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Thread: Feng shui in selecting ppty

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Feng shui in selecting ppty

    Im not superstitious la, but Im very curious to research on fengshui stuffs & will take note of the DOs & DONTs when selecting ppty.
    I oni noe bit bit nia, pls correct me if I hv misunderstood the rules. Those tat I noe, eg:

    1. Buy ppty wif sitting north facing south orientation. East windy n hv no west sun leh. Anyone noe y facing east not gd huh?
    2. Dun buy the low units n the top unit.
    3. Yr kitchen shd not share the same wall as yr toilet bowl.
    4. If yr target ppty is low rise, make sure u r not being surrounded by high rise.
    5. Dun get one besides cemetary, mosque or temple.
    6. Unit preferably facing greenary or water, best to be unblock.
    7. Door of yr toilet shd not facing kitchen.
    8. Take note of sharp edges of other units. Tis one I understand how to avoid on picture but I dunno how to explain.
    9. Not gd to hv swimming at the top.
    10. Try dun get unit facing cross junction, whether facing it at "t" or "x" angle. Tis one I oso dunno how to explain, mayb guru can explain to make it clearer.
    11. Dun get units near expressway, esp wif vehicles moving towards u (if u noe wat I mean. Angle is as if the veh is gg to knock into u)

    Am I superstitious? Hahaha ... Do u hv more fengshui tips? Welcome to share more here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Just do your own research, usually before any purchase, I would visit the place during morning , afternoon and night .

    so to see if any morning ,afternoon or evening sun.

    and if possible talk to a couple of residents at the targeted unit, they would give u an unbiased comments.

    Ever talk to 2 Caucasians gals at the condo which is next to a temple. Their comments were just heard light mummers chanting nothing major.

    the next one was a design disaster, the rubbish chute was next to first floor lift entrance. The lobby was quite windy and you a foul stench

    Feng shui is very much logical . Just need to know what u like or no.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    新聞挖挖哇:教你看房子(1/6) 20120601

    黑心建商剋星! Sway教你看房五招

  4. #4
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    Jun 2009



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I follow "believe in" fengshui but a large part of fengshui has got to do with common sense and personal feelings. Many people have an immediate feeling of comfort or discomfort when they physically stand on/enter a piece of property.

    1. Buy ppty wif sitting north facing south orientation. East windy n hv no west sun leh. Anyone noe y facing east not gd huh? For fengshui, there's nothing wrong with facing east. For own stay, you should select property according to your (and your family's) year of birth. Each person will have 4 favourable facing positions for furniture placement. If the walls in the house are not aligned with the favourable facing positions, you'll have problems placing your furniture.
    2. Dun buy the low units n the top unit. --> No. The level favourable for you depends on your year of birth.
    3. Yr kitchen shd not share the same wall as yr toilet bowl. --> This applies in the past when toilets used to be dirty. If your toilet is always dirty, you should follow this rule.
    4. If yr target ppty is low rise, make sure u r not being surrounded by high rise. --> Depends. High rise can be protection for the low rise.
    5. Dun get one besides cemetary, mosque or temple. -->Yes
    6. Unit preferably facing greenary or water, best to be unblock. --> Not necessary. Best is to have an area in front of the building where "qi" can collect. Water is not always good, e.g. stagnant water at reservoir.
    7. Door of yr toilet shd not facing kitchen. --> No.
    8. Take note of sharp edges of other units. Tis one I understand how to avoid on picture but I dunno how to explain. -->Yes
    9. Not gd to hv swimming at the top.--> Don't know but I wouldn't buy the unit directly below it.
    10. Try dun get unit facing cross junction, whether facing it at "t" or "x" angle. Tis one I oso dunno how to explain, mayb guru can explain to make it clearer. -->Yes. Roads are modern day replacement of rivers. Will you want to build your house at the X of the river?
    11. Dun get units near expressway, esp wif vehicles moving towards u (if u noe wat I mean. Angle is as if the veh is gg to knock into u)--> Yes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Avoid a house that is facing the emptiness lines.

