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Thread: Hey, How you guys define "afford-able" ??

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    I can give it another 30 years and the property price for the property anybody bought there will still not make it!

    haha, teddybear, you're so cute... cheers!

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Any comments on this one?

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    The thing with land abundant Johor is you can't tell if they will do up a new nusajaya 10 years don't from now.

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    The thing with land abundant Johor is you can't tell if they will do up a new nusajaya 10 years don't from now.

    Bro, there'll be lesser and lesser PRIME land next to Singapore in 10 years time...

    Aiya, why I bother to promote Nusajaya, I have properties in Singapore too but I'm invested there in Nusajaya, just in case!

    Forget about Penang, Bangkok, etc for retirement lar... I also thought about it before... If your base is still Spore, then JB is just a short drive away and you can come back to Spore any moment or for retirees, your kids can drive in to visit you anytime.

    Anyway, you guys go and see for yourselves la, lest people think I salesguy from Nusajaya!... it is just 15mins from Woodlands or 15mins from Tuas, highway all the way!


  5. #215
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by azeoprop

    Any comments on this one?

    One of the best residential projects - fully SOLD except I think for bungalow lots? Not sure...

    I prefer Horizon Hills though.


  6. #216
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I frequent Johor and I prefer the other side of Johor, the about an hour east of nusajaya. Blend in and live like a local. House is half the price there than nusajaya.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    How about this one? Directly opposite sembawang.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    For Iskandar, it is not big, but huge. HUGE. Even there is an inflow of RM77.8 billion investment commitments since its launch in 2006, I would rather wait to see if it results in a thriving economy before investing. I am willing to pay a premium for being prudent as I doubt on the delivery and sustainability.

    The only good for me to invest in there is, I am able to buy land at a price of M$60psf and build my dream house. But life style is far more than just a big house.

    I surveyed Iskandar a few times, and found that it cannot offer the life style I wish to have.

    some good neweletters for your reading[/font]

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    It matters not how much money is pumped into the project but the stability of the country, both economically as well as politically that matters to investors. I'm also concerned about how Chinese are treated in Malaysia or in that part of Malaysia too. Heard several horror stories too about their treatment of Chinese...

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    It matters not how much money is pumped into the project but the stability of the country, both economically as well as politically that matters to investors. I'm also concerned about how Chinese are treated in Malaysia or in that part of Malaysia too. Heard several horror stories too about their treatment of Chinese...
    yes, u got it
    if u read my post #201, I place political issue as top of any investment decision and that is why, Penang is the top spot for is in the hand of Chinese..

  11. #221
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Ok so Singapore still better...even though for the price of a bto u can get a luxurious FH landed there.

  12. #222
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    How about property in Bangkok? Thinking of spending a few months as it has lower cost of living when I want to retire.
    better to be a tenant there, more sabai . Spend 3 mths each in ChiangMai, Bkk, Phuket, Koh Samui.

  13. #223
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Its funny to see some comments here on JB and the risks perceived, whether rightly or wrongly. For sure, there is a lot of negative perception and past history has not been exactly promising as well.

    Well, to each his own, just wanted to point out that there is an alternative to "afford-able" living, just 15mins across the border.

    Do you "invest" for own retirement there or for rental income or for capital appreciation or whatever?... How feasible and how viable it is, you have to make your own judgement and conclusion based on your own circumstances, I'm not here to try to change your minds (some will die die stick to their set thinking!)

    I just (try to) follow where the smart money is moving.

    Apologies to TS for hijacking the thread... so lets get back to "afford-able" in Singapore instead... if there is still such a prospect available (ok, maybe if you're a mini-star, salary cuts notwithstanding)...

    Nuff said, cheers!

  14. #224
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    More confidence to buy Iskandar property for investment/retirement?

    »*KL, S'pore to expand links in Iskandar Straits Times: Fri, Jan 06

    PUTRAJAYA: Singapore and Malaysia are poised to broaden the scope of their cooperation in Iskandar Malaysia with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's proposal to explore industrial cooperation.

    Meeting here yesterday for a leaders' retreat, PM Lee and Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak agreed that a new work group be set up under the Joint Ministerial Committee for Iskandar.

    The work group will promote the 'twinning of economic activities' between Singapore and Iskandar, a large development region in south Johor, the two countries said in a joint statement.

