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Thread: Maid buries baby in employer's garden

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Maid buries baby in employer's garden

    Using google translator :

    Indonesian maid , house garden Buried son , dismissed by the employer discovered the spot was arrested this morning, accused of abandoned corpses .

    This amazing event occurred since yesterday afternoon , after locations in the near Serangoon Garden Route along the Brighton Road . Units involved in the family lived in a Chinese family , is a 2-storey bungalows . According to this understanding , newborn baby boy was found shortly after the maid has been arrested is believed to be the baby's 30 -year-old mother, who is an Indonesian maid .

    " Shin Min Daily News " reported last night, Ms. Lee received a reader to inform in a quiet residential area see many police cars, but do not know what happened .

    Reporters arrived, they found that the house 's garden , the original was actually dug up a baby corpse .

    It is understood that after the maid in births , still pretending nothing had happened, surprise, she found that her employer was wrong, after careful questioning , the maid was discovered amazing facts pregnancy birth . Employer after the spot police, police received the news, immediately rushed to the scene investigation.

    To less than half of new , maid fat ; police investigation six hours dispatched police dogs . Full coverage , please refer to 09.11.2013 " Shin Min Daily News ."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Google translation is so funny.

    I ever received a name card from a China Printer, who use google translate to describe his services. One of his service is "No f**k glue" which suppose to describe "不干胶".

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