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Thread: Hey, How you guys define "afford-able" ??

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Douk
    Is there a mop before you can buy second property?
    I believe there is a MOP for next property in Singapore. I am unsure if it is applicable if I am getting one in Malaysia?

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Trying to semi-retire and enjoy basic passive income from rental too. Any tips to share?
    Hmmm, the run up is pass... But timing still very important. Personally, I think, except for some projects, generally timing has become more important than location... Build the portfolio step by step. Have a goal for each move, be it 50k, 100k or 500k. Have a plan and time horizon and execute it when time comes. The rest is intuition and pure guts...

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    I believe there is a MOP for next property in Singapore. I am unsure if it is applicable if I am getting one in Malaysia?
    If buy resale without grant, i believe no mop to buy pte ppty.....

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    Trying to semi-retire and enjoy basic passive income from rental too. Any tips to share?
    How much a mth u nid inorder to go into semi

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    If buy resale without grant, i believe no mop to buy pte ppty.....
    the minute you buy HDB, new or resale, there's a MOP of 5 years.

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    the minute you buy HDB, new or resale, there's a MOP of 5 years.
    Mop to buy pte ppty hor....u so sure meh?

    Not toking abt mop to sell or sublet hor

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    thought you were referring to pte. pte never had an mop, just the seller stamp duty mah.

    now that i look at the ruling, so it doesn't preclude a owner from buying a resale hdb, and buy a private after that but they have to stay in the hdb for 5 years?

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    thought you were referring to pte. pte never had an mop, just the seller stamp duty mah.

    now that i look at the ruling, so it doesn't preclude a owner from buying a resale hdb, and buy a private after that but they have to stay in the hdb for 5 years?
    Yes sir u r rite provided never take cpf housing grant

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    Mop to buy pte ppty hor....u so sure meh?

    Not toking abt mop to sell or sublet hor
    Q: I have not fulfilled the minimum occupation period. What are the types of private properties I can invest in?
    [ Living in HDB Flats > Purchasing Private Properties ]

    A: If you have not fulfilled the minimum occupation period, you can only invest in:
      • pure commercial properties
      • pure industry properties
      • vacant land not zoned for residential development
      You cannot invest in any type of property that is classified as residential or has residential accommodation.
      Mr Tan has not fulfilled the minimum occupation period for his HDB flat. He wants to invest in a two-storey shop house. The first story is a retail shop. The second story is an apartment. He cannot invest because the property offers residential accommodation.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Haha....pls read thru hdb website thoroughly la....aiyoyoyo

  11. #161
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    Haha....pls read thru hdb website thoroughly la....aiyoyoyo
    ah so des. thank you for the clarification.

  12. #162
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    I just downgraded from my condo to HDB 2 months ago. It is a resales unit.
    You need to stay in the Hdb minimum 5 yrs before you can sell it or rent it out la...

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Q: I have not fulfilled the minimum occupation period. What are the types of private properties I can invest in?
    [ Living in HDB Flats > Purchasing Private Properties ]

    A: If you have not fulfilled the minimum occupation period, you can only invest in:
      • pure commercial properties
      • pure industry properties
      • vacant land not zoned for residential development
      You cannot invest in any type of property that is classified as residential or has residential accommodation.
      Mr Tan has not fulfilled the minimum occupation period for his HDB flat. He wants to invest in a two-storey shop house. The first story is a retail shop. The second story is an apartment. He cannot invest because the property offers residential accommodation.
    Where you get that from? Hdb or cpf? Its strange. Coz last I know you can just buy the private except you must stay in hdb during the MOP...

  14. #164
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    ah so des. thank you for the clarification.
    I only partially correct....wakakaka

    Bot after 30th aug 2010, all must fulfil 5yrs mop before one allowed to buy pte

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    Where you get that from? Hdb or cpf? Its strange. Coz last I know you can just buy the private except you must stay in hdb during the MOP...

    From HDB website!

  16. #166
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    I only partially correct....wakakaka

    Bot after 30th aug 2010, all must fulfil 5yrs mop before one allowed to buy pte
    I didn't know about the commercial ave. Haha.

  17. #167
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    I only partially correct....wakakaka

    Bot after 30th aug 2010, all must fulfil 5yrs mop before one allowed to buy pte
    Oh...! Dont personally know anyone who bought after that, no wonder I still blur... Thanks bros devil and yap for clarifying.

  18. #168
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    Oh...! Dont personally know anyone who bought after that, no wonder I still blur... Thanks bros devil and yap for clarifying.
    You are most welcome...

