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Thread: Property price is coming down fast

  1. #16261
    teddybear's Avatar
    teddybear is offline Global recession is coming....
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    Yes cost of living escalating! What is causing that? Answers:

    1) Escalating commercial properties prices and hence rentals!
    2) Escalating industrial properties prices and hence rentals!
    3) Increasing number of REITs as a whole monopolising the commercial properties market and jacking up shops' rentals like nobody's business!
    4) The Govt themselves! For not implementing any cooling measure on commercial properties, industrial properties, and to rein in the REITs for monopolizing the market! (and many of the REITs are controlled by GLCs!) even when they have introduced 7 cooling measures on private properties market!

    Suggestions to govt is that they should bring whatever they introduce to private properties market to commercial and industrial properties market!:
    1) Any citizen or 100% citizen-owned business entity buying second property must pay 7% ABSD and 15% ABSD for 3rd property etc
    2) Any foreigner or non-100% citizen-owned business entity buying first property must pay 15% ABSD and buying second must pay 30% ABSD!

    Quote Originally Posted by seletar

    Cost of living was No.1 factor for Punggol East vote swing: survey

    By Shah Salimat | Yahoo! Newsroom – 08 Feb 2013

    The top reasons leading to WP's win in Punggol East. (Graphic: Blackbox Research)

    Nearly 4 in 10 voters who cast their ballot at the recent Punggol East by-election said the cost of living was the top reason that determined their choice, says a new survey.

    Conducted by independent local agency Blackbox Research, the survey also found the second most important reason for vote swing was attributed to “the government not listening to ordinary Singaporeans”.

    Some 21 per cent swing voters aged under 40 identified this as the top factor in deciding their vote.

    Workers’ Party candidate Lee Li Lian won the recent by-election by a landslide 54.5 per cent of the vote, beating her opponent Koh Poh Koon from the ruling People’s Action Party by a 10.8 per cent margin.

    Lee’s vote increased by some 13 per cent from the 2011 general elections, when she previously contested in the same ward, losing out to PAP's candidate then, Michael Palmer.

    Conducted over a three-day period last week, the phone survey interviewed 150 Punggol East residents who said they had switched votes in between the recent by-election and the 2011 General Election.

    Commenting on the findings, Blackbox managing director David Black said, “It’s clear that younger voters in Punggol East felt emboldened and don’t believe they will lose out by opting against the status quo".

    "As the Chinese saying goes, ‘their wings have hardened’ and if this phenomenon is repeated elsewhere, it could represent a real challenge for the Government in the run-up to the next General Election," he said.

    Punggol East is largely made up of a young, middle-class electorate. Approximately 1 in 4 Punggol East residents are aged between 22 to 35.

    No disadvantage in having opposition MP: survey

    Other key reasons for the vote swing included housing affordability and public transport issues.

    While education and childcare were important factors for voters aged under 40, a “stronger opposition presence in Parliament” was an important factor for women – four times a more likely reason than that of men.

    Young voters were also far more receptive to having an opposition member of Parliament represent their ward.

    73 per cent of voters under 40 felt so, as opposed to 48 per cent of voters above 40.

    When the survey measured the impact of the by-election’s catalyst as a vote changer, results showed that Michael Palmer’s resignation as a factor only accounted for 1 per cent of the vote swing.

  2. #16262
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2pac View Post
    After punggol east, pro alien party might change plans and crash the property prices to save themselves.

    I remember Rick65 used to say that our property bubble was like Indonesia 97.

    He said the entire events will be the same except of Indonesia it will be singapore.

    Those days suharto was overthrown by his own people, are we seeing a repeat in history.

    After reading Rick65 analysis, i am starting to see things he predicted come true, he advocated changing our SGD to USD, saying that the SGD will be worthless when it devalues.

    I fear Rick65 might be right

    congratulation to WP….well done….
    vote PAP out of govt in 2016…..what PAP has done can be easily replaceable….
    make up your mind NOW, be firm & never change even xxx kneel down & cry or anything before & during election…..

    no mercy to greed & evil govt…..
    time to hike rate, hike taxes, cut pay, layoff big way for not wasting taxpayers’ money….stop all the corruption? cronyism?……crash property, car & all asset bubbles…
    as said, they already lose people’ heart….sentence them to death in 2016….
    real GDP is in negative for last few yrs, yet all the fake & fraud market…..
    lies & manipulation, pay back time is now…

  3. #16263
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post

    Warren Buffett & Marc Faber & Egon von Greyerz: Another ‘Market Meltdown’, ‘Huge Recession’ Is Guaranteed. Storm Clouds Gathering Everywhere. We Have Currency Storms, Economic, Political, And Geopolitical Storms, Which Will Create An Enormous Hurricane In 2013

    January 19th, 2013

    sure…those buy valued, know now nothing worth it….any shares or market…all bubbles….
    useless weak rubbish can’t create jobs & economy, can only print to rob….
    buy empty shell company, buy over-valued asset using others’ money….they will not buy using their own money, they only rob…..

    huge recession & great depression are guaranteed now…..all tsunami is at door now….2013 is the yr…
    all the printed $$ need to pay back….if US is real smart, they will start a super fast U turn to crash all asian property bubbles like US subprime in 2007, asian banks collapse instead of western banks…..push up US$, solve their deficit & debt limit issue by revert all monetary policy….
    be patient…end is near…show hands starting from 2013… then short down S$ & STI…greed & evil deserve it….just do it perfectly….

    The Market Can Only Ignore Fundamentals For So Long, The Rally Is Running Into One of Two Inevitable Problems. By Next Quarter, A New Risk Will Emerge For The Stock Market.
    January 20th, 2013

    Paul B. Farrell: The Ticking Time Bomb Gets Louder As We Keep Watching An Avalanche Of Predictions That Echo Warren Buffett’s Earlier Warnings Of Recession, Bubbles And Another Market Meltdown.

    January 19th, 2013

    no bubble not burst…will burst no matter how small it’s…this coming one is super huge…..
    keep buying junk stocks & bonds now…risk is super high now….buy all no valued junk will only explode to bankrupt…deserve it…..
    globally only rely on printed $$ to push market…no economy activities, no demand, barter trade in Europe today…..

    time bomb ticking & explode anytime now….
    warren buffett already gave warning…..recession, great depression, deflation, bubble burst & global melt down on the way…..
    spore property will crash down hard…..get out fast before bankrupt…
    crash down 50% from here is nothing…

  4. #16264
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    Quote Originally Posted by rat282 View Post
    Global jobless to hit record 200 million this year: ILO
    Reuters – 3 hrs ago
    The global jobless queue will stretch to more than 200 million people this year, the International Labour Organization said in its annual report on Tuesday, repeating a warning it has made at the start of each of the last six years.

    20,000 Layoffs in Spanish Banks, 40% Pay Cuts, Pension Contributions Halted; Spanish Bank Unions Announce Strike; Protests Snowball; When's the Breaking Point?
    Spanish banks have already shed 30,000 jobs in its banking crisis. Another 20,000 cuts are due in 2013, along with pay cuts and reduced pension contribution. In response Spain's Banking Unions Announce Strikes.

    We’re On The Brink of A Major Worldwide Catastrophe: UK Heads For Unprecedented Triple-Dip-Recession While EZ Economy Still Shrinking, Greek Eurozone Exit Still Likely, Angela Merkel Suffers Major Setback, Spain’s Ruling Party Hit by Major Corruption Scandal, Japan-China-US War Imminent, Debt to GDP Ratios All Over The Planet Continue To Skyrocket…

    January 21st, 2013

    3rd dip & recession is on the way…kick can down the road, hit wall this time….total collapse…..
    Greece & Spain still waiting for new bailout….let them bankrupt themselves, Euro zone….Euro will crash hard this yr, will short big......
    Italy & Germany election are coming….very nice….kick out all these human rubbish….

    japan & china go for war?? joke…these 2 cowards & useless…..typical of kiasu & kiasi, will never achieve anything, military or economical, only kena whacked down when time comes…..if they have gut, china starts to raise rate now to conquer the world, but they are totally useless rubbish…..
    Said 100x, global escalate debt to GDP, must Cut pay by cut globally sure come….this is the only way to cut US$1500 trillion of debt in next 20-30 yrs….time to pay back…..on the way now…that is why spore property will crash super hard, down>50% b y 2015 is nothing...

  5. #16265
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post
    Bad news for the highly leveraged investors, property agents and developers, many of these people were pinning their hopes for more foreign buyers. The article also says that there will be a severe drop in PR private home buyers.

