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Thread: Social Stigma on re-sale EC?

  1. #1
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    Default Social Stigma on re-sale EC?

    Just for discussion sake cos' I been hearing some comments like 'A resale EC will not be equal to a PC lah ...' and so on. As the story goes, after 5 yrs a EC is eligible for sale to citizens, PR and from 10yr on, it will be open to all including foreigners.

    Would like to hear some views that if you are in the market for a re-sale property (be it for own stay or investment), would you think that getting a re-sale EC is a lesser than a resale PC? Maybe feel less satki? Hahaha...

    Feel free to contribute.

  2. #2
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    It is who stay there that matters, rental haven is nightmare, given a choice I will not stay at urban vista too as it is so obvious designed for short term lease
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  3. #3
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    An EC will usually "worth" less than a PC of similar size and attribute.

  4. #4
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    It's the stigma caused by ura. If ec after 10 years is as private as it can be, then why continue to call and categorize it as ec?

  5. #5
    ikan bilis's Avatar
    ikan bilis is offline i'm Buaya ! Girls BEWARE !!...
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    bishan loft, nuovo, simei green all not cheap hor...

  6. #6
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    Some EC really have the EC feel.

    A friend of mine stay Simei Green. It feels damn budget compared to a PC of similar age.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allthepies
    An EC will usually "worth" less than a PC of similar size and attribute.
    assuming location is similar, why do you think a EC is worth less than a PC? Stigma or any other specific reason?

  8. #8
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    Sigh .... that's one problem with us Singaporeans - concerned about social status.

  9. #9
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    Visit those EC to find out why.
    Budget vs std n after 5-10yrs resale drop cos development getting old n out dated.
    Only those with good location still hold some value.
    Current new launch EC still look outdated as compare to PC.
    It's unfair to EC buyer with the restriction impose plus lower quality material n lousy location, 20% discount to me is still not value for money.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bakasa2002
    Just for discussion sake cos' I been hearing some comments like 'A resale EC will not be equal to a PC lah ...' and so on. As the story goes, after 5 yrs a EC is eligible for sale to citizens, PR and from 10yr on, it will be open to all including foreigners.

    Would like to hear some views that if you are in the market for a re-sale property (be it for own stay or investment), would you think that getting a re-sale EC is a lesser than a resale PC? Maybe feel less satki? Hahaha...

    Feel free to contribute.
    I recall this is true when visit showroom of the intial batches of EC. Location not so good and finishing so so.
    However, nowadays EC seems to be in well located area eg Esprina, Citylfe, Prive. Otherwise is sling with features some even more luxurious than PC. So I think the stigma is no longer applicable.

  11. #11
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    Quite true though URA still indicate it as Exec Condo instead of Apt & Condo under their property type.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabian
    Some EC really have the EC feel.

    A friend of mine stay Simei Green. It feels damn budget compared to a PC of similar age.
    Care to share more about what is deem as a EC feel? I mean if the buyer is a foreigner and do not know about difference about EC or PC, would there be any tell-tale signs?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabian
    Some EC really have the EC feel.

    A friend of mine stay Simei Green. It feels damn budget compared to a PC of similar age.
    Yes those were the first generation EC's and the quality difference is apparent between those and PC of same age.... But now... Different story liau... EC quality is as good as or better than PC's.... So... Is there still a stigma? I also wanna know.

  14. #14
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    The day when URA drop a bomb and launch a EC beside D'Leedon, I will feel damn satki and the social stigma will no longer be there.

  15. #15
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    Don't need to ask us, why not go to call those whom recently brought heron Bay and CityLife - low class - they may have better explanation to u.

  16. #16
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    I think the most recent batch of ECs are very close to PC quality.

    The previous batch in Year 2000 varies, some are akin to PC, some does clearly look like hybrid between HUDC and PC.

    Stigma? I don't think so for most people. People who feel stigmatized probably are very particular about how people look at them.

  17. #17
    ikan bilis's Avatar
    ikan bilis is offline i'm Buaya ! Girls BEWARE !!...
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    umm... for me, i would rather get a 4bdr ocr-citylife (if eligible) than a 2bdr rcr-echelon...

  18. #18
    teddybear's Avatar
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    Many reasons:
    1) Who living in the EC vs PC?
    2) Quality of construction & materials
    3) ECs tend to be much more cramp than PCs, packing more units than PCs
    4) Those who live in ECs have budget constraints, similarly comes to Maintenance and sinking funds. If MCs try to save money on estate upkeep and hold down maintenance funds, then estate will be in bad shape after 10 years, how to hold up in value?
    5) ...(any more reason...)

    Quote Originally Posted by bakasa2002
    Just for discussion sake cos' I been hearing some comments like 'A resale EC will not be equal to a PC lah ...' and so on. As the story goes, after 5 yrs a EC is eligible for sale to citizens, PR and from 10yr on, it will be open to all including foreigners.

    Would like to hear some views that if you are in the market for a re-sale property (be it for own stay or investment), would you think that getting a re-sale EC is a lesser than a resale PC? Maybe feel less satki? Hahaha...

    Feel free to contribute.

  19. #19
    ikan bilis's Avatar
    ikan bilis is offline i'm Buaya ! Girls BEWARE !!...
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    umm... resale PC or EC ??... for me, location is more important,... i will pick LH99 simei green than any of the FH condos at floral drive, if same psf....

  20. #20
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    To me, whether HDB or EC, I don't mind. I was on queue system for my first HDB, then. Wait and wait and the day my salary hit beyond the HDB criteria, I settled for HDB re-sale.

    If I qualifies for EC, I will still buy.

    BTW, I stays in HDB and owns a PC. Sold it a year back and bought another PC recently launched. I don't care what people says about "lower class". In my HDB estate, there are families owning more than one car. So?

    Staying in HDB or EC or PC, it is just a roof over our head. Got money, buy another house to invest / rent.

    Just my view.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    some EC the maintenance doesn't feel like it is any cheaper than PC.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by bakasa2002
    Care to share more about what is deem as a EC feel? I mean if the buyer is a foreigner and do not know about difference about EC or PC, would there be any tell-tale signs?
    Landscaping/ common fittings/ club house/ and other common area fixtures all contribute to the overall feel of the first gen EC.

    Foreigner or local, if don't do some legwork, will not be able to see the difference. So in this case, ignorance is bliss?

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