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Thread: CapitaLand CEO Calls Shoebox Apartments Inhuman

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    Actually liew is damn stupid, he is in the business of building homes, by saying that, he is cutting himself off one segment of the lucrative market. Also, if investors can get a 4xxsqft one bedr and rent for $3k a month, why would they want to buy a 7xxsft unit that fetch the same rental rate and pay a couple of hundred thousand more?
    He cant answer your question. Thats precisely why he resort to pseudo for the people kinda statement to kill off his competitors... Buyers of which have 700k rather buy 2br MM than his project 1bedder unit... I wonder if he has fallen behind times in the latest space saving design trends. Maybe he and Koh Bros need to have coffee...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    bros... cool down lah...
    that one is big boss,... and from big-developer/govt/city-planner point of view...

    mm for 2 persons, 35sqm for 2 or 17.5 sqm/person
    2bdr for 4 persons, 60sqm for 4 or 15 sqm/person
    3bdr for 6 persons, 77sqm for 6 or 12.8 sqm/person

    77sqm based on belysa 3bdr, all can fit in double bed..

    is quite "right" to say mm wasting precious land...
    I heard some pioneer mention need for new measurement - psfpp. Per square feet per person. But most areas are for mixed and shared use. You cant say this corner is mine and that section is yours. So bigger space to share is better for everybirdy. Yes you can even have birds as pets. But then again 2 persons sharing 500sf vs 5 persons sharing is very different experience... And then if 2 are working most times of the day then its another matter altogether. So its hard to just wave a stick and say xx is too small for a family to stay in...

  3. #33
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    are you referring to yourself alone or family? a single person living in a 500sqft unit is alright, if not more than sufficient. for a family with 1-2 kids, it's 'almost inhuman'.

    To a developer, building MMs, that sells at ridiculously high psf, is more profitable than large units (for obvious reasons). If we take into account the dire need to increase fertility rate, then building MMs ain't helping.
    I am livong alone actually. Great, I am human after all.

    I feel however that typing a discussion of the dire fertility rate and the appearance of MMs is a very far fetched though. Actually, I have no problem with my fertility. When it is time, when the babies, I will move on to a larger place. In the meantime, a MM is great for me and I am asking the govt not too plan too much of my future for me.

  4. #34
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    Mar 2012


    I also actually suspect his intentions are well meaning. Ie warning us shoebox clampdown measure is coming soon. Esp the MP recently quickly buy up one first to keep further strengthens this possibility... Btw. Today is Thursday. And the article came out yesterday. And this weekend is Polling Day for a local elections that have become a Nationalised affair with war of words etc. So lets look out for this fateful Thursday... Which is Today. :*

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    I am not defending shoebox but what talking liew? If he talk about land scarce singapore, shouldn't units be smaller instead of bigger? Also these shoebox units are not meant for families, maybe just for singles or couples. Some people might think 7xxsft one bedr is waste of space coz this size could actually have two rooms instead of just one. Some ppl might not even want that extra space to clean and maintain. Mickey mouse lovers won't see eye to eye with his comments.

    Excatly my thoughts too........

  6. #36
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    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by DLiauw
    I am livong alone actually. Great, I am human after all.

    I feel however that typing a discussion of the dire fertility rate and the appearance of MMs is a very far fetched though. Actually, I have no problem with my fertility. When it is time, when the babies, I will move on to a larger place. In the meantime, a MM is great for me and I am asking the govt not too plan too much of my future for me.
    Bro DLiauw, which MM in Balestier you staying? Is it new? There is quite a few projects i think are nice. Like Tier. M21. Medge. Mezzo. Domus...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    Bro DLiauw, which MM in Balestier you staying? Is it new? There is quite a few projects i think are nice. Like Tier. M21. Medge. Mezzo. Domus...
    Hopefully, in two years, at the Cradels @Lorong Limau. Currently, stuck in another property nearby that does not suit my lifestyle at all (see private message).

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    "The man just doesn't get it" or he just pretentious

    Don't tell me he does not understand quantum theory as put forward by brother dtrax ... it is the quantum not the size that matters

    D Leedon minimum quantum is 1 million
    SH min quantum is 1.1 million
    Interlace even higher

    In this kind of uncertain time, who will want to take big risk by investing all cash into properties?? If you have 1 million cash, here is probably your asset allocation:

    1. One MM 400sqft for self-stay (250k)
    2. One MM to rent out (250k)
    3. Rent out your 5r HDB to pay for MMs loans
    4. 30% in 5y corporate bond or preference shares which yield 4%
    5. 20% in cash for emergency or buying blue chip stocks when bargain arise

    If I buy something @ 1million, then I either must use up more emergency cash or allocate less for bonds and I can only afford one investment property... much higher risk and less flexible .. two MMs also I can sell off one by one if market ready gone crazy
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DLiauw
    I am livong alone actually. Great, I am human after all.

