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Thread: Hey, How you guys define "afford-able" ??

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    vy funny to use annual income as yardstick.....annual income is variable la....retrenched liao how?

    To me i jus based on mthly installment....after putting down dp, i still hw much left? The spare cash i have can last me for at least 1yr of installment anot if i got retrenched?

    Tats y big ticket items like landed, ppl normally take less den 60% loan when buying for own stay.....its all about the quantum of mthly installment tat matters
    Yup I have done all the above. Thanks for the advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i seriously believe u had overstretched urself...spend too much to stay in it and no more vit m to invest......god bless u
    No lah.....if really cannot breathe, then will have to sell my present place to pay for new place when it TOPs then will have lots of fresh air to breathe again.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    how u come up wif the figure of 200k? Hehe

    My rule of thumb must haf 12 mths of mthly installment + expenses as spare cash for primary residence.....
    Instalment plus living expenses lor. Safety fund lah. Now I want another 100-200k set aside just in case 30-50 percent drop come can pick up another unit. I think 24 mths instalment probably is safer + some provision for interest rates hikes.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    If we don't go shopping or go to town often, living expenses can be surprisingly low.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    For primary residence, take lesser loan

    For investment ppty, take more loan

    Always max out loan tenure....y? U can always shorten tenure whenever u refinance but u can nvr extend it.

    No matter how high interest rate rise, mortgage loan always the cheapest loan u can get in this world.

    those who tink they r very smart by being overly conservative r the greatest fools....
    Think the devil also kena the BASIC virus, calling ppl fools here too...haha

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    For primary residence, take lesser loan

    For investment ppty, take more loan

    Always max out loan tenure....y? U can always shorten tenure whenever u refinance but u can nvr extend it.

    No matter how high interest rate rise, mortgage loan always the cheapest loan u can get in this world.

    those who tink they r very smart by being overly conservative r the greatest fools....
    Can confirm if refinance cannot extend tenure? Even if you change bank?

    Recently took up an equity loan and was allowed to have a longer tenure than the original loan leh...

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jeaprp
    Think the devil also kena the BASIC virus, calling ppl fools here too...haha
    The virus quite potent wor. That thread is growing super fast

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Purchasing power of SGD has gone down may be 50% since QE1 ... such is affordability

    DP is kind enough to call people fools .... taking very short tenure loan is actually more risky
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    If we don't go shopping or go to town often, living expenses can be surprisingly low.
    Yup, totally agree with you.
    Most of the time when we go shopping, we end up with lots unnecessary things.
    Moreover, parking cost alone can burn a whole in the pocket.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by jeaprp
    Think the devil also kena the BASIC virus, calling ppl fools here too...haha

    some of u r using the word devil as well....LOL

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan0503
    Can confirm if refinance cannot extend tenure? Even if you change bank?

    Recently took up an equity loan and was allowed to have a longer tenure than the original loan leh...
    refinance within same bank definitely no way

    btw, equity loan and refinance not the same hor

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Yup I have done all the above. Thanks for the advice.

    No lah.....if really cannot breathe, then will have to sell my present place to pay for new place when it TOPs then will have lots of fresh air to breathe again.
    ok....i remember last time i haf a few sleepless nites when i just bot the first ppty......but its due to excitement....LOL

    dun understand y u so stress out until lost few kg.....

    i only manage to lost 2-3kg during a 4day outfield training last time....LOL

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Yup, totally agree with you.
    Most of the time when we go shopping, we end up with lots unnecessary things.
    Moreover, parking cost alone can burn a whole in the pocket.
    yday i tot go window shop shop....but bot a watch in the end

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    ok....i remember last time i haf a few sleepless nites when i just bot the first ppty......but its due to excitement....LOL

    dun understand y u so stress out until lost few kg.....

    i only manage to lost 2-3kg during a 4day outfield training last time....LOL

    Both stress and excitement.
    After I decided on the unit, before putting a deposit, I recce-ed the whole neighbourhood. Drove round and round the estate to observe the atmosphere in the place. The width of the road, where the electricity generator was. Then I stood at the site where my unit is going to be built for a few hours. Took lots of pictures of surrounding place.
    Then that time beginning of financial turmoil... July 2011, after I put deposit, I sort of half regretted that I bought. Wonering whether I made the correct decision........

    Anyway I very easily stressed when it comes to money.
    Since I have never won any money, I cannot afford to lose it......
    I can only relax when I am in the virtual world .

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp

    Both stress and excitement.
    After I decided on the unit, before putting a deposit, I recce-ed the whole neighbourhood. Drove round and round the estate to observe the atmosphere in the place. The width of the road, where the electricity generator was. Then I stood at the site where my unit is going to be built for a few hours. Took lots of pictures of surrounding place.
    Then that time beginning of financial turmoil... July 2011, after I put deposit, I sort of half regretted that I bought. Wonering whether I made the correct decision........

