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Thread: Why Hougang flats' value is lower

  1. #1
    mr funny is offline Any complaints please PM me
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    Default Why Hougang flats' value is lower

    Apr 30, 2011

    GE 2011

    Why Hougang flats' value is lower

    By Chang Ai-Lien, Senior Correspondent

    HOMES in Hougang (below) cost less than similar ones in neighbouring areas because they belong to an opposition ward, said Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew last night.

    'If you have the wrong government, your property prices go right down,' he warned.

    'Ask why in Hougang the property prices are not as high as their neighbours'.'

    He added: 'If Singaporeans are that fickle, they will have to pay a price, the hard way.'

    Hougang has been held by the Workers' Party since 1991. Its incumbent MP, Mr Low Thia Khiang, has left it to his protege Yaw Shin Leong to defend the seat as he leads his party's charge to capture Aljunied GRC in this election.

    Mr Lee was speaking to reporters after visiting Tampines, where he was showing his support to the People's Action Party (PAP) team in that GRC.

    Housing has emerged as a hot-button issue in this election, with opposition parties taking the Government to task over escalating costs and offering alternative housing proposals such as reducing new flat prices by paying less for state land, or pegging the price of new Housing Board (HDB) flats to median household incomes.

    Though prices of HDB flats have risen over the past few years, the Government has said that new HDB flats remain affordable, with most buyers needing to come up with little or no cash to pay for their homes. For example, last year, eight in 10 couples who bought new flats used a quarter or less of their salaries to service their home loans, with the rest of it coming from their Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions.

    National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan gave these numbers last weekend in the continuing war of words with the opposition over the affordability of housing.

    Asked about the opposition's claims, Mr Lee noted that the value of Singaporeans' flats had grown over the years.

    In creating public housing for 85 per cent of the population, he said the Government had given people a valuable asset which was guaranteed to make them money.

    'Where else in the world has the government produced homes for every family, except those who buy private property?' he asked.

    'You cannot lose, because we're regularly renewing, upgrading, making lifts stop on every floor, and generally refurbishing because we want everybody's property to go up in value.'

    The strategy of having people own their own homes was born in the 1960s, said MM Lee, when the Government saw home rentals going up in tandem with wages in places such as South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Since many people there did not own their own homes, they decorated their cars instead, treating them like homes.

    'But they are valueless after three, four years,' he said.

    'Here, you own a home.'

  2. #2
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    Nov 2010


    Every elections, PAP compare property prices between Opposition and PAP areas but this tactic did not work as seen by the elections results at Opposition areas for past 27 and 20 years.

    This is because Singaporeans are smarter than fearmongering and threats.

    Location of property determinds the price, not politics.

    When a run down 4 room 40 years old flat at Bras Basah can sell for $650,000, you know location determinds everything and prices are crazy.

    PAP should show some data to back up PAP statement. We had gone through this debate in previous thread.

    Property websites had shown Opposition areas property price are as high as PAP areas in same vicinities.

    Opposition property values are even higher than PAP areas in different vicinities.

    Property websites had proved PAP statements to be untrue and whatever PAP say now has no credibility anymore.

    PAP are doing their usual election fearmongering and threats again thats all.

    PAP no longer win votes by earning voters trust and voters affection using their ability.

    If you observe, PAP is using more threats and fearmongering as before.

    PAP hardly talk about Singapore policies and plans for next 5 years to win votes.

    The vote will have little value if Singaporeans need to vote thinking about property value only.

    It will be very sad.

    If invasion happens, enemy promises not to hurt property value and property, will Singaporeans also surrender and switch sides ?

    Really sad.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2010


    Personally, PAP has a hand in why these opposition flats in Hougang is such. Of course, one would argue market forces determine price but why it is this way?That' s becos we all know by now flats in opposition will be of last priority to get any form of upgrading....., many in the lower middle or lower income are fed up of hearing this at each and every election, most have grown immune now, friends of mine in KOPI Tiam talk is that this election, they will vote decisively. Just now, a friend of mine working in statutory board told me that his colleagues ask him if they can actualy vote for opposition- they are fearful that they will be "marked" and stagnate in their careeer...Truely, many working for government do not dare to vote freely, they still link Government = PAP.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    Personally, PAP has a hand in why these opposition flats in Hougang is such. Of course, one would argue market forces determine price but why it is this way?That' s becos we all know by now flats in opposition will be of last priority to get any form of upgrading....., many in the lower middle or lower income are fed up of hearing this at each and every election, most have grown immune now, friends of mine in KOPI Tiam talk is that this election, they will vote decisively. Just now, a friend of mine working in statutory board told me that his colleagues ask him if they can actualy vote for opposition- they are fearful that they will be "marked" and stagnate in their careeer...Truely, many working for government do not dare to vote freely, they still link Government = PAP.
    Your story is very sad for Singapore and its future growth.

