Your Letters

In betting on property, prepare to win big and lose big

Feb 26, 2017

The Government is right not to shift its position on the property cooling measures ("Tweak property cooling measures to help retirees" by Madam Tan Bee Cheng; Feb 19).

I find it hard to sympathise with the plight of those organisations or individuals who decided to invest in property, and who indeed had it very good before 2009, but have since had a change in fortunes.

Life is what we make of it. If we take calculated risks to go into something which pays big, we must also be prepared to lose big if things go wrong.

There are no sure bets, whether it is in property or stocks. Whether you win or lose, you have to take it in your stride. When bad times come round, you should not blame anyone or expect any mercy.

The Government must have had certain objectives when it decided to implement property cooling measures. It should stick to its guns until the objectives are met.

Philip Tan Fong Lip