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Thread: Freak election result, Shaken confidence

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    and that's probably the last you see of the person - slapped with counts of terrorism and off to lim kopi in ISD.

    then parliament will likely approve a new bill to suppress such occurences

    so does it means we can also go take pictures of the principle in schools. police head , the opposition Low or CSM or even the banagalr clean ur floor must also open his privacy to everyone ? coz they all take government $ after all.?

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftfield
    My brilliant idea is to continue voting for the opposition until they come out with a brilliant plan.

    Brilliant right?

    yes very Brilliant welcome to the group of garbage babblers..

  3. #243
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    when the amount is obscene, public interest supercedes privacy

    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    so does it means we can also go take pictures of the principle in schools. police head , the opposition Low or CSM or even the banagalr clean ur floor must also open his privacy to everyone ? coz they all take government $ after all.?

  4. #244
    Join Date
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    So after this freak result, what will Tharman say on 25 Feb? Hmmm...

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    and that's probably the last you see of the person - slapped with counts of terrorism and off to lim kopi in ISD.

    then parliament will likely approve a new bill to suppress such occurences
    i think posting pictures of ministers house is not against the law lah. anyway when i was younger, i used to take a walk in bkt timah area for fun. so i know where the BIG BIG houses are. and yes, quite a couple have gurkha in front. you know why.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    when the amount is obscene, public interest supercedes privacy

    So I guess everyone one the island are fair game. coz some way or rather we are paid by the stated or lived on the state.

    for example we take baby bonus, all the males serve NS they are living on the state then. So the NS boy get caught uping ur daughter. pictures all come out. Fair game?

    Then all males go reservist. so that 1 mths is fair game too? coz living on the state too.

    then also means all civil servant are fair game. and all people who deal with government organization and earn $ from government projects are also fair game.

    So essentially everyone one of us on this island is fair game. how interesting.. I am waiting to see more nude and sex photos.. how interesting..

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    i think posting pictures of ministers house is not against the law lah. anyway when i was younger, i used to take a walk in bkt timah area for fun. so i know where the BIG BIG houses are. and yes, quite a couple have gurkha in front. you know why.

    coz jagar then was cheap? heh heh

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    i think posting pictures of ministers house is not against the law lah. anyway when i was younger, i used to take a walk in bkt timah area for fun. so i know where the BIG BIG houses are. and yes, quite a couple have gurkha in front. you know why.
    never said it's against the law. lim-kopi with ISD also not against the law too

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    also ...COE to curb car population ...
    did it work ?
    actually it worked what. now ppl cannot afford to buy car, so car population stops growing. To me this is the most effective way to "curb car population". it works.
    what ppl are unhappy about is something else. yes it's all $$$$.

    If gov calls for a tender of 10mil to "solve car problem" and make everybody happy, you think a solution can be found ? 10mil is 10ys pay for a transport minister I suppose.

    look I find the argument "you get pay millions, you better have brilliant ideas, I dun care how you do it" is just complaining.

    Now honestly I hope ppl in WP can indeed propose SOMETHING concrete. COE problem, baby problem, SME problem, etc. If there is nothing, we will have to make do with PAP.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by amk
    actually it worked what. now ppl cannot afford to buy car, so car population stops growing. To me this is the most effective way to "curb car population". it works.
    what ppl are unhappy about is something else. yes it's all $$$$.

    If gov calls for a tender of 10mil to "solve car problem" and make everybody happy, you think a solution can be found ? 10mil is 10ys pay for a transport minister I suppose.

    look I find the argument "you get pay millions, you better have brilliant ideas, I dun care how you do it" is just complaining.

    Now honestly I hope ppl in WP can indeed propose SOMETHING concrete. COE problem, baby problem, SME problem, etc. If there is nothing, we will have to make do with PAP.
    So far all WP can offer is I check.. and help sound the complains. So dont expect anything productive for now. unless they can come up with a better proposition. I think they also fear. Coz u need balls to be standing in the spot light making decisions. its easier to just critique.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    So far all WP can offer is I check.. and help sound the complains. So dont expect anything productive for now. unless they can come up with a better proposition. I think they also fear. Coz u need balls to be standing in the spot light making decisions. its easier to just critique.
    So? anyway PAP lost ponggol east. Great news.

  12. #252
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    so far we are fortunate things are going smoothly, so next time if the government policy affects your livelihood, you or your family, I suggest you wave your tiny fist and shout your protests outside parliament n wait to get arrested since you don't need representative in parliament to check on government for you. opposition work using their brains, not balls.
    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    So far all WP can offer is I check.. and help sound the complains. So dont expect anything productive for now. unless they can come up with a better proposition. I think they also fear. Coz u need balls to be standing in the spot light making decisions. its easier to just critique.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    yes very Brilliant welcome to the group of garbage babblers..
    Tsk tsk. Take a chill pill. You seem quite bet on antagonizing people here who disagree with you.

