Bill tabled to vary HDB lease infringement penalties

By Lee Meixian

[email protected]@LeeMeixianBT

13 Mar

A BILL was tabled on Thursday that, among other things, proposes to vary the quantum of penalties that the Housing and Development Board (HDB) may impose in lease infringement cases, depending on severity.

If passed, the penalty will be capped at S$50,000. Currently, HDB may compulsorily acquire the flat or impose a penalty on the flat owners. The penalty is fixed for each type of infringement. The bill for first reading was introduced by Desmond Lee, Minister of State (National Development), on behalf of National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan.

HDB yesterday said that for unauthorised subletting, the current penalty, in lieu of compulsory acquisition, is set at 15 per cent of the flat's price.

If a HDB flat dweller is found to own a private residential property during the five-year minimum occupation period, the penalty is 5 per cent.

What HDB is suggesting then is "calibrated levers", adjusted according to the severity of the offence. For example, a HDB spokesman told BT, cases of illegal subletting that also cause problems of disturbance and overcrowding are deemed more serious than missing a procedure in applying for a permit.

The bill also proposes to give HDB officers more powers in investigating lease infringements. It seeks to give them more powers to enter premises with a warrant, take written statements, get photographs, audio or video recordings of the flat if needed, and also to require people to give information or documents that are relevant to the investigation. Currently, officers depend on flat owners, occupiers or subtenants to let them into the flat. They also sometimes face refusal to provide written statements or furnish particulars.