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Thread: Please post any Election News/Snippets/ Gossips here

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Schools will be used during nomination day on 27 April. Does it mean its a school holiday?

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    most of the sites containing the opinion on the ground are not accessable....

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    This promises to be an interesting election.

  5. #215
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.
    Actually bishan people have nothing to fear even if opp wins coz the infrastructure for the area is very well built up alr.
    1. Prices of properties there will be super strong.
    2. MRT already complete with circle and NS line.
    3. Bus services reasonable.
    4. J8 shopping centre just upgraded 4 years back so can last a long time without further upgrading.
    5. Schools like RI/RJC/Catholic High and many other good pri schools are firmly established.
    6. The HDB are not so old as require upgrading (According to PM, it is by age so even if PAP still rule, there'll also not be lift upgrading coz estate still relatively young).
    7. Got public gym and swimming facilities.
    8. Got beautiful big park to stroll and relax.
    9. Road is well built and easily accessible to CTE etc.

    Very little to worry lah... Think its our DPM and gang who should be worried... oops!
    Last edited by ysyap; 20-04-11 at 10:25.

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ysyap
    Actually bishan people have nothing to fear even if opp wins coz the infrastructure for the area is very well built up alr.

    Very little to worry lah... Think its our DPM and gang who should be worried... oops!

    As regards to lift upgrading, they already polled Sin Ming Court recently. This is one of the "newer" estates (one of the last not to have lifts on every floor, I believe). Did it with some fan fare, including glossy brochure (like advertising for condo), showroom in void deck with models (like condo show flat), free makan on first polling night with MP to give speech etc. Many grassroots there to point out how great is the upgrading, how much money govt spend to divert the sewage, etc to make way for the lift shafts. Even so there was one block where they only managed to garner 77% votes for the upgrading (I believe their view would be blocked by lift shaft) and overall votes for the LUP were only in the early 80+%, not the 90+% you would expect. I wonder if they would drag their feet with the LUP if PAP should fail to win.

    For the public transport,

    They could still divert the Thomson Line away from Bishan/Sin Ming if opposition win, as the stations have not been finalised yet. Or else keep the station closed. Or construct the NS Expressway to be somehow disadvantageous to Bishan residents.

    I wonder if they dare to let these things happen if the GRC should go to the opposition. That would give them a bad image though. And even if they win this election, the next one would be difficult for them (when lao lee may no longer be with us) if they do this to Bishan/TP. The residents there would not be impressed at all by such tactics.

    I live in this GRC and am a PAP supporter but await events with interest to see if there is any reason to sway my support. Any hint of sore losers in this contest would be an eye opener.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?
    really ?

    if this is true ... then our govt is indeed how its been called for so many years .. a DYNASTY

  9. #219
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?
    If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak.

    The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?
    Dunno he just as clever as Mat Selamat to "escape". In fact he already made a spectacular escape himself by keeping his job when the other guy escaped. Normally the person in charge would have to resign with such a high profile lapse in security.

    hats off to him

    But voters may not be as forgiving as his current masters.

    Watch this space and see if they do anything to move the party members or redraw boundaries in the Bishan-TPY GRC. Is it too late yet?

  11. #221
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by alamak
    If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak.

    The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...

    there are also alot of other posts thats redundant

    but they make themselves 'useful' when its totally not necessary
    true jiao leow bee type

    continue to enjoy the fame, collect money , write books, collect more money

    if the purpose of the books are to educate the younger generations ..then the state should publish them and distribute to all schools and library all for to read
    for FREE

  12. #222
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Is it only me who think that some of the ministers who resigned shouldn't have resigned and some who did not resign ought to resign?????

  13. #223
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by alamak
    If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak.

    The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...
    then those minister that has meat ball (not steel ball) will not want to lead a GRC.....

  14. #224
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ay123
    is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?
    Think it is true with the exception of PM only... can't remember...

  15. #225
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Can almost imagine those visits to companies and schools scheduled for post election 2011 may hit wall . Banners that are already sent for printing might have to be changed if the election result is a blow wind blow...

  16. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Is it only me who think that some of the ministers who resigned shouldn't have resigned and some who did not resign ought to resign?????
    thinking abt crocodile tears? He does seem like a nice sincere person who shouldn be made to resign to give way to pple like tin tin!

  17. #227
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by extremme
    thinking abt crocodile tears? He does seem like a nice sincere person who shouldn be made to resign to give way to pple like tin tin!
    I'm sure he is lah.. He belong to the Gen2 PAP alongside SM. They are good!!!

  18. #228
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.
    I think such pork barrel politics should have no place in Singapore as it sets unhealthy precedents for future governments.