    Building on the momentum of good ties, the two leaders also discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in a range of areas, such as transport links, immigration, tourism and the environment.

    They expressed satisfaction with the progress of Temasek Holdings and Khazanah Nasional Bhd's joint real estate developments in Singapore and Johor.

    These are a $11 billion project to develop six parcels of land in Marina South and the Ophir-Rochor area, and a RM3 billion (S$1.23 billion) iconic wellness project in Iskandar.

    The projects are linked to a landmark land swop deal involving former Malayan Railway land in Singapore. The broad outlines of that deal were first drawn up during Mr Lee and Datuk Seri Najib's retreat in Singapore in May 2010.

    Yesterday, at a joint press conference that followed the prime ministers' four-eyes meeting and a delegation meeting involving some 20 Cabinet ministers from both sides, Mr Lee said: 'We are happy with this progress because, first, it clears old agenda which has been outstanding for a long time; and second, it sets the basis for us to move forward and to develop our bilateral relationship.'

    S'pore 'open' to buying electricity from KL

    Mr Lee stressed that it is very much in Singapore's interest that Iskandar Malaysia prospers. 'Then we have a broad base of prosperity, vitality, activity and mutual interest,' he said, one that is 'self-sustaining and holds its own in a very competitive world'.

    Mr Najib said the 'synergistic development' in Iskandar, with southern Johor serving as a hinterland for Singapore, has been shown to be 'very workable'.

    'That concept has been given very strong support by the settlement of the POA as well as the commitment between the two governments that we should collaborate and work closely together so that we can push for mutually beneficial projects to be implemented on both sides of the Causeway,' he said.

    The Points of Agreement, or POA, was an agreement signed in 1990 on railway land which remained a bone of contention until its resolution recently.

    On Singapore's proposal for industrial cooperation in Iskandar Malaysia, Mr Lee explained that while manufacturing is an important part of Singapore's economy, it faces constraints in space and manpower.

    Both are in greater abundance in Iskandar Malaysia, Mr Lee observed.

    If Iskandar can develop the infrastructure needed to take in part of the manufacturing projects which Singapore cannot fully accommodate, both countries can work together.

    Johor will gain not just from the projects themselves but from the spin-offs in sectors such as logistics, in jobs created, in people moving to Iskandar and the schools, hospitals and other services that they will need.

    In a joint statement, the two prime ministers also expressed satisfaction with the smooth handover of the waterworks under the 1961 Water Agreement by Singapore free of charge and in good working order to the Johor water authorities, following the expiry of the agreement last August. The statement noted that both countries affirmed the terms of the 1962 Water Agreement, under which Singapore is given the full and exclusive right to draw up to 250 million gallons of water per day from the Johor River until 2061.

    Both leaders commended the water authorities on both sides for their excellent working relationship and took note of the importance of implementing the necessary measures to ensure reliable water supply, as provided for under the 1962 Water Agreement.

    In their meeting, the two leaders also discussed the possibility of Singapore buying electricity from Malaysia, an idea that was raised by Mr Najib.

    Mr Lee said Singapore is open to importing a share of its electricity, if the terms are right.

    It is in the process of drawing up a proper framework for electricity deals. Once that is ready, Singapore welcomes Malaysian companies to participate in bids to supply electricity to the Republic, Mr Lee said.

    He also noted that companies involved in such supply must meet environmental impact standards as the burning of fossil fuels can have cross-border implications.

    After the morning's meetings, the prime ministers and their delegations adjourned to Seri Perdana, Mr Najib's residence in Putrajaya, for lunch.

    The meal ended with a feast of Malaysian fruit that included, of course, durian.

    [email protected]

    (From left) Malaysian Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha, Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Khazanah Nasional managing director Azman Hj Mokhtar, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Information, Communications and the Arts Minister Yaacob Ibrahim, Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam, Environment and Water Resources Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, and National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan viewing a model for a wellness project in Iskandar Malaysia at Perdana Putra building yesterday.

    Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Reprinted with permission.

  15. #225
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    It could be a replication of Batam industrial park concept whereby the HQs are in Singapore and satellite manufacturing facilities are in JB. However note that the target is to tap the low labour cost and land. Hence it is unlikely for the locals to afford the high-end houses that Singapore investors are trying to invest in.

  16. #226
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    The Malaysian workers need not come over to Singapore to work, can work in Singapore factories there.....

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