    Business Times
    Published January 23, 2013

    Foreigners' share of private home buys seen shrinking in first half

    'Very high' ABSD rate of 15% will significantly cut demand, say consultants

    FOREIGNERS' share of private home purchases in Singapore is expected to decline in the first half of this year, given the harsher additional buyer stamp duty (ABSD) rates imposed on them under the recent property cooling measures, say property consultants.

    Last year, foreigners who were not Singapore permanent residents (PRs) accounted for just 6.3 per cent of all private home purchases on the island - the lowest proportion since 2003 and a significant drop from the 17.6 per cent share in 2011, Knight Frank's analysis of URA Realis caveats data showed.

    "The record low proportion is a reflection of reduced foreign buying interest arising from higher (transactional) cost, with the introduction of 10 per cent ABSD on all residential property purchases by non-PR foreigners starting Dec 8, 2011," said Knight Frank's senior manager, consultancy and research, Alice Tan.

    And with the ABSD rate for this group jacked up to 15 per cent since Jan 12 this year, Knight Frank forecasts that these non-PR foreigners' share of private home buying will shrink to 5 per cent in the first six months of this year.

    International Property Advisor's CEO Ku Swee Yong predicts the share could fall to 4-5 per cent, while Ong Teck Hui, Jones Lang LaSalle's national director of research and consultancy, projects the share may contract to "no more than 3 per cent". "Most of the demand will be eliminated by the very high ABSD rate of 15 per cent on non-PRs," added Mr Ong.

    PRs' share of private home purchases increased from 13.4 per cent in 2011 to 15.8 per cent last year. This, Knight Frank attributes to first-time PR home buyers being spared the ABSD rod last year. However, things have changed. Since Jan 12, PRs have to pay 5 per cent ABSD even on their first Singapore home purchase, and 10 per cent for any subsequent purchases.

    As a result, Knight Frank expects the PR buying share to slip in the first half to 12-15 per cent, though Mr Ku suggests a more severe drop to around 10 per cent, and Mr Ong, to 5-10 per cent. "The ABSD's impact on PRs is a bit hard to assess as it depends very much on whether it's their first property purchase, in which case a 5 per cent ABSD rate is a figure that some people may be able to stomach, but some can't," says Mr Ong.

    IPA's Mr Ku pointed out that PRs who currently own a HDB flat may postpone their decision to upgrade to a private property as they would be slapped with 5 per cent ABSD. They will also be required to sell their HDB flat.

    KepLand mulls over cutting home prices if market falls

    THE boss of property developer Keppel Land has flagged a possible cut to its home prices if the market falls away in response to the Government's recent cooling measures.

    "We will monitor the market... If the market comes down and we can't sell our projects, then we'll have to cut prices," said recently installed chief executive Ang Wee Gee.

    He was speaking at a briefing yesterday, where the firm announced a 39 per cent decline in full-year net profit to $838.4 million a year earlier.

    better price? better sales?? why profit down40%?? why shares price is less than 50% of 2007/8?......
    Fire & force sell coming…….price will keep dropping...stop buying, don't down>50%, no buy....don't bailout weak holders & developers, let bankrupt, bankrupt, let useless failure, fail....strong one prevail is good for spore....

    whatever discount gives to foreigners must apply to local… be fair to local…
    Australia with so much lands also stop foreigners buying…..why are we so desperate yet giving more discount to foreigners yet govt close 2 eyes??....
    same to china….foreigners only allow to buy for own used….must sell if leave the country anytime….

    foreigners should dump all their property in spore now instead, before property price crashing down & S$ plunging…..cut lost or take profit now, last one to run, 1st one to bankrupt or lost big…..
    get out before too late….cut price & sell fast……

    all can shout this is market price of my property, up x%.....only when you can sell at that price, then it’s yours…paper gain is not gain, you can cheat yourself till you see property price crash by 50% still no takers… no buyer, even cut 20%, also can’t sell…..
    rental yield the most 2-2.5% now….it’s worse than put in CPF, 2.5%….yet you still need to bear so many charges, comm., damaged, opportunity & waiting cost, time, run road…’s nett lost instead…..

  6. #16266
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post

    Published: 23 Jan 2013

    These 5 market threats will knock Singapore down

    Home sales crashing 40% is just tip of the iceberg.

    Here are the key risk factors that could adversely impact the market according to UOB ETR (Economic Treasury Report) :

    a) Earlier or sharper-than-expected rise in interest rates. Currently, US interest rates are expected to only trend up in mid-15, in accordance with guidance from
    the Fed.

    b) Regulatory changes in Singapore. This could pertain to several areas, including foreign labour, gaming and property. The government’s drive to improve productivity by restricting the inflow of foreign labour could result in near-term bottlenecks and an escalation in costs. Another sector that could be affected is the gaming sector in Singapore.

    c) Strong decline in Singapore property prices. We forecast residential prices to fall 5% in 2013 and transaction volume to decline 20-40%. This is after the recent property cooling measures. A sharper than expected fall in prices could have a significant impact on the banks.

    d) Weaker-than-expected recovery in US’ GDP recovery. The issue of the US fiscal cliff is still not resolved and negotiations will be ongoing to decisively deal with the “sequestration” of broad spending cuts and the US sovereign debt ceiling limit which will arise again end-February.

    e) Significant deterioration of euro zone debt crisis. This remains a key risk to global growth, which would have a significant impact on Singapore’s growth prospects.

    Khaw: Some 200,000 new housing units will be built

    Of these 80,000 are private properties, 10,000 are Executive Condominiums and about 110,000 are in public housing.

    Mr Khaw said this is equivalent to the building of four new Ang Mo Kio towns by 2016.

    so launch 70k units/yr for next 3 yrs...make sure he keeps his promise irregardless anything happens.....just deliver....

    1990 we shouted gracious society as Swiss, where are we today?? now is worse than 1990….
    same to leaders shouted 40% stayed in private condo by 2000?…where are we today?? still >80% in public house….
    all know why they shout? who care now?? who follow up??...same nonsense….

    congested is good? no space is good? fight & competition is scary…no more gracious, super ugly instead….squeeze in hot & humid sardine can, explosive anytime....pressure cooker explosion & implosion....
    ask all these leaders to shut up & stop xxxxxxxxx……
    when global ponzi crash, stop printing, bubble burst…..all keep quiet & run away like XXXXX….
    then ask them to pre-build 400k units of property now to cater…they will argue & twist & turn….
    1 word…..shame….let them be….all the xxxxxxx…

    there are >40000 unsold new one now, plus another 100k of resales try to sell for months to yrs without 2 yrs another 100k completion....not enough for current population? then why no buyer??.....
    now another 70k units/yr promised by khaw to launch for next 3 yrs.....
    cheat who?? yourself.....not enough, ask khaw to build additional 50k units/yr make it 120k units/yr for next 3 yrs, how about that.....
    hahaaaa....all squeezed till pressure cooker explode will be very nice......
    For OCR property is below $600 psf, no buy.....many will go below $500 psf by 2015....some even below $400 psf....this round, end result will be much worse than 1997...let them bankrupt, weak one can go to die, no mercy, act smart, deserve it.....

    make sure khaw keep his promise of 200k units for next 3 yrs irregardless anything happens…..some one keep track & follow up in detailed…at least 60k-70k new units launch this yr & so on…..

    Govt is playing threatening game now in population?.....only fools believe.....shame & only useless rubbish rely on lies...sure backfire....also useless liar dare not come out to clarify.....
    If it's true, all better sell all your property & migrate tomorrow.....only fools squeeze in a hot & humid sardine can & die in bored, work, pressure cooker & sofiscated.....

  7. #16267
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    常州楼市空置率高被称鬼城 部分商业地产三折销售

    Zhangzhou, beside Suzhou…..commercial property cut 70% for sale, still no buyer, how about capital commercial Asia??.....
    this is common & norm in china…once cash flow dry up, sell below land price is nothing….keep cutting till 70-90% also normal….

    non-complete property, half-built, lan wei lou…..negative asset is very common these days….
    same to spore…..tons will sell at lost if they bought in last 2-4 yrs to sell now……don’t buy from them, wait for huge retrenchment, no tenants & rental, rate hike…..even cut 30-40% also don’t buy…..price down >50% from now is nothing by 2015….so no 2015 no buy….no cut >50%, no buy….



    this is not even China top 5 developers…..debt is $137 bil….
    so what do you think crapland & kepland??.....
    all shouted profit but debt grows much faster than profit….

    same to spore developers…the smaller the worse…many already at verge of bankrupt….
    so stop buying, let them collapse….wait till they bankrupt then buy….
    free market, no bailout….banks will have tons of bad debt due to property & mortgage loan….be responsible to your own wrongdoing…..coming….starting from 2013, total collapse…

  8. #16268
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post
    China May Face Rising Debt Risks in 2013

    By Bloomberg News - Jan 3, 2013 6:22 PM GMT+0800

    Incoming President Xi Jinping may find China’s investment-driven economic recovery in the Year of the Snake jeopardized by mounting risks in the finance industry.

