Million-dollar HDB flat sales in 2023

Sep 08, 2023

Many million-dollar HDB transactions in 2023 took place at the Pinnacle @ Duxton.

WITH a record number of million-dollar Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat sales in August, we take a look at the million-dollar transactions that have taken place this year thus far, as well as how 2023 is shaping up so far compared with the past five years.

The big picture:

As at Sep 6, 2023, 301 million-dollar HDB flats have changed hands this year. Here’s how it compares with recent years:

On a monthly basis:

This year’s August million-dollar flat sales were an all-time record. Hover over the line graph at various points to see how monthly sales looked in the three years before this:

Digging into 2023:

Type of flat:

Regions these flats are located in:

They weren’t all on high floors:

A sizable number of million-dollar HDB flats sold were not on high floors.

And finally: