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Thread: Guys, check this out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Guys, check this out

    This could be the next big thing - 3 d printing

    Cool rite.

    DC2003 - u were asking me? This could be the next big thing. Got it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Oops, I put in wrong thread. Sorri.... Will shift to coffee shop talk.

    How to shift


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    only admin/mod can shift la..

    anyway, me is against using paper nowadays..

    it is digital age now!
    I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by roly8
    only admin/mod can shift la..

    anyway, me is against using paper nowadays..

    it is digital age now!
    Bro, I going to shift. This 1 not paper. Bro, you go in take a look, it will blow your mind. Can print spanner, bike, in future, also house. Let me set up in coffee shop then we talk. U can advise me leh.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Please ignore this and go coffee shop talk to discuss. Paiseh, put in wrong thread. Too excited.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, I going to shift. This 1 not paper. Bro, you go in take a look, it will blow your mind. Can print spanner, bike, in future, also house. Let me set up in coffee shop then we talk. U can advise me leh.

    Chestnut bro, Some companies is already using for quite some time. The difference is the tolerance, size of machine and speed. Now u can get 1 in your home less than us$2k. However require to buy the material from the manufacturer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by smpeh
    Chestnut bro, Some companies is already using for quite some time. The difference is the tolerance, size of machine and speed. Now u can get 1 in your home less than us$2k. However require to buy the material from the manufacturer.
    Bro, u know can also print metal?
    Can discuss in coffee shop talk?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    hi chestnut, this technology is indeed amazing when i saw it last time.
    you can even purchase it here.
    this is the expandable type. can even replicate itself.

    do you know? they are even trying the next frontier of printing your own medicines.

    or print themselves out of handcuffs!

    next time can just print our dream condo unit to satisfy our urge to buy!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Bro, can discuss at coffeeshop talk. I put in wrong thread. But there are plans to be able to build houses based on this technology. So you are rite. I now doing research on this and going to meet my friend up next week in manufacturing space. They say, there are deployments already in manufacturing space.

    Quote Originally Posted by lifeline
    hi chestnut, this technology is indeed amazing when i saw it last time.
    you can even purchase it here.
    this is the expandable type. can even replicate itself.

    do you know? they are even trying the next frontier of printing your own medicines.

    or print themselves out of handcuffs!

    next time can just print our dream condo unit to satisfy our urge to buy!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    dun worry. the mod will come by and shift the thread. happens to many threads.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    OK... But my plan now is to spot future star products.... I have the knack for this.... But did not put into works.... So this is my future retirement job....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    OK... But my plan now is to spot future star products.... I have the knack for this.... But did not put into works.... So this is my future retirement job....

    wah! angel investing!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by lifeline
    wah! angel investing!
    Bro, angel investor must wait until cry. I have seen a few angel investors drown the their money.
    I missed a few boats because I was first caught up with work, then caught up with properties. Been super lazy on getting gems. Knew Apple would become big with ipod, then iphone, ipad, itunes store and icloud.

    Missed out on HTC as well.

    So now must spot next trend. Already spotted another and reading up on it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Check out the shares

    The beauty in spotting the new star....

    How much was the shares in Nov 6?????

    How much is it now????

    Time to unload some.....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Check out the shares

    The beauty in spotting the new star....

    How much was the shares in Nov 6?????

    How much is it now????

    Time to unload some.....

    Wow chestnut,

    You have done well. Congrats!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Werther
    Wow chestnut,

    You have done well. Congrats!
    Bro, there are still stocks in US that is way undervalued....

    Clue - look at casino stocks...

    LVS exploded because of the Macau and Singapore story....

    Look at stocks that are Vegas based.... When the economy booms, Vegas will boom.... It is already starting to recover...

    Even my AIG is showing beginning to shine after so long...

    Sold my intel off @ 24 bucks a while ago... Sold my HP off @ 25. Hahahaha

    But you really need to do a lot of homework... It is more tedious than studying property market....

    There are other instruments available other than properties lar... I literally shared with you guys on 3d printing leh...


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, there are still stocks in US that is way undervalued....

    Clue - look at casino stocks...

    LVS exploded because of the Macau and Singapore story....

    Look at stocks that are Vegas based.... When the economy booms, Vegas will boom.... It is already starting to recover...

    Even my AIG is showing beginning to shine after so long...

    Sold my intel off @ 24 bucks a while ago... Sold my HP off @ 25. Hahahaha

    But you really need to do a lot of homework... It is more tedious than studying property market....

    There are other instruments available other than properties lar... I literally shared with you guys on 3d printing leh...

