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Thread: Devilplate are you using multple account?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    Wah dp, u famous liao, got a thread delicated specially for u lol.. I m glad that u handle this well, cool man! U should know that majority of us appreciate your presence and advices, do not be affected by this episode of harass, small case to u right, cheer up bro
    appreciate it


    luckily it is not a sexual harassment!!


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    u can goto sissy B personal thread for all the bad news u want y say here got hardly any bad news?
    I do go to B personal thread, any wrong with it? Anyone that go there offend you?

    Let me simplify what i have wrote..

    Whenever there is good news about the market, very soon it will be edited and post here. Whenever there is bad news about the market, have very little chance it will be posted here..

    Aren't we are here to share the goods the bads and help each another?

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by CCR
    Why are you so concern?
    Its just a forum, relax lah.... just enjoy the banter and harmless fun...

    If its so serious all of us here will already sell all our asset and move the to caves after readin Mr B posts.....

    So what if a few of them have multiple account, let them be, why get so uptight? go chill out with friends and drink...
    dont worry, I am as chilled as ever. Just starting this thread to warn others about what is going behind this forum. And what better chance than to do it when you caught them with the pants down.

    Having said that I still do not agree that a forum should condoned or tolerate forumers disguise under different accounts. Unless of course this forum is created solely for that purpose.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    all bcoz of yday afternoon la....

    i pointed out her mistakes and den she bey song so wana revenge lor....

    initially i tot pinball was her clone or another fren wor....trying to setup and create a scene....hmmm but later on i tink i noe who pinball is liao....woahahahahhahahahaa
    avoid going out at nite, they moves from tree to tree.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto
    I do go to B personal thread, any wrong with it? Anyone that go there offend you?
    wah piang....y u tok like dat one....

    now i entangled wif my mistress jadey time to hf another one liao.....hehehehe

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadey
    dont worry, I am as chilled as ever. Just starting this thread to warn others about what is going behind this forum. And what better chance than to do it when you caught them with the pants down.

    Having said that I still do not agree that a forum should condoned or tolerate forumers disguise under different accounts. Unless of course this forum is created solely for that purpose.
    u noe wat...u r the greatest fool wor my dear

    r u sure u can relax? last nite purposely cr8 this thread specially for me.....

    i noe Love can become Hatred la....

    sorry la my dear dear...


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sunrise
    avoid going out at nite, they moves from tree to tree.
    sounds scary....

    can we track down 3G user location?

    but i believe jadey is a nice and pretty lady in real mabe not a bad thing kena stalked by her lor


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    all bcoz of yday afternoon la....

    i pointed out her mistakes and den she bey song so wana revenge lor....

    initially i tot pinball was her clone or another fren wor....trying to setup and create a scene....hmmm but later on i tink i noe who pinball is liao....woahahahahhahahahaa

    Are you aware that you are not making any sense in what you are saying now? Anybody who have read the thread conversation between you and pinball on the first page will know that you are one pathetic liar.

    Like I said before, now that you have been exposed, you should just quit using Devilplate name and rejoin this forum with a new account instead of trying to smear others reputation with illogical statement that even a 5 year old will question your credibility.

    I understand that you might have perhaps put in many painstaking hours and effort to build yourself a "reputation" in this forum using multple account and you are reluctant to let it go.

    However for the sake of your same kind, you should just quit and start afresh with a new account because the more you try to defend yourself, the more of those of the same kind is going to be expose.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    wat reputation u r toking about Miss Jadey

    i dun tink my reptutation here vy dee good lor....

    i often pick up 'catty' fights here leh.....b4 u got mr A and I lor....

    dun tink too much Miss Jadey

    almost lunch time u at the usual place at 1pm hor....cya

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto
    I do go to B personal thread, any wrong with it? Anyone that go there offend you?

    Let me simplify what i have wrote..

    Whenever there is good news about the market, very soon it will be edited and post here. Whenever there is bad news about the market, have very little chance it will be posted here..

    Aren't we are here to share the goods the bads and help each another?
    Easy. Those who just bought a property wants to hear good news. Those who just sold and waiting to buy wants to hear bad news. This forum consist of mostly property owners, with few waiting for durians. So naturally more good news. Hard to get real advises la, no one can predict the market. In 2009 when market crash, I waited for it to crash more, till now m still waiting. Have been following the forum closely and make my own judgement. To pay current prices, I may as well go for one that I reali like and freehold. Can hold long long.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wah piang....y u tok like dat one....

    now i entangled wif my mistress jadey time to hf another one liao.....hehehehe
    Come on lah bro...Ya bro. bro here, everyday login in to check out
    how is the market going .. But there are so many unnecessary friction..

    It is Ok that you have no time for me..But you asked me question, it is my courtesy to reply you mah...

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wah piang....y u tok like dat one....

    now i entangled wif my mistress jadey time to hf another one liao.....hehehehe
    He/she just sold his her property waiting to buy. Natural reaction, can understand la.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wat reputation u r toking about Miss Jadey

    i dun tink my reptutation here vy dee good lor....

    i often pick up 'catty' fights here leh.....b4 u got mr A and I lor....

    dun tink too much Miss Jadey

    almost lunch time u at the usual place at 1pm hor....cya
    this thread has more viewers compare to Mr.B's thread. soon hit a thousand page.

  14. #44
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    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    Easy. Those who just bought a property wants to hear good news. Those who just sold and waiting to buy wants to hear bad news. This forum consist of mostly property owners, with few waiting for durians. So naturally more good news. Hard to get real advises la, no one can predict the market. In 2009 when market crash, I waited for it to crash more, till now m still waiting. Have been following the forum closely and make my own judgement. To pay current prices, I may as well go for one that I reali like and freehold. Can hold long long.
    Yea agreed.. find buying a property. There isnt good or right time
    to buy (for own stay).. As long as one comfortable financially, just buy.