    The government of Singapore should serve all Singapore , not just their own GRCs and SMCs.

    PAP is dipping into the reserves to win their own party elections with so many million dollars estate plans which may stretch 2-3 elections to fulfill.

    Is this the right way to spend and thus increasing tax to fund this vicious cycle.

    If Singaporeans get swayed by upgrading, lifts, flowers, MRTs etc then Singaporeans will form a 'no-backbone' culture which means Singapore cannot stand the test of war and crisis.

    To me, hardware stuff like upgrading, town plans etc all belong to URA and HDB and using national funds so I am not voting for this hardware stuff or else Singaporean voters will forever be trapped to vote PAP.

    It will make elections redundant and PAP can send in lousy candidates like Tin Pei Ling and still win.

    I will vote on only policies and I disagree with many PAP policies which is more self serving to PAP than Singapore.

    Wake up or your children and grandchildren will get more Tin Pei Lings, Foo Mee Hars, Sitoh Yi Pin in future.

  19. #229
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it.

  20. #230
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it.

    So now PAP Internet Brigade resort to desperate measures like doing fearmongering and spreading urban legends to win votes ??

    You call this meritrocracy??

    Despicable and low down of you. You still call yourself Singaporean ??

    I bet when war comes, your type will be the first to leave or surrender.

    I have friends in grassroots and civil service who voted Opposition and they still get their promotions and nothing happen.

    I have couples voted for Opposition got their flats first time in BTO compare to couples who voted PAP and did not get any flats.

    Sylvia Lim of WP is in civil service so nothing happen to her right ??

    Vote is secret, do not spread such stuff. It makes Singapore and you look stupid. This is the 21st century.

    Your vote is secret

    Many Singaporeans harbour the misconception that their vote during elections is not secret. I’ve talked to many people, both educated and less educated, and the overwhelming majority seem to think this way.

    This is despite the fact that at every election, the Elections Department takes pains to communicate to voters two main points: Voting is compulsory, and voting is secret. I guess this is a point that Singaporeans just refuse to believe our government about.

    It is even more unfortunate that some persist in perpetuating this urban myth, which only serves to strike more fear into the hearts of Singaporeans who are thinking of voting for the opposition.

    A letter in Temasek Review today exhorted Singaporeans to spoil their votes because, the writer reasoned, then the PAP won’t “mark” you for voting against them and if there are enough invalid votes, it will indirectly increase the opposition’s share of the valid vote.

    This is wrong on many counts. I’ll highlight just two: Firstly, the PAP does not know which party you voted for, so they won’t know who to “mark”, even if they wanted to.

    Secondly, invalid votes do not factor in the final count, which is based on valid votes.

    This means that if there were 10 votes–six for the PAP, three for the opposition and one spoiled–the final tally is 66.6 per cent to the PAP (six divided by nine, with the spoiled vote excluded), not 60 per cent.

    Let’s be very clear: YOUR VOTE IS SECRET. I will take you through the whole balloting process to see why:

    1. On Polling Day, each voter at the polling station is issued a ballot paper without his name on it. (I’ll talk about the serial numbers later.)

    He/she marks the ballot paper in a booth out of sight of anyone else. No cameras are permitted in the polling station so there is no way to observe how voters vote.

    The voter then folds up the paper and drops it in the ballot box. Throughout the day, counting agents from each party are at the polling station to ensure the ballot boxes are not opened.

    2. At the close of polling, usually at 8pm on the same day, the ballot boxes are sealed with tamper-proof seals (which are signed over by the candidates) and transported to the Counting Centre.

    3. At the Counting Centre, the ballot boxes from the polling stations are unsealed in the presence of the candidates and their assistants and emptied in a common heap.

    The election officials (who are civil servants) then count the votes in full view of the candidates from all contesting parties, who ensure that the votes are counted properly and the election officials follow all the rules.

    4. Immediately after counting, the votes, together with all the relevant records, the stubs of the ballot papers and any unused ballot papers are sealed in the boxes (again with tamper-proof seals) and transported to the Supreme Court vault for storage.

    5. Six months later, if there are no disputes over the outcome of the election, the sealed boxes are transported to the incineration plant, where, in the presence of all the candidates (including the losers), the votes and records are completely destroyed by fire.

    As you can see from above, at no point are the boxes opened without the candidates or representatives from all the contesting parties being present.

    Frequently asked questions

    Q. What about the serial numbers on the ballot papers?

    This is a safeguard against election fraud such as bringing counterfeit ballot papers into the polling station, voter impersonation or casting ballot papers which have been marked by others.

