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Thread: Check this out - unbelievable

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Check this out - unbelievable

    This could be the next big thing - 3 d printing

    Roly8, u software guy, rite. This one use auto desk and whatever cad software and print out the real thing. Check this out and give me your view.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    3 d printing in a nutshell basically means u can print 3 d items like

    1. Spanner
    2. Bicycle
    3. I phone casing
    Unlimited usage. This may ultimately end manufacturing plants.

    U can get 3 d printers for home and offices. Mind boggling. Machiam sci-fi come true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    3 d printing in a nutshell basically means u can print 3 d items like

    1. Spanner
    2. Bicycle
    3. I phone casing
    Unlimited usage. This may ultimately end manufacturing plants.

    U can get 3 d printers for home and offices. Mind boggling. Machiam sci-fi come true.
    Current it's is used in manufacturing toys,medical,military prototype cos its of lower cost then using a conventional CNC machine. Companies in sin typically provide design and prototype services before they go places like china to manufacture. Seems is to protect IP that way. Just my 2 cents worth

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Bro, it seems u in manufacturing. Do u we this to replace Cnc machines.?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    The scary thing with this is firearm controls will become useless.

    There are already working gun parts (at least the receiver) that have been made with this technology.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, it seems u in manufacturing. Do u we this to replace Cnc machines.?
    Don't think so yet cos cost wise CNC still wins in mass production. As EBD bro mentioned, it's already quite common in use but think the next step will be more for entrepreneurs who has designs but can't afford to sub out the prototype.

    Saw several brands in action, quite amazing the way I see it. There's someone in US build their own 3D printer some time ago.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Cool bro. I saw the clip on firearms as well. But I think this will be the future. Maybe 5-10 yrs time. I just bot some shares. Going in every month. If it grows, I huat. If it doesn't, so be it. Am spotting the next wave and putting my money into future. Hahaha. Wish me luck. Hahaha

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    This could be the next big thing - 3 d printing

    Roly8, u software guy, rite. This one use auto desk and whatever cad software and print out the real thing. Check this out and give me your view.
    The 'printing' is essentially laminate layer by layer and create model .. It is used primary for protocol sample and not meant for mess production .

    It is fast compare to traditional way of mould and fixture .. Basically can print any design from a 3D design ...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Check this out




    This to me is mind boggling. At first, I thot it was a prank. Then it turned out to be true.

    Can you imagine this available to the home in 5 years time???

    We are indeed entering into a new world.

    Think what else you can do with 3 d printing. There are talks of even producing a kidney, but this may not happen during our time. Hahahaha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    depending on the materials used, wont hologram be more practical?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    depending on the materials used, wont hologram be more practical?
    Sorry, bro, I dont get you? Hologram for???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    For plastic parts, mold is the most cost effective for mass production.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    wow! that exoskeleton is really incredible!!!
    it is really great when you see biomedical engineering applications like that!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Bro, got somemore apps. You google, u will be shocked.... I really think we are living in crazy times man. So many changes. Internet, Lehman bro, mobile phone, e-mail, Internet phone, blah, blah..... But I like.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by 4wheels
    For plastic parts, mold is the most cost effective for mass production.
    Bro, u see this technology will replace mould in say 5-10 years time?

    Like say, CRT to LCD to LED for TV? This may revolutionize manufacturing in a large way. If the printers become cheaper, ( right now under 10k), every home will have 1. Imagine it is $500, u want to print your iPhone cover, just voila. Or you loose a particular screw, voila.

    IBM said mainframe is here to stay, no way mini can take over. Then DEC came along. DEC said, mini is here to stay, no way every home will have a PC(by the way, they also invented pc), and PC came along. Microsoft said, pc is here to stay, iPad came along. And the next big thing will be thin client where u only need the cloud.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut

    bro, looks like what you are looking to invest in is disruptive technology, also the bane of the innovators dilemma. read and listen to more here :

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2008



    I think this 1 got potential.

    Better keep mum now. Afterwords, people say I hyping this up..... Hahaha.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut

    I think this 1 got potential.

    Better keep mum now. Afterwords, people say I hyping this up..... Hahaha.

    so how to invest in this? enter at which level / angle?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Looks more for prototyping. Issues are the materials that are based on polymer and binder, and the print-head. And you cannot have mixed materials in the product e.g. laptop. Mass production could be at least 20 years away.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut

    I think this 1 got potential.

    Better keep mum now. Afterwords, people say I hyping this up..... Hahaha.
    Bro, don't tell me you going to angle investors to these firms? If so, you got to pick a few cos I think more and more companies setting up to do this.

    Last I know in china exhibition, there's about 10 start ups that work with university on this.