    I feel however that typing a discussion of the dire fertility rate and the appearance of MMs is a very far fetched though. Actually, I have no problem with my fertility. When it is time, when the babies, I will move on to a larger place. In the meantime, a MM is great for me and I am asking the govt not too plan too much of my future for me.
    agree with you on this. however, goverment's policies are tweaked towards pro-family (and all sorts of other social engineering measures)

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Dedicate this one to bro DLiauw

    Size is all 'bout relativity
    Suffice it be with a l'il creativity
    Room for sane depends on patterns of activity
    Boon or bane a matter of perceptivity

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    agree with you on this. however, goverment's policies are tweaked towards pro-family (and all sorts of other social engineering measures)
    Isnt it sad that the root word of policy is politics.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Politics beget Policies
    Policies enshroud Fallacies
    Fallacies deride Prophecies, and
    Prophecies destroy Fantasies

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    “I used to joke that when I sat
    on the sofa, I don’t need the
    remote control to switch on
    the TV, I use my toes,” he
    HOW DARE HE COPY WHAT I SAID!!!! He must be trolling this forum. Watch out...
    Ya, I remember I read your joke somewhere in this forum. Sue him for copyright, hehe

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Only singles age 35 n above can buy 1 bedder pte MM in future.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DLiauw
    I actually feel very comfortable living in a small space....I wonder why Mr Liew thinks that I will be very comfortable in a large one.

    Also, I actually never quite understand statements such as "Singapore’s land is very precious and you are wasting your scarce resources” by building shoebox apartments." ? how does a MM waste scarce resources again?

    A MM is considered to be anything below 538 sq.m. Is this strata area they are referring to? Including the balcony and a/d ledge, etc, right? So if 540sq.m. it is not an MM any more?
    Aiya, since S'pore land is so precious, we should build more mm but maybe not so small like a dog cage lor. No point having such a big space where some of the spaces will go to waste. This is then a waste of space.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    Size is all 'bout relativity
    Suffice it be with a l'il creativity
    Room for sane depends on patterns of activity
    Boon or bane a matter of perceptivity
    and 4xxsqft is not insanity.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DLiauw
    I am livong alone actually. Great, I am human after all.

    I feel however that typing a discussion of the dire fertility rate and the appearance of MMs is a very far fetched though. Actually, I have no problem with my fertility. When it is time, when the babies, I will move on to a larger place. In the meantime, a MM is great for me and I am asking the govt not too plan too much of my future for me.
    Once a foreigner told me when I went for my holiday. She said Singaporeans are spoilt child, everything has to be planned and taken care of by our govt. Actually there are pro and cons.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Once a foreigner told me when I went for my holiday. She said Singaporeans are spoilt child, everything has to be planned and taken care of by our govt. Actually there are always pro and cons on everything.
    i believe it is the goverment that wants to control everything (check out MM's famous quotes). For one, i don't need them to help me decide how i spend my CPF

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by irisng
    Ya, I remember I read your joke somewhere in this forum. Sue him for copyright, hehe
    Its post #39 in "How to stop the shoebox craze" thread by Ringo!!!!

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    Politics beget Policies
    Policies enshroud Fallacies
    Fallacies deride Prophecies, and
    Prophecies destroy Fantasies

    WOW, very deep....have to read three to four times....then it all makes sense after all. Write MORE. Put a smile one everyone's face I am sure (is today over yet????). Thanks.

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by rattydrama
    and 4xxsqft is not insanity.
    Thumbs up

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    i believe it is the goverment that wants to control everything (check out MM's famous quotes). For one, i don't need them to help me decide how i spend my CPF
    A lot of uncles' CPF have been drained by their foreign girlfriends. Best is dun count on ur CPF in ur retirement plan.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    May 2009


    They sld squeeze in options within MMs - like do away with kitchen.
    Just provide a counter with power point x2. Let the occupants use a kettle and portable induction to cook light meals. 300+sf also can then.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by hyenergix
    A lot of uncles' CPF have been drained by their foreign girlfriends. Best is dun count on ur CPF in ur retirement plan.
    so punish the entire population cos' of a few ah peks who are in search for love (or lust?!).

    if chewing gum can be banned because it caused a 10-15min delay, then surely something can be done to punish horny uncles eh?

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Long form:

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gn108
    They sld squeeze in options within MMs - like do away with kitchen.
    Just provide a counter with power point x2. Let the occupants use a kettle and portable induction to cook light meals. 300+sf also can then.
    I think will be quite phobic and suffociating. I will not try.

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by eng81157
    so punish the entire population cos' of a few ah peks who are in search for love (or lust?!).

    if chewing gum can be banned because it caused a 10-15min delay, then surely something can be done to punish horny uncles eh?

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    "The man just doesn't get it" or he just pretentious
    Capland still has few big projects using big architect names & non MM. Sales going slow... of course have to say something.

    His chanting will cease if backlogs are cleared fast enough.

    those developers making $ are keeping quiet.

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by carbuncle
    yr chinese writing is better than zaobao... they should get you...

  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Not disputing that view...but if MM is a livestyle option and the occupiers of these don't do heavy cooking, maybe a full kitchen is not needed.

    Most buyers are singles/eat out/come back only to sleep and rest.

    Developers sld ask the question...are we correct in duplication of a full-space/family dewelling? Then can further reduce quantum and get more marginal investors into the market.

    Quote Originally Posted by rattydrama
    I think will be quite phobic and suffociating. I will not try.

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