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Thread: Property price will increase

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by price
    I can't even be bothered to argue or hold a conversation with him. Lets just move on.
    thats because you are wise and he is not.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by yaozong7
    Iskandar retirement is not for everyone lah. People who dun want can opt out. People who are interested can read this thread and come to your own conclusions......

    For me, I have already bought a gated terrace there. I will be renting out my HDB n condo n retire in JB. But as I said, it is not suitable for everyone lah.... To each his own, i guess....
    I haven't convinced myself to vest in Iskandar although i am really keen.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    which other jobs/businesses/passive income generator r recession proof?
    I work in healthcare. Even if recession comes, people will still get sick and come to hospital.

    We need more staff. Too many foreign talent in our industry. I just put out a directive to my HR to employ local Singaporeans only for my own (small) department.

    Passive income generator. There is no magic one that is completely safe/recession-proof/can still have capital gains. You need a basket of different types of assets. Diversification is necessary. My parents hold shares of the local banks (OCBC/UOB). They buy when there's dips in the share prices (this is cyclical - like property). My in-law holds non-convertible preference shares in OCBC/Hyflux. They prefer not to buy property for investment as it is troublesome for them in their old age.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    how to retire in msia?

    r u a msian urself? or u oredi hold a PR in msia?

    how isit possible for a sporean to retire in msia? apply 10yrs long term visa? how about ur family members? i am not sure....perhaps u can share wif us wat u noe
    The JB forum by Singaporeans is v informative one. People interested can search there..... I am Singaporean lah but I dont intend to get Msia PR or apply for MM2H program. Every 2 weeks, U just need to make a detour at the customs or make a trip to Singapore, instead of applying for the 10 yr LT visa. The downside is, in future, I still have to get a SG-plated car to drive into SG. Cant drive S$62k Msia Honda Accord into Singapore. Damn...

    My plan is for kids to stay in Singapore when they are grown up, while I stay in JB gated terrace & collect rental income from HDB & condo....But I have to stress that it is not suitable for everyone lah....

    Bro Devilplate is v rich, so he dont need to do this lah, unlike me.....hehe

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Ilikeu
    I haven't convinced myself to vest in Iskandar although i am really keen.
    Should really keep an open mind because the cost of living in Singapore is getting really expensive. When you are young and job is good, you might not realise it, but when your income stop after retirement, every dollar and cents will count because you dont really know how long you are going to life.

    if you could generate SGD5K (present value) of rental per month, you should be able to live quite comfortably in Malaysia

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    I work in healthcare. Even if recession comes, people will still get sick and come to hospital.

    We need more staff. Too many foreign talent in our industry. I just put out a directive to my HR to employ local Singaporeans only for my own (small) department.
    so do u mean ppl working in healthcare unlikely to get retrenched?
    i believe healthcare sector is doing well bcoz our population grows...... wat if SG economy declines and FT all balek kampong? yes, everybody will fall sick during gd or bad times.....just like we nid to eat/drink/shyt everyday.....but we will try to cut down medical cost during bad times by going to polyclincis for eg....i believe healthcare sector in general is still susceptible to downturns.....

    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Passive income generator. There is no magic one that is completely safe/recession-proof/can still have capital gains. You need a basket of different types of assets. Diversification is necessary. My parents hold shares of the local banks (OCBC/UOB). They buy when there's dips in the share prices (this is cyclical - like property). My in-law holds non-convertible preference shares in OCBC/Hyflux. They prefer not to buy property for investment as it is troublesome for them in their old age.
    yes diversification is necessary.....but i understand tat ur parents only holds shares as the only form of passive income rite? i tink u mention it b4....

  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Everything in investment is trade-off ...risk/return, liquid/illiquid, long investment horizon vs short, active/passive investment,

    I agree with you ...get a plan and spread some over the preferred investment vehicles - property, shares, NCCPs, REITS, Gold, and cash.

    Property can be time consuming - finding, reno, tenant/agent, re-reno.
    Financial products are easier to handle...