    Anyway I very easily stressed when it comes to money.
    Since I have never won any money, I cannot afford to lose it......
    I can only relax when I am in the virtual world .
    i noe easier said den done la but still wana say lor.....

    we only live is too short to have regrets

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp

    Both stress and excitement.
    After I decided on the unit, before putting a deposit, I recce-ed the whole neighbourhood. Drove round and round the estate to observe the atmosphere in the place. The width of the road, where the electricity generator was. Then I stood at the site where my unit is going to be built for a few hours. Took lots of pictures of surrounding place.
    Then that time beginning of financial turmoil... July 2011, after I put deposit, I sort of half regretted that I bought. Wonering whether I made the correct decision........

    Anyway I very easily stressed when it comes to money.
    Since I have never won any money, I cannot afford to lose it......
    I can only relax when I am in the virtual world .
    First u shocked me with your power of observation, now you impress me with your perseverance.... Stand? And Few hours???? Wow dont tell me you also wanna pick out which breed of birds build nest around the area kekeke....

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp

    Both stress and excitement.
    After I decided on the unit, before putting a deposit, I recce-ed the whole neighbourhood. Drove round and round the estate to observe the atmosphere in the place. The width of the road, where the electricity generator was. Then I stood at the site where my unit is going to be built for a few hours. Took lots of pictures of surrounding place.
    Then that time beginning of financial turmoil... July 2011, after I put deposit, I sort of half regretted that I bought. Wonering whether I made the correct decision........

    Anyway I very easily stressed when it comes to money.
    Since I have never won any money, I cannot afford to lose it......
    I can only relax when I am in the virtual world .
    i understand what you mean. but that said, i always listen to my gut feel/inner voice/child spirit whatever you call it. when you invest/purchase a property, you will definitely have the feel good / not so good factor. hence decisive people (i guess it comes with experience and a very keen eye on the markets) can make a decision within 2 hrs.

    everyone has a different appetite for risk, and everybody will always be wiser ON HINDSIGHT. go for low risk investments e.g. go for cheaper properties in areas that still have a lot of room for growth e.g. Punggol, Jurong Lake etc because mass market (middle income) definitely a bigger market i.e. there will always be potential buyers with tight budget.

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Eastboy
    i understand what you mean. but that said, i always listen to my gut feel/inner voice/child spirit whatever you call it. when you invest/purchase a property, you will definitely have the feel good / not so good factor. hence decisive people (i guess it comes with experience and a very keen eye on the markets) can make a decision within 2 hrs.
    Yup.... gut feeling, that's it.
    My husband took less than half an hour to decide to buy after he saw the place, however I had to be doubly sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by mcmlxxvi
    First u shocked me with your power of observation, now you impress me with your perseverance.... Stand? And Few hours???? Wow dont tell me you also wanna pick out which breed of birds build nest around the area kekeke....
    Yup, spent 2 hours there. Walked to and fro around the area, chatted with a maid there. Sat in the car, then sat on the car to get better photo shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i noe easier said den done la but still wana say lor.....

    we only live is too short to have regrets
    After I read basic's thread, I no longer regret buying.
    I think I have made the right decision!

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    After I read basic's thread, I no longer regret buying.
    I think I have made the right decision!
    What about Basic's thread that made you not to regret?

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    What about Basic's thread that made you not to regret?
    Most are skeptical of his idea that the market is going to crash.
    Moreover after buying don't look back as one bro has advised.
    And that more foreigners are coming here to invest in property.

  20. #50
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    Mar 2009


    Something like below?
    Andy Xie basically said: Dump your China property now!
    Andy Xie also will agree: Buy Singapore property now, another 20 good years with rising population target of 6.5m by 2020 (from current 5m)!

    Furthermore, if people still skeptical about Andy Xie, they die die must heed LKY who said: Never sell your HDB property!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear
    Wah! Andy Xie agreed with me that property prices in Singapore will rise and not fall! Why so? This is what he said:
    "任何一个人口开始下降的国家房 价只会掉,"

    Therefore, any country whose population keep increasing and GDP keep increasing, property price can only rise and not fall!

    Quote Originally Posted by basic
    Andy Xie: Dump your China property now!

    他,曾在1997年成功预测香港房地产将暴跌50%和内地通缩,因为一直唱空房地产市场被人戏称为经济界的 “空军一号”,他就是经济学家谢国忠。

    He has successfully predicted the 1997 Hong Kong real estate will fall 50% and the Mainland deflation, because the real estate market has been singing empty economic circles is dubbed the "Air Force One", he is an economist Andy Xie.

    谢原来预测,中国的房价下跌50%是在2012年,今年年初他改变原先预测,认为今年下半年将开始下跌,但 这个下跌不是一步到位的,先期先下跌 20%~30%,之后可能会有反复,到2014年会出现房价下跌50%。就好比A股从6000点下跌,跌到 5000点的时候就会有人进场,托一托。捞底的人总会有的。房价下跌20%~30%之后,急需买房的和一些 投资客会进场,交易量就会起来。

    Xie had predicted that China's housing prices fell 50% in 2012, he changed the original forecast earlier this year that will begin to decline this year, but this decline is not a one-step, the initial first down by 20% to 30%, followed by possible will be repeated, there will be 2014 prices fell 50%. Like A shares fell from 6,000 points, down to 5000, when it was admitted, asked a prop. Fishing at the end were always there. Prices fell 20% to 30%, the need to buy a house and some investors will approach, trading volume will be up.

