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Thread: Property price is coming down fast

  1. #14371
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by basically
    all these stupid morons spread lies again....forever lies, not even once hard truth, all bullshyt, real 2015, no buy....don't bother to look at property now....stay out totally......


  2. #14372
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Mr b short euro how, of course now he will twist and turn and said best time to short is in the future or already made money to pay McDonald meal
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  3. #14373
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    Mr b short euro how, of course now he will twist and turn and said best time to short is in the future or already made money to pay McDonald meal

    stupid 1 of your real time trade here?? dare not? nothing? yet shout at shame??.....balless rubbish moron.....hahaaaa...super useless rubbish.......

    my Euro short still in good profit now....I said last week, will sell ths week, most likely tomorrow, then wait for opportunty to short again.....

  4. #14374
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Don't get the point why MISSED THE BOAT EXPERT MR B keep talk about currency in property forum??

    Is like you go currency forum.. keep tell ppl about how many properties you have.. when you bought it.. at what price.. sold at what price..

    Ppl think you bo hosei!

    Why not both of you just list down currently what on you hand?
    1. What projects you are having now?
    2. When did you bought it?
    3. Price you bought.. (if you wish to tell)
    And from there, ppl will know whether you make $$ or not..

    But if you got "nothing" on hand.. just tell me.. and I can understand why you started this thread..

  5. #14375
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Channel News Asia
    Business News

    Bundesbank opposed to ECB buying member states' bonds

    Posted: 27 August 2012 0603 hrs

    BERLIN: German central bank chief Jens Weidmann criticised as dangerous any plan by the European Central Bank (ECB) to buy member states' bonds, according to Monday's edition of Spiegel news weekly.

    In early August, the ECB suggested it could start unlimited buying of stricken member states' bonds to drive down their crippling borrowing costs, following trouble in Spain and Italy.

    The ECB "may undertake outright open market operations of a size adequate to reach its objective," its chief Mario Draghi said.

    "For me such a policy comes close to financing states with the printing press," Weidmann told the magazine. "In a democracy, it should be the parliaments and not the central banks that decide such a sharing of risks."

    "The manna from central banks will forever sharpen greed," the Bundesbank chief said. "One should not underestimate the danger that financing by central banks can get one hooked like a drug."

    The German finance ministry also has concerns about any buying of states' bonds by the ECB, which it fears could compromise the Frankfurt-based bank's independence, Der Spiegel also reported.

    The magazine noted "fierce arguments" within the ECB itself over the form of the programme between representatives of countries such as Spain or Italy and those from northern Europe who think it should be used only in "extreme situations".

    Draghi is due to say more about new measures to fight the sovereign debt crisis on September 6, during his monthly press conference in Frankfurt, which follows a meeting of ECB governors and a decision on key interest rates.

    The ECB already has an instrument to buy bonds of member states on the secondary market, where they change hands once they have been issued, but it has not been used for several months.

    - AFP/de

  6. #14376
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Business Times
    Published August 27, 2012

    Portugal also may seek breathing space
    Govt may miss this year's deficit target of 4.5%: analysts

    [LISBON] Dwindling tax revenues brought on by record joblessness and deep recession will force Portugal to seek breathing space, much like Greece has, on commitments to EU-IMF creditors, analysts say.

    In data published on Thursday, the Portuguese budget office said 2012 first half tax receipts dropped 3.5 per cent compared with the same period last year, hit by a fall in consumption as the economy shrank and unemployment reached 15 per cent.

    As things stand, the government, which had forecast an increase in revenue of 2.6 per cent this year, is set to miss this year's deficit target of 4.5 per cent, several analysts agreed, if it cannot come up with an extra two to three billion euros (S$3.1 to S$4.7 billion).

    Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar, unable to foresee the impact of austerity measures on the Portuguese economy, "has lost the fight", wrote business daily Diario Economico in an editorial.

    Paulo Mourao, economist at the University of Minho, said the new data served to "lay the ground" for "needed flexibility on Portugal's rescue programme".

