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Thread: Cut land lease under GLS programme to 60 years

  1. #31
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    Yes, you can assume so if your property is in a prime good location, well-maintained, and have attractive attributes (like near MRT station and shopping malls, full and sufficient facilities for all residents to have quiet and enjoyable time to enjoy the facilities, decent residents, more than enough car parks for residents that want to park 2 cars or even 3 cars!) etc.
    When crunch time comes and landlords need to fight for tenants, your unit will always get the tenant while others will have no choice but seeing their units vacant for extended periods with no tenants (e.g. during 1998 recession and 2009 recession).............
    I have been through these period and I know this very well!
    Obviously, some green birds and young horns will deny what I said, blah blah blah..........., but it is Ok. I let you all know first.
    My father use to tell me never get myself into debt, must pay finish my HDB, must buy only what I need.

    He even scolded me for buying 5 room HDB when I only got one son, so when I buy condo I don't even dare to tell him in case he cannot sleep.

    Not easy to reprogram yourself with all the good intend, hearsay, flowery words, statistic.

    Facts and figures, the rest you decide buy, sell or rent.

    I happen to be around since the 80's, miss all the cowboy action and fun.

  2. #32
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    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    Only investor can see the value, House owner need to think out of the Box.

    Have been trying to reprogram myself after my Southbank appreciate a Million dollar in 4 years.
    So you agreed that timing is important when buying into Southbank? What if you bought your Southbank in 2013 instead? Will you still be singing the same song?

  3. #33
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    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Amber Woods View Post
    So you agreed that timing is important when buying into Southbank? What if you bought your Southbank in 2013 instead? Will you still be singing the same song?
    I will sing the same song later. Still got 3 more ten years to go if I can still sing when I am 83.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    I will sing the same song later. Still got 3 more ten years to go if I can still sing when I am 83.
    Singing the same song and doing the opposite so as to pass on the risk to others like what all developers do.

  5. #35
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    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    Wow, another investor level owner. Learn something new today.

    Investor level ?

    You had to calculate the total mortgage paid over the 25-, 30-years loan tenure. Money coming out of your pocket no need to count siboh ?

    $140 k cash deployed at 2% opportunity cost per year, compounded becomes $650 k 78 years later. If CPF deployed instead of cash, the amount is even higher.

  6. #36
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    I will not hesitate to use all CPF money to buy properties (because 4% interest/return is just too low, not to mention 2.5% in CPF-OA)...........

    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    Investor level ?

    You had to calculate the total mortgage paid over the 25-, 30-years loan tenure. Money coming out of your pocket no need to count siboh ?

    $140 k cash deployed at 2% opportunity cost per year, compounded becomes $650 k 78 years later. If CPF deployed instead of cash, the amount is even higher.

  7. #37
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    I agree. Switch here switch there, minimum can support 2 properties.

    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    I will not hesitate to use all CPF money to buy properties (because 4% interest/return is just too low, not to mention 2.5% in CPF-OA)...........
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    Investor level ?

    You had to calculate the total mortgage paid over the 25-, 30-years loan tenure. Money coming out of your pocket no need to count siboh ?

    $140 k cash deployed at 2% opportunity cost per year, compounded becomes $650 k 78 years later. If CPF deployed instead of cash, the amount is even higher.
    Another investor level.

    There are a lot of variables depend on what you want people to know.

    News reporter always reports what they want people to know, writer, write what they want people to read.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelonguni View Post
    I agree. Switch here switch there, minimum can support 2 properties.
    LOL, you agree but also talk about switching.

    How many understand about switching anyway ?

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    LOL, you agree but also talk about switching.

    How many understand about switching anyway ?
    I don't care to share.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    I don't care to share.
    Kelonguni is Arcachon ?

    Don't bother la.

  12. #42
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    Similar strategies similar number of properties.

    But got age difference.

    I use stocks to level up in double quick time but he doesn't.

    He asks all who need to buy, I challenge all who need to wait.

    Don't anyhow smear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    Kelonguni is Arcachon ?

    Don't bother la.
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelonguni View Post
    Similar strategies similar number of properties.

    But got age difference.

    I use stocks to level up in double quick time but he doesn't.

    He asks all who need to buy, I challenge all who need to wait.

    Don't anyhow smear.
    Please forgive him, when he reached 3000 posts he will know who is who.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelonguni View Post
    Similar strategies similar number of properties.

    But got age difference.

    I use stocks to level up in double quick time but he doesn't.

    He asks all who need to buy, I challenge all who need to wait.

    Don't anyhow smear.

    Sorry, it should be "Arcachon is Kelonguni ?"

    Either way, was just asking why he is answering on your behalf.

    Yes, you spoke about stock investment.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    Please forgive him, when he reached 3000 posts he will know who is who.
    You know the meaning of smearing ?

  16. #46
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    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    You know the meaning of smearing ?
    To suggest that a forummer is posting in two voices under two identities to amplify his or her views to mislead, that is smearing to me.

    He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf. In fact, he has a good number of years ahead of me and can point out the pitfalls and tricks ahead. He has had the sweeter juice because of earlier entry but I have had quite good deals which are gaining ground as the days pass.

    If you hold a SG job securely and has CPF backing, nothing is sweeter. But there is a lot of work involved.
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelonguni View Post
    To suggest that a forummer is posting in two voices under two identities to amplify his or her views to mislead, that is smearing to me.

    He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf. In fact, he has a good number of years ahead of me and can point out the pitfalls and tricks ahead. He has had the sweeter juice because of earlier entry but I have had quite good deals which are gaining ground as the days pass.

    If you hold a SG job securely and has CPF backing, nothing is sweeter. But there is a lot of work involved.
    Sure, if you said so.