    22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop View Post
    Avoid a house that is facing the emptiness lines.

    22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5
    facing of the house refers to the main door?
    Ong lai ah!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by onglai View Post
    facing of the house refers to the main door?
    u shd stand at yr main door, looking out. Wat u look out will be yr facing. So eg if u look out is facing south, u will be sitting north.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop View Post
    Avoid a house that is facing the emptiness lines.

    22.5, 67.5, 112.5, 157.5, 202.5, 247.5, 292.5, 337.5
    Do u hv any links which explain how to interprete the flying star chart? I hv seen they drawn out the circular lines n put in the degrees but I cannot visualise wat it is talking abt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Some info on flying star fengshui

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Now days if the price is good, the condo is SOLD faster than you can say Feng Shui No matter what orientation...

    My visits to the show flats always show the same results..The leftover units are those that are priced significantly more, e.g. the penthouses...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Before you get your property get him to look at it.

    Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong.

    Very often people buy their property than go and see the master.

    Got to know him in 1988, but at that time no money to get him for advice.

    Finally in 1995 got a bit of money after selling my 4 room HDB, manage to get him for advice and never look back.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    my fengshi tips to counter in red, FOC.

    Quote Originally Posted by mermaid View Post
    Im not superstitious la, but Im very curious to research on fengshui stuffs & will take note of the DOs & DONTs when selecting ppty.
    I oni noe bit bit nia, pls correct me if I hv misunderstood the rules. Those tat I noe, eg:

    1. Buy ppty wif sitting north facing south orientation. East windy n hv no west sun leh. Anyone noe y facing east not gd huh? don't buy facing xi bei feng
    2. Dun buy the low units n the top unit. nothing to do with fengshui
    3. Yr kitchen shd not share the same wall as yr toilet bowl. i only heard, kitchen cannot share the same wall as the main door. or the other side of the kitchen stove wall cannot be your bed
    4. If yr target ppty is low rise, make sure u r not being surrounded by high rise. tall building backing is ok, but not the front facing tall building
    5. Dun get one besides cemetary, mosque or temple. beside can, but not directly facing
    6. Unit preferably facing greenary or water, best to be unblock. too much water may not be good for everyone
    7. Door of yr toilet shd not facing kitchen. can put knee length curtain
    8. Take note of sharp edges of other units. Tis one I understand how to avoid on picture but I dunno how to explain. put ba gua or shan hai zhen which will not harm your neighbour9. Not gd to hv swimming at the top. nothing to do with fengshui
    10. Try dun get unit facing cross junction, whether facing it at "t" or "x" angle. Tis one I oso dunno how to explain, mayb guru can explain to make it clearer. your block cannot face incoming vehicle (lu chong)
    11. Dun get units near expressway, esp wif vehicles moving towards u (if u noe wat I mean. Angle is as if the veh is gg to knock into u) buy those inside the expressway curve is good

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Cupcakes View Post
    my fengshi tips to counter in red, FOC.
    thks for sharing. but wat do u mean by "buy those inside the expressway curve is good?" how issit possible for a project to be inside an expressway curve

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by mermaid View Post
    thks for sharing. but wat do u mean by "buy those inside the expressway curve is good?" how issit possible for a project to be inside an expressway curve
    Or mrt track? Should have... Think ECP have, sorry I don't drive.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by mermaid View Post
    thks for sharing. but wat do u mean by "buy those inside the expressway curve is good?" how issit possible for a project to be inside an expressway curve
    check out 8@woodleigh. look at the way the small road hug the whole devp. according to my master, this is very good.
    There is no good or bad location. There is only good or bad price.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz View Post
    check out 8@woodleigh. look at the way the small road hug the whole devp. according to my master, this is very good.
    hmm ... I nvr noe project being hug by a small road is gd!

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