    From what I see, the material cost will be challenging to make it economical enough. Same with our razors, you buy the brand and gotta keep using their consumables unless you take a change and use alternatives but manufacturers don't warranty if anything.

    Any idea? Can share share.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Don't need to invest in start up lah. There are companies selling this already and listed in US. This 1 is tikum, tikum. Potential of growing many folds.

    You see, new innovations are where the big bucks are. Check history.

    Give example of 1 stock - now trading at 43.44. 1 year ago was about 17usd. The company is profitable. Not like dot com time.

    To all, please do not need to tell me I am right or wrong. I am not asking u all to invest. I just share share with u all the technology.

    If u want to go in, do your own homework which stocks to go in. Please do due diligence.

    If u all see any potential technology, please do post it up and share share. I will do my own due diligence. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by smpeh
    Bro, don't tell me you going to angle investors to these firms? If so, you got to pick a few cos I think more and more companies setting up to do this.

    Last I know in china exhibition, there's about 10 start ups that work with university on this.

    From what I see, the material cost will be challenging to make it economical enough. Same with our razors, you buy the brand and gotta keep using their consumables unless you take a change and use alternatives but manufacturers don't warranty if anything.

    Any idea? Can share share.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    This is my last post... For those who have bot into 3 d printing, congrats... You would have made 40% or more Liao.... WELL DONE !!!!!!!

    It is now up to u to sell or just carry on....

    My tip giving is done!!!!!!! I wish all of you well in your quest for financial freedom, stocks and property investments...

    Cheers and may 2013 bring all of you SUCCESS !!!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    This is my last post... For those who have bot into 3 d printing, congrats... You would have made 40% or more Liao.... WELL DONE !!!!!!!

    It is now up to u to sell or just carry on....

    My tip giving is done!!!!!!! I wish all of you well in your quest for financial freedom, stocks and property investments...

    Cheers and may 2013 bring all of you SUCCESS !!!!!

    Hi bro, why is this your last post?
    What happened?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Hi bro, why is this your last post?
    What happened?
    Sis, NS over Liao. Today ROD/ORD.... Hahahaha

    Share as much as possible liao... Hopefully, some picked up some things from me...and I need to focus on 2013.... I need to map out the strategies and do many reviews in various countries and ensure we are in number 1 position.... Hahahahahaha.. So yes, some ass kicking to do....


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Sis, NS over Liao. Today ROD/ORD.... Hahahaha

    Share as much as possible liao... Hopefully, some picked up some things from me...and I need to focus on 2013.... I need to map out the strategies and do many reviews in various countries and ensure we are in number 1 position.... Hahahahahaha.. So yes, some ass kicking to do....

    Hope you will be back when you are less busy.
    Cheers !

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Sis, NS over Liao. Today ROD/ORD.... Hahahaha

    Share as much as possible liao... Hopefully, some picked up some things from me...and I need to focus on 2013.... I need to map out the strategies and do many reviews in various countries and ensure we are in number 1 position.... Hahahahahaha.. So yes, some ass kicking to do....

    don't leave this forum...

    post at least one per day..

    me dieing to keep learning from you.
    I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    secretariat left
    Chestnut leaving or left

    Look like it is a bad start for this forum.

    I am going back to the job market very soon, and start preparing and I will only post selectively

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Laguna, I did not send you any messages earlier because I believe you will be overwhelm with messages and well wishes...
    I feel it is not rite for people to share such personal info regardless if it is real or un-real... But that is not my reason for "leaving". My true intention for "being here" is purely to share... Initially, I did "pissed" people off but I was purely trying to guage the responses and "test" market.

    I believe I have shared as much I possibly can and along the way, I hope, I have imparted some "knowledge" thru my hard knocks, be it failures or success. I have been thru shit and survived all the bloody "recessions" to come up "STRONGER".

    Phantom does not believe that a "high-earner" can come into this forum and "waste time". I personally feel that I did not waste time and have shared valuable experiences...

    I am compelled to reply you... though we did not hit off real well initially - I can really see you are a nice person and always ready to help... Which is GREAT... Give and you will Receive.... For me, I have GIVEN AND INDEED RECEIVED MORE !!!!!!

    I am leaving not because of bad incidences but I actually set a timeline for myself to impart "knowledge" to our fellow citizens - of course there are other citizens here who would have benefitted.... Hahahaha

    I am glad to see your return...

    I wish you well in your endeavors and best wishes in your new job... As for me, my time here is done and I wish everyone here all the best...

    Cheers Sis .......

    And a Very Happy New Year to you....

    I did say I am here to do NS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laguna
    secretariat left
    Chestnut leaving or left

    Look like it is a bad start for this forum.

    I am going back to the job market very soon, and start preparing and I will only post selectively

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