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Thread: Advice for WOULD Be landlords...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    I would prefer angmoh cos I think they have more pride and would typically not go down into the finer details when negotiating on the price or compensation of damages. Last wk I took over my hse from an angmoh tenant, and as I loosely quoted him the compensations for each and every of the damages, he only had one standard response "That's fine".

    I had a prev tenant from xxxxx who harassed me non stop with vulgar smses for close to 2 mths when I confiscated part of her deposits for the repairs. Some of the terrible things she did to the house include installing handle knobs onto my ID tv console cabinets without my consent (the hse was brand new then and it spoiled my ID original concept and design) , installing water jet in the bathroom which resulted in leakage and she went back her hometown and MIA for 3mths without paying rental, and the entire bedroom parquet floor was covered with a new layer of "white carpet" (read as MOLD).
    i feel for you..

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by timmy
    Hearing all these horror stories, I am having second thoughts abt renting out my flat for the 1 year that I am overseas. My flat was renovated just 2 years ago and all the furniture and appliances are new and carefully maintained. Wonder if it is worth the 2k plus that I get per month for renting it out. Any advice?
    its all about luck bro my first tenants were super...even invited me over for dinner/drinks but i politely turned down the offer cos my wife is jealous type...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Beebot
    I think renting out your apartment is like employing a maid, "heng" or "suay". How to tell whether someone has good living habits or considerate unless you have lived with him/her for a while?

    But I think, yah, the best bet is to avoid certain categories of people, just to be on the safe side.
    I like the way you put it non offensively yet direct to the point - avoid certain categories of people. LOL

    So far this has been my worst experience, the rest of my tenants (Ang mohs and Malaysian Chinese) were all alright and didn't give me much headaches.

    The kind of agents u get is also a Heng-suay kind of thingie... Some could be v responsible and helpful, while some simply bochap.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I say just keep renting out the old place. waste to Reno n rent out.

    we have a new apartment n old apartment, both can fetch 5k. the old one is not dilapitated yet, still livable but old.

    old man says got feelings wana Reno and move back, persuaded him not too cos it makes no sense to rent a spankig new plc to subject it to damages. further self stay new makes u feel song cos facilities r new, etc.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    I like the way you put it non offensively yet direct to the point - avoid certain categories of people. LOL

    So far this has been my worst experience, the rest of my tenants (Ang mohs and Malaysian Chinese) were all alright and didn't give me much headaches.

    The kind of agents u get is also a Heng-suay kind of thingie... Some could be v responsible and helpful, while some simply bochap.
    If agent does not provide good service, when can we terminate his/her service? Anytime?

    I will face this problem in 3-4 years time when my condo TOP. I have not decided whether to sell my HDB flat. If I decide to rent it out, I will face this problem soon.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Estella83
    Only rent to indo Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Taiwanese, n honkies maybe ang mo. The rest, no way esp students, or all man. Must rent to a family or all ladies only.
    Or gay men.

    But hor, i know some very messy gay men too. Bo guarantee.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by radha08
    yup i know that but honestly its not that the walls or dirty or things are broken its just that house is so messy...probably a good cleanup would do the job...and i am not the type to hassle people over things like this plus i was already thinking to do a major will leave it at that....but for me its a good lesson and i would like to share my experience with all the good bros/sis here...
    To me, it should be run like a business. No emotions involved.

    Thats why the adage is always true - never rent out your sole/treasured residence.

    Therefore, no matter how dirty, food remains strewn everywhere, toilet not flushed frsh with poo and laosai, clothes and stuff hanging around, damages here and there, during spot checks, doesnt matter. As long when he hands back the keys, everything good as original condition barring reasonable wear and tear, i am ok. Mattresses and coat of paint to be replaced every two year tenancy anyway.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Beebot
    If agent does not provide good service, when can we terminate his/her service? Anytime?