    Xi and his team are inheriting an economy more leveraged than the one President Hu Jintao took over in 2003. Government, corporate and consumer debt rose last year by 15 percentage points to an estimated 206 percent of GDP, Standard Chartered said in a November report. In March 2003 it stood at 150 percent.

    Borrowers are using some new loans to “plaster over non- performing credits” while so-called shadow banking is growing too fast, said economists led by Stephen Green. They estimated that a bad-loan ratio of 12 percent would erase the banking industry’s 7.5 trillion yuan ($1.2 trillion) in capital.

    Lending by so-called trust companies surged five times to 1.04 trillion yuan in the first 11 months compared with the whole of 2011. A “large part” of the sector’s lending is to higher-risk entities including local government investment vehicles and property developers that don’t have access to bank loans, the International Monetary Fund said in its Global Financial Stability Report in October.

    “Lots and lots of projects have been approved to stimulate this economy,” said Patrick Chovanec, an associate professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing. “The banks are extremely reluctant to lend to them and that says a lot about what they really know about credit risk in this country.”

    The trust sector was set to overtake insurance as the nation’s second-largest financial business after banks last year, KPMG LLP said in a July report. Trust assets have expanded more than 10-fold since 2007 and surged 54 percent to 6.3 trillion yuan in the first nine months of 2012 from a year earlier.

    Trusts make up more than a quarter of the country’s estimated $3.4 trillion in non-bank lending, according to an Oct. 16 report by UBS AG chief China economist Wang Tao, equivalent to about 45 percent of gross domestic product. The share of non- bank finance in aggregate credit has surged to about 45 percent this year, from 30 percent in 2008, central bank data show.

    The trusts typically offer better rates of return than banks, pooling deposits from businesses and households to invest in real estate, stocks, bonds, commodities, or other assets.

    Bad debts of as much as 9 trillion yuan will impair banks’ ability to lend and begin choking off investment later this year, at a time when there are no alternative growth engines to drive the economy, said Adam Wolfe, senior Asia economist at Roubini Global Economics in London. Growth will slip below 7 percent in the final quarter and to about 5 percent in 2014 as debt drags on the economy, he said.

    “Faster growth now only pushes China closer to the inevitable sharp slowdown that will come when its debt- fueled, investment-led growth model collapses,” Wolfe said.

    Police Investigate

    The default of a savings vehicle offered by Huaxia Bank Co. (600015) of Beijing, a lender part-owned by Deutsche Bank AG, prompted an investigation by police and regulators that the company disclosed last month. The bank says the product was sold without its permission by a rogue employee.

    Sales of similar so-called wealth management products, sold with few details about the assets backing them, surged about 48 percent last year to 13 trillion yuan and are raising concerns that banks will face losses, according to Fitch.

    Some products like these sold by Chinese banks are “fundamentally a Ponzi scheme,” wrote Xiao Gang, chairman of Bank of China Ltd., the nation’s fourth-largest lender by assets, in a China Daily commentary in October.

    ‘Systemic’ Risk

    “China’s shadow banking sector has become a potential source of systemic financial risk over the next few years,” wrote Xiao. “Particularly worrisome is the quality and transparency of wealth management products. Many assets underlying the products are dependent on some empty real estate property or long-term infrastructure, and are sometimes even linked to high-risk projects, which may find it impossible to generate sufficient cash flow to meet repayment obligations.”

    China’s corporate debt rose to a 15-year high of 122 percent of GDP last year from 108 percent in 2011, putting it among the world’s top levels, according to estimates by Beijing- based research firm GK Dragonomics.

    Solar-equipment companies in China including LDK Solar Co. (LDK), the world’s second-biggest maker of wafers for solar panels, are facing losses amid industry overcapacity and debt. LDK, which has more than $3.1 billion of debt, said Dec. 12 it hired Citigroup Inc. to help renegotiate its liabilities. The company received a bailout in July for part of the debt from the local authority in Xinyu, Jiangxi province, where LDK is based.

    “Too often low-return companies have been propped up,” said Loevinger. “There are many companies in China whose business models are only viable with access to cheap credit and resources and land. As growth slows, many of these could become zombies.”

    64 MILLION empty apartments in China
    January 3rd, 2013



    64 millions empty property in china…plus another 36 millions of public house building now…plus tons of lands bidded but not yet build plus….
    anyway….good luck, bubble burst is just a matter of this yr or next….

    1 child policy already 20+ yrs now…..many already grown up, still need property?? they have many parent & grandparent by now…import heads?? china import less citizens than spore….
    many will have problem to feed themselves once global in great depression….
    when china bubble burst will be worse than Japan….coming….

  9. #16269
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    The Gold Guarantee Blowing Up In Singapore?

    spore gold trader company run road……cannot deliver & disappear??....
    more to come…spore is famous for all these traders & derivative blown up….

    starting form 2013….global market will collapse 1 by 1….
    such will be very common in next few months to yrs….
    be prepared & get ready for lehman minibonds type of default to be seen everywhere in spore....tons of cases….

    Quote Originally Posted by Sq1 View Post
    Singaporean all very dumb, Geneva Gold run road few months ago, The Gold Guarantee come out with rescue plan, most likely is ask for more money, this type of Ponzi is a matter of time it will burst, same as singapore property ponzi.

    like "sunshine empire" ponzi scheme....tons & top down....all will run road 1 by 1 starting from 2013......

  10. #16270
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    Worldwide Recession: World Unemployment Near Depression Level, Poverty Is Still Spreading, Monetary Policy Is Fueling Currency And Trade Wars, And Inflating New Speculative Bubbles. SOROS Warned Of Japan’s New Monetary Policy Will Badly Affect The German Economy!!
    January 24th, 2013

    sure…world in recession, if not why so desperate to go for currency war to fight for business & order…..
    start the fight in currency war….then in trade war of protectionism…..
    then surge rate to kill each others…..

    world unemployment rate at record high….no jobs & no demand globally….
    bubble burst, debt squeezd…tons of bankrupt & property collapse….
    Japan tick the time bomb to explode this yr….Europe, US, then china, spore….all sink….
    all asset will crash hard…starting from this yr….plus QE stops, rate surges….all wars turn ON…

    The Endgame Is Being Played Out: World ‘Plunges Into Currency War’, Economy Underperforming Again, US Banks Shaken By Biggest Deposit Withdrawals Since 9/11… The Collapse Will Begin!
    January 25th, 2013

    sure….end game starts…fight is here….end in war??....all these human rubbish….start with QE, end with military war…
    global economy sinking…PMI, BDI, GDP, unemployment….keep plunging….

    biggest withdrawal from banks deposit in US in last few days….all starts to run road now….US$ tumbling down, Bernanke panic soon….CPI shoot up, stop QE & rate hike….
    be patient…global currency & trade war will crash global economy totally….also collapse global financial system…country bankrupt & default will be very common….spore property crash is for sure….on the way now & will not recover in next 15-20 yrs…no more QE in coming crisis….

  11. #16271
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    Quote Originally Posted by rat282 View Post
    South Korean growth hits 3-year low
    Q4 GDP drags annual growth in 2012 down to 2%

    Apple stock sheds 10% on growth worries
    iPhone 5 and Mac sales disappoint investors

    Apple price slump to hit tech sector

    Shares of several of Apple's suppliers crumbled. Chip suppliers Skyworks and Cirrus Logic both fell more than 6 percent. Qualcomm Inc slipped 1.8 percent.

    Currency War Between The US, China, Japan In Process, Euro Could Be Next To Join The War. WGC Confirms The Chinese Are Going To Back The Yuan With Gold!!
    January 23rd, 2013

    very nice…as said few months back…currency war is here, more wars to come…..
    US will have to whack down Yuan like Japan in 1990…to be economy super power…..china is real coward & stupid, dare not hike rate big way to slaughter western world....miss the best time he will regret....kill when they are sick....
    but Yen & Euro will be 1st to go……whatever, crash 1 major currency is good enough to collapse global economy….also to cause rate hike to kill each others…..

    spore will not be spared, will be hit even harder than Europe & Japan…..
    deflation will kick in….all asset bubbles will burst…..spore property will crash real hard….no >50%. no buy….no 2015, no buy……property down >50% by 2015 is nothing….down 60-75% will be even nicer… mercy to weak holders 7 developers, let them bankrupt, strong one prevail, then spore can grow stronger…..

