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Thread: Which GEN you are in? and what happens to our GEN Y

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Which GEN you are in? and what happens to our GEN Y

    How I find our GEN Y : In general, I feel the Gen Y now are very different from my time.

    They expect Govt to do most of the thing for them, love to complain, only think of work life balance, want to make money, easy money, quick money and big money. Of course, not all Gen Y are like that.

    Yes, the Gen Y's life is very much more difficult in view of the inflation and rocket high property prices. I cannot find and don't know the solutions for them.

    They shall go to HK, China, or even US, UK and see how life is like of Gen Y there.

    The Singapore Generation Y

    Education Minister Heng Swee Keat, in a speech to students at the Singapore Management University last month, shared that business leaders in Singapore feel that Singaporean youth lack drive, confidence to venture out of their comfort zone and are not willing to try out new things.

    The youth of today belong to Generation Y, born after 1980. The fifth generation after the Traditionalists (born before 1946), Early Boomers (born between 1946 to 1954), Late Boomers (born between 1954 to 1965) and Generation X (born between 1965 to 1980), possess very different characteristics and traits from the previous generations.

    Gen Y as they are known, are naturally different. Often, they are born to parents who both have careers and who have fewer children and have little time for them. Their parents shower them with material possessions and provide them a comfortable standard of living. They grow up in households served by maids, attend multiple extra-curricular activities such as speech and drama, music and even golf, are accustomed to eating in fine restaurants and taking annual holidays at exotic destinations. Being born in the post independence era, they are not accustomed to the hardships faced by their parents and forefathers. They have more freedom and choices abound. It is common for these individuals to take a gap year during their education to focus on interests such as sports, the arts or volunteer work. They are very tech savvy and smart phones are part of their anatomy. The Internet, Facebook, Twitter and all manner of social media are their best and inseparable friends during every waking moment or even when they are asleep. They are confident, articulate and not fearful of speaking their minds.

    As Gen Y are products are of our local education system where the emphasis is on studies and good grades, the Education Minister’s findings are not surprising. There have only been some shifts and changes in our education policies during their era, the results of which can only seen in the next decade or later. There has to be more clarity in the objectives of our education system. What do we want our future generation of Singaporeans to be? Against the backdrop of globalization and modernization, what kind of Singapore do we want to see in this generation? Do we wish to change the hard working ethos of the past generations to cater to Gen Y and the future generations? Do we want the even younger ones to continue to possess the traits and values of Gen Y?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Mike and the Mechanics - The Living Years

    dunno why this song comes to mind when i see this topic on Generations:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    try this for Gen Y:

    1. 2 or 3 kids
    2. single income - wife not working

    What choice do u have ... u have to play safe right? how to take any risk?

    dun talk about gen y, my generation I know a family with 3 kids, wife not working, initially the husband has a car, then changed to weekend car, now decide not to have car ... the first kid entered Dunman High, every day must travel 1h+ from north to south to study and back ... trevel also dare not og overseas but to visit Oceanarium

    single income middle class family life is really of not much quality now ...
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I am Gen X and agree wth what you've written are the characteristics of Gen Y. They are brought up in an era where they are blessed with material possessions, easy $$ and does not know what they want when it is time to them to work. Some would keep studying in order to avoid joining the workforce.

    They are indeed very different from the early/ late boomers and have not seen hardship from the day they were born...

    On the other hand, they will struggle with the high prices of cars housing transport and hence the complaints
    When you have eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I belong to Gen-Y.

    Not all Gen-Y folks are as fortunate as what have been generalized here. Prior to my army days, I used to think that most singaporeans around my age should share almost similar background as me ie. Received education up to A levels or diploma, come from decent family, do not smoke, no undesirable habits and are refined.

    But after entering the army, I realised there is still a large % of the citizens of my age who are not as fortunate ie. they received only up to primary/sec education, come from broken family, smoke a lot, body full of tatoos and many have ever joined the SS.

    Met up with quite a few over the yrs, and apparently some are doing really well now, working as sales rep, property agents and some even set up their own businesses. They belong to the Gen-Y too, and i see them pia harder than most of their more educated peers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I am Gen Y and I am ashamed to be one.

