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Thread: 'Premature' to relax property cooling measures now: Khaw

  1. #31
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    If we don't see it, it means nothing has been done, what more to say?
    If you say they already did something but show no result, that means incompetency, what more to say?
    No excuse at all!

    Quote Originally Posted by walkthetiger View Post
    Teddy, you should know it depends on how many people and who are complaining.... Btw, if you didn't see it, this doesn't mean no work-in-progress.....
    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    What you said is exactly what is happening for commercial properties with REITs!
    Sadly, nothing much has been done to cool commercial properties, and with rentals jacked up significantly, many mom-and-pap shops closing while others just pass on the costs to consumers, resulting in huge inflation..............

  2. #32
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    If we don't see it, it means nothing has been done, what more to say?
    If you say they already did something but show no result, that means incompetency, what more to say?
    No excuse at all! is all depends on what the people want, if you produce enough figures then show it to them, then the sooner to see the real things... Their work depends on the people... not just to your wishes.
    A bottle of Lafite '82 for all my coffeeshop friends yesterday...many don't know what is it....haha...

  4. #34
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    They already show us the figure! It is strange that people would prefer to believe words on face value than dissect the hard raw data presented, which is that commercial rentals (retail space) has been jacked up by a lot over past 5 years!

    Quote Originally Posted by walkthetiger View Post is all depends on what the people want, if you produce enough figures then show it to them, then the sooner to see the real things... Their work depends on the people... not just to your wishes.

  5. #35
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    They already show us the figure! It is strange that people would prefer to believe words on face value than dissect the hard raw data presented, which is that commercial rentals (retail space) has been jacked up by a lot over past 5 years!

    Quote Originally Posted by walkthetiger View Post is all depends on what the people want, if you produce enough figures then show it to them, then the sooner to see the real things... Their work depends on the people... not just to your wishes.

  6. #36
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    I suggest you should buy a condo as an investment. Just talk to yor agent sincerely regarding your budget so they can find a good deal for you. Back in 2010, before I move here in Singapore and earning not so high salary, I still manage find an affordable flat. Try to choose a unit at d'leedon Condo (

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear View Post
    They already show us the figure! It is strange that people would prefer to believe words on face value than dissect the hard raw data presented, which is that commercial rentals (retail space) has been jacked up by a lot over past 5 years!
    Oh? REIT jack up but u don't factor in the improvement the REITS made to the property? are the property the same as 5yrs ago? Many have gone thought transformation putting more design and features into the properties. As well as the desirable tenant mix?

    U want ur mall to be like queens town mall. 80s style and standard? naturally rental will increase if the value of the location , infra and mix are enhanced to attract more crowd.

    as usual u talk a lot of bull.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  8. #38
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    Jan 2013


    SSD now have no meaning at all in this market, especially 3rd and 4th year SSD.

    in fact, if they are trying to bring down the price, they should remove the 3/4th yr SSD for more supply.

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