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Thread: Rochor residents complain about having to leave flats

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I might be too old by then to be mentally strong to vote, most probably PA grassroots disguise as polling agents will harass my old mind to vote PAP or might have left the world too by next GE. I am only a few years younger than LKY.

    So many 3rd World countries people become Singapore citizens lately,PAP really will use all means to increase vote count including using taxpayers money to woo 3rd World countries people to be Singapore citizens.

    Singapore is no longer the same country my children grew up in, the values are diluted and fast becoming extinct.

    wah....din noe u r so senior......i felt bad bickering at ur few mths back wor....

    ya....SG is no longer the same as b4....even 'younger' folks like me can feel tat....

    the world is ever changing.....Sg goto survive or stays happy as bhutan? dun tink it is possible to haf a balance.....u see Eu.....

    it is always easy to point fingers.....i dun expect things to get much better if entire PAP is replaced.....external threat is too overwhelming.....

    wishing u all the best and stay healthy

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I might be too old by then to be mentally strong to vote, most probably PA grassroots disguise as polling agents will harass my old mind to vote PAP or might have left the world too by next GE. I am only a few years younger than LKY.

    So many 3rd World countries people become Singapore citizens lately,PAP really will use all means to increase vote count including using taxpayers money to woo 3rd World countries people to be Singapore citizens.

    Singapore is no longer the same country my children grew up in, the values are diluted and fast becoming extinct.

    hahaha.... zhun bo? you so old...

    Firstly, what makes you think new citizens will vote for PAP? (btw, most new citizens are ex-Malaysians).

    Secondly, Singapore is only 46 years old, what values do you consider uniquely Singaporean that is diluted and becoming extinct.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    hahaha.... zhun bo? you so old...

    Firstly, what makes you think new citizens will vote for PAP? (btw, most new citizens are ex-Malaysians).

    Secondly, Singapore is only 46 years old, what values do you consider uniquely Singaporean that is diluted and becoming extinct.
    u make alot of sense!!!

    ya hor...wat values do we haf? early founders of SG r all from all walks of life.....rojak values? LOL

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    I might be too old by then to be mentally strong to vote, most probably PA grassroots disguise as polling agents will harass my old mind to vote PAP or might have left the world too by next GE. I am only a few years younger than LKY.
    You mean you have to prove that you are mentally fit to be allowed to vote?
    Mental patients like people with dementia, parkinsons, alzheimer etc, not allowed to vote?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    u make alot of sense!!!

    ya hor...wat values do we haf? early founders of SG r all from all walks of life.....rojak values? LOL
    universal values of fair play, justice, equality, protecting the weak etc lah... and in SG's case national service defines the male sporean.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by august
    universal values of fair play, justice, equality, protecting the weak etc lah... and in SG's case national service defines the male sporean.
    As the term "universal" implies, the values you mentioned are adopted by everybody universally. It is not unique to Singapore.

    Conscription for NS in Singapore only started in 1967. This excludes all the old guards like Goh Keng Swee, LKY, Ngiam Tong Dow....etc. Our friend Wenqing if he is as old as he claims he is, also has not served NS.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    As the term "universal" implies, the values you mentioned are adopted by everybody universally. It is not unique to the Singaporeans.

    Conscription for NS in Singapore only started in 1967. This excludes all the old guards like Goh Keng Swee, LKY, Ngiam Tong Dow....etc. Our friend Wenqing if he is as old as he claims he is, also has not served NS.
    u r such a gd talker!!!! u shd join parliament!!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    u r such a gd talker!!!! u shd join parliament!!
    Aiyah... I tokking cok only lah...

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    As the term "universal" implies, the values you mentioned are adopted by everybody universally. It is not unique to Singapore.

    Conscription for NS in Singapore only started in 1967. This excludes all the old guards like Goh Keng Swee, LKY, Ngiam Tong Dow....etc. Our friend Wenqing if he is as old as he claims he is, also has not served NS.
    these values are unique to spore as they are not universally practiced on the island.
    4 legs good 2 legs better.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    As the term "universal" implies, the values you mentioned are adopted by everybody universally. It is not unique to Singapore.

    Conscription for NS in Singapore only started in 1967. This excludes all the old guards like Goh Keng Swee, LKY, Ngiam Tong Dow....etc. Our friend Wenqing if he is as old as he claims he is, also has not served NS.
    The values the PAP Old Guards supported in their rally speeches when LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Rajaratnam etc protested against corruption, government injustice, fair play, LKY calling Straits Times journalists prostitutes of government, leading strikes etc . Values which was more common during my children's growing up years.

    Since you said after 46 years of development, Singapore has no values, guess PAP has not created a country but a straits settlement similiar to British. Singaporeans still have no identity and nothing to identify with. Sad.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by august
    these values are unique to spore as they are not universally practiced on the island.
    4 legs good 2 legs better.
    Ohhh... I see....

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Not only Rochor residents complains about leaving, those people who work there are also very unwilling to leave. Everything is so convenient, food, transportation, market etc.

    Never expect that the move to be so great. Always thought that govt is going to develop the Bugis/Rochor Road into an entertainment hub. Few months back, the HDB personnel went to some of the shops to check, picking up those shops that use the unit for storage of their goods or shops that look more like an office. The reason is shops in Rochor Centre is meant to be a retail shop and not meant for office or storeroom. When you sell something, you also need a place to store your goods and tables and chairs for the salesman/accounts staff/manager, right, but HDB said that the storeroom and office must not be too big. So lots of the tenants have re-renovate their units to look more like a retail shops and now they want them to move.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    The government hopes to see 10000 people queuing up for a new integrated residential condo, MRT, mall, bus-stop and expressway entrance/exit at this location.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    The values the PAP Old Guards supported in their rally speeches when LKY, Goh Keng Swee, Rajaratnam etc protested against corruption, government injustice, fair play, LKY calling Straits Times journalists prostitutes of government, leading strikes etc . Values which was more common during my children's growing up years.

