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Thread: Sky Habitat - Bishan

  1. #1951
    Join Date
    Apr 2012



    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar
    Those old folks maybe the current matured estate residences. They live their life here and may want to stay nearby as they are too used to the location? Now mature estate also many greenery right? Bishan Park??? Gov spent millions dollar for this leh... .. To me out-skirts doesn't meant more greenery leh.. Jurong got refinery; Woodlands got industrial park, Changi got plane noise, lim chu kang too close to...

    mature estates have the clinic/ poly clinic or the hospital. It will be good if any emergency to send them for out patient treatment.

    Need not to say. those son/daughter who put their parent in old folk home (and now maybe occupied their parents' house) will not has excuses that the old folk home is too far from their house.. anyway, just one door step away.

  2. #1952
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lajia
    ppl and business/machine are two diff subjects. old folk need supports from their children and love ones so they should be close to them. they dont want to be group together which will be far from their love ones. we will be old one day and i suppose we do not want to be to far away from real lives and from normal lives...imagine they going to setup old folk home in Tekong and next time our children put us there.... this is nonsense and if this really happen, i can't imagine....
    So you are ok if your children put you in old folks home that is near their residence?

    why should you be with the government for setting up old folk home in Tekong?

    You should be angry instead with your own children for putting you in any old folks home, be it in Tekong or in any other place.

  3. #1953
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Elderly does not want hospital but the love from their children, friends, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Do not get what you mean
    well, you were mentioning that elderly want love from their children, friends, etc.
    That is well and good, but how many of their wishes actually comes to pass?

    and for those "abandoned", if they cannot have love from their children, at least they can have company of their own age, which is more easily found if old age homes are concentrated. better than no love from children and no friends.

    if there is a designated area, columbarium, funeral parlour all can be situated nearby. Agencies to handle all matters regarding death, funeral can be situated there. Embalming services, incinerator etc can be located there. Law companies can get together to set up an office regarding wills and inheritance, old folks can make and change wills easily.

    for incineration companies, they can set up a generator. think green.

    Think of the multiplier effect on the economy.

  4. #1954
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Sad, Sad and V Sad . Our society is clearly becoming an exclusive one. Singapore is not so big that requires a stop shop. We are not like Hong Kong with insufficient funeral parlour and hence there is a queue.
    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful
    well, you were mentioning that elderly want love from their children, friends, etc.
    That is well and good, but how many of their wishes actually comes to pass?

    and for those "abandoned", if they cannot have love from their children, at least they can have company of their own age, which is more easily found if old age homes are concentrated. better than no love from children and no friends.

    if there is a designated area, columbarium, funeral parlour all can be situated nearby. Agencies to handle all matters regarding death, funeral can be situated there. Embalming services, incinerator etc can be located there. Law companies can get together to set up an office regarding wills and inheritance, old folks can make and change wills easily.

    for incineration companies, they can set up a generator. think green.

    Think of the multiplier effect on the economy.

  5. #1955
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Ppl made it a big issue & blame garment that old folks need to pick cardboards & clean tables to make ends meet, are these the same ppl who rejected nursing care that our old generations needed in time to come?

    Hdb buyers damn power, can dictate surrounding plots that doesn't belong to them.

  6. #1956
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful
    So you are ok if your children put you in old folks home that is near their residence?

    why should you be with the government for setting up old folk home in Tekong?

    You should be angry instead with your own children for putting you in any old folks home, be it in Tekong or in any other place.

    i'm not here to promote old folks home

    thats not the point and i would end here for this topic.

    sorry if my comment bothers you.

  7. #1957
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by maisonjai
    Ppl made it a big issue & blame garment that old folks need to pick cardboards & clean tables to make ends meet, are these the same ppl who rejected nursing care that our old generations needed in time to come?

    Hdb buyers damn power, can dictate surrounding plots that doesn't belong to them.

    Coz there is a new found "power" of the social media and main stream media. Peple think they can just voice it. I think garden are taking them too seriously. Just build why care so much. If everything also must consider everyone feeling then we won't progress.

