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Thread: Investors confidence is very important. Do not underestimate it.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    What the point if you can get your dream property only in a slum? Naive Singaporean
    Stupid fool, i already said i am buying for my own stay, i dun mind whether price goes up or down. Think u are the real naive minority Singaporean who think that Singapore will fall if opp win more elections.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Y does Singapore need so many MPs n Ministers?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    don't be naive, if foreign investors can set up business in places like mynmar, india, taiwan, and many other countries with more unstable politics, do you think they will be affected by opposition taking over the government in the world's safest country? I think pappy supporters like you are just feeding into the myth to scare others. our neighboring countries full of corruption why are investors still investing in these countries? think you should study where investors are moving now before passing baseless comments. investors are moving into politically unstable regions where vast opportunities lie, our country is far from unstable and we have zero tolerance for corruption, so why would investors runaway? use your brains before you speak
    They set up business in those countries to serve the local demand because they have big population. As simple as that. Singapore population too small but its stable government is the reason why they set up base here as regional HQ. Go find a brain and read up before replying.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    All that said, I do see that most SGporeans seem very proud and ego now ... Maybe they are just putting up a front ... They really think nothing can fail in this country ... This is a country, not just any company or organisation, a misstep will come at a huge cost to the people ... As we have seen over the past years

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by star
    If PAP loses 2016 election majority seats sg stock market will crash and property too will crash. See what happen to just a small rumour causes in KL few days ago :

    Please do not compare democracy in Singapore to one of the developing country. We are different and we will not votes because of some sweet talk from politicians. Most Singapore will vote for our future, not short term excitement.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    Arrogant Singaporeans to think they are the best, all foreigners will want to come and suck you up no matter how the situation in Singapore.

    When you start to behave arrogantly and think you will never fail, good luck.
    sounds like u are describing the pap, haha.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by bishan88
    Haha if it comes true, I am sure damn happy cos I can finally hoot my dream property! Will definity vote opp to make it happen then
    at that time, you will not dare to hoot one more ppty. because it is a downward spiral and whatever ppty you hoot will become even more hootable after you buy.

  8. #38
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    we never said we are the best, neither did the opposition. both pap n opposition agree that there is a lot of hard work ahead n Singaporeans are behind what they say. are you hallucinating?
    ya lor. even LTK himself admit they not prepare to run govt and it was not their intention to do so. the msg is quite clear. the question is whether voters get the msg or not.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    We need to have opposition and hope the opposition (WP) can deliver what they have promised.
    Since everyone is unhappy with current high costs of living (actually not just in Singapore), I would like to see if WP have any ideas/ suggestions to that?
    Coming up with an idea is not easy but opposing is easy.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    It is not the property prices. Property prices is just a side effect. Foreign investors wont set up business base in singapore due to the uncertainty and those who are here could abndon and transfer to a near by country. jobs will be gone. Those real local talent will now really migrate and the rest can remain spending the country reserve by having free housing, free education, free childcare, free food, free entertainment, free transport, free sex, free everything. Then will really WAKE UP.
    By that time it may be too late. The rich and the talented working class would have left this country. Like they always say it takes generations to build a country and one to tear it apart.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    We need to have opposition and hope the opposition (WP) can deliver what they have promised.
    Since everyone is unhappy with current high costs of living (actually not just in Singapore), I would like to see if WP have any ideas/ suggestions to that?
    Coming up with an idea is not easy but opposing is easy.
    Making the government"work harder" is even easier.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    May 2009


    hello, what is happening in Malaysia can't even be mentioned in the same breathe in Singapore

    investor confidence will get hit when there isn't stability in govt, or policies. please recall when govt tightened foreign labor supply a few months ago, SBF, CCC and couple of MNCs voiced their concerns in the newspaper - i.e. even if PAP is in power but no clarity in policies, investors also KPKB.

    is opposition threatening to issue bans on cheong sam performances on stage?

    is opposition threatening to ban female hairstylists from cutting men's hair?

    is opposition threatening to burn bibles?

    is opposition threatening to ban nightclubs?

    is opposition threatening to ban use of 'Singapore' in stuff like singapore laksa, singapore chilli crab?

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by moneytalk
    By that time it may be too late. The rich and the talented working class would have left this country. Like they always say it takes generations to build a country and one to tear it apart.

  14. #44
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    Apr 2009


    foreign companies set up their companies here and use Singapore as a base to reach out to Asia and the reliance on Singapore due to its geographical hasn't changed throughout history. why would our government be unstable just because the opposition were to take over? you are so gullible to even think that way. you are like a baby that is used to being fed by one bottle and the moment someone gives you a different bottle, you refuse to drink the milk thinking it is different
    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    They set up business in those countries to serve the local demand because they have big population. As simple as that. Singapore population too small but its stable government is the reason why they set up base here as regional HQ. Go find a brain and read up before replying.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    ya lor. even LTK himself admit they not prepare to run govt and it was not their intention to do so. the msg is quite clear. the question is whether voters get the msg or not.
    Can we trust politicians? Allthepies once mentioned that they all have their agendas.

