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Thread: #1 Loft, 80 units, Geylang

  1. #511
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by babyt
    apparently, u can get actual dimension of the project by paying money to BCA for the blueprint. U can see how long is the swimming pool, height of balcony wall etc

    From BCA, and here's the website :

    1. Submit your request online which will cost you S$20 for BCA to search their database. No refund even if BCA fails to find the drawings which you looking for.

    2. BCA will send you an email informing you whether the search is success or not. I received mine after 3 working days.

    3. If success, you then go to BCA counter at MND building to view and select your drawings on a HP touch screen computer. All floor plans are in AutoCAD format and structural drawings are in PDF format. You then decide which are the drawings you want to print. Each set will cost you S$25 (not per drawing but per set of drawings).

    4. Then the printing vendor who is just next to the BCA counter, will print out your preferred size (A1=S$6, A2=S$4). You can even request the staff at the printing room to zoom into any specific area for the print out.

    - You have to be the property's owner to view or print the drawings. You will need to submit a copy of your "Certificate of Stamp Duty" as proof during your visit to the BCA counter.
    - You will not be given the soft copy, only can print out in hardcopy.
    Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property?

    Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

    For one,

    I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
    wall to be painted other colour.

  2. #512
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    I need not pay the lawyer fees as it is part of my loan package.
    Which lawyer costs so much? Mine only cost 2k. (a common market price).

    There is no value into going into a good lawyer as this is routine work i suppose.

  3. #513
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    I think there are quite a few in Geylang apartments.
    Saw one before but not sure about the voice but did not hear any noises when i was there.

    I did noticed that there is only 66 lots out of 80 units which i think is on the lesser side?

  4. #514
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by babyt
    my lawyer fee costs me $6k+ and another $700+ for CPF solicitors.
    It should not cost you more than s$3,500 for legal.
    As for CPF, it is cheap. Not $700.

    Mine was s$3,000 all in (legal, CPF etc). You have a choice to find or call different lawyers to get the best deal. What you paid was JUST TOO MUCH.

  5. #515
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ernsttay
    Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property?

    Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

    For one,

    I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
    wall to be painted other colour.
    agent told me the washing machine comes w dryer function...dunno how true la but I wont be using dryer since I have open balcony to hang my clothes dry.

  6. #516
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    solicitor cost is 3500 but add all the little fees here n there for disbursement and anticpated disbursement and gst....all up 6K

  7. #517
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ernsttay
    Shouldn't we be doing this before we purchase the property?

    Since there are so many of us here, many we can form up and see what is lacking and try changing it with the developer?

    For one,

    I will love for the washing machine to be changed to dryer/washer or for the
    wall to be painted other colour.
    U mean that we can actually request for changes??

    Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.

  8. #518
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by scarkerr
    U mean that we can actually request for changes??
    resident of Jalan Suka

    Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.