    I will face this problem in 3-4 years time when my condo TOP. I have not decided whether to sell my HDB flat. If I decide to rent it out, I will face this problem soon.
    You will need to pay the agent his commission in full one month after u hand over the keys ... Money is already in his hand, so it's up to him whether he provides good service throughout the lease period to help u resolve issues brought up by the tenants. Some agents will bother cos they still want yr business during the renewal (another round of commission). Some agents bochap so I will not engage them again.

    Some of my friends nv get to see their tenants and leave it entirely to the agent to do all the liaising. For me, I prefer to meet my tenants in person to assess them

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    Or gay men.

    But hor, i know some very messy gay men too. Bo guarantee.
    How to tell if the viewers are gay men or not har? U got lobang for gay tenants? Lol

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    How to tell if the viewers are gay men or not har? U got lobang for gay tenants? Lol
    if u give electric and also receive electric....then u will know... i guess...

  11. #41
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    How to tell if the viewers are gay men or not har? U got lobang for gay tenants? Lol
    Many of my friends are staying on their own, most self owned properties. Sizeable portion still mummys boys staying with parents.

    Telltale signs?

    Two men with
    - questionable body lang for each other eg. loves nudge nudge wink wink
    - teases each other often
    - uses the term dear on each other and even you or anybody for that matter
    - or squabbles on end like a married couple (double confirm)
    - loud dressing, if same colors, pattern etc = double confirm
    - similar hairstyles, often avant garde or creative
    - similar liking for tattoos all over (could be junkies mistaken for gay)

    - keeps looking at the male agent (if somewhat cute)
    - very friendly like sister with female agent (even friendlier if agent is sweet looking)
    - cold towards the butch looking female agent
    - very particular about furnishing and finishing and fittings
    - has tons of barang barang to move in
    - has pet cat(s)
    - loves to cook and needs a branded oven
    - needs a dryer as cannot air all the kinky sexy underwear on the balcony

    Ps: only for comic relief, pls dont flame me, its definitely generalisation and stereotypes

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by lajia
    if u give electric and also receive electric....then u will know... i guess...
    LOL!!! When I first read, I thought you literally meant giving electric appliances to the tenants.... I did encounter one agent who kept asking me whether I'm married or have gf or not, why buy condo don't wanna own stay etc. Usually the aunty agents would ask, but coming from a guy I thot tats interesting

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    Many of my friends are staying on their own, most self owned properties. Sizeable portion still mummys boys staying with parents.

    Telltale signs?

    Two men with
    - questionable body lang for each other eg. loves nudge nudge wink wink
    - teases each other often
    - uses the term dear on each other and even you or anybody for that matter
    - or squabbles on end like a married couple (double confirm)
    - loud dressing, if same colors, pattern etc = double confirm
    - similar hairstyles, often avant garde or creative
    - similar liking for tattoos all over (could be junkies mistaken for gay)

    - keeps looking at the male agent (if somewhat cute)
    - very friendly like sister with female agent (even friendlier if agent is sweet looking)
    - cold towards the butch looking female agent
    - very particular about furnishing and finishing and fittings
    - has tons of barang barang to move in
    - has pet cat(s)
    - loves to cook and needs a branded oven
    - needs a dryer as cannot air all the kinky sexy underwear on the balcony

    Ps: only for comic relief, pls dont flame me, its definitely generalisation and stereotypes
    Ok noted and thanks! I just hope the couple won't squabble and have cat fights in my house. Better than those with kids that drew my sofa cushions maciam abstract art.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    Ok noted and thanks! I just hope the couple won't squabble and have cat fights in my house. Better than those with kids that drew my sofa cushions maciam abstract art.
    U mean u actually kena that?

    My brand new white white leather sofa, after house warming, colleagues kids dunno do what one long line of blue mark across.... Never to be removed completely. Heart pain. But lucky is cheap sofa. Still, its brand new!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    LOL!!! When I first read, I thought you literally meant giving electric appliances to the tenants.... I did encounter one agent who kept asking me whether I'm married or have gf or not, why buy condo don't wanna own stay etc. Usually the aunty agents would ask, but coming from a guy I thot tats interesting
    You must be quite studly.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    U mean u actually kena that?