    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Passive income generator. There is no magic one that is completely safe/recession-proof/can still have capital gains. You need a basket of different types of assets. Diversification is necessary. My parents hold shares of the local banks (OCBC/UOB). They buy when there's dips in the share prices (this is cyclical - like property). My in-law holds non-convertible preference shares in OCBC/Hyflux. They prefer not to buy property for investment as it is troublesome for them in their old age.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by yaozong7
    The JB forum by Singaporeans is v informative one. People interested can search there..... I am Singaporean lah but I dont intend to get Msia PR or apply for MM2H program. Every 2 weeks, U just need to make a detour at the customs or make a trip to Singapore, instead of applying for the 10 yr LT visa. The downside is, in future, I still have to get a SG-plated car to drive into SG. Cant drive S$62k Msia Honda Accord into Singapore. Damn...

    My plan is for kids to stay in Singapore when they are grown up, while I stay in JB gated terrace & collect rental income from HDB & condo....But I have to stress that it is not suitable for everyone lah....

    Bro Devilplate is v rich, so he dont need to do this lah, unlike me.....hehe
    wah piang....dun get personal hor....dun say i am rich or i am ppty agt or i soley depend on ppty etc etc.....u say about urself is fine but dun get me into it leh....

    the downside is a serious one....u still hf to own a car inorder to travel to and fro every 2wks

    tats y i suggest ppl to stay in HDB and take public tpt if u really serious about cutting down on their expenses....

    if one very poor and not much can retire in a foreign countries like msia? it only makes things worse lor....

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    so do u mean ppl working in healthcare unlikely to get retrenched?
    i believe healthcare sector is doing well bcoz our population grows...... wat if SG economy declines and FT all balek kampong? yes, everybody will fall sick during gd or bad times.....just like we nid to eat/drink/shyt everyday.....but we will try to cut down medical cost during bad times by going to polyclincis for eg....i believe healthcare sector in general is still susceptible to downturns.....

    yes diversification is necessary.....but i understand tat ur parents only holds shares as the only form of passive income rite? i tink u mention it b4....
    SG economy declines - FT all balek kampung - healthcare workers will still have jobs if they are good workers and their jobs are less prone to sudden economic shocks compared to other sectors. In fact, if economy declines, property prices will ALSO decline and so will rentals so you will also not be immune to a down turn.

    Yes you can go to polyclinic but if everybody thinks thus....the Qs in the polyclinic will be super super long and the public hospitals will be bursting at the seams for the subsidized beds....and there will still be a need for healthcare workers.

    My advice to others is diversification but my parents are not so well diversified. That is true. Nevertheless they have more than enough cash and shares dividends to last the rest of their lives so they don't see a need to diversify. They are in the generation when capital appreciation of their assets has been great. We will not see such great capital appreciation in our generation.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    I work in healthcare. Even if recession comes, people will still get sick and come to hospital.

    We need more staff. Too many foreign talent in our industry. I just put out a directive to my HR to employ local Singaporeans only for my own (small) department.

    Passive income generator. There is no magic one that is completely safe/recession-proof/can still have capital gains. You need a basket of different types of assets. Diversification is necessary. My parents hold shares of the local banks (OCBC/UOB). They buy when there's dips in the share prices (this is cyclical - like property). My in-law holds non-convertible preference shares in OCBC/Hyflux. They prefer not to buy property for investment as it is troublesome for them in their old age.
    What are the opportunities in Healthcare industry? I'd like to have a mid-career switch.

    Are you in private or public hospital?

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    SG economy declines - FT all balek kampung - healthcare workers will still have jobs if they are good workers and their jobs are less prone to sudden economic shocks compared to other sectors. In fact, if economy declines, property prices will ALSO decline and so will rentals so you will also not be immune to a down turn.

    Yes you can go to polyclinic but if everybody thinks thus....the Qs in the polyclinic will be super super long and the public hospitals will be bursting at the seams for the subsidized beds....and there will still be a need for healthcare workers.

    My advice to others is diversification but my parents are not so well diversified. That is true. Nevertheless they have more than enough cash and shares dividends to last the rest of their lives so they don't see a need to diversify. They are in the generation when capital appreciation of their assets has been great. We will not see such great capital appreciation in our generation.
    firstly, everybody knows ppty goes in cycle, its not my intention to prove otherwise.....rental obviously can come down

    as i said, healthcare demand goes with population growth.....population demand will drop and vice versa.....same goes to ppty, depends alot on population numbers....

