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Thread: Opposition wards HDB prices.. interesting..

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    mabe we shd do a profile and background check on those who make complaints

    just to disturb u: y demand increase so much? y in 2008(recession period), nobody complain they cant get bto flats.....y only now? u mean SG suddenly got many ppl eligible to get a bto flat? y suddenly so many yng couples wana get married?
    Indeed in 2008, City View had many unsold BTO flats... Now, when economy picks up, more people dare to get married??? Hahaha!!! Then the complaint was not about not enough BTO but why BTO is so expensive!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    mabe we shd do a profile and background check on those who make complaints

    just to disturb u: y demand increase so much? y in 2008(recession period), nobody complain they cant get bto flats.....y only now? u mean SG suddenly got many ppl eligible to get a bto flat? y suddenly so many yng couples wana get married?
    You are good and combative in your arguments , of course with substance lah.

    Btw kay poh a bit, are u graduate in political science?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Indeed in 2008, City View had many unsold BTO flats... Now, when economy picks up, more people dare to get married??? Hahaha!!! Then the complaint was not about not enough BTO but why BTO is so expensive!
    haiz....i am getting sick of this election liao....haha

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    haiz....i am getting sick of this election liao....haha
    Hang on... another 2 days and you'll be through!!!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Hang on... another 2 days and you'll be through!!!
    and your archfoe will go on vacation

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Having said that, I'd also agree that most who complain are those who can afford but borrowing the voices of those who can't afford to make their point!!! Hahahaha!
    and these bunch are dominant in the new media. car forum, hardwarezone, etc.
    "why can't I get 1st world salary ?"

    "why u hire FT not me ? u want cheap labor you can always relocate your business to china/india/vietnam..."

    anyway it's almost over... pty business so quiet now.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    these ppl can somehow link any of their unhappiness to PAP...hehe....

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    these ppl can somehow link any of their unhappiness to PAP...hehe....
    and anything against the pappies you can somehow defend...hehe....

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by mantrix
    and anything against the pappies you can somehow defend...hehe....
    dun flame me...i am just a newbie...haha

    btw, i am against losers and those who like to complaint

    and dun ask me why.... i duno wat to say...stomp feet

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    is all PAP fault that...
    1) i have to pay tax becos U PUT DOWN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE N KEEP ME EMPLOYED
    2) i have to pay extra tax becos U MAKE ECONOMY GROW SO MUCH AND MAKE ME COLLECT SO MUCH BONUS
    3) i was caught in traffic jan becos U LET ME HAVE EXTRA $ TO BUY CAR
    4) i have to queue up in the restaurant becos I HAVE EXTRA $ TO SPEND
    6) i have to squeeze in the MRT with policeman patroling becos U WANT HIGH SECURITY

    how i wish Opp are in charge so i do not have such frustration!!! all PAP fault!!!

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    i am super anti hypocrites too

    look down on those who tok machiam like so noble and holy saint....just making me puke

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i am super anti hypocrites too

    look down on those who tok machiam like so noble and holy saint....just making me puke
    if so holy and saint they should go in the mountain and gain more enlightenment. why bother abt this dirty world

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    It is not about holiness, it is about growing up. Opposition members have grown up and don't need daddy to tell them how to lead their lives. Guys like you still need to be taken care of by daddy and mummy
    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    if so holy and saint they should go in the mountain and gain more enlightenment. why bother abt this dirty world

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    i am super anti hypocrites too

    look down on those who tok machiam like so noble and holy saint....just making me puke
    But of course.... you are the devil from Singapore Devil Party!!!

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Very funny, when people want to buy ppty, they hope that ppty will drop but when they want to sell, they hope that ppty will go up, so should the ppty go up or down?

    Most of our commodities are imported, so if the other countries increase their prices (maybe due to the weather), definitely it will affect our imported price and hence this increase will pass on to the consumers. Can our govt control the price of the other countries or control the weather?

    When Govt increases the GST by 2% (5% to 7%), the food stalls will increase by more than 10%, can the govt set a limit that they must also increase by 2% only? Moreover, some of suppliers can claim back the GST from the govt, so in actual fact is there a necessity to increase the prices? I feel that some of them are just taking this opportunities to increase their profit.

