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Thread: Freak election result, Shaken confidence

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    To substantiate the earlier points, quotes from an analyst which I just came across:

    "Ïn the past, winning an election was straightforward . . . the PAP picked highly educated professionals, ex civil servants, generals – the elite – people that the PAP believed the electorate would look up to. Never mind if he never served in the grassroots, or had any presence in the constituency. If the PAP said he was the elite and the best person for the job, the electorate believed them. Now ‘elite’ is a bad word.

    In the past, one would never have imagined that a PAP candidate, a surgeon that the Prime Minister himself promised is destined for higher office, would lose an election to what the older generation would have thought of as a ‘less qualified’ candidate. In the past, one would never have imagined that the Prime Minister could turn up for an election rally, give it his all, and STILL lose the election."

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    I am heartened to also know that WP's Mr Low said this:
    Mr Low said this was why he had taken pains to stress to voters the role the WP is able to play at this stage in its development. The party is "not ready" to form an alternative government and come up with a full set of alternative policies yet, he said.
    What the WP can and will do is to point out problems in existing policies and offer policy suggestions, said Mr Low. He believes Singapore has a "competent government" but it can do better and "tilt" policy directions, such as in alleviating cost of living pressures on Singaporeans.

    Salute to him as he is also aware of the possibility of a freak election in the next GE. I hope that the other leaders within the WP also share similar stand.
    Let's see if Wp will contest every available smc and grc in 2016

  3. #93
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    Apr 2009


    I would coin the new generation as the zuckerberg generation. This generation does not believe that wealth and success is determined by strong academic grades, just as zuckerberg dropped out of harvard. they believe that with the right heart and passion, success can be achieved equally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doom
    To substantiate the earlier points, quotes from an analyst which I just came across:

    "Ïn the past, winning an election was straightforward . . . the PAP picked highly educated professionals, ex civil servants, generals – the elite – people that the PAP believed the electorate would look up to. Never mind if he never served in the grassroots, or had any presence in the constituency. If the PAP said he was the elite and the best person for the job, the electorate believed them. Now ‘elite’ is a bad word.

    In the past, one would never have imagined that a PAP candidate, a surgeon that the Prime Minister himself promised is destined for higher office, would lose an election to what the older generation would have thought of as a ‘less qualified’ candidate. In the past, one would never have imagined that the Prime Minister could turn up for an election rally, give it his all, and STILL lose the election."

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ecimbew
    Doctors after serving the bond will prefer a less hectic pace.
    dun tink MP/minister as compared to doctor. any less hectiic wor. and no privacy. doctor make $$$ can buy many cars, nobody will say anything. minister make alot of $$ also cannot drive exx cars. it's like "dirty money", splurge already kenah scrutinise.

    i for one will rather remain as doctor.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Exactly, The problem for the ruling party is that those with heart and passion gravitate towards the Opposition these days. So the ruling party ends up with scholars, surgeons, military men etc who have the qualifications but have not gone through the baptism of fire, and may lack the conviction, the heart and the passion. The road ahead is not going to be easy. George Yeo was right when he said the PAP needs to re-invent itself. But how? At what cost?

    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I would coin the new generation as the zuckerberg generation. This generation does not believe that wealth and success is determined by strong academic grades, just as zuckerberg dropped out of harvard. they believe that with the right heart and passion, success can be achieved equally.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    for this guy, he seldom eats in restaurants, always looking for tze char food, rationale is the standard of the food almost the same and he does not need to pay plus plus. He can easily afford a normal plate car but instead chose to save that $17k and go for a weekend car.
    i dun consider this stingy leh. i drive a normal car becoz my workplace is inaccessible. if it is few min walk fr mrt ,i will convert my car to OPC and take mrt instead.

    i also eat mostly in hawker and food court. my standard of "restaurant" = food>$10 per head. i cannot recall the last time i paid $30 or more for a meal per head. serious. probably during courting time, which is donkey years ago.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    if a doctor operates and the patient dies, he is open to lawsuits from families. A thousand and one things can go wrong in an operation and the consent form signed by patients does not negate the doctor's liability. you want yourself to be opened to negligence lawsuits when things go wrong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    dun tink MP/minister as compared to doctor. any less hectiic wor. and no privacy. doctor make $$$ can buy many cars, nobody will say anything. minister make alot of $$ also cannot drive exx cars. it's like "dirty money", splurge already kenah scrutinise.

    i for one will rather remain as doctor.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    if a doctor operates and the patient dies, he is open to lawsuits from families. A thousand and one things can go wrong in an operation and the consent form signed by patients does not negate the doctor's liability. you want yourself to be opened to negligence lawsuits when things go wrong?
    tell me which doctor in sgp has been successfully sued for negligence before. i can't quite rem, but i know there aren't many.

    so r u telling me that many docs rather not be doc because they are afraid of being sued? doc/specialist training takes up to 10 years+. a waste right? esp their degree not cheap and during housemanship, 36 hour shift. very tough leh.

    once you become specialist, you can slow down your life and be selective about what you do. that is the time to reap the benefits of all the hard work. why give it up?

    anyway, we are talking about hectic/not hectic. not abt professional risk.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I would coin the new generation as the zuckerberg generation. This generation does not believe that wealth and success is determined by strong academic grades, just as zuckerberg dropped out of harvard. they believe that with the right heart and passion, success can be achieved equally.
    That is why we have the dot com boom and bust. Zuckerberg already has the intellect and he would have graduated from harvard anyway. but how many of our new generation has that kind of intellect? the new generation are internet savvy, not CREATOR! Zuckerberg is a CREATOR, that is the difference.