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    What are the opportunities in Healthcare industry? I'd like to have a mid-career switch.

    Are you in private or public hospital?
    low end healthcare jobs tat locals shun r in demand....but dun tink u wana do it....lowly paid as well

    service sector basically in very gd demand.....the funny thing is strong demand but paid low low.....waiter pay vy low and long hours

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    firstly, everybody knows ppty goes in cycle, its not my intention to prove otherwise.....rental obviously can come down

    as i said, healthcare demand goes with population growth.....population demand will drop and vice versa.....same goes to ppty, depends alot on population numbers....
    The problem Singapore facing today is aging population and people also live longer. So demand for healthcare should be very strong until garment has a solution to it. Besides people are falling sick easily nowadays.

    And the rich from neighboring countries like to come to Singapote for treatment for it's good Healthcare.

    Just my thoughts.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by PN
    The problem Singapore facing today is aging population and people also live longer. So demand for healthcare should be very strong until garment has a solution to it. Besides people are falling sick easily nowadays.

    Just my thoughts.
    actually hor demand is one thing...but those jobs like nursing r lowly paid and locals dunwan to do one if they hf a choice....

    undertaker demand i heard very strong in demand too

    so the demand is strong bcoz its lowly paid and locals dunwan to take up such jobs?

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    What are the opportunities in Healthcare industry? I'd like to have a mid-career switch.

    Are you in private or public hospital?
    Mid life crisis?
    I don't think so, right... too early.

    Mid career switch to health care sector may not be advisable for reasons cited so far by DP.
    However if you have experience in administration, you may apply to be a hospital administrator.
    But I think it is a hard job cos it is not an easy task to work with the clinicians.
    Alternatively, you have apply to study to be a doctor at the Duke- NUS medical school. But you must have good financial support as you will not be getting any income when you are studying.

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    firstly, everybody knows ppty goes in cycle, its not my intention to prove otherwise.....rental obviously can come down

    as i said, healthcare demand goes with population growth.....population demand will drop and vice versa.....same goes to ppty, depends alot on population numbers....
    If demand is going to drop, why is Govt. going to build more hospitals? Currently public/private hospitals have high occupancies. Like any other industry, demand for healthcare can go down, yes agreed... but the Govt has already declared its intention to increase capacity so there will be jobs in the new hospitals.

    Private healthcare is much more sensitive to economic shocks but when that happens, the public hospitals become so saturated that the over-flow of patients to the private sector will still happen.

    Healthcare jobs are not glamorous and the working hours are long and they are not so highly paid as banking/finance etc but as long as you work hard and keep up to date, it should be more stable than in the financial sector. At least you have a regular pay check coming in.

    I agree with the post by buttercarp above regarding mid-career switch to healthcare.

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    If demand is going to drop, why is Govt. going to build more hospitals? Currently public/private hospitals have high occupancies. Like any other industry, demand for healthcare can go down, yes agreed... but the Govt has already declared its intention to increase capacity so there will be jobs in the new hospitals.

    Private healthcare is much more sensitive to economic shocks but when that happens, the public hospitals become so saturated that the over-flow of patients to the private sector will still happen.

    Healthcare jobs are not glamorous and the working hours are long and they are not so highly paid as banking/finance etc but as long as you work hard and keep up to date, it should be more stable than in the financial sector. At least you have a regular pay check coming in.

    I agree with the post by buttercarp above regarding mid-career switch to healthcare.
    wat r the jobs in healthcare tat is in great demand? nurses?

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wat r the jobs in healthcare tat is in great demand? nurses?
    Nurse, speech therapist, occupational therapist, medical social worker, dietician, para medics are some to name a few.
    Actually i think it all boils down to the pay.
    I have a dietician my friend who enjoys her work alot.
    However she said the pay is low

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    recently read an article abt job situation in china

    many fresh grad shun blue collar jobs despite higher starting pay compare to white collar job.....not enuff white collar jobs for them and yet they rather remain jobless den to take up a blue collar jobs....

