Your suggestion is in fact so pragmatic and rational.

However, this "irrationalism" (esp. the thinking of such retirees) do occur for some very real reasons. Personally knew 2 pte prop owners, retired or almost retiring, who are not prepared for "the change" into other housing. e.g. Not wanting to downgrade to a 4-5 room HDB with another $1M cash on hand, because they saw all the O$P$ news on TV and think that all HDB units are like that and do not want to live in fear.

Those who are able to do that are often those who have probably experienced the heartlanders' life (rental, HDB) and are not fearful of living amongst these fellow singaporeans.

Change is not easy, especially as we age and feel less secure as no longer so economically viable to organisation and society.

Quote Originally Posted by radha08 View Post
if i am him i will sell my landed pay cash and buy 2 x condos...1 to stay other to collect rental income for my monthly expenses...maybe he should join our forum...