  14. #254
    teddybear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    So far all WP can offer is I check.. and help sound the complains. So dont expect anything productive for now. unless they can come up with a better proposition. I think they also fear. Coz u need balls to be standing in the spot light making decisions. its easier to just critique.
    PAP got whole bunch of civil servants at their disposal n also all the resource/data for their analysis and critique. Some more, earning million dollars wor. Expectation of them must be high. At least, I expect them to do a much better job than any politician in this world as they got highest pay job in the world.

    They already have advantages of legacy and don't understand why they let the whole situation go down slippery slope.

    I must say this batch of WPs do a very good job la with only $15 per month allowance! Considering that they have no resources n limited access to data like us. They talk with sense and not anyhow talk.
    Last edited by teddybear; 27-02-13 at 06:36.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    PAP got whole bunch of civil servants at their disposal n also all the resource/data for their analysis and critique. Some more, earning million dollars wor. Expectation of them must be high. At least, I expect them to do a much better job than any politician in this world as they got highest pay job in the world.

    They already have advantages of legacy and don't understand why they let the whole situation go down slippery slope.

    I must say this batch of WPs do a very good job la with only $15 per month allowance! Considering that they have no resources n limited access to data like us. They talk with sense and not anyhow talk.
    $15000 per month, to attend meeting, talk talk, stir stir, slap slap. any tom dick harry also want and also can do. no need even study hard or go uni also can do such job.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    Why the result is freak?? Young voters are more informed online, look at what dr Koh said:

    Everyone has a car, my wife and I each own one

    Sounds like one mil is one peanut

    No wonder wp wins by a peanut
    Online? online have so much miss information. I agree now have more information. Also a lot of garbage n information to mislead .
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    PAP got whole bunch of civil servants at their disposal n also all the resource/data for their analysis and critique. Some more, earning million dollars wor. Expectation of them must be high. At least, I expect them to do a much better job than any politician in this world as they got highest pay job in the world.

    They already have advantages of legacy and don't understand why they let the whole situation go down slippery slope.

    I must say this batch of WPs do a very good job la with only $15 per month allowance! Considering that they have no resources n limited access to data like us. They talk with sense and not anyhow talk.

    Talk sense. ? THEY JUST OPPOSE EVERYTHING. Thats sense? Hah. Its a wierd sense.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    Talk sense. ? THEY JUST OPPOSE EVERYTHING. Thats sense? Hah. Its a wierd sense.
    You know, i often here opp supporters kpkb about gov and the civil servants, high pay inefficient etc. Then, the IRONY is that they say if opp take over, sg wont collapse cos all ministries are still functioning well. So now they appreciate the ministries...
    they thought that the ministries appear out of thin air and serves the current gov lah, no need prior leadership or training lah. anything and everything they argue they always wanna win one lah.

    every single thing also can be politicalise. like the two poor boy knocked down, also can link to LTA, FT, PAP. WTF is that?!

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    You know, i often here opp supporters kpkb about gov and the civil servants, high pay inefficient etc. Then, the IRONY is that they say if opp take over, sg wont collapse cos all ministries are still functioning well. So now they appreciate the ministries...
    they thought that the ministries appear out of thin air and serves the current gov lah, no need prior leadership or training lah. anything and everything they argue they always wanna win one lah.

    every single thing also can be politicalise. like the two poor boy knocked down, also can link to LTA, FT, PAP. WTF is that?!
    everyone also can complain n critic. I find it disgusting people use the sad incident to take jab at the party. Is really low.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    You know, i often here opp supporters kpkb about gov and the civil servants, high pay inefficient etc. Then, the IRONY is that they say if opp take over, sg wont collapse cos all ministries are still functioning well. So now they appreciate the ministries...
    they thought that the ministries appear out of thin air and serves the current gov lah, no need prior leadership or training lah. anything and everything they argue they always wanna win one lah.

    every single thing also can be politicalise. like the two poor boy knocked down, also can link to LTA, FT, PAP. WTF is that?!
    don't lump everything into hotpot, there are so many different issues here

    1. pay vs performance; penalty vs non-performance
    2. separation of civil service from political affliation
    3. continual vs disruptive change
    4. inevitabilityof situations being perceived and interpreted through shades of different color
    5. overspilling of disentment