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Nurse, speech therapist, occupational therapist, medical social worker, dietician, para medics are some to name a few.
    Actually i think it all boils down to the pay.
    I have a dietician my friend who enjoys her work alot.
    However she said the pay is low
    ya and job prospect is very impt too!

    in life, either u make it or u remain stuck in rat race.....

    how to generate passive income from ppty for eg? one must be able to find a high paying active job rite?

    social workers in SG in great demand too! govt trying to encourage ppl to join by increase salary up to 15%!!

  21. #81
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    ya and job prospect is very impt too!

    in life, either u make it or u remain stuck in rat race.....

    how to generate passive income from ppty for eg? one must be able to find a high paying active job rite?
    Inherited wealth, lucky streak are some other ways too.
    Radha08 buying 1530, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by radha08

    the only thing i can afford for this house is to buy 20big 20small 1530

  22. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    To add to the above:

    Pharmacists, radiographers, and to a lesser extent lab technicians (with experience) are also in demand.

    Nurses - if they are willing to upgrade to become Theatre Nurse or ICU Nurse, their prospects are good. Even if they can't stand the rat-race of the hospital, they are in demand by private doctors' clinics.

    Administrators - that is indeed a tough job, a lot of politics and KPIs (financial and service KPIs) and as mentioned by sis buttercarp, doctors are difficult to deal with.

  23. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    i heard cleaners in great great demand too!

    forever wun get retrenched unless sick/disabled ....

  24. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i heard cleaners in great great demand too!

    forever wun get retrenched unless sick/disabled ....
    Great great demand = low low pay.

    If cleaner is paid 2x more than your present job, will you quit your job to be a cleaner?
    I will.

  25. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Great great demand = low low pay.

    If cleaner is paid 2x more than your present job, will you quit your job to be a cleaner?
    I will.
    u better pray it dun will only mean we r heading hyperinflation!

  26. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Great great demand = low low pay.

    If cleaner is paid 2x more than your present job, will you quit your job to be a cleaner?
    I will.
    on the contrary, if cleaner pay is higher den let say a doctor/lawyer.....den it will be at high risk of getting retrenchment liao bcoz many ppl r eyeing for it....wakakakkaa

    grad in cleaning services

  27. #87
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    on the contrary, if cleaner pay is higher den let say a doctor/lawyer.....den it will be at high risk of getting retrenchment liao bcoz many ppl r eyeing for it....wakakakkaa

    grad in cleaning services
    Wah... then maintenance fees in PC will go up!

  28. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Nurse, speech therapist, occupational therapist, medical social worker, dietician, para medics are some to name a few.
    Actually i think it all boils down to the pay.
    I have a dietician my friend who enjoys her work alot.
    However she said the pay is low
    cant agree with you more. my sister is a trained occupational therapist in US and she likes her job... but her paid is extremely low...

  29. #89
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wah piang....dun get personal hor....dun say i am rich or i am ppty agt or i soley depend on ppty etc etc.....u say about urself is fine but dun get me into it leh....

    the downside is a serious one....u still hf to own a car inorder to travel to and fro every 2wks

    tats y i suggest ppl to stay in HDB and take public tpt if u really serious about cutting down on their expenses....

    if one very poor and not much can retire in a foreign countries like msia? it only makes things worse lor....
    Haha but Bro Devilplate is really rich mah..... U r one of my idols in this forum leh! Kekeke......... Yes i think retiring in Malaysia is not so suitable for the lower income, due to the 2 weeks thingy.

    It is a distinct possibility for middle-income like me though, & that's y u start seeing the JB market being heated up by Singaporeans these last 2 years. Of course, there are significant downside risks like lack of a vibrant rental market and security. So I stress again that it's not an option for everyone though I would love to have some bros here as my future neighbours..... Hehe....

  30. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    i dont understand....

    Whats wrong with depending on property for retirement income?
    Stay in HDB, rent out 2 condos at 4k each.... 8k per month income...

    Plus still got CPF and insurance pay out...

    When you die, you have three properties to leave for your children instead of nothing if you buy annuity...

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