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Thread: Going extinct is no fun

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Going extinct is no fun

    Lee Kuan Yew, the founding prime minister of Singapore, is one of the great statesmen of the 20th century. At 88 he is a bit unsteady on his feet and attends a lot of funerals, but his mind is as clear as ever. A man of steely resolve, he turned a tiny, defenceless, impoverished, racially and politically divided island with no natural resources into an economic powerhouse.

    Today Singapore is a leading financial centre, is the world's easiest place to do business, is ranked number 8 in foreign exchange reserves, has the world's top-ranked education system, and is the world's least corrupt country. Economically Singapore is a miracle and Lee Kuan Yew is its wizard. Last weekend the Lion City celebrated the 47th anniversary of its independence with cheers and fireworks.

    But there is a cloud over Singapore's existence. Although it is situated in a volatile part of the world, the threat is not war or tsunami or cyclone. It is its own imploding birth rate. In finances, Singapore is at the top of the league table; in fertility, it is at the bottom. With a birth rate of 0.78 it has been ranked by the CIA World Factbook at 222 out of 222. To compensate for the falling number of babies, Singapore imports people. About 35 percent of Singapore's workers are foreign-born and about 23 percent of all residents.


    In short, like the great man himself, Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore is slowly dying. The government is trying desperately to boost the birth rate with generous benefits, dating services and louche advertisements. And still the birth rate falls.

    Lee is watching this tragedy with tears. Speaking at a National Day celebration dinner on Saturday, he sounded desolate:

    If we go on like that, this place will fold up, because there'll be no original citizens left to form the majority, and we cannot have new citizens, new PRs to settle our social ethos, our social spirit, our social norms. So my message is a simple one. The answer is very difficult but the problems, if we don't find the answers, are enormous…

    Our educated men and women must decide whether to replace themselves in the next generation. At the moment, 31 per cent of women and 44 per cent of men are opting out. Not leaving a next generation.

    So, just ponder over it and you will know the solution is not simple. But we've got to persuade people to understand that getting married is important, having children is important. Do we want to replace ourselves or do we want to shrink and get older and be replaced by migrants and work permit holders? That's the simple question.

    Perhaps it's rude to ask this of a man mourning the mortal illness of a child whom he conceived, dandled on his knees and coached through adolescence, but who is responsible for this disaster?

    The answer is Lee Kuan Yew. Great men make great mistakes. In the 1960s and 70s he worried about the Population Bomb and enacted stern population control policies. He encouraged sterilisation, urged Singaporeans to "Stop At Two", and imposed harsh financial penalties for those who didn't. By the late 80s, the government had panicked and changed its tune to "Have Three or More (if you can afford it)". A future prime minister was already warning Singaporeans that "passively watch[ing] ourselves going extinct" threatened national survival.

    It was too late. Singaporeans had acquired a taste for shopping and small families. Now their country's future belongs to immigrants and workers from nearby China, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore has to face the possibility of cashing in its chips.

    Singapore's woes may be of its own making but there is a lesson here for the rest of us. In a small nation, the impact of an ageing population is felt more keenly and more swiftly than in larger countries. Singapore has to face the possibility of cashing in its chips. But demographic trends are inexorable everywhere. When birthrates fall below replacement level, as they have throughout the developed world, migrants with very different cultural values replace the native-born.

    Going extinct is no fun at all. Just ask Lee Kuan Yew.
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Man simply not born to be monogamous.
    Quick and effective solution - bring back Polygamy, legalise it!

    Singapore birth rate will shoot up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    no comments....i already do my 2 times....on no more bullet to fire....

    actually still got bullet but $$$ no enough...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Surprisingly i knew many couples, personal friends, whom wanted to have babies but having problems (wife and hubby)...

    They are too shy to talk about it and use excuse such as high living cost as decoy to perceive other as a choice of not wanting babies...

    The cost of In Vitro fertilisation come not cheap... read somewhere avg couple run up the bill of 10 of thousands and yet not secure successful conceive..

    This could be a small but sufficient nos of couple wanting to have babies...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by zzz1
    Surprisingly i knew many couples, personal friends, whom wanted to have babies but having problems (wife and hubby)...

    They are too shy to talk about it and use excuse such as high living cost as decoy to perceive other as a choice of not wanting babies...

    The cost of In Vitro fertilisation come not cheap... read somewhere avg couple run up the bill of 10 of thousands and yet not secure successful conceive..

    This could be a small but sufficient nos of couple wanting to have babies...
    like i always believe...

    child is gift of god...

    HDB is gift from spore govt....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    like i always believe...

    child is gift of god...

    HDB is gift from spore govt.... a gift....even with IVF and without the intervention it bear no fruit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    I am fine to sow seeds but don't want the responsibility plus I don't like kids... whether my own or other peoples.

    Even if I donate my sperm every day my value system crashes with the socially acceptable thus sure won't get accepted.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    I am actually happy with our Malay bros and sis taking back the country since they are the first to own it anyway and the real MADE IN SINGAPORE. ok maybe Indonesians lah... since its Sang Nila 'Ultima' who first discovered the place.

    My sec school History got A1. My memory can't be that bad... this place never had any other races born indigenously. Not Chinese nor Indian nor Angmos!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    I am fine to sow seeds but don't want the responsibility plus I don't like kids... whether my own or other peoples.

    Even if I donate my sperm every day my value system crashes with the socially acceptable thus sure won't get accepted.
    Imagine this:

    In 2035, Singapore birth rate falls to all time low of 0.1. Threat of extinction prompts Singapore garmen to set up a new SDU (sex donation unit) to encourage young Singaporeans having good gene to engage in noble act of reproducing, for the female who manages to give birth, a reward of 1 million dollars will be given, for the male who is successful, $500,000 ... after giving birth, state will take over to put the child into CDU (child development unit) to ensure the child is brought up to be noble Singaporean

    Ride at your own risk !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    many sci fi movies already covered these hypothesis... at least not go so far as to clone

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Surrogates? Army of maids, why not army of surrogates?

    No cost to SG womens figure and performance figures at work...still made in Singapore by Singaporeans...only delivery

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Not every parent can accept that. Furthermore, people will start to gossip how come wife cannot deliver, husband got problem??? etc...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Last time when maids first came about - also people will comment how the family cannot do simple household chores. Later with some acceptance and repositioning (domestic helper), now seen as a indispensable asset.

    Matter of time...

    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Not every parent can accept that. Furthermore, people will start to gossip how come wife cannot deliver, husband got problem??? etc...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    pple will bend over backwards just for face value... ridiculous

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gn108
    Surrogates? Army of maids, why not army of surrogates?

    No cost to SG womens figure and performance figures at work...still made in Singapore by Singaporeans...only delivery
    How about compulsory national service for woman... only 9 months required.... not 2 years....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Add just 1 high-key reservist training ...3-4 months long for maternity..

    Good idea bro ...sure lose votes like that...

    Quote Originally Posted by sh
    How about compulsory national service for woman... only 9 months required.... not 2 years....

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