    You should tell you friend to go ahead and vote Opposition because vote is secret and I had many civil service friends and grassroots friends voted Opposition and nothing happen to them and they still get promoted.

    It is just Urban Legend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Vote Opposition! Vote for lower property prices!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    vote for 5-82!

  7. #7
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    vote for 5-82!
    I am just a geylang okt!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by land118
    Personally, PAP has a hand in why these opposition flats in Hougang is such. Of course, one would argue market forces determine price but why it is this way?That' s becos we all know by now flats in opposition will be of last priority to get any form of upgrading.....
    Thank you for telling someone indirectly the fact, that indeed HDBs in opposition wards are depressed. Even though i know tis wasn't ur intention.

    And i agree with you on the cause. There is nothing secret about it. Politics is of course dirty. Why should i make life easy for opposition ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    If Hougang flat prices indeed low, then all those noise-makers who say that flats are expensive for first time buyers just move to hougang lor.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by amk
    Thank you for telling someone indirectly the fact, that indeed HDBs in opposition wards are depressed. Even though i know tis wasn't ur intention.

    And i agree with you on the cause. There is nothing secret about it. Politics is of course dirty. Why should i make life easy for opposition ?
    Politics is dirty is poor excuse to cause bad precedents for future governments to follow.

    Government has the duty and power to set things right for Singapore and not just for PAP.

    Did not PAP want inclusiveness yet they practise such divisive tactics and encouraging development of weak Singapore characters.

    With your logic,you are saying it is normal rob a poor neighbour's house if you are rich and powerful and it is no crime.

    Then we should see constant world wars instigated by rich and powerful nations stamping all over poorer and smaller nations.

    Then I guess for you, it is fine for our bigger neighbours to invade us, rape and kill the people and not make things easy for Singaporeans without regard to international law.

    It is normal for stronger gangsters to bully weaker people on the streets.

    We do not need laws, police or even government anymore. Life is unfair anyway so why bother.

    Sad to see a Singaporean to have such views.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    If Hougang flat prices indeed low, then all those noise-makers who say that flats are expensive for first time buyers just move to hougang lor.
    den this will move up the prices in hougang.. den y hougang prices high, becoz opp ward mah

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    i checked the caveats for hougang flats, there is nothing to indicate the prices are lower than other estates. In fact, bukit panjang under PAP has 5 room flats costing 3xxk while hougang's cheapest 5 room flats cost 4xxk. Who came out with the idea that hougang flats are cheaper than elsewhere?

    Quote Originally Posted by romeo
    den this will move up the prices in hougang.. den y hougang prices high, becoz opp ward mah

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    i checked the caveats for hougang flats, there is nothing to indicate the prices are lower than other estates. In fact, bukit panjang under PAP has 5 room flats costing 3xxk while hougang's cheapest 5 room flats cost 4xxk. Who came out with the idea that hougang flats are cheaper than elsewhere?
    the most used word in these few weeks leading to polling day: fear-mongering

    now my only fear is 87-0..
    this to me will be darkest day in singapore history n politics

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Opposition wards HDB prices.. interesting..

    I got this interesting facts from another source..

    i am find it strange pap keep harping vote in WP will result in HDB price to fall. But if want look at the HDB records on the HDB website, one can see HDB flats in Hougang Ave 5 which is the heart of Hougang SMC, the prices of the 4room flats that transacted there are not much different from Hougang Ave 8 which was run by georgie aljunied grc. The prices for the last 12 months are as follow:

    Hougang Ave 5 3rm flat : ranging from $245K to $330K (WP)

    Hougang Ave 8 3rm flat : ranging from $220K to $326K (PAP)

    Hougang Ave 5 4rm flat : ranging from $305K to $420K (WP)

    Hougang Ave 8 4rm flat : ranging from $290K to $420K (PAP)

    Hougang Ave 5 5rm flat : ranging from $340K to $527K (WP)

    Hougang Ave 8 5rm flat : ranging from $390K to $496K (PAP)

    looking at the above figure, i fail to comprehen how did PAP come up with the logic that WP run hougang HDB flat worth less than the same across the road in the PAP run estate.