    My brand new white white leather sofa, after house warming, colleagues kids dunno do what one long line of blue mark across.... Never to be removed completely. Heart pain. But lucky is cheap sofa. Still, its brand new!
    Ya, I kena drawings on the fabric portion of my sofa by the angmoh kid, luckily my mum recommended me Vanish and I have a super maid who is a perfectionist. She managed to remove the marks completely.

    No la, I m not studly...

  17. #47
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    Ya, I kena drawings on the fabric portion of my sofa by the angmoh kid, luckily my mum recommended me Vanish and I have a super maid who is a perfectionist. She managed to remove the marks completely.

    No la, I m not studly...
    Ok maybe boyish then

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    one of the aircon compressor kept having problem during the 1st year of contract and i as new landlord kept repairing it.. now it is having problem again, as landlord am i supposed to continue repairing?

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by fafalulu
    one of the aircon compressor kept having problem during the 1st year of contract and i as new landlord kept repairing it.. now it is having problem again, as landlord am i supposed to continue repairing?
    change the compressor and get yourself 5 yr warranty

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by fafalulu
    one of the aircon compressor kept having problem during the 1st year of contract and i as new landlord kept repairing it.. now it is having problem again, as landlord am i supposed to continue repairing?
    Depends on how old is the a/c ... If more than 15 yrs mabbe it's good to replace the entire sys, save u (and your tenant) headaches of frequent breakdowns. It's a big sum now but it's a long term investment

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by zeamybro
    How to tell if the viewers are gay men or not har? U got lobang for gay tenants? Lol
    smash / touch the backside of the guy...
    see what is his reaction..

    if he like it, he will feel shy & signal for more.. or be friend

    that is my guess.
    I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)

  22. #52
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by roly8
    smash / touch the backside of the guy...
    see what is his reaction..

    if he like it, he will feel shy & signal for more.. or be friend

    that is my guess.
    U r joking right, why risk kena punched in the face which is probably 90% likely to happen although gay men form almost 20% of all men in SG. The other 10 % is those gay men who dont like to be grab assed.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    U mean u actually kena that?

    My brand new white white leather sofa, after house warming, colleagues kids dunno do what one long line of blue mark across.... Never to be removed completely. Heart pain. But lucky is cheap sofa. Still, its brand new!
    For my case, during my house warming, my colleague's son (quite big size) kept jumping on my bed (like an athletic), luckily my bed didn't give way.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    For my case, during my house warming, my colleague's son (quite big size) kept jumping on my bed (like an athletic), luckily my bed didn't give way.
    Must be an expensive mattress/bed....

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    U r joking right, why risk kena punched in the face which is probably 90% likely to happen although gay men form almost 20% of all men in SG. The other 10 % is those gay men who dont like to be grab assed.
    20% is a lot. It means for every 5 guys in this forum, 1 is a gay.

    How do you come to that conclusion?

  26. #56
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by hyenergix
    20% is a lot. It means for every 5 guys in this forum, 1 is a gay.

    How do you come to that conclusion?
    No no, you cant interpolate this way. This forum is not an effective all encompassing representation of the whole SG.

    20% is of course exaggeration, but not too far from researched proven statistics. With many men living with parents until quite a mature age plus a protective environment growing up, the factors can contribute further to insecurity before opposite sex and over-familiarity with members of the same sex.

    Taken from

    Kinsey Institute - Prevalence of homosexuality (1999)

    This site gives a summary of various demographic studies to 1999. Smith (1991) classified 5-6% of adults as homosexual or bisexual since age 18. Taylor (1993) found more than 4% of men aged 16-50 and more than 3% of women in the same age group reporting a same-sex sexual partner in the previous five years.

