measured before and the bed to the ceiling does not have space for someone to even sit up.

The other model that is a bunk bed (1 top, 1 bottom) is ok. The overall height of the bunk bed is lower than the photo below.

Noleh... i grew up with Sigur Rós and have picked up Icelandic and hopelandic since then. Hahahahah!!! :D

I wonder if the bunk bed in Ikea can fit into one of our rooms, especially with the wardrobe already built in.... hmmm...


12-03-13, 11:19
If WVceiling height is the same or slightly taller than HDB, then this particular model is a no. I measured before and the bed to the ceiling does not have space for someone to even sit up.

The other model that is a bunk bed (1 top, 1 bottom) is ok. The overall height of the bunk bed is lower than the photo below.

Thanks bro... this one looks especially nice and they do have some working space at the same time... hmmm wasted la... shall scout around for more beds.:p

East Lover
12-03-13, 11:48
Thanks bro... this one looks especially nice and they do have some working space at the same time... hmmm wasted la... shall scout around for more beds.:p
google "double deck bed designs for small spaces" image, you will have a lot of ideas :D

maybe we would go for bulk purchase for customized double deck for 2.8 m height ;)

12-03-13, 12:13
google "double deck bed designs for small spaces" image, you will have a lot of ideas :D

maybe we would go for bulk purchase for customized double deck for 2.8 m height ;)

Holy Moly!! You're a champion when it comes to bulk purchase and hunting for good stuffs and deals!!! Thumbs up for our marketing director!!!!

12-03-13, 12:13
This one looks good :-)

google "double deck bed designs for small spaces" image, you will have a lot of ideas :D

maybe we would go for bulk purchase for customized double deck for 2.8 m height ;)

12-03-13, 13:37
This one looks good :-)

keeps you fit too! every morning do bench press to convert back to sofa set

12-03-13, 14:39
keeps you fit too! every morning do bench press to convert back to sofa set

Ha ha, you guys make my day ;) :banana:

12-03-13, 14:51
Mr Tay, enjoy your trip! TW is one of the places we loved to visit again and again....

Your family will surely love this April holiday!

thks, East Lover, been to TW twice, but those were biz trips. Keeping my fingers crossed for my 6am online booking of the Taroko Express to Hualien, 2 wks advance. Didn't realise its a mother and children bonding day 4 Apr (a public holiday) and 5 Apr - tomb cleaning day - also ph!!, till my minsu owner told me. Collected 3 free easypasses from the Tourism Assn at Chevron House. Should be a fun 10 days short trip. Already got my taxi driver for 12 hrs up to the north east coast. Next trip will be fly direct to Kaohshiung and make way up the west coast. Hope the weather won't be too rainy. Cherry blossom already out of season but calla lilies season starting end of the month. Noticed that everyday, lots of mini earthquakes in Hualien. Thats good, releases the stresses and delays the big one. God willing, should be a safe and good bonding trip.:cool:

12-03-13, 16:09
keeps you fit too! every morning do bench press to convert back to sofa set
Just don't end up frozen like a pancake in between. Else we need the ambulance for trying to save space!! Haha. :p

12-03-13, 17:14
thks, East Lover, been to TW twice, but those were biz trips. Keeping my fingers crossed for my 6am online booking of the Taroko Express to Hualien, 2 wks advance. Didn't realise its a mother and children bonding day 4 Apr (a public holiday) and 5 Apr - tomb cleaning day - also ph!!, till my minsu owner told me. Collected 3 free easypasses from the Tourism Assn at Chevron House. Should be a fun 10 days short trip. Already got my taxi driver for 12 hrs up to the north east coast. Next trip will be fly direct to Kaohshiung and make way up the west coast. Hope the weather won't be too rainy. Cherry blossom already out of season but calla lilies season starting end of the month. Noticed that everyday, lots of mini earthquakes in Hualien. Thats good, releases the stresses and delays the big one. God willing, should be a safe and good bonding trip.:cool:

Wah power Mr.Tay...You are quite adventurous wor....have a wonderful trip!

