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Thread: Singapore election 2015

  1. #271
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    Apr 2011


    Sometimes in Yr 1987, my spouse's company sent him to USA for 3 months training. He was given US$300 allowance per week (exclude airtickets and lodging). He was very thrifty, ate simple meals and saved up every single cents so that he could have a holiday with me after his training. I joined him about 3 weeks before his training ended at St Paul. He had all the itineraries
    planned before we started our holidays. With his balance allowance, we travelled to LA, San Francisco, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Our mode of transports were rented cars, domestic flight and International flights Our holiday lodging were
    motels in LA and San Francisco, hotels in Hawaii, Las Vegas, Taiwan and HK. Our meals were very simple and no expensive shopping. Total we spent about 3 weeks for our holidays.

  2. #272
    Join Date
    May 2014


    I realized one thing from this GE.

    Most who voted for PAP are pro PAP and they are not critical of the ruling party and accepts largely everything with the view that so long PAP continues to rule, we will ALWAYS have peace and economic progress overall as a nation.

    On the other hand many who voted for opposition are actually not pro opposition. They are merely not pro PAP.

    Many are the ones who cannot trust PAP when they keep claiming they are whiter than white and the severe lack of transparency. Think Lee Bee Wah case of her awarding the construction project to her own company as an example of conflict of interest.

    They are also the ones who highly questions news from all sources. Be it main stream media and the Internet or any forums. For as many alternative view sites there can be as many pro PAP sites after all with the Internet and social media campaign can be used to anyone's advantage. The one who has the most fund will always have a huge advantage.

    Do not agree with the ruling parties tactics to redraw the constituencies to their advantage along with other tactics they used to gain a huge advantage for themselves.

    Do not endorse in a meritocracy system and society. Do not endorse a 6.9m and beyond population by bringing in large number of immigrants at a probable cost of diluting the core values and culture of the true blue Singaporeans.

    They also believe that with the ruling party inability to come up with long term forward looking policies to bring us further does not bode well especially with their continuous practice to get new members from the same connected inner circle which leads to group think and complacency. It is made worse when the senior ministers have repeatedly spoken to their countrymen in condescending tones and make EBR remarks. They hope to see more ministers of better calibre with real long term industry working experiences in the parliament to come up with better policies.

    Politics is a dirty business. To make any difference, getting in is the first step. If you are not in, you are out.
    Last edited by Jem; 19-09-15 at 00:48.

  3. #273
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    The British has 1 of the best "welfare" in the world, and look at where they are going?

    Welfare is the dirty word, if you have even read what Lee Kuan Yew has said.

    The British teaches us the best lesson that "welfare" must only go to the needy, and not the middle-income, and definitely not including the rich living in private estates! However, the latter is precisely what is happening in Singapore!
    Such indiscriminate throwing of benefits to "win" votes is detrimental to Singapore in the long-run. Who is going to pay for it? Does Singapore has natural resources like British having North Sea oil to pay for that?
    So, either Singapore has to continue to raise taxes (directly and/or indirectly) to support throwing of those benefits or the nation's reserve will drop to support those.....

    Money can win votes, but not all will be bought over by the money (because they can see through that those money don't drop from the sky and others due to other causes), probably that is why there are still opposition party supporters?
    Really ?
    The British has one of the best welfare in the world
    How many of our Town Council are in "actual" surplus every year ?

  4. #274
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Difference between RAGE vs. ANGER: "Rage doesn't back off until the other person is hurt. Anger is different. Anger...does not need a target. It does not seek to hurt others. In order for anger to dissipate, we must feel our true feeling, express it accurately... After we've been angry in a healthy way, we have MORE ENERGY." ~ Anne Katherine. God allows anger for 24 hours. Anger that lasts more than a day, anger that goes to sleep with you, has turned to poisonous rage. "Be ye angry and SIN (rage) NOT: (how?) let not the sun go down upon your wrath!" ~ Ephesians 4:26

  5. #275
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    .....Do not endorse in a meritocracy system and society........
    Good try at sneaking it in. "opposition" do endorse a meritocracy, however they don't believe in natural aristocracy.

    i do believe the opportunities are plentiful in Singapore. only in singapore, can a person with engineering background crossover to lead a finance company or a person with marketing background to head a train company, all on their own merit.

