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Thread: RIP: My friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default RIP: My friend

    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Yes, treasure the time that is given to you. RIP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY
    I think live life at the fullest, and seeing your close wan daily is a blessing.
    I am at the age of attending siblings and friends ` wake , I am taking things easy, .

    life is short, and remember , no matter how many friends u have, at the end of the day, is your wife and children are at your bed when you are sick. The rest of them the most is to visit you more offen....cherish our love wan...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY
    i was about to say that you marry the lovely wife until i re-read that part realised that i have misread the word "beloved" for "lovely".

    anyway, when your colleague died overseas, does the company give the wife travel and accomodation expenses to see the body overseas and to accompany the body back to singapore?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY
    Such incidents do shake us a bit and remind us what is important indeed. My work place witnessed 3 deaths over the past 4 months. 2 natural, 1 ... Sigh!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Thats why Office Boy always advocate to learn how to spend money meaningfully than to spend too much time trying to make too much money.

    Every min you are unhappy in the office, is every min of your life wasted.

    Most Singaporeans who own 2-3 PCs are already there, but they still continue to want more and more. So that at the end of the day, they die unhapppily in the process of trying to make more money.

    My office got many people like that, but Office Boy just watch and smile.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Life is short.

    Enjoy it while you can. U can't enjoy when yr body is weak, your mind is stressed up about $/relationships.

    APPRECIATE and CELEBRATE life.. be happy with what has been achieved. Don't fret over the small things.

    Take precautions, like buying insurance... maintaining relationships. Peace of mind and a clear conscience is priceless.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful
    i was about to say that you marry the lovely wife until i re-read that part realised that i have misread the word "beloved" for "lovely".

    anyway, when your colleague died overseas, does the company give the wife travel and accomodation expenses to see the body overseas and to accompany the body back to singapore?
    he was a foreigner i believe they flew his body back to his own country for his funeral but i believe his family would be distraught at his sudden demise if one is aged and sick and passes away people expect it but to get a phone all out of nowhere saying your loved one is gone its like the end of the world
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY
    Over worked ..Over stress.. Over worry .. over practically everything ... No outlet ... does'nt share (nice and soft-spoken as usual) ..Bang Bang .... lose meaning of life purpose (suicide .. as Todd's case ). The human mind is too fragile ..psychological speaking if we are just too focused on certain specifics of life ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by triple70
    Life is short.

    Enjoy it while you can. U can't enjoy when yr body is weak, your mind is stressed up about $/relationships.

    APPRECIATE and CELEBRATE life.. be happy with what has been achieved. Don't fret over the small things.

    Take precautions, like buying insurance... maintaining relationships. Peace of mind and a clear conscience is priceless.
    cheers bro my thoughts too
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    poor people buy 4d to buy some hope
    rich people buy condo to have something to look forward to

    if we all need some reason to stay alive and get thru the days to arrive at some unknown 'FUTURE', and overlook what we already have TODAY to enjoy, we are all quite hopeless.
    click: 🏢shoeboxmickeymousehouse 🏢

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Here is my take on life :

    We do not know when we are going to kick the bucket. If we do, we can do proper planning rite???? So do we want to plan such that we will live till 82 or do we plan such that we will live till 50????

    We need to determine at what age we believe we will live until... And that will be our goal....

    If we plan to live till 82, we need to save money such that we can still have a certain level of living standard after we retire.

    During our course to save money for retirement, we also need to enjoy our lives a little bit - in the event we kick the bucket earlier.... So there must be some balance in our lives... The issue is the fine balancing... Spend too much in your early life and you will be deprived of "money" in the future to spend... Spend too little in your early life and you may be stripped of enjoyment in the event you kick the bucket early...

    The key is to strike a balance and only you and you alone can determine this balance which will make you happy....

    Some find joy in liquor, some find joy in companionship with friends, some find joy in the high life.... So it is almost impossible to past judgement on someone's lifestyle.... What is important is you MUST BE HAPPY AND SMILE

    So what if you have so much money and perpetually worry about whether you have enough.... Do little things that make you happy.... And most importantly, be optimistic and live each day as if it were your last. Of course easier said than done. After all, we are all humans and we are affected by variables in life (office politics, kids education, money problems, etc...) but if we try, at least we will get somewhere....

    I always believe in this statement :

    "Money cannot buy you happiness but without money, how long can one be happy - especially if a catastrophic event occurs that require money".

    So be happy, dont worry..... As the song goes....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Here is my take on life :

    What is important is you MUST BE HAPPY AND SMILE

    So be happy, dont worry..... As the song goes....
    yes bro from your summary my take also same dont worry be happy cos laughter is the best medicine thats why i always end my posts with
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    yes bro from your summary my take also same dont worry be happy cos laughter is the best medicine thats why i always end my posts with
    I m always HAPPY.
    click: 🏢shoeboxmickeymousehouse 🏢

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    I m always HAPPY.
    Another word for happy is gay!
    Happy is ... not .

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by princess_morbucks
    Another word for happy is gay!
    Happy is ... not .
    when i was in kindergarten we always sing this song if u happy and u
    know it clap ur hands

    feel so STUPID now 40 years later
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    when i was in kindergarten we always sing this song if u happy and u
    know it clap ur hands

    feel so STUPID now 40 years later
    Bro, my friend went to a gay bar and sitting down, they played the song and people were clapping their hands.... Finally he realised. Hahahahaha

    True story.....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY

    Unknown to most of us, our environment is very toxic.