    There are bound to have people tat are shallow and cannot see far. One day they become old just ship them to ubin. I guess they will still blame the government either way.

    our society need more social grace.

  8. #1958
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    Really contentious. These nursing home or workers dorm location issues.


    Actually I don't quite understand why nursing home must be right in the middle of the action in matured estates. Workers dorm already in outskirts and outlying areas with little traffic. Nursing homes should be in peaceful and quiet locale with lots of greenery. If right smack in a busy high activity matured HDB estate, isn't there more noise/air pollution...


    Ok, the workers need ancilliary services like food, groceries, etc for convenience. But supplies for the home usually is delivered by pre-arranged supplier. So the workers can just settle their meals WITHIN the home and when they go home (their own residence) on the way can settle the groceries etc nearby. Therefore, I still think that nursing homes CAN and SHOULD be located in outlying areas with reasonable transport access but not necessary to have amentities nearby.


    Perhaps it is to facilitate the family who stays nearby to visit? But seriously, in reality, how many of them regularly (at least 3-5 times a week) visit the old folks? If they are working, they can travel anywhere. If they are not, then they have all the time to travel to and fro. If they are not working, in the first place they should be taking care of the old folk themselves, not put in the nursing home!!!


    There is no logic nor reason to locate nursing homes within matured estates.
    I guess when u are at a old ripe age and need help. u should be shipped to some far away death camp that u are not familiar with and where ur relatives n loves ones have to make long journey to even visit you.

    hmmm good for u. I guess u will even more lonely coz it would be a Far away old folks Gay village?

  9. #1959
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by lajia
    ppl and business/machine are two diff subjects. old folk need supports from their children and love ones so they should be close to them. they dont want to be group together which will be far from their love ones. we will be old one day and i suppose we do not want to be to far away from real lives and from normal lives...imagine they going to setup old folk home in Tekong and next time our children put us there.... this is nonsense and if this really happen, i can't imagine....
    I don't get it. If the children still willing to take care and support them, why put them in a home??

  10. #1960
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar
    Those old folks maybe the current matured estate residences. They live their life here and may want to stay nearby as they are too used to the location? Now mature estate also many greenery right? Bishan Park??? Gov spent millions dollar for this leh... .. To me out-skirts doesn't meant more greenery leh.. Jurong got refinery; Woodlands got industrial park, Changi got plane noise, lim chu kang too close to...

    mature estates have the clinic/ poly clinic or the hospital. It will be good if any emergency to send them for out patient treatment.

    Need not to say. those son/daughter who put their parent in old folk home (and now maybe occupied their parents' house) will not has excuses that the old folk home is too far from their house.. anyway, just one door step away.
    I agree on the familiarity of area. However, I don't agree on the 'excuse that home is too far from house'. What excuse do they have if they already did the 'impossible' to put them in the home? It's like... I don't want you in the house, I don't want to have to take care of you, but yet I want to keep you near....

  11. #1961
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by minority
    I guess when u are at a old ripe age and need help. u should be shipped to some far away death camp that u are not familiar with and where ur relatives n loves ones have to make long journey to even visit you.

    hmmm good for u. I guess u will even more lonely coz it would be a Far away old folks Gay village?
    I like it that my response generate an active discussion, and welcome the difference in opinion. However, I am offended that you discriminate against my sexual orientation and launched a personal attack.

  12. #1962
    Join Date
    May 2010


    The proposed site of a new elderly facility in Bishan street 13 is surrounded by four HDB flats and a school.
    (Credits: Yahoo! photo)

  13. #1963
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Do not get what you mean
    The fantasy that being placed in a old folks home means that the children still love them as much, but just don't want them in the house, nor to take care of them.

  14. #1964
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Perhaps, HDB could give residents there a choice. Build a new high rise HDB block (and block all the views and air flow) or a low rise nursing home. I am quite confident that the residents would prefer the nursing home.