    Many other countries, including the UK, have numbered ballot papers. As explained above, there is no opportunity for the election officials or candidates to peek at the votes and match them against the electoral roll.

    Remember there are no names on the voting slips, and if one wanted to match the serial numbers, one would have to sift through a huge list of thousands of voters in full view of the candidates.

    It is possible, though, that in the event of a disputed outcome, the courts could order that the boxes be taken out of storage and the votes recounted. However this would again be done in full view of the candidates. In any case, there has been no court order issued to retrieve votes since Singapore first conducted elections in 1948.

    Q. Why does the election official call out my name and voter number at the polling station before giving me the ballot paper?

    So as to enable the representatives of contesting political parties at the polling station to verify and cross out your name on their copies of the electoral register. They will know you voted, but won’t know who you voted for.

    Q. After elections, some politicians say certain blocks supported the ruling party or opposition. Does it mean they know my vote?

    Nobody knows how each individual voted. Each polling station serves about 10 to 20 blocks of flats or a few landed housing estates. They may know the aggregated number from each polling district, but not the individual votes.

    In summary, I emphasise again that voting is secret. So come the next elections, vote with your conscience, not with fear!

  21. #231
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing

    So now PAP Internet Brigade resort to desperate measures like doing fearmongering and spreading urban legends to win votes ??

    You call this meritrocracy??

    Despicable and low down of you. You still call yourself Singaporean ??

    I bet when war comes, your type will be the first to leave or surrender.
    haha I am not PAP internet brigade. I am just an ordinary person-in-the-street. And I am just passing on a concern that is shared by other Singaporeans. That we think in this way is perhaps a reflection of the system so you can't blame us for it as I am not alone. If this is how the PAP has reared its "children", sorry that we are the product of their work, me included.

    Please let the Opposition have some candidates who are capable enough and brave enough to lead us out of this. So that we will not be jelly-belly citizens of the future.

    No use ranting at me (a nobody) in this little forum. If you are an Opposition supporter, go forth and spread the news all over so that we can have a good fight in the coming election. jia-you!

  22. #232
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it.

    if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

    simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

    they are not supposed to know

    and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

  23. #233
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    haha I am not PAP internet brigade. I am just an ordinary person-in-the-street. And I am just passing on a concern that is shared by other Singaporeans. That we think in this way is perhaps a reflection of the system so you can't blame us for it as I am not alone. If this is how the PAP has reared its "children", sorry that we are the product of their work, me included.

    Please let the Opposition have some candidates who are capable enough and brave enough to lead us out of this. So that we will not be jelly-belly citizens of the future.

    No use ranting at me (a nobody) in this little forum. If you are an Opposition supporter, go forth and spread the news all over so that we can have a good fight in the coming election. jia-you!
    Then maybe you can do your part by refraining to post such urban legends and refute them if someone else post it.

    The fearmongering does not help Singapore and Singaporeans and does not add any value to elections at all.

    If you want your children and grandchildren to go through the same fear process as you, your parents and grandparents then by all means do all the fearmongering you want.

  24. #234
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

    simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

    they are not supposed to know

    and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

    singaporeans MUST be able to stand up for what is Right and what is wrong ..

    only dare to complain about people not giving up seats in MRT, or Macdonald's charging 10ct for warm water ...or restaurants not allowing pets etc ..

    we will be doomed cos we are a nation of people who complain only the trivial-est of things and keeping quiet what that really matters

  25. #235
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

    simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

    they are not supposed to know

    and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know
    Yep, if it's me I also would feel that way.

    I think the person affected was not as "on" as you'all.

  26. #236
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by proud owner
    if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

    simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

    they are not supposed to know

    and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know
    Yep, it will create a national scandal and render all previous elections results null and void as the credibility of elections is already lost.

    The government will be toppled overnight if actually somebody from government say that to you voted Opposition and cannot help you.

  27. #237
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chiaberry
    Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it.
    let's rewind this a little and make this clear, govt is NOT pap and pap is NOT govt. the govt is not meant to serve its own interests or the interests of any party, it is meant to serve the people who voted it in.

    a govt agency belongs to the civil service administration and should serve the people of singapore, regardless of their voting preferences.

    that is why hougang not getting estate upgrading or being relegated to the last in line, despite the fact that those who live in that constituency do pay taxes.

  28. #238
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

  29. #239
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    to all of you, ignore the garbage propaganda in the ST and CNA that is pro PAP. Voted to have a first world parliament, have more people support in parliament and stop laws from rolling out of parliament like going for a quick toilet session. ON THE 7TH MAY, LET US ALL VOTE FOR A CHANGE !

  30. #240
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by wenqing
    Just hope FB is not denied
    and readers know can go to FB...

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