    As part of the programme agreed in May 2011, in return for 78 billion euros in rescue loans, to be paid out in tranches over several years, Portugal has carried out deep budget cuts and pursued structural reforms.

    In the deal, which followed similar ones for Greece and Ireland, Portugal agreed to bring its public deficit to the EU ceiling of 3.0 per cent of output by 2013 after 4.5 per cent in 2012.

    But a key plank of that effort, slashing 13th and 14th month salary bonuses for civil servants and pensioners for three years, was ruled unconstitutional and threw the centre-right government's austerity budget into disarray.

    With the controversial measure now impossible, the government must find an equivalent cut in spending, which analysts said was all but impossible within the timeframe set by lenders.

    The troika of creditors from the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank have made clear their preference for measures centered on spending cuts and structural reforms.

    But the Portuguese government, which for now has maintained its targets, acknowledged in June that "a great effort would be required" to do so.

    On Thursday, a finance ministry official told the Lusa news agency that the shortfall would not be overcome by the end of the year, and that the government must either adopt more austerity measures or get creditors to relax budget requirements. - AFP

  7. #14377
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    you trade here trade there still no money to buy a roof over your head, talk till the cows come home also nobody will listen to you. People trade once and earn enough to buy a condo, you trade peanuts earn peanuts what is there to talk about?

    Quote Originally Posted by basically
    stupid 1 of your real time trade here?? dare not? nothing? yet shout at shame??.....balless rubbish moron.....hahaaaa...super useless rubbish.......

    my Euro short still in good profit now....I said last week, will sell ths week, most likely tomorrow, then wait for opportunty to short again.....

  8. #14378
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    you trade here trade there still no money to buy a roof over your head, talk till the cows come home also nobody will listen to you. People trade once and earn enough to buy a condo, you trade peanuts earn peanuts what is there to talk about?
    There is a Chinese saying


  9. #14379
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    A Song dedicated for Ah B

    作词:周华健 /作曲:周华健
    改词: PN

    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单 让你寂寞
    也不愿让你失落 而在牵挂之中热泪满眶
    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单单凄清清一个
    也不愿让你流泪 让你想房子的心悬挂在半空

    不愿你站在那人群中哭泣 不愿站在showroom中摇头
    不愿你在下大雨的时候 才能体会什么叫没有房子的悲哀

    只能天天在forum里叫骂 只能天天在forum里诅咒
    只要每次涨价的时候 就能听出你心里疯狂不爽的声音
    Last edited by PN; 27-08-12 at 15:50.

  10. #14380
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by PN
    A Song dedicated for Ah B

    作词:周华健 /作曲:周华健
    改词: PN

    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单 让你寂寞
    也不愿让你失落 而在牵挂之中热泪满眶
    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单单凄清清一个
    也不愿让你流泪 让你想房子的心悬挂在半空

    不愿你站在那人群中哭泣 不愿站在showroom中摇头
    不愿你在下大雨的时候 才能体会什么叫没有房子的悲哀

    只能天天在forum里叫骂 只能天天在forum里诅咒
    只要每次涨价的时候 就能听出你心里疯狂不爽的声音
    you guys are so creative..hey i know this song... just that my mandarin not so good.

  11. #14381
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by PN
    A Song dedicated for Ah B

    作词:周华健 /作曲:周华健
    改词: PN

    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单 让你寂寞
    也不愿让你失落 而在牵挂之中热泪满眶
    我真的并不愿意 让你孤单单凄清清一个
    也不愿让你流泪 让你想房子的心悬挂在半空

    不愿你站在那人群中哭泣 不愿站在showroom中摇头
    不愿你在下大雨的时候 才能体会什么叫没有房子的悲哀

    只能天天在forum里叫骂 只能天天在forum里诅咒
    只要每次涨价的时候 就能听出你心里疯狂不爽的声音
    don't think ah B can read.
    although he use to cut and paste mandarin but none of us
    can confirm he is chinese.