    As for freehold, 100k+ to 200K higher than 99 ones, can consider..

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wat reputation u r toking about Miss Jadey

    i dun tink my reptutation here vy dee good lor....

    i often pick up 'catty' fights here leh.....b4 u got mr A and I lor....

    dun tink too much Miss Jadey

    almost lunch time u at the usual place at 1pm hor....cya
    there is no need to act cute and hide your shame behind a smiley face. Are you aware how pathetic you are to praise yourself using different accounts?

    On a serious note, I am not questioning your knowledge about property or your wealth or how many prostitute your have been sleeping with etc, but what you did using multiple accounts in this forum is despicable and it speaks very negatively about a person's character. And unfortunately character is something that will live with a person not something you can change.

    To me you are not better than those social media conman who try to cheat lonely and vulnerable man using profile of young girl and I honestly hope you are not a property agent.

  16. #46
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    Jun 2010


    Wah lau, sibei drama leh.

  17. #47
    ikan bilis's Avatar
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    devilplate is property agent lah... he tried to recruit me as downline but i told him must be S$20K/month fixed pay and no sales target/quota, else no talk!!...
    sorry for interrupting... and you two can continue your fighting... cheers...

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    devilplate is property agent lah... he tried to recruit me as downline but i told him must be S$20K/month fixed pay and no sales target/quota, else no talk!!...
    sorry for interrupting... and you two can continue your fighting... cheers...
    I thought they having lunch together?

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    devilplate is property agent lah... he tried to recruit me as downline but i told him must be S$20K/month fixed pay and no sales target/quota, else no talk!!...
    sorry for interrupting... and you two can continue your fighting... cheers...
    20k/mth only for my mistress Miss Jadey one...

    tmr u wear skirt and come to see me la....i can reconsider


  20. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadey
    there is no need to act cute and hide your shame behind a smiley face. Are you aware how pathetic you are to praise yourself using different accounts?

    On a serious note, I am not questioning your knowledge about property or your wealth or how many prostitute your have been sleeping with etc, but what you did using multiple accounts in this forum is despicable and it speaks very negatively about a person's character. And unfortunately character is something that will live with a person not something you can change.

    To me you are not better than those social media conman who try to cheat lonely and vulnerable man using profile of young girl and I honestly hope you are not a property agent.
    Love turns hatred

    or u want 30k/mth? 20k too little?

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by PN
    I thought they having lunch together?
    u wana join us?

    later 7pm dinner at usual place

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    u wana join us?

    later 7pm dinner at usual place
    No thanks. Don't want to be the light bulb

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ikan bilis
    devilplate is property agent lah... he tried to recruit me as downline but i told him must be S$20K/month fixed pay and no sales target/quota, else no talk!!...
    sorry for interrupting... and you two can continue your fighting... cheers...

    more like property double agent.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    20k/mth only for my mistress Miss Jadey one...

    tmr u wear skirt and come to see me la....i can reconsider


    Did you just divorced your left hand? or was it right?

  25. #55
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    Wah, you so kind to somebody who said this to you? : "I do think very lowly of you. Mr. CCR"
    Shouldn't you be giving him 2 slaps instead since he seems to have cognitive problem and may spit at you instead?

    Quote Originally Posted by CCR
    Why are you so concern?
    Its just a forum, relax lah.... just enjoy the banter and harmless fun...

    If its so serious all of us here will already sell all our asset and move the to caves after readin Mr B posts.....

    So what if a few of them have multiple account, let them be, why get so uptight? go chill out with friends and drink...
    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    You think lowly of Mr CCR?
    Hi CCR, you sleeping is it? Somebody said he/she think very lowly of you!
    Think you should give him 2 slaps to wake up!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadey
    you are right, I do think very lowly of you. Mr. CCR.

  26. #56
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    She? I thought is a He?

    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    all bcoz of yday afternoon la....

    i pointed out her mistakes and den she bey song so wana revenge lor....

    initially i tot pinball was her clone or another fren wor....trying to setup and create a scene....hmmm but later on i tink i noe who pinball is liao....woahahahahhahahahaa

  27. #57
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    Jadey = Devilplate? Created to draw "eye-balls" see whether can win Mr B's thousand pages within 6 months?

    Quote Originally Posted by sunrise
    this thread has more viewers compare to Mr.B's thread. soon hit a thousand page.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Interesting... a thread on DP... created to pass time while waiting for market to correct? Wakakakaka... sounds fun...

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    Jadey = Devilplate? Created to draw "eye-balls" see whether can win Mr B's thousand pages within 6 months?
    Like that Mr B "Bo Sen Li" liao.

  30. #60
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Jadey
    Devilplate, are you one of those who are using multiple account in this forum?

    From this thread, i do suspect that you are disguising under another account call PINBALL.

    Why I think that?

    1) I find it quite funny that how someone who have never made a single post in this forum would break his virgin post by jumping straight into some sort of argument between forummers

    2) Then follow by 3 more exchange with forummers (whom he has NEVER spoken to) like they were best of pal.

    3) Pinball sign off his 4th post with wakakakaka? a signature that has got no meaning and only use by you in this forum.

    I really have no clue what is your intention of doing this or how many accounts you are operating in this forum. but I do think you are one very pathetic and sick person.

    So forummers, you have been warned.

    To begin with why do you speculate if anyone has multiple account?
    Every forumer has his/her first post, and very likely is to respond some other forumer's post. What's wrong with it?
    Does it make SpinCity Jadey's clone if SpinCity's first post was to respond to Jadey's?

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