Vacancies soar and rents fall as new apartments stay empty
by Simon Johanson - 17/12/13, 3:15 PM
At 7.8 per cent, vacancy rates in central Melbourne are the highest in Australia. Photo: Jessica Shapiro
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Melbourne’s vacancy rates are soaring as a surge in inner-city development adds thousands of apartments to the rental market.
The city’s 3 per cent vacancy rate is now the highest among Australia’s capitals, SQM Research’s November data suggests.
Hobart and Adelaide have the tightest vacancy rates in Australia at 1.4 per cent, SQM figures show.
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Perth’s vacancy rates, usually the lowest in the country, has risen from 0.7 per cent in November last year to 1.7 per cent this year.
Sydney’s vacancy rate is still relatively tight at 1.7 per cent while Brisbane’s was up to 2.4 per cent.
Melbourne's vacancy rates usually jump between November and January as students leave rental accommodation for holidays but the city’s peak is being driven by empty apartments in the CBD, Southbank and Docklands, figures show.
‘‘During this time of year you get some seasonal influences with students moving around,’’ SQM’s Louis Christopher said. ‘‘I would be cautious about reading too much into it.’’
But the number of empty homes in Postcode 3000, in the heart of Melbourne’s Hoddle Street grid, has risen for the fifth month in a row and was now at 7.8 per cent, he said.
A vacancy rate around 3 per cent is considered balanced.
In Docklands, vacancies jumped to 9.7 per cent in November, a result likely to have been skewed by the sudden completion of a large apartment development, however the suburb’s September figures were still relatively high at 7 per cent, SQM said.
Southbank was marginally better. There the proportion of empty homes was 6.3 per cent.
The figures are likely to worry property investors.
While low interest rates are firing up buyers - the value of new loans reached a record of almost $22 billion in October - in central Melbourne rents are starting to fall as apartment owners struggle to find tenants, industry figures say.
‘‘We haven’t seen our rent lists blow out,’’ Galldon Real Estate’s Don Gallicchio. ‘‘But for the first time in a decade rents haven’t been increasing.’’
‘‘If people are trying to increase their rents, that’s where they’ll start to struggle or their property will stay vacant,’’ he said.
Analysts Charter Keck Cramer estimate about 5350 new apartments hit the CBD, Southbank and Docklands market this year.
Normally, the long term average of units built is about 2000.
The confluence of sagging rents, high vacancy rates and more new apartments may dampen CBD property prices for years to come but will prove a boon to renters, particularly those happy to live in high rise towers.

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