  12. #14382
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quick!! Is still not too late to get back into the property market now MR B!!
    Our property is way too under value!!
    BUY before price shoot UP UP UP again!!

  13. #14383
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Rysk
    Is coming on the way.. sept/oct 2012, price will go UP & UP & UP at a faster pace..
    As I have said 100x.. coming Sept/Oct.. price will go UP & UP & UP at a faster pace..
    Transacted price higher & higher.. one after another other..


  14. #14384
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Is basic losing motivation? Usually I only see pages covered in red by him.
    Affordable means small

  15. #14385
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by PN
    A Song dedicated for Ah B need to use song.....waste time to post more, I like wakin's song.....

    waste time & seach more & post more.....hahaaaa....real moron.....

  16. #14386
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Australia Is Headed For The Disaster Zone
    August 27th, 2012

    What this means of course is real estate agents are selling few homes, thus making little in commissions so they need prices to come down. What the agents don’t realize is this is the beginning of a trend and home prices, some drastically reduced already, still have much further to fall.

    The prices of some Sunshine Coast properties have been slashed by a million dollars as owners look to shift homes that have been stewing on the market for up to four years.
    A Sunshine Beach property that was on the marke for $2.6 million has been reduced to $1.595 million while a Cooroy property for sale for $3.15 million has been discounted $1.155 million.
    A list of the top 25 discounted properties from the SQM Research shows prices discounted between 24% and 40%.

    Australia property also coming down fast......
    market is so quiet, property agent have no business at all....
    only way for agent to have business is to push property price down fast........lelong then can get sales....same to spore..

  17. #14387
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by basically need to use song.....waste time to post more, I like wakin's song.....

    waste time & seach more & post more.....hahaaaa....real moron.....
    Quite confirm liao. Ah B don't seems to understand Chinese.

  18. #14388
    Join Date
    May 2012


    German Business Climate Index Falls for Fourth Month

    Published: Monday, 27 Aug 2012 | 5:19 AM ET
    By: Reuters

    German business sentiment dropped for a fourth month in August to reach its lowest level since March 2010, signalling domestic firms are increasingly vulnerable to the ravages of the euro zone crisis and that Germany may no longer be a bulwark.

    The Munich-based Ifo think tank said on Monday its business climate index, based on a monthly survey of some 7,000 firms, fell to 102.3 in August from a downwardly revised 103.2 in July.

    A Reuters poll of 40 economists had forecast a fall to 102.6 from an originally reported 103.3.

    "The downward slide continues as German companies are increasingly becoming pessimistic about the future," said Carsten Brzeski at ING.

    "It looks as if the German economy will, at best, be treading water in the coming months. The latest batch of sentiment indicators even points to a contraction in the third quarter," he added.

    Three years into the debt crisis, growth in Europe's largest economy slowed in the second quarter of 2012 to 0.3 percent and a string of increasingly gloomy data has raised the possibility of contraction in the second half of the year.

    The decline in the Ifo index reflects companies fears that key European export markets are faltering and that demand from emerging economies may not be able to pick up the slack.

    Ifo data also confirms what hard data from the Purchasing Managers' Indicator (PMI) already showed last week: Germany's hitherto steady resilience to the crisis is waning.

    Orders from abroad for Germany's manufacturing goods, a mainstay for the economy, fell this month at the fastest rate since April 2009.

    Industrial flagships ThyssenKrupp and Opel have announced they are reducing working hours due to weaker demand while Bosch announced it was in talks with workers over shortening hours.

    A slowdown carries risks for German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she seeks a third term in office next year and could tie her hands when it comes to bailing out indebted euro zone peers, especially if a nascent rise in unemployment accelerates.

