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Thread: Eco Sanctuary

  1. #511
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Give the spiders and lizards a break, this is Eco Sanctuary after all...

  2. #512
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttrain
    I did help one of my client to change light at his penthouse. The light bulb cost $7 only but got to bill him $700 to change it.y?? to loan a scaffolding , transportation plus labour to change the light. Good luck to u.. Later part ur reno will be very x.. Especially painting , electrical work , wall paper and carpentry works. Whatever u do ur id will also bill u the loan of the scaffolding through out ur Reno.
    last time got a unit at 4.2m ceiling height. curtain super heavy and difficult to change. even laundry also more expensive. light bulb - each time change have to get handy man come down to chng. got a long ladder but at the top very dizzy, no balls.

  3. #513
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttrain
    Anything above 4 m got problem.. With 10ft ladder also diffcult to catch spider. The curtain will also cost a bomb. If need to use motorize curtain To pull up and down another bomb to spend
    Never knew that living in Penthouse need to buy so many bombs. Even Lizard poo also need a bomb to that case I should be getting 20% discount from Mr Sunray (Retired LKK personnel who finds climbing ladder too cumbersome) in 5 years time...hehe.

  4. #514
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chueec
    Never knew that living in Penthouse need to buy so many bombs. Even Lizard poo also need a bomb to that case I should be getting 20% discount from Mr Sunray (Retired LKK personnel who finds climbing ladder too cumbersome) in 5 years time...hehe.
    Thanks guys. Good to note the costs and inconveniences involved. Still happy for the high floor view and space within. Personal choice. And dear mr. Chueec, my invite for a drink is still valid. Lizard poo cleaning, i will take care at least till i retire, at least next 20 years.

  5. #515
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    [QUOTE=Sunray]Thanks guys. Good to note the costs and inconveniences involved. Still happy for the high floor view and space within. Personal choice. And dear mr. Chueec, my invite for a drink is still valid. Lizard poo cleaning, i will take care at least till i retire, at least next 20 years.[/QUOTE. When is the top date for es

  6. #516
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    ...4m is just 13 plus ft, and if you install LED lights, don't really have to worry about changing too often. Everyone seemed to be pointing out only the negatives and sounding almost light eating sour grapes.....Spiders are all over the place, not just high ceilings.....when they shit it comes down anyway, they need to eat so easy to trap them when they comes down if you cannot stand them....
    Last edited by danntbt; 05-12-12 at 06:45.

  7. #517
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by chueec
    Never knew that living in Penthouse need to buy so many bombs. Even Lizard poo also need a bomb to that case I should be getting 20% discount from Mr Sunray (Retired LKK personnel who finds climbing ladder too cumbersome) in 5 years time...hehe.
    ....Sunray needs not sell to you...there are other buyers...need not have that many as he has only one unit....think you should settle for EC should be more withinn your budget.....goes with your nick too...ChueEC

  8. #518
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by danntbt
    ...4m is just 13 plus ft, and if you install LED lights, don't really have to worry about changing too often. Everyone seemed to be pointing out only the negatives and sounding almost light eating sour grapes.....Spiders are all over the place, not just high ceilings.....when they shit it comes down anyway, they need to eat so easy to trap them when they comes down if you cannot stand them....
    Emmm.. no need to b defensive. Bro Sunray asked ppl to challenge him for cons that he not realizing bcos he was only seeing the pros.

    Other bros just provide what they knew/seen before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray
    Yes I ended up buying. Still working hard to convince myself that its a good buy! Telling myself - high floor, good view, high ceiling, option to convert from 2BR to 4BR, good quality construction etc, green location...etc etc Expecting someone to challenge me...

  9. #519
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    last time got a unit at 4.2m ceiling height. curtain super heavy and difficult to change. even laundry also more expensive. light bulb - each time change have to get handy man come down to chng. got a long ladder but at the top very dizzy, no balls.

    ...this is an interesting thread indeed, just learned that ladies carry balls to climb balls cannot climb one...are balls for balancing?

  10. #520
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttrain
    Anything above 4 m got problem.. With 10ft ladder also diffcult to catch spider. The curtain will also cost a bomb. If need to use motorize curtain To pull up and down another bomb to spend
    Can buy one of these A-frame ladders to change light bulb. Have to find a storage space though, the base width may be close to 1m.

  11. #521
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    last time got a unit at 4.2m ceiling height. curtain super heavy and difficult to change. even laundry also more expensive. light bulb - each time change have to get handy man come down to chng. got a long ladder but at the top very dizzy, no balls.
    Have to consider vertical roller blinds then instead of curtains.

  12. #522
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Rollar Blinds will need to clean too. But what i think is a high ladder that most important

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanarazu
    Have to consider vertical roller blinds then instead of curtains.

  13. #523
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Noexit
    Rollar Blinds will need to clean too. But what i think is a high ladder that most important
    had high ladder already. but still no balls to climb.

  14. #524
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by danntbt
    ...this is an interesting thread indeed, just learned that ladies carry balls to climb balls cannot climb one...are balls for balancing?
    shall we start a thread
    "what sex is shanhz"

    answer: unisex

    by the way, ladies also have balls. but in diff place

  15. #525
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    shall we start a thread
    "what sex is shanhz"

    answer: unisex

    by the way, ladies also have balls. but in diff place
    Do u mean put half ball kind?