    Water - Newater
    Cooked Food - Recycled oil, boiling soup in plastic bags
    Air - Jurong Island
    Vegetables - PRC
    Meat - Antibiotics
    狮子王 (formerly blackjack21trader): READ MY LIPS: NO MORE CRASH FOR 60 YEARS.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sgbuyer
    Unknown to most of us, our environment is very toxic.

    Water - Newater
    Cooked Food - Recycled oil, boiling soup in plastic bags
    Air - Jurong Island
    Vegetables - PRC
    Meat - Antibiotics
    Water - drink alkaline water (marvel)
    Cooked food - take more alkaline food and salad
    Air - Get air purifier in your room (Germitrol)
    Vegetables - buy Aus broccoli (cold storage)
    Meat - Take more fish (especially cod or salmon)

    Voila..... Solution

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Water - drink alkaline water (marvel)
    Cooked food - take more alkaline food and salad
    Air - Get air purifier in your room (Germitrol)
    Vegetables - buy Aus broccoli (cold storage)
    Meat - Take more fish (especially cod or salmon)

    Voila..... Solution
    Anybody had tried alkaline drinks and what is the effect?
    Is it really that good?
    Think of trying but not sure if it is marketing gimmick ...and it is really exp!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by zzz1
    Anybody had tried alkaline drinks and what is the effect?
    Is it really that good?
    Think of trying but not sure if it is marketing gimmick ...and it is really exp!!!
    I bot marvel. I think about 2.6k. Pretty good. They also dispense acidic water. This can be used for washing face... Effect on skin quite good. According to my girls....

    The beauty is after buying, u drink more water.... I bring a bottle and place it in the car and drink it everyday.

    Don't know gimmick or not, but I actually drink more water after the purchase... The taste is also different...

    Bot it at kemp something in international plaza...

    As to the amount I paid... I really cannot remember. Need to ask my wifey...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    I bot marvel. I think about 2.6k. Pretty good. They also dispense acidic water. This can be used for washing face... Effect on skin quite good. According to my girls....

    The beauty is after buying, u drink more water.... I bring a bottle and place it in the car and drink it everyday.

    Don't know gimmick or not, but I actually drink more water after the purchase... The taste is also different...

    Bot it at kemp something in international plaza...

    As to the amount I paid... I really cannot remember. Need to ask my wifey...
    so the good effect is the result of drinking more or the alkaline neutralisation of acid in the body? This is being advertise ....

    Me whole body aching sia.... I think a good massage works as well....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by zzz1
    so the good effect is the result of drinking more or the alkaline neutralisation of acid in the body? This is being advertise ....

    Me whole body aching sia.... I think a good massage works as well....
    Bro, u need to try Chiropractic...

    Ang Moh I go
    Elder chiropractic

    Chinese I go
    Mr Liu at orchard plaza
    Tel 6737 3821

    After that, massage does wonders... Massage is temp, Chiro last a couple of months.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, u need to try Chiropractic...

    Ang Moh I go
    Elder chiropractic

    Chinese I go
    Mr Liu at orchard plaza
    Tel 6737 3821

    After that, massage does wonders... Massage is temp, Chiro last a couple of months.
    Good good.. Will try later dates...tks

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Sudden death you mean not due to accident? Due to unknown illness?

    Yap, that is why I believe in retiring early & enjoy life, even if the life is simple, no luxury. Worry & stress is the worst thing for old people, accelerate illness that make living painful & yet won't die, most pitiful & sorrowful situation. Like that I better jump down from the Sails, still can create a name on newspaper..........

    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    This week i got news that one of my collegues at work had passed away suddenly while overseas at the tender ago of EARLY forties his was a sudden death and he leaves behind his beloved wife and teenage children

    A very very nice and soft spoken guy unlike a lot of other #$@^ in my company always a smile and soft spoken tone he is now GONE i just realise that the SINGLE MOST important thing that every LIVING being should value is LIFE everything else is SECONDARY

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by heehee
    Sudden death you mean not due to accident? Due to unknown illness?

    Yap, that is why I believe in retiring early & enjoy life, even if the life is simple, no luxury. Worry & stress is the worst thing for old people, accelerate illness that make living painful & yet won't die, most pitiful & sorrowful situation. Like that I better jump down from the Sails, still can create a name on newspaper..........
    He was planning to retire at 50.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 狮子王
    He was planning to retire at 50.

    That was 3 more years for him. He could afford to retire any moment, but he chose to push for another 3 more years which sadly, is the end for him.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 狮子王
    That was 3 more years for him. He could afford to retire any moment, but he chose to push for another 3 more years which sadly, is the end for him.

    The key to life is to live the present moment to the fullest while you can. Not to over-plan as life is unpredictable as it is.

    Also, do not hesitate to do something you feel is right nor fear failure in property investment. Seize the moment, so they say.

    Good Luck.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2013


    My THIRD EYE told me your this colleague works in a Japanese firm.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Water - drink alkaline water (marvel)
    Cooked food - take more alkaline food and salad
    Air - Get air purifier in your room (Germitrol)
    Vegetables - buy Aus broccoli (cold storage)
    Meat - Take more fish (especially cod or salmon)

    Voila..... Solution
    bro, most alkaline water have high sodium content, if i'm not wrong.

    cod/salmon have high mercury content.

    morale of the story - just live each day as if it's the last. buy enuff insurance.
    There is no good or bad location. There is only good or bad price.

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