  19. #14389
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Angela Merkel Just Revealed the Real Situation in Europe
    August 27th, 2012

    For several months now, I’ve been stating that the world’s central banks are in a bind. That bind is that their monetary policies are becoming less and less effective at placating the markets while the consequences of said policies (higher costs of living, the targeting of troubled banks in the credit market, etc.) are increasing.
    As a result of this, central banks have begun resorting to more and more “verbal intervention” or promises to “act” without ever acting.
    We received confirmation of this over the weekend when Angela Merkel chastised Germany Bundesbank Head Jens Weidmann for stating that an ECB policy of buying bond was like a dangerous drug.
    “Angela Merkel tried to calm a growing storm over euro zone crisis strategy on Sunday after the Bundesbank likened ECB bond-buying plans to a dangerous drug and a conservative ally of the German leader said Greece should leave the currency bloc by next year.

    after a holiday....think it over....all know QE is bullshyt...buying time but need to pay & will only lead to a bigger collapse, that is all......
    don't get caught....will be super painful.....

  20. #14390
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by basically
    Australia Is Headed For The Disaster Zone
    August 27th, 2012

    What this means of course is real estate agents are selling few homes, thus making little in commissions so they need prices to come down. What the agents don’t realize is this is the beginning of a trend and home prices, some drastically reduced already, still have much further to fall.

    The prices of some Sunshine Coast properties have been slashed by a million dollars as owners look to shift homes that have been stewing on the market for up to four years.
    A Sunshine Beach property that was on the marke for $2.6 million has been reduced to $1.595 million while a Cooroy property for sale for $3.15 million has been discounted $1.155 million.
    A list of the top 25 discounted properties from the SQM Research shows prices discounted between 24% and 40%.

    Australia property also coming down fast......
    market is so quiet, property agent have no business at all....
    only way for agent to have business is to push property price down fast........lelong then can get sales....same to spore..
    Australia property is very interesting now. Although the unemployment is low, the property is on the down. The living cost in major city is quite high, a meal cost nothing less than 10 dollar. A part time job pays 12-15 dollars an hour. U earn high, u spend high. High value property in australia is only for high achievers, which is not so many of them. The low end however, there are plentiful. There is no bottom support for australian property, unlike singapore. For investment u have to be very specific on the potential tenant, for example uni students, doctors on the nearby hospital, pilots near the airport. Avoid cyclical property such as holiday home on the gold coast, huge size apartment in the city, house in the middle of nowhere suburb.

  21. #14391
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Foxconn Shares Slide After Worst-Ever First-Half Loss

    Published: Monday, 27 Aug 2012 | 9:45 PM ET
    By: Reuters

    Shares of Foxconn International (FIH), the world's biggest contract maker of cellphones, fell 3.5 percent on Tuesday after it posted its worst-ever first-half net loss due to dismal orders.

    FIH on Monday blamed its poor earnings on sluggish orders from key clients such as Nokia as a global economic slowdown takes a toll.

    FIH warned uncertainties in global handset demand were dimming its outlook for the rest of the year and said management would focus on cutting costs in the handset sector, plagued by cut-throat price competition as vendors battle for market share.

    "Looking forward, challenging economic conditions around the world may continue to cast uncertainties in our business environment. The management team remains cautious over the future handset market conditions in 2012," FIH said.

    "Our key focus going ahead will be to do our best in controlling costs. We have a series of measures in place and one of them is to increase automation in certain parts of our production line," spokesman Vincent Tong added.

    FIH, whose parent Foxconn Technology Group helps assemble Apple's iPhones and iPads, reported a net loss of $226.07 million for the January-June period, starkly bigger than a $17.65 million loss a year earlier, it said in a statement.

    FIH itself does not make Apple products.

    That was FIH's widest first-half loss since it listed in 2005, executives said.

    The company, which does not post quarterly results, logged a first-half net loss for a fourth straight year with its latest results worse than a consensus forecast for a $38 million net loss, according to four analysts polled by Reuters.

    The company said the handset sector was hit by the European and global economic slowdown.