    Since you said after 46 years of development, Singapore has no values, guess PAP has not created a country but a straits settlement similiar to British. Singaporeans still have no identity and nothing to identify with. Sad.

    Since when did I say Singaporeans have no identity or values...???

    I am asking you, since you talk of Singapore values being diluted to the extent of extinction, since you claim to be so old (and presumably wise)Please enlighten me on what this values are.... please please....

    It is indeed sad if you can't name them and beat around the bush. Especially since you say are only a few years away younger than LKY (this means you must have lived through the war too)

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Since when did I say Singaporeans have no identity or values...???

    I am asking you, since you talk of Singapore values being diluted to the extent of extinction, since you claim to be so old (and presumably wise)Please enlighten me on what this values are.... please please....

    It is indeed sad if you can't name them and beat around the bush. Especially since you say are only a few years away younger than LKY (this means you must have lived through the war too)
    Beat around bush ?? You cannot understand the values I implied ?? Maybe we got generation gap.

    Back in the past, we had more steel, willing to struggle and fight for our beliefs, willing to sacrifice, have a greater sense of justice and fairness, was simpler and more contented and paid less attention to money and status.

    We were friendlier, less stress, could identify with leaders, government and PAP. Nation come before self. Even we are not a nation, we know Japanese was evil and communism was wrong.

    But now the new generation, it is different. Everything is money, money, money, cars, girls, what job, what house, abit not happy migrate instead of staying and fighting for their happiness and the country's future.

    Guess I am old.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Yes, I think we have a generation gap, but its bcoz I am older NOT younger than you.

    Your airy fairy words betray you. You have no idea what it was like in the '50s and '60s

    I think you are a phony young punk posing as a venerable elderly patriot. The internet gives people like you the anonymity to boldly post and pose as you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    Beat around bush ?? You cannot understand the values I implied ?? Maybe we got generation gap.

    Back in the past, we had more steel, willing to struggle and fight for our beliefs, willing to sacrifice, have a greater sense of justice and fairness, was simpler and more contented and paid less attention to money and status.

    We were friendlier, less stress, could identify with leaders, government and PAP. Nation come before self. Even we are not a nation, we know Japanese was evil and communism was wrong.

    But now the new generation, it is different. Everything is money, money, money, cars, girls, what job, what house, abit not happy migrate instead of staying and fighting for their happiness and the country's future.

    Guess I am old.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Yes, I think we have a generation gap, but its bcoz I am older NOT younger than you.

    Your airy fairy words betray you. You have no idea what it was like in the '50s and '60s

    I think you are a phony young punk posing as a venerable elderly patriot. The internet gives people like you the anonymity to boldly post and pose as you like.
    wah i look like a fool?


  18. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Yes, I think we have a generation gap, but its bcoz I am older NOT younger than you.

    Your airy fairy words betray you. You have no idea what it was like in the '50s and '60s

    I think you are a phony young punk posing as a venerable elderly patriot. The internet gives people like you the anonymity to boldly post and pose as you like.
    doesnt mean both of you are old and therefore share the same values.. e.g. one could be a neo-colonialist, the other is a socialist or anti-colonialist... just saying hehe

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Isn't this a chance for singles over 35 to own a brand new hdb flat?

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop
    Isn't this a chance for singles over 35 to own a brand new hdb flat?
    nid to sell ur privates....u want meh? hehehe

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Wenqing claims to be a few years younger than LKY, since LKY is already 88yr than he wld be about 85yr+-.

    I didn't live thru the war, I am not so old but old enough.... to read from wenqing "Even we are not a nation, we know Japanese was evil and communism was wrong"

    this coming from a supposed 85yro man makes my skin crawl.

    Wenqing, you young punk let me tell you... during that time nobody knew communism was right or wrong. The rest of what you wrote is also full of sh-t!

    You sir... are a charlatan!

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    i catch no balls...

    tat makes me a yng punk!!!

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i catch no balls...

    tat makes me a yng punk!!!

    I was only referring to Wenqing

    n.1. Slang a. A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.
    b. An inexperienced young man.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Ok gentlemen...

    My outbursts have digressed from the topic of the thread. The last thing I want is to politicise the forum which is what Wenqing wants.

    My sincerest apologies for that.

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by howgozit
    Wenqing claims to be a few years younger than LKY, since LKY is already 88yr than he wld be about 85yr+-.

    I didn't live thru the war, I am not so old but old enough.... to read from wenqing "Even we are not a nation, we know Japanese was evil and communism was wrong"

    this coming from a supposed 85yro man makes my skin crawl.

    Wenqing, you young punk let me tell you... during that time nobody knew communism was right or wrong. The rest of what you wrote is also full of sh-t!

    You sir... are a charlatan!
    if i may add thats not true leh
    there is one group who is definitely very sure communism is 'wrong', or rather, it is not in their interests.. and this group is the colonialists and neo-colonialist supporters who also conveniently uses the communist label to tar and frame their socialist opponents. i dont think i need to say more hehe.

    back to pty talk then!

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by august
    if i may add thats not true leh
    there is one group who is definitely very sure communism is 'wrong', or rather, it is not in their interests.. and this group is the colonialists and neo-colonialist supporters who also conveniently uses the communist label to tar and frame their socialist opponents. i dont think i need to say more hehe.

    back to pty talk then!
    That's true... but wenqing was refering to "we" as in "Singaporeans" know that communism was wrong citing that as one of our values....

    Anyway... back to ppty

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