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Thread: 200 SMRT bus drivers refuse to go to work over pay issue

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Bus and Train services in switzerland are also not privatised. Why Singapore? Reasons could be Profit and Liability.

    could be?? you're too kind with your words. there are no other reasons that to milk us citizens
    Milk? Hah hah so naive

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DKSG
    Not sure what is the point of them striking ?

    To hold Singapore ransom ?

    If you maid refuse to cook dinner because your neighbour's maid got an increment she didnt (and she thinks she deserves it, but you dont think so), what will you do ?

    Answer is clear...

    If I go to my Boss (Manager of Office Admin) and say I wont send documents anymore until I get the same increment as the ang mos in my office, guess what they will tell me ?

    Answer is clear ...


    Sure can if u hold more value ? Many people do that these days especially the young. Get a 2nd offer after 12mth abit $ diff don't match will jump. Works for 1 time but won't work the next. Loose credibility. Such tactics are nothing new.

  3. #63
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    on the contrary, i think it's easy to sack and replace. just pay a little more and hire malaysians?! easy, isn't it? the extra manpower expenses is just a droplet compared to the hundreds of millions of annual profit.

    I think they will swap some of the current batch out over time . But u can sack then now coz will cause disruption to service.

    Malaysian? Well for 1 wat make u think they won't strike? Just pack up don't come to work. Is very common that's why the preference was to Chinese work force coz there is bond. Plus is costly for them to just pack up n go home without making $$.

    I don't agree u pay for more expensive drive u won't have same problem. Look at England , Paris always strike.

    The problem is more than just paying more or certain national. A clearer hr policy n benefits plus better risk mgmt have to be in place. Without raising cost too much to impact fairs.

  4. #64
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    Well the HR will need to learn how to handle thus. Coz it's a culture thing. China culture always like sit in protest. Remeber many yes back china tourist was not happy with the meal treatment in genting Malaysia also same sit in protest. SMRT just have to learn how to handle it.

    Priority is restore service level then deal with the culprit. I bet the drivers are also not expecting contract renewal anyway. So nothing to loose to try. Tats the mind set.
    actually not just china. everywhere is the same. only sgp nobody bother to strike. why? cannot afford to lose job. time too expensive. better spend the time to earn money better.

    now you know why govt make our cost of living so high. keep us busy lor.

  5. #65
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    just send in the tanks lah
    Errr.. Desmond Kuek was the CO of 41SAR and subsequently other Armour formation appointments. Maybe he can.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The pay packages based on nationality seems discriminating on e surface. More details r needed on how e pay adjustment was made. I will b angry too if I were e Chinese drivers.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    so it's's illegal strike! anyone arrest already?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    on the contrary, i think it's easy to sack and replace. just pay a little more and hire malaysians?! easy, isn't it? the extra manpower expenses is just a droplet compared to the hundreds of millions of annual profit.
    The replacement time is going to be crippling.

    You can sack, but to hire and train to road-ready requires lead time.

  9. #69
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    actually not just china. everywhere is the same. only sgp nobody bother to strike. why? cannot afford to lose job. time too expensive. better spend the time to earn money better.

    now you know why govt make our cost of living so high. keep us busy lor.
    i dont agree with that. its not time to expensive. Its becoz we have something to loose to strike. What they have done is make u own a piece of it. ur Hse ur lifstyle.

    Its that a bad thing? Not really wat. You want to strike is becoz u feel u have nothing too loose. So I dont think thats a bad thing. It keeps the society stable.

    u like to live in a place always strike? or riot?

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    Well the HR will need to learn how to handle thus. Coz it's a culture thing. China culture always like sit in protest. Remeber many yes back china tourist was not happy with the meal treatment in genting Malaysia also same sit in protest. SMRT just have to learn how to handle it.

    Priority is restore service level then deal with the culprit. I bet the drivers are also not expecting contract renewal anyway. So nothing to loose to try. Tats the mind set.
    I think it is out of SMRT hands now bcoz of the illegal nature of the activity.

