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Thread: Do you believe in Feng-Shui...

  1. #61
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    no need to be so complicated, there are a few types of people

    1. Those who know how to 趋吉避凶 but willing to sacrifice himself for the common good, these are Sages, Holy man, 圣人 。。very few people, fengshui can hardly affect them e.g. Mother Theresa, Dalai Lama, Confucius etc

    2. Those who know how to 趋吉避凶 but not as great as the Sages, most of time he uses his skills to help others. We call 贤人, most great feng shui masters probably fall into this category

    3. Those who does not know how to 趋吉避凶 but because he has done a lot of good deeds, somehow he is helped by people in (1)/(2) to 趋吉避凶 .. including feng shui advice

    so if you are not (1) or (2) at least be (3)

    Last edited by phantom_opera; 05-09-12 at 22:55.
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  2. #62
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    both teddy and regulators are correct

    teddy is right because most people (may be 95%) not belong to (1) / (2) so will be affected by feng shui if the feng shui is extremely good or bad

    regulators is right when feng shui is neither too bad or too good, then the person's birth date must be consulted (as well as his present temperament, inclination etc)
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  3. #63
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    You seem to get the most important point!
    The ancient feng shui is used to change fate, so why use 8 characters when it is bad or not so good to begin with? Then how to change fate using feng shui?

    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    both teddy and regulators are correct

    teddy is right because most people (may be 95%) not belong to (1) / (2) so will be affected by feng shui if the feng shui is extremely good or bad

    regulators is right when feng shui is neither too bad or too good, then the person's birth date must be consulted (as well as his present temperament, inclination etc)

  4. #64
    teddybear's Avatar
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    Wow, feng shui expert here!

    Quote Originally Posted by East Lover
    山脈盡失 人丁難旺

  5. #65
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    you must understand last time China used to be agricultural economy

    surrounding mountains will keep the young workforce from leaving due to poor transportation last time thus 山管人丁

    水 (i.e. staying near river, lake) on the other hand is important for consistent agricultural productivity so 水管财


    风 (wind of change) represents changes, in a place where there is no water
    (symbol of wealth, life), when wind of change comes (e.g. natural disaster, economic crash, SARS, war), humans (represented by 气) will leave and not staying united (气散), if there is water, then people will congregate (气止,聚) and there the society can be stable (风无)
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  6. #66
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    so by your definition, the hill with the water in bedok reservoir should be perfect at... oh no containing the spirits inside it and letting them flourish in numbers!!!!

  7. #67
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    Modern feng shui have to reinterpret old teachings otherwise it will not be relevant today. Mountains can mean physical structures like buildings while water can mean continuous flow of traffic like cars on the expressway. just like technology, feng shui needs to evolve with the times, we can't stick to a fixed set of unchanging rules from thousands of years back. The fundamental teachings will however remain the same.
    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera

    you must understand last time China used to be agricultural economy

    surrounding mountains will keep the young workforce from leaving due to poor transportation last time thus 山管人丁

    水 (i.e. staying near river, lake) on the other hand is important for consistent agricultural productivity so 水管财


    风 (wind of change) represents changes, in a place where there is no water
    (symbol of wealth, life), when wind of change comes (e.g. natural disaster, economic crash, SARS, war), humans (represented by 气) will leave and not staying united (气散), if there is water, then people will congregate (气止,聚) and there the society can be stable (风无)

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    so by your definition, the hill with the water in bedok reservoir should be perfect at... oh no containing the spirits inside it and letting them flourish in numbers!!!!
    Actually bedok reservoir used to be a hill itself. It was blasted away to become a giant messy sand quarry and later filled up to be a reservoir.

  9. #69
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    Any comments on this shop in vivo?

  10. #70
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    Any recommendations of things to buy to reduce the ill effects of 五黄 5 yellow star in the south east sector this year?

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop
    Any recommendations of things to buy to reduce the ill effects of 五黄 5 yellow star in the south east sector this year?

    According to the wofs mag (Jan-Feb issue) ,the best remedy is the five element pagoda.
    Other things : do not undertake any reno in the SE in 2012,do not sit facing the
    5yellow ,keep the SE sector as quiet as possible and keep lights dimmed

  12. #72
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    In china, ppl avoid north facing house, as there is no sunlight and much cooler than other facing, thus bad Fengshui concluded.
    However, in Singapore north facing house is not that bad, windy and bright. Do we still have to stick to the traditional Fengshui for this case?

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by KCT
    According to the wofs mag (Jan-Feb issue) ,the best remedy is the five element pagoda.
    Other things : do not undertake any reno in the SE in 2012,do not sit facing the
    5yellow ,keep the SE sector as quiet as possible and keep lights dimmed
    Construction of hdb bto on the SE facing side of our flat....

  14. #74
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    If you are given only 2 options:-
    1) a wall directly outside your main door
    2) a long corridor - from your main door to the lift, but lift door is not facing your main door
    which option will you choose?