    Yes, you have indeed shared this with us some time back but I was too green and timid to jump in.

    I not familiar with US market... Any recommendation for Sti instead? Seriously, holding cash is such a pain cos not generating any $$... Sigh property now cannot buy...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Hi chestnut u mean LVS still can buy now?
    How about bank of america?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Hi chestnut u mean LVS still can buy now?
    How about bank of america?
    LVS is story of Asia.... Right time, right place... Suggest you go for laggards....
    do some research...

    Machiam when CCR boom in 2005/6 (thereabouts - cannot remember the actual dates).. You should go RCR and OCR... this 2 segments were the laggards...

    BOA, cannot comment... But I am holding Citi.... At peak Citi was worth 500+ (taking into account reverse stock split) and today @ 51.77. In other words, it is worth 10% of its peak value...

    Citi is too big to fail...

    The reason for the reverse split is for fund managers to buy into the shares... AIG did that as well... Fund managers will not go into single digit stocks...

    I don't play all counters... Wah, so many leh....

    I studied into the company and see if it has a story...

    The goal of stocks is - not all counter you will make money... But if the overall portfolio is +ve, then it is ok... The market is very volatile...

    Most of the time, I sell when 1/2 the stocks doubled up. Which means, the other half is 'free of charge'. But those days are gone...

    Bought Keppel land @ 1.3 inclusive rights issue, sold 1/2 @ 3.4... So got profit and the other half still holding is all profit...

    Remember, those days are gone.... Now to make money, you need to work harder... Just like props in 2005, thereabouts, you take a dart and throw into the map of Singapore... Sure make money... Hahahaha

    All the big money all gone liao... So the play is different now...

    I am now in preservation mode... So dabble here a bit, dabble there a bit...

    Will be looking out for new star items shortly.... But take a lot of my time to do research...

    There are other simpler instruments like bonds.... But try not to go long dated or perpetual... At the moment unless NAV super low...


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Werther
    Yes, you have indeed shared this with us some time back but I was too green and timid to jump in.

    I not familiar with US market... Any recommendation for Sti instead? Seriously, holding cash is such a pain cos not generating any $$... Sigh property now cannot buy...
    Bro, after 6 mths, you still new bird leh.... Really, don't just listen to people and buy... You must do due diligence leh.... You need to look @ P/E ratio of companies in same industry to compare. Look at book value. Look at story line. Look at economy... Bro, you must read up leh....

    Don't know how to tell you so much in this forum.... It too many many many years and failures to be able to understand....

    I am very diversified leh... Aud bonds, Singapore bonds, local stocks, us stocks, europe stocks, properties local and aud, blah, blah, blah....

    The only thing I can share with you is... Me feel US market will bounce... All should I say already bounced... I shared in the forum for people to whack US market a while ago leh....

    So timing needs to be good to catch the wave... But when things are relatively high, just hold cash... I am holding quite a fair bit of that leh... I always believe in black swan.... And need to prepare for that...

    But whatever you do, please don't let the bankers tell you what to do.... Be very careful... I lost about 100grand with them... Now they listen to what I tell them to do... HAHAHAHAHAHA

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Thank you tai kor for sharing.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    This is long term, if you guys have patience....

    No pow hor... 3d printing was a sure thing... This one is longgggggg.....

    4G (lte) will ultimately take over from 3G.

    Why??? New technology and most phone now come with 4g... The telcos will want all subscribers to go 4g to make only from download (data). Voice is dying... Because with broadband, now you can do talk time/ skype, etc... Without using talk time... So how in the hell will telcos make money... With data... With faster speed, you will use more data and that is ultimately where they going to get revenue stream....

    So look into 4g tower leasing companies or companies that sell 4g equipments to the telcos...

    Do your own due diligence.... If you believe in 4g... HAHAHAHAHAHA

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Let make investing simple for those who are busy working, don't know FA/TA well, not hard working type etc.

    1. Money is made by sitting, not trading all the time

    2. It takes time to make money. Just be very patience.

    3. There is a time for all things, but you & I don't know when.
    But we know that when there extreme fear in the mkt. It is the time.
    Herd investing is a guarantee for failure.


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by cbsh38584
    Let make investing simple for those who are busy working, don't know FA/TA well, not hard working type etc.

    1. Money is made by sitting, not trading all the time

    2. It takes time to make money. Just be very patience.

    3. There is a time for all things, but you & I don't know when.
    But we know that when there extreme fear in the mkt. It is the time.
    Herd investing is a guarantee for failure.

    Bro, honestly... When there is extreme fear, which stock to buy??? That is the key??? When it happen and u start doing homework, game over before u even know it....