    Even if SMRT doesn't sack them, they have broken the law and risk being jailed, fined and possibly repatriated.

  11. #71
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    Nov 2008


    Sacking them and punishing them is but dealing with the surface only. There must be some internal problem that has fested for some time already. It cannot be that PRC drivers can organize themselves in such large number with full participation if there's no initial problems to begin with. Must still solve the root problem... these PRCs can go home and start life all over again but next year Singapore will drop in its ranking to attract businesses... we are the biggest loser if this is not managed well!

    Then if China govt su ka su ka make some noise, we'll be too busy liaoz!

  12. #72
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    I think it is out of SMRT hands now bcoz of the illegal nature of the activity.

    Even if SMRT doesn't sack them, they have broken the law and risk being jailed, fined and possibly repatriated.
    True make sense stop this from becoming a example. Or finger 1 or 2 leaders make a example of them for instigating a strike. and the rest cycle out in phase. If not SMRT need to quickly find replacement drivers to keep the service level.

  13. #73
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    actually not just china. everywhere is the same. only sgp nobody bother to strike. why? cannot afford to lose job. time too expensive. better spend the time to earn money better.

    now you know why govt make our cost of living so high. keep us busy lor.
    Not don't bother... it is illegal.

    There are many ways to effect industrial action legally to get management to the negotiating table.

    What these China drivers have done is more than an industrial action because a public service has been disrupted. It is akin to shutting off your water supply. They are not just holding SMRT ransom, they are holding the public ransom.

    In a society with a mature industrial structure, a strike for a public service is made known well ahead so that the public can accomodate the disruptions.

  14. #74
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Sacking them and punishing them is but dealing with the surface only. There must be some internal problem that has fested for some time already. It cannot be that PRC drivers can organize themselves in such large number with full participation if there's no initial problems to begin with. Must still solve the root problem... these PRCs can go home and start life all over again but next year Singapore will drop in its ranking to attract businesses... we are the biggest loser if this is not managed well!

    Then if China govt su ka su ka make some noise, we'll be too busy liaoz!
    It may sound cruel but the truth is they came with their eyes open.

    Their package is different from the Singaporeans and Malaysians because their package includes accomodation. They also cannot command same salaries because of language deficiency.

    The Chinese embassy is watching this closely. Our government is in a tight spot. But we also must also act boldly less we become China's bitch.

  15. #75
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    It may sound cruel but the truth is they came with their eyes open.

    Their package is different from the Singaporeans and Malaysians because their package includes accomodation. They also cannot command same salaries because of language deficiency.

    The Chinese embassy is watching this closely. Our government is in a tight spot. But we also must also act boldly less we become China's bitch.
    It does not sound cruel, just a reality. This episode has certainly opened up Singapore's FW management policies for all to scrutinize.

    One thing for sure, their treatment is so different from foreign domestic helpers. I know that domestic helpers get low pay (up to S$500/mth) also coz free accomodation plus free food and all. However, these helpers can actually break contract freely and they are actually protected by our policies. We as employers cannot deduct their pay for not finishing their contract and we still have to buy air tickets to send them home. My previous helper, upon knowing there was a pay increment in Singapore for all domestic helpers a year back, chose to break contract with us and went for a new employer to get higher pay...

  16. #76
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Hard to sack, no replacements. Can't hire and train in time.
    Ask SBS to cover some of SMRT's routes or borrow drivers from SBS, can? Left pocket, right pocket.

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by fclim
    Ask SBS to cover some of SMRT's routes or borrow drivers from SBS, can? Left pocket, right pocket.
    Ask the Malaysian drivers to do 2 shifts and get double pay for a month or two till they get replacement for the (60 - those with genuine medical certs) PRC drivers. Some Malaysian drivers may accept the offer since its on a temporary basis and they earn so much more...

