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Thread: Rabbit's Nest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Rabbit's Nest


    狼不允许,说私自建就是违章建筑,只允许 向王八买。

    王八是搞房地产的,先用20万贿赂狼取得开 发权,再用50万元向狼买这块地,投 资10万元把兔子窝盖好,向兔子要价200万 元。

    兔子拿不出这么多钱于是向狐狸借200万 元,连本带利300万,20年还清,兔子全 家二十年给狐狸打工。

    狼、狐狸、王八都挣了钱,只有兔子亏,连 孩子也不敢生了。

    兔子越来越少,狼觉得这样下去大家没肉 吃,于是调控。

    狼显得非常重视兔窝价格太贵的问题,研究 部署了遏制兔窝价格过快上涨的政策措施。最 后认定兔窝价格卖得太高的原因是因为 有的兔子买了兔窝后自己不住而进行倒卖所 致。

    于是狼规定:兔子买了兔窝5年内卖了的,要 向狼交纳营业税。

    结果兔窝价格没降下来,狼却发了大财。 狼又对狐狸说:只借钱给首先交了更多钱的 兔子,并提高高利贷的利息,多买兔 子窝的不借,全交现钱。

    这样狐狸在兔子的购窝过程中也发了财。 王八借着兔窝价格上涨的行情,以更高的价 格向狼买地,并转嫁到兔窝价格 上,再加价后卖给兔子。

    看到狼辛苦地为自己操劳,兔子很感谢狼, 但还是发现兔窝价格越来越贵。

    狼说:这事挺复杂,还真不太好办,不过兔 子们放心,我们将继续调控,可以向 已经有兔窝的兔子征收兔窝税┉ 看见的转发一下,因为有些兔子还不明白。 近日,世界银行高级副行长、首席经济学家 林毅夫一针见血地指出:“穷人把钱 存入银行,实际上是补贴富人”。 在中国有一个奇怪的现象:穷人到银行存 款,富人到银行贷款。结果穷人越来越 穷,富人越来越富!中国的老百姓只要坚持3个 月之内不存钱,房价将跌穿,银行 破 产。中国的很多问题就可迎刃而解 。


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Monthly salary of five thousand rabbits, intends to use 200,000 to build a nest.

    Wolf allowed that is illegal buildings built without permission, only allowed to buy bastard.

    Bastard is engaged in real estate, first with 200,000 bribe to obtain rights to develop the wolf, the wolf then 500,000 yuan to buy a piece of land, invest 10 million to cover the rabbit hole, the rabbit asking for 2 million yuan.

    Rabbit get so much money so borrowed 2 million yuan to the fox, with interest 3,000,000, 20 years to pay off, rabbit fox family two years to work.

    Wolf, fox, tortoise have made money, only the hare loss, even the children did not dare birth.

    Fewer and fewer rabbits, wolves think that we did not go on the meat, so regulation.

    Wolf is very great importance to the issue too expensive rabbit nest study the deployment of a rabbit nest curb excessive price rises policy measures. It concluded that rabbit nest selling price is too high because some bunny rabbit nest after they bought carried live reselling due.

    So the wolf states: bunny rabbit nest five years to buy sell, and would like the wolf pay sales tax.

    Results rabbit nest price did not come down, the wolf has made a fortune. Wolf and the fox said: only lend more money to pay the first rabbit, and improve usurious interest, did not hesitate to buy a rabbit nest, all pay cash.

    Share this fox rabbit nest in the process also made a fortune. Tortoise rabbit nest by rising prices in the market, at a higher price to the wolves to buy land, and passed on to the rabbit nest prices, coupled with price and sold rabbits.

    Hard to see the wolf for their own physical exertion, the rabbit is very grateful to the wolf, but still found the price more expensive rabbit nest.

    Wolf said: This is something very complicated, it is really not easy to handle, but rabbits are assured that we will continue to be regulated, can have levied rabbit rabbit rabbit nest nest tax ┉ saw forwarding it, because some of the rabbits do not understand. Recently, the World Bank Senior Vice President and Chief Economist sharply pointed out: "the poor to put money in the bank, in fact, subsidizing the rich." In China there is a strange phenomenon: the poor to bank deposits, bank loans to the wealthy. Results poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer! Chinese people just stick within three months does not save money, prices will fall to below the bank bankruptcy. China's many problems can be solved.

    Because most of us are rabbit!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Long Long time ago, people put money in the Bank and the Bank loan out the money.

    Fast forward, you go to the Bank and the Bank just need to key into their computer system and your loan is created, don't need people to put their money in the Bank.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I think one word sums up the whole story. Economy.

    I m still waiting for the 3 little pigs to show up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Wynyard

    狼不允许,说私自建就是违章建筑,只允许 向王八买。

    王八是搞房地产的,先用20万贿赂狼取得开 发权,再用50万元向狼买这块地,投 资10万元把兔子窝盖好,向兔子要价200万 元。

    兔子拿不出这么多钱于是向狐狸借200万 元,连本带利300万,20年还清,兔子全 家二十年给狐狸打工。

    狼、狐狸、王八都挣了钱,只有兔子亏,连 孩子也不敢生了。

    兔子越来越少,狼觉得这样下去大家没肉 吃,于是调控。

    狼显得非常重视兔窝价格太贵的问题,研究 部署了遏制兔窝价格过快上涨的政策措施。最 后认定兔窝价格卖得太高的原因是因为 有的兔子买了兔窝后自己不住而进行倒卖所 致。

    于是狼规定:兔子买了兔窝5年内卖了的,要 向狼交纳营业税。

    结果兔窝价格没降下来,狼却发了大财。 狼又对狐狸说:只借钱给首先交了更多钱的 兔子,并提高高利贷的利息,多买兔 子窝的不借,全交现钱。

    这样狐狸在兔子的购窝过程中也发了财。 王八借着兔窝价格上涨的行情,以更高的价 格向狼买地,并转嫁到兔窝价格 上,再加价后卖给兔子。

    看到狼辛苦地为自己操劳,兔子很感谢狼, 但还是发现兔窝价格越来越贵。

    狼说:这事挺复杂,还真不太好办,不过兔 子们放心,我们将继续调控,可以向 已经有兔窝的兔子征收兔窝税┉ 看见的转发一下,因为有些兔子还不明白。 近日,世界银行高级副行长、首席经济学家 林毅夫一针见血地指出:“穷人把钱 存入银行,实际上是补贴富人”。 在中国有一个奇怪的现象:穷人到银行存 款,富人到银行贷款。结果穷人越来越 穷,富人越来越富!中国的老百姓只要坚持3个 月之内不存钱,房价将跌穿,银行 破 产。中国的很多问题就可迎刃而解 。

    Maybe the 兔子 = poor, 狼 = Regulator, 王八 = Developers and 狐狸 = Banks.
    Will son and grandson of 兔子 work like slave in a richer and more advance world ruled/designed by 狼, 王八 and 狐狸? Will son and grandson of 狼, 王八 and 狐狸 have an easier life effortlessly? Some check and balance tasks should exist to prevent that world lean toward a collapse.
    Last edited by wsx123; 28-06-13 at 09:08.

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