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop
    Construction of hdb bto on the SE facing side of our flat....
    IMO, for high rise apt there are other units in the same stack to share the burden and the most affected would be those units at lower floors....
    Btw it's also depend on each one's fate too

    Placing metal element is effective in reducing negative energies in the SE (6-Emperor Coins,Pi Xiu,Dragon Head Tortoise&5 Element Pagoda)and use the colour white
    If u r not keen to put the items then just keep things constant and maintain harmonious environments

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    If you are given only 2 options:-
    1) a wall directly outside your main door
    2) a long corridor - from your main door to the lift, but lift door is not facing your main door
    which option will you choose?
    If the number of neighbors on that floor is a few, I will choose the second one.
    Most of the time I presume you keep door closed, so the human traffic won't bother you.
    When u open the door to go out, at least you will have an open feeling, and not like the first one, facing a wall.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    If the number of neighbors on that floor is a few, I will choose the second one.
    Most of the time I presume you keep door closed, so the human traffic won't bother you.
    When u open the door to go out, at least you will have an open feeling, and not like the first one, facing a wall.
    According to Feng Shui, long corridor or wall outside the main door, both also no good, did I interprete wrongly. Wall outside the main door has more privacy but long corridor has more ventilation.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    According to Feng Shui, long corridor or wall outside the main door, both also no good, did I interprete wrongly. Wall outside the main door has more privacy but long corridor has more ventilation.
    i agree. long corridor or wall is 枪煞, bad for health.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by East Lover
    In china, ppl avoid north facing house, as there is no sunlight and much cooler than other facing, thus bad Fengshui concluded.
    However, in Singapore north facing house is not that bad, windy and bright. Do we still have to stick to the traditional Fengshui for this case?
    any expert here can advise if north facing is really that bad in Singpoare?

    I google something but mainly from China, so I'm not sure how relevant to SG:

    I like this one:

  20. #80
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    I think for SG case, if all your house windows face NE is not so good due the cooler NE and moist NE monsoon winds blowing from Nov to Feb yearly. Easy to get sick or get rheumatism. Of course if kena blocked by another building then nevermind.

  21. #81
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    Think windows facing north west is the worst, that one means owners can "he xi bei feng".

    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop
    I think for SG case, if all your house windows face NE is not so good due the cooler NE and moist NE monsoon winds blowing from Nov to Feb yearly. Easy to get sick or get rheumatism. Of course if kena blocked by another building then nevermind.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by East Lover
    i agree. long corridor or wall is 枪煞, bad for health.
    I got very confused. I attended a talk, the feng shui master said that long corridor is no good because it will affect the relationship with the opposite unit but I read from another book, it stated that house facing the lift with long corridor is good because the qi from the lift will flow into the house. How long then is considered long?

  23. #83
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    How long is long no hard & fast rule, all based on perception, you need experienced Feng shui master to judge accurately.
    Anyway, face wall better than face long corridor or lift door. You can use windows facing outside to 纳气, don't need to use main door. Most important is windows' view must be far enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    I got very confused. I attended a talk, the feng shui master said that long corridor is no good because it will affect the relationship with the opposite unit but I read from another book, it stated that house facing the lift with long corridor is good because the qi from the lift will flow into the house. How long then is considered long?

  24. #84
    teddybear's Avatar
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    I think Best facing is South-East in Singapore, got SE wind during May-July hottest period and also some sunlight into the house in the morning whereas North no wind during this period. However, North & NE is not considered bad in Singapore since during Nov-Jan period Singapore is still hot and there is strong N & NE wind during this period.

    West is the worst, followed by NW & SW. Avoid West at all costs! Hot like hell in Singapore with little wind from these directions!

    If your house got windows facing SE and also N & NE and your unit is not blocked in those directions, keep your windows open wide and your house will be breezy all year round! No need air-con, don't even need fan!

    Quote Originally Posted by East Lover
    any expert here can advise if north facing is really that bad in Singpoare?

    I google something but mainly from China, so I'm not sure how relevant to SG:

    I like this one:

  25. #85
    teddybear's Avatar
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    Last edited by teddybear; 19-09-12 at 21:35.

  26. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    Does anyone have any good experiences with FSMs? Do share.

    I would like to engage one, but am feeling rather disillusioned after reading so many bad experiences...

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimderm
    Does anyone have any good experiences with FSMs? Do share.

    I would like to engage one, but am feeling rather disillusioned after reading so many bad experiences...
    Have been to two .. one at marine parade , one at bedok reservoir.
    Well, I can only say fengshui is more for ease of mind of the oldies..

    I think most they are a load of crap.. esp. those who asked you to buy stuff.

    Those who don't ask you to buy stuff.. might be more professional... but still it's a faith-based thing.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by focus
    Have been to two .. one at marine parade , one at bedok reservoir.
    Well, I can only say fengshui is more for ease of mind of the oldies..

    I think most they are a load of crap.. esp. those who asked you to buy stuff.

    Those who don't ask you to buy stuff.. might be more professional... but still it's a faith-based thing.
    Ya, I engaged one before, keep asking me to buy lots of crystals to put at almost every corner of my house (living hall, bedrooms and even toilet doors), total about $6k but I didn't buy because I found something fishy, going to turn my house into a "Crystal Palace." He refused to give me my fengshui plan when I refused to buy the crystals from him. Anyway his fengshui plan was like a kindergarten drawing, draw chairs, tables etc on the papers instead of the actual normal fengshui draft. I was conned.

    That's why now I only believe in friends' recommendation.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Ya, I engaged one before, keep asking me to buy lots of crystals to put at almost every corner of my house (living hall, bedrooms and even toilet doors), total about $6k but I didn't buy because I found something fishy, going to turn my house into a "Crystal Palace." He refused to give me my fengshui plan when I refused to buy the crystals from him. Anyway his fengshui plan was like a kindergarten drawing, draw chairs, tables etc on the papers instead of the actual normal fengshui draft. I was conned.

    That's why now I only believe in friends' recommendation.
    Any good ones to recommend? Will keep in mind for the next house audit.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Ya, I engaged one before, keep asking me to buy lots of crystals to put at almost every corner of my house (living hall, bedrooms and even toilet doors), total about $6k but I didn't buy because I found something fishy, going to turn my house into a "Crystal Palace." He refused to give me my fengshui plan when I refused to buy the crystals from him. Anyway his fengshui plan was like a kindergarten drawing, draw chairs, tables etc on the papers instead of the actual normal fengshui draft. I was conned.

    That's why now I only believe in friends' recommendation.
    I love my Hello Kitty crystal!
    I feel happy when I look at it.

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