  6. #276
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    I realized one thing from this GE.

    Politics is a dirty business. To make any difference, getting in is the first step. If you are not in, you are out.
    Most who voted for PAP are pro PAP and they are not critical of the ruling party (not True election 2011 show PAP supporter have a choice)and accepts largely everything with the view that so long PAP continues to rule, we will ALWAYS have peace and economic progress overall as a nation.

    On the other hand many who voted for opposition are actually not pro opposition. They are merely not pro PAP.People vote opposition so that they can have a different view and not what PAP say this PAP say that.

    Many are the ones who cannot trust PAP when they keep claiming they are whiter than white and the severe lack of transparency. Think Lee Bee Wah case of her awarding the construction project to her own company as an example of conflict of interest.Let the CPIB decide what is right what is wrong.

    They are also the ones who highly questions news from all sources. Be it main stream media and the Internet or any forums. For as many alternative view sites there can be as many pro PAP sites after all with the Internet and social media campaign can be used to anyone's advantage. The one who has the most fund will always have a huge advantage.Read what the Taiwanese do in Taipei

    Do not agree with the ruling parties tactics to redraw the constituencies to their advantage along with other tactics they used to gain a huge advantage for themselves.If you are PAP I think you will do the same

    Do not endorse in a meritocracy system and society. Do not endorse a 6.9mIs a fact, that it or leave it and beyond population by bringing in large number of immigrants at a probable cost of diluting the core values and culture of the true blue Singaporeans.(True Blue Singaporean are from immigration)

    They also believe that with the ruling party inability to come up with long term forward looking policies to bring us further does not bode well especially with their continuous practice to get new members from the same connected inner circle which leads to group think and complacency. It is made worse when the senior ministers have repeatedly spoken to their countrymen in condescending tones and make EBR remarks. They hope to see more ministers of better calibre with real long term industry working experiences in the parliament to come up with better policies.Will you vote in a contractor or real estate agent to manage National development.

  7. #277
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Simi View Post
    Freedom usually requires financial success
    Happiness is a feeling of freedom ?

    If money is your master (happiness) then you would have failed to understand the purpose money

    Quote Originally Posted by irisng View Post
    What is the actual meaning of freedom? How should we define it? Different people define freedom differently. Everbody also want freedom, it depends how a person treat it. Teenagers don't care about bread and water, they want freedom to be able to hang around with friends, do whatever things that they like, hope that their parents will not interfere but is this good? As for those who get older and older, what they hope is health, freedom to them is can sleep (a roof over their head), can eat (don't need to worry about food), can walk (so that they can go anywhere they like) is good enough. In fact, we also have our own freedom, the only things that tie us down is the laws but isn't it better to live in a lawful country rather that staying in an unlawful country, everything will be in a mess and not safe.
    Hi Irisng

    That's why I put a Question mark there

    Freedom from law is not freedom..........------
    Freedom from parent rules is not freedom.......-----
    Freedom from school regulations is not freedom......-----

    I put the dash there
    you can put in the words please ?

  8. #278
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    My definition of Freedom is very simple, Can eat and shit that is the best freedom one can have.
    Brother Arcachon

    That's not freedom

    You must eat what is lawful and not shit anywhere you like

    If the law allows you to eat what you like and shit at any place you like...then that's freedom

  9. #279
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post
    Good try at sneaking it in. "opposition" do endorse a meritocracy, however they don't believe in natural aristocracy.

    i do believe the opportunities are plentiful in Singapore. only in singapore, can a person with engineering background crossover to lead a finance company or a person with marketing background to head a train company, all on their own merit.
    But not as much as some countries where actors can really be a President.

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simi View Post
    Brother Arcachon

    That's not freedom

    You must eat what is lawful and not shit anywhere you like

    If the law allows you to eat what you like and shit at any place you like...then that's freedom
    Sorry to let you misunderstood what I mean.

    Eat is a normal thing to everyone, but when someone cannot eat then there is no more freedom.

    Same with Shit, everyone can Shit, but when someone lost the ability to shit it is worst than unable to eat.

