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Thread: Perfect Ten's pricing shows early buyers don't always get the best deals

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    Default Perfect Ten's pricing shows early buyers don't always get the best deals

    Perfect Ten's pricing shows early buyers don't always get the best deals

    Early-bird buyers don't pay more when prices go up, so don't expect refunds in a downtrend: observers

    Apr 20, 2022

    PROMOTIONS for early-bird buyers and subsequent "star buy" units at Perfect Ten are again drawing attention to the grey area of how developers price - and discount - their private residential projects.

    Analysts, consultants and lawyers The Business Times spoke to expressed mixed views on the issues. For one thing, when a developer announces a "one-time" discount, is it reasonable for buyers to expect that no bigger discounts will be given in the future? Are buyers entitled to partial refunds if prices keep falling?

    Also, could there be more clarity and transparency in disclosing the gross and net prices? Will it disadvantage developers commercially to reveal why they are adjusting certain prices?

    For the past 4 months, agents marketing CK Asset's Perfect Ten project have been touting units at reduced prices. For several units, the advertised discounts in percentage terms were more than the 5 per cent offered at the Dec 19 launch.

    The developer did not respond directly to BT's questions about the reasons behind its pricing strategy.

    To be sure, multiple price cuts - be it by lowering the listed price or raising the discount - are not unheard of in Singapore's private residential sector.

    A property consultant said the practice is not new, "but very unpopular". "If you keep lowering prices, earlier buyers may be upset, and those who are interested will become more cautious and wait for prices to go down further. It also affects how buyers view your other projects in the future."

    Why trim prices?

    Historically, many developers have slashed prices to clear their remaining units quickly. That usually happens in an economic downturn, when a deadline to sell out the project is looming, or after a fresh round of cooling measures. Asking prices that were simply set too high, due to overestimated demand or aggressive land bids, would also be revised.

    However, developers tend to do so by officially relaunching the project, reopening the showflat, and announcing the extent of the cuts.

    Also common are "star buy" promotions for specific units, publicised to drum up interest. These are usually offered after the buzz from the launch has died down.

    Industry players noted the current unfavourable economic conditions, which could dampen developers' sentiment and influence their pricing, depending on how reactive they are.

    Another consultant said: "Uncertainty and headwinds are growing. Consider Singapore's fresh cooling measures, turbulence in stock markets, fears of the potential economic fallout from the Ukraine war, plus risks of interest rate hikes and stagflation... The overall mood is getting more cautious, which could trigger some developers to offer discounts to sell as quickly as possible."

    An analyst familiar with the Asian property market noted: "Generally speaking, some Hong Kong developers have a more dynamic approach. Once they sense demand might lag, they want to cut their losses and move on."

    "In contrast, major Singapore-based developers tend to be more steadfast in their pricing strategies, as they will try to... ride out a difficult market correction. But with that said, in the past there have also been several Singapore developers that cut prices aggressively and very soon after the initial launch," the analyst added.

    An overly optimistic outlook at the start could also potentially lead to price reductions later.

    Another analyst highlighted that Perfect Ten's listed per-square-foot (psf) prices had looked "very high" when compared to nearby condominiums in early December - the sales gallery opened to the public for preview on Dec 8 - "so we already knew it was going to be a tough sell, even before the Dec 16 cooling measures".

    Caveats data showed Perfect Ten was one of the most expensive among comparable condominiums in the vicinity, including uncompleted projects with unsold units.

    Median transaction prices at comparable condominiums largely hovered between S$2,378 psf and S$2,889 psf last year. Perfect Ten's pre-discount prices ranged from S$3,200 psf to S$3,618 psf for the 10 units in its price list on Dec 16.

    A buyer purchased a unit at Perfect Ten on Dec 19, after learning of the 5 per cent discount through his agent. In a letter to Japura Development, an entity linked to CK Asset, he claimed that he bought the unit based on "firm verbal assurance" from his agent of "equitable financial compensation" if further discounts were given after Dec 19.

    The developer's response, seen by BT, said: "Since the factors that we take into account when pricing our properties (are) not static but constantly changing and moving, we do not, have not and cannot give any price and/or discount assurance for any of our properties to our customers." Essentially, there is nothing stopping developers from giving bigger discounts or changing their marketing and pricing strategies at any point in time.

    Norman Ho, senior partner, corporate real estate at Rajah & Tann, said: "This is a free market, and the price agreed is the meeting of the minds at that time of the agreement to purchase, unless there is a commitment (which is best to be written) that the developer will always adjust to the lowest price, but such commitment is unlikely."

    He added: "The converse is also true - what if the price moves up after the initial sale?"

    Are refunds likely?

    Just as early-bird buyers do not cough up more money when prices are climbing, developers are not obliged to refund them in a price downtrend, observers told BT.

    It is rare for developers to offer compensation or partial refunds to earlier buyers after subsequent price reductions. And even when they do so, it is couched as a "goodwill" payment.

    Back in 2001, CapitaLand gave some early-bird buyers what it called a "one-time goodwill cash rebate" of 5 per cent of the purchase price at The Levelz to compensate for falling prices. Those buyers included 24 people who bought The Levelz apartments at about S$830 psf during a preview in August 2001, before the condo officially launched in December at S$788 psf amid a property market slump.

    CapitaLand Residential also gave a 5 per cent rebate to a group of Tanamera Crest buyers in late 2001, "in view of the unique market environment". The condo complex was launched in February that year at S$560 psf. It was later relaunched in December 2001 at S$445 psf, or 21 per cent less.