    They always complain 1 million HDB how to afford and 92k COE. Haven't these idiots heard of BTO and public transport? How many 1 million dollars resale HDB are there anyway? No brains.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    草莓 草莓, wo ai ni
    草莓世代 is here to stay

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by dtrax
    草莓 草莓, wo ai ni
    草莓世代 is here to stay
    When you have eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    COE rocket again

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by sherlock
    I am Gen X and agree wth what you've written are the characteristics of Gen Y. They are brought up in an era where they are blessed with material possessions, easy $$ and does not know what they want when it is time to them to work. Some would keep studying in order to avoid joining the workforce.

    They are indeed very different from the early/ late boomers and have not seen hardship from the day they were born...

    On the other hand, they will struggle with the high prices of cars housing transport and hence the complaints
    if that is true of you, can you imagine those scholars who are groomed to be policymakers and hold the reins of the nation? never come into contact with commoners, always soaked in the party of elites........

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    if that is true of you, can you imagine those scholars who are groomed to be policymakers and hold the reins of the nation? never come into contact with commoners, always soaked in the party of elites........
    I've always felt a dis-connect with the elites... they do not know and understand the reality on the ground. The policies are never targetted to benefit the poor... once a while they just dish out some goodies to placate ppl
    When you have eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Let me tell u all what is even more scary if one day opposition win by majority sits investors will sell sing dollar due to uncertainty in future politics and our exchange rate will go weak maybe will drop weaker than malaysia. This in term will cause market crash. People will cash out shares as exchange rate drop. Foreign workers will all leave here due to low exchange rate.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Baby boomer generation are the best !

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    [/QUOTE] Gen Y as they are known, are naturally different. Often, they are born to parents who both have careers and who have fewer children and have little time for them. Their parents shower them with material possessions and provide them a comfortable standard of living. They grow up in households served by maids, attend multiple extra-curricular activities such as speech and drama, music and even golf, are accustomed to eating in fine restaurants and taking annual holidays at exotic destinations. [/QUOTE]

    Gen Y parents have a part to play too. They need to inculcate the correct values such as resilience in their children rather than leave education completely to the schools. Home education (Jia Jiao) is something that is very lacking in our present generation according to my observations.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Then 沒家教 really takes on a new meaning...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Let me tell u all what is even more scary if one day opposition win by majority sits investors will sell sing dollar due to uncertainty in future politics and our exchange rate will go weak maybe will drop weaker than malaysia. This in term will cause market crash. People will cash out shares as exchange rate drop. Foreign workers will all leave here due to low exchange rate.
    Once exchange rate weaken your money in bank also weaken. Malaysia may take this chance to increase their eggs, chicken, meat, vegetable price and make we all die pain pain. They waiting to c us fall or fail. If not why when we build rws they also follow to build lot of theme parks in JB? They are now envy and jealous with us. So pls think carefully.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sherlock
    I've always felt a dis-connect with the elites... they do not know and understand the reality on the ground. The policies are never targetted to benefit the poor... once a while they just dish out some goodies to placate ppl
    Wah piang.... thread on gen Y turn to politics ...

    Btw.... Disconnect? are you poor? what makes you say the people you call "elites" are disconnected with the poor? Have you been to a MTP session? Do you really know what people are really grappling with day to day?

    In any case, should policies be formulated to target to benefit the poor or should it be targetted to benefit the general population?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Wa lau....

    This is too far fetched.

    What makes you think Singapore will crumble if the opposition is in power.

    Have more faith in Singapore and Singaporeans.

    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Let me tell u all what is even more scary if one day opposition win by majority sits investors will sell sing dollar due to uncertainty in future politics and our exchange rate will go weak maybe will drop weaker than malaysia. This in term will cause market crash. People will cash out shares as exchange rate drop. Foreign workers will all leave here due to low exchange rate.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Investors always don't like uncertainty if u play forex and shares u will know. Investors are uncertain whether opposite will lead singapore to a higher gdp growth or not and alot of other issues. I only see in the view of investors fear.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I don't think it's a matter of upbringing. It's personal choice. In the same family, it's common for one child to be lazy and another to be hardworking.

    In my experience, there is no generalisation that most Gen X are this way and most Gen Y are another way. I've worked with extremely lazy Gen X who just want high-paying jobs but aren't willing to work hard - or do any real work at all and are full of complaints. I've worked with extremely hardworking Gen Y who put a great deal of thought and pride into their work.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Let me tell u all what is even more scary if one day opposition win by majority sits investors will sell sing dollar due to uncertainty in future politics and our exchange rate will go weak maybe will drop weaker than malaysia. This in term will cause market crash. People will cash out shares as exchange rate drop. Foreign workers will all leave here due to low exchange rate.