    The figure above are not bull****, all taken from HDB resale e-service. On the whole, WP's Hougang worth more than PAP's Hougang. In fact, i use Hougang Ave 8 as comparsion place hougang ave 5 at a disadvantage as Hougang Ave 5 were built in 1983 while Ave 8 were built in 1986, some even in 1992.

    So can PAP explain why people are paying more to buy a older flat in a "slum" while pay less for the newer flat in a "world clas estate" run by the PAP?

    feel free to click on the link to check, all the figures are from HDB website.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    We are also paying taxes. CAn WP do anything to ensure that Opp GRC gets enough funds for upgrading just like the PAP GRC? It is so unfair. If this continues, who dare to vote the opp? Seeing that their flat and neigbourhood has no chance of upgrading while other areas are getting newer and nicer? One day sure cannot take it and vote PAP.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    We are also paying taxes. CAn WP do anything to ensure that Opp GRC gets enough funds for upgrading just like the PAP GRC? It is so unfair. If this continues, who dare to vote the opp? Seeing that their flat and neigbourhood has no chance of upgrading while other areas are getting newer and nicer? One day sure cannot take it and vote PAP.
    actually i find hougang quite ok....only PP damn jialat.....mabe they see CST old old can bully?

  17. #17
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    Apr 2010


    actually hougang got HG Mall....

    PP dun even hf a NTUC? LOL

    condos in PP more expensive den simei condos but their HDB px in fact is slightly lower den simei HDB.....why? tink about it?

  18. #18
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    Apr 2010


    ever wonder y pinnacle @duxton is not located at potong pasir or hougang....y ? or rather not even happening in Tamp whr MBT is? LOL

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    So we should vote for opposition and also no taxes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Montaigne
    We are also paying taxes. CAn WP do anything to ensure that Opp GRC gets enough funds for upgrading just like the PAP GRC? It is so unfair. If this continues, who dare to vote the opp? Seeing that their flat and neigbourhood has no chance of upgrading while other areas are getting newer and nicer? One day sure cannot take it and vote PAP.

  20. #20
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sleek
    So we should vote for opposition and also no taxes!
    wait u all goto throw ur own rubbish.....fetch ur own water from well....LOL

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008


    good wat, WP is providing affordable housing in hougang.

    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    If Hougang flat prices indeed low, then all those noise-makers who say that flats are expensive for first time buyers just move to hougang lor.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Best for hdb to locate their first landmark iconic project in the central, later projects can go to the heartlands
    Quote Originally Posted by devilplate
    ever wonder y pinnacle @duxton is not located at potong pasir or hougang....y ? or rather not even happening in Tamp whr MBT is? LOL

  23. #23
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    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    Best for hdb to locate their first landmark iconic project in the central, later projects can go to the heartlands
    ya rite....

    again every1 entitled to their opinion

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I thought property prices varies with location. I am not surprise Hougang is a better location than Bukit Panjang. But well with the injection of more new projects at lo10 mile junction and hillview areas with FEO coming in, price of HDB will move up around bukit panjang plaza.
    Quote Originally Posted by Regulators
    i checked the caveats for hougang flats, there is nothing to indicate the prices are lower than other estates. In fact, bukit panjang under PAP has 5 room flats costing 3xxk while hougang's cheapest 5 room flats cost 4xxk. Who came out with the idea that hougang flats are cheaper than elsewhere?

  25. #25
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    Nov 2010


    Opposition wards achieve more with less

    By Gerald Giam
    4 July 2010 | 4,282 Reads | 9 Comments | Print | Email

    The Straits Times carried a commentary by one of its journalists today criticizing the Government’s handling of the Town Council Management Report (TCMR). The journalist gave the Government “at best an E -” grade for “effort”. In other words, the Government failed miserably. (In the ‘O’ levels, a ‘D’ is already a failing grade.)

    My 13 June blog post, Underwhelmed by town council report, was quoted in the ST article:
    Workers’ Party member Gerald Giam wrote on his blog: ‘Why does the MND suddenly feel the urge to tell residents what they should think of their town councils, and by extension, their MPs?
    ‘Residents are personally affected by their town council’s performance. If they feel that their MPs are not performing, they would have voted them out long ago.’
    – “Perception of bias dents report’s credibility”, Straits Times, 3 July 2010.
    Accompanying the ST article were two charts derived from the town council annual reports and the Government Budget Book. The first one compared the government grants for all 16 town councils:

    It’s a no-brainer to identify the two opposition wards, Hougang and Potong Pasir. Their grants are dwarfed by the other town councils.