  11. #281
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Arcachon View Post
    Sorry to let you misunderstood what I mean.

    Eat is a normal thing to everyone, but when someone cannot eat then there is no more freedom.

    Same with Shit, everyone can Shit, but when someone lost the ability to shit it is worst than unable to eat.

    No worries, do not need to say sorry

    Happiness is what everyone wants to go after
    but it must not go against the Wall of legality, Wall of morality and Wall of expression

    certain countries allow and is legal for certain food (meaning consumption) but not in Singapore

    morality...don't think need to explain here

    expression ?....well we have seen cases here....Over expression ?

    Try going against these walls and you may find yourself getting everything "Free of charge"

    Free of charge = Inside the Prison Walls
    where everything is free

    you do not need to pay rental for your stay
    3 meals are free
    clothing are free
    no conservancy charges ....LOL

  12. #282
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    expression ?....well we have seen cases here....Over expression ?

    Try going against these walls and you may find yourself getting everything "Free of charge"

    Free of charge = Inside the Prison Walls
    where everything is free

    you do not need to pay rental for your stay
    3 meals are free
    clothing are free
    no conservancy charges ....LOL [/QUOTE]

    Is medical treatment free? Got free dialysis? Got free chemotherapy?
    How can criminals get away scot free by dying before serving the full sentence?

  13. #283
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by HP65 View Post
    But not as much as some countries where actors can really be a President.
    you really need good acting skills to run for public office or to be head of finance company or train company.
    a really bad case of acting....son of punggol picking leaves.

    i am not sure whether head of finance company has actually a finance degree or something like CFA.
    but good acting and a copy of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Finance and Accounting" will always get the board to vote a person as head of finance company.
    sorry, in boardroom talk, is it called appointed or voted in?

  14. #284
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post
    Is medical treatment free? Got free dialysis? Got free chemotherapy?
    How can criminals get away scot free by dying before serving the full sentence?
    Hi hopeful

    Yes, free but lost freedom

    get everything free but no happiness

  15. #285
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Simi View Post
    Hi Irisng

    That's why I put a Question mark there

    Freedom from law is not freedom..........------
    Freedom from parent rules is not freedom.......-----
    Freedom from school regulations is not freedom......-----

    I put the dash there
    you can put in the words please ?
    Sorry, what words you want me to put in? I'm just talking in general, not targeting at anyone.
    For me, freedom is able to go anywhere I like, able to eat what I like to eat, able to sleep soundly without worry about children, family and work. So I am thinking will there be such a thing as complete freedom, I don't think so.

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by irisng View Post
    Sorry, what words you want me to put in? I'm just talking in general, not targeting at anyone.
    For me, freedom is able to go anywhere I like, able to eat what I like to eat, able to sleep soundly without worry about children, family and work. So I am thinking will there be such a thing as complete freedom, I don't think so.

    can eat, got roof over the head, can sleep

    these are the very basic of human needs and physical requirement

    Contentment you are referring to

    nothing to do with freedom la

    As for the child that you cited, that is "rebellion" and not freedom

  17. #287
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    “Contentment” is the word that changed me. When I speak of “moments of change,” I mean those knife–edge situations in which one crosses over from the familiar to a new state of being, moments from which there can be no turning back. Some moments of change are physical—one’s first menstruation or first orgasm are classic examples, and profound examples they are—but the majority of thresholds are psychological, moments of alteration when perspective suddenly shifts. A new point of view sweeps away the familiar way of looking at things. Once seen with fresh eyes, a new perspective cannot be undone.

    The groundwork for my moment of change began with another story, a book I read thirty years ago that was written by a 73 year–old widow, Erma J. Fisk. The Peacocks of Baboquivari tells how this woman had volunteered to spend a winter season all alone counting migratory birds on a remote mountaintop in Arizona. For decades she’d been happily married, but never had she been independent. Her dependence on men was partly a factor of her generation (she’d been born in 1908) and partly the result of circumstance. First, her father had “taken care of everything” and made decisions for her. Then, the devoted husband whom she had married young handled all the couple’s affairs.