  12. #16272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick65 View Post
    SG property prices to fall 40 % by 2016

    There was one important piece of news that went relatively unnoticed two weeks ago. The government set a new rule for property developers to complete and sell all developments they start within five years from now. This will end the current system of artificial price levels where developers can hold on to empty units for years and/or postpone the start and TOP when they feel the market is softening.

    This combined with the upcoming supply of 70.000 units of which half are still not sold, the developers will have to put the remaining units up for fire sales when the 5 years are ending. The supply in the pipeline is rapidly increasing: 2011 = 10,889 units receiving TOP, 2012 = 12,043, 2013 = 12,882, 2014 = 20,550 and 2015 = 34,373.

    Looks like the softest spot will be around 2015 and 2016 when developers have to offload all unsold units before the 5 year deadline. No one in the resale market is able to sell for current asking prices when developers will sell brand new units for lower prices.

    The estimates for SG private property price decline were between 20 to 30 per cent, before introducing the new rules of 10 per cent stamp duty for foreigners and 5 year deadline for developers to sell. Taking the new factors into account, property prices will most likely decline 40 per cent by 2016.


    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    so as expected 20% sold……if remove some insiders’ sales, plus more will drop out on the way, can hit 10% consider good….
    all the morons forever shout nonsense..main media bark rubbish forever....many get conned.....
    why buy now, wait for more discount later….

    next 6 months, there will be another 6-8 EC launching….when all cannot move & sell…when global economy collapse….when developers cash flow tight due to debt squeezed, rate hike & more……
    sell units below land price is common when market is bad & in recession…..
    now >40000 new units next 2 yrs almost another 100000 TOP….next 6 months, another near 20000 units land sales on the pipeline….why hurry, of course we still have another 100000 of resales in the market, no buyers…..
    wait for huge layoff, pay cut, foreigners no renewal of permit & jobless, rub road…..
    currency war, price war, deflation…..shrink & contract….
    be patient….spore property down >50% by 2015 is nothing…..price & rental on the way down now…

    all the main media & govt panic again, shout what they like...all the fake & fraud & real shameless to control media this way?.....
    Q3 -6.3% GDP......try so hard to con & cheat?....
    only fools buy buyers, face reality...stop buying, let them bankrupt....all these human rubbish....

    3% discount?? can negotiate to 10% easily as others is offering 8-10% then why bother about 3%? don’t buy….those offer 8-10% discount, negotiate to 15-20% discount pus tons of freebies, legal, stamps......
    price war will force them to accept your offer…..if not when crisis hit in near term, down 30% also no buyers…why buy now?? only fools buy now….
    Dleedon launching at $1700 psf….official offer now is $1300, but many sell for $10xx in the market, why bother about developers offer price, cut deep deep on their price or buy from others……Dleedon already down almost 40% from launching price now….more to come…..same to most projects, if they don’t cut as much, don’t buy…..more plunge to come….

    market so strong, why give so much discount, freebies & sweeteners?? because not moving, no sales.....
    discount getting greater each week....wit for global market total collapse......coming on the way soon....

    property is for living...not speculate or manipulate...what is govt doing?? developers? lawless?.....
    nett price?? criminal act? & shout what they want...from main media to GLC?.....
    robbing? all the fake & fraud anything & anyhow.....this is spore system in history?......FULL ENFORCEMENT? more like con all the way...sit on it easier....
    hard truth will be out.....all bubble will crash....xxxx robbers without law to let them pay back?? they can fix any price & data they like?? vote them out is the only way.......

    7 mil population? car on the road, cannot move…MRT cannot get up…no beds in hospital forever, school at 15km away & take 3 hrs to reach……1 SARS, few $100k of people gone….no food once weather & natural disastrous….time to squeeze spore to death, build a nuclear plant 2km away from spore in Johore…..stop sporean from going to Malaysia if malaysia change govt, many will bored to death……tons more…..
    buy a property now & work like a dog for next 30 yrs……cannot stop work, layoff, serious sick, parent & family problems, pay cut….& property sure burst… mercy & deserve it to be slave….

    if they use or raid national reserved saved by native sporean to build all rubbish to cater for 7 millions of import rubbish, then a bankrupt is very likely possible....
    congested, pack, no space is a pressure cooker by itself.....will just explode anytime....
    they treat old & their parent like dirt.....this is what their parent taught & set example to them....

  13. #16273
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    We’re Fast-Approaching A Tipping Point Into A Permanent Financial Decline: The Shrinkage In Wall Street Is Just Getting Started, Bill Gross Boosts Treasury Holdings, More Than Half Of Republicans Prepared To Let US Default, Western Governments May Soon Borrow In Renminbi, Economists See Slower Long-Term Growth In America’s Future
    January 14th, 2013

    sure….wall st. employee down from 400k+ to 200k now…shrinking further….
    financial decline & economy collapse everywhere in the world today….from US to Europe to Japan to China, asia & spore…..
    fake market without fundamental, fraud accounting & data to con & manipulate….all bubble will burst, all fake will crash, all manipulation will in jail…..

    default, downgrade, deleverage, distress, devalue…..
    let see coming US debt limit will default in next 3 weeks time….
    once Dow crashing down….end of all economy & financial….end of QE & total explode…..
    be patient…will start to see in 2013……

    Paul B. Farrell: Mayor Michael Bloomberg as next Fed chairman. A new direction after Bernanke/Greenspan failures
    January 15th, 2013

    Yes, America needs new blood, a strong leader like Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the next Fed Chairman. After a quarter century of failed monetary policies under the disastrous chairmanships of Alan Greenspan and his disciple Ben Bernanke, we need a decision-making powerhouse like Bloomberg, Wall Street visionary, high-tech innovator, philanthropist and proven government leader focused on what’s best for the country and all people.
    The Bernanke/Greenspan Era is a disaster: 24 years of failed policies and cheap-money puppets catering to too-greedy-to-fail banks — their ideology triggered the Dot-com Crash of 2000 and the Subprime Credit Crash of 2008. In between there was a costly recession resulting in a loss of more than $10 trillion of Main Street America’s retirement money … the rise of an unregulated bank-driven $650 trillion global casino for shadowy derivatives … a recent loss of $29.7 trillion in the Great Recession … lately a painful five-year bubble-making cheap-money policy favoring banks who pay huge bonuses to insiders … while average Americans suffered an inflation-adjusted 20% loss through the last decade … and now, predictions of no-growth GDP, 42% bear market collapse, another recession.

    sure…Bernanke will be out by end of this yr…..looking for new FED chief now….
    totally reversed new blood like Volcker will be nice… interest rate up to 30% in 1980…..
    24 yrs of rubbish by greenspan & Bernanke…drive US debt to historical, total failure in monetary policy….a weak US today, with tons rely on food stamp & social security….a lazy & irresponsible generation….US rating downgraded & more downgrading…..
    a revert in policy & cycle…..on the way….
    be patient….global bubble totally burst…debt squeezed & tons of bankrupt…..

  14. #16274
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    Goldman’s O’Neill: BOJ must show seriousness for yen to drop more
    January 15th, 2013

    Abe’s Stimulus May Trigger Japan Default, Fujimaki Says
    January 15th, 2013

    start of currency war….very nice….
    rubbish Yen can’t hike rate to appreciate Yen anymore….once shorted by hedge funds big way, no return & exit path, total collapse eventually…..

    Yen down, jap car cheaper?? can sell more?? stop buying Jap car, they will die totally….
    more war with china is better…than more trade war….more conflict….
    default & bankrupt this rubbish….crash yen down to below 100, then 120 & more….
    followed by Euro…..starting from 2013….currency war & global market collapse…

    How to Lose Your Entire Savings In an Instant
    January 14th, 2013

    By the look of things, Europe’s banking system is breaking down again.
    Bankia’s shareholders have received a nasty new year’s surprise. They may lose most of their investments or even all of them says the Spanish bank rescue fund in its latest report.
    According to FROB, the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring, Bankia has a negative value of 4.2 billion euros, and its parent group BFA is 10.4 bn in the red.