  10. #100
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    i dun consider this stingy leh. i drive a normal car becoz my workplace is inaccessible. if it is few min walk fr mrt ,i will convert my car to OPC and take mrt instead.

    i also eat mostly in hawker and food court. my standard of "restaurant" = food>$10 per head. i cannot recall the last time i paid $30 or more for a meal per head. serious. probably during courting time, which is donkey years ago.
    i am same as you bro. some people just dont get it. Thrifty and stingy are two different concept. likewise spendthrift and generous are also two different concept.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    I am heartened to also know that WP's Mr Low said this:
    Mr Low said this was why he had taken pains to stress to voters the role the WP is able to play at this stage in its development. The party is "not ready" to form an alternative government and come up with a full set of alternative policies yet, he said.
    What the WP can and will do is to point out problems in existing policies and offer policy suggestions, said Mr Low. He believes Singapore has a "competent government" but it can do better and "tilt" policy directions, such as in alleviating cost of living pressures on Singaporeans.

    Salute to him as he is also aware of the possibility of a freak election in the next GE. I hope that the other leaders within the WP also share similar stand.
    As much as I discount what MIW promises

    I will also discount this LTK's statement

    It would be suicidal if he declares that WP is going to take over the government

    Freak election ?
    only to the man in Green and and the one in Yellow

    in fact the man in Yellow was completely Freaked out last night !
    and he got no army to call upon

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    tell me which doctor in sgp has been successfully sued for negligence before. i can't quite rem, but i know there aren't many.

    so r u telling me that many docs rather not be doc because they are afraid of being sued? doc/specialist training takes up to 10 years+. a waste right? esp their degree not cheap and during housemanship, 36 hour shift. very tough leh.

    once you become specialist, you can slow down your life and be selective about what you do. that is the time to reap the benefits of all the hard work. why give it up?

    anyway, we are talking about hectic/not hectic. not abt professional risk.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

  14. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    thanks for taking time to pick out the links.
    Hi...could you share more of your financial background as posted in one of my posts?


  15. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by thomastansb
    No choice. Nowadays people want to have 5k COE and they will complain about jam everyday. The funny thing is they want every family have a car. Are they kidding me? They want 1.5 million cars on the road? Current 500k cars already push beyond limit already.

    And if Gov. make HDB 100k, they will complain they can't get 50k COV or sell at 600k.

    Anyway, I believe these idiots will still complain for whatever small reason they can find. If they think oppositions can do better, I really think they are daft. I don't see any feasible suggestions from opposition at all. Only some small "this goes without saying" suggestions. Ask them how to solve car problem, they will be clueless as well.
    one of my frens , only 25 making big bucks as an agent. Can't qualify for EC but keep asking people to support WP to press government to keep property price down so that he can buy a condo facing MBS and on high floor..

  16. #106
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ricade
    KL.. If I'm not wrong st Mary.. Good choice
    The acess road is horrible.You better check who was the developer before

  17. #107
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    Hi...could you share more of your financial background as posted in one of my posts?

    hi, think it's not necessary to share too much of my financial background, whether publicly or via PM. and i dun intend to. perhaps what i will share is my hdb and car fully paid. my pc is my only debt. loan 80% with buffer cash 10% as standby. servicing of PC using part HDB rental and part CPF + small cash component. mthly household income got 5 digit.

    i am aware of your situation. don't need to compare with others how they achieve their dreams. do your numbers and if they make sense, just go ahead. think too much no use.

    everybody takes a risk, whatever they do with their money. risk free would be cash in fixed dep. i took some risks too. how much or how little is really dependent on individual.

  18. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    hi, think it's not necessary to share too much of my financial background, whether publicly or via PM. and i dun intend to. perhaps what i will share is my hdb and car fully paid. my pc is my only debt. loan 80% with buffer cash 10% as standby. servicing of PC using part HDB rental and part CPF + small cash component. mthly household income got 5 digit.

    i am aware of your situation. don't need to compare with others how they achieve their dreams. do your numbers and if they make sense, just go ahead. think too much no use.

    everybody takes a risk, whatever they do with their money. risk free would be cash in fixed dep. i took some risks too. how much or how little is really dependent on individual.
    Hi...Thanks for revealing so much.