    The husband had been her rock. With his untimely death she’d been cleaved—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually—leaving her bereft in profoundly fundamental ways. Yet here she was now, alone on the sparse granite bluff of Baboquivari peak, her winter shelter a 15–by–20 foot cabin with no telephone or electricity. The winter turned out to be the coldest on record, and the access road to her cabin washed away. Few of us would find themselves especially happy in similar circumstances.

    And yet the book, which reads like a journal of her time on the mountain, contains not one note of fear or self–pity. It is a story of one woman overcoming loneliness, of moving from lamentation to discovering, in ornithology, an activity that gave life meaning again. At the beginning she writes, “I passionately wished each night for years that I might wake up dead in the morning.” Then, by the end of her saga there is this: “I have listened to too many women in second marriages envy me my independence. There are worse things than loneliness. Widows haven’t many options, not at my age. Contentment is not the same as happiness, but it is a very solid state” (my emphasis).

    It was this last sentence that struck me as remarkable. Why it stood out I cannot exactly say. The author was a careful writer. Her voice was precise, her vocabulary rich and engaged. Why did she pointedly contrast happiness and contentment, and moreover imply that the latter was a lesser state of being? That was how I read her words.

    I reached for my Oxford English Dictionary, the micro edition whose two heavy volumes come with a magnifying glass. Leafing through its pages here is what I found:

    HAPPINESS Good fortune or luck in life or in a particular affair; success; prosperity. The state of pleasurable content of mind, which results from success or the attainment of what is considered good.

    So far, nothing unexpected in the Oxford description, although it impressed me that most people, if they had clothes, food, and a roof over their head, were happy by definition. The dictionary seemed to be saying that happiness was largely the passive result of attainment: One acquired goods or status, and the acquisitions in turn bestowed happiness. Thought about this way, as the “attainment of what is considered good,” I was surprised at how little one needed to strive or do in order to count as happy.

    Personally I had more than enough creature comforts and nothing to complain about. I was dictionary–happy. But why, then, did I feel let down nonetheless, that something was missing despite the evident happiness that the authority of the Oxford English Dictionary said I had? The answer came in the other definition:

    CONTENTMENT Having one’s desire bound by what one has (though that may be less than one could have wished); not disturbed by the desire of anything more, or of anything different; satisfied so as not to repine.

    With a thud I set the book down, scarcely able to imagine that exalted state: a life so sufficient and fulfilled that desire would not disturb me. If only. I had to laugh because back when I was young I was plagued by desire, beset by dissatisfaction in work, in relationships, in every aspect of my life. Restless, irritated, and discontent, I found nothing okay the way it was and desired just about everything to be different—until I meditated hard on what conditions would make me happy, and found contentment right in front of me.

    ~~Richard E Cytowic~~

  18. #288
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Simi View Post
    Hi hopeful

    Yes, free but lost freedom

    get everything free but no happiness
    really got free medical treatment??
    why govt never advertise free medical treatment provided?

    happiness is state of mind.
    freedom is state of mind.
    loneliness is state of mind.

    health is state of body.
    hunger is state of body.
    thirst is state of body.
    sickness is state of body.

    infact I would suggest old folks make use of the opportunities. lots of old folks can commit the soft crimes, then prison become one big happy retirement village with free food, free accomodation, free medical treatment. like that no medisave withdrawal, no burden on your children.

  19. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post

    happiness is state of mind.
    freedom is state of mind.
    loneliness is state of mind.

    health is state of body.
    hunger is state of body.
    thirst is state of body.
    sickness is state of body.
    Use it correctly

    and can be a powerful tool

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful View Post

    infact I would suggest old folks make use of the opportunities. lots of old folks can commit the soft crimes, then prison become one big happy retirement village with free food, free accomodation, free medical treatment. like that no medisave withdrawal, no burden on your children.

    your soft crime sentence must be able to outlast your treatment period

    further more, when one is up to a certain age
    the sentence are usually lighter

    sleep on concrete floor ?....

    a criminal will be treated as a criminal
    no "specialist" there , very basic health care

  21. #291
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    free rotan too.. after that, free medical treatment..

  22. #292
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar View Post
    free rotan too.. after that, free medical treatment..
    after certain age no more rotan le..
    Ong lai ah!

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