12-03-13, 21:50
thks, East Lover, been to TW twice, but those were biz trips. Keeping my fingers crossed for my 6am online booking of the Taroko Express to Hualien, 2 wks advance. Didn't realise its a mother and children bonding day 4 Apr (a public holiday) and 5 Apr - tomb cleaning day - also ph!!, till my minsu owner told me. Collected 3 free easypasses from the Tourism Assn at Chevron House. Should be a fun 10 days short trip. Already got my taxi driver for 12 hrs up to the north east coast. Next trip will be fly direct to Kaohshiung and make way up the west coast. Hope the weather won't be too rainy. Cherry blossom already out of season but calla lilies season starting end of the month. Noticed that everyday, lots of mini earthquakes in Hualien. Thats good, releases the stresses and delays the big one. God willing, should be a safe and good bonding trip.:cool:

Woah!! My fav destination... So far i've not met any rude Taiwanese at this moment. Just went thr in dec. made the worst mistake of my life by following tour grp... In the end attended so many "classes" to get u to buy their super ex stuff... Wad pearl powder etc.. Pls dun buy any of those k. Coz not all are "approved" for consumption etc. am busy planning my trip to sf, lv, Grand Canyon n NYC !!! So excited but the planning is such a hassle. Hopefully when I'm bk, I can collect keys Liao haha!!

12-03-13, 22:22
here you are:

by the way, did you take some photos of stack 12? :D

Thank you Sis East Lover!

We didn't bring camera and enjoyed admiring the beauty of the development and of course our unit :ashamed1:

12-03-13, 22:26
Wah power Mr.Tay...You are quite adventurous wor....have a wonderful trip!

That is a very adventurous holiday.

I am on biz trip next month to Paris n London, bringing my 3 yrs old along. The only thing I have planned is the Disneyland trip, still cracking my heads where to bring the little one to ....

12-03-13, 22:32
google "double deck bed designs for small spaces" image, you will have a lot of ideas :D

maybe we would go for bulk purchase for customized double deck for 2.8 m height ;)
I like this design, so cool!

Yes, I raise hand to support bulk purchase, washer, fridge, TV, sofa, beds...

Can save some money to pay maintenance fees :2cents: :)

13-03-13, 08:32
Thks everyone for the wellwishes. Yes, TW should be fun. Yes, hope we can move in by Christmas and if not CNY. SL is focusing on the stacks furthest away from the main gate. Will contact ID probably around Jun. No need to rush for me.:sleep:

sleeping lamb
13-03-13, 08:34
i jog regularly at bedok reservoir park and i find the white paint makes the condo looks like BTO flat and very boring. it doesnt stand out as a condo or something distinctive due to the 'blocky' design like our hdb. even tropicano looks better like condo but older.
My sis said the same thing when she passed by WV last night. But it does look quite nice in the morning I guess.

13-03-13, 13:07
Personally feel that it does not have the exclusive lok and maybe there too many units and is a big project that SimLian might not have maneged it well by taking care of all the details that eventually angered a lot of owners here :banghead:

My sis said the same thing when she passed by WV last night. But it does look quite nice in the morning I guess.

13-03-13, 13:07
"Long Gang" = drain (in Hokkein), case in point - the big canal between WV & Bedok Reservoir

Thank you. I see

I don't like any changes to this canal as it is a "dragon" in front of our WV. it is quite good of Feng Shui.

East Lover
13-03-13, 15:48
Thank you. I see

I don't like any changes to this canal as it is a "dragon" in front of our WV. it is quite good of Feng Shui.
Dragon? really? interesting to know this feng shui good factor.

i only can tell its 一江春水向东流 ~

13-03-13, 17:04
Dragon? really? interesting to know this feng shui good factor.

i only can tell its 一江春水向东流 ~

So the reservoir is a turtle? :D

East Lover
13-03-13, 17:24
虞美人 ·李煜南唐后主


13-03-13, 17:33
虞美人 ·李煜南唐后主


our ancestors were so free and creative ... today no one wants to study literature liao :beats-me-man:

13-03-13, 18:01
our ancestors were so free and creative ... today no one wants to study literature liao :beats-me-man:
He was the King who lost his kingdom to others...

As for Song Dynasty, this is the period when there are many famous 宋词 created and their design fashion was considered the best in the world that time.. but the country lost to Mongolian eventually..

i likes those poems.. but come to think of it, too enjoy life and not doing productive work, you will lost everything eventually...

满江红 . 岳飞

13-03-13, 19:52
There is a big rain ditch near WV, every day we can see the water flow to the east.
All the WV heros and herines get lost in the spray.
Every thing would finally become nothing in the end, despite all the glory and success of WVers
The only thing standing forever are the mountains
They witness the sunset year after year...while WVers busy calculating dollars
A wiseman is fishing upon WV ditch,
He is used to see all the love and hate feelings in WV forum posts.
Anyway it is the fate that bring all WVers together into WV, why not be happy and have a drink...
How many stories for WVer's gain and loss in property investment, be it happy or sad...
Have a big smile and let them gone with wind.