    Even taking into account the smaller size of their wards, the opposition wards still receive far less per resident. Notice in the diagram that the two opposition wards are given no funds at all for “town improvements” via Community Improvement Programme (CIP), whereas all the PAP wards have generous amounts of CIP funds lavished on them.

    These are channelled through the Citizens’ Consultative Committees (CCCs), another taxpayer-funded grassroot outfit widely recognised as being aligned to the PAP.

    Let’s take a look at the next table:

    This is another jaw-dropper. In total since the last election in 2006, the Government has splurged almost $3 billion on various “national” upgrading programmes. As far as I am aware, none of these funds are shared with opposition wards.

    This is pork barrel politics at its worst. (Wikipedia defines pork barrel politics as “spending that is intended to benefit constituents of a politician in return for their political support”.)

    Where are the “slums”?

    Given this obscene disparity in funding, one would expect Hougang and Potong Pasir to be real dumps compared to PAP wards. (Goh Chok Tong predicted on the eve of the 1997 polls that they would become “slums”.)

    However, this is clearly not the case. Even the Straits Times, referencing the town council report, acknowledged that “the opposition councils were…on a par with their PAP peers on most other indicators, such as cleanliness and lift performance“.

    (Keep in mind that the town council report very conveniently excluded management of sinking funds as a measure of the town councils’ performance.

    This is an area that most of the PAP town councils would have fared very poorly in, but one in which opposition wards would have excelled.)

    In fact, even putting aside the facts and figures, Singaporeans living in other wards should take a trip down to Potong Pasir or Hougang to see those wards for themselves. While there is an absence of outlandish sculptures or expensive artificial landmarks like those found in some PAP wards, the improvements that genuinely benefit residents have been made.

    For example, in Potong Pasir, the town council headed by Chiam See Tong built a walkway linking the MRT station to the housing estate, all from its own funds. Hougang MP Low Thia Khiang used $500,000 of his town council’s funds to upgrade the lifts in several blocks on Hougang Avenue 3 and 7.

    This is unheard of in PAP wards. PAP town councils have to co-pay a mere fraction of the lift upgrading costs, with the bulk of it being borne by the Government. (In another sickening act, just seven years later, the HDB demolished those upgraded blocks, while refusing to reimburse Hougang Town Council the costs for the unexpired cyclical period.)

    Blocks in Hougang have also been spruced up and renovated, to the extent that some of the lift lobbies look almost like those in private condos. An example is shown in this photo below that was taken from the Straits Times today.

    Ultimately, the best judges of the town councils’ performance are residents themselves.

    Chiam See Tong has been re-elected five times and Low Thia Khiang has been re-elected three times since they first won their seats in 1984 and 1991 respectively. Chiam has been in office longer than any other PAP backbencher.

    All this is proof that the two opposition town councils have done exceptionally well, even with less funding and a host of factors stacked against them.

    Residents in PAP wards should talk to their friends and family in Hougang and Potong Pasir and discover for themselves that decent opposition politicians can do a good job in running their wards, if given the opportunity.

  26. #26
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    Given all conditions and funding not as equal, Chiam See Tong and Low Thia Khiang already perform better as MPs than most of the PAP MPs in managing the estates.

    What if all things equal.

  27. #27
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    What Chiam CT and Low TK built up in PP and Hougang is more than just buildings. They've built hearts which dares to make a difference and are not satisfied with status quo, hearts that dare to venture.

  28. #28
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    What Chiam CT and Low TK built up in PP and Hougang is more than just buildings. They've built hearts which dares to make a difference and are not satisfied with status quo, hearts that dare to venture.
    Chiam and Low also build the Singapore character and resilience which is in line with SAF creed and Defence creed I suppose.

  30. #30
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    Politics is dirty is poor excuse to cause bad precedents for future governments to follow.

    Government has the duty and power to set things right for Singapore and not just for PAP.

    Did not PAP want inclusiveness yet they practise such divisive tactics and encouraging development of weak Singapore characters.

    It is normal for stronger gangsters to bully weaker people on the streets.

    We do not need laws, police or even government anymore. Life is unfair anyway so why bother.

    Sad to see a Singaporean to have such views.
    Dude look at ur way of extrapolating.

    I simply tell you to face reality ! Yes u can continue to feel sad. This world is not fair. Want to change it ? No problem, prepare for a tough fight. Dun cry out loud to the world " how can this how can that". Fight for your survival, and wish yourself luck.
    LKY was half lucky last time. Had the Partisan National not staged a walk out, he wouldn't have seized the power that easily. For your opposition this time, you now have your golden opportunity, since pap miscalculated their chances. Dun scream out loud if you failed to seize it.

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