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    with police report filed by SmrT...arrest is next?

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    is singapore the only country where a Strike is illegal ?

    in this aspect is spore truly first world if Strike is not allowed ?

  20. #80
    Join Date
    May 2009


    The PRCs are certainly prepared to be repatriated. I say, we fine each of them $2,000 and send them to max 12 months imprisonment! That will teach them a lesson.

  21. #81
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    is singapore the only country where a Strike is illegal ?

    in this aspect is spore truly first world if Strike is not allowed ?
    Not illegal if proper procedures like 14 days notice etc, are followed.

  22. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by fclim
    Ask SBS to cover some of SMRT's routes or borrow drivers from SBS, can? Left pocket, right pocket.
    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Ask the Malaysian drivers to do 2 shifts and get double pay for a month or two till they get replacement for the (60 - those with genuine medical certs) PRC drivers. Some Malaysian drivers may accept the offer since its on a temporary basis and they earn so much more...
    good ideas

  23. #83
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    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fclim
    Not illegal if proper procedures like 14 days notice etc, are followed.

    so they could have informed SMRT about it 2 weeks ago ,,.. and what happened now would not be considered illegal ?

    if strike is illegal .. but if giving 14 days notice etc ..makes it legal ..then thats as good as allowing a crime to be committed if it is well organised ..??!!!?? if it is a crime at all in the first place

    what kind of logic is that ? coming from the govt ?

    i dont get it at all ..

  24. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    so they could have informed SMRT about it 2 weeks ago ,,.. and what happened now would not be considered illegal ?

    if strike is illegal .. but if giving 14 days notice etc ..makes it legal ..then thats as good as allowing a crime to be committed if it is well organised ..??!!!?? if it is a crime at all in the first place

    what kind of logic is that ? coming from the govt ?

    i dont get it at all ..
    Only strikes in water, gas and electrical services are illegal

  25. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Only strikes in water, gas and electrical services are illegal


    then why SMRT call police ?
    and why should they be arrested ?

  26. #86
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    The bus service a public transport service considered an "essential" service by definition, it requires 14days notice for industrial action.

    This is a big thing.... remember the Hock Lee bus riots in the 60s? All started with a strike.

  27. #87
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    so they could have informed SMRT about it 2 weeks ago ,,.. and what happened now would not be considered illegal ?

    if strike is illegal .. but if giving 14 days notice etc ..makes it legal ..then thats as good as allowing a crime to be committed if it is well organised ..??!!!?? if it is a crime at all in the first place

    what kind of logic is that ? coming from the govt ?

    i dont get it at all ..
    It is not a crime to go on strike if you give sufficient notice. If the employer chooses to ignore the advance notice given and not do anything about it, then the employer bears the consequences. You give the employer time to address the issues. Get it?

    If you go on strike without notice esp for public service, you are holding everyone ransom.

    The late Ong Teng Cheong sanctioned a strike many years ago in the marine industry when he was the labour chief. It was perfectly legal.

  28. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    this one is a sensitive issue indeed. many faceted.

    foreign worker grading policy
    hr procedures
    contingency planning
    public transport
    foreign bilateral relations

  29. #89
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    The bus service a public transport service considered an "esential" serive by definition requires 14days notice of industrial action.

    This is a big thing.... remember the Hock Lee bus riots in the 60s? All started with a strike.
    The riot was on May 12 1955... but yes it all starts with a strike. Then again what is a strike? Then, those people went onto the streets with the intent to fight. That was a strike with intent to hurt! Today, these PRCs did not even stage a public display of their anger by parading down the streets with strong intent or violent behaviors. They only gathered in their dormitory. Is this a strike with no intent to hurt? Different leh!
    Last edited by ysyap; 27-11-12 at 23:02.

  30. #90
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Only strikes in water, gas and electrical services are illegal
    Yup. Strikes in these 3 essential services are not allowed, whether notice is given or not.

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