  16. #46
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by moneytalk
    Can we trust politicians? Allthepies once mentioned that they all have their agendas.
    i re-quote "all politicians are the same, the difference is in their abilities"

    i dun trust any of them. but since i have to vote someone, then i guess have to choose someone to trust a little bit more.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    WP is not going to take over the government anytime soon. It will not happen in 2016. It is actually a good thing as PAP lost touch with the ground for the past decade and pressure given by the voters will do more good than harm before social problems worsen further.

    STI is relatively stable today. No worry. Cheers.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    i dun trust any of them. but since i have to vote someone, then i guess have to choose someone to trust a little bit more.[/quote]

    I agree with you. Am neither supporter of any party. I am waiting to see what the opposition can do or help out in our current situation.

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Think before u wish.
    many wish. when it happen all will have blank stare. not many will have the appetite to enter.

    hind sight all 20/20

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    It is not the property prices. Property prices is just a side effect. Foreign investors wont set up business base in singapore due to the uncertainty and those who are here could abndon and transfer to a near by country. jobs will be gone. Those real local talent will now really migrate and the rest can remain spending the country reserve by having free housing, free education, free childcare, free food, free entertainment, free transport, free sex, free everything. Then will really WAKE UP.

    Then complain again lor.... tats the fashion now.

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    Arrogant Singaporeans to think they are the best, all foreigners will want to come and suck you up no matter how the situation in Singapore.

    When you start to behave arrogantly and think you will never fail, good luck.

    Aiyah dont waste ur time explaining. most want a reset to get a footing again. not realizing what they already have.keep screaming elite elite elite. no one understand me.

    its like ur teenager who feel always mis understooded. just have to learn the hard way.

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    as warren buffet says, be fearful when everyone starts buying, but buy aggressively when everyone is fearful.
    ... unfortunately saying is easy, doing is another.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    ... unfortunately saying is easy, doing is another.

    Ya, easier said than done, unless you already know what politicians and policy makers intend to do.

    Buffett already knew the Fed policy and he is also a good friend of Barack Obama. What he knows is worth billions. People were willing to pay millions of dollar to just hear him give out some "hints".

    But I think I'll lose less sleep to catch the bottom and than buy at the top.

    If you buy at the bottom, at least, you know you don't have to wait too long to breakeven should it go down further.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sgbuyer
    Ya, easier said than done, unless you already know what politicians and policy makers intend to do.

    Buffett already knew the Fed policy and he is also a good friend of Barack Obama. What he knows is worth billions. People were willing to pay millions of dollar to just hear him give out some "hints".

    But I think I'll lose less sleep to catch the bottom and than buy at the top.

    If you buy at the bottom, at least, you know you don't have to wait too long to breakeven should it go down further.
    Unfortunately.... how to tell it is the bottom or near bottom?

    When Citi dropped to only $1+ post Lehman, everybody thought it was going to fold.. you knew it was cheap but how many dared to buy?

    I think it takes more than connections to do as well as Buffet. He was already very successful before he got the connections. Just like our very own Peter Lim in Singapore... these people have that little bit extra that makes them well ahead of others and able to quote quotes that ordinary folks can recite but find it hard to do.

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    The ruling party will decline from this point onwards. Any good things they do, WP will claim the credit. Any bad thing PAP do, WP will blame PAP.

    With this kind of Singaporeans there really not much hope for Singapore...

    Pls don't saying until like Pap is sky have. Earth don't have

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    foreign companies set up their companies here and use Singapore as a base to reach out to Asia and the reliance on Singapore due to its geographical hasn't changed throughout history. why would our government be unstable just because the opposition were to take over? you are so gullible to even think that way. you are like a baby that is used to being fed by one bottle and the moment someone gives you a different bottle, you refuse to drink the milk thinking it is different


    They can trust an unknown in PAP but they cannot trust WP

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gincelee
    Singapore will be doomed if majority people are selfish like you who only care about the prices of your properties.

    Luckily majority (in PE) have awaken and believe more to come if the ruling party still never buck up by 2016

    Don't anyhow say people selfish

    The last time I commented that to a particular forummer that his view appears to me as purely based on monetary gain

    He called me No brain, Stupid

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Change is always hard to accept initially, i think the pappy supporters just have to get used to it moving ahead. WP field 9 good guys in parliament and they start to KPKB and try to pick bones in eggs, MIW have more than 3/4 of the 80+ candidates whom i really don't know what they are doing half the time but yet these supporters say nothing about them and no questions asked. I think these pappies are too used to autopilot mode until they become nervous when the plane is in manual mode.

    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner

    They can trust an unknown in PAP but they cannot trust WP

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