    "Tier-two (mobile phone) makers, such as HTC, LG Electronics or even Sony , are either struggling themselves or their ODM (original design manufacturer) orders are too small for Foxconn International," Laura Chen, an analyst with BNP Paribas in Taipei, said in a report before the earnings release.

    FIH issued a warning in April that its first-half loss would widen because of rising costs and keen price competition in the smartphone sector.

  22. #14392
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Japan Cuts Economic Assessment as BNP Says Contraction Looms
    By Andy Sharp and Keiko Ujikane - Aug 28, 2012 9:29 AM GMT+0800

    Japan’s government downgraded its assessment of the world’s third-biggest economy for the first time in 10 months as some analysts forecast that gross domestic product will shrink this quarter.

    Risks include a “further slowing down of overseas economies and sharp fluctuations in the financial and capital markets,” the Cabinet Office said in a monthly report released in Tokyo today. It cut an evaluation of the global economy.

    The government cut its view on personal consumption, home-building, exports, imports and industrial production, while raising its assessment of the labor market. The Bank of Japan (8301)next meets on Sept. 18 and 19 to review monetary policy, while global investors are awaiting an Aug. 31 speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke to gauge the outlook for stimulus in the world’s biggest economy.

    Europe’s debt crisis is having the effect of a body blow to Japan’s economy,” said Yoshimasa Maruyama, chief economist at Itochu Corp. (8001) in Tokyo. “Concerns over Japan’s economic outlook will probably build pressure on the BOJ to apply more monetary stimulus,” said Maruyama, who says the central bank could move in October.

    JPMorgan Securities Japan Co. forecasts a 0.3 percent annualized decline in gross domestic product in the three months through September, while BNP Paribas SA estimates a 0.9 percent fall. The median estimate in a Bloomerg News survey compiled this month was for 1 percent growth, partly supported by earthquake reconstruction work.

    The Nikkei 225 Stock Average fell 0.2 percent as of 10:20 a.m. in Tokyo. The yen gained 0.2 percent to 78.56 per dollar.

    Global Weakness

    Grappling with the world’s biggest public debt burden, Japan’s government is also at risk of a financing crunch.

    Finance Minister Jun Azumi said today that government funds may “dry up” up if a financing bill fails to pass in the upper house of parliament. “We’d have to consider how to save money while trying to avoid affecting Japanese people’s lives as much as possible,” he said.

    “The Japanese economy is on the way to recovery at a moderate pace, partly due to reconstruction demand, while some weak movements are seen recently,” the Cabinet Office said. The government lowered its economic evaluation of the U.S., Europe, China, the rest of Asia except India, and said Japan’s overseas shipments are “growing weaker.”

    European austerity measures, U.S. unemployment and China’s slowdown are weakening global demand. Japan’s bigger-than-forecast trade deficit in July and slowing economic growth in the second quarter highlighted pressure on the Bank of Japan and the government to add stimulus.

    In the labor market, there are “signs of improvement, although some severe aspects still remain,” the government said today. Japan’s unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage point to 4.3 percent in June, while the jobless rate for people aged 15 to 24 dropped 0.9 point to 7.4 percent.

    The government will work with the central bank to counter deflation, it said.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Andy Sharp in Tokyo at [email protected]; Keiko Ujikane in Tokyo at [email protected]

  23. #14393
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Why this week’s Federal Reserve meeting could “disappoint” the markets
    August 27th, 2012

    shout QE again, no action??....too many time, no more credibility....
    why QE?? because economy collapsing down....shout so many times, so economy is near collapsing now....
    QE already failed...from reality of this world today, we all can see.....from US to Europe to China to the whole world.....

    so print more, will crash harder.......just need 1 time, hope for QE & don't come, global economy die on the spot....this is like machine pump heart, 1 time stop pumping, die immediately...that is the state of global economy today.....
    pump is free?? need to pay few $10 trillion globally & everyone......
    time is free? then your kids alll kena hard..