13-03-13, 20:09
Dragon? really? interesting to know this feng shui good factor.

i only can tell its 一江春水向东流 ~
I belive " long gang" means "龙沟"in Chinese right? So it is a dragon.
In good feng shui, we need have following
1) 青龙
Last time I can find all other 3, only can't find the dragon now all 4 are with WV. Haha!
Now let me tell you the other 3,
Over the viaduct, there is mountain of sand in white color, it is 白虎
Bedok reservoir is 朱雀
The forest after the Qbay is the 玄武。

13-03-13, 20:22
虞美人 ·李煜南唐后主

Water flow to the east is not good feng shui, we don't have and we don't want. Water always flow to us or facing to us is good, so WVer are very lucky with the Bedok reservior, and it is in the South of WV.

13-03-13, 20:24
View from bedok reservoir. :)

13-03-13, 20:36
There is a big rain ditch near WV, every day we can see the water flow to the east.
All the WV heros and herines get lost in the spray.
Every thing would finally become nothing in the end, despite all the glory and success of WVers
The only thing standing forever are the mountains
They witness the sunset year after year...while WVers busy calculating dollars
A wiseman is fishing upon WV ditch,
He is used to see all the love and hate feelings in WV forum posts.
Anyway it is the fate that bring all WVers together into WV, why not be happy and have a drink...
How many stories for WVer's gain and loss in property investment, be it happy or sad...
Have a big smile and let them gone with wind.

Thanks so much for your interpretation. I understand no single Chinese character. Hehehe. :)

13-03-13, 20:43
View from bedok reservoir. :)
Super nice view. It is worth a million.

13-03-13, 21:51
There is a big rain ditch near WV, every day we can see the water flow to the east.
All the WV heros and herines get lost in the spray.
Every thing would finally become nothing in the end, despite all the glory and success of WVers
The only thing standing forever are the mountains
They witness the sunset year after year...while WVers busy calculating dollars
A wiseman is fishing upon WV ditch,
He is used to see all the love and hate feelings in WV forum posts.
Anyway it is the fate that bring all WVers together into WV, why not be happy and have a drink...
How many stories for WVer's gain and loss in property investment, be it happy or sad...
Have a big smile and let them gone with wind.

Gosh.... This was self composed??? Not copy n paste from the net?? That's so... Woah... So deep... :eek:

East Lover
14-03-13, 09:18


There is a big rain ditch near WV, every day we can see the water flow to the east.
All the WV heros and herines get lost in the spray.
Every thing would finally become nothing in the end, despite all the glory and success of WVers
The only thing standing forever are the mountains
They witness the sunset year after year...while WVers busy calculating dollars
A wiseman is fishing upon WV ditch,
He is used to see all the love and hate feelings in WV forum posts.
Anyway it is the fate that bring all WVers together into WV, why not be happy and have a drink...
How many stories for WVer's gain and loss in property investment, be it happy or sad...
Have a big smile and let them gone with wind.

14-03-13, 12:33
虞美人 ·李煜南唐后主


bravo!! 有墨水!!

14-03-13, 12:35
View from bedok reservoir. :)

wow!! beautiful!! thanks for sharing!!

East Lover
14-03-13, 14:09
can we trim the tree?!!! most of the units in block 77 & 79 are blocked by this giant!!!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :simmering: :simmering: :simmering:

14-03-13, 15:50
can we trim the tree?!!! most of the units in block 77 & 79 are blocked by this giant!!!
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :simmering: :simmering: :simmering:

You can write to NPARKS. But I doubt they will do anything even if they want to. How to explain to the public?

"We need to trim the tree because it is blocking the view of Waterview residents" :doh: :doh: ....walau, in today's climate, who dares make that decision?

And it's not just about the cost.:beats-me-man:
...the nature society will whack you for destroying the habitat of the rare whooping bird-bird that makes its home at the top branches.
...the tree lover society will whack you for destroying a rare and beautiful tree that takes 100 years to reach its present majestic height.
...bla bla bla

14-03-13, 16:00

I'm having troubles trying to upload a PDF file as an attachment.

Is anyone else having troubles or is it just me?

East Lover
14-03-13, 16:25
:mad: :mad: :mad:

You can write to NPARKS. But I doubt they will do anything even if they want to. How to explain to the public?

"We need to trim the tree because it is blocking the view of Waterview residents" :doh: :doh: ....walau, in today's climate, who dares make that decision?

And it's not just about the cost.:beats-me-man:
...the nature society will whack you for destroying the habitat of the rare whooping bird-bird that makes its home at the top branches.
...the tree lover society will whack you for destroying a rare and beautiful tree that takes 100 years to reach its present majestic height.
...bla bla bla