    The meeting with CO Geylang NPC and his management took almost 90 minutes yesterday.
    As expected, I only heard assurances that SPF are aware of which residential units @ Jalan Suka, Jalan Molek and Lorong 24 are operating as brothels and they are building their case against them; that either investigations are ongoing or due judicial process is taking place.
    When I pressed for the timeline, I wasn't given any, which was not a surprise. When I pressed them to make a statement on the reason(s) why they are not doing anything about the alarming rates at which private properties are being converted into brothels, I wasn't given a direct answer and they kept using the strategy of assuring us that Lorong 24 is safe, and despite it's overwhelmed by large, intimidating crowd especially on evenings, weekends and public holidays, statistically it's acceptable; in short they asserted it’s safe here and hence my notion of unsafe neighbourhood is a ‘perception’ which doesn’t reflect the reality.
    I guess towards the end, eveyone knows we're getting nowhere as mere words of assurance just do not cut anymore; the fact remains what we, the residents are witnessing and experiencing remain worrisome. We still live in the state of insecurity, frustration and fear.
    So my parting shots to them was first to protest that relying on statistics is meaningless. The statistics, i.e. low crime/casualty rate do not reflect the local sentiment and reality; it's extremely bias and not holistic, it trivialised the severity of the problem here. We live here, mind you. We see it, we feel it. It’s nothing compared to your ‘dipstick’ type of sensing that SPF get from their brief patrols!
    In addition, I also reminded them that despite the 'assurances', nothing has changed (in fact it’s worsened) and the resident's confidence here is at record low, that the credibility of SPF, as the de facto law enforcement agency is extremely poor as of now. We don’t feel their presence, in fact the vice operators’ presence is overwhelming here!
    I also pointed out ti them that they can't resolve the problem, let alone even to contain it, be it vice problems such as more prostitution, more brothels, continued sale of contraband cigarettes and the return of gambling on the street.
    Though I remain thankful to the cordial relationship with the CO and the officers from Geylang NPC, and the fact that we had a very open, heart to heart talk, of which I've promised not to divulge certain details, I continued to remind them that with each passing day of non-activity to deal with the vice problems here, the residents here continue to languish, imprisoned in our homes when the crowd gets bigger and when night falls.
    Though I am guaranteed personal safety (as well as my neighbours') that as long as we feel threatened, SPF is just a phonecall away and that should anything, God-forbids happens to any of us, the strong arm of justice will come down heavily and swiftly on the perpetrators ... well they sound really good but what's the point? Do I want to be a victim to test this 'theory'? Haven’t we read enough of crimes which occurred out of irrational thinking?
    We have come out openly to oppose the vice operators and we know somehow our actions are affecting them. Can SPF assume all of them and their sympathisers will behave rationally?
    Okay I think I got one shot left that was to point out that we’re not giving up. It may seem like a roadblock but we’re not giving up.
    We will continue to write, make noise and stand up against these vice operators who have come to invade and continue to ‘rape’ this neighbourhood which we still call home. We will defend this kampong, within the legal framework, until justice is served.
    Hence, for those who are reading this, we’re still grateful and continued to be humbled by your support. Please stand with us by sharing this and I can say confidently that if this problem is not addressed, it will spread. I’m already receiving reports that other non-traditional Lorongs have more sightings of streetwalkers and it’s said to be moving beyond Geylang.
    Let’s play an active part before it’s too late; let’s send a clear message to those unscrupulous individuals or groups that we do not welcome them to set up vice activities in our community. We want our home back!

  9. #519
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Hi all,

    Nice to hear that there are plans to get rid of the dirty activities in Geylang. I also have a unit in Lor 28 which is rented to a british expatrite. I plan to take back the unit and stay there 2 years later when the tenancy end. By then, the revented Geylang River and Sports Hub should be ready. We can all enjoy the new amenities then. With all the new lovely buildings in progress of completion along the way, Geylang will be a nice beautiful private estate to stay in.

  10. #520
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by doufei
    Hi all,

    Nice to hear that there are plans to get rid of the dirty activities in Geylang. I also have a unit in Lor 28 which is rented to a british expatrite. I plan to take back the unit and stay there 2 years later when the tenancy end. By then, the revented Geylang River and Sports Hub should be ready. We can all enjoy the new amenities then. With all the new lovely buildings in progress of completion along the way, Geylang will be a nice beautiful private estate to stay in.
    Indeed you are right and some people are asking to leave the dirty activities alone

  11. #521
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ernsttay
    Saw one before but not sure about the voice but did not hear any noises when i was there.

    I did noticed that there is only 66 lots out of 80 units which i think is on the lesser side?

    Some of the examples for the mechanical carpark

  12. #522
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Some of the examples for the mechanical carpark

    Sister Iris,

    DO u think the construction works for one loft can complete in 2 years time?

  13. #523
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by rontan_83
    Sister Iris,

    DO u think the construction works for one loft can complete in 2 years time?
    Wow, I'm not expert leh.

    Have the enbloc houses being pulled down yet?

  14. #524
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Wow, I'm not expert leh.

    Have the enbloc houses being pulled down yet?
    According to developer is July 2013...building demolition works..

  15. #525
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    hi guys

    I am no expert

    but for a 1 bedroom around 500 sqft whats the ave rent in Geylang ?

  16. #526
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    hi guys

    I am no expert

    but for a 1 bedroom around 500 sqft whats the ave rent in Geylang ?
    ...$2,600.00....U may 1 to check at URA website

  17. #527
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    it will go higher in few yrs to come if PAP gets their 6.9 millions. But hopefully part of it do not come to geylang n pros themselves.

    i am wondering why they didnt build a storeroom under the staircase? dunno if we can dig out a hole on the wall of the staircase at lower level?

    sld invite project mgr to come here and answer query.

    any Facebook group for 1Loft owners now? haha
    Last edited by babyt; 02-06-13 at 19:25.