  19. #169
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    This forum very useful, every time learn something new.

  20. #170
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    This forum very useful, every time learn something new.
    Cheers to that... Wish every bro and sis here tomorrow 开工大吉! While I continue looking... Lol

  21. #171
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    Hi DaytonaSS bro, thanks for the encouragement. I do need that though. As much as I want or hope for a better salary or package I also aware if I have the quality to take that kind of package.

    I admit I am not the smartest, witty nor outstanding. Hence, I am kinda lack of confidence of myself.....especially lately.
    bro y dont u start by doing some reading. Alot of pple are restricted by their mindset. For change to happen it must start from oneself. "For things to change, i m change first"

    First feed your mind with positive food, before u can effect changes in your attitude and then actions. Before anything good can happen, u need to attract it. 1 book U can Start reading/ DVD is " The Secret" and understand the law of attraction.

    The Smartest can also self destruct in casinos lor, so its more than being the smartest.

  22. #172
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Advice from my msian JB bros:

    can buy in JB, but only to stay (weekday or/and weekend) and enjoy the 'exchange-rate'. House price will not rise. And if you really plan/want to buy, just get a 'non-famous' landed terrace of around RM300k.

    'Development' changes its location every decade or so in Johore. Caveat Emptor

  23. #173
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    $20k/mth. Any advice?
    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    How much a mth u nid inorder to go into semi

  24. #174
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DC33_2008
    $20k/mth. Any advice?
    $20k a month for semi? Does it include both passive and active income? I take it as full retirement already... $20k/mth salary belongs to the top 5% of Singaporeans already, right?

  25. #175
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Ok, after reading the comments, we were advising that he sell off his 813@sanctuary 2 bedder and wait. When price dropped next year, he can get a 3 bedder with the same owning power. By the way, anyone with a kid stay in a 2 bedder? Is it too small for a family of 3?? I know ideally will be a 2+S, but what abt 2 bedder and the child's room with study table for whole family? that is what happen to my relative now. M trying to use this to convince him to sell and upgrade, meanwhile wait for crash.

  26. #176
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    Ok, after reading the comments, we were advising that he sell off his 813@sanctuary 2 bedder and wait. When price dropped next year, he can get a 3 bedder with the same owning power. By the way, anyone with a kid stay in a 2 bedder? Is it too small for a family of 3?? I know ideally will be a 2+S, but what abt 2 bedder and the child's room with study table for whole family? that is what happen to my relative now. M trying to use this to convince him to sell and upgrade, meanwhile wait for crash.
    I own a 2 BR in hillview previously with a young toddler then; it is still okay as the floor space is squarish and well utilise. However, I moved on as I couldnt take the stress of paying up the units. Now, I can sleep better in my 5 room HDB flat in Yishun.

  27. #177
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    1. Who can say for sure price will drop next year?
    2. If drop will it be big enough to justify getting lock in by all the seller's SSD and paying another round of stamp duties and legal fees, agent fees etc?
    3. If didn't drop who going to compensate them?

    Above food for thought. Not an inducement to sell or to buy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    Ok, after reading the comments, we were advising that he sell off his 813@sanctuary 2 bedder and wait. When price dropped next year, he can get a 3 bedder with the same owning power. By the way, anyone with a kid stay in a 2 bedder? Is it too small for a family of 3?? I know ideally will be a 2+S, but what abt 2 bedder and the child's room with study table for whole family? that is what happen to my relative now. M trying to use this to convince him to sell and upgrade, meanwhile wait for crash.

  28. #178
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    1. Who can say for sure price will drop next year?
    2. If drop will it be big enough to justify getting lock in by all the seller's SSD and paying another round of stamp duties and legal fees, agent fees etc?
    3. If didn't drop who going to compensate them?

    Above food for thought. Not an inducement to sell or to buy.
    I agree. If everything was hunky dory, and interest rates are at a high, I'm pretty sure there's a good chance of a significant correction due to European woes. But there's so much pessimism and caution, how can a market peak with this kind of market psychology?

  29. #179
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    This thread has deviated quite a bit from what it was started to be, but I must say this is one of the best threads in this forum. A lot of food for thought

  30. #180
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by yowetan
    I own a 2 BR in hillview previously with a young toddler then; it is still okay as the floor space is squarish and well utilise. However, I moved on as I couldnt take the stress of paying up the units. Now, I can sleep better in my 5 room HDB flat in Yishun.
    Good choice.
    Affordable means small

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