    “Debt Doom Loop” in Spain; Deficit Target Impossible Once Again; Bond Rally Masks European Macro Problems
    January 16th, 2013

    looks like Euro problem is coming back again…..
    bailout money gone, going to Bankrupt again…ask for money again…..
    all the fake & fraud covering all the reality & problems….once burst, all new & old debt will have to pay back….

    mostly banks in negative asset now if include debts….
    same to most banks in US & Asia…..once debt squeezed, >50% gone & bankrupt….
    be patient….all will come, many will lose everything till bankrupt……from Europe to Japan to US to Asia & spore….
    all the fake, fraud, lies & manipulation…

    till all bankrupt & lost all life saving...don't blame, already warn...all fake & fraud are bubbles to burst to 0 mercy, deserve it...coming....

    whole world today very much rely on printed $$ to live…why all of you work like dog here??.....
    they enjoy life using printed $$, why you work & serve them everyday?? kena scolded like dog, OT & work long hour?....
    those printed & give themselves S$mil salary, you kena kicked, pressure everyday yet get so little for what??....
    chow ang mo printed so much & be your boss…..useless asian love to be slave & balless…..

  15. #16275
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    Paul B. Farrell: Mayor Michael Bloomberg as next Fed chairman. A new direction after Bernanke/Greenspan failures
    January 15th, 2013

    Yes, America needs new blood, a strong leader like Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the next Fed Chairman. After a quarter century of failed monetary policies under the disastrous chairmanships of Alan Greenspan and his disciple Ben Bernanke, we need a decision-making powerhouse like Bloomberg, Wall Street visionary, high-tech innovator, philanthropist and proven government leader focused on what’s best for the country and all people.
    The Bernanke/Greenspan Era is a disaster: 24 years of failed policies and cheap-money puppets catering to too-greedy-to-fail banks — their ideology triggered the Dot-com Crash of 2000 and the Subprime Credit Crash of 2008. In between there was a costly recession resulting in a loss of more than $10 trillion of Main Street America’s retirement money … the rise of an unregulated bank-driven $650 trillion global casino for shadowy derivatives … a recent loss of $29.7 trillion in the Great Recession … lately a painful five-year bubble-making cheap-money policy favoring banks who pay huge bonuses to insiders … while average Americans suffered an inflation-adjusted 20% loss through the last decade … and now, predictions of no-growth GDP, 42% bear market collapse, another recession.

    sure…Bernanke will be out by end of this yr…..looking for new FED chief now….
    totally reversed new blood like Volcker will be nice… interest rate up to 30% in 1980…..
    24 yrs of rubbish by greenspan & Bernanke…drive US debt to historical, total failure in monetary policy….a weak US today, with tons rely on food stamp & social security….a lazy & irresponsible generation….US rating downgraded & more downgrading…..
    a revert in policy & cycle…..on the way….
    be patient….global bubble totally burst…debt squeezed & tons of bankrupt…..

    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    We’re Fast-Approaching A Tipping Point Into A Permanent Financial Decline: The Shrinkage In Wall Street Is Just Getting Started, Bill Gross Boosts Treasury Holdings, More Than Half Of Republicans Prepared To Let US Default, Western Governments May Soon Borrow In Renminbi, Economists See Slower Long-Term Growth In America’s Future
    January 14th, 2013

    sure….wall st. employee down from 400k+ to 200k now…shrinking further….
    financial decline & economy collapse everywhere in the world today….from US to Europe to Japan to China, asia & spore…..
    fake market without fundamental, fraud accounting & data to con & manipulate….all bubble will burst, all fake will crash, all manipulation will in jail…..

    default, downgrade, deleverage, distress, devalue…..
    let see coming US debt limit will default in next 3 weeks time….
    once Dow crashing down….end of all economy & financial….end of QE & total explode…..
    be patient…will start to see in 2013……

    Larry Summers As Fed Chairman?
    January 27th, 2013

    bernanke out is very nice….
    larry summer, revert all Bernanke & greenspan rubbish…hike rate & unwind QE??....
    another Volcker to hike rate tom 30%?......

    whatever…US bond has reached an end…same to rate cycle…..
    currency war, trade war…..if US still want to be superpower….no way except to revert to real strong US$ & rate surges…..
    next FED chairman will know what to do….

  16. #16276
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    Too Much Too Quickly: China Is Marching Toward A Massive Credit Crisis As Companies Adding Capacity They Do Not Need To Support GDP Numbers. MARC FABER: China’s Economy Is Worse Than We Think!!!
    January 27th, 2013

    all these morons shout china…..
    to support GDP…..they can fake & fraud anything, worse than S shares….
    drink till drunk & smoke till mabok to push GDP lo…..all these rubbish…..
    gamble on no demand investment…..fraud on data & accounting….corruption & run road……

    港樓泡危 恐失萬億

    內地「次高危」 三線恐先爆

    HK & China property bubble going to burst anytime…..
    HK people may lose $100Bil easily once property explosion….
    nothing new…in 1997 crisis, everyday few hundreds hongkies bankrupt & commit suicide for 4-5 yrs….tons in negative asset, family broken & died…..

    1973, 1980 & 1987 are also very bad…..HSI down 90% with 1-2 weeks in 1973….imagine if happens again, HIS will crash down from 22500 to 2250 in 2-3 weeks time…..what will happen??....
    currency & trade war are ON now…..wait for patiently for it to explode…all has to pay back wan…

  17. #16277
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustGreat View Post
    There is a new detached house in the market for sale for more than 6 months still left unsold, asking for $7.8m, now the asking price has dropped to $6.5m !!!

    it's happening, first buyer vomit blood
    There are a few landed houses for sale within a new condo development in kovan. The second landed unit is just sold at appx $500K cheaper than the first transacted landed unit. Within 2-3 months, half a million paper loss.



    down almost 20%...if including all charges, legal, stamp, comm…...easily 23% or more….if with absd or asd or…lost will be much higher…price will down mush faster & more from here….stop buying, don’t buy…wait for force sell. auction, bankruptcy & run road……such case, no below $500 psf, no buy……

    above is the same….down almost 20%, can’t even sell…must cut enough or no more buyers’, out fast or lost more later….financial crisis is here or huge retrenchment, tons of sellers run road……
    be patient…..QE has no more effect….next crisis will not have anymore QE…instead reversed of QE to pay bac k all debts in last 50 yrs…..price will down & down…better run fast or bankrupt…..same to developers or owners…

    lost till teng kor….lost $500k or S$1.5mil is nothing in property….this is just the beginning….tons will lost all their saving & in debt of few S$mil, work like slave to pay back in next 30 yrs…….they deserve it, nothing to shout at, no mercy, just do it…..

  18. #16278
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    37 Statistics Which Show How Four Years Of Obama Have Wrecked The U.S. Economy
    January 21st, 2013

    FIRST TERM: Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household; More Than First 42 Presidents — Combined!
    January 21st, 2013

    read thru’…scary…typical of negro culture of lazy, relaxed, easy going…..this is obama….
    print to eat….not work hard & be creative to fight for survival….like a pig….
    obama...this human rubbish....increase household debt more than total last 42 presidents COMBINED......

    globally followed….from Europe to Japan to China to spore….
    yet want to be king mentality….know nut moron behaviour….
    whatever….all these lead to total collapse & crashing down…all has to pay back wan…..
    happy time over, followed by total breakdown & crash…..coming to spore property…

    PREPARE For 90% Correction? Currency War Escalating But Inflationary Targets Will Fail – World Stuck In Deflationary Super-Cycle And There’s A “Financial Catastrophe On The Horizon
    January 22nd, 2013

    this is the best statement so far….reality will response accordingly….
    90%? on the high side…but 70-80% is likely…..
    currency war by attacking all major currency globally…..1 down all down…coming….Yen, whack it down for great profit….followed by Euro & US$.....same to S$....

    inflationary will sure fail eventually like QE….deflation will crash all bubbles totally to almost no value….
    global market will crash real hard….spore property down 50% is nothing…..if 75% will be very nice….
    starting now….last one to run, 1st to bankrupt….stop buying, wait for weak holders & developers to bankrupt…..even cut 30-40% also don’t buy… 50%, no buy…no 2015, no buy…

  19. #16279
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    spore govt better do it themselves to plunge property market fast, if let hedge funds to short it down using S$ & STI, also spore economy totally…..also they will lose 2016 election if don’t do it fast….

    today cooling measures is not good enough….need more…also enforcement in policy, not just lip service & NO hands on….force developers to dump all unsold units after 2 yrs of launching or 5 yrs of land sales, should cut down to 1.5 yrs & 3.5 yrs….also owning oversea property for HDB owners here is not allowed…..sublet, banks & developers loaning more or illegally…..tons more…

    FULL ENFORCEMENT of all policies & measures IMMEDIATELY……not talk only… by law….confiscate & not negotiable…how is the 5700 units in CCR?....

    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post
    Wow, came across this news, Seascape launched in 1st Dec 2010 with total 151 units, after selling for over 2 years the developer only sold 47 units and 104 unsold units, 69% unsold inventory. And when developer cut price to try to offload inventory, all those earlier buyers kena screwed and overpaid for their units.