    Quote Originally Posted by iwantgizmos
    The proposed site of a new elderly facility in Bishan street 13 is surrounded by four HDB flats and a school.
    (Credits: Yahoo! photo)

  15. #1965
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    I agree on the familiarity of area. However, I don't agree on the 'excuse that home is too far from house'. What excuse do they have if they already did the 'impossible' to put them in the home? It's like... I don't want you in the house, I don't want to have to take care of you, but yet I want to keep you near....
    U know life is stress now. Most likely both the couple need to work to feed the family. Putting parent in nursing home on day time and come home visit them maybe the future trend...

    While gov trying to convince ppl Singapore need more man power. They also need to consider the aging population.

  16. #1966
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernStar
    U know life is stress now. Most likely both the couple need to work to feed the family. Putting parent in nursing home on day time and come home visit them maybe the future trend...

    While gov trying to convince ppl Singapore need more man power. They also need to consider the aging population.
    I reckon nursing home as a 'last resort'. There is the option of hiring a live-in maid to take care of the seniors right? I doubt it could exceed the cost of nursing home. Nursing home at least 1300-1500+ per pax per month.

  17. #1967
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    I reckon nursing home as a 'last resort'. There is the option of hiring a live-in maid to take care of the seniors right? I doubt it could exceed the cost of nursing home. Nursing home at least 1300-1500+ per pax per month.
    being a Toffler wannabe, i predict that in future, companies not only have child care center, they will also have elderly care center.

  18. #1968
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by lajia
    i'm not here to promote old folks home

    thats not the point and i would end here for this topic.

    sorry if my comment bothers you.
    Just want to know which part are you actually angry about?

    "we will be old one day and i suppose we do not want to be to far away from real lives and from normal lives...imagine they going to setup old folk home in Tekong and next time our children put us there.... this is nonsense and if this really happen, i can't imagine...."

    My intepretation of your statement:
    "we will be old one day and i suppose we do not want to be to far away from real lives and from normal lives...imagine they going to setup old folk home near my place and next time our children put us there.... this is logical and if this really happen, i can imagine....

  19. #1969
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Leeds
    Perhaps, HDB could give residents there a choice. Build a new high rise HDB block (and block all the views and air flow) or a low rise nursing home. I am quite confident that the residents would prefer the nursing home.
    Nursing house below, high rise flats above.... offer the residents units in the high rise.... the residents sure have no more objections.... huat ah!

    It's all about self interest....

  20. #1970
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    I reckon nursing home as a 'last resort'. There is the option of hiring a live-in maid to take care of the seniors right? I doubt it could exceed the cost of nursing home. Nursing home at least 1300-1500+ per pax per month.
    Agree that this is the last resolve. When the elder folks are in serous condition, Mayb live in maid is not qualified to take care of them.

  21. #1971
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful
    being a Toffler wannabe, i predict that in future, companies not only have child care center, they will also have elderly care center.
    Why future... the future is now. Sinkies already have significant greying population.

  22. #1972
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by TheOnlyGayInTheVillage
    I reckon nursing home as a 'last resort'. There is the option of hiring a live-in maid to take care of the seniors right? I doubt it could exceed the cost of nursing home. Nursing home at least 1300-1500+ per pax per month.
    Agree that this is the last resolve. When the elder folks are in serous condition, Mayb live in maid is not qualified to take care of them.

  23. #1973
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Was in Balestier and realised that sky habitat could turn out to be a mega Balestier point.

  24. #1974
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

  25. #1975
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful
    So you are ok if your children put you in old folks home that is near their residence?

    why should you be with the government for setting up old folk home in Tekong?

    You should be angry instead with your own children for putting you in any old folks home, be it in Tekong or in any other place.
    Why should you be angry with your children? You brought them up didn't you?

  26. #1976
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fclim
    Why should you be angry with your children? You brought them up didn't you?
    i opine that how our kids treat us is a consequence of how we brought them up
    I am rich in debts...

  27. #1977
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    Showroom very past yesterday. How many sold?

  28. #1978
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by testtest
    Showroom very past yesterday. How many sold?
    Don't understand why they can't let people park inside.

  29. #1979
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    my foreigner friend just went to view the showroom. She words was its like "fake" luxury.

  30. #1980
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Got luxury at all meh? The finishing all so so. Only building looks iconic that's all.

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