  24. #14394
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    talk so much, market hardly blinks
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  25. #14395
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    With Vacation Over, Europe Is Back To Square Minus One: Merkel Backs Weidmann, Demands Federalist State


    Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann makes the cover of Der Spiegel, repeating his usual arguments against ECB purchases of sovereign debt.

    August 26th, 2012

    so merkel back weidmann.....against ECB purchase bond & debt....
    use your brain, wake up.....print=bubble as no economy activity.....bubble burst, debt & inflation still there, worth it??.....wait till spore property bubble burst...all will know, already too late by then.....our leader cannot see??....

    that is Japan today.....debt is so huge, cannot hike rate forever now....wait till Yen kena attack globally, they cannot hike rate to protect yen to appreciate....that is the end of Japan....coming....same to spore eventually..

    spore mortgage loan is super huge today compared to 1997, not debt?? can pay back??....wait till economy collapse...

  26. #14396
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by basically
    stupid 1 of your real time trade here?? dare not? nothing? yet shout at shame??.....balless rubbish moron.....hahaaaa...super useless rubbish.......

    my Euro short still in good profit now....I said last week, will sell ths week, most likely tomorrow, then wait for opportunty to short again.....

    said it yesterday & last Tues....take profit 1st....100 pips....

    will likely to short again in Thuts or fri....before jackson hole....if no QE3, Euro wll plunge dwn again......let see......

  27. #14397
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by seletar

    Japan Cuts Economic Assessment as BNP Says Contraction Looms
    By Andy Sharp and Keiko Ujikane - Aug 28, 2012 9:29 AM GMT+0800

    Japan’s government downgraded its assessment of the world’s third-biggest economy for the first time in 10 months as some analysts forecast that gross domestic product will shrink this quarter.

    Risks include a “further slowing down of overseas economies and sharp fluctuations in the financial and capital markets,” the Cabinet Office said in a monthly report released in Tokyo today. It cut an evaluation of the global economy.

    The government cut its view on personal consumption, home-building, exports, imports and industrial production, while raising its assessment of the labor market. The Bank of Japan (8301)next meets on Sept. 18 and 19 to review monetary policy, while global investors are awaiting an Aug. 31 speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke to gauge the outlook for stimulus in the world’s biggest economy.

    Europe’s debt crisis is having the effect of a body blow to Japan’s economy,” said Yoshimasa Maruyama, chief economist at Itochu Corp. (8001) in Tokyo. “Concerns over Japan’s economic outlook will probably build pressure on the BOJ to apply more monetary stimulus,” said Maruyama, who says the central bank could move in October.

    JPMorgan Securities Japan Co. forecasts a 0.3 percent annualized decline in gross domestic product in the three months through September, while BNP Paribas SA estimates a 0.9 percent fall. The median estimate in a Bloomerg News survey compiled this month was for 1 percent growth, partly supported by earthquake reconstruction work.

    The Nikkei 225 Stock Average fell 0.2 percent as of 10:20 a.m. in Tokyo. The yen gained 0.2 percent to 78.56 per dollar.

    Global Weakness

    Grappling with the world’s biggest public debt burden, Japan’s government is also at risk of a financing crunch.

    Finance Minister Jun Azumi said today that government funds may “dry up” up if a financing bill fails to pass in the upper house of parliament. “We’d have to consider how to save money while trying to avoid affecting Japanese people’s lives as much as possible,” he said.

    “The Japanese economy is on the way to recovery at a moderate pace, partly due to reconstruction demand, while some weak movements are seen recently,” the Cabinet Office said. The government lowered its economic evaluation of the U.S., Europe, China, the rest of Asia except India, and said Japan’s overseas shipments are “growing weaker.”

    European austerity measures, U.S. unemployment and China’s slowdown are weakening global demand. Japan’s bigger-than-forecast trade deficit in July and slowing economic growth in the second quarter highlighted pressure on the Bank of Japan and the government to add stimulus.

    In the labor market, there are “signs of improvement, although some severe aspects still remain,” the government said today. Japan’s unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage point to 4.3 percent in June, while the jobless rate for people aged 15 to 24 dropped 0.9 point to 7.4 percent.