    I am just making a reference benchmark; profiling and due to the recent CM, it somehow impact my downpayment amount.

    Being said that, good to learn you are safe and doing well now.

  19. #109
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    That is why we have the dot com boom and bust. Zuckerberg already has the intellect and he would have graduated from harvard anyway. but how many of our new generation has that kind of intellect? the new generation are internet savvy, not CREATOR! Zuckerberg is a CREATOR, that is the difference.
    Hi leesg123, i totally agree with u on all the views. Someone just don't get it. I think he got a lock nut or loose screw in his head.

  20. #110
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Rosy
    Vios parf value so high? You have a keen eye on old cars. I bought one old car last time and alot of parts needs to be replaced which cost 3-4k just to drive for another 2.5years.
    i own more than 10 cars over past 20 years...i got my licence in 1980s...everything there is to know about cars i know...i already pay my tution now just enjoy the RIDE

    but agree with you old cars a bit dangerous if you dont know how to see the signs...of wear/tear

    Another plus point of buying old car which are cheap i no need take a lot of $$$ agreement early settlement penalty and all that crap..
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  21. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Yup bro.... I agree with you on your method!
    That's what I told my hubby that when it is time to scrap his car, if COE is still high, either do what you do, ie buy old old about to scrap car and drive for a year or 2, then wait and see the market rate.

    Or splurge on a new car, drive for 1 year then sell and buy a new one, so as to minimize on the depreciation per year, ie provided the COE remains high or go higher.
    no choice la for middle class people like me this is survival......if got $$$$...i straightaway buy 3-series...anyway...BOTTOMLINE my wife is happy with what we got so thats the MOST important thing although she was a bit upset when i sold her jazz to buy her a vios but i told her u must learn to drive a car with backside like vios so next time i can buy u 3-series then she happy...whahahahahah...woman...
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  22. #112
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    hi, think it's not necessary to share too much of my financial background, whether publicly or via PM. and i dun intend to. perhaps what i will share is my hdb and car fully paid. my pc is my only debt. loan 80% with buffer cash 10% as standby. servicing of PC using part HDB rental and part CPF + small cash component. mthly household income got 5 digit.

    i am aware of your situation. don't need to compare with others how they achieve their dreams. do your numbers and if they make sense, just go ahead. think too much no use.

    everybody takes a risk, whatever they do with their money. risk free would be cash in fixed dep. i took some risks too. how much or how little is really dependent on individual.
    ...similar as me......except i got EXTRA income as part time ah-long runner...whahahaha......JOKE
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  23. #113
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by supermax
    The acess road is horrible.You better check who was the developer before
    Mine is at an enclave 5 mins walk to twin towers. rented out since day 1.

  24. #114
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    Mine is at an enclave 5 mins walk to twin towers. rented out since day 1.
    malaysia BOLEH
    In the final analysis.....its NOT whether you have a diploma,degree,masters OR PHD....its whether you have a HDB/PC/EC or LANDED...

  25. #115
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    Hi...could you share more of your financial background as posted in one of my posts?

    Hi Yowetan, can you share and summarise your financial background and what property you own thus far?
    Yee ha! Did I tickle your funny bone?

  26. #116
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    I would like to urge PM Lee to let WP run the transport and MND ministries. See if they can bring down car price without causing jams, bring down property price without costing thwm losing their parliamentary seats.
    Even if the PM offers the transport and MND ministries to the opposition to run, I think the opposition will decline.
    The opposition prefers a supervisory and easier task, like making "the government work harder," and get paid handsomely for it too.

  27. #117
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by leesg123
    Mine is at an enclave 5 mins walk to twin towers. rented out since day 1.
    Marc residences most likely?

  28. #118
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    indeed, he was quoted out of context. like i say, politician is like actor/actress. every single thing u say to media will be quoted out of context. you need to have political sensitivity. our good doc is better off practising. let's not waste his talent.
    quoted out of context? State-control media report one de okay. sabo own camp? i dont think so. Tat reporter writes as said... I recall he said having 2 cars since both himself and wife are professional.. lolz. if really quoted out of context tat is really a big stone drooping on own foot

  29. #119
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    The hdb bto priority scheme is so obvious for new SCs who parachuted in
    The hdb single scheme is also obviously political for 2016 election when singles get their keys lol

    Next is subsidy for COE? Waiving maid levy? Higher childcare subsidy?
    2 hands up agree on the new SC parachute program . How many ppl u know have kiddo and still live with parents w/o. this group of local SC are rare-er then rare

  30. #120
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by evergreen
    PAP lost = confidence shaken??
    People are more knowledgeable now and they want sustainable growth with the growth benefiting all Singaporeans. I think there will be improvement now that the PAP lost 1 seat.

    Parent can submit a waiver to CPF so that the children don't have to return the money. I don't see anything wrong with the children paying the parents back. I insisted on paying my dad back the money because it only took me a year to save it but it took him years to earn it.
    yeap...nothing wrong .

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