    Need to know which industry to go into. Within that industry which is the stock???
    Cannot suka suka just buy leh...

    All the homework needs to be done beforehand leh....

    I agree with your strategy. But really more than just that leh...

    Just my open honest view...

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Good evening cbsh & chestnut

    Thanks so much for yr sharing. Both yr advice come very aptly.

    I hv been feeling vexed lately, $$ sitting there doing nothing...rather not sure what to do. Buy shares also lose money sianz.

    Other than waiting, I don't know what to do....rally feel like buying and pay ABSD cos now need more breathing space, otherwise spouse always get upset and complain not enough space.

    Do bro here think renting is a good option? But if i rent for $4k a month, 2 years, $100k... Versus if I buy pty $2.5m and pay 10% renting is better ?? I m so lost..l

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, honestly... When there is extreme fear, which stock to buy??? That is the key??? When it happen and u start doing homework, game over before u even know it....

    Need to know which industry to go into. Within that industry which is the stock???
    Cannot suka suka just buy leh...

    All the homework needs to be done beforehand leh....

    I agree with your strategy. But really more than just that leh...

    Just my open honest view...

    I think some of the novice investors who do not know what to buy . Then I think unit trust is a better alternative to invest like Schroder Asian growth fund, Aberdeen pacific equity & 1st state dividend fund.

    Corporate Bond can be a alternative income without leveraging. But not many want or dare to venture into it.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    LVS is story of Asia.... Right time, right place... Suggest you go for laggards....
    do some research...

    Machiam when CCR boom in 2005/6 (thereabouts - cannot remember the actual dates).. You should go RCR and OCR... this 2 segments were the laggards...

    BOA, cannot comment... But I am holding Citi.... At peak Citi was worth 500+ (taking into account reverse stock split) and today @ 51.77. In other words, it is worth 10% of its peak value...

    Citi is too big to fail...

    The reason for the reverse split is for fund managers to buy into the shares... AIG did that as well... Fund managers will not go into single digit stocks...

    I don't play all counters... Wah, so many leh....

    I studied into the company and see if it has a story...

    The goal of stocks is - not all counter you will make money... But if the overall portfolio is +ve, then it is ok... The market is very volatile...

    Most of the time, I sell when 1/2 the stocks doubled up. Which means, the other half is 'free of charge'. But those days are gone...

    Bought Keppel land @ 1.3 inclusive rights issue, sold 1/2 @ 3.4... So got profit and the other half still holding is all profit...

    Remember, those days are gone.... Now to make money, you need to work harder... Just like props in 2005, thereabouts, you take a dart and throw into the map of Singapore... Sure make money... Hahahaha

    All the big money all gone liao... So the play is different now...

    I am now in preservation mode... So dabble here a bit, dabble there a bit...

    Will be looking out for new star items shortly.... But take a lot of my time to do research...

    There are other simpler instruments like bonds.... But try not to go long dated or perpetual... At the moment unless NAV super low...

    Chestnut, thank you for sharing. those were the days.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    Bro, there are still stocks in US that is way undervalued....

    Clue - look at casino stocks...

    LVS exploded because of the Macau and Singapore story....

    Look at stocks that are Vegas based.... When the economy booms, Vegas will boom.... It is already starting to recover...

    Even my AIG is showing beginning to shine after so long...

    Sold my intel off @ 24 bucks a while ago... Sold my HP off @ 25. Hahahaha

    But you really need to do a lot of homework... It is more tedious than studying property market....

    There are other instruments available other than properties lar... I literally shared with you guys on 3d printing leh...

    3D share has gone up quite a bit. At current price, it is no longer attractive. Trailing PE at 112. PEG at 2.37 looks high.

    Earning must significantly improve to increase value.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2009



    like you I have been calling for a recovery in US since end 2011 ...from what I saw when I lived there ...

    I also believe in 3D printing ... its not new ... but took so long to come to Singapore ...

    which aspect of 3d printing do u invest in ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chestnut
    This is long term, if you guys have patience....

    No pow hor... 3d printing was a sure thing... This one is longgggggg.....

    4G (lte) will ultimately take over from 3G.

    Why??? New technology and most phone now come with 4g... The telcos will want all subscribers to go 4g to make only from download (data). Voice is dying... Because with broadband, now you can do talk time/ skype, etc... Without using talk time... So how in the hell will telcos make money... With data... With faster speed, you will use more data and that is ultimately where they going to get revenue stream....

    So look into 4g tower leasing companies or companies that sell 4g equipments to the telcos...

    Do your own due diligence.... If you believe in 4g... HAHAHAHAHAHA

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