    The government will work with the central bank to counter deflation, it said.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Andy Sharp in Tokyo at [email protected]; Keiko Ujikane in Tokyo at [email protected]

    Counter Revolt In Germany: Gagging “Hardliners” As the Economy Tanks And Future Exports Drop Into The Red Zone
    August 27th, 2012

    everybody is tanking....from US to Europe to China to Spore....all will tank super hard moving forward.......
    Germany also sinking fast now.....
    confidence sink to bottomless bottom now....

    cut jobs, huge retrenchment come fast....cut bottomline fast before cash flow dry up & up lorry......bankrupt......
    banks still loan out....then don't ask for bailout later......warning already given yrs ago.....
    >50% of global banks will bankrupt in next 1-3 yrs time.....

  28. #14398
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by phantom_opera
    talk so much, market hardly blinks
    Not yet...

  29. #14399
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by cnud
    Not yet...
    Not yet for years already ... irrational behavior can last long enough for Mr B to pay 1 million for rent
    Ride at your own risk !!!

  30. #14400
    Join Date
    May 2012


    China stocks fall on fears of deepening slowdown

    Grace Ng
    The Straits Times
    Publication Date : 28-08-2012

    A sharp drop in exports and industrial growth last month has fuelled fears that China's economic slump is deepening, raising pressure on Beijing to engineer a recovery ahead of a top leadership transition taking place in the coming weeks.

    China's stocks plunged the deepest in six weeks yesterday after its key industrial sector saw profits continue to drop for the fourth straight month, in July.

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index sank 1.7 per cent to 2,055.71 at the close, the lowest level since Feb 2, 2009. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index of Chinese companies traded in Hong Kong fell 1.5 per cent.

    Combined income of Chinese firms fell 5.4 per cent last month from last year after falling 1.7 per cent in June, official data showed.

    This was the latest bad news to hit the world's No. 2 economy after factory output and loans growth fell below expectations.

    "We should take targeted steps to stabilise growth," Premier Wen Jiabao said during an inspection tour of the southern exporting hub of Guangdong, Xinhua news agency reported last Saturday.

    He pledged more government support for Chinese exporters, after overseas sales grew just 1 per cent last month, after rising 11.3 per cent in June. This came as orders dried up, with China's top trading partners, the European Union and the United States, still mired in economic uncertainty.

    "The latest China data flow suggests that global headwinds are much stronger than anticipated," said HSBC economists in a report yesterday explaining why they were forced to lower their gross domestic product forecast this year to 8 per cent - the lowest level since 1999 - from 8.4 per cent.

    They follow two other analysts who cut forecasts this month to as low as 7.7 per cent.

    The bleaker-than-expected global environment has been blamed for the difficulty faced by Chinese businesses in turning the corner.

    China's slowdown, which has lasted for six straight quarters, was expected by many to bottom out by the middle of this year.

    But exports are still depressed, so "hopes are now pinned on a recovery in the third quarter", noted Guangdong-based professor Xiao Yufei. The months leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually stronger ones for exports due to seasonal demand for electronics, toys and other goods.

    "The third quarter is a crucial period for realising full-year targets on export growth (of 10 per cent)," Mr Wen had said, promising state support such as expanding export credit insurance. But he did not mention yuan policies.
    China's currency has dropped about 1 per cent against the greenback this year, after rising 4.7 per cent last year.

    While some Chinese exporters are eager for the yuan to weaken, Beijing fears this may spark capital outflows and destabilise the economy. It also wants to avoid tit-for-tat devaluations from trading partners, so it is likely to stick to preventing sharp hikes.

    Still, analysts pointed out that Beijing is constrained in how it can help exporters as it has little control over global demand.

    "Premier Wen's speech is perhaps more significant for its symbolic meaning, to boost confidence in the Chinese economy," said International Business and Economics University professor Li Shimin.

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