    “再过10年,中国人口开始下降,10年后房价不会涨起来了,只会掉不会涨。任何一个人口开始下降的国家房 价只会掉,当时日本每年房价下调7%。人口老化是一个巨大的力量,以后对中国影响非常大,人口老龄化后一个 社会负担越来越重,人口老龄化以后不要谈楼市会不会涨,是不会涨的。”谢国忠说。

    "In 10 years, China's population began to decline, prices will not rise after 10 years together, and will not rise out Any country with a population decline in house prices will start out, Japan was down 7% annual price population aging is a tremendous force, after a very large impact on China, after an aging population increasingly heavy burden on a society, do not talk about the future aging population will rise property is not up to. "Xie said.


    “先留着,现在人民币不会贬值,不管内部通胀有多少,不敢贬值,贬了的话所有的钱都会流出中国。不过现在卖 的话肯定卖不掉,很多朋友卖房子都没人看,没办法只能熬。如果这时有人来看你的空房子,一定要卖了,这是个 好机会。如果下一次房价掉的话,要持续掉三四年。”

    Xie has been recommended investors sell their availability as soon as possible, then sell the house after buying it?

    "First keep, and now will not devalue the yuan, regardless of how much domestic inflation, not depreciation, devaluation of the words all of the money will go out of China, but it certainly can not sell now sell many of my friends are selling the house no one, not approach can only boil if when people come to your empty house, must sell, this is a good opportunity if house prices fall, then the next to last out three or four years. "

    谢国忠说,在泡沫崩溃的时候做什么也不管用。其实,内地的房地产在2008年就应该让它崩盘,但后来政府大 量发行货币,又把它撑起来了。这次泡沫崩溃,救市的资金会比2008年的更多。


    “2008年、2009年十万亿钱砸进滋生泡沫现在可以吗?政府是不敢做的,政府是受限制的,在货币政策上 是受限制的,它是不可能像2008年这样做的。”

    Xie said, when the collapse of the bubble do not work. In fact, the mainland's real estate in 2008 should make it crash, but later the government issued a lot of money and took it to hold up to the. The collapse of the bubble, bailout funds for more than 2008.

    So like the 2008 large-scale bailout history will repeat itself?

    "In 2008, 2009, ten trillion throwing money at breeding foam now can it? Government is not done, the government is restricted in the monetary policy is limited, it is impossible to do so as in 2008 . "
    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    What about Basic's thread that made you not to regret?

  21. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    yday i tot go window shop shop....but bot a watch in the end
    What watch did you buy?

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by kane
    What watch did you buy?
    Watch is good gauge of inflationary pressure .. Paneroi ?
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  23. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    Watch is good gauge of inflationary pressure .. Paneroi ?
    Got to be Rolex. It has the highest level of liquidity . Just look at the window of pawn shops.

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Window shopping lands you a rolex? Wow! Ok... I'd probably just get a timex! LOL! No need a rolex! LOL!

  25. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Window shopping lands you a rolex? Wow! Ok... I'd probably just get a timex! LOL! No need a rolex! LOL!
    wah ....bros here all see me very up

    Buy rolex can hold value over time mah.....ur timex worth $1 once u bot it? Hehe

  26. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wah ....bros here all see me very up

    Buy rolex can hold value over time mah.....ur timex worth $1 once u bot it? Hehe
    LOL! I not so up market lah... everything also must have investment value then I belong to a different class of humans already... LOL! I'm happy with my timex!

  27. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    wah ....bros here all see me very up

    Buy rolex can hold value over time mah.....ur timex worth $1 once u bot it? Hehe
    Agree that Rolex is the ultimate watch.
    But I rather not buy cos it will sitting in the safe, as I will be uncomfortable wearing it. I am secure with my tag heuer. If go malaysia, I wear my cheap Adidas watch.

  28. #58
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    refinance within same bank definitely no way

    btw, equity loan and refinance not the same hor
    So has to switch bank to extend tenure lah?

  29. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by buttercarp
    Agree that Rolex is the ultimate watch.
    But I rather not buy cos it will sitting in the safe, as I will be uncomfortable wearing it. I am secure with my tag heuer. If go malaysia, I wear my cheap Adidas watch.
    actually rolex watch can pawn and get immediate cash lor. unlike those complicated financial products want to liquidate also need 3-5 working days + admin surcharges the time money gets to the person he/she would probably have died....LOL

  30. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Affordable to me means being able to pay in full by age 45 and be able to maintain the same quality of life while repaying the loan.

    Though there's so-called labour shortage, we can no longer count on being employed after 45. Even if we are, we may get a pay cut.

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