Brexit: passport is now compulsory for Europeans entering the United Kingdom

This new measure, announced a year ago, is part of a vast new immigration plan aimed at marking a hardening promised as part of Brexit.

01 October 2021

From Friday 1 st October the European citizens or Swiss will no longer use their national ID card to enter the UK. Brexit requires, they will now have to present a passport.

In a statement, the British Home Office said the change will "prevent organized criminal gangs and others from abusing the system" , because identity cards are, he said, an document. "unsecured " . According to the ministry, 48% of false documents detected in 2020 at the border were European or Swiss identity cards. These documents are "easier to counterfeit than passports" , says the ministry, and some "do not include biometric data".

Exception for the Irish

"We must crack down on criminals who seek to enter our country illegally using false documents ," British Home Secretary Priti Patel said in the statement. By putting an end to the use of these insecure identity cards, we are strengthening our border and responding to the will of the people to take back control of our immigration system , ”she added.

This new measure, announced a year ago, is part of a vast new immigration plan to score a promised cure in the Brexit, M me Patel described in the press as "firm against those who seek to abuse system and fair to those who play by the rules ” .

The only exceptions to the compulsory passport: Irish nationals, and European or Swiss citizens with a status (temporary or not) of residence in the United Kingdom. They will be able to continue to use their identity card until December 31, 2025.