    Our Singapore traffic jam only happens during peak hours in the morning and evening when people are going or coming back from work or when there is an accident. Other countries don't see the time for the traffic jam. When the red light is on, the cars can still move on ignoring the red light thus causing the other side to jam and this happens near the police station. In the end, the policeman has to come out to direct the traffic, so what is the use of having the traffic light?

    Of course, everybody wants a good wages but if a minimum wage is set too high, can the companies able to follow likewise. Some companies might think that since the labour cost is so high here, why not move to other places where the labour cost is lower, so will this affect our economy and cause unemployment again?

    With so many years of ruling the countries by the govt, Singapore can be considered as one of the reputable country. We live in peace with low crime rate. Everywhere, there are sure to have many unhappiness events happens, it is matter of give and take, we must see what is more important and what is not. Govt cannot please everybody just like some of the family, if you please your wife, your mother might get angry and
    vice versa.

    More important is the stability and peace of the country. I don't think Singaporean like to see the scene that there are always arguments in the Parliament because of so many conflicts.

    Sometimes is very easy to say, but when really put into action, how many people can do it. My friend told me that previously the opposition had promised them to do certain things but within the 5 years, nothing had been done, so during the next election, they choose the PAP back.

    So think carefully, see what is more important to you and what you want "them" to do for your constituency.

    When economy is bad, not much opposition coming in but now when the economy is good, so many opposition coming in, what is the reason behind? Make a guess!
    Last edited by sing; 06-05-11 at 09:10.

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    today i heard a comment on why the transport companies cannot lower prices and insisting in making profit...

    I am wondering the employees of the transport companies can do without bonus and AWS or not

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sing
    Govt cannot please everybody just like some of the family, if you please your wife, your mother might get angry and
    vice versa.

    More important is the stability and peace of the country. I don't think Singaporean like to see the scene that there are always arguments in the Parliament because of so many conflicts.

    Sometimes is very easy to say, but when really put into action, how many people can do it. My friend told me that previously the opposition had promised them to do certain things but within the 5 years, nothing had been done, so during the next election, they choose the PAP back.

    So think carefully, see what is more important to you and what you want "them" to do for your constituency.

    When economy is bad, not much opposition coming in but now when the economy is good, so many opposition coming in, what is the reason behind? Make a guess!
    So our govt is just like the govt of most other countries who cannot please everybody so we voters just accept it? Then if they are no difference from other countries, why bother to pay them the highest ministerial salary in the world. Just give them a peanut will be enough!!! They dare to draw the high pay but offer no solutions to our concerns???
    Agreed on your friend's example though. If opp don't deliver promise, vote them out! If PAP don't deliver promise, vote them out. We reserve our rights as citizens in a democratic country to have the political party who can deliver their promises for the betterment and good of the people. On the back of 52 years (golden anniversary) of hard work by our ministers and MPs (mostly PAP; must give them credit too!!! ), Singapore need not fear that we'll regress to the national scene back in 1959 and voting is probably the loudest voice we as citizens can have in this system. Yes vote wisely!!!

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Everybody want good bonus, good salary, cheap food and don't want ppty to rise and complain too many foreigners, where to get the money and cheap labour? Singapore is lack of resources.

    Maybe govt shouldn't give out the money to the Singaporean, they should use it to subsidize transport, medical and food. Anyway, some Singaporeans also use this money to go for travel or buy somethings that they previously have no money to buy. How many of them will use it on food?
    Last edited by sing; 06-05-11 at 09:34.

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sing
    Everybody want good bonus, good salary, cheap food and don't want ppty to rise and complain too many foreigners, where to get the money and cheap labour? Singapore is lack of resources.

    Maybe govt shouldn't give out the money to the Singaporean, they should use it to subsidize transport, medical and food. Anyway, some Singaporeans also use this money to go for travel or buy somethings that they previously have no money to buy. How many of them will use it on food?
    some may say u r a PAP lackey

    however, i tink we belong to the same group...we r realist and we will vote for our long term future

    i suspect wenqing wana more excitement towards his end of his life.....since if everything Falls(instead of minor cracks), dun really affect him much since he oredi one step onto the coffin liao

    short term happiness will be shortlived and u cannot even shyt peacefully

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by sing
    Everybody want good bonus, good salary, cheap food and don't want ppty to rise and complain too many foreigners, where to get the money and cheap labour? Singapore is lack of resources.