  21. #261
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    Let's not go into Italy's path, where popular voice beat the hell out of fiscal prudence. We have a good things going in sg. Remember all sg has is human resources. Any attempt to increase the number or improve the quality should not be just brushed aside. Sooner or later u have to deal with it. Better deal with it now. The sooner sg take in new migrants, the sooner they will be rooted assimilated. U want them to come is smaller waves rather than one big wave. It would be a shame if we have a big aspiration, but no one to do it.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by indomie
    Let's not go into Italy's path, where popular voice beat the hell out of fiscal prudence. We have a good things going in sg. Remember all sg has is human resources. Any attempt to increase the number or improve the quality should not be just brushed aside. Sooner or later u have to deal with it. Better deal with it now. The sooner sg take in new migrants, the sooner they will be rooted assimilated. U want them to come is smaller waves rather than one big wave. It would be a shame if we have a big aspiration, but no one to do it.
    i don't think there would be problems and that much resentment on the ground, if they adapt and blend into the local society. incidences like "curry"-thy-neighbour or "locals are dogs", only goes to show there is much left to be desired.

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    You know, i often here opp supporters kpkb about gov and the civil servants, high pay inefficient etc. Then, the IRONY is that they say if opp take over, sg wont collapse cos all ministries are still functioning well. So now they appreciate the ministries...
    they thought that the ministries appear out of thin air and serves the current gov lah, no need prior leadership or training lah. anything and everything they argue they always wanna win one lah.

    every single thing also can be politicalise. like the two poor boy knocked down, also can link to LTA, FT, PAP. WTF is that?!
    no lah, most pple appreciate the PAP of the past, becoz those pple work from nothing to something. THEY build up the ministries. the current batch all come in with promise of high pay. take away the high pay, see how many doctors still say in PAP.
    There is no good or bad location. There is only good or bad price.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    i don't think there would be problems and that much resentment on the ground, if they adapt and blend into the local society. incidences like "curry"-thy-neighbour or "locals are dogs", only goes to show there is much left to be desired.
    Newly arrived migrants to sg must have felt they are off from the frying pan and fell into the fire. They must have felt the high pressure and competitiveness that they never felt back in their home land from day one. Give them time to adjust. Some will never adjust and they will leave on their own accord.

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by indomie
    Newly arrived migrants to sg must have felt they are off from the frying pan and fell into the fire. They must have felt the high pressure and competitiveness that they never felt back in their home land from day one. Give them time to adjust. Some will never adjust and they will leave on their own accord.
    sorry but why is migrating to SG worse off for them? if it's so, why bother to come here?

    coming back to the discussion, i believe more effort should be done to integrate these new immigrants, or rather they should put more effort to blend in. just take a stroll along the corridors of NUS and interview the horde of foreign post-grad students, almost all treat SG as a stepping stone (and i'm speaking on anecdotal evidence).

    i've also used JP as an example before, but the question to ask - does SG have that 'strong' a cultural/social identity as compared to JP?

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    sorry but why is migrating to SG worse off for them? if it's so, why bother to come here?

    coming back to the discussion, i believe more effort should be done to integrate these new immigrants, or rather they should put more effort to blend in. just take a stroll along the corridors of NUS and interview the horde of foreign post-grad students, almost all treat SG as a stepping stone (and i'm speaking on anecdotal evidence).

    i've also used JP as an example before, but the question to ask - does SG have that 'strong' a cultural/social identity as compared to JP?
    I believe those who decide to migrate to sg are not too much worse off. They are not refuge. Let the good one stay and the bad one move on. Don't make the good one move away too, because we treat them all like the bad.

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by indomie
    I believe those who decide to migrate to sg are not too much worse off. They are not refuge. Let the good one stay and the bad one move on. Don't make the good one move away too, because we treat them all like the bad.
    like i said, incidences like 'curry-gate' show that the bad ones are here to stay

    i don't think the society is xenophobic at large. when you have unknown elements in the environment, its natural to expect sentiments of fear or reservations from the local populace, but we don't treat migrants as social outcasts.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    like i said, incidences like 'curry-gate' show that the bad ones are here to stay

    i don't think the society is xenophobic at large. when you have unknown elements in the environment, its natural to expect sentiments of fear or reservations from the local populace, but we don't treat migrants as social outcasts.
    Sg must change. The school system that put too much emphasis on academic result must change. Students must be allowed to work part time instead of tons of homework. Sg need a flexible workforce, not elistist schoolars who are jobless. Only then labour crunch can be solve. Then u will need less migrant.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157

    almost all treat SG as a stepping stone (and i'm speaking on anecdotal evidence).
    absolutely true. most migrants i meet have this view. only we poor sinkies can go nowhere.
    There is no good or bad location. There is only good or bad price.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    like i said, incidences like 'curry-gate' show that the bad ones are here to stay

    i don't think the society is xenophobic at large. when you have unknown elements in the environment, its natural to expect sentiments of fear or reservations from the local populace, but we don't treat migrants as social outcasts.
    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King, Jr.


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