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Thread: $2.05m Executive Condo

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Evidently the developer has totally ignored KBW's appeal for them to bear in mind the income ceiling of potential buyers... Why sell such a big unit? 4xxx sqft is like a semiD or a cluster house liao... Lol!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Douk
    Virtual or not, the land is subsidized by government. It can be sold much higher if zoned as pc. Subsidized housing is meant for the needies, not as prize catch, this is a waste of space and waste of public resource to help more "sandwiches".
    Does one really believe in the multi-gen craps, it is merely to play down on the attention it has gathered. And let's face it. Even if 1/3 of the apartment is the
    less useful roof terrace, by removing the roof terrace, a 3000sq ft home is still too luxurious to be called a subsidized home.
    If it is zoned at pc, easily sell it at 1200psf. So gov sell land cheaper by at least 200-400psf. Multuply that by the total dev floor area, that is how much tax payers are subsidizing. The tens of millions could be better channel to other social cause rather than satisfying the dreams of citizens to stay in pte pty. Well, another hole to be plugged.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Honestly speaking - nobody ask them to buy. In fact, developer is only trying to "sell", but the decision still lies in the people's hand.

    Willing seller, willing buyer.

    Nonetheless, I still feel Mt Sinai is still the best.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    Honestly speaking - nobody ask them to buy. In fact, developer is only trying to "sell", but the decision still lies in the people's hand.

    Willing seller, willing buyer.

    Nonetheless, I still feel Mt Sinai is still the best.
    At 2mil, the buyer could be anybody in the city area, but now he is crowned the king of all EC at a subsidized cost ! Lol.

    Many willing buyers. For all you know, the buyer could be just any grand prize winner in the lucky draw.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    CM will surely hit b4 CNY .... I read the Lianhe Zaobao, it was reported on the 1st page with very detailed explanation

    not just the 2.05m penthouse, all other penthouse avg 1.5m per unit all cleaned up in first few hours, big units like sky suites / DK units are also sold out ... all of them with quantum above 1m

    basically ppl will complain these buyers are super rich families... why taxpayers need to subsidize them

     除了面积超过4300平方英尺、售价205万元的总统式顶层豪宅单位(presidential penthouse)外,另外15个面积较小的顶层豪宅(penthouse)单位及6个拥有四到五个卧房的空中公寓(skysuites),也在数个小时内售罄。   


    四房式及附有双钥匙(dual key)设计的三房和四房式公寓最抢手,售价大多超过100万元,买家主要是组屋提升者及首次购屋者。   

    Ride at your own risk !!!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Actually I don't see a problem. I heard 14 buyers to 1 PH so the demand is there. EC is subsidised but the buyers are subjected to rules and regulations. So kind of a trade off. Also, they sell PH for 500+ psf. If they build 2/3 bedders, they sell almost same price also. Maybe higher psf a bit but it is still the same. The units are subsidised regardless if it is a PH or 2/3 bedders.

    End of the day, this is what the people want. 12k ceiling, of course developer can stretch you.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Imagine 5 years later when they partition out the place and rent out to 5 families.
    Quote Originally Posted by thomastansb
    Actually I don't see a problem. I heard 14 buyers to 1 PH so the demand is there. EC is subsidised but the buyers are subjected to rules and regulations. So kind of a trade off. Also, they sell PH for 500+ psf. If they build 2/3 bedders, they sell almost same price also. Maybe higher psf a bit but it is still the same. The units are subsidised regardless if it is a PH or 2/3 bedders.

    End of the day, this is what the people want. 12k ceiling, of course developer can stretch you.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Imagine 5 years later when they partition out the place and rent out to 5 families.
    JiAlat kenobi wan in action soon lol
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    JiAlat kenobi wan in action soon lol
    Could the regular mentioning of KBW coming CM on EC helps in the sellout of ultra big units in city life? I over heard agents telling buyers that this is in fact the last chance to grab the big units that heavily subsidized by tax payers. Once next CM hit, this loophole will likely be closed.

    Great tactics and interestingly CM might end up work in developers' favour.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Douk
    Virtual or not, the land is subsidized by government. It can be sold much higher if zoned as pc. Subsidized housing is meant for the needies, not as prize catch, this is a waste of space and waste of public resource to help more "sandwiches".
    Does one really believe in the multi-gen craps, it is merely to play down on the attention it has gathered. And let's face it. Even if 1/3 of the apartment is the
    less useful roof terrace, by removing the roof terrace, a 3000sq ft home is still too luxurious to be called a subsidized home.
    Since when EC land is subsidies?

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Sgporean is like that. When everybody want then they buy , when everyone don't want, they dont buy

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by NO_7
    Since when EC land is subsidies?
    If you have a 2mil house, you sold it to your nephew at 1.5mil. Where did the 500k go to?

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Somebjust have this fear of losing out. Believing more in the common wisdom than their own instinct.

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