    Maybe govt shouldn't give out the money to the Singaporean, they should use it to subsidize transport, medical and food. Anyway, some Singaporeans also use this money to go for travel or buy somethings that they previously have no money to buy. How many of them will use it on food?
    Give money is to get votes for tomorrow... maybe just give less cash then use the remaining cash and top up some more on transport, medical, childcare and food... agreed agreed agreed!

  21. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Give money is to get votes for tomorrow... maybe just give less cash then use the remaining cash and top up some more on transport, medical, childcare and food... agreed agreed agreed!
    ppl like regulator oredi feels the money is PEANUT

    $1 is still money to me....feel insulted by the small peanut u received? pls tx to my POSB acct

  22. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    yesterday news showed a speech by Opp candidate (think is reform party). he said if u vote me in he promise to deliver a 5 yrs plan within 100 days. really joker!! it means tat they do not have any plan on hand and don even bother to crack their mind to come out with something to show. they will only do it if they are voted in. can u trust a 5 yr plan tat is going to be done in 100 days??? either they are super smart or they are "ROJAK". looking at them.....they seem t belong to the latter

  23. #83
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    yesterday news showed a speech by Opp candidate (think is reform party). he said if u vote me in he promise to deliver a 5 yrs plan within 100 days. really joker!! it means tat they do not have any plan on hand and don even bother to crack their mind to come out with something to show. they will only do it if they are voted in. can u trust a 5 yr plan tat is going to be done in 100 days??? either they are super smart or they are "ROJAK". looking at them.....they seem t belong to the latter
    tats y we nid a cooling day

  24. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    ppl like regulator oredi feels the money is PEANUT
    becos his easy money come from parents' hard earned, sweat, blood, slog like hell, money. he just sit there collect mah. so is easy peanut to him

  25. #85
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    ppl like regulator oredi feels the money is PEANUT

    $1 is still money to me....feel insulted by the small peanut u received? pls tx to my POSB acct
    Our SM and wife share the same sentiments!!! Remember $600 000 is peanut???

  26. #86
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default First World Salaries

    Got this from:

    MBT salary is S$2.7mil....

    Top 30 highest paid politicians in the world and they are all from Singapore (All amounts exclude bonuses):

    1. Elected President SR Nathan - S$3.9 million.
    2. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong - S$3.8 million.
    3. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew - S$3.5 million.
    4. Senior Minister Goh Chok Thong - S$3.5 million.
    5. Senior Minister Prof Jayakumar - S$3.2 million.
    6. DPM & Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng - S$2.9 million.
    7. DPM & Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean - $2.9 million.
    8. Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo - S$2.8 million.
    9. National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan - S$2.7 million.
    10. PMO Minister Lim Boon Heng - S$2.7 million.
    11. Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang - S$2.7 million.
    12. PMO Minister Lim Swee Say - S$2.6 million.
    13. Environment Minister & Muslim Affairs Minister Dr Yaccob Ibrahim - S$2.6million.
    14. Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan - S$2.6 million.
    15. Finance Minister S Tharman - S$2.6 million.
    16. Education Minister & 2nd Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen - S$2.6 million.
    17. Community Development Youth and Sports Minister - Dr Vivian Balakrishnan - S$2.5 million.
    18. Transport Minister & 2nd Minister for Foreign Affairs Raymond Lim Siang Kiat - S$2.5 million.
    19. Law Minister & 2nd Minister for Home Affairs K Shanmugam - S$2.4million.
    20. Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong - S$2.2 million.
    21. PMO Minister Lim Hwee Hwa - S$2.2 million.
    22. Acting ICA Minister - Lui Tuck Yew - S$2.0 million.
    23 to 30 = Senior Ministers of State and Ministers of State - each getting between S$1.8 million to S$1.5 million.