  18. #48
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Kelonguni View Post
    To suggest that a forummer is posting in two voices under two identities to amplify his or her views to mislead, that is smearing to me.

    He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf. In fact, he has a good number of years ahead of me and can point out the pitfalls and tricks ahead. He has had the sweeter juice because of earlier entry but I have had quite good deals which are gaining ground as the days pass.

    If you hold a SG job securely and has CPF backing, nothing is sweeter. But there is a lot of work involved.

    You should know a worm once cut split into two. even though its the same worm
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by minority View Post
    You should know a worm once cut split into two. even though its the same worm
    Bro, not nice leh.

    And not all worms survive after splitting.
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  20. #50
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    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by minority View Post
    You should know a worm once cut split into two. even though its the same worm
    Wah, so many worms congregating !

    You meant worms that speak for each other are from the same.

    He said it was smearing, I arm chio lo. In the first place, I never implied that they are the same and therefore the question why one was answering for the other. He clarified Arcachon can speak for him now mah.

    Ownself smears ownself

  21. #51
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    There is no need to resort to derogatory language to make our point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    Wah, so many worms congregating !

    You meant worms that speak for each other are from the same.

    He said it was smearing, I arm chio lo. In the first place, I never implied that they are the same and therefore the question why one was answering for the other. He clarified Arcachon can speak for him now mah.

    Ownself smears ownself
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Hakuho View Post
    You know the meaning of smearing ?
    Newbie, when you reach 3000 post than talk.

    Maybe you are the one that get boot out of this forum, for your info a few of them got boot out. Hope you are not one of them. Be polite and educated when posting people appreciate value add not rubbish.

    I like this quote.

    Lastly, remember Lee Kuan Yew definition of a educated man.

    An educated man is a man never stop learning and want to learn more.
    Last edited by Arcachon; 07-08-17 at 12:55.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    interesting exchange.

    this part has me baffled.
    H was asking K "How many understand about switching anyway ?"
    A answered "I don't care to share."
    K added "He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf"

    i am baffled how H asking K about numbers of people understanding switching becomes K knew that A knew K's strategy.
    or perhaps this is another case of misreading "60LH, the bank will also not finance the last 30-years lease, when its price will surely decline to zero."

    and A's response is interesting. why the need to mentioned about possibility of H being booted out. and why is 3000 a magic number.
    (don't worry Ted and Min has called each other lying scumbags for ages, and they are still fine.)

    as usual, lots of obfuscation and smoke when caught.

  24. #54
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by indomie View Post
    I know to extend the life of a condo in itself is not possible. But to act as own developer is possible. Lets say u have a 60 years condo. The residents can decide to pool money every month for the next 30 years to torn down and rebuilt a new condo that intensify the use of land. maybe in the end one condo can yield 2 condo.
    has anybody worked out the sums involved?

  25. #55
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    Discourse analysis: it's not stated exactly when the price becomes zero. If it means at the end of 30 years, it's so common sense that the statement becomes an Oxleymoron. My interpretation was more at the point of refinance at the beginning of the last 30 years when banks so called would not provide finance if someone wants to buy.

    Even TB understands how to use CPF optimally. Trust us when we say that 2.5% is Super underutilising the full potential of CPF. Safe but silly in current climate.

    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post
    interesting exchange.

    this part has me baffled.
    H was asking K "How many understand about switching anyway ?"
    A answered "I don't care to share."
    K added "He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf"

    i am baffled how H asking K about numbers of people understanding switching becomes K knew that A knew K's strategy.
    or perhaps this is another case of misreading "60LH, the bank will also not finance the last 30-years lease, when its price will surely decline to zero."

    and A's response is interesting. why the need to mentioned about possibility of H being booted out. and why is 3000 a magic number.
    (don't worry Ted and Min has called each other lying scumbags for ages, and they are still fine.)

    as usual, lots of obfuscation and smoke when caught.
    The three laws of Kelonguni:

    Where there is kelong, there is guni.
    No kelong no guni.
    More kelong = more guni.

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post
    interesting exchange.

    this part has me baffled.
    H was asking K "How many understand about switching anyway ?"
    A answered "I don't care to share."
    K added "He knows my strategy so he can answer on my behalf"

    i am baffled how H asking K about numbers of people understanding switching becomes K knew that A knew K's strategy.
    or perhaps this is another case of misreading "60LH, the bank will also not finance the last 30-years lease, when its price will surely decline to zero."

    and A's response is interesting. why the need to mentioned about possibility of H being booted out. and why is 3000 a magic number.
    (don't worry Ted and Min has called each other lying scumbags for ages, and they are still fine.)

    as usual, lots of obfuscation and smoke when caught.
    I am not getting involved with the blockheads but will still post against fake news.

    Earlier, I looked into his thread postings when you first mentioned YT. His equity vs debt ratio when purchasing the Landed was actually healthier than one of the blockheads’ today; debt sustainability not much different. And yet the blockhead's is sung today, his a grand strategy.

    If YT had made his move 3 years earlier, probably he made $2 mi for that area. It was the timing of his purchase, and also ignoring downside risks. C’est la vie, he should move on and we wish him the best in recovery.

    Property investment, can make money also can make one a bankrupt. Knowing the pitfalls is the foundation of sound property investment.

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    YT had 2m equity in his landed and debt of 1.8m, in the event of foreclosure he should still have at least 1m+ back in cash. so not really sure if I believe that story or not.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonymontana View Post
    YT had 2m equity in his landed and debt of 1.8m, in the event of foreclosure he should still have at least 1m+ back in cash. so not really sure if I believe that story or not.
    Most can talk until the cow come home and you still don't know what they have.

    There is only one and only One call Arcachon.

    For those who don't know the name called Arcachon can check out the link.

  29. #59
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    I miss the place.

  30. #60
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