    But such examples are few and far between. A litigation and dispute resolution lawyer reckons it will be "very difficult" for buyers to succeed in claiming for compensation, unless it can be determined there was misrepresentation.

    There may sometimes be room to argue there was a breach of warranty based on certain statements. But to seek redress and compensation, one will still have to prove the warranty is part of the contract.

    "The main challenge for buyers is that developers are usually protected by the contractual terms. There are often detailed provisions that exclude reliance on such statements that are verbal promises or extraneous to the contract," the lawyer added.

  2. #2
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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Perfect Ten's pricing shows early buyers don't always get the best deals

    Price cuts at Perfect Ten condo nettle at least one early buyer

    Apr 20, 2022

    PRICE cuts are ongoing at the recently-launched luxury condominium Perfect Ten in prime District 10, with some discounts exceeding the 5 per cent offered just last December. This has raised some eyebrows among industry watchers, given the timing and quantum of certain discounts.

    When the freehold 230-unit project was put on the market on Dec 19 last year - just 3 days after new cooling measures kicked in - the developer, Hong Kong-based CK Asset, offered what it described as a "one-time" discount of 5 per cent off the listed prices.

    In the roughly 4 months since then, some units have continued to be marketed at reduced, "promotional" net prices. However, the exact size of the discounts has not always been clear, as not all the listed or gross prices were disclosed.

    An individual who bought a unit during the Dec 19 "VIP day" launch is arguing that discounts larger than 5 per cent were doled out in recent months, and is thus seeking financial compensation to make up the difference. The Business Times understands that he has sent a legal letter to the developer.

    A few industry observers were also surprised by the timing of the multiple price revisions, implemented so soon after a new launch.

    The developer did not reply directly to BT's queries as to whether discounts larger than 5 per cent have been offered and applied since Dec 19, and whether it reduced any listed prices. BT also asked about the reasons behind such adjustments, but the company did not comment specifically on that either.

    In its response to BT, a spokesperson of Property Enterprises Development (Singapore), a member of CK Asset, said without elaborating: "It is a common practice in the market to offer occasional promotions of various natures during sales campaigns."

    Were bigger discounts given?

    As at Apr 19, the Realis caveats database showed 18 units transacted at the Bukit Timah project, including 8 purchased on Dec 19.

    For the smallest strata area of 753 square feet (sq ft), 4 apartments have been sold thus far, based on the caveats lodged. These include a Level 2 unit that fetched S$3,118 per square foot (psf), and a Level 20 unit which sold for S$3,452 psf, both on Dec 19.

    The other 753 sq ft homes sold were on Level 3, which went for S$3,042 psf on Jan 30, and on Level 5, scooped up for S$3,118 psf on Feb 6.

    In non-landed residential property, apartments on the upper levels typically command higher prices than those on the lower storeys, provided the unit size and stack are the same.

    Smaller sizes are also expected to carry lower overall price quantums - albeit not necessarily lower psf prices - than larger ones, all other things being equal.

    One might thus assume that a second-storey unit with the smallest area, bought with the 5 per cent discount, would likely be the cheapest in the project if no bigger discounts were given later.

    At Perfect Ten, among the 753 sq ft homes, the Level 2 unit was more expensive than the Level 3 unit, and sold at roughly the same price as the Level 5 unit.

    As for the slightly larger homes - those at 764 sq ft - a Level 10 unit ended up a tad cheaper than those on Levels 8 and 9 in the same stack. The Level 10 property was purchased in January for S$3,205 psf. That came after the others went for S$3,206 psf on Level 8 and S$3,222 psf on Level 9, on Dec 19. That said, the Level 7 unit below them was subsequently sold at a lower price of S$3,188 psf in March.

    When CK Asset announced the 5 per cent discount back in December, it released the price list for only 10 units across 5 stacks, on levels 2 and 9. It did not respond to BT's request for the listed prices and actual discounts of the other transacted units.

    According to a promotional brochure, dated Feb 17 and circulated by property agents to potential buyers, a 5.91 per cent discount appeared to be offered for 8 selected "star buy" units, while all other unsold units came with a 3 per cent discount.

    The brochure stated both the listed and net prices for the "star buy" properties. For example, a Level 12 unit was offered at nearly S$4 million, down from its listed price of about S$4.25 million. This unit was later purchased at S$3.99 million, suggesting a 6.19 per cent discount from the list price in the brochure.

    Another chart circulated in April included 7 "star buy" units, again implying a 5.91 per cent discount.

    The April brochure gave the listed prices for close to 30 smaller apartments, with an area of 753 to 797 sq ft. For the sake of illustration, BT estimated the price increase that came with each higher floor, for units in the same stack and with the same size.

    Based on the available listed prices of 28 smaller units in the April brochure, BT's calculations indicated that an average of S$13,997 appeared to be added to the asking price of the 753 to 797 sq ft units with each higher floor. The per-storey increase ranged from S$13,000 to S$15,000.

    If using the more conservative estimate of S$13,000 per floor, and adding it to the listed price of S$2.47 million for the 753 sq ft, Level 2 unit, the listed price for Level 3 in the same stack may be a tad under S$2.49 million while that of the Level 5 unit may be almost S$2.51 million. These work out to discounts of 6.42 per cent and 6.37 per cent to arrive at the units' transaction prices, going by BT's calculations. To be sure, this is a simplistic estimation of how listed prices may vary with the unit's height. Developers can and will often consider other factors in determining the price increases, even within the same stack.

    It should also be noted that the April brochure included 51 units with a 3 per cent discount. For at least 5 of these units, that is a smaller discount than the 5 per cent publicised for them on Dec 19.

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