    Ho Bee stuck with 104 unsold units at Seascape

    Singapore Business Review
    Published: 09 Jan 13

    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post
    I've been receiving SMS from agents everday selling D'leedon for $13xx psf and additional 1% discount from agents' commision, it's getting very annoying receiving these spam SMS. Looks like CAPL is getting desperate to offload their huge unsold inventory.

    all panic & anyhow whack now....all kena pressure, can't sell, no buyers, spam & invade whatever contacts.....
    got people advertise $10xx psf, why pay $13xx with all freebies? ask them to give nett price, not interested with all the rubbish marketing con job....
    no sales, advertise like crazy everywhere....paper, internet, sms, email, brouchure, road show.....still can't sell....if market so strong, why so panic?? saturday paper all property sales & give more discount every week....yet negotiable & refuse to put nett price in all transaction....

    stop buying, wait for weak one or developers to bankrupt.....dump at any price....cut 30-40% now, also don't buy, wait for force & auction sell..foreigners/FT run road are even better, equal to confiscate all their capital investment market rule, sell property below land price is norm when market crash.....wait patiently....cut deep deep or wait....
    global debt is too huge now....too many holes to cover, any 1 down like lehman bros, all will crash patient...tons of unsold, refuse to lower price, when global trigger, all dump to exit or bankrupt, let them fight for price mercy, they deserve to be bankrupt....

    cut price also cannot sell yet data is up....sales down 70% in last 2 months yet panic must manipulate data, advertise & publish in paper, media, internet everyday yet still cannot sell.....where is all the naive, newbies & fools??......all kind of data & report by con man flying around, show what you want to read, anything also can, lawless?...

    cooling measures or not, main media shouted market so strong, what is xxxx doing?? dump more lands out for sale now, also BTO...earlier said, at least 25k BTO this yr, plus another 7k if possible, keep promise? or not for private, another 30k-40k this yr will be nice....

    down 23%?? a $1 mil property down 23% is $770k.....for a $770k need to up almost 50% to reach $1 down 23% = up 50%, if include all charges, interest, taxes, asd, stamp, down 23% is much >up 50%.....
    with price war, run road, economy & market collapse, rate hike, tax hike, debt squeezed, deflation, currency & trade war, huge layoff.......down another 23%, 120% up also gone....many will be bankrupt, no mercy, weak developers & buyer deserve market & strong one prevail..banks with huge mortgage loan better act fast before bankrupt, no bailout for junk & bad managed.....

    many gave 20-30% discount now…..developers runs fast before global market collapse this yr, with rate hike on the way, QE no effect, huge layoff, rental crashing down….spore personal median income still around $2k/m, total collapse anytime once cash flow dry up, squeeze weak, last one to run bankrupt 1st… collapse already no way out now….

  20. #16280
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    Paul Ryan Shock: Clinton Would Have Fixed Fiscal Mess By Now… Deep budget cuts unavoidable…
    January 27th, 2013

    Boehner full of regret over ‘fiscal-cliff’ moves

    January 26th, 2013

    sure….deep budget cut is a must this time….not only balanced…surplus to pay back debt now if possible….currency, trade & civil war on the horizon....
    regret?? then never give way now….
    cut spending & pay deep deep, also huge layoff like defense layoff almost 50,000 few days ago…..

    CNN: Pentagon laying off 46,000 employees
    January 26th, 2013

    Hospitals will see massive layoffs, decline in 2013
    January 27th, 2013

    massive layoff is on the way….to cut spending…huge pay cut also on the way globally….
    same to spore….be prepared…all the debt has to pa back, must cut cost to cut deficit or be surplus to pay back debt….

    economy is strong or market is fake or fraud…shout what they like…reality is no money to pay salary & debt….
    unemployment down to 6.5%, stop QE & start rate hike…nice…
    when no income, no business….stock & property go up also no use…mass has no money to buy & make out of it…market still need to crash down hard….coming…spore property down>50% is nothing…

  21. #16281
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    达沃斯拉响货币战争警报 中国增长受热议

    Davos closed….coming currency war is exploding now…most urgent, let them fight…..
    china GDP growth was questioned….all know is bullshyt…..once local debt explode, manufacturing pull out of china, hard truth will be seen….

    china has printed $$ much more than US last 10 yrs…..has to pay back wan….
    china, all the accounting fraud like S shares suspended & gone….wait for debt squeezed…..
    be patient…..all will come 1 by 1….





    George soros…..US FED rate may surge very high this yr…2013…..
    currency war started…killing field of some country & currency will start to see this yr…..
    Yen started…at 90 now, swee, huat arr……

    germany sure not happy to compete in car industry…..all will start to short down their own currency for export & sales…..this is the beginning if global DEFALTION cycle…cheap will be cheaper in time to come….global asset bubbles will total collapse…..
    at 1 stage in 2013/4….Yen will be killed totally instead due to rate surges….S$? another super high debt to GDP currency....
    spore property will collapse >50%....if PAP want to win election, must start to crash property price big way or LOSE govt in 2016…

  22. #16282
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post
    Developers are truly greedy despicable cheats... inflating the caveat price, hiding the true price, manipulating the property price index , and lying about the actual sales numbers to consumers. And the unknowing consumers upon seeing the inflated caveat prices from the developers' price deception and manipulation, ended up being conned to pay more to the developers for their units.

    Straits Times Forum
    Published on Jan 26, 2013


    Concerns over practice of inflating prices

    HAVING visited several property launches over the past year, I wish to share some observations ("Tough action to cool property market"; Jan 12).

    To create a rising price scenario, developers commonly mark up the selling price of their units, and then offer discounts or rebates in the form of furniture vouchers and stamp duty refunds.

    As buyers, we are advised to lodge caveats based on the higher price before the discounts and rebates, so that we can qualify for higher bank loans.

    While most banks require buyers to declare the purchase price and discounts, many people do not do so in order to qualify for higher loans.

    This benefits the developers as it will show an increase in the residential property price index, which in reality may not be the true price transacted.

    Unfortunately, this strategy of price manipulation has now spread to the resale market.

    Of late, some owners who may have bought several units in new launches are now offering refunds and cashback.

    As is the case for new launches, a buyer must agree to lodge the caveat based on the seller's inflated asking price, and refunds via a cashier's order will be given on the completion date.

    The price lodged in the caveat requested by the seller is to support the bank valuation as well as show price increases to generate future sales for the seller.

    This is a grey area that I hope the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) can address as it may have legal implications.

    I also encourage the URA to conduct thorough checks on claims by developers of their projects selling like "hot cakes".

    This is because when one checks the URA's actual sales figures later, they are often lower than what was initially claimed.

    It would be helpful if the URA could publish a monthly update of all recent project sales and units left unsold.

    Lastly, I thank The Straits Times for publishing both the caveats and actual rental prices of private properties. This is a positive step as it allows for transparency and helps buyers and tenants make informed decisions.

    David Lim Beng Heng

    Developers giving cash rebates and sellers stamp but makes SG banks ultra-vulnerable.

    For couples: Use one downpayment for buying 2 units.

    so mark up price for buyers to loan more than they can….MAS keep quiet? close 2 eyes? or they are the one pushing it from behind?? so still can loan up to 90% or even 100% if you know what to do….S$1 mil property, transacted at $1.5Mil, then can borrow almost S$1 mil yet can get $500k rebate for 2nd property…..can loan some more for 2nd property….hahaaaa….very nice…when market collapse…total collapse…domino fall 1 by 1.....

    hedge funds sliva must be dripping when they look at all these……get ready to short he whole spore market & economy down…..especially banks & developers counters.....if bankrupt, no bailout...…
    so you think you see URA price is the nett price?? cut 20-30% or even more is the actual selling price….

    so desperate to do all these ‘illegal’ & ‘lawless’ transaction in spore…are GLC inside??.....this is worse than subprime….it will crash harder than subprime……

    creative accounting?? fake, fraud, lies & manipulation…..sure burst & explode....down>50% by 2015 is nothing.....

    MAS better check thru' all mortgage loan with all banks, any violation, take up or auction sales immediately.....
    khaw better hands on, go thru' all policy on all owners & developers.....confiscate once by law OR lawless....govt decide.....
    sporean will decide on their vote.....also legal action if need to.....

    PM also admit supply is very low few yrs back & they made khaw better launch more now, 70k-100k units/yr irregardless anything happens, over-supply is better than under supply.....or PAP sure lose 2016 election.....let do it FEARLESSLY, PAP govt is easily replaceable, spore has totally no problem without PAP.....