    Laumann et al (1994) found that 9% of men and 4% of women reported having engaged in at least one same-gender sexual activity since puberty. Given the identity category choices of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or something else, 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women surveyed reported "some level of homosexual identity."*

    Binson et al (1995) showed 5.3% of men reporting sexual activity with a same-gender partner since age 18. and 6.5% of men reporting sex with men during the previous five years. The highest prevalence was found* the 12 largest cities (14.4% since age 18) and among "highly educated" White males (10.8%).

    Sells et al (1995) reported 6.2% of* males and 3.6% of* females with "sexual contact with someone of the same sex only or with both sexes in the previous five years," and 20.8% of U.S. males and 17.8% of U.S. females with some homosexual behavior or some homosexual attraction since age 15.*

    Gonsierek et al (1995) reviewed the literature and critiqued surveys of homosexual activity from Kinsey in 1948 to the 1994 study by Laumann, et al. Because of the possible risks involved in self-disclosure, it is posited that the recurrent 2-5% for same-gender sexual behavior in the studies reviewed represents a minimum figure. They suggest that the current prevalence of predominant same-sex orientation is 4-17%.

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    So... what's your point?

    Are 20% of men gay or not?... if not then don't simply hantam... anyhow let go...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    No no, you cant interpolate this way. This forum is not an effective all encompassing representation of the whole SG.

    20% is of course exaggeration, but not too far from researched proven statistics. With many men living with parents until quite a mature age plus a protective environment growing up, the factors can contribute further to insecurity before opposite sex and over-familiarity with members of the same sex.

    Taken from

    Kinsey Institute - Prevalence of homosexuality (1999)

    This site gives a summary of various demographic studies to 1999. Smith (1991) classified 5-6% of adults as homosexual or bisexual since age 18. Taylor (1993) found more than 4% of men aged 16-50 and more than 3% of women in the same age group reporting a same-sex sexual partner in the previous five years.

    Laumann et al (1994) found that 9% of men and 4% of women reported having engaged in at least one same-gender sexual activity since puberty. Given the identity category choices of heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or something else, 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women surveyed reported "some level of homosexual identity."*

    Binson et al (1995) showed 5.3% of men reporting sexual activity with a same-gender partner since age 18. and 6.5% of men reporting sex with men during the previous five years. The highest prevalence was found* the 12 largest cities (14.4% since age 18) and among "highly educated" White males (10.8%).

    Sells et al (1995) reported 6.2% of* males and 3.6% of* females with "sexual contact with someone of the same sex only or with both sexes in the previous five years," and 20.8% of U.S. males and 17.8% of U.S. females with some homosexual behavior or some homosexual attraction since age 15.*

    Gonsierek et al (1995) reviewed the literature and critiqued surveys of homosexual activity from Kinsey in 1948 to the 1994 study by Laumann, et al. Because of the possible risks involved in self-disclosure, it is posited that the recurrent 2-5% for same-gender sexual behavior in the studies reviewed represents a minimum figure. They suggest that the current prevalence of predominant same-sex orientation is 4-17%.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    So... what's your point?

    Are 20% of men gay or not?... if not then don't simply hantam... anyhow let go...
    Hmmm. Surprised that you feel so strongly about this issue. Since I am not Truth, whatever I say must be taken with a huge barrel of salt. :-) Anyway this is very offtopic. Can gladly take it offline via PM if keen to pursue.

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    mr gay, your 20% is an unverified number..

    anyway, good morning to you.
    I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Firstly, yes this is off topic.... you pulled it off that direction.

    Secondly, I can't help but feel that you have a hidden agenda by inflating the gay percentages (20% ?.... a number which you beat around the bush to verify). I can only conclude that you are trying to implant the notion that homosexuality is very normal since 1 out of 5 men are gay.

    If you are trying to promote the gay cause you are trying too hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    Hmmm. Surprised that you feel so strongly about this issue. Since I am not Truth, whatever I say must be taken with a huge barrel of salt. :-) Anyway this is very offtopic. Can gladly take it offline via PM if keen to pursue.

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