    Compared to other Countries' Leaders:
    Donald Tsang Yum-Kuen - Hong Kong (S$716k)
    Barack Obama - United States (S$555k)
    Nicolas Sarkozy - France (S$441k)
    Angela Merkel - Germany (S$420k)
    Gordon Brown - UK (S$387k)
    Taro Aso - Japan (S$337k)

    Total of all 6: S$2,856,000 "

  27. #87
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    yesterday news showed a speech by Opp candidate (think is reform party). he said if u vote me in he promise to deliver a 5 yrs plan within 100 days. really joker!! it means tat they do not have any plan on hand and don even bother to crack their mind to come out with something to show. they will only do it if they are voted in. can u trust a 5 yr plan tat is going to be done in 100 days??? either they are super smart or they are "ROJAK". looking at them.....they seem t belong to the latter
    Don't even bother to look at RP or any other opp. Only 2 opp deserve much more attention coz they have track record to prove already!!! Maybe must vote the other opp in to see if they can hold a decent track record for us to discuss during next election???

  28. #88
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Our SM and wife share the same sentiments!!! Remember $600 000 is peanut???
    yeah! see la...we love to count peanuts!

  29. #89
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    Got this from:

    MBT salary is S$2.7mil....

    Top 30 highest paid politicians in the world and they are all from Singapore (All amounts exclude bonuses):

    1. Elected President SR Nathan - S$3.9 million.
    2. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong - S$3.8 million.
    3. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew - S$3.5 million.
    4. Senior Minister Goh Chok Thong - S$3.5 million.
    5. Senior Minister Prof Jayakumar - S$3.2 million.
    6. DPM & Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng - S$2.9 million.
    7. DPM & Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean - $2.9 million.
    8. Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo - S$2.8 million.
    9. National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan - S$2.7 million.
    10. PMO Minister Lim Boon Heng - S$2.7 million.
    11. Trade and Industry Minister Lim Hng Kiang - S$2.7 million.
    12. PMO Minister Lim Swee Say - S$2.6 million.
    13. Environment Minister & Muslim Affairs Minister Dr Yaccob Ibrahim - S$2.6million.
    14. Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan - S$2.6 million.
    15. Finance Minister S Tharman - S$2.6 million.
    16. Education Minister & 2nd Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen - S$2.6 million.
    17. Community Development Youth and Sports Minister - Dr Vivian Balakrishnan - S$2.5 million.
    18. Transport Minister & 2nd Minister for Foreign Affairs Raymond Lim Siang Kiat - S$2.5 million.
    19. Law Minister & 2nd Minister for Home Affairs K Shanmugam - S$2.4million.
    20. Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong - S$2.2 million.
    21. PMO Minister Lim Hwee Hwa - S$2.2 million.
    22. Acting ICA Minister - Lui Tuck Yew - S$2.0 million.
    23 to 30 = Senior Ministers of State and Ministers of State - each getting between S$1.8 million to S$1.5 million.

    Compared to other Countries' Leaders:
    Donald Tsang Yum-Kuen - Hong Kong (S$716k)
    Barack Obama - United States (S$555k)
    Nicolas Sarkozy - France (S$441k)
    Angela Merkel - Germany (S$420k)
    Gordon Brown - UK (S$387k)
    Taro Aso - Japan (S$337k)

    Total of all 6: S$2,856,000 "
    At $2.7m, of course HDB is dirt cheap affordable lah!!! Give him $2.70 a year see if HDB is still affordable!!! Now I'm really disgusted at the minister's pay!!! . Don't shoot me... I'm just borrowing the voices of the poor to further their cause!!!

  30. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Don't even bother to look at RP or any other opp. Only 2 opp deserve much more attention coz they have track record to prove already!!! Maybe must vote the other opp in to see if they can hold a decent track record for us to discuss during next election???
    i am skeptical....

    let say aljunied grc taken over by WP....

    they made mistakes.....but they aso can point out PAP's mistakes....

    i mean its always much easier to find fault with ruling party isnt it....

    so conclusion?

    i seriously doubt their true intention of just being an alternative voice.....they want an eventual takeover

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