  23. #16283
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    中纪委:豪宅抛售情况继续扩大 部分业主为公务员


    china govt servant…corruption in property..all run road liao…end is near….
    all the insiders’ trading, connected……dump & run fast….

    all these linked to the govt…to the top….all try to wash & clean their hands….
    tons of empty cities in china now….all the fake & fraud….
    bubble collapse anytime….plus global currency war to show hands like 1990 to Japan….
    be patient to watch the collapse of property market…

    增供應徵重稅 韓成功壓樓價

    日樓積弱21年 圓匯挫

    [size="5"]south korea increase land supply & high tax…..succeed in pushing down property price…..
    If they want to do…sure can do it….at least SK is safe for now….compared to spore & HK, will be target to crash down like 1997, asia financial crisis….

    [color="red"]japan property down for 21 yrs…price down currency also plunging…very nice…just hike rate to kill Yen totally…let Japan collapse….useless rubbish….

  24. #16284
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    David Weidner: Bank of America and Citi reports are junk. Another quarter of surprises isn’t surprising.
    January 18th, 2013

    Sugarcoat it all you want. Let the analysts try to make sense of it. Buy the story you’re being fed. The reality is, Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. turned in garbage reports parading as fourth-quarter earnings Thursday.
    Special and one-time charges, unforeseen costs, settlements, legacy costs, foreclosure legal fees — it was a junkfest. But that’s not even the worst of it.
    These types of quarters happen with such regularity for banks these days that to suggest they’re year-end, “kitchen sink” quarters is an insult to sinks, kitchens, quarters and, mostly, investors.
    At Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America (US:BAC), Chief Executive Brian Moynihan said the bank would take $2.7 billion in one kind of mortgage-related charge and another $2.5 billion tied to a separate charge. Still, he wrote with a straight face, the bank is “strong and well positioned for further growth.”

    Weekly News Wrap-Up President Obama Pushes Gun Control while Banker Fraud and Crime go Unpunished

    January 18th, 2013

    whole world today in fake & fraud…all know…spore too?….nothing new…
    huge crash will follow with all these manipulation & lawless act….
    all the corruption, cronyism…support the weak rubbish supposed to bankrupt….

    all the fraudulent accounting, distorted data, adjusted definition…..
    robbed taxpayers’, criminal act, imposed by force…..
    all the wrongdoing has to pay back wan….starting from 2013…
    kick ‘can’ hit the wall…total collapse on the way…..all in desperate mode now…

    Money Velocity Free-Fall And Federal Deficit Spending


    both declining money velocity and soaring deficits reflect a contracting, post-credit-bubble economy.
    This stupendous creation of money and unprecedented fiscal stimulus has had zero effect on money velocity.
    Keynesian stimulus policies (deficit spending and low-interest easy money) create speculative credit bubbles.
    Put another way: we've run out of speculative credit bubbles to exploit.

    bubble everywhere is for sure…..all the non-productive, economy collapsing act…..
    print & drive market… real valued added to economy & society…these are the rubbish leaders of today, total garbages…..print to infinity?? only human rubbish wish & hope, they will be wiped off totally soon…..

    end is here, starting from 2013…..will see market collapse due to conflict among leaders…..
    from currency war to trade, protectionism, military, debt, pandemic, political to financial….
    explosion & implosion will be ugly due to ponzi end, rate hike, tax hike, cut spending & huge layoff…..
    be prepared…it will sweep thru’ like tsunami…..coming this yr….same to spore property, collapse eventually…

    all these shameless rubbish drive price using printed $$ without value & economy based…real human rubbish…all the fake, fraud, lies & manipulation…these are criminal act….not free market, not strong one prevail…these are useless weak human dogs of global leaders, spore??..…all fake & bubbles will burst, starting now......

    japan print unlimited?? such useless human rubbish xxxx…all should stop buying Japanese car….
    already too late to print to drive as junk already become bubbe like Tulip…wait to explode this yr….Yen is crashing hard, short & let them die…I shorted, will short more….they want to die, let them die faster….

  25. #16285
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    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by alpha View Post

    Tripling in Debt to $1.7 Trillion Drags on Economy

    By Bloomberg News - Jan 28, 2013 11:09 AM GMT+0800

    Chinese companies are spending more than ever to service debt after their borrowing almost tripled over five years, prompting strategists to warn of rising default risk and a threat to economic growth.

    Total short- and long-term borrowing by 3,895 publicly traded non-financial companies rose to almost $1.7 trillion in their latest filings, from $604 billion at the end of 2007, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Financing costs, including interest, on all forms of debt climbed to the highest level as a percentage of gross domestic product last year, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.

    Bernstein says that means less cash for investment to fuel the world’s second-largest economy, while Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc says the threat of defaults will hold back interest- rate liberalization. The average 10-year yield for top-rated company bonds is near a 13-month high at 5.27 percent, compared with the 2.6 percent yield in a Bank of America Merrill Lynch global corporate index.

    “There’s just a lot more debt in China today than there was really ever in the past, relative to nominal GDP,” said Mike Werner, a Hong Kong-based analyst at Bernstein. “More and more of the country’s resources have to be put to just financing outstanding debt, and that itself is a headwind for economic growth.”

    While the nation exited a seven-quarter slowdown in October-December as the government eased monetary policy, incoming Premier Li Keqiang may need to confront the fading effects of government support, a likely pickup in inflation and rising risks from shadow banking. Price growth accelerated to a seven-month high in December, driving up benchmark bond yields. GDP grew 7.8 percent in 2012, the slowest in 13 years.

    Stimulus Lending

    Chinese banks doled out 8.2 trillion yuan ($1.3 trillion) of new loans in 2012, 10 percent up from a year earlier and the second-highest level on record, central bank data show. The government quota for new lending may be set at 9 trillion yuan this year, Caixin reported on Jan. 22.

    A 17.6 trillion-yuan binge of stimulus lending in 2009-2010 stoked inflation, weakened banks’ financial buffers and lead to an increase in non-performing loans.

    Since then, China’s economy has become a “credit junkie, requiring increasing amounts of debt to generate the same unit of growth,” analysts Edward Chancellor and Mike Connelly at investment firm GMO LLC, which managed $104 billion as of Sept. 30, wrote in a research note this month.

    Total credit in the economy, including items off bank balance sheets, climbed to about 190 percent of GDP by the end of 2012, up from 124 percent in 2008, Fitch estimated this month. The burden may need government resources to resolve, harming China’s credit outlook, the ratings company said.

    ‘Severe Risks’

    “The 2009 stimulus was hailed in its day as one of China’s greatest historic successes,” said Drew Brick, head of Asia- Pacific markets strategy in Singapore at RBS. “Instead it may well represent one of the most severe risks to face the Communist Party in a generation.”

    China’s total social financing, which includes bank loans, bond and equity sales, trust loans, entrusted loans and bankers’ acceptance bills, surged 23 percent to 15.8 trillion yuan last year. A record share of that came from non-bank credit, highlighting the growth of so-called shadow banking activities that have prompted warnings of rising credit risks.

    Wasted Money?

    Only 29 percent of last year’s aggregate financing was translated into economic growth, the lowest on record, according to Bernstein’s Werner. For the real economy to expand at 8 percent this year, growth in non-loan credit would have to accelerate to 33 percent from 25 percent in 2012 if the credit- to-GDP efficiency remains at last year’s level, he said.

    “You could see some of this as a result of borrowing to repay old debt, you could say this is borrowing to be put into more speculative activities rather than being put into real investment for the economy,” Werner said.

    Even as the central bank cut interest rates twice last year, borrowing costs on total social financing were the equivalent of 14.3 percent of China’s nominal GDP in 2012, up from 14.2 percent in 2011 and above the average of 10.1 percent in 2002-2010, according to Bernstein.

    Total social financing may reach 16.5 trillion to 17.5 trillion yuan this year, Bank of Communications Co., China’s fifth-largest lender, forecast last week.


    china print the most in last 10 yrs globally….
    RMB can be so strong with so much printing??...

    time will come…don’t worry..same to asia, spore?….
    all the corruption, bad debt, bribery…..all in a mess, when time comes, sure explode….
    most asian countries today is the same....when explode, worse than Greece...coming....

  26. #16286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick65 View Post
    SG property prices to fall 40 % by 2016

    There was one important piece of news that went relatively unnoticed two weeks ago. The government set a new rule for property developers to complete and sell all developments they start within five years from now. This will end the current system of artificial price levels where developers can hold on to empty units for years and/or postpone the start and TOP when they feel the market is softening.

    This combined with the upcoming supply of 70.000 units of which half are still not sold, the developers will have to put the remaining units up for fire sales when the 5 years are ending. The supply in the pipeline is rapidly increasing: 2011 = 10,889 units receiving TOP, 2012 = 12,043, 2013 = 12,882, 2014 = 20,550 and 2015 = 34,373.