    There is a generation that have not endure war or hardship or a nation climb to development.

    They all see the materials stuff and feel that its not fair that they cannot get it.

    We should all remember these are not birth rights. Its been work n tolled on by the generations before and we are enjoying the fruits. Mis use it we go back to square 1.

    Complains or blame wont help. should focus on the long term plan and stay the course. for the growth of the nation as well a future development.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Once investors confidence are lost we lost Singapore. The one that will benefit most is malaysia. We are not like US got money printers to revive collapsed economy, not like china with billions of people. No natural resources and we got nothing. Once come down it is very hard to go back.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Why is this happening? Simply because we have a new generation of parents who are richer, throwing money to their kids

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by price
    Why is this happening? Simply because we have a new generation of parents who are richer, throwing money to their kids

    also becoz we have lesser kids and parents are doing better. take a look back in time.

    1st Generation Migrants. From China/India/Malaysia/ not educated. Mostly here as traders/laborers etc. have to work hard to survive. Have more children coz more children means more hands to help with the business or in the fields.

    2nd Generation children of the migrants who settle down. Larger family. mostly males will get further educations. Nation developing. Gone through a period of hard times of War. Have to work hard to survive. Post war mostly are HDB dwelling

    3rd Generation Family size get smaller but financially better. Parents are more educated and more are white collar workers. Both parents working. typically 2 or more Kids. Can provide better for the kids. More are moving toward PC living or newer version of HDBs.

    4th Generation Family size are smaller avg 1 kid. Parents mostly Degree and Diploma holders. White collar with more resources to throw at the kids. Kids grow up without having experience or parents experience the harshness previous generation had. Material abundance are available. more % grow up in PC.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    also becoz we have lesser kids and parents are doing better. take a look back in time.

    1st Generation Migrants. From China/India/Malaysia/ not educated. Mostly here as traders/laborers etc. have to work hard to survive. Have more children coz more children means more hands to help with the business or in the fields.

    2nd Generation children of the migrants who settle down. Larger family. mostly males will get further educations. Nation developing. Gone through a period of hard times of War. Have to work hard to survive. Post war mostly are HDB dwelling

    3rd Generation Family size get smaller but financially better. Parents are more educated and more are white collar workers. Both parents working. typically 2 or more Kids. Can provide better for the kids. More are moving toward PC living or newer version of HDBs.

    4th Generation Family size are smaller avg 1 kid. Parents mostly Degree and Diploma holders. White collar with more resources to throw at the kids. Kids grow up without having experience or parents experience the harshness previous generation had. Material abundance are available. more % grow up in PC.
    agreed. look around, how many 21 years old are getting free Condo / EC's down payment from their parents?

    During my parents' time they dun even have a TV at home.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    which era are Gen X and Y born in?
    Y - is 70s and 80s?
    And X is prior?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    I belong to Gen-Y.

    Not all Gen-Y folks are as fortunate as what have been generalized here. Prior to my army days, I used to think that most singaporeans around my age should share almost similar background as me ie. Received education up to A levels or diploma, come from decent family, do not smoke, no undesirable habits and are refined.

    But after entering the army, I realised there is still a large % of the citizens of my age who are not as fortunate ie. they received only up to primary/sec education, come from broken family, smoke a lot, body full of tatoos and many have ever joined the SS.

    Met up with quite a few over the yrs, and apparently some are doing really well now, working as sales rep, property agents and some even set up their own businesses. They belong to the Gen-Y too, and i see them pia harder than most of their more educated peers.
    educated peers usually dun dare to venture out due to opportunity. this is the irony. the big buck earners usually not so educated. but education assures you of a decent middle class life.

    army does a good job of opening our eyes to diff parts of society (which usually we do not see, esp in elite sec sch/jc/poly)

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Wa lau....

    This is too far fetched.

    What makes you think Singapore will crumble if the opposition is in power.

    Have more faith in Singapore and Singaporeans.
    singapore will crumble if the CURRENT opposition is in power

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by minority

    4th Generation Family size are smaller avg 1 kid. Parents mostly Degree and Diploma holders. White collar with more resources to throw at the kids. Kids grow up without having experience or parents experience the harshness previous generation had. Material abundance are available. more % grow up in PC.
    so maybe i should stay in my HDB and not move to PC?

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