  18. #528
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by babyt
    it will go higher in few yrs to come if PAP gets their 6.9 millions. But hopefully part of it do not come to geylang n pros themselves.
    BabyT....i heard the Population will remain at 5.3 longer 6.9 millions liao

  19. #529
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default storeroom under stairs

    Hi babyT

    Agree with you on the storage. for small apartments storage and cabinets are key to prevent cluttering. stairs for small new york apartments are usually floated or have storage facilities to maximize use.(read about this on tiny SOHO apartments). Developer should take note of these and attach washer under the stairs instead as it is directly behind the toilet. like this we can split the washer and dryer separately instead of combining into one machine. I understqand these combined washer/dryer are usually not energy efficient as separate units. but well i guess it is pragmatic for small apartments nonetheless so it's really up to owner.

    Can also utilize the area to house the brooms and store rooms. more functional use of space. With good dryers, people will not put their unsightly underwear on the windows and degrade the exterior and value of the unit altogether.

    Baby T please shut the shutters if you drying clothes in balcony okay. biggest challenge for such units are laundry i believe and storage.

    I find this website pretty relevant to #1 loft. they have more space but you can pick some of their ideas when you guys move in.

    anyone cycled around the Waterina area? i bet that place is a huge draw when the kallang river has finished its construction. reminds me abit of Keppel Bay area abit. Hope more bars come out. some good alfresco placces around the Kallang River would also be a plus I reckon.

  20. #530
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    i stay top floor so i can air my laundry easily.

    i cycle from bedok to MBS almost every week so moving to geylang means i can cycle to MBS/Shenton/Lau pat sat easily.

  21. #531
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    optimus, u also brought 1loft?

    so far if im correct:


  22. #532
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by babyt
    Showroom based on 52sqm. For my penthouse, I will get a bigger open balcony by the edge of the bed.

    requoted. this fri im going 1suites showroom, will take pics and upload yeah.

  23. #533
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Yes. one unit and contemplating still whether to stay or rent. I'll figure it out when it TOP depending on demand and rental.

  24. #534
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    heard the developer pays for 10% of your 20% down payment? so effectively you enjoy 90% LTV is that true?

  25. #535
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by babyt
    solicitor cost is 3500 but add all the little fees here n there for disbursement and anticpated disbursement and gst....all up 6K
    I think this is expensive because these are the lawyers whom seldom does conveyancing.

    If you get a specialist who does conveyancing, you only end up paying < S$2k nett nett. (everything in)

    However, we can compare price but its hard to compare standard of services.

    I just felt that the transaction is a simple case and went for the lower one. It differ from case to case.

  26. #536
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by scarkerr
    U mean that we can actually request for changes??

    Did anyone notice in the brochure, its says hot water in the masterbath room.. i asked the agent, does that mean we dun get hot water supply in the other toilets?? Tot thats strange.. hmm.
    If you ask for something that is cheaper, my guess is they might give it to you.

    It makes commercial sense for them to do it but i guess it might have to be in writing.

    You can always give up something you don't think you need and have a chat with them. Nothing wrong to do that. The worst is that you still have to end up doing or buying them yourselves.

    Life is all about communication

    Maybe we can start a thread and discuss on the potential problems that might happen and ask for changes if we can get the bulk to agree.

  27. #537
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by optimus135
    Yes. one unit and contemplating still whether to stay or rent. I'll figure it out when it TOP depending on demand and rental.
    My opinion is that the place is lovely for young couples without kids, single staying with parents.

    It is too small for family with kids unless you bought the 3 rooms unit.

    The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)

    The only problem is with the hook**s which might not be a problem for some.

  28. #538
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ernsttay
    My opinion is that the place is lovely for young couples without kids, single staying with parents.

    It is too small for family with kids unless you bought the 3 rooms unit.

    The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)

    The only problem is with the hook**s which might not be a problem for some.
    Agree with your view

  29. #539
    Join Date
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ernsttay

    The location is excellent and overall food around the area is great. (although i have to admit that the soy bean Yong He standard is getting worse)
    Haha, you're right! Used to think it was nice to have it just a stone throw away but given the price and quality, it's become a non-issue ...
    Help to propagate this! Everyone deserves a safer home!

  30. #540
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Goi
    Haha, you're right! Used to think it was nice to have it just a stone throw away but given the price and quality, it's become a non-issue ...
    I have been having this for > 20 years. I remember those days where I used to go there during the World Cup period where you have one match at 11pm while the other start at 3pm.

    Those days were definitely more colourful.

    Personally, I believe that this area will soon have a "red light junction". Any units after Lorong 16 to the Junction will be where the "professional" will be carrying out their work.

    Housing price is so expensive nowadays. If you get a > 1,500 psf unit, how much do you expect to gain?

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