  16. #526
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Night
    Do u mean put half ball kind?
    some things, better to leave to imagination.

    just like the principle of put half ball.

  17. #527
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I am new to the forum and am absolutely loving it. Just ignoring non-relevant things, picking up what is useful. I am not at all defensive else I may not get honest opinions.

    I did mean it when I said that I might be looking at the positives only and will like to be challenged.

    The comments have really been helpful for me to be prepared better. Thanks particularly to Kanarazu for making available the copy of the letter for the rules relating to lofts, vendor link for A type frames, suggestions on using roller blinds, thanks to others also for poiting out practical issues relating to changing bulbts, higher costs of paint and curtains - they are the practical issue that one has to be aware of. And of course cleaning the poo!

    Thanks to Danntbt for letting me know that I dont need to get washed away by negative comments only. Postives still remain there!

    At the end, I am more educated about the pros and cons and happy with my decision.

    And yes, I have no intentions to sell at discount! A drink in the balcony, always welcome!!

    Moving on, may I suggest that we make a "group" of residents of Eco, Foresque and Tree House - Call it "Ecoforestree" and work together to make life better for each of us.

    Feel free to add your names to the following:

    Name / Condo

    1. Sunray / Eco

    Next time we may at a bar or coffee place - with "BYOD" theme - "Buy Your Own Drink" to celeberate our new neighbourhood.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar
    Emmm.. no need to b defensive. Bro Sunray asked ppl to challenge him for cons that he not realizing bcos he was only seeing the pros.

    Other bros just provide what they knew/seen before.

  18. #528
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray
    Moving on, may I suggest that we make a "group" of residents of Eco, Foresque and Tree House - Call it "Ecoforestree" and work together to make life better for each of us.
    someone here going to say this is HDB mentality coming out again.

  19. #529
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    I value the "HDB mentality" if it means for bonding, socialising, caring for each other and making life better for everone around!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    someone here going to say this is HDB mentality coming out again.

  20. #530
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    had high ladder already. but still no balls to climb.
    Have to keep oneself stable and balanced on the ball of their feets. That's the anatomical balls that matter on the ladder.

  21. #531
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray
    Thanks guys. Good to note the costs and inconveniences involved. Still happy for the high floor view and space within. Personal choice. And dear mr. Chueec, my invite for a drink is still valid. Lizard poo cleaning, i will take care at least till i retire, at least next 20 years.
    Mr Sunray, your invitation sounded too sincere to resist. You are also very forgiving...I should not have called you LKK (Lou Kok Kok) u are not a retired personnel. Bro Train seems interested also...asking when TOP.

  22. #532
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar
    Emmm.. no need to b defensive. Bro Sunray asked ppl to challenge him for cons that he not realizing bcos he was only seeing the pros.

    Other bros just provide what they knew/seen before.
    erhmmm why should I be defensive.....I am not vested in refree....

  23. #533
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by lajia
    Nearby greenary will change in 3-5 yrs time as more land are developed. The artistic view is of course very nice. Just opp the road, those land parcels belong to HDB i think. So other than the other side which face the park, you will soon find youself surrounded by Tree House, and maybe HDBs...
    .....think you think parcel has been been auctioned are for future PC....otherwise the Diary Farm will petition to Vivian again....

  24. #534
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunray
    I value the "HDB mentality" if it means for bonding, socialising, caring for each other and making life better for everone around!
    or you scratch my kah and I scratch yours

  25. #535
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by danntbt
    .....think you think parcel has been been auctioned are for future PC....otherwise the Diary Farm will petition to Vivian again....
    i din follow the saga.. did vivian eventually bend over for the residents?

  26. #536
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanhz
    i din follow the saga.. did vivian eventually bend over for the residents?
    ...the land was auctioned with restriction to height....max 15 floor....and the shopping mall relocated to Petir rd, also a park was located at the plot next to chestnut ave to buffer the landed from future development, which will also be limited to 15 a search I posted the amended land use in the FR/petir thread....

  27. #537
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by danntbt
    ...the land was auctioned with restriction to height....max 15 floor....and the shopping mall relocated to Petir rd, also a park was located at the plot next to chestnut ave to buffer the landed from future development, which will also be limited to 15 a search I posted the amended land use in the FR/petir thread....
    Bro u post that very long time ago lay

  28. #538
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by chueec
    Mr Sunray, your invitation sounded too sincere to resist. You are also very forgiving...I should not have called you LKK (Lou Kok Kok) u are not a retired personnel. Bro Train seems interested also...asking when TOP.
    Got no more cash lay also dun want to have housing to afford? Only if allow me to join u guy when washing car can Liao. Hear the pool view is nice under the car park

  29. #539
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttrain
    Got no more cash lay also dun want to have housing to afford? Only if allow me to join u guy when washing car can Liao. Hear the pool view is nice under the car park
    think this condo need to have washing bay for 50 cars.

  30. #540
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    You may look at the following link. Gives exact location of the mall, other changes and planned use.

    Quote Originally Posted by danntbt
    ...the land was auctioned with restriction to height....max 15 floor....and the shopping mall relocated to Petir rd, also a park was located at the plot next to chestnut ave to buffer the landed from future development, which will also be limited to 15 a search I posted the amended land use in the FR/petir thread....

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