    Looks like the softest spot will be around 2015 and 2016 when developers have to offload all unsold units before the 5 year deadline. No one in the resale market is able to sell for current asking prices when developers will sell brand new units for lower prices.

    The estimates for SG private property price decline were between 20 to 30 per cent, before introducing the new rules of 10 per cent stamp duty for foreigners and 5 year deadline for developers to sell. Taking the new factors into account, property prices will most likely decline 40 per cent by 2016.


    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    so as expected 20% sold……if remove some insiders’ sales, plus more will drop out on the way, can hit 10% consider good….
    all the morons forever shout nonsense..main media bark rubbish forever....many get conned.....
    why buy now, wait for more discount later….

    next 6 months, there will be another 6-8 EC launching….when all cannot move & sell…when global economy collapse….when developers cash flow tight due to debt squeezed, rate hike & more……
    sell units below land price is common when market is bad & in recession…..
    now >40000 new units next 2 yrs almost another 100000 TOP….next 6 months, another near 20000 units land sales on the pipeline….why hurry, of course we still have another 100000 of resales in the market, no buyers…..
    wait for huge layoff, pay cut, foreigners no renewal of permit & jobless, rub road…..
    currency war, price war, deflation…..shrink & contract….
    be patient….spore property down >50% by 2015 is nothing…..price & rental on the way down now…

    all the main media & govt panic again, shout what they like...all the fake & fraud & real shameless to control media this way?.....
    Q3 -6.3% GDP......try so hard to con & cheat?....
    only fools buy buyers, face reality...stop buying, let them bankrupt....all these human rubbish....

    3% discount?? can negotiate to 10% easily as others is offering 8-10% then why bother about 3%? don’t buy….those offer 8-10% discount, negotiate to 15-20% discount pus tons of freebies, legal, stamps......
    price war will force them to accept your offer…..if not when crisis hit in near term, down 30% also no buyers…why buy now?? only fools buy now….
    Dleedon launching at $1700 psf….official offer now is $1300, but many sell for $10xx in the market, why bother about developers offer price, cut deep deep on their price or buy from others……Dleedon already down almost 40% from launching price now….more to come…..same to most projects, if they don’t cut as much, don’t buy…..more plunge to come….

    market so strong, why give so much discount, freebies & sweeteners?? because not moving, no sales.....
    discount getting greater each week....wit for global market total collapse......coming on the way soon....

    property is for living...not speculate or manipulate...what is govt doing?? developers? lawless?.....
    nett price?? criminal act? & shout what they want...from main media to GLC?.....
    robbing? all the fake & fraud anything & anyhow.....this is spore system in history?......FULL ENFORCEMENT? more like con all the way...sit on it easier....
    hard truth will be out.....all bubble will crash....xxxx robbers without law to let them pay back?? they can fix any price & data they like?? vote them out is the only way.......

    7 mil population? car on the road, cannot move…MRT cannot get up…no beds in hospital forever, school at 15km away & take 3 hrs to reach……1 SARS, few $100k of people gone….no food once weather & natural disastrous….time to squeeze spore to death, build a nuclear plant 2km away from spore in Johore…..stop sporean from going to Malaysia if malaysia change govt, many will bored to death……tons more…..
    buy a property now & work like a dog for next 30 yrs……cannot stop work, layoff, serious sick, parent & family problems, pay cut….& property sure burst… mercy & deserve it to be slave….

    if they use or raid national reserved saved by native sporean to build all rubbish to cater for 7 millions of import rubbish, then a bankrupt is very likely possible....
    congested, pack, no space is a pressure cooker by itself.....will just explode anytime....
    they treat old & their parent like dirt.....this is what their parent taught & set example to them....

  27. #16287
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    May 2013-End of the Road-John Williams: We haven’t had a recovery and we’re not about to have one, and it’s getting worse.The average guy is not making it. His income is not keeping up with inflation.
    January 28th, 2013

    very nice…the more middle class gone…the more rubbish govt & leaders of today gone….
    no recovery in last 5 yrs…only kick can down the road for a catastrophic collapse of global economy…..
    pay cut, no jobs yet cost of living shoot up…..all the corruption, cronyism of govt…..

    rob, loot the people….they deserve to be hanged…..
    end is here….people power will takeover by civil war or sudden rate hike & collapse economy globally to pay back debt…debt squeezed….very nice…be patient….useless asian should kick the balls instead but they are coward rubbish….

    affordable?? greatest joke & liar.....

    The US And Global Economies Will Contract As A Major Currency Crisis Is Waiting To Happen! China Admitted Launching A Gold Backed Currency For World Trade.
    January 28th, 2013

    sure… economy contracting…..
    coming currency war will be super nice….it will bring world to DEFLATION, then hyper-deflation…all bubbles will crash totally…spore property will collapse…..

    all try to push down their currency for export….short their own currency down globally…..price of goods will only getting cheaper (DEFLATION)….lower pay, no jobs…..crashing even harder…..time to stay at bottom, the longer the better….then property may down 90% like Japan...

    trade war, civil war globally sure emerge….US & US$ will be gone if continue to QE this way….then suddenly world wake up & surge interest rate to 2 digits within short time….coming…be patient……

  28. #16288
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustGreat View Post
    There is a new detached house in the market for sale for more than 6 months still left unsold, asking for $7.8m, now the asking price has dropped to $6.5m !!!

    it's happening, first buyer vomit blood
    There are a few landed houses for sale within a new condo development in kovan. The second landed unit is just sold at appx $500K cheaper than the first transacted landed unit. Within 2-3 months, half a million paper loss.



    down almost 20%...if including all charges, legal, stamp, comm…...easily 23% or more….if with absd or asd or…lost will be much higher…price will down mush faster & more from here….stop buying, don’t buy…wait for force sell. auction, bankruptcy & run road……such case, no below $500 psf, no buy……

    above is the same….down almost 20%, can’t even sell…must cut enough or no more buyers’, out fast or lost more later….financial crisis is here or huge retrenchment, tons of sellers run road……
    be patient…..QE has no more effect….next crisis will not have anymore QE…instead reversed of QE to pay bac k all debts in last 50 yrs…..price will down & down…better run fast or bankrupt…..same to developers or owners…

    lost till teng kor….lost $500k or S$1.5mil is nothing in property….this is just the beginning….tons will lost all their saving & in debt of few S$mil, work like slave to pay back in next 30 yrs…….they deserve it, nothing to shout at, no mercy, just do it…..

  29. #16289
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    Quote Originally Posted by voice View Post
    10Y Hits 2%

    up almost 40% from bottom & few months back…..
    interest rate is on the rise… patient…..

    wait for currency war killing field….soon all will awake to hike rate like no tomorrow….
    fight in sales, fight to survival now….fight in currency…eventually kill each other by rate surge to >10-20%....spore property will total collapse....coming....
    asian leaders are all coward useless…..they will regret for not hike rate now….asian deserve to be slaves, no gut, fear & no balls…

    Gold Scramble Driving Interest Rate Spike as Treasury-values Fall Steeply, Reflecting Asia Abandonment of US Dollar
    January 29th, 2013

    Swiss now want their gold back; 10,000 signatures shy of national referendum

    January 28th, 2013

    globally panic liao with all the QE & printed…..
    all start to run road, whether to dump all US bond or recall gold back…
    interest rate starts to up…spike…surge….

    time to pui on all these shameless human being….bernanke, US, QE, ECB, draghi, obama, geithner, Wen JB, XXX…..
    end is here….all going to revert soon….
    FEARLESS…once ON, market collapse…pay back time…tsunami sweep thru’…no time to run…

  30. #16290
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    Quote Originally Posted by rat282 View Post
    France "Totally Bankrupt" Says Labour Minister; Inappropriate or Inaccurate?

    Things in France must not be very serious, because the French labor minister accidentally let the truth come out a little earlier today. As the Telegraph reports, France's labour minister sent the country into a state of shock on Monday after he described the nation as “totally bankrupt."

    France ‘totally bankrupt’, says labour minister Michel Sapin
    January 28th, 2013

    Same to US, Japan, spore…..yet still want to push property price…..
    All these asian coward & useless leaders…..if FEARLESS, hike rate to 10% now…burst the bubble & crash western world economy, help them settle their problem long termly…….stop all the social benefit program, work hard for their country……

    global is bankrupt with US$1500 trillion…explode will begin in 2013….
    all has to pay back wan…..debt burden will suppress global growth for next 